HomeMy WebLinkAboutSE202300010 Correspondence 2023-03-07 (6)SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C.
Design Focused Engineering
March 6, 2023
Kevin McCollum
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
RE: Response Letter #1 for SP2022-29 Crozet Mobile Home Community (formerly referred to as
Park Road Manufactured Home Park for the purposes of this special use permit request)
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your review of the special use permit request for Crozet Mobile Home Community
(formerly referred to as Park Road Manufactured Home Park for the purposes of this special use permit
request). Please note that we have updated the reference for this special use permit request to be
consistent with the name of the existing park. This letter contains responses to County comments dated
December 21, 2022. Our responses are as follows:
A. Special Use Permit
1. General
a. From pre -application meeting checklist, not addressed: These parcels are in the ACSA
jurisdictional area. Please include existing conditions information regarding water and
sewer service to the site, connections, etc. We will need to confirm if anything proposed
constitutes a Central System that would need Board of Supervisors approval.
i. From ACSA comments - ACSA will require approximate number of fixture
counts to determine if existing water meter is adequately sized. Water and sewer
connection fees will be due for the additional mobile homes. This site is served
by a private water and sewer system. The County should determine if an updated
central system SP is required.
RESPONSE: Per ACSA request, fixture counts are provided. Additionally, this
submission includes full-size site plan sheets for a more complete review of the existing
conditions present on the site. A central water and sewer request has been submitted
concurrent with this submission.
2. Conceptual Plan
a. Provide the special use permit application number, SP202200029, and a date of revision
on all applicable sheets.
RESPONSE: Comment received. The SP application number and date of revision have
been included on all applicable sheets.
b. Revise the density calculations on Sheet 2 to include two decimal points. The proposed
density is 5.82 du/acre, and the net density is 6.36 du/acre. Provide additional information
on what has been excluded for the net density calculation. Is it the 85,000 sf of common
open space?
RESPONSE: Comment received. The density calculations on Sheet 2 have been updated
accordingly. The area of the net density is the gross area of the site less the area
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
designated as greenspace per the Crozet Master Plan. Please note that the area has been
adjusted slightly from 13.67 AC to 13.83 AC.
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c. Add a note to the Zoning information on Sheet 2 that there is an associated special
exception request to amend the requirements of Section 5.3.
RESPONSE: This note has been added to the Zoning information.
d. Include on Sheet 3 — Existing Conditions or add additional sheets to provide this
i. Provide right of way width and cross sections for existing streets. Include
information on existing pavement materials.
RESPONSE: Site plan sheets have been included with this submission, which
include a street section of the existing pavement.
ii. Show any existing easements.
RESPONSE: Please see the attached site plan sheets, which show existing
easements on -site.
iii. Provide the front setbacks for all existing manufactured homes. Include both
front measurements for those homes on corner "lots" fronting two streets.
RESPONSE: Front setbacks (50' from public ROW and 15' from internal private
ROW) are shown on the site plan sheets, as well as measurements from the
private street ROW.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
iv. Provide rear setback measurements for homes abutting existing property lines
(Lots 67-73, Lots 12-17, and Lots 30-31).
RESPONSE: Rear setback measurements for lots 67-73, 12-17, and 30-31 are
provided on the site plan sheets.
Provide building separation information. For homes that have associated
accessory structures such as sheds, provide the building separation between the
shed and the closest home.
1. Building Inspections has provided that all existing buildings and sheds
must be at least 5' from any proposed lot line to meet building code
requirements. Therefore, there must be at least 10' of building separation
to potentially meet this requirement.
RESPONSE: Existing building separation measurements are provided. Each
home is set apart a minimum of 10', however, there are existing sheds that do not
meet this distance to the homes.
vi. Provide existing cul-de-sac measurements at the end of Adele St.
RESPONSE: This is now provided. Please see the attached site plan sheets.
vii. Provide existing drainage information.
RESPONSE: Please see the attached site plan sheets, which show on -site
viii. Show the existing fence line along the abutting residential neighborhood. Does
this fence extend all the way to Jonna St? Provide the existing condition of where
Jonna St. intersects with the property line.
RESPONSE: The approximate location of the fence line is shown. The fence line
ends prior to where Jonna Street intersects with the property.
e. Provide additional information on the proposed pedestrian connection to Jonna St and
Claudius Crozet Park. Show a proposed pathway and include a picture or cross section of
the existing intersection of Jonna St and the property line. Staff recommends showing this
pedestrian pathway or connection on the Conceptual Plan.
RESPONSE: Comment received. Please note that a pedestrian path is now proposed on
the plans, with an access easement to ensure that residents may use this connection to
access Claudius Crozet Park. The path leads to an existing sidewalk on Jonna Street. The
image below demonstrates the trail connection to existing sidewalks on Jonna Street,
along a ---4% existing grade, which would be comfortable and accessible to residents.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
Delineate parking areas, showing that parking requirements can be met, and showing the
proposed parking areas or driveways for the proposed lots on the concept plan.
RESPONSE: The manufactured home park has been established for many decades and
has sufficiently managed parking for each home without issue. Please see images of
existing parking conditions included with the special exception request. For any new
homes on the site, off-street gravel parking areas are provided as shown on the attached
site plan sheets.
g. Refer to the Fire Marshal's concerns below and update the concept plan and provide
additional information to address emergency access and water supply for fire
RESPONSE: Please see our responses below.
h. Revise the Conceptual Plan to show how lots IN-5N are accessed. An additional alley or
accessway may be needed to access these lots. VDOT does not support accessing these
lots from Park Rd.
RESPONSE: Per VDOT comments, we have proposed an alley to the rear of these homes
to provide access to each parking area of lots IN-5N.
B. Special Exceptions
1. Submit ngle Special Exception Application for the requested exceptions to Section 5.3 and
pay the )ciated fee.
RESPONSE: Please see the attached special exception application and receipt. Additionally,
please note that some special exception waivers have been revised.
• Sec. 5.3.3 Minimum lot size — All new lots now meet the minimum 4,500 SF
lot size with 45' in width (measured at the setback line)
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
• Sec. 5.3.4 Frontage on an internal street — Access to lots 1N — 5N have been
revised, to provide access from an internal alley rather than Park Road
• Sec. 5.3.5(c) 15' setback from private street — Lots 9N and 14N have been
revised with a smaller footprint to meet this front setback from Adele Street
• Sec. 5.3.8(a) Off-street parking — All new lots will have off-street gravel
parking provided within their lots
• Sec. 5.3.8b(3g) Minimum 25' radius at intersections — The site plan sheets
indicate that there are two intersection radii that do not meet this
requirement. See the revised waiver matrix and attached site plan sheets for
farther details.
• Sec. 5.3.8b(3i) Culverts to meet the 10-yr storm — this waiver is now
2. Submit an exhibit along with each requested waiver, as delineated in the special exception chart.
For example, provide an exhibit for the requested waiver to Section 5.3.3(a) and identify on the
plan: i) lots under 4500 sf and less than 45' in width, ii) lots over 4500 sf and less than 45' in
width, and iii) proposed lots over 4500 sf and less than 45' in width. Provide an exhibit for each
special exception as applicable.
RESPONSE: Comment received. Please note that the requested waivers have been revised (see
response above). For remaining waiver requests, further information (such as building separation,
street section material, parking locations, etc.) may be found on the provided site plan sheets.
Requested Waivers
1. Section 5.3.3(a) Manufactured home lots shall consist of at least 4,500 square feet, and shall have
a width of at least 45 feet.
a. Staff has no objections to this special exception for existing lots as long as building code
and fire rescue requirements can be met.
RESPONSE: Comment received.
b. Show lot width measurements where the proposed manufactured home will be located.
RESPONSE: Please see the attached site plan sheets. Please note that the homes located
around the Adele Street cul-de-sac measure lot width from the setback line.
c. Provide additional information to support the estimated cost of $5,000 per unit to relocate
or move the existing manufactured homes.
RESPONSE: While estimates for relocating manufactured homes vary, it appears that the
average cost of the move is $5,000+. According to Charlottesville Tomorrow, "a single -
wide trailer can cost around $7,000 to move."' Similarly, HomeAdvisor estimates
$5,000-8,000 for a full -service single -wide move and $10,000-13,000 for a full -service
double -wide move. A frill -service relocation includes loading and transport of the home,
but also disconnection and reconnection of utilities, permits and inspections, securing of
appliances, and the cost of equipment and labor. Regardless of whether the manufactured
home would need to move a few feet within the same property or to a new site a mile
away, there is a significant expense in the necessary full -service relocations of loading,
transport, utilities management, permits and inspections, and labor.
2. Section 5.3.4(b) Each manufactured home lot shall front on an internal street.
1 https://www.cvilletomorrow.orglaffordable-mobile-home-parks-are-disappearing-from-charlottesville-a-new-law-
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
a. Show the proposed driveways or access to Lots IN-5N on the concept plan to comply
with this ordinance requirement VDOT does not support accessing these lots from Park
RESPONSE: Comment received. Please note that this waiver request has been removed
and alley access is provided to the rear of these homes.
3. Section 5.3.4(d) The minimum distance between manufactured homes shall be 30 feet. The
Albemarle County Fire Marshal may require additional space between manufactured homes if
public water is not available or is inadequate for fire protection.
a. Staff has no objection to this special exception provided Fire -Rescue and Building
Inspections approval.
RESPONSE: Comment received.
4. Section 5.3.5(a) Manufactured homes and other structures shall be set back at least 50 feet from
the right-of-way of an existing public street.
a. Staff has no objections to this special exception. Lot 12 is existing and there is no
reasonable location to move this home in order to meet this regulation.
RESPONSE: Comment received.
5. Section 5.3.5(b) Manufactured homes and other structures shall be set back at least 50 feet from
the manufactured home park property line when it is adjacent to a residential or rural areas
a. Provide an exhibit showing exiting setback conditions.
RESPONSE: Please see the attached site plan sheets.
b. Staff generally has no objections to this request given the lots less than 50 feet are all
existing and have no reasonable area to be moved to on their existing "lot".
RESPONSE: Comment received.
6. Section 5.3.5(c) Manufactured homes and other structures shall be set back at least 15 feet from
the right-of-way of internal private streets, common walkways and common recreational or
service areas. This distance may be increased to 25 feet for manufactured homes or structures at
roadway intersections and along internal public streets.
a. Staff has no objections to existing manufactured homes that do not meet this regulation.
RESPONSE: Comment received.
b. Staff does not support proposed lot 9N and 14N not meeting this regulation. It appears
there is sufficient area on the proposed lot for a manufactured home that meets this
setback. If needed, provide a smaller manufactured home. According to the Building
Official these manufactured homes come in a variety of lengths and sizes.
RESPONSE: Thank you for your comment. Lot 9N and 14N have been revised to
accommodate a smaller home footprint to meet this requirement.
c. Staff recommends showing a pedestrian pathway connecting to Jonna St or the existing
trail that meets this 15-foot setback requirement.
RESPONSE: Comment received. A pedestrian pathway providing this connection is now
proposed and is positioned to meet the 15' setback from the existing homes on lots 30
and 31.
7. Section 5.3.5(d) Manufactured homes and other structures shall be set back at least six feet from
any manufactured home space lot line.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
a. Provide existing and proposed distances to lot lines in an exhibit. Building Inspections
has provided that all structures must be at least 5' from any lot line to meet building code
RESPONSE: Nearly all existing manufactured homes have a 10' building separation
from other homes; lot 48 and 62 have a separation of 9.9'. However, there are existing
sheds that do not meet a 10' building separation. Please see the attached site plan sheets.
8. Section 5.3.7(b) Markers for manufactured home lots. Each manufactured home lot shall be
clearly defined on the ground by permanent markers. There shall be posted and maintained in a
conspicuous place on each lot a number corresponding to the number of each lot as shown on the
site plan.
a. Staff has no objections to waiving this requirement for existing lots and homes that will
RESPONSE: Comment received.
b. Staff recommends providing markers for all news lots that are proposed.
RESPONSE: This is noted. We would like to request additional clarification for the
purpose of the markers.
9. Section 5.3.7(c) Outdoor living and storage areas. An outdoor living area shall be provided on
each manufactured home lot. At least 100 square feet shall be hard surfaced. Storage buildings
not to exceed 150 square feet shall be permitted in a designated area on each lot. Additional
storage facilities may be provided in common areas.
a. Staff has no objection to the special exception request to waive the outdoor living area
RESPONSE: Comment received.
b. Staff agrees that all existing storage buildings that are over 150 square feet can remain,
however, all proposed storage buildings for new lots or existing lots should meet this
RESPONSE: Comment received.
10. Section 5.3.8(a) Off-street parking. Off-street parking for manufactured homes, recreational uses
and service areas shall be provided in accordance with section 4.12 of this ordinance. Parking for
manufactured homes may be provided on individual lots, or in convenient bays, in accordance
with section 4.12.16. Additional parking area for recreational vehicles shall be provided in a
common area at a rate of one space per ten units.
a. All existing and proposed parking areas must be delineated on the concept plan.
RESPONSE: The manufactured home park has been established for many decades and
has sufficiently managed parking for each home without issue. Please see images of
existing parking conditions included with the special exception request. For any new
homes on the site, off-street gravel parking areas are provided as shown on the attached
site plan sheets.
b. Staff agrees that parking for recreational vehicles is not necessary.
RESPONSE: Comment received.
11. Section 5.3.8(b) Internal Street. A minimum right-of-way width of 40 feet shall be established on
internal private streets for the purpose of measuring setbacks. The right-of-way shall be
maintained clear of all obstructions.
a. Engineering has provided that the existing 30' ROW is sufficient.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
RESPONSE: Comment received.
12. Section 5.3.8(b)(2) Minimum typical section for all park streets that abut manufactured home
sites where the lot frontage (measured at the manufactured home setback line) is an average of
less than 85 feet.
a. Provide a cross section of the existing conditions with the existing conditions materials.
RESPONSE: Please see the attached site plan sheets for the existing conditions section.
13. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(a) Streets with no on -street parking serving up to 50 manufactured home sites
shall have a minimum width of 20 feet. Streets with no on -street parking serving more than 50
manufactured home sites shall have a minimum width of 24 feet. Streets with on -street parking
shall have a minimum clear width of at least 22 feet, excluding parking space requirements.
a. Engineering recommends that there should be a clear travelway with of 22' that is
defined. Please provide additional information to ensure this travelway width will be
RESPONSE: Comment received. To ensure this width is met, additional gravel is
proposed along the existing streets where travelway width is currently less than 22'.
14. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(b) Pavement shall be prime and double seal bituminous surface treatment.
Base shall be six inches of 2 1 A or 21 B aggregate base.
a. Provide additional information on the existing paving materials.
RESPONSE: Please see the provided street section on the site plan sheets.
15. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(e) Minimum horizontal centerline curve radius is 250 feet.
a. Engineering has no objection to this waiver, but suggests a WI -IL and W 1-1 R where
minimum radii cannot be met.
RESPONSE: Signage is proposed along Alfred Street and Claudia Street prior to the
centerline curve.
16. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(f) Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum radius of 45 feet measured to the edge of
a. Engineering does not recommend waiving the cul-de-sac requirement. Cul-de-sac radius
is necessary for Fire Rescue turning movements.
RESPONSE: Comment received. The cul-de-sac at the end of Adele Street has been
revised to 45'.
b. Provide additional information on where cars will be parked near the cul-de-sac.
RESPONSE: Off-street parking within individual lots are now provided for homes
around the cul-de-sac.
17. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(g) Minimum radius of edge of pavement at intersections is 25 feet.
a. Engineering suggests a no parking area on Adele Street near that intersection to allow for
safe turns.
RESPONSE: No parking signs are proposed around the Adele Street/Agatha Street
intersection, as well as the Alfred Street/Agatha Street intersection. Please note that the
site plan sheets indicate that one of the intersection radii at the intersection of Alfred
Street and Agatha Street is less than 25' and the waiver request has been updated
accordingly to include this intersection.
18. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(h) Roadside ditches shall be designed to contain the ten-year storm below the
shoulder using Mannings "n" of 0.06 if lined with grass, or 0.015 if lined with concrete. Ditches
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
may be grassed if the flow from the two-year storm does not exceed three feet per second for a
Mannings "n" of 0.03. If the three foot per second velocity is exceeded, the ditches shall be paved
with class A-3 concrete, four inches thick, to the depth of the ten-year storm. When the depth of
the required roadside ditch (measured from the shoulder to the invert) exceeds 2.5 feet, the flow
shall be piped in a storm sewer system.
a. Please provide a description of the current road drainage system. Where does the runoff
for the existing travelway go? How does it get there? Are there any existing flooding or
drainage issues?
RESPONSE: Site runoff is generally sheet flow with limited existing swales and culverts.
The eastern portion of the site sheet flows through the property, into the on -site stream in
the rear. The western portion of the site sheet flows to the north towards Adele Street,
where water flows to an existing swale on TMP 05600-00-00-05 1 AO, which flows into
the stream in the rear. The current drainage system is established and does not pose
flooding problems for any of the units on the property. Placement of new units may
require engineered drainage measures to adequately convey stormwater runoff. If the
proposed lots on the western portion of the site are subject to VSMP regulations, an
analysis of the outfall of the TMP 05600-00-00-05 1 AO swale will be performed and on -
site measures are to be provided as required to mitigate run-off resulting from the
placement of the new units.
19. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(i) Driveway entrance culverts and culverts crossing streets shall be designed
to contain the ten-year storm below the road shoulder using the appropriate Virginia Department
of Transportation (VDOT) nomographs. When paved ditches are smoothly transitioned into the
culverts, the culverts may be sized using Mannings formula. All culverts shall be concrete.
Erosion control protection (VDOT standard EC-1) shall be placed at culverts when the outlet
velocity exceeds five feet per second. Driveway culverts shall be a minimum of 12 feet long.
a. Engineering does not recommend waiving this requirement. Any culverts, even existing,
should contain the 10 year storm to prevent flooding of the roadway. If they cannot
contain the 10 year storm, please do an overland relief analysis to show where the water
will drain and what the water surface elevations will be.
RESPONSE: Comment received. This waiver request has been removed.
20. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(J) Driveways shall be paved the same as streets to the right-of-way line.
Aggregate base may be four inches thick.
a. Provide information on existing pavement materials. As stated above show the
delineation of parking for existing and proposed lots.
RESPONSE: Please see images of existing parking areas within the waiver request
matrix. It should be noted that the parking needs of the residents have been met
throughout the many years the park has been in operation. Proposed parking areas are
shown on the attached site plan sheets.
21. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(k) Curb drop inlets shall be placed along the tangent portions of the street or
at the points of curve at intersections. Curb drop inlets shall be sized and located to prevent
overtopping of the curb during the ten-year storm. Curb drop inlets shall be VDOT DI-3A, 3E, or
3C with a type "A" nose.
a. Please provide a description of the current road drainage system. Where does the runoff
for the existing travelway go? How does it get there? Are there any existing flooding or
drainage issues?
RESPONSE: Please see the response to comment 19 above.
22. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(1) Storm sewers shall be designed in accordance with VDOT criteria.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
a. Please provide a description of the current road drainage system. Where does the runoff
for the existing travelway go? How does it get there' Are there any existing flooding or
drainage issues?
RESPONSE: Please see the response to comment 19 above.
23. Section 5.3.8(b)(3)(m) All construction and materials shall be in accordance with current VDOT
road and bridge standards and specifications.
a. Since the streets are existing and no new streets are proposed Staff has no objections to
this request, pending VDOT comment.
RESPONSE: Comment received.
24. Section 5.3.8(c) Recreation requirements. See section 4.16.
a. Staff does not support this special exception request. Provide required tot lots or provide
additional information on proposed trail connections or access to Crozet Park.
RESPONSE: Comment received. Per Staff comment, a designated pedestrian path has
been provided to Jonna Street, where an existing sidewalk is present. The pedestrian path
is within a proposed access easement to ensure resident access to the Jonna Street public
ROW, which provides sidewalk and trail access through County public easements to
Claudius Crozet Park. Along the Park Road frontage, the manufactured home park is
approximately 1000' east of Claudius Crozet Park. Through the pedestrian trail
connection provided in the rear, park access is within a 15-minute walking shed for
residents. Claudius Crozet Park has several public amenities, such as a pickleball court,
baseball fields, soccer fields, walking trails, playground, and a dog park. The publicly
available facilities provide needed park space for Crozet residents and offer opportunities
to build community while engaging in wellbeing and activity. The publicly available
resource would more than sufficiently provide recreational access and activity for the
residents while encouraging a sense of place with other Crozet community members. A
separate tot lot within the property would require maintenance costs of the private
facilities to be incorporated in overall housing costs of the residents.
b. Provide clear and identified access to the existing trail.
RESPONSE: This is now proposed. Please see the attached site plan sheets.
c. Provide sidewalks along the frontage of Park Rd leading to Crozet Park. This is a
requirement of Section 32.
RESPONSE: A separate pedestrian path and access easement is provided from Claudia
Street. This pedestrian path allows for a 15-minute walk to Crozet Park through public
ROW and trail connections. The construction of a sidewalk along the Park Road frontage
would be cost prohibitive. Please see our response below. While the developer cannot
reasonably provide nearly 600' of sidewalk and associated grading and drainage
improvements along this frontage, right-of-way may be reserved for dedication if desired
by the County.
25. Section 5.3.8(d) Pedestrian access. The requirements of section shall be met.
a. As stated above provide clear pedestrian access to the existing public trail and sidewalks
along the frontage of Park Rd.
RESPONSE: A separate pedestrian path and access easement is provided from Claudia
b. Staff agrees that internal sidewalks within the exiting park may not be necessary.
RESPONSE: Comment received.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
26. Section 5.3.8(g) The requirements of section 32.7.9 shall be met. In addition, screening may be
required in accordance with section around the entire perimeter of the park, or part
thereof, except where adequate vegetation already exists and a conservation plan has been
submitted in accordance with section
a. Provide additional information on the existing conditions sheet to show existing
vegetation that will remain.
RESPONSE: Existing and proposed treeline are shown on the attached site plan sheets.
Small portions of the treeline are proposed to be removed to accommodate new building
pads and the pedestrian path area.
b. Staff recommends street trees along Park Rd.
RESPONSE: This is noted.
Albemarle County Planning Services — Kevin McCollum
1. A Site Plan and a WPO/VSMP plan that meets all County and State regulations will be required.
RESPONSE: Comment received.
2. Except where modified or waived, the use will be subject to the special regulations outlined in
Section 5.3.
RESPONSE: Comment received.
Albemarle County Transportation Planning — Jessica Hersh-Ballering
Could the applicant please clarify details of the existing public access trail? Namely, 1) how
would residents access the trail - it appears that residents will have to go through the properties
belonging to units 31, 30, or 8N to reach Jonna Street; 2) Would the trail width and/or surface
material be improved by the applicant?; 3) Would the applicant improve the trail to provide safe
RESPONSE: It should be noted that the property is under common ownership. The purpose of the
manufactured home lots are to ensure building separation, setbacks from adjacent properties
around the park, setback from internal circulation travelways, etc. Manufactured home lots are
not subdivided lots and residents are not prohibited from walking through the commonly owned
property. To ensure access, an access easement and pedestrian path is provided, from Claudia
Street to the Jonna Street public ROW. From the Jonna Street public ROW, residents have access
to a County trail. The bridge and trail north of the Albemarle property are within an existing
public easement. Lighting is not proposed as the park closes at dark; residents will not be utilizing
the trail connection after dark.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
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2. The applicant is correct in noting that the 2021 Crozet Master Plan identifies a sidewalk
connection on Park Road from Crozet Park to Brookwood Road as the highest priority of the five
Crozet sidewalk projects. This priority ranking is based on robust community input and the need
for providing safe access to the park for residents of all ages and abilities. The application would
be much stronger if it included the construction of a VDOT-standard sidewalk - rather than the
proposed dedication of ROW only.
The applicant cites that the cost of the full Park Road sidewalk project was estimated in 2021 to
be between $348 million, does the applicant have an estimate for the cost of sidewalk along Park
Road on their parcel only (approximately 525')? If the applicant is making any improvements to
the existing trail and/or improving access through the development to Jonna St, what are the cost
estimates for those improvements?
RESPONSE: This estimate is taken directly from the Crozet Master Plan which indicates that a
Park Road sidewalk from Crozet Park to Brookwood Road is $3-8 million. With the distance
between Crozet Park and Brookwood Road at approximately 1,800', the property frontage is
approximately one-third of the total sidewalk project. This would indicate that the sidewalk
improvements along the property frontage, in addition to the necessary grading and drainage
improvements which includes the installation of curb and gutter, would be $1-2.7 million, per the
Crozet Master Plan estimates, a cost -prohibitive amount for 14 additional manufactured home
Albemarle County Housing Department — Stacy Pethia
As noted in the application narrative, manufactured homes are the largest source of unsubsidized
affordable housing in the United States. Based on the average sales price for single -wide mobile homes (2
bedrooms, and approximately 1,000 sf) of $40,000, and a standard 20-year loan, the monthly loan
payment for a mobile home is approximately $275. Combined with a monthly lot rental of $300- $1,000
the monthly costs increase from $575 — $1,275 per month, excluding utilities. These monthly rates are
affordable to 4-person households with incomes between 21% and 46% AMI. These incomes fall within
the County's goal of providing housing options for households with incomes less than 80% AMI.
RESPONSE: Thank you for your analysis and comments.
Albemarle County Engineering Services — Emily Cox
1. [5.3.8.a and 5.3.8.b.3.j] Engineering suggests parking areas are delineated. The parking should
not interfere with the travelway for safety reasons. The travelway and the parking spaces should
be defined, at least on the plan.
RESPONSE: Comment received. Please see the attached site plan which depicts existing and
proposed parking areas.
2. [5.3.8.b] The existing ROW of 30' is sufficient per the Albemarle County Design Standards
RESPONSE: Comment received.
3. [5.3.8.b.2] Please provide a cross section of the existing road conditions.
RESPONSE: This is now provided on the attached site plans.
4. [5.3.8.b.3.a] Engineering does not recommend waiving this requirement. There should be a clear
travelway width of 22' that is defined.
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
RESPONSE: Comment received. Where the existing travelway width is less than 22', gravel is
proposed to meet the 22' width.
5. [5.3.8.b.3.b] Please provide the existing conditions. Is it gravel?
RESPONSE: The streets are asphalt and parking areas are gravel.
6. [5.3.8.b.3.e] Engineering has no objection to this waiver, but suggests a W IAL and W 1-1R
where minimum radii cannot be met.
RESPONSE: Comment received. These signs are proposed at Claudia Street and Alfred Street
prior to the centerline curve.
7. [5.3.8.b.3.1] Engineering does not recommend waiving the cul-de-sac requirement. Cul-de-sac
radius is necessary for Fire Rescue turning movements. Also, if cars are parked in the cul-de-sac
for the proposed additional units, this will make radii and available turn -around space for Fire
Rescue even smaller.
RESPONSE: Comment received. A minimum 45' radius is now provided. Please note that off-
street parking is now provided for any new lots.
8. [5.3.8.b.3.g] Engineering suggests a no parking area on Adele Street near that intersection to
allow for safe turns.
RESPONSE: Comment received. A no parking area is indicated around the Adele Street/Agatha
Street intersection, as well as the Alfred Street/Agatha Street intersection, where one radius is less
than 25' as well. Please note that the waiver request has been updated to include the Alfred Street
9. [5.3.8.b.3.h, 5.3.8.b.31, and 5.3.8.b.3.1] Please provide a description of the current road drainage
system. Where does the runoff for the existing travelway go? How does it get there? Are there
any existing flooding or drainage issues?
RESPONSE: Site runoff is generally sheet flow with limited existing swales and culverts. The
eastern portion of the site sheet flows through the property, into the on -site stream in the rear. The
western portion of the site sheet flows to the north towards Adele Street, where water flows to an
existing swale on TMP 05600-00-00-051AO, which flows into the stream in the rear. The current
drainage system is established and does not pose flooding problems for any of the units on the
property. Placement of new units may require engineered drainage measures to adequately
convey stormwater runoff. If the proposed lots on the western portion of the site are subject to
VSMP regulations, an analysis of the outfall of the TMP 05600-00-00-051A0 swale will be
performed and on -site measures are to be provided as required to mitigate run-off resulting from
the placement of the new units.
10. [5.3.8.b.3.i] Engineering does not recommend waiving this requirement. Any culverts, even
existing, should contain the 10 year stone to prevent flooding of the roadway. If they cannot
contain the 10 year storm, please do an overland relief analysis to show where the water will
drain and what the water surface elevations will be.
RESPONSE: Comment received. This waiver request has been removed and any culverts,
existing or proposed, will contain the 10-year storm to prevent flooding.
Albemarle County Fire/Rescue — Howard Lagomarsino
1. Fire rescue has a concern for ability to meet the appropriate emergency apparatus access
requirements and the ability to provide the required fire flow based on the needed fire flow
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
calculation for the structures on the new lots (this includes the potential consideration of
installation of hydrants and spacing).
RESPONSE: To ensure safe and adequate fire access, a 22' travel width is provided with the
proposed 14-lot addition and the turnaround at the end of Adele Street is proposed to be improved
to a 45' radius. The fire flow and hydrants are a pre-existing condition and the cost of adding new
hydrants and fire line water connections would be impracticable for the addition of 14
manufactured home lots.
Virginia Department of Transportation — John Wilson
1. It is not desirable for the parking spaces for sites IN-5N to be off Park Road. VDOT recommends
parking be provided behind the units instead.
RESPONSE: Comment received. Access to lots IN-5N are now provided from an internal alley.
2. Note that the final plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual
Appendices B(1) and F as well as any other applicable standards, regulations or other
RESPONSE: Comment received.
Albemarle County Service Authority — Richard Nelson
1. Is this site in the jurisdictional area for water and/or sewer? Yes
2. What is the distance to the closest water and sewer line, if in the jurisdictional area? Currently
served by water/sewer.
3. Are there water pressure issues which may affect the proposed use as shown on plan? Existing
mobile home is served by water.
4. Are there major upgrades needed to the water distribution or sewer collection system of which the
applicant and staff should be aware? None known.
5. Are there other service provision issues such as the need for grinder pumps? N/A
6. Which issues should be resolved at the SP/ZMA stage and which issues can be resolved at the site
plan/plat stage?
7. If the project is a large water user, what long term impacts or implications do you forsee?
8. Additional comments? ACSA will require approximate number of fixture counts to determine if
existing water meter is adequately sized. Water and sewer connection fees will be due for the
additional mobile homes. This site is served by a private water and sewer system. The County
should determine if an updated central system SP is required.
RESPONSE: Thank you for your comments. Estimated fixture counts as well as a central systems
request are provided with this submission.
If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions, please feel free to contact me at
Rachel nkshimp-en ing eering com or by phone at 434-227-5140.
Rachel Moon
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com