HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202200043 Assessment - Environmental 2023-03-17Rivanna Solar Site Hydrologic & Hydraulic Assessment Completed for: Adapture Renewables, Inc. Completed By: oa SIERRA OVERHEAD ANALYTICS Sierra Overhead Analytics, Inc. PO Box 1716, Twain Harte, CA 95393 Phone: +1.415.413.7558 DARIN RAY GALLON Lic. No. 402058736 Darin Galloway, PE Principal Engineer dgalloway@sierraoverhead.com (775) 848-5540 Revision: 1 Date: 03/10/2023 Sierra Overhead Analytics, Inc. PO Box 1716, Twain Harte, CA 95393 Phone: +1.415.413.7558 Introduction AUJANkLI soa On behalf of Adapture Renewables, Inc., Sierra Overhead Analytics, Inc. (SOA) has prepared this hydrology and hydraulic report (report) for the Rivanna Solar Site, located in Albemarle County, near Charlottesville, Virginia. The approximate center point of the project is located at: 37.967' N, -78.401' W. This report summarizes the results of the hydrology study which was performed to assess peak flows and flood risk across the project site. All runoff flows towards the edges of the site, with no flow entering from outside the study area. For this reason a contributing watershed model was not necessary. A two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic model developed in HEC-RAS was used to assess on -site depth, velocity, and scour during a 100-year, 25-year, 10-year, 2-year, and 1-year recurrence interval storm event. 1 Site Data 1.1 Existing Topography and Drainage SOA utilized USGS 2017 LiDAR data for the region. The site is hilly, sloping at about 0.1 ft/ft toward the channels in the center of the site, which flow toward the south. The model domain encompasses the contributing drainage to the site. The channels that drain the site are tributaries to Buck Island Creek, which flows from west to east about 0.5 mile south of the site. A FEMA Zone A (100-year floodplain) area borders the southern side of the site. The remaining site area falls in FEMA Zone X — outside of the 100-year floodplain. Flood zones are shown in Appendix A, Figure 1. 1.2 Site Soils and Land Use Soils data was downloaded from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Gridded SSURGO database. Soils in the model domain are mostly silt loam. The soils are generally poorly draining and classified as hydrologic soil group D with some small areas of B. Hydrologic soil types are shown in Appendix A, Figure 2. The USGS National Land Cover Database (NLCD) was used to determine land use for the model domains. The site is mostly classified as Shrub/Scrub, Grassland/Herbaceous, and Deciduous For- est. 1.3 Proposed Changes to Land Use and Topography The area of the site that will be disturbed is shown on Appendix A, Figure 3. This area is outside of the wetland buffer. This area will be cleared and maintained as a grassed meadow with some road areas. Twenty-three detention basins with diversions will be added to capture and detain runoff from the disturbed areas. 1.4 Precipitation The Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, Chapter 12, Appendix 11-B - 24-Hour Rainfall Depth Data for Virginia was used to determine precipitation depths for the 10-year, 25-year, and 100- year 24-hour storm event for Albermarle County (Zone 2). The precipitation depths are 9.0 inches for the 100-year storm, 6.7 inches for the 25-year storm, 5.5 inches for the 10-year storm, 3.6 for the 2-year storm, and 3 inches for the 1-year storm. These values are slightly higher than the NOAA Atlas Rivanna H&H 1 Saturday lltb March, 2023 00:33 Sierra Overhead Analytics, Inc. PO Box 1716, Twain Harte, CA 95393 Phone: +1.415.413.7558 AUJANkLI soa 14 publicly available rainfall data for the site location. These precipitation amounts were temporally distributed through use of the Type -II, 24-hour storm. 2 Model Setup 2.1 2D Hydraulic Modeling HEC-RAS was used to develop a 2D hydraulic model for the 100-year, 25-year, 10-year, 2-year, and 1-year 24-hour storm events to model maximum depths and velocities across the site for the pre - construction and post -construction scenarios. Grid cells of approximately 10 feet by 10 feet were used for the main stream channel areas and grid cells of 20 feet by 20 feet were used for the remainder of the model area. Topography was interpolated to the grid cells based on the elevation described above. A proposed grading surface was used for topography in the post -construction scenario. The post -construction topography included proposed detention basins, diversions, and culverts. A land use layer and soil layer were developed using the data described above, and combined to form an infiltration layer. For the post -construction scenario, the disturbed areas were added as a shapefile and incorporated into the land use data. Each land use was associated with a Manning's n value as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Land Cover Types and Associated Manning's n Values Land Cover Manning's n Deciduous Forest 0.1 Evergreen Forest 0.15 Pasture/Hay 0.045 Mixed Forest 0.12 Developed, Low Intensity 0.08 Developed, Open Space 0.035 Shrub/Scrub 0.05 Developed, Medium Intensity 0.12 Grassland/Herbaceous 0.04 Developed, High Intensity 0.15 Woody Wetlands 0.07 Open Water 0.035 Disturbed area 0.035 Hydrologic soil group data was combined with land use data to assign a CN to each land use/hydrologic soil group combination, as shown in Table 2. These values are based on the requirements outlined in the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook. These CN values were used in the infiltration layer of the 2D model. The average CN for the model domain was 75.45 for the existing conditions scenario and 76.48 for the post -construction scenario. In the post -construction scenario, the disturbed areas were also assigned the imperviousness values listed in Table 3. All other areas were assigned an imperviousness of 0%. All cells were assigned an initial abstraction value of 0.2. The precipitation events were simulated as spatially constant across the 2D model domain using an internal precipitation boundary condition. Infiltration was modeled using the SCS Curve Number method. An external boundary conditions of normal depth where friction slope = 0.01 was added to Rivanna H&H 2 Saturday lltb March, 2023 00:33 Sierra Overhead Analytics, Inc. PO Box 1716, Twain Harte, CA 95393 Phone: +1.415.413.7558 Table 2: Curve Numbers AUJANk, soa Land Use Curve Number Soil Type A Soil Type B Soil Type C Soil Type D Soil Type B/D Open Water 100 100 100 100 100 Developed, Open Space 49 69 79 84 76.5 Developed, Low Intensity 77 86 91 94 90 Developed, Medium Intensity 89 92 94 95 93.5 Developed, High Intensity 98 98 98 98 98 Deciduous Forest 30 55 70 77 66 Evergreen Forest 30 55 70 77 66 Mixed Forest 30 55 70 77 66 Shrub/Scrub 30 55 70 77 66 Grassland/Herbaceous 30 55 70 77 66 Pasture/Hay 49 69 79 84 76.5 Woody Wetlands 88 89 90 91 90 Disturbed Area 39 61 74 80 70.5 Table 3: Impervious Percents for Disturbed Areas Area Percent Impervious 1 1.3 2 6.2 3 4.93 4 2.58 5 1.07 C1 100 C2 100 C3 100 El 100 E2 100 the boundaries edge of the model domain. Two-dimensional unsteady flow routing was performed in HEC-RAS using the Diffusion Wave Equar tions, as described in the HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual. Model stability was maintained through variable timestepping dictated by maximal and minimal Courant numbers where the Courant number (C) _ C, V - AT AX (1) V is the flood wave velocity, AT is the computational time step, AX is the average computational grid cell size. The maximum Courant number was set to 0.95 and the minimum was set to 0.25. The small cell size of the computational grid dictated a small timestep, on average around 1 second. Rivanna H&H 3 Saturday lltb March, 2023 00:33 Sierra Overhead Analytics, Inc. PO Box 1716, Twain Harte, CA 95393 Phone: +1.415.413.7558 3 Results 3.1 2D Hydraulic Model Results 3.1.1 Pre -Construction Existing Conditions AUSINkLI soa Of the total 100-year 24-hour storm precipitation depth of 9 inches, on average 2.98 inches was infil- trated and 6.02 inches was runoff. Modeled infiltration depths across the model domain ranged from 0.24 to 5.51 inches. HEGRAS output for the 100-year pre -construction maximum depth, velocity, and scour is shown on Appendix A Figures 4 through 6. Of the total 25-year 24-hour storm precipitation depth of 6.7 inches, on average 2.74 inches was infiltrated and 3.96 was runoff. Modeled infiltration depths across the model domain ranged from 0.24 to 4.76 inches. HEGRAS output for the 25-year pre -construction maximum depth, velocity, and scour is shown on Appendix A Figures 10 through 12. Of the total 10-year 24-hour storm precipitation depth of 5.5 inches, on average 2.55 inches was infiltrated and 2.95 was runoff. Modeled infiltration depths across the model domain ranged from 0.24 to 4.26 inches. HEGRAS output for the 10-year pre -construction maximum depth, velocity, and scour is shown on Appendix A Figures 16 through 18. Of the total 2-year 24-hour storm precipitation depth of 3.6 inches, on average 2.11 inches was infiltrated and 1.49 was runoff. Modeled infiltration depths across the model domain ranged from 0.23 to 3.16 inches. HEGRAS output for the 2-year pre -construction maximum depth, velocity, and scour is shown on Appendix A Figures 23 through 24. Of the total 1-year 24-hour storm precipitation depth of 3.0 inches, on average 1.91 inches was infiltrated and 1.09 was runoff. Modeled infiltration depths across the model domain ranged from 0.23 to 2.73 inches. HEGRAS output for the 1-year pre -construction maximum depth, velocity, and scour is shown on Appendix A Figures 28 through 30. Scour depth was calculated using the methods of Chapter 7 of the HEC 18 Scour Manual. Kl, K2, and K3 were calculated to be 1.1, 1.3, and 1.1 respectively, and a box pile of dimensions a=1/3' and L=1/2' were used. For simplicity, the angle of attack was assumed to be zero for all piles. The proper excerpt pages are included in Appendix B. During all three storm events, flow was limited to the channels on -site. During the 100-year storm event, flow depth reached approximately 6 feet in the deepest parts of the on -site channels. Water depth is generally between 2 and 5 feet in the channels, 0.5 to 2 feet in the flooded areas along the channels, and less than 0.5 feet in other areas of the site. Site flow velocities follow a similar pattern to flow depth onsite. Flow within the channels sees velocities as high as 11 feet per second, and are generally between 3 and 7 feet per second. Overland flow is generally between 0 and 3 feet per second. Scour depth is between 1.0 and 2.25 feet within the channels and less than 1.5 feet in other areas. During the 25-year storm event, flow depth reached approximately 5 feet in the deepest parts of the on -site channels. Water depth is generally between 1 and 4 feet in the channels, 0.5 to 2 feet in the flooded areas along the channels, and less than 0.5 feet in other areas of the site. Flow within the channels sees velocities as high as 9 feet per second, and are generally between 2 and 5 feet per second. Overland flow is generally between 0 and 3 feet per second. Scour depth is between 1.0 and 2.0 feet within the channels and less than 1.0 feet in other areas. During the 10-year storm event, flow depth reached approximately 4.9 feet in the deepest parts of the on -site channels. Water depth is generally between 1 and 4 feet in the channels, 0.5 to 1.5 feet in the flooded areas along the channels, and less than 0.5 feet in other areas of the site. Flow within the channels sees velocities as high as 8 feet per second, and are generally between 2 and 5 feet per second. Rivanna H&H 4 Saturday lltb March, 2023 00:33 Sierra Overhead Analytics, Inc. PO Box 1716, Twain Harte, CA 95393 Phone: +1.415.413.7558 AUJANkLI soa Overland flow is generally between 0 and 3 feet per second. Scour depth is between 0.75 and 2.0 feet within the channels and less than 1.0 feet in other areas. During the 2-year storm event, flow depth reached approximately 4 feet in the deepest parts of the on -site channels. Water depth is generally between 0.5 and 3 feet in the channels, and less than 0.5 feet in other areas of the site. Flow within the channels sees velocities as high as 6 feet per second, and are generally between 2 and 4 feet per second. Overland flow is generally between 0 and 3 feet per second. Scour depth is between 0.5 and 2.0 feet within the channels and less than 1.0 feet in other areas. During the 1-year storm event, flow depth reached approximately 4 feet in the deepest parts of the on -site channels. Water depth is generally between 0.5 and 3 feet in the channels, and less than 0.5 feet in other areas of the site. Flow within the channels sees velocities as high as 6 feet per second, and are generally between 1 and 4 feet per second. Overland flow is generally between 0 and 2 feet per second. Scour depth is between 0.5 and 1.5 feet within the channels and less than 1.0 feet in other areas. 3.1.2 Post -Construction HEC-RAS output for post -construction maximum depth, velocity, and scour is shown on Appendix A Figures 7 through 9 for the 100-year storm, Figures 13 through 15 for the 25-year storm, Figures 19 through 21 for the 10-year storm, Figures 25 through 27 for the 2-year storm, and Figures 31 through 33 for the 1-year storm. Post -construction conditions caused some change in flow patterns in the areas of the detention basins and diversions. Post -construction conditions caused minimal changes to site flow depth, velocity and scour in the remaining areas of the site. Overall peak runoff flow from the site decreased in the post -construction simulation due to diversion and detention in basins. Appendix A, Figure 34 shows locations of flow profile lines where runoff flow profiles were calculated in HEC-RAS along the downstream boundaries of the disturbed areas of the site. Because the detention basins and their associated diversions changed the outlet location of post -construction runoff flows as compared to the existing condition, peak runoff flows were compared at downstream locations where flow from multiple areas of the site converge. The post -construction peak excess runoff for each profile is shown in Table 4. Tables 5 and 6 show the peak flow rate at each profile under existing conditions and post -construction, the difference in peak flow volume post -construction compared to the existing condition, and the total volume of runoff at each profile under existing conditions for the 10-year and 100-year flow events. 4 Assumptions 1. The elevation data has been deemed appropriate for use in pre -construction 2D hydraulic mod- eling (HEC-RAS) 2. To the greatest extent practical this model represents pending and flow conditions for excess rain- fall occurring on the model surface. This model is an approximation of real -life flow conditions but is limited in its accuracy by the type and accuracy of its inputs. If future calibration data is gathered, the model can be rerun using the calibration data as inputs to check the viability and accuracy of the model. Rivanna H&H 5 Saturday lltb March, 2023 00:33 Sierra Overhead Analytics, Inc. PO Box 1716, Twain Harte, CA 95393 Phone: +1.415.413.7558 A%AhkLI soa Table 4: 10-Year, 24-Hour Flow Event Peak Runoff Flow Rates, Post -Construction Excess Peak Runoff Volume, and Total Volume of Runoff Profile Line Peak Flow Existing (CFS) Peak Flow Post -Construction (CFS) Peak Volume Difference (Cubic Ft) Total Volume Existing (Cubic Ft) 1 85 79 -803 191,158 2 590 562 -4764 1,873,670 3 95 94 -56 345,471 4 223 228 689 722,965 5 167 147 -5252 441,098 6 100 106 927 289,816 7 69 64 -1075 171,433 Table 5: 100-Year, 24-Hour Flow Event Peak Runoff Flow Rates, Post -Construction Excess Peak Runoff Volume, and Total Volume of Runoff Profile Line Peak Flow Existing (CFS) Peak Flow Post -Construction (CFS) Peak Volume Difference (Cubic Ft) Total Volume Existing (Cubic Ft) 1 173 171 -97 398,830 2 1386 1344 -5551 3,830,742 3 262 271 1684 787,626 4 544 518 -4716 1,447,350 5 351 349 -162 890,934 6 242 253 2122 630,599 7 150 154 358 354,397 Rivanna H&H 6 Saturday lltb March, 2023 00:33 Sierra Overhead Analytics, Inc. PO Box 1716, Twain Harte, CA 95393 Phone: +1.415.413.7558 APPENDIX A - Figures AUJANk, soa Rivanna H&H 7 Saturday 111h March, 2023 00:33 A B C D E G H t r. fit• _z... ., .� �. .. C fF �.Y R. V al a, it it r 1 � �t♦. I, i I� �. f \ Y . r 4 t .. �.' 4 :o } soa 3 , ' T ♦ SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYT/CR ` PO O.1TeadArely4¢,Irc. (n 01SJ13]550 1 /.; {• Txaln Hale, CN 9.S359 Inb®aAVreo MRd.♦un PROJECTNPIAE Rivanna N . PROJECTAOptE$$_ Z 37.967 N, 78.407 ° W 2 _ a sEaL: Ledene 202 2027-07-09 • ' N P.ELTY_ f Site Boundary AA UR ' - w E Troy Jill Troy Flood Zones BHEB"EBB"' A(100-Year Flood) a — S Owen Ransom �ENUMB FEMAFlood HezaMZones 0 140 280 Feet REV M'. ' • � • �{ F9E'MBER: ' e Cmdin SymNLli 2011$Y lane NRgNa$e FIPSIMMU$ BwAARp SOAV,ESRI leafO Ihpand PLSS$uImaflM SEZ Sware: Nydne Nallo�al laLa2bry A B F G H I J A B C E G H R d, 4 y i 9 I? 1 • •• rl� .� .�. .. 4 4 i.a r � 1 soa 3 SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYT[CR L¢OenIm M1 15J1.RIER EB. Pvi 1116 T)2.1121. Train Hale, CA 9.S309 inb®ae�reounSRd.run Site Boundary PRO E NP E Hydrologic Soil Groups [ Rivanna , PROJECTAOptE$$_ A 2 37.967 N. 78.407 ° W C sFAL: Bnre 2 2027-07-09 N PROJECT Y_ B/D BR wN B D - w e Jill Trovchock cRECNEB Br. Owen Ransom S $FEET None B H rolo is Soil Grou s 0 140 280 Feet $REETNBNBER Figure 2 1 :<OIUllaie$yRart NLDIRE02011 SVRPIaneWma$¢ab FIP$IEO2RUS B¢enePSmBA E$RI leaf OvnasEipaMPLSSSVxRxIIB $ S— Arydne NalimallUAEmbry A E F G H I J a TT JJ J ' S• i • I �i [' ry f ,r. i y i'. f f l 'n ''i� _ •« i .-- + Ji1G AS .. _- J •. ` R f u fY rS ! A` a w Ir Ilk et bib A MAMIN • ,+I • l doll 1"A ' 6 �; , .. • ' �� J � y ,' .,, aim,. ,t .�'j.Mh T( cl ,, 4 �/� I tr I •! L�• . E1 i or 2 3 C2 A. Y';A. 1 _F . f... soa / SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYTICS t 5m.a O.eTea2ArelyL¢,Irc. (n01SJ13]55S PO Tmin1 171fi pT)2M 1S2798 •., ` xaln Hale, CA 9S359 InbWelmeaeRie9R— . / • x.'.• . A. 1_ PROJECr NA,AE n �� 1 PROJECTAUptE$$_ t 2 - _,. .t,o-_.•`� * _ 37.967 N, 78.407°W 2 ► � � - �'Y• s� 2023-03-70 t h N PrtOJELT Y_ L,,n 1 ' a '., 1 _ _ 16 DRAWN BY: [ w e Jill Troychock Site Boundary • �+„ i _ cOwen Ransom t e S Disturbed Areas ti. s E TN NE .r ��• � y• Disturbed Areas 0 140 280 Feel Figure 3 BER R � dSdW I Cn din Sy mNL li 2011$Y lane NRgNa$e FIPSIMMUS B¢emap5wrte'.ESRI lea!U RMipaWPLSS$nuiRaBlM SEZ Sware: Nydne Nallo�al laLa2bry A C D E F G H I J A B % a t its r� E ♦ I It-0� �M e � Y 1. ^ • 4 1v Leoentl ? � J t' Site Boundary Depth (Feet) 0 - 0.5 t� 0.5 - 1 a: 1-1.5 1.5-2� 2-3 3-4 , �4-5 >5 A `a`lA/ t i 7 t' 9 ti J `p 4 �q W soa `r SIERRA OVERHEAD ANRLYTICR J 5a2O N�ea]PmIyL¢, Im o""B"1 S-- RD BIO 1716 (F)2.1S27. Twain Hale, CA 9SV3 InfD&.—P-ID_D1 vn PBGIECT NAME Rivanna PROJECTADDRES$' 37.967 N, 78.401' W 2 •, . ,`1 HEAL: DATe 2022-09-07 . • N PROJECT.: i� DRAWN BYam : ,�w�y Tia W E Jill Troyohook CHECKED BY Owen Ransom SHEET NAME 100-Year 24 Hoar Flow EVenl Depth Existing Conditions 0 140 280 Feel SHEET NUMBER_ REV.'. Figure 4 1 CaOrci R$yOwn'HAD IM2011 Sa Wlane Ngna SuN FIRS ISO2 Ft US B—p S—Hem I WCv Hp aW PLSS RAS— BIM S Sucre: ARYene Nah—I laLa2bry F G H I J w F , .� _ _ �� � N RYA , C y 'IIiNS � � '},.:; a } �r'�• � }�' s Nei Boundary eet per second) ` r j c /g w 11• F` k �%;' ;�' Ste, f.••,+,,,,���..._ /(1� •. I ,O~ d � ANA Site Boundary r a cour t ;L 1 1 " .. �.. ...a.1 > 2 Existing Conditions SHEET NUMBER r ; o 19 • p +v e c i �t1 i M ,^���I w•,� V x1., .r c+•�"'�ry �` '` �. W rho 1,,`♦ .R y Site Boundary ith (Feet) 00 2-3 3-4 4-5 I .* 1: Mp 0 i4 1 1. Pv, x. 41. — , Y t 0 140 280 Feel IT 4 of � � •�. � i �', � �. jT"y�C' r`I � 1 riL Site BoundaryVelocity (Feet per second) 1 1 1 •- _ - - - . r 2-3 It 3-4 4-5 5-6 i +•` v �+ 1 0 coon o "� y, ' / • \ ' •`\ yF� F/ . S r� " `' / fit • � IJ 1�.. rip, � I +'kip - .fir: y�, �,"!i�" � �.� � • . 10 ANA 40 ite Boundary Scour (Feet) PFKIJECTADIXtESS 0 COW 90 � � 1 v * •�• h / 1.4 Ir v*wr rE� iiT r av 'r r S re 6 ME ,. 777 a +n ! n 41 M Legen Site Boundary Depth (Feet) 3 0-0.5 0.5 - 1 1-1.5 1.5-2 2 2-3 3-4 4-5 >5 1 1 18 I6 14 soa SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYTICR 5m•a O�eTea2Arely4¢, Arc. M41S4137550 EO. Pvi 1716 T)2.1127. Txaln E., CA KEE3 Inb&-IaoAIDmRnun PROJECT NP E, Rivanna PROJECTACURE$$_ 37.967 N, 78.401' W 2 SEA -ATE 2022-09-07 N PNOJELTY_ z BRAwN ev'. w E Jill Troychock CHECKED BY Owen Ransom A B C D E F s StMET NAME : 26-Near 24-Hour Flow Event Dept Existing Conditions 0 140 280 Feet SHEET NUMBER'. REV Y. Fig me 10 CnoNnab Sy Rn'NLD Isal2011 SYaRSIane NRgda SauM HIPS 45B2 R US B¢emap Swrte'. ESRI I A!0—VRp aM PLSS SuIma BIM S S—Ny eNat—I lax—bW G H I J F G H I F i F it _ 1 4 Ilk el H i f 4 soa SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYTICR 5m,a O�eTeadArelyti¢, Arc. M41S4137550 PO. Pvi 1716 T)2094n S279s Txaln Hale, CA 9.S309 Ink,&-raawtead— PRO.IEMNAME Rivanna �� PROJECTAOptE$$_ 37.967 N, 78.401" W 2 AL: 2022-09-07 202 N PROJECT.: w E ..N BY'. Jill TroychI CHECNEO BY: Owen Ransom S srvET NAME26-Year 24-Hour Flow Event Velocity Existino conditions 0 .l p 4U 2V11 Feet NIIMHER R Y. Figure 17 1 cxV... S,,M— NAR 1.2.11 Slat I -A WUk,SoNM1 rIPS.02. us B.ARAP swrte'. E$RI laM 0—RVRo aM PLIES exIme BIM s scare: Ny e Nat —I "ImimbW F G H I J A G AS 1L ,1 6 t h `wtt It l 5 l A r, 4 3 Site Boundary Scour (Feet) - 0-0.5 - 0.5 - 0.75 2 0.75 - 1 •1Y' 1 1-1.5 —A 1.5-2 '2 1 r B G D E F G H I J R .r � � 6 � I t a S u' 4 y soa SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYTrCR • ElDBO"1Tea�Arely46Irc. (na1S41127. PB. Pvi 1]1fi M41D3152]98 Txaln Hale. cN RIESs bb&—a bead n PRO.IECT NPIAE jRivanna PROJECTAOptE$$_ 37.967 N, 78.401' W 2 a 202 2022-09-07 / N � PROJECT Y_ BR wNB'. w e Jill Troychock A cHEcxEB Br. Owen Ransom sto=Er NAME: 25-Near 24-Hour Flow Event Scour .l Existing Conditions 0 140 280 Feet $HEET NUMBER'. REV Y. Figure 12 1 i Cmbna@Sy MBAR i9SS 2011 SURFIlane Wgma SaNM1 RIPS 4AQV R Us Bmemp$wrte: E$RI l AfU Nhp aM PLSS StIme BIM $ SO sm Nydn, 114-1 UVEmbry D E F G H I J F F � we 4 4A. r " R 1 mm E 51 i 8 1 16 15 14 soa SIERRA OVERHEAD ANRLYTICR J —^�) 5a2O Nrea]N¢IyL¢,Irc. (r)015013]559 Twain Xale, CA 9S393 Infp®semaueT.E.Cvn y PRGIECT NAME Rivanna PROJECTADDRES$' 37.967 N, 78.401' W 2 SEAL: Dn e 2023-03-10 N PROJECrr: DRnwN B w E JIII Troychock cXECNED— Owen Ransom V sXEET NVAe 26-Year 24-Hour Flow Event Dept Y Post -Construction 0 140 280 Feel SHEET NUMBER: REV �'� Figure 13 COmliaR$yOm HAD IM2011 SaWlane Ngna 9uN FIPa IBQ2 F1 US BazerraP Sm,-ESRl I W Ovaw9np aW PL$9 awrtC BIM 9E2 S— Arpxne NMlmal laLa2bry D E F G H I J r it r + .� �. s: _ _ . I \ _ ,,pP+(� .ly,. _A,, ,`err �y�PI� it I f*101i r r e V Site Boundary Velocity (Feet per second) SIERRA OVERHEAD ANALYTICS r� ' lam / / • `, • j 1 1 k i A,�� r -♦ � L�l , 1 -' = - - t` _ PROJECTAND•. �: • l 5-6 ' ej/ vd• •rss i.ds� r.v �^ + ~, Vf 50 A. Site Boundary Scour (Feet) r) Ell 0-0.5 1 4 N Ij I,4 t s, s s .75 2-2.9 0 cow Post -Construction )• p+ C D E F 1 M4. ♦ .cam. -' mot' 8 j _,t I M e g --- 8 t 77 [[[ c +I Ilk ;d1 ii. 1 1. 1. ,r. e `p r 4 4 4 1� Leoentl . Site Boundary + Depth (Feet) ,'• r SOa 0 - O 55 SIERRA OVERHEAD ANALYTICS RD BO N1ea]PmIyL¢,Irc. (1)01501,27. 0.5 - 1 Twain Hale, CA 9S3E3 Infp®aemauteT.E Cvn PRGIECTNAME 1-1.5 v i Rlvanna 1.5 - 2 PRUIECTADDREss: 37.967 N, 78.407 ° W 2 2-3 sFaL: 202 2022-09-07 1 N vlzaEcrr 3-4: s BY CD w E Jill Troychock 4-5 CHECKHECK ED BY Owen Ransom SHEET NAME 10-Year 24-Hour Flow Event Depth >5 Existing Conditions 0 140 280 Feel SHEET NUMBER : REvr Flgore 16 CaOrci R$,0m BAD IM2011 SaCPIane Ngna auN FIRS IBO2 F1 US B—p S—ESRI I WCv Hp aM PLa$RAS—BIM S Sucre: ArPne Nah—I UflNmR, A B C D E F G H I J A C 1 f - ) 6 5 3 f r S 4 3 Site Boundary Scour (Feet) - 0-0.5 - 0.5 - 0.75 2 0.75 - 1 1-1.5 1.5-2 '2 1 6 C D E F G H I J .,, •:a 1 1 r Z soa SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYTrCR smra O�emea�Arelyti¢, IM M41D,H17555 PB. Pvi 1716 T)2.1127. Txaln Hale, CA RIRE3 Inb&._0•AIDMR un T PROJECr N.1 Rlvanna PROJECTAOORM 37.967 N, 78.401' W 2 a 2022-09-07 202 N P.ELTY_ w E URAwN BY'. Jill Troychock CHECNEO BY'. Owen Ransom y Br�ET Nnme 10-Near 24-Hour Flow Event Scour 0 - Existing Conditions -^ 0 140 280 Feet ER. mE e t FH>= 18 9 Cn din SymNLD19BS2011SY lane NRgda Sa FIPS4MMUs B—ARPS—ESRI leafURVRpaMPLSSanuiRmBI SEZBware:.y eNallmaltzlx—bry D E F G H I J rN ,r T P, o cow . 4 FA I 4 • p a ` • ��r� ", ji l , ear •,�� - �. � �� 0 • r • �� � - � � 1. � / � N 'O 1.75 11.<, 1� VM a coon • A J 1 7,(,; *rty' �`•�yp'�t {,,ryry'� I �- jl :;t'7 �LI� h,r.ev "r` R ilk All - OFIx - -',p ie -Poo I f i x ' 1 r� f ) 5 k • "1 a 4 ar Leuene t r Site Boundary �� " • soaDepth (Feet) - a 3 O _ O.C, ` e SIERRA OVERHEAD LN1LYTrCP _ Y 5m,a O�eTeaaArelyL¢, Im M41.SA1$]55$ ED - )2M121S2]98 0.5 - 1 5 ) tr TAwnH HaVle., (F CN 9S3P9 mm�M,)2 m1a.7n x PROJECTNPME, 1-1.5 a Rivanna 1.5 - L PROJECTAUp$$ _ 1 z r `• r Z N. 78.401°W 2 S 3 �t z i • 2022-12-16 '� - "f ` • N PROJECT%3-4 'r' �.�- • "Aw BRAWN BY. offr w e Jill Troychock 4-5�. • ` �' CHECxEB BY ' I r - s Owen Ransom srmET NAME2-Year 24-Hour Flow Event Depth > 5 r _. ExistingConditions 0 140 280 Feet $NEETNUMBER. RED 1 •.":r fR t {•�, Figure22 1 CmbVVRSym NLDi9E12011 Sba IneWma5xAh FIP$ISC2RU$ BmMAAPSmBA E$RI lR10 RNRpaV1PLSS$oum'BIM $ Scnrm Ny eNallmal"ImmabW A B E F G H I J ME Al � L uene Site Boundary Velocity (Feet per second) 3 0-0.5 0.5 - 1 1 2 2-3 2 3-4 4-5 5-6 >6 67=" A E t • P t F R 1 � a .L 1 4 k - soa SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYTICR ' f smra O�emea�Arelyti¢, IM M41D,H175M EO. Pvi 1716 T)2.1127. ') tr TAwn Hale, CA K EE3 Inb05bla0AIDay.iull •.M PROJECT NP E, Rivanna PROJECTACURE$$_ 37.967 N, 78.401' W 2 SEAL: onrE 2022-12-16 N PRO J"IT %. M' E ORAwN BY'. Jill Troychock CHECKED BY: Owen Ransom s SHEET NAME 2-Year 24-Hour Flow Event Velocity Existing Conditions 0 140 280 Feet SHEET NUMBER: REV Y. Figum 23 1 cnobnale Sy Rn: NLD IRE32011 SYaRSlane wgaa SaNM1 HIPS 4AMM US Bmemp S—ESRI IaM O—VRp aM PLSS Scum' BIM S S—Ny eNallaal CREmbry G H I J A c 1 1R lJ )A.,l� r r r d ,1 6 5 a a r J r 4 { 3 !� Site Boundary Scour (Feet) - 0-0.5 I - 0.5 - 0.75 2 0.75 - 1 1-1.5 1.5-2 '2 a C D E F H R _. r.. .° I,1 1 ,i i 3 0 t tri`�� �I e 4 soa SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYTICR smra O�emea�Arelyti¢, IM M41D,H$7555 EO. BIX 1716 T)2.1127. TAwn Hale, CA RRE3 bb&—o VBmR n PRO.IECT NAME k. Rivanna PROJECTAOptE$$_ 37.967 N, 78.407 ° W 2 sEaL: onre 2022-12-06 N PROJECT%. w e oRnwN er. Jill Troychock CHECKED BY Owen Ransom 2-Near 24-Hour Flow El,en[Soour ` Existing Conditions �. 0 140 280Feet SHEET NUMBERR l Figure 24 Ccobna@Sy Nn'BAR 1.2.11 SIRRSlane wgaa SaNM1 FlP$15O2 Ft Us BaeARP SNIBA E$RI IaM 0—NRp aM PLSS Scum' BIM $ S—A: e114—1 CREmbry D E F G H I J A y J Jr_ �M �Ar,]�Y1 rir Ix .r' R � 1 ► t s ., t II 11 o f (1ir Ar0 yr J >. I 6� "A,Sim& 01111111 r 41 ■ r LO... Site Boundary Depth (Feet) 3 0-0.5 0.5 - 1 1-1.5 1.5-2 2 2-3 3-4 4-5 >5 1 A B 1 wW.. t k soa - SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYTICR ' Y smra O.emea�Arelyti¢, Im M4154 55S PO. Pvi 1716 (F)2M121S27. Txaln Hale, CA 9.S389 Inb®sareoMmR— • ,x PROJEcr NP P Rivanna PROJECTAOURM 37.967 N, 78.401' W a i M 203-03-10 N P.ELTY_ ..N BY'. w E Jill Troychock �p ate. CHECHEO BY'. Owen Ransom DM NAME 2-Year 24-Hour Flow Event Depth y r Post-Consuuctlon 0 140 280 Feet SHE NUMBER RE Figure 25 1 CcoNlna@sy5lan'NLD 1. 2.11 SIR6Ine wgaa SauM rIPs.02. Us B.A—P Bwrte'. EBRI lAf 0—RVRp aM PLSS SOxce BIM S S—Ny a Nationall&1EmbW E F G H I J 18 I6 14 12 C - • Jill, � t:At 1, , Y 6 � 1 1. i r Fri. ra�A f 1. d Y 00 a ry LRRenC Site Boundary Velocity (Feet per second) 3 0-0.5 0.5 - 1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 >6 B C D E F G H I J '4 .,, i r. 6 5 y `I 4 soa SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYTICR 3 5m,a O�eTeaYArely4¢, IM M01SJ13]55S PO. Pvi 1716 (F)2M121S27. Txaln Hale. cN 9s383 mb®a—oAISmR— PRO.IECT NPIAE RIVenno PROJECT.Um S$_ 37.96 r N, 78.401' W 2 a BATE 2023-03-70 _ N P.ELTY_ URAWN BY'. Re' E Jill TroychHED.1nCk cHECNEB er: Owen Ransom a' S aHEET NAME + 2-Veer 24-Hour Flow Even[ Velocity Post-ConsWctlon ^9.lCE] Q 140 280 Feet SHEET NUMBER'. REV Y'. Figum 26 CmNnaleS tRn'HAD Isal2O11 SYaRSlane wgaa SaNM1 RIPS I5O2 M Us B¢emap Bwrte'. EBRI l Af0—RVRp aM PLSS SuIma BIM S S—Ny a Nallmal"lEmlory D E F G H I J D E F G H I J a, it 7 i 6 1. II 4 soa OIERRI OVRRHEAD LNALYTICR O:eTeaBA fly ,Im M41S413]SM PO. Pvi 1]1fi (F)2M121S279 Txaln Hale, CN 9S3R9 Inb®5e�reouyfiRd7 - PROJECT NPME w� Rivanna PROJECTAOptM 37.967 N, 78.401' W 2 a BRIE 2023-03-70 N PNOJELT Y_ w E ..N BY'. Jill Troychock CHECNEOBY. Owen Ransom s sto=Er Nnme 2-Year 24-Hour Flow Event Scour Post-ConsWctlon 0 140 280 Feet SHEEPNUMBER: Figure 27 F. C din S tm xLD 19832011 SY Iane WgmaSoN FIPS 4S02R us Bmemao swrte'. ESRI I WO• Mip aM PLSS S-e BIM s S—A: eNalmal"a mbW D E F G H I J ME Site Boundary Depth (Feet) ' >> 2-3 3-4 4-5 3= �'•. r ■ 18 I6 14 soa -\ SIERRA CV PPNEIrP LN1LYTrCP smra O.emea�Arelyti¢, IM M4154 5M PO. Pvi 1716 (F)2M121S27so i Txab Hale, CA KES3 Inb®5_OAIIfiMR_ PROJECT NPME Rivanna PROJECTADDRIDIS 37.967 N, 78.401' W 2 SEAL: DnrE 2022-12-16 N P.ECT%. DRAWN BY'. w E Jill Troychock CHECKED BY s Owen Ransom arEET NGNE1-Year 24-Hour Flow Even[ Depth Existing Conditions 0 140 280 Feet SHEETNBNBER'. REui Figure 28 CmNhab Sy Rn NLD i9®2011 SYaRPIane Weida soNh HIPS 4AM R ua Bmemp Sw ESRI IaAf O• Mip eb PLSS arm' BIM s scare: N,ARe Nalmal laLa2Mry G H I J A C D 1 1R e I p Al r 6 1 r i 1 „^ a 1 Leuene Site Boundary �,�•r "KGTna, Velocity (Feet per second) 3 0-0.5 0.5 - 1 1-2 2-3 - 4 w. > r• T z 3-4 S *a 4 5 5-6 1 AI / ,�C�•��'ry�,e L', rJ R 'fI' � laya A B a3xa� E F G H A � — F t At r v � 1 � R ' .A 4 k _ - soa SIERRA OVERHEAD LNALYTICR " • e SiAva lrc. _ EDBOxemea•JArely4oT)a1S41K27M PO. Pvi (F)2M121S2]98 ; Hale, CA 9.S3S9 Inb®ae�reounSRd.�un , x •.M PROJECT NP E, Rivanna PROJECTACURE$$_ 37.967 N, 78.401' W 2 SEAL: BnrE 2022-12-16 N PROJECT%. w E ORAWN BY'. Jill TroyohoCk CHECKED BY: Owen Ransom s $FEET NAME1-Year 24-Hour Flow Even[ Velocity Existin Contlnions 0 .l 140 280 Feet SHEET NUMBER'. REV Y. Flgum 29 1 CnomumIAS mNLD IRHI2O11 SURSlane wgaa SaNM1 HIPS 4AM R US BaeVAp SRAVA EBRI IaM CIamr , aM PLSS SuIma BIM S ScArm Ny a Nallaal laLa2bry E F G H I J A C D E F G H J rf g •� 1 lam.- � �� ��f ��r�r ..�c / Per • r rr r � • �:n�R`y,• e 1 `° �F. Iif i] � iR !N f� .� F r � � � f � l ,N i •�jr� , r 4" Il M 1F�� 6 s 6 a.. 5 4 4 4 y PIERRI CV PPNEIrP LN1LYTrCP 3 ��•. 1 Site Boundary sa,ao me a rei e,i mal ns]s s ��'� PO. Pvi 1]1fi (F)2M121S2]98 Scour (Feet) ain Ha CN 96 P9 b®breo MRdu PROJECr NPME - 0-0.5 Rlvanna - 0.5 - 0.75 PNOJECTMptE$$_ 2 37.967 N, 78.401' W 2 0.75 - 1 SE onrE, 2022-12-16 � r N PNOJECT%. - oNnwN Nr. w e Jill Troychock 1.5-2 cHEcxEo er. ..7 - s Gwen Ransom _ Sr�ET N"mE1-Year 24-Hour Flow Scour > 2 existing Conditions ER 1�� 14Q 2$0 FE:BS re Fgu30 NEvx Cmdinw,S mN 19832011 Sba Ine WgmasoWRFIPSI5C2FlUS NaenepS—ESRI leaf O.a, M,MWPLSSSca¢PIM s S—N,—eHalaal"!NambW A a C D E F G H I J 81 . E.A 21■ !NE Al M AWQ at rill a �+? t• ' , ir 4 r a f 1• C 5` Site Boundary Depth (Feet) soa 1 i 1 3 0 - 0.5 BIERRI CV PPNEIrP LNALYTrCP 5m,a O�eTeaaArely4¢,Irc. T)41S413]55B PO. Pvi 1]1fi (F)2M121S2]98 0.5 - 1 aln Ha . cN9 Ps bm®b ren M�d..sin PROJECT NPME 1-1.5 f ' 11 Rlvanna V,. a - PROJECTAOptE$$_ 1.5 - 2 � � -- . , 1 .•z 2 4 37.967 N. 78.407 ° W 2-3 202 2023-03-10 3 4 " PROJE Y_ O.N BY'. \ ,Ru. w e Jill Troychock 4-5 _ Y``*- CH CNEDBY. -) !'� °{ •` < 4 Owen Ransom ., s S \ aib .E' 1-Year 24-Hour Flow Event Depth > 5 �' � -� r�.• �tSL� 4 yap Post-Conswctlon .l 1 � '� •\ �i U 14U GVO FFEet BFfiuREV Y. NUMBER: Figure 31 r r Cmbnam Sy mNL li 2011SY laneWgdaSa FIPS4MMUS B—PSwrte'.ESRI I WO.-MipaWPLSSaw,¢BI S Sware:Ny eNalb,aI"a mbry A B F G H I J 18 I6 14 12 C D E F It ri�r ° •: t I. ir ww'� 21■ AM p v f Al � LeeenJ Site Boundary Velocity (Feet per second) 3 0-0.5 0.5 - 1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 M >6 1 i .r kI: ■ 18 ■ 17 15 ■ 15 ■ 14 soa • ' k , r SIERRA OVERHEAD LNILYTICR 3 Y sera O�emea�Arelyti¢, IM (n41S41s75M _ PO. Pvi 1716 T)20R21S2799 ') Txaln Hale, CA 9.S389 Inb&—oAIDmR— x PROJECT NP P •.M Rivanna PROJECT.UI E$s_ 37.967 N, 78.401' W 2 a 202 2023-03-10 N P.ELTY_ 1° a ..N BY'. Jill Troyehock CHECHEO BY On Ransom Own : s SibET NGME1-Year 24-Hour Flow Event Velocity Post-Consuuctlon 0 140 280 Feet BHEETNUMBER RE I Flgum 32 I 1 CnoNlnabSt— HAD 1. 2.11 sa6Slane wgaa S,,. IIPs.02. Us BaemaP Bwrte'. EBRI l Af0—RVRp aM PLSS Snug' BIM SEZ ScHm Ny eNat—I"lEmlory G H I J _ yy �y7r� to it 5 6Y," 4 t ..-.ri 4 c f - r soa 'J BIERRI OVERHEAD LNALYTrCR Site Boundary smao me as 1ly ,Im M41s41s]SM ^r':'-' ♦ .gym are�cnss3es mm�le�aloem�e279D Scour (Feet) • '!' PROJECr NPME - 0-0.5 "i • l i „ Rivanna • ` PROJECTAORUM 0.5-0.75 + 2 37.967 N, 78.407 ° W 2 0.75 - 1 1111 SE : onre 2023-03A0 'r t N WtOJELTY_ w e Jill Troychock 1.5_ 2 CRECNEO Br. .' Owen Ransom I ' S BibET NGNe 1-Year 24-Hour Flow Event Scour 2 - 2.5 f I cost -Construction Y r • Q 14U Gy0 F it SFE NUMBER'. REV%. 1 - Figure 33 1 thrum Stm HAD IDES 2011 SYa6lane wgma Souh RIPS ARD M US Bmemap Swrte'. ESRI LAW 0—Mip aM PLSS Sou 'BIM S S—Ary eNM-1 la1,a2bry A B E F G H I J a TT JJ J ' S• i • I ,i` [' ry f ,r. i y i'. f f l 'n ''i� _ •« i + Ji1G AS .. , Ir Ilk let bib A MAMIN .JAB'•_ doll . f 7 1"A ' rr r ! 1 s it ci f 5 E1 e ), �.7 • Y 2 3 C2 - _ 1 'I', i. � h� .�i. � !(2 rry . M'. .1•a •! r a 1 1 soa Dill; I 4 ' / SIERRA OVERHEAD LNILYTICR t ED O.1TeadArelyL¢,Irc. T)01541$2790 •.� � Txaln Hale, CN 9.S359 Inb®a—ounSRd..un 4 x.• t . PROJECr NP,AE Rivanna j �• PROJECTAOptE$$_ t 2 .t.•�� * - 37.967 N, 78.401"W 2 L.Sentl t sEaL: onre .f: 2023-03-10 PlmdEcrs_ Flow Profile Lines BRnwN BY t w e Jill TroYchock Site Boundary ► CHECKED BY owen Ransom . ' s Disturbed Areas r �7rQ'I, y• $ �� EFlowPmfileLines � g.. ER R 34 r 0 140 280 Feet A C diSy mNL li 2011$Y lane NRgNa$e FIPSIMMU$ B¢emap5wrte'.ESRI -VH0 VRpand PLSS$num'BlM SEZ Sware: Nydne Nallo�al la.a2bry E F G H I J Sierra Overhead Analytics, Inc. PO Box 1716, Twain Harte, CA 95393 Phone: +1.415.413.7558 APPENDIX B - Supporting Documentation AUJANk, soa Rivanna H&H 42 Saturday 111h March, 2023 00:33 Chapter 2 Estimating Runoff Technical Release 55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Table 2-2a Runoff curve numbers for urban areas _v Cover description Cover type and hydrologic condition Fully developed urban areas (vegetation established) Open space (lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, etc.) 21: Poor condition (grass cover < 50%) ............................ Fair condition (grass cover 50%to 7596) .................... Good condition (grass cover > 75%) ............................ Impervious areas: Paved parldng lots, roofs, driveways, etc. (excluding right-of-way) ............................................... Streets and roads: Paved; curbs and storm sewers (excluding rightof--way).................................................................. Paved; open ditches (including right-of-way) ............ Gravel (including right-of-way) ................................... Dirt (including right-of-way) ........................................ Western desert urban areas: Natural desert landscaping (pervious areas only) J ....... Artificial desert landscaping (impervious weed barrier, desert shrub with 1- to 2-inch sand or gravel mulch and basin borders)........................................................ Urban districts: Commercial and business ................................................... Industrial............................................................................... Residential districts by average lot size: 1/8 acre or less (town houses) ............................................ 1/4 acre.................................................................................. 1/3 acre.................................................................................. 1/2 acre.................................................................................. 1 acre ..................................................................................... 2 acres.................................................................................... Developing urban areas Newly graded areas (pervious areas only, no vegetation) ly Idle lands (CN's are determined using cover types similar to those in table 2-2c). Curve numbers for hydrologic soil group Average percent impervious area V A B C D 68 79 86 89 49 69 79 84 39 61 74 80 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 83 89 92 93 76 85 89 91 72 82 87 89 63 77 85 88 96 96 96 96 85 89 92 94 95 72 81 88 91 93 65 77 85 90 92 38 61 75 83 87 30 57 72 81 86 25 54 70 80 85 20 51 68 79 84 12 46 65 77 82 77 86 91 94 r Average runoff condition, and I, = 0.2S. 2 The average percent impervious area shown was used to develop the composite CN's. Other assumptions are as follows: impervious areas are directly connected to the drainage system, impervious areas have a CN of 98, and pervious areas are considered equivalent to open space in good hydrologic condition CN's for other combinations of conditions may be computed using figure 23 or 2-4. a CN's shown are equivalent to those of pasture. Composite CN's may be computed for other combinations of open space cover type. 4 Composite CN's for natural desert landscaping should be computed using figures 23 or 2-4 based on the impervious area percentage (CN = 98) and the pervious area CN. The pervious area CN's are assumed equivalent to desert shrub in poor hydrologic condition. 5 Composite CN's to use for the design of temporary measures during grading and construction should he computed using figure 23 or 2-4 based on the degree of development (impervious area percentage) and the CN's for the newly graded pervious areas. (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) 2-5 Chapter 2 Estimating Runoff Technical Release 55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Table 2-2b Runoff curve numbers for cultivated agricultural lands _v Cover type Cover description Treatment Hydrologic condition a' A Curve numbers for hydrologic soil group B C D Fallow Bare soil — 77 86 91 94 Crop residue cover (CR) Poor 76 85 90 93 Good 74 83 88 90 Row crops Straight row (SR) Poor 72 81 88 91 Good 67 78 85 89 SR + CR Poor 71 80 87 90 Good 64 75 82 85 Contoured (C) Poor 70 79 84 88 Good 65 75 82 86 C + CR Poor 69 78 83 87 Good 64 74 81 85 Contoured & terraced (C&T) Poor 66 74 80 82 Good 62 71 78 81 C&T+ CR Poor 65 73 79 81 Good 61 70 77 80 Small grain SR Poor 65 76 84 88 Good 63 75 83 87 SR + CR Poor 64 75 83 86 Good 60 72 80 84 C Poor 63 74 82 85 Good 61 73 81 84 C + CR Poor 62 73 81 84 Good 60 72 80 83 C&T Poor 61 72 79 82 Good 59 70 78 81 C&T+ CR Poor 60 71 78 81 Good 58 69 77 80 Close -seeded SR Poor 66 77 85 89 or broadcast Good 58 72 81 85 legumes or C Poor 64 75 83 85 rotation Good 55 69 78 83 meadow C&T Poor 63 73 80 83 Good 51 67 76 80 r Average runoff condition, and Ia US 2 Crop residue cover applies only if residue is on at least 5%of the surface throughout the year. a Hydraulic condition is based on combination factors that affect infiltration and runoff, including (a) density and canopy of vegetative areas, (b) amount of year-round cover, (c) amount of grass or close -seeded legumes, (d) percent of residue cover on the land surface (good a 2096), and (e) degree of surface roughness. Poor. Factors impair infiltration and tend to increase runoff. Good: Factors encourage average and better than average infiltration and tend to decrease runoff. 2-6 (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) Chapter 2 Estimating Runoff Technical Release 55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Table 2-2c Runoff curve numbers for other agricultural lands y Curve numbers for Cover description hydrologic soil group Hydrologic Cover type condition A B C D Pasture, grassland, or range —continuous Poor 68 79 86 89 forage for grazing. 21 Fair 49 69 79 84 Good 39 61 74 80 Meadow —continuous grass, protected from — 30 58 71 78 grazing and generally mowed for hay. Brush —brush -weed -grass mixture with brush Poor 48 67 77 83 the major element. 9' Fair 35 56 70 77 Good 30 v 48 65 73 Woods —grass combination (orchard Poor 57 73 82 86 or tree farm). y Fair 43 65 76 82 Good 32 58 72 79 Woods.ly Poor 45 66 77 83 Fair 36 60 73 79 Good 30 V 55 70 77 Farmsteads —buildings, lanes, driveways, — 59 74 82 86 and surrounding lots. 1 Average runoff condition, and Za = 0.28. 2 Poor. <50'M) ground cover or heavily grazed with no mulch. Fair. 50 to 75%ground cover and not heavily grazed. Good: > 75%ground cover and lightly or only occasionally grazed. a Poor. <50% ground cover. Fair: 50 to 7596 ground cover. Good: >75% ground cover. 4 Actual curve number is less than 30; use CN = 30 for runoff computations. 5 CN's shown were computed for areas with 50%woods and 50%grass (pasture) cover. Other combinations of conditions may be computed from the CN's for woods and pasture. 6 Poor Forest litter, small trees, and brush are destroyed by heavy grazing or regular burning. Fair: Woods are grazed but not burned, and some forest litter covers the soil. Gaod: Woods are protected from grazing, and litter and brush adequately cover the soil. (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) 2-7 Chapter 2 Estimating Runoff Technical Release 55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Table 2-2d Runoff curve numbers for and and semiarid rangelands V Cover description Cover type Hydrologic condition 2/ A J' Curve numbers for hydrologic soil group B C D Herbaceous —mixture of grass, weeds, and Poor 80 87 93 low -growing brush, with brush the Fair 71 81 89 minor element. Good 62 74 85 Oak -aspen —mountain brush mixture of oak brush, Poor 66 74 79 aspen, mountain mahogany, bitter brush, maple, Fair 48 57 63 and other brush. Good 30 41 48 Pinyon juniper —pinyon, juniper, or both; Poor 75 85 89 grass understory. Fair 58 73 80 Good 41 61 71 Sagebrush with grass understory. Poor 67 80 85 Fair 51 63 70 Good 35 47 55 Desert shrub —major plants include saltbush, Poor 63 77 85 88 greasewood, creosotebush, blackbrush, bursage, Fair 55 72 81 86 palo verde, mesquite, and cactus. Good 49 68 79 84 r Average runoff condition, and I„ = 0.25. For range in humid regions, use table 2-2c 2 Poor. <30%ground cover (litter, gmss, and brush overstory). Fair. 30 to 7096 ground cover. Good: > 70%ground cover. a Curve numbers for group A have been developed only for desert shrub. 2-8 (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) Chapter 2 Estimating Runoff Technical Release 55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Figure 2-3 Composite CN with connected impervious area 100 oonifnus CN = 90_ nil Z 0 m 70 0 a E 0 v 60 50 401 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Connected impervious area (percent) Figure 2-4 Composite CN with unconnected impervious areas and total impervious area less than 30% MWI NMI 90 80 70 60 50 40 0 10 20 30 Composite CN Total impervious area (percent) 2-10 (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) V y, Downflow Ys Figure 7.2. Definition sketch for pier scour. The HEC-18 equation is: 0.65 YS Y, = 2.0 Ki Kz K3 � a Fr, .43 Yi ) (7.1) As a Rule of Thumb, the maximum scour depth for round nose piers aligned with the flow is: ys < 2.4 times the pier width (a) for Fr < 0.8 (7.2) ys < 3.0 times the pier width (a) for Fr > 0.8 In terms of yja, Equation 7.1 is: / \ 0.35 as =2.0 Ki Kz K3 aJ Fro.43 (7.3) where: ys = Scour depth, ft (m) y, = Flow depth directly upstream of the pier, ft (m) K, = Correction factor for pier nose shape from Figure 7.3 and Table 7.1 K2 = Correction factor for angle of attack of flow from Table 7.2 or Equation 7.4 K3 = Correction factor for bed condition from Table 7.3 a = Pier width, ft (m) L = Length of pier, ft (m) Fr, = Froude Number directly upstream of the pier = V,/(gy,)'/2 V, = Mean velocity of flow directly upstream of the pier, ft/s (m/s) g = Acceleration of gravity (32.2 ft/s2) (9.81 m/s2) 7.3 P `I' � L O �O - (a) Square Nose (b) Round Nose (c) Cylindrical L L = (# of Piers) x (a) O O (d) Sharp Nose (e) Group of Cylinders (see Multiple Columns) Figure 7.3. Common pier shapes. The correction factor, K2, for angle of attack of the flow, 2, is calculated using the following equation: K2 = (Cos 0 + L Sin 0)0.65 a (7.4) If L/a is larger than 12, use L/a = 12 as a maximum in Equation 7.4 and Table 7.2. Table 7.2 illustrates the magnitude of the effect of the angle of attack on local pier scour. Table 7.1. Correction Factor, K,, for Pier Nose Shape. Shape of Pier Nose K, (a) Square nose 1.1 (b) Round nose 1.0 (c) Circular cylinder 1.0 (d) Group of cylinders 1.0 (e) Sharp nose 0.9 Table 7.2. Correction Factor, K2, for Angle of Attack, 2, of the Flow. Angle L/a=4 L/a=8 L/a=12 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15 1.5 2.0 2.5 30 2.0 2.75 3.5 45 2.3 3.3 4.3 90 2.5 3.9 5.0 Angle = skew angle of flow L = length of pier 7.4 Table 7.3. Increase in Equilibrium Pier Scour Depths, K3, for Bed Condition. Bed Condition Dune Height ft K3 Clear -Water Scour N/A 1.1 Plane bed and Antidune flow N/A 1.1 Small Dunes 10 > H > 2 1.1 Medium Dunes 30 > H > 10 1.2 to 1.1 Large Dunes H > 30 1.3 Notes: The correction factor K, for pier nose shape should be determined using Table 7.1 for angles of attack up to 5 degrees. For greater angles, K2 dominates and K, should be considered as 1.0. If L/a is larger than 12, use the values for L/a = 12 as a maximum in Table 7.2 and Equation 7.4. The values of the correction factor K2 should be applied only when the field conditions are such that the entire length of the pier is subjected to the angle of attack of the flow. Use of this factor will result in a significant over -prediction of scour if (1) a portion of the pier is shielded from the direct impingement of the flow by an abutment or another pier; or (2) an abutment or another pier redirects the flow in a direction parallel to the pier. For such cases, judgment must be exercised to reduce the value of the K2 factor by selecting the effective length of the pier actually subjected to the angle of attack of the flow. Equation 7.4 should be used for evaluation and design. Table 7.2 is intended to illustrate the importance of angle of attack in pier scour computations and to establish a cutoff point for K2 (i.e., a maximum value of 5.0). 3. The correction factor K3 results from the fact that for plane -bed conditions, which is typical of most bridge sites for the flood frequencies employed in scour design, the maximum scour may be 10 percent greater than computed with Equation 7.1. In the unusual situation where a dune bed configuration with large dunes exists at a site during flood flow, the maximum pier scour may be 30 percent greater than the predicted equation value. This may occur on very large rivers, such as the Mississippi. For smaller streams that have a dune bed configuration at flood flow, the dunes will be smaller and the maximum scour may be only 10 to 20 percent larger than equilibrium scour. For antidune bed configuration the maximum scour depth may be 10 percent greater than the computed equilibrium pier scour depth. 4. Piers set close to abutments (for example at the toe of a spill through abutment) must be carefully evaluated for the angle of attack and velocity of the flow coming around the abutment. 7.3 FLORIDA DOT PIER SCOUR METHODOLOGY Equation 7.1 has been included in all previous versions of HEC-18 and has been used for bridge scour evaluations and bridge design for countless bridges in the U.S. and worldwide. This equation, which was developed and modified over several decades, could be improved by including bed material size and a more detailed consideration of the bridge pier flow field (see Section 3.6.2). An NCHRP study (NCHRP 2011a) evaluated 22 pier scour equations and found that although the HEC-18 equation did well in comparison to the other equations, the Sheppard and Miller (2006) equation generally performed better for both laboratory and 7.5