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ARB202200083 Plan - Revision 2023-03-16 (2)
FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN LEGEND EXISTING NEW DESCRIPTION BOUNDARIES �] v BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK SITE TEXT 10 10 PARKING COUNT TOPOGRAPHY INDEX CONTOUR - - - - - - INTERVAL CONTOUR 311.5 x x1n SPOT ELEVATION 311.5 TC x x1� TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 311.5 TW x x1 TOP OF WALL ELEVATION 311.5 BW x x1� BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION - ... - ... - STREAM STREAM BUFFER 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BUILDING BUILDING RETAINING WALL STAIRS EDGE OF PAVEMENT ROAD CENTERLINE FRONT OF CURB BACK OF CURB CG-12 TRUNCATED DOME SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE !� HANDICAP PARKING l� MATERIAL CONCRETE RIPRAP ����� ASPHALT EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING WETLAND TREELINE FENCE UTILITY UTILITY POLE m T GUY WIRE O HU _ Ou IIlI OVERHEAD UTILITY U C JJ_ U h UNDERGROUND UTILITY STORM STORM MANHOLE qp qp DROP INLET STORM SEWER ROOF DRAIN SANITARY SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MAIN SANITARY SEWER LATERAL W1 ,� V\V/ / WATER WATER LINE O O WATER METER 0 o WATER METER VAULT FIRE HYDRANT A A FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION GAS Gn � n G /� GAS LINE EASEMENTS CONSTRUCTION GRADING ACCESS SIGHT DISTANCE UTILITY STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE STORMWATER ACCESS DRAINAGE SANITARY -'- WATERLINE GASLI N E NOTE: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. OWNER Ja-Zan Limited Partnership P.O. Box 9035 Charlottesville, VA 22911 DEVELOPER Centennial American Properties 935 South Main Street, Suite 201 Greenville, SC 29601 PLAN PREPARATION Shimp Engineering, P.C. 912 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 227-5140 ZONING Planned Development Shopping Center, Entrance Corridor (Overlay) ZMA2020-00009 (amendment to ZMA88-16) approved on December 2, 2020, amending the allowable square footage for the subject property to a maximum of 110,000 square feet. MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Rivanna SOURCE OF TITLE DB 1169 PG 347 SETBACKS Front Minimum: 10' from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the right-of-way; for off-street parking or loading spaces, 10' from any public street right-of-way. Front Maximum: 30' from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the right-of-way; none, on any lot, including a corner lot, abutting a principal arterial highway or interstate. Side & Rear Minimum: If the abutting lot is zoned residential, rural areas, or the Monticello Historic district: (i) no portion of any structure, excluding signs, shall be located closer than 50 feet from the district boundary; and (ii) no off-street parking or loading space shall be located closer than 20 feet to the district boundary. If the abutting lot is zoned commercial or industrial, any primary structure shall be constructed and separated in accordance with the current edition of the Building Code. Side & Rear Maximum: None SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary & topographic survey provided by Meridian Planning Group LLC NAVD 88 Vertical Datum NAD 83 Virginia State Plane South FLOODZONE According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO145D), this property is not located within a Zone AE 100-year floodplain. RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the Powell Creek Watershed. This site is not within a watershed of a public water supply. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES Site is served by ACSA public water and sewer. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transit (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2: 1 (horizontal: vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be acheived. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. 12. Backfiow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. FOREST LAKES SELF -STORAGE EXISTING USE Vacant PROPOSED USE Self -Service Storage Facility LAND USE SCHEDULE EXISTING Area % Building 0 SF 0.0% Pavement 5,770 SF 57.1% Sidewalk 0 SF 0.0% ODen Space 143.641 SF 96.1 % Total= 149,411 SF (3.43 cc.) PROPOSED Area % Building 35,227 SF 23.6% Pavement 36,248 SF 24.3% Sidewalk 4,737 SF 3.2% Open Space 73.199 SF 48.9% Total- 149,411 SF (3.43 cc.) BUILDING HEIGHT 35' PARKING SCHEDULE Self -Storage: Light warehousing is an unscheduled use. No more than two employees will be present at any given time. The proposed parking is provided to accommodate the trip generation given below. 13 spaces provided SIGNS All signs and pavement shall conform with the latest edition of the MUTCD Guidelines. A sign permit must be issued in accordance with the Albemarle County Sign Regulations prior to placement of any signs on -site. Contractor shall provide handicap signs as shown on plan. GENERAL NOTES 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data, for locating all underground utilities, for coordination of the work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. All of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior to the start of work. 2. When working adjacent to existing structures, poles, etc., the contractor shall use whatever methods that are necessary to protect structures from damage. Replacement of damaged structures shall be at the contractor's expense. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at least 72 hours prior to the start of construction. 6. Contractor shall immediately report any discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents to the owner and engineer. 7. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 8. All bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 9. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. 10. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 11. Retaining walls require separate building permits. 12. All water, sewer, and fire lines require NEW inspection and testing procedures. ACSA performs any testing and inspections of the public sewer and water main(s). The Albemarle County Building Inspections Department (ACBID) does a visual inspection and witnesses the testing of the building drain, water service pipe, and the sprinkler lead-in connection. The developer/contractor is responsible to retain a Special Inspector as outlined in the updated Albemarle County Policy for Site Utilities to perform the visual inspection and testing of all utilities not covered by ACSA or ACBID. This includes building sewers, water, and fire line branches between the main and the meter(s)/building(s). The Special Inspector's report must be submitted and approved by the Albemarle County Engineering Department prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued. 13. Accessible parking spaces, access aisles, and accessible route shall be installed in accordance with [CC ANSI A117.1-09. 14. Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve." 15. All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks. 16. Buildings or structures built before January 1, 1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to apply for a demolition permit. Asbestos removal permits are required if positive for such from Albemarle County and VDOLL Contact VDOLI for their additional requirements and permits for demolition projects and 540-562-3580xl31. ITE TRIP GENERATION AM PM Daily Use Description ITE Qty In Out Total In Out Total Total Mini -Warehouse 151 105,760 6 5 11 8 10 18 160 SF GFA County File Number Pending TAX MAP 46, PARCEL 64-3 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAPSCALE : 1°=1000' p 9TU *4%4 Bible FPII0w5hlp Lm aPl AMBaptNl Mllh� lca0ksv MttOAxe SmrycL msuumemzQ sar"noge mnesv enmaneamne aupwl 110 / psa � r Bonefiga _.i © Tepely =ay�.ao ©awerF,p, Hmns T.Te19 Davy DOeen Glil lh` )ITIMS PIQd9 ROUTE 29 ® C AdMI ROdd ANO da i. '"t� CeMPTe.PTSO s f� © SGIn11NO51ales- �ChmbiksVllk. -MC 11noc.z1b SITE 0 s, SHEETINDEX C1 COVER C2 EXISTING CONDITIONS C3 SITE PLAN C4 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN C5 UTILITY PROFILES C6 INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE C7 LANDSCAPE PLAN C8 LIGHTING PLAN C9 SITE DETAILS C10 SITE DETAILS APPROVALS 5 ATTICOS TILING 9 b., BUIIOP,s dil 5,W.eS9 s.,n .1Q ea BWiIS®ChIXL of Descl ® 99 s g D: PO WPfwdS" y .Ps°mW'beph \VInmW:Q Po.twdml p STOfIP, Steel PIMYf15 ;MS Wrezpenna9 ME Blue w.^-v g Paalam s..- ♦d" IMAGE PROVIDED BY GOOGLE MAPS SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@$HIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ,TH S Y 0.45 83 f (20ki `Av /�v/ inLT AI V` l SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOREST LAKES SELF -STORAGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: Current Development Planner Date 2022.05.16 [INITIAL] INITIAL REVISION: Current Development Engineer Date 2022.07.06 [INITIAL] 2022.09.19 [ARB] 2023.01.20 [FINAL] Fire Official Date Building Official Date FILE NO. Albemade County Service Authority Date 20.023 Virginia Department of Transportation Date COVER Architectural Review Board Date C1 uao a F� DB 111 69 PGG 340 (PLAT) LP � ARIABL ` STORM & SANI EASEMENT EWER \ DB 1064 I G 533 NO „ ` DB 1169 PG 340 & 347 32.82' SSMH TOP=528.38 _ 4" PVC IN=524.38 ` 8" PVC OUT=523.78 SSMH ` 40' ACCESS EASEMENT TOP=522.83 DB 1071 PG 178 18" IN=508.83 DB 1126PG 508.68 DB 1169 PGC 340 & & 347 1811 OUT= N4o•91'93"w TOP=527.10 18" PVC IN=510.05 18" PVC OUT=509.95 TMP 4664-2 N/F SSQ, LLC DB 4859 PG 358 DB 4872 PG 153 (PLAT) ASPHALT PARKING LOT 24 RGH UUl=000.a0 - 15' VEPCO EASEMENT DB 1084 P 15' E EASEMENT DB 1113 PG 396 8" IN=509.21 .&!� nIIT=509.11 TMP 32-36F N/F SJS LIMITED COMPANY 200 DB 1478 PG 261 DB 1064 PG 533 (PLAT) 20'ACCESS EASEMENT DB 1064 PG 533 DB 1071 PG 491 DB 1126 PG 178 69,PG 340 & 347 TMP 32-37C1 N/F GEORGE R. & MARY R. MERCER DB 3522 PG 181 DB 3522 PG 194 (PLAT) VIRGINIA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH EASEMENT DB 271 PG 495 DB 280 PG 102 1 . _.40'ACCESS EASEMENT DB 1323 PG 404 SSMH TOP=531.83 18" PVC IN=511.88 18" PVC OUT=511.78 \ 35' SLOPE & 16' CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DB 3526 PG 183 I I W ' '1 N 04 TMP 4664-4 N/F JA-ZAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ZONED: PD-SC DB 1144 PG 382 APPROX. LOCATION OF EXISTING 8" WATERLINE, PROPERTY OF RWSA AS SHOWN AT DB 1071 PG 491 VARIABLE WIDTH STORM SEWER EASEMENT DB 1281 PG 342 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM k pS'95 83 23 4' InKTA. tiN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOREST LAKES SELF -STORAGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.05.16 [INITIAL] REVISION: 2022.07.06 [INITIAL] 2022.09.19 [ARB] 2023.01.20 [FINAL] FILE NO. 20.023 EXISTING CONDITIONS C2_ � DB 1169 PG 340 (PLAT) LP j II L - ` ` \ I ARIABL \ ` STORM Sc SANI EWE \ ` EASEMENT \ ` DB 1064 PG 533 DB 1169 PG 340 & 347 24 KGK VUI=Duo.co 15' VEF 40' ACCESS EASEMENT DB 1071 PG 493 DB 1126 PG 178 DB 1169 PG 340 & 347 TMP 4684-2 N/F SSQ, LLC DB 4859 PG 358 DB 4872 PG 153 (PLAT) VT 4.33' J�mn TOP=522.83 1B" IN=508.83 18" OUT=50&68 N49'21'23"W 40.00' TOP=527.10 18" PVC IN=510.05 18" PVC OUT=509.95 N48'41'10"W 196.80' SSMH TOP=528.38 4" PVC IN=524.38 8" PVC OUT=523.78 i I S MH T P=529.29 IF RCP IN=523.84 5" RCP OUT=523.74 TMP 32-36F N/F SJS LIMITED COMPANY 200 DB 1478 PG 261 DB 1064 PG 533 (PLAT) 20'ACCESS EASEMENT DB 1064 PG 533 DB 1071 PG 491 DB 1126 PG 178 nP rm,F; _PG 340 & 347 TMP 32-37C1 N/F GEORGE R. & MARY R. MERCER DB 3522 PG 181 DB 3522 PG 194 (PLAT) VIRGINIA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH EASEMENT DB 271 PG 495 DB 280 PG 102 — 40'ACCESS EASEMENT DB 1323 PG 404 :ETREN I TOP=531 .83 IS" PVC IN=511. 8 18" PVC our=511.78 GRADING EASEMENT OR -ACCESS TO FUTURE .I DEVELOPMENT. (REF. G220.0049) 35' SLOPE & 16' CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DB 3526 PG 183 \ 20.00' GRADING EASEMENT S000 SF OF OUTDOOR ITTING AREA TMP 4684-4 N/F JA—ZAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ZONED: PD—SC DB 1144 PG 382 VARIABLE WIDTH STORM SEWER EASEMENT DB 1281 PG 342 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM k S Y 5 83 23 w4' InXTA. tiN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOREST LAKES SELF -STORAGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.05.16 [INITIAL] REVISION: 2022.07.06 [INITIAL] 2022.09.19 [ARB] 2023.01.20 [FINAL] FILE NO. SITE PLAN 20.023 Q31 UPS STORE / SMOKE / / N48496.80' ARIABL \ STORM & SAN EWE \ EASEMENT \ \ DB 1064 PG 533 � DB 1169 PG 340 & 347 40' ACCESS EASEMENT DB 1071 PG 493 DB 1126 PG 178 DB 1169 PG 340 & 347 TMP 4664-2 N/F SSQ, LLC DB 4859 PG 358 DB 4872 PG 153 (PLAT) 24 NUF UU I=3uu-z0 15' VEPCO EASEMEN — DB 1084 JJMI TOP=522.83 18" IN=508.83 18" OUT=508.68 N49°21'23"W 40.00' TOP=527.10 18" PVC IN=510.05 18" PVC OUT=509.95 SSMH TOP=528.38 4" PVC IN=524.38 8" PVC OUT=523.78 8" IN=509.21 R" OUT=509.11 TMP 32-36F N/F SJS LIMITED COMPANY 200 DB 1478 PG 261 DB 1064 PG 533 (PLAT) 20'ACCESS EASEMENT DB 1064 PG 533 DB 1071 PG 491 IDS 1126 PG 178 nprmf,Q-PG 340 & 347 TMP 32-37C1 N/F GEORGE R. & MARY R. MERCER DB 3522 PG 181 DB 3522 PG 194 (PLAT) VIRGINIA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH EASEMENT DB 271 PG 495 DB 280 PG 102 r —40'ACCESS EASEMENT DB 1323 PG 404 INT 83 531 PVC IN=511. 8 PVC 0UT=511.78 I� _ _ 35' SLOPE & 16' CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DB 3526 PG 183 20.00' GRADING EASEMENT TMP 4664-4 N/F JA—ZAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ZONED: PD—SC DB 1144 PG 382 VARIABLE WIDTH STORM SEWER � EASEMENT - DB 1281 PG 342 — I SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM TH H .S 9 No.45 83 ►(2o V 4' InXTA. tiN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOREST LAKES SELF -STORAGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.05.16 [INITIAL] REVISION: 2022.07.06 [INITIAL] 2022.09.19 [ARB] 2023.01.20 [FINAL] FILE NO. 20.023 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN C4Scale: 1 "=30' 540 535 530 525 SOP-OF-D ELEV. 518..7 520 EMER. FL SPILLWAY. V. 517.00 515 --- -- 510 505 10 -TNTO EXISTING ? DI-7 MANHOLE INV. 509.23 STR-. 500 w J 0 w 495 x� wa 495+50 10+00 10+50 STORM PROFILE: A0-A5 JYV 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 5000 499+50 10+00 10+50 nSTORM PROFILE: 130-134 C5 VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=10'; HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=10'; HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" n nni 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 \10 n n EXISTING GRAD-, \ 44 _F� - T5"-FIDPE-�-1-:25-� =�-164_5-LF-1.5" - r -E 57 LE -18 - HDPE 1.2 INV. OUT 513.00 % 0 HOP--0 1-.25,- - 0 1 N = _ p 0't O.a - 3 o J a 0 N °� 1n N °'-T iri 8" WATERLINE CO O O - C) N _�.� -, N j if] .� -. - �N D Z O INV. 514.55 m jr w 1 W Z O- . 5 Z- - m M w� Z W J J W d > i O - z zz w z - — Z 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 JJJ XO Al 550 550 550 545 545 545 540 540 LOWER EX. SAN M TO 540 NEW PROP. GRADE 535 535 535 N530 530 530 525 525 525 520 520 520 a 515 515 515 z 510 510 510 0 Ln n� 505 505 505 O z 500 w a - Z zz w - <w - 500 500 _ - Z3 _ va- - - 495 _ -ee 0' m ` 495 _ 0 X 495 W X X X W X Lu W W W z W 4an 490 9+5U IU+UU IU+bU T1+UU 1I+bU 12+UU 12+bU 3 SANITARY PROFILE C5 VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=10'; HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=30' 14+00 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 500 14+5U J' V 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 500 495 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 500 495 15+54090 XISTING GRADE T- - ED-GRADE— - --- --=— EW-6° DIP WATER II w W Z _ J > d - ^ z X_ Z 3 I w 499+50 10+00 10+50 `�" 6WATER LINE PROFILE C5 %VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=10'; HORIZONTAL SCALE: 11+00 11+50 12+00 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 500 4495 12+50 0 i'TIE IN TO FEXISTING,-&l- 3.5 MIN, COVER TIE-111 TO EXISTING R."' WATERLTNE N_11.'CEJ,ND LOWER EXISTING 8" w w z w w Z J _ H w w ID CO ED w OU 0.3 c0 d w F Z w W ID w ID w. --Z.. w Z w z Z 13+00 490 9+50 10+00 10+50 r4�8" WATER LINE PROFILE VENIIUAL KALE: 1 =1U; HURILUNIAL SCALE: 1 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM TH �r .S Y is No. 45 83 555 SAONAL ENG 550 545 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 540 FOREST LAKES 535 SELF -STORAGE 530 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 525 SUBMISSION: 2022.05.16 [INITIAL] 520 REVISION: 515 2022.07.06 [INITIAL] 2022.09.19 [ARB] 510 2023.01.20 [FINAL] 505 500 FILE NO. 495 20.023 490 UTILITY PROFILES 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 50 390' SIGHT DISTANCE LLI- I - vvvn i' 1E161 IT OF EYE 3.5' J- - - - - - - - - - - - - WORTH CROSSING - - - - - - 390' SIGHT DISTANCE RIGHT - - - _ - _ - - - - XISTING GRA E II 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 5505 18+ff 0 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM TH �r .S Y is No. 45 83 ►tio 23 w4 SIONAL ENG SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOREST LAKES SELF -STORAGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.05.16 [INITIAL] REVISION: 2022.07.06 [INITIAL] 2022.09.19 [ARB] 2023.01.20 [FINAL] FILE NO. 20.023 INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1 "=30' C 6 DB 1064 PG 533 \ DB 1071 PG 491 ` -_-- 1126 PG 178 IF DB 1169 40 & 347 LP SSMH `\ 40' ACCESS EASEMENT TOP=522.83 - _ DB 1071 PG 493 18" IN=50&83 - -- LP - DB 1126 PG 178 18" OUT=508.68 N41 `--__-` \� DB 1169 PG 340 & 347 N49'21'23"W \ °78'5p E - �� 23g I TMP 32-37C1 i 40.00' --�� � - � � 05' i N/F GEORGE R. & MARY R. MERCER DB 3522 PC \ 2 \ \ \ \• \ I I I DB 3522 PG 941(P1LAT) SSMH Or S V A \ \ TOP=527.10 ?6 18" PVC IN=510.05 \ \ \ 18" PVC OUT=509.95 \ \ VIRGINIA TELEPHONE & \ \ \ ] � TELEGRAPH EASEMENT Or ] ] DB 271 PG 495 \Qr \ \ \ • \ I I DB 280 PG 102 \ \ -,Qr / Or TMP 4664-2 n. - s2g • \ \ / / N/F SSQ, LLC- DB 4859 PG 358 DB 4872 PG 153 (PLAT) I I o I ) 0 B" --- - -- - ACSA- � 2 � 40'ACCESS EASEMENT \ NEW F A / - VARIABLE - - --- -_ _ _ �\ DB 1323 PG 404 Z }- W 1•,,fd1r1 SA 2EPGEME6 T \ \.. \ _ \ \ n F \ \ -W W -W -W\\\ W \ W \ �W \\� 1 W 6 E �EA�E�J T Or 22 � \ W TER V � � --3.C1P=531.83 �1rn v ME �v----}g_ PVC IN-511. 8 \' "WTYPE. 3� PVC OUT=511.78 _ v OFFER 0 S 28 \ ,IT VC S9IN1� RY I 15�, ' ] IS 29'02'59"E 158.50' \ I - GV / IE M ., Or \ F \ 4" V IN IN6:06- - � \ \ C- I I Or :- °,- \\ \\ I W� X6" TEL I � /: 35' SLOPE & I N 16' CONSTRUCTION PC 183EASEMENT N \ o A RD RD \ TMP 46134-3 ACE OF N \ N/F JA-ZAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP \ ] BUILDING o \ ZONED: PD-SC DB 1169 PG 347 J 21; 3.426 AC ] \ co a N . ��G 20.00' GRADING QJ0 �P A2 \ _ \ ] I EASEMENT �a A ) zo I .-\ - A \ I TMP 46B4-4 / 1 • \V A ] N/F JA-ZAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP FOOD LION ZONED: PD-SC g - `.� // DB 1144 PG 382 18' WIDE, 47 LF GRASS '0 \ \ t I I I ! / EMER. SPILLWAY xl 7s ] / SHIMP W/ EC-3 MATTIN \ \ � } ] i � � ELEV. 517.00\�� \ DETENTION POND t1 • �] - -°� �I ,� E N G I N EER I N G S29°04'45"W V BOTTOM 513.00 N j p LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 7 \ 4.33' - 71 X Al B V ] RD RD RD co 63 31 o VARIABLE WIDTH STORM SEWER h �Q-�? 8_ �,� 18 61 g1ry [ SDMH EASEMENT 342 N �x"�/ GRA SWAL� �V,O TOP=513.63 DB 1281 PG o ClO P 4" RCP IN=506.38 P 15 /.- - 'n / F' G Q �� M 9 9 c M M M p 24" RCP OUT=506.28 I / � V �21J `- I r'o, I , VARIABLE WIDTH STORM SEWER EASEMENT Z\ P Vp p C P J ,. Q Q DB 1281 PG 342 241� P � I 54.25-- - �- � FOB - - - WORTH CROSSING SDMH 390' SDR 70' PUBLIC R/W TOP= 390, SDL _ SDMH GRATE DB 1018 PG 403 24" RCP IN=513.59 ----_. _ TOP=514.38 D 24" RCP OUT=513.49 15' VEPCO EASEMENT 24" RCP IN=509.23 - SSMH DB 1084 P __._.._ ')a" RCP _.... TOP=524.06 8" IN=509.21 T=509.11 LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Plant Symbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Min. III Cal./Height Quantity Total Height(ft) aSFpy Total Canopy in 10 Yrs SF P Large Deciduous Tree Quercus palustris Pin Oak 2.5" 10 31 0 3700 r Large Deciduous Tree Quercus robur English Oak 2,5" 10 31 32 3290 //`�• { �f Large Deciduous Tree Ulmus americana American Elm 1.5" 15 397 1985 Large Deciduous Tree Betula nigra "Heritage" "Heritage" River 10-12' Ht. 5 25 397 1985 Birch O Medium Deciduous Tree Carpnus betulus European Hornbeam 2.5" 9 20 177 1593 Semi -Ever reen Shrub 9 Viburnum rh ido phylum P "Allegheny' 24" Ht. 31 10 64 1984 A Allegheny' Viburnum Mg Screening Evergreen Tree Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia 4-5' Ht. 6 14 54 324 Screeni Myrica cerifera Sou Myrtle ern Wax 24" Ht. 6 10 44 0 Shrubergreen © Screening Evergreen Shrub Viburnum x progense Prague Viburnum 24" Ht. 8 0 44 35 TOTAL SF: 1527 LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: SITE REQUIREMENT (SEC. 10% CANOPY REQUIRED. SITE AREA: 3.426 AC (149,237 SF) 149,237 SF x 10% = 14,924 SF CANOPY REQUIRED: 14,924 SF CANOPY PROVIDED: 15,273 SF INTERIOR ROAD TREES: LARGE SHADE TREES (2.5" CAL.) - 40' O.C. PARALLEL TO WORTH CROSSING (370 LF) RED: (370/40) = 9 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 9 LARGE SHADE TREES INTERIOR PEDESTRIAN WAYS: MEDIUM SHADE TREES (2.5" CAL.) - 25' O.C. PROVIDED: 5 LARGE SHADE TREES ZMA2020-09 OUTDOOR SEATING AREA 1 LARGE SHADE TREE PER 500 SF, 4,000 SF SEATING AREA REQUIRED (4000/500) = 8 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 9 LARGE SHADE TREES SHRUBS PROVIDED ADJACENT TO PARKING LOT TO MINIMIZE IMPACT ON ENTRANCE CORRIDOR DOUBLE STAGGERED ROW OF SCREENING MIXTURE: EVERGREEN TREES PLANTED 10' O.C. & EVERGREEN SHRUBS PLANTED 15' O.C. TO SCREEN THE DETENTION POND FROM THE ADJACENT PUBLIC ROAD, WORTH CROSSING NOTES: 1. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 2. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 3. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. 4. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover. 5. Any existing tree proposed to remain shall be replaced in kind if negatively impacted by improvements associated with this project. 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM TH 'H .S Y No.45 83 ►(2o %IArAT Y�l SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOREST LAKES --- SELF -STORAGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.05.16 [INITIAL] REVISION: 2022.07.06 [INITIAL] 2022.09.19 [ARB] 2023.01.20 [FINAL] FILE NO. LANDSCAPE PLAN x 90 20.023 C71 keg k0 O 'Co .0 keg 0 ko keg 0 keg 0 keg keg 0 .o keg keg 0 k 0 keg keg 0 k ko 0 A k0 0 0 10 k0 'p keg keg 0 0 keg keg 0 0 k ko O ko 0 k0 keg 'p Schedule Symbol Label Quantity Manufacturer Catalog Number Description Number of Lamps Filename Wattage Light Loss Factor EcoForm Area LED ECF - Large, 96 (6) LEDGINE SLIDLIGHT ecf-1-961-1,2a-w ❑ A 7 SIGNIFY GARDCO ECF-L-96L-1.2A-WW-G2-3 LED's, 3000K CCT, TYPE 3 OPTIC, ARRAY(S) DRIVEN AT w-g2-3.ies 365.0 1.00 No Shield 1200mA kO 0 kO keg .o xO .o 0 keg O k0 k .0 keg .0 'p Lighting Notes: .o ko Xo O k0 o 1. Pole mounted fixtures shall be mounted at a height of 20' from the finished grade which o k 0 0 k k X 0 keg 0 includes the pole base. keg keg .o keg keg keg .0 2. Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be keg .p 0 .o kO .o ko a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining keg 0 x. 0 ko 0 k 0 0 residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires ko k 0 ego k 0 k 0 k onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed k .0 k .o ko o p .0 k0 .o one half footcandle. 0 ko p keg keg O keg 0 p 0 O 0 k0 keg 0 kO 0 10 0 k0 0 .0 Xo .0 kO O k0 'p keg O k 0 O 0 k0 keg 0 keg 0 k0 0 k0 0 .0 NO .0 ko .p ko 'p keg O k 0 0 0 k0 '(0 .0 ko 0 ko .p keg 'O .0 ko .0 kO .p ko 'p kO O k 0 k 0 k0 KO 0 ko keg O keg O .0 ko 0 ko .0 AO 'p AO O k 0 k O ko 10 0 10 kO 0 k0 0 keg 0 10 0 k0 0 k0 0 .0 ko 0 Xo 0 k 0 keg ko .0 Xo ko k0 '0 ko .0 ko .0 ko k0 .0 .0 "Co ' "(0 k kO keg 1 k0 ko ko 0 ko )(0 .' 0 k0 k0 keg 0 keg a keg a ko 1 ko O .o k0 .a k0 ko ko '1 k 01P a keg .a k0 ko ko o k up k0 k0 .0 keg ko.� ko ko k0o keg '' keg afl k0 .%d•%, uk.ok wko k0 0k O 0 o k' .0k' ox keg - O .o k' kw k0 ka 0 o koo.o> k' w0o 'o k0a .akadko ko ko ko o o dakeg ko k o 'up ko ko ko ko k �k0k0k rs keg keg keg� ao � koko ko 0 )(0k0 .1 ' kP ! <00 • kQk0 keg O Okw kw k1 O it k '0a kit kw.1k kO keg ko k0 'k0ko w keg keg ko .p kO a k13 .ok o 0 o kakO 0 keg k 0 k0 .' 0 "(0 ko )(0 k0 k "(0 a 1 .0 0.a 0a k � "va k ex -a kk0 keg k0 k0 k0 o o .k.0kk w `' O 0 o • X k0 kkkk0 o o o 0 it k keg keg keg k0 o ititkN? O O kkeg keg k ' 0 ko eg Oo o k O0 kko o .o kkk'o k 10 ko eg O ' o oeg eg o 1 O 0 Ok' kk0 po 0 Oko n 0 eg 0 O0 up'! P'keg0 ko k k., w rP k o d0 eg it 0 O ' .0OX 1T'0 ko ko 0ko dw 'w o '0 'dkeg 0 o ko k0 deg eg eg 0 0 o k 0 eg p o .0 ko 0d n k ko dk ' oo O k o �eg id, k kk 0 keg it � 'd% kok ty 0 �ko ko d' Oo 0 ko 0x '3 O k k ' 0ok ko 0 k.a o W. k O '� 'ko o Oko ko o d) o k k�w .o y k� k k kO ko kW XA ako k o ae O k xeg ko ko o ' 0 , uOko r T d' 0 0 p w 'd' o 0 k0 O o X0 )CO k0 pj 'o J k' ' ' )(0 LO a o ko ko ko up 0 '1�o .o .' a !-uk'' r0 eg keg ko k0 da�0 uk '0 .0 'O ! P ku'o krrn a 0 o oo 0 k 0 kk O kw o P kit Oa .a kdkr k "IP'flk'o k0 Ok0 keg keg eg 'o 'w 10 kka d, itk0 p p kk o ar 0O _o .o '.0 ., w ko koit Oeg O kookeg keg k0 a ko ddko o k o 'O 'O a kitC'kit o .okeg O ko okw .01' • w � ko'o o keg o keg ook.o .o k 'kaw 0 kw k weg O 0 kO ko dok UU.eg .0 .0 .0 ,xo 0 0 u• k 0 k0 eg eg.0 O X O ko k0 0 3 ' 0 0 I�JO 00 0eg 00 o 0 k0 k0 ke kw it eg 0 eg O 'O .o o rd% . 'O0 o o k.0 .0O ' ' k 0 k0o O O 0 O 0 k0 0 k0 kit ' o Ok0 eg O O O 'O 0 0 0 0 0 eg 0 0 O 00 0 o eg O eg O O o0k0 k0 'k o .o .0 k0it ko 10 .o .o .o 0 .0 .00pko o o k0 p eg O w 0 k0 'ok 'O o p 0 eg ko kw � k ka � O Onk kp ko k .p .o .o 0 o eg eg eg eg eg 13 ON 0 0 eg o o ko o o o o eg ' o o o rn `.0 .0 ego keg eg ko.o 00 > > a o ok keg 'o O ko k0 0o O kOk0 k i k W ck0 eg 0 o o k k0 eg k ks O O k0ko k0 o 0 o rn k O o o O eg ko ko 0 Ok0k0 'o k'o .o ka k aeg O o O ko k0 keg .a 0 eg k0 kko T1 k0 .0-a 'w.0 Okp0 k kr o k)CO 0 ko o o d v k' keg ko0 0 ko k0 ko k0 k, dp kO k o ko 0.o o 0 O ko Ok a o 0 ko 0 o0 u aw P o 0k0 0 .0 runke'lk o akook k o ko k0 0 o eg o k0 .o .o ok.1 koeg o w o 0 koo 0o kit �0 k0 k0 ko o o .dce 'OO kxa okoko keg 0 O O Oo keg kI it ) k k0 O k o o ko keg ko o d,kw O ko .pa 0 eg eg0 .0 .0 .0 k w .0 0 eg 0 keg keg X.0 0 o eg0 o o 0 keg ,3 it ko 0 ..0 O 0o 0k0 k0 .o keg keg "O eg keg O O k0 kO ko ko O 0 O kO k0O 0 0 'O O'O0O 0O k0 keg keg k0 ? p kO O o O O o 0'd. it k13 0 p O O0 0 0 0k0 k0 0 .0 .' A, 10 o Okvp* ea.oeg k0 o oO k0 0 10 ko ko k0 0 0 k0 k0 k O .0 _0 0 '� ' a 0 k.1 'to keg .0 .o o ko 0 a ko k o o 0 O O O O 'it it o 'ko 0 OO 'O o O O O o eg O .0 .O 'o ka k0 a keg keg k0k0 O kO k0 o it it o O eg p O aw a W k0kdkeg Xp .0 .0 .0 .0 .O O 0k0k0 k0 0 0k0 k0 kp .o 'O 'O oo kpO0 KO .O . 0 k0 ko keg O ko w it o 0 p 0k.0 kO O w k0 po O 0 0 a k o k0 0 .0 .O O OAr 0 'deg k0 .0 .0 .0 .0 0 0 � w 0 'p 'O 0 0 k 0 0 k0 k0 o .0 o 0 ko0keg .0ko0keg k k, 0 0k0 k .o '0 '00 0'0 0 0 0 r% '00 0 O keg 0 p .o .o o 0• o .o ko kk0ko oo o k k' it k0O kpko ko ko o o .1 LO O .0 k0 keg 0 0 o ko o O 0 0kok0k 0 0 0 0 0 0 u'O0 0 k0 k0 0 eg O p O o o o o 0 .o .0 o k eg eg eg o o ko k0 0 a .o o 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ! a 0 eg 00 keg ko o o Xo A k0 d' 'O .o 0ko k.0 .O .o .0 .0 .0 .0 W .0 Be 0 0 0 k 00 0 o Xo ko kkacesp 'ok.o .o k.o ok0 0 o o 0kego eg 0 O o0 kO 0 'p 'O 'O a Okeg 0 O .0 .p k0 O k0 keg )CO p 'O 0 eg o k0 k0 0 o .p 'p ok 0 0 0 k0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ok0 O k0 keg keg k0 k0 O 0 0 0 k k00 0.0O 'p ko'O0 .O0 .O k0 eg 0 0 0 d• ko k0o O .0k0 O 'O 'Ok0 eg eg aww 0 k0 keg0 eg 0 k0 p pk0 kk0 ko k 0 0 .0 .0 .0 .00 .0 o0keg ko ko 40 kOe w 0 0 _0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .00 00 6o ko 0 O k0 keg k0 ko ko X0 O oeg keg 0 O O O O egoeg eg 0 .0 0 0 0 it k on 0 0 p O 0ko k o k 0 o .0 o .00 o 1 ko0 keg O o o o 0k 0 00kOkO 'O O O p .0 eg .o 00 00k0 O ko ko k .0 0o ko o 0 w it kO ko .0 0 O eg o '0 .0 ko keg .0e k0k.0 O O 0 ko keg 0 .o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 k o k0 0 kO k0 .0 .o O O O 0k0 eg0 O00 kk00 O O O O O O O O akO .0.o 0 eg eg 0 keg ko k0 ' k kO k k 0 O 0 010 '0 'O .0 O 0 .0 0k eg O 00 'p eg 0 0 a 'O 0 O O ko k0 keg 0 0 0 0 k.00 0 k 0 O keg O k0 'O O .o k0 O OO 0 r0 O O.0 O 0 O o keg eg , keg XO kO k0 .o .o 0 O eg keg kO k0 0 O .0 .0 O 0 0 0 O O O .0 0 0 O 0 eg 0 o .0 0 p o 0 k 'O 0 eg k k0 0 0 O o .0 .0 0 o .0 .0 eg 0 k0 .0 .0 0 0 0 o .0o O o O .0 eg ko 0 0 keg keg .o OkO k0 .0 .0 .O 0 eg.0 .p k KO keg .0 .0 k0 k0 kO o ce ko 0 0 .o o kO o X a 'ka0 0 k0.0 keg .0 .0 '0 (o 0 O Oo O 'O o a wO 0 0 0ko o 0 0 eg 00 0 .0 keg o k0 0 ooko 0 .o XO .0kO 0 0 0 .o .0 0 0 k0 0 0 p -k .0 0 eg eg O o eg 0�. 0 )to o O O so eg 0 eg 0 eg eg k0 k.0k 0 k .O .o _o .o .o .� okeg o keg eg o 0 eg 0 0 oo eg 'O 0 O k0 � O kO0 O .o .0 eg keg k0 O eg O 0 eg keg eg eg keg O keg O0O 'OkO .0 .O 0 0 .Oeg 0 O eg .0 .0 .0 0 k0 eg .0 .0 .0 0 0 O O O 0 0 kO 'O 'OO ko k0 O .0 > 0 O keg keg k0 kO 0 0 0 O k0 0 k0'0 0 O .0 .0 .0 '0 0 0k0 k0 k0 O 0k0 k0 .0 .0 .0 .O k0 keg 0 O 0 Xp kO .0 .O .o keg k0 0Xp .00 ko k0 kok0 .0 p O 'O k.0 .0 o 00 'p .0 .0 0 k0 kk0 keg keg 'O .O 'o 0 O O ko .O .0 'O O .O keg0keg o kO O o k0 0 0 keg O 0 0 O O ko 0 k0k0 0 o O 0 0 .0 'O p 'p 'O0 O p O o 0 0 egko 0 keg 10 k0 0 ko 0 0 .0 k o k0 kO 'p 0 'p 0 .0 .0 eg eg 'p 'O O O .0 0 .0 .o0k0 0 k0 0O O 0 eg eg 0 O O eg O0 'p o0p 'p.0 .0 .0 0 0 p .0 o eg 40 'O .0 .0 .0 _0 0 p '0 .O '0 Fla Gardco EcoForm Gen-2 combines economy with performance in an LED area Protect luminaire. Capable of delivering up to 52,500lumens or more in a compact, low Location: profile LED luminaire, EcoForm offers a new level of customer value. EcoForm Cat.No: features an innovative retrofit arm kit, simplifying site conversions to LED by eliminating the need to drill additional holes in most existing poles. Integral Type: control systems available for further energy savings. Includes Service Tag, our Lamps: Oty: Innovative way to provide assistance throughout the life of the product. Note.: Ordering guide example: ECF-L-96L-lA-CW-AR-AFR-90-120-DD-PCB-F7-SPI-TB-RPA-HIS-BK 1.2 ECF-L Ecorarm BOL 80 LEDs 900 900mA WW-02 Warm White AR' Arm Mount Type 120 120V slteand IS modules) 1A 1050mA 3000K, 70CRI (standard) 2 Type AFR Auto Front Row, 208 208V area. large 1.2A 1200mA Generation 2-90 Rotated left 90° MR-90 Auto Front Row, 240 240V Mail Neutral Whits The following 2-270 Rotated right 270° Rotated left 90° 277 277V 98L 96 LEDs 800 BOOmA 4000K, 70CRI mounting kits 9 AFR-7/0 Auto Front Row, 847 347V 6 modules ( ) 1. t2OOmA Generation 2 must be ordered Tyoue 3 Rotated right 270° 9 480 1.2A 1200mA CW-G2 Cool White separately (See Type 3 3 T BUD Back Light Control 120V UNV 120-277V 1AA• i400mA SPOOK. Genaretion2 eneraion2 accessories) 3-90 Rotated left 90° BLC-90 Beck Light Control 50/BOHz ( ) Si Slip Fitter 3-270 Rotated right 270° rotated at 90° NW 347-480V Mount 7BM-270 Back Light Control 4 (50/80Hz) (flil to 2'/e' rotated at 270° O. D. tenon) 4�1rne Type 4 YP WS Wall mount 4-90 Rotated left 906 with surface 1 270 Rotated right 270° conduit rearentry permitted 5 Type RAM Retrofit arm 5W Type 5W mount kit DGY An DD4" 0-10V External dimming IMRI3"Integralwith PCB- Photocontrol Fusin c Square Pole Adapter Textured (for controls by others) #3 lens Button F1' Single (120. 277. 347VAC) included in standard BK Black DCC44s" Dual Circuit Control IMR1716 Integral with TLRDS'a" Twist Lock F2v Double(208, 240,480VAC) product WH White FAWS4aw Field Adjustable Wattage Selector #7 lens Receptacle T8e Terminal Block BZ Bronze LLCxon" Integral wireless module BL'. all functionality 5Pin TLRDl Twist Lock Pole Mount Fusing FP1' Single (120. 277. 347VAC) RPA1-Round Pole DGY Dark Gray SRDR•^"b" SR driver connected to Zha asocket g Receptacle FP2s Double(208. 240.480VAC) Adapter ( fits to 3"- 3.9• MGV Medium Gray 7Pm FP8• Canadian Double Pull O.D. pole) Custgmerspecified DyneD'mmer, Automatic Profile Dimming TLRPCa1A"•° Twist Lock Receptacle 208. 240. 480VAC ( ) HIS" Internal House RAL Specify optional CS5W. Safety 50% Dimming. 7 hours w/Photocell Surge Probol(1OkA standard) Side Shield color or RAIL SP2 Increased 20kA CM50•• Median 50%Dimming. 8 hours (ex: RAL7024) CS80^" Safety 30% Dimming, 7 hours CC Custom color (Mupply color CM80'a Median 30% Dimming, hours 9 chip fo required chip for required factory quote) 1. BL-IMRI317 equipped with out -boarded sensor housing when 10. TLRDb, TLRD7 and TLRPC receptacle pine 486 are capped off socket must be SR compatible(See specifications for more voltage Is Al(347-48OV) when ordered with any of the Dimming controls DD of details). Consul factory for lead time All 7 pine In NEMA 2. Mounts to a 4" round pole with adapter included for FAWS or LLC. receptacle are connected to SR driver. SRDR not available with square poles. 11. Not available In 480V. Order photocell separowlywlth TLRDB/.. TLRD5 or TLRPC. 3. Limited to a maximum of45 degrees aiming above horizontal. 12. Not availablewith DCC. 18.0-10V dimming drlverstendard. 4. Not availeblewkh other dimming control option.. 13. Not avallablewith Sr and WS. RPAz provided with black 19. 120V or 2PV only, not available with SRDR or any DynaDimmer 5. Not available with motion sensor. finish standard. options (due to driver limitations). 6. Not available with photecontrul. 14. HIS not available with Type 5. 5W. BLC. BLC-90. or BLC-270. 7. Must specify a motion sensor lens. 15. Not available with DD,DCC, and FAWS dimming control options. B. Noteval1eblelh347Cr480V 16. Not available win PD. DCC. FAWS and LLC dimming 9. Must specify input voltage. contrel.ptI ni 17. When ordedng SRDR. controller (by others) to be used on STATISTICS AVERAGE: 1.2 fc MAXIMUM: 16.5 MINIMUM: 0.0 fc SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM TH .S 9 No.4 883 ►tio 23 41 InXTAT Y�l SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOREST LAKES SELF -STORAGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.05.16 [INITIAL] REVISION: 2022.07.06 [INITIAL] 2022.09.19 [ARB] 2023.01.20 [FINAL] FILE NO. ^q ECF-L_Eco Form MIX,area-large 04122 page i of 91 �� US 20.023 LIGHTING PLAN 30 0 30 60 90 'Bs. RScale: 1 "=30' C V 1• COMPRESSOM X 3/47 MALE PPE COUPLING SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION NOTES: ORAPPROVED EQUAL 1. WHERE A SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTS TO A MANHOLE AND NO INVERT ELEVATION FOR THE SERVICE LATERAL IS INDICATED , THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE SERVICE LATERAL PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST 0.2' HIGHER THAN THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE THE LOWEST PIPE CONNECTED 1OPPER FOR USE ON ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SERVICES OR DUAL RESIDENTIAL AND IRRIGATION SERVICES. COVER LIFT NOTCH 14 1/2" NOTE: HYDRANT MUST BE TO THE MANHOLE. t•z1k1. 1EE 1d412 3/8" 12 1/2" EQUIPPED WITH CHARLOTTES— VILLE THREADS WHICH IS 2 BE SEWERLATERALSUSING TAPPEDN EXISTING SEWER MAIN SHALL THE LOCAL STANDARD. 3. MINIMUM GRADE FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION SHALL BE 2% Q OI 6' MIN LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES (1/4" PER FOOT) r WATER (2701 2' TO 10' 4. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER 2MIN 18"-22" DIAMETER OF 4". DUAL SERVICE R CAST IRON LID 7 CU. FT. ALVE BO 5. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER 1' COMPRESSION " 3/4^ MALE PIPE COUPLING ,' 1$" METER BOX � 8 STONE OF 3 FEET. OR APPROVD EQUAL 1• TYPE •K• SaPr Co PER 6" GATE "':; TREATED 2 x 4 42"MIN ,•.' VALVE .v FINISHED GROUND MARKER FOR USE ON OETAG!ED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SERMCE WHERE AN IRRIGATION METER IS NOT FRONDED. .� , .LLB' TEEX 6" 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE y ti 11 R. p, BASE ANO THRUST ; ��;'w+; � !I'�" SINGLE SERVICE BLOCK AGAINST CAST IRON LE)tit 18" STABLE O SOIL FINISHED GRADE F STEEL PILE 7 �l tz^-1B• , ' 6" EXTENSION RESTRAINED JOINT FITTINGS WHEN THE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR WHEN PLUG END OF LOCKWINC BAu BOOXE" A HYDRANT IS LOCATED IN A FILL, IN ADDITION TO POURING CONCRETE, A STEEL PILE SHALL MAIN LINE SERVICE LATERAL Yw & 6" BE USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT. SECTION 38 MIN. COPPERSE ER PIPE SLOT 4s•o�o" 1/8 BEND CQUPLfNG-\ As (2 PLACES) - NOTE : METER .'•h:;e_.�-:g,y n.,,,,• 4. 1. SURROUND WEEP HOLES NTH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF CONCRETE. 2. MAINTAIN A 3 1/2' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT cORPGRAnoN STOP ?r ••^4�''`r �' y'"n^.y`' BRIT* AS "!r'"'^x.A'}'y�; t;+, ' NECEssABv ( INCLUDING DITCHES ) 3. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT AND SAND OR DUST UNDER :t"'P'rR1U'e•ry+ 1 LL'a:. ` 4� ' • BOX AND SETTER (2-INCH ;'��Ra:/,!w{ yyj�f:.w.:j� .^ yyDT SPEG 2D3, N0. 5) MINIMUM 1HICKNESS) .,,•�� y,,;,;�;y,r;?i AGGREGATE NOTES: VALVE BOX. 4. THE GATE VALVE IS ALLOWED IN SHOULDER OR BEHIND THE DITCH. IN LINE WY ,.,,.•:;;.yk,•�.„E�:,_;yvaK.;A (1) A 1-3/4" DIAMETER HOLE IS REQUIRED IN THE LID FOR TOUCH READ METERS. IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DITCH. PLAN NOS 1) SADDLES SHALL BE USED ON PVC PPE. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LOCATIONS WHERE WEEP z) NO SWEATED FITTINGS. HOLES ARE ABOVE THE PREVAILING GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. IF 3) LATERALS INSTALLED WITHIN EXISTING. OR PROPOSED. VUOT REWIRED TO BE IN WET AREAS, THE WEEP HOLES SHALL BE VARIES RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE INSTAUED IN A 2-INCH PVC SDR-21 OR HOPE DRI1 CASING PIPE PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT SHALL BE PUMPED DRY. TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION TYPICAL METER BOXES R SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION (5/8" & 1" METERS) (5/8"-111 METERS) TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL NTS N.T.S. N.T.S. FIG. W-6A NTS FIG. W-4 FIG. S-2 FIG. W-7 TD-10 TD-33 TD-13 TD-8 2 ACSA: TYP. SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION 3 ACSA: TYPICAL METER BOXES 4 ACSA: FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY C9 NOT TO SCALE 1 ACSA: SEWER LATERAL CONNECTION C9 NOT TO SCALE C9 NOT TO SCALE C9 NOT TO SCALE PLACE 5' GALVANIZED " WITNESS " POST WITH CAPPED ENDS PAINTED BLUE IN REMOTE AREAS AS DIRECTED. MARKER LOCATION MAY BE SUBJECT a TO HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL NDTEI MIN• 60" DIAMETER MANHOLE REQUIRED, VARIES FINISHED GRADE SHIMP o � N.H. STIFF o, VALVE BOX 4" DIAMETER BRANCH AND VALVE — FINISHED GRADE ENGINEERING �(IYPD DROP MANHOLE PVC CROSS e `�1�'./e Iw LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2' USE FLEXIBLE RUBBER ai a o BOOT. o` M.J. M.J. PLUG AIR RELEASE VALVE NSECT SCREEN A ,• VARIES . AT OUTLET " rye; -_ ADJUSTABLE TRAFFIC RATED 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 o.',� 6' GASKETED .. " "x:• BRASS PIPE BRASS BALL VALVE VALVE BOX W/ LID LI CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM STOP COUPLING 0 27. DROP PIPE PIPE STRAPS 'A WATER MAI RESTRAINED JOINT FITTINGS DRAIN TO GRADE IF POSSIBLE X z cav e (STAINLESS STEEL) o SPACED EVERY -� 14 2' VERTICALLY ON—LINE II,TIIII TH 90' RESTRAINED BEND e „ I „ „ (TYPE B ) SOLID SUPPORTS EMEN T BLOCKS INFLUENT ♦., PIPE CRUSHED STONE M.J. GATE VALVE r AWN _____ 9 °"r 4 d 4" IB' PIER VARIES THREADED COUPLING COPPER OR BRASS IC No.45 83 PLAN PVC SLEEVE BRASS NIPPLE AND PVC o CAP CORPORATION STOP .e 9. 4 Z3 I I"fN LJJ Qr LUBRICATE ALL THREADS PROFILE THRUST BLOCK 'D WATER LINE �ss10NAL ENG MIN. 6" BEDDING WITH NO. 68 STONE METER BOX (SEE FIG. W-7) VALVE Ud, f b I 1. HEIGHT OF THE VERTICAL DROP PIPE WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE ACSA, BUT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN TWO NO. 57 STONE (2) FEET. 2. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE SDR 26 P.V.C, SIZED THE SAME AS THE INCOMING PIPE AND CONNECTED TO M.J. FITTING 2" PIPE SLOPED NOTES: 2500 P.S.I.CONCRETE '. 8 ' 2'x 2' BEARING AREA. THE DROP FITTING WITH STANDARD GASKETJOINT. TO DRAIN IF 1) A PRECAST MANHOLE CONE AND COVER WITH WATER CAST ON LID FOR TRAFFIC THRUST BLOCK _ a d GRADE ALLOWS AREAS, OR A METER BOX ASSEMBLY IN NON -TRAFFIC AREAS, OR APPROVED EQUAL, - a. 3. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE STRAPPED TO THE MANHOLE AT PIPE JOINTS. STRAPSSHAULBEMADEOF 2" BRASS PIPE SHALL BE USED. _ SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN STAINLESS STEEL.. ;'; VARIES VARIES 2) FOR WATERLINES SMALLER THAN 12" USE A 1" A.R.V. AND FITTINGS. FOR WATER .a e 4. SHAPE INVERT AS NEEDED TO PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION FROM DROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE POINT LINES 12" AND LARGER USE 2" A.R.V. AND FITTINGS. A ° FOREST LAKES WATER MAIN AND VALVE 2" THREADED TAP 3) IN SITUATIONS WHERE THE A.R.V. ASSEMBLY CANNOT BE OFFSET FROM THE MAIN AN e . TO SPRING LINE OF MANHOLE INVERT. ARE SAME SIZE ADEQUATE FOUNDATION SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THE WATER LINE DOES NOT SUPPORT a S. DROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE FITTING SHALL BE ORIENTED AT 45 DEGREES, INTO THE FLOW. PLUG THE MANHOLE CONE. SELF -STORAGE 6. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT90 DEGREES FROM THE ACCESS STEPS. DEAD END ACSA 4) OFEMANHOLELCONE UPONEREQUESTPICAL 5/8-INCH METER BOX CAN BE USED IN LIEU NOTE IN REMOTE AREAS, VALVE BOXES SHALL EXTEND SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE GRADE. 7. MINIMUM 72" DIAMETER MANHOLE REQUIRED FOR A SINGLE 10" OR 12" DIAMETER DROP CONNECTION, OR (TYPE "A") TWO 8" DIAMETER DROP CONNECTIONS. AIR RELEASE VALVE (ARV) TYPICAL GATE VALVE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA STANDARD INTERNAL DROP CONNECTION TYPICAL BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY FIG. w-9 NTS SUBMISSION: NTS FIG. W-5 2022.05.16 N.T.S. FIG. S-1-C2 FIG. W-8 [INITIAL] TD-20 TD_g TD-19 REVISION: TD-30 2022.07.06 [INITIAL] 5 ACSA: INTERNAL DROP CONNECTION TYP. 6 ACSA: BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY TYP. 7 ACSA: AIR RELEASE VALVE 8 ACSA: GATE VALVE 2022.09.19[ARB] C9 NOT TO SCALE C9 NOT TO SCALE C9 NOT TO SCALE C9 NOT TO SCALE 2023.01.20 [FINAL] FILE NO. 20.023 SITE DETAILS C9_ -15.0'- LANE ROAD CENTERLINE 15.0' EXISTING LANE WP-2 MILL AND OVERLAY FOR THIS LANE . 0 % 1 t 2.0% ROAD CENTERLINE - 1 )WORTH CROSSING AT ENTRANCE C1 Q SCALE: 1"=5' EW ENTRANCE P-2 MILL & OVERLAY ROAD CENTERLINE 1.5 FT CUR 2 BROAD SECTION (TYP C1 Q)SCALE: 1"=5' I a' 3 DITCH I DETAIL TYP. C1 O NOT TO SCALE 4 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY SECTION (TYP C1 O NOT TO SCALE =T GUTTER PAN SM-9.5A SUPERPAVE BM-25.0 JDOT #21A BASESTONE 4 4 ad �d 4' 000000000000000° " - 4,000 PSI CONCRETE 4" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED - 5 )DUMPSTER PAD SECTION C1 Q NOT TO SCALE 1.5" OF SM-9.5A SUPERPAVE 3" OF BM-25 PAVEMENT 6" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN. CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED 5 ATYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION C1 Q NOT TO SCALE 3.000 PSI CONCRETE 11 - VDOT #21A BASESTONE ;OMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED - 7 )TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION C1 Q NOT TO SCALE LD-229 Storm Drain Design Computations From Structure To Structure Catch. Area ac Runoff Cost Increment AC Accum. AC Total TOC min 10-yr Intensity in/hr 10-yr Flow cfs Up Invert Elev. Down Invert Elev. Pipe Length ft Invert Slope % Pipe Diameter in) Pipe Capacity (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow time Increment (min 1 84 2 B3 3 0.17 4 0.90 5 0.15 6 0.15 7 5.00 8 6.81 9 1.04 10 518.56 11 517.11 12 116.00 13 1.25% 14 15 15 1.4 16 3.8 17 0.51 B3 B2 0.20 0.85 0.17 0.32 5.00 6.81 2.20 516.91 516.12 63.50 1.25% 15 2.9 4.7 0.23 32 81 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.32 5.00 6.81 2.20 515.92 513.86 164.50 1.25% 15 2.9 4.7 0.59 61 DO 0.15 0.75 0.11 0.44 5.00 6.81 2.97 513.66 513.00 53.00 1.25% 18 4.0 4.7 0.19 A5 A4 0.31 0.80 0.25 0.25 5.00 6.81 1.69 518.23 516.36 125.00 1.50% 15 2A 4.6 0.45 A4 A3 0.18 0.80 0.14 0.39 5.00 6.81 2.67 516.16 514.24 128.00 1.50% 18 &0 5.2 0.41 A3 A2 0.80 0.90 0.72 1.11 5.00 6.81 7.57 514.04 513.00 69.00 1.50% 18 9.5 5.6 0.20 SHIMP ENGINEERINGh LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM �tiP TA oFr � L �f� I ' . S MP l IL No. 45 83 23 �wQ- I lk-SIONAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOREST LAKES SELF -STORAGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.05.16 [INITIAL] REVISION: 2022.07.06 [INITIAL] 2022.09.19 [ARB] 2023.01.20 [FINAL] FILE NO. SITE DETAILS 20.023 C10