HomeMy WebLinkAboutSE202200043 Staff Report 2023-03-15V
County of Albemarle
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
Andy Reitelbach, Senior Planner II
March 15, 2023
SE202200043 Victorian Heights
045000000068C2; 045000000068E0
Magisterial District:
School Districts:
Agnor-Hurt E.S.; Burley M.S.; Albemarle H.S.
R-15 Residential
Summary of Request for Special Exception:
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
Telephone: 434-296-5832
The Applicant requests a special exception to vary the setback and stepback requirements for a project
called Victorian Heights, which is on property zoned R-15 Residential. The variations requested include
the following:
Increase the maximum front setback for three multi -family residential buildings on Berkmar Drive
from 25 feet to 38 feet for one building, 54 feet for a second building, and 71 feet for the third
Waive the requirement that a stepback be provided for each story that begins above 40 feet in
height or for each story above the third story, whichever is less, to allow a fourth story be
constructed without a stepback.
These variations are permitted in the Zoning Ordinance under the following sections:
• County Code § 18-4.19.4, which states that the maximum front setback for a non-infill
development may be increased by special exception to accommodate low impact design, unique
parking or circulation plans, or a unique target market design.
• County Code § 18-4.19.5, which states that the minimum 15-foot stepback applies to all buildings
on the property and may be reduced by special exception.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution (Attachment F) to approve the special
exception request.
A — Staff Analysis
B — Location Map
C — Zoning Map
D — Applicant Request, dated June 28, 2022
E — Layout Exhibit, dated June 27, 2022; last revised January 9, 2023
F — Resolution
STAFF PERSON: Andy Reitelbach, Senior Planner II
PROJECT: SE202200043 Victorian Heights
TAX MAP PARCELS: 045000000068C2: 045000000068E0
Staff report for Special Exception SE202200043 to waive the requirement for a stepback of the
fourth story of three multi -family residential buildings and to increase the maximum front
setback from 25 feet to 38 feet for multi -family buildings, on property located in the R-15
Residential zoning district.
The Applicant requests a special exception to vary the setback and stepback requirements for a project
called Victorian Heights, which is located on two parcels of approximately 4.921 acres between
Berkmar Drive and Woodburn Road (Attachment B — Location Map). These two parcels are zoned R-
15 Residential (Attachment C — Zoning Map). The applicant is proposing to construct a by -right
residential development on this property with 88 dwelling units totql, using the 30% affordable housing
bonus density provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The density of the project would be 17.9 dwelling
units per acre, with a mix of single-family attached and multi -family units, including eight affordable
units. The variations requested with this special exception include the following:
Increase the maximum front setback for three multi -family residential buildings in the
proposed Victorian Heights development (SDP2022-00047) on Berkmar Drive from 25 feet to
38 feet for one building, 54 feet for a second building, and 71 feet for the third building.
Waive the requirement that a stepback be provided for each story that begins above 40 feet in
height or for each story above the third story, whichever is less, to allow a fourth story be
constructed without a stepback.
The applicant has provided a narrative, provided a detailed request and justification for this special
exception (Attachment D), along with an exhibit depicting the proposed site layout (Attachment E).
Relevant Code Sections
These requested variations are permitted in the Zoning Ordinance under the following sections:
• County Code § 18-4.19.4, which states that the maximum front setback for a non-infill
development may be increased by special exception to accommodate low impact design,
unique parking or circulation plans, or a unique target market design.
• County Code § 18-4.19.5, which states that the minimum 15-foot stepback applies to all
buildings on the property and may be reduced by special exception.
Analysis of Special Exception Request
Factors for consideration in a special exception request are described in County Code § 18-33.9(A).
This section states that factors, standards, criteria, and findings, however denominated, are to be taken
into consideration. The Board of Supervisors does not need to make specific findings in order to
approve a special exception.
In the absence of applicable special exception factors, staff has evaluated this request based on the
intent of the R-15 Residential zoning district and the Neighborhood Model Principles of the
Comprehensive Plan.
Staff offers the following analysis of the proposed variations against these criteria:
County Code §18-18.1 Intent
R-15 districts are hereby created and may hereafter be established by amendment to the zoning
map to provide a plan implementation zone that:
-Provides for compact, high -density residential development;
-Permits a variety of housing types; and
-Provides incentives for clustering of development and provision of locational, environmental and
developmental amenities.
R-15 districts may be permitted within the community and urban area locations designated on the
comprehensive plan.
The requested variations would allow the applicant the flexibility in design to construct a compact,
high -density development (17.9 units per acre), with a variety of housing types, including single-family
attached and multi -family units. Because the applicant is using the affordable housing bonus density
provisions of the ordinance, eight of the units would be designated affordable.
In addition, the requested variations would allow a larger contiguous area of open space in the
development, with a common alley serving the rears of all units. Increasing the maximum setback
allows more considerate grading of the managed steep slopes located on the property.
Comprehensive Plan: Development Areas Objective 2
Create a physical environment that supports healthy lifestyles through application of the Neighborhood
Model Principles, including the following:
Parks, Recreational Amenities, and Open Space
The applicant plans to put open space in the area between Berkmar Drive and the multi -family
buildings that are proposed to be set back farther than would be allowed without approval of the
special exception request. The multi -family buildings will all front on the open space, with rear access
from the central alley. A sidewalk will be constructed along the fronts of the buildings, creating a design
of amenity -oriented units. This sidewalk will also connect with the asphalt trail proposed to bisect the
development, connecting with Woodburn Road.
Buildings and Space of Human Scale
Stepbacks are usually provided to help provide spaces of human scale for pedestrians walking along
the street fronts. With the maximum setback proposed to be increased, the multi -family residential
buildings will be set back anywhere from 38 feet to 71 feet from Berkmar Drive, depending on the
specific building. With a large area of open space between the buildings and Berkmar, pedestrians will
likely not feel confined by taller buildings that are constructed without the required stepback. Waiving
the stepback for the fourth story of the buildings will not have a negative impact on the spaces of
human scale in the development.
Relegated Parking
The proposed design of the site allows the applicant to relegate all parking to the center of the
property. All garages and driveways, for both the single-family attached units and the multi -family units,
will be rear -loading, accessed from a central alleyway. By putting the open space in front of the multi-
family units, they become more like amenity -oriented residences, with the parking behind the buildings,
away from the Berkmar Drive right-of-way. Increasing the maximum front setback allows this open
space to be placed between the Berkmar and the residences, while shifting the parking and alley
access into the center of the development to create a more compact circulation plan.
Respecting Terrain and Careful Grading and Re -Grading of Terrain
There are areas of managed steep slopes along the Berkmar Drive frontage of this property. By
increasing the maximum front setback, the multi -family buildings can be shifted farther back away from
the street frontage, allowing for more careful grading of these slope areas in compliance with the
design requirements of the ordinance.
Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution (Attachment F) to approve the
special exception request SE202200043 Victorian Heights to increase the required maximum
front setback and to waive the required stepback for a fourth story on the three multi -family
Attachment B - SE2022-00043 Victorian Heights - Location Map
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June 28, 2022
Bill Fritz
Development Process Manager
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Maximum Front Yard Exception Request forR-15 Non-Infill Zoning &Exception
Request for Relief from the Building Stepback Requirement for Buildings higher than
3 stories
Dear Bill Fritz:
Please allow this letter to serve as our official request for a special exception for the maximum front
yard setback within the R-15 zoning and a special exception request for relief of the Stepback
requirements for the multi -family buildings within the Victorian Heights project The following
information is a description of the reasons for the special exceptions and how these requests are
consistent with the comprehensive plan.
The two special exception requests are being proposed for Buildings 1, 2 and 3 within the Victorian
Heights Residential Development The special exception requests are in accordance with Chapter 18,
Section 4.19 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. This section of the code allows for an increase
of the maximum front setback for a non-infill development to accommodate low impact design, unique
parking or circulation plans, or a unique target market design. In addition, this section of the code
allows for a reduction of the Stepback requirement for buildings that are over 3 stories in height or
taller than 40 feet
Project Narrative:
This project, which is located between Berkmar Drive and Woodburn Road, is a mixed residential
development consistent with the requirements of the R-15 zoning on the property. A total of 88 units
are proposed on the 4.514 acre parcel, including 34 townhouse units and 54 multifamily condominium
units. Included with the proposed design is the commitment of affordable housing to utilize a 30%
bonus density increase on the property. The applicant is proposing to construct 11 for -sale townhouse
units on the property, and will receive additional density of 10 market rate units. This bonus density
helps achieve the recommended density on the parcel, matching the intent of the comprehensive plan.
The project was also developed with a minimum of 25% open space to provide passive and active
recreational amenities for the development, and will provide affordable housing to the community.
Special Exception request to the Maximum Setback Requirement:
A special exception is proposed for the multi -family lot on the property for the (3) multi -family
residential buildings. This multi -family development lot fronts on Berkmar Drive, however the
majority of the development lot is located adjacent to the proposed open space parcel. Within the
open space parcel are the active and passive recreational amenities for the site. These amenities are
centrally located to the buildings on the property, with the multi -family buildings fronting on these
open spaces. This design allows for a cohesive neighborhood design that creates central open space
areas and a pedestrian oriented design, including a sidewalk and trailway network though the
property. With the buildings fronting on these amenity areas, the buildings exceed the maximum front
yard setback from the right of way. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a special exception to allow
the buildings to be located along the open space parcel and setback from the existing street as shown
on the site plan. The buildings will be 71', 53.5' and 38' from the right of way along Berkmar Drive.
Under the Non-infill Setback requirements within section 4.19 of the Albemarle County Zoning
document, a special exception may be granted for the maximum front setback of a lot within the R-15
district to accommodate low impact design, unique parking or circulation plans, or a unique target
market design. With this proposed exception request the development is achieving all three of the
above justifications for a special exception. First the special exception allows for a better parking and
circulation plan with the garages relegated from the street with the proposed alley. Second, the design
meets the target market design of the neighborhood and a design principle of the Neighborhood model
within the Comprehensive plan for this area with fronting the buildings on the open space amenity
areas. Finally, the creation of the open space parcels limits the impact area of the development 1.228
acres of the 4.514 acre development is being used for open space amenities.
As illustrated in the final site plan, the proposed special exception for the front yard setback within this
proposed development creates a better design for the neighborhood, provides relegated parking within
the development, and creates a pedestrian oriented development, all which are design principles of the
Neighborhood model within the Comprehensive plan for Albemarle County. Approval of this special
exception request for the maximum front yard setback helps achieve a development that is consistent
with the comprehensive plan its development principles.
Special Exception request to the Required Stepback:
The multi -family residential buildings (buildings 1,2 and 3 shown on the final site plan) proposed as
four-story structures that include a roof deck access and private amenity areas. These residential
buildings are proposed to be built fronting on the shared open spaces located between the buildings
and Berkmar Drive. The open space amenity area will provide ample setback areas from Berkmar
Drive and will include open space, pedestrian amenities and landscaping that will all complement the
massing of the proposed buildings and help create an inviting pedestrian environment The special
exception to waive the front stepback requirement will not result in the undesired "canyon' effect
along Berkmar Drive, as the buildings will be set back at a generous distance. In addition, the project
design allows for sufficient space and light between the buildings to avoid the "Canyon' effect through
the use of the open space area as a residential amenity. This design will provide a significant
enhancement to the pedestrian experience along Berkmar Drive.
As shown in the final site plan, modifying the front stepback requirement is consistent with the
recommended land use of the property within the Comprehensive plan. The design creates a
pedestrian and amenity -oriented design and helps centrally locate the amenity areas to the proposed
residential buildings. In addition, the reduction of the stepback allows for the density within the R-15
zoning to be achieved and the overall density of the development is consistent with the goals of the
comprehensive plan for the property, including the provided affordable for -sale housing.
Thank you again for the consideration of this special exception requests, and please contact me if you
have any questions or require any further information.
Scott Collins