HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202300010 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2023-03-16qoa nt 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 County of Albemarle Telephone:434-296-5832 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG Site Plan review Project title: Claudius Crozet Park Recreation Center —Initial Project file number: SDP2023-00010 Plan preparer: Scott Collins, PE, Collins Engineering 200 Garrett Street, Suite K, Charlottesville, VA 22902 scottna- collins-en ing eering com Owner or rep.: Kim Guenther, Claudius Crozet Park — guentherkiniggmail.com Claudius Crozet Park Inc. — P.O. Box 171, Crozet, VA 22932 Plan received date: 14 Feb 2023 Date of comments: 16 Mar 2023 Plan Coordinator: Andy Reitelbach Reviewer: John Anderson, PE/CFM Engineering has reviewed the initial site plan and offers these review comments for final site plan approval. SDP2023-00010 1. Sheet 1 a. Submit WPO plan at earliest convenience. b. An approved WPO plan is required for final site plan approval. c. Recommend check sheet 1 stormwater management text references to specific stormwater practices (water quality swale and dry retention area) against both DEQ clearinghouse practices (pis. use same name as clearinghouse practices (1.-15.) and plan sheet labels (sheet 5, proposed SWM biofilterarea) if a SWM measure provides water quality control —will be evaluated with FSP and WPO plan. d. Notes (beneath sheet layout) makes ref. to VDOT inspector. If a VDOT inspector is not assigned, recommend delete reference. 2. Sheet 2 a. Label stream buffer. b. Remove SWM facility from stream buffer. SWM facilities within stream buffers are impermissible. 3. Sheet 3 a. Label typ. parking space (L x W) in parking lot expansion area south of proposed recreation area. b. Label parking lot island curb radii. c. Show curb cuts (to SWM control measure/s) or inlet/pipe conveyance of storm runoff. Sheet 5 grading indicates surface runoff across expanded parking lot flows southwest toward dumpster enclosure. Parking lot surface runoff may not drain to dumpster enclosure; ensure surface runoff does not enter dumpster enclosure. See 7'h item, Drainage section, p. 1, Drainage Plan checklist for plan reviewers. d. Label and dimension any raised islands. For example, parallel parking spaces farthest west in expanded parking area appear to include linear raised islands. e. Show existing biofilters shown on sheet 2. f. Provide notes /labels to prohibit activity near ex. SWM that may impact SWM facilities. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 3 g. Recommend differentiate ped crossing at new 24' drive aisle east of existing pool and concrete deck (striping, for example). h. Provide /label CG-12 at pedestrian crossing at new 24' drive aisle. i. Ensure any parking island canopy landscaping does not conflict with storm pipes. j. Recommend provide overall building dimensions, L x W. k. Label typ. parking space fronting 6' conc. sidewalk, L x W. I. Ensure typ. parking spaces meet ACDSM standards (p. 17). m. Please show parking lot island landscaping. n. Show /label HC parking signs. o. Label drive aisle radii. p. Label dumpster enclosure. q. Label parking area entrance radii, SE corner of lot. r. Remove proposed SWM facility from stream buffer. s. Label new asphalt pedestrian trails (x 2), and Min. trail width (ft). 4. Sheet 4 a. Label sidewalk widths (5' Min). b. Clarify if improvements are proposed for Indigo Road. c. Label typ. parking space (L x W) at basketball courts north of proposed pool expansion (6 spaces), and at 15 + 4 spaces immediately north of existing /proposed pool areas. d. Label and dimension HC parking space. Show /label HC parking sign. e. Recommend more separation at narrowest point between sidewalk and 24' drive aisle, at curve in 24' drive aisle. f. Depict /label CG-12 wherever sidewalks intersect paved vehicle surface (as many as 6 locations). g. Clarify design of (what appears to be) short section of walk crossing 20' drive aisle, near park exit at Hilltop Street. Linework confusing since walk crossing aisle at this location connects with no visible improvement. 5. Sheet 5 a. Depict /label Agatha Ridge Lane nearly opposite (just west) of park entrance. b. Revise grading at SW building corner (proposed recreation center); grade intersects building unexpectedly. c. Depicts proposed SWM biofilter area, while sheet 1 discusses a water quality swale and dry retention area. Site plan sheets do not depict a water quality Swale or a dry retention area. Ensure labels are consistent and depict all SWM measures with WPO /final site plan. d. Provide, label, depict storm capture /conveyance. Broad areas of new impervious surface do not appear to connect with storm conveyance or to route to stormwater management (existing or proposed) facilities. Depict and show on ESP /WPO plans. e. Provide complete drainage details with final site plan, including: i. Plan /profile of inlets, pipes. ii. VDOT LD-204 (stormwater inlet computations). iii. VDOT LD-229 (storm drain design computations). iv. Proposed recreation center roof leader lines to SWM facility. f. Additional drainage -related review comments possible with ESP /WPO plan. g. Show proposed asphalt pedestrian trail proposed grading, if any. If no trail grading, indicate trail is to follow existing contours without alteration, and without grading. 6. Sheet 6 a. Provide labels /dimensions for subgrade aggregate, base and surface asphalt, for Access Road to Hill Top Street pavement section detail. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 3 b. Concrete dumpster pad detail (2113, 6") does not match detail - dumpster area (21A, 7"); please revise for consistency. 7. General a. With WPO plan: i. Clarify whether existing SWM biofilter areas treat equivalent turf and impervious areas once recreation center project is complete. WPO plan for recreation center project must account for and discuss any reduction in ex. turf or impervious area SWM water quality control treatment by the existing biofilters. Please feel free to call if any questions: 434.296-5832 -x3069 Thank you J. Anderson SDP2023000I0 Claudius Crozet Rec Ctr ISP 031623.docx