HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP202300001 Presentation 2023-03-20March 17, 2023
2. Justifwation fur applicants position:
Timothy A. Wehner at 2822 Free Union Road
We, the undersigned, as well as those signatories on the Petition for Appeal, believe the zoning
administrator's determination to grant a Major Home Occupation Permit for a firearms business at
2822 Free Union Road (HO 2023 2) was made in the following error and causes the following harm:
I. That the Zoning Administrator was in error in permitting a firearms -related business
in our neighborhood because it is manifestly incompatible with County Ordinance
Section 5.2Aa which states that there is to be a balance between encouraging limited
home -based economic development with the need to protect and preserve the quality
and character of the County's agricultural areas and residential neighborhoods. We
believe that permitting a firearms -related business in the midst of family -oriented County
neighborhood is antithetical to the interests of an area dedicated to small homes and small
farms. We believe that the presence of a gun dealer in our neighborhood will create
insecurity, thereby causing harm. This will inevitably change the peaceful character of the
2. That the Zoning Administrator was in error in that the storage of guns at this
location is inconsistent with the County's stated aim to preserve and protect the rural
nature of the neighborhood. Public knowledge of the storage of firearms on said
premises will invite theft which would in turn spread into our peaceful
neighborhood. Neither the County nor the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Firearms (ATF) has any requirements whatever as to the security measures needed to safely
store these guns.
3. That the applicant needs a license from the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Firearms (ATF) as well as the permit from the County and that the ATF lists nine
categories tinder which the applicant can apply for a license. (See below for listing of
these nine types, copied from p.l of FFL application, ATF Form 7.) It is an error for the
Zoning Administrator to have granted the Major Home Occupation permit for a
firearms -related business with no knowledge of, or access to, the type of license for
which the applicant has applied.
Description of License Type
Dealer in Firearms Other than Destructive Devices (Includes: rifles, shotguns, pistols, revolvers, gunsmith activities, and
National Firearms Act (NFA) weapons) (see instruction #10)
Pawnbroker in Firearms Other than Destructive Devices (Includes: rifles, shotguns, pistols, revolvers, gunsmith activities,
and National Firearms Act (NFA) weapons) (see instruction #10)
Collector of Curios and Relics (NOTE: This is not a license to conduct business, see instruction #8)
ManuGctunrofAmmunitan for Firearms OtherTban Ammunition fDrDestructiveDevicesor ArmorPiercing Ammumbon(see mirucum
Manufacturer of Firearms Other than Destructive Devices (see instruction #11)
Importer of Firearms Other than Destructive Devices or Ammunition for Firearms Other than Destructive Devices, or
Ammunition Other than Armor Piercing Ammunition (NOTE. Importer of handguns and rifles, see instruction #9)
Dealer in Destructive Devices (see instruction #10)
Manufacturer of Destructive Devices, Ammunition for Destructive Devices, or Armor Piercing Ammunition (see instruction #11)
Importer of Destructive Devices, Ammunition for Destructive Devices, or Armor Piercing Ammunition (see instruction #9)
Total Fees
4. That the Zoning Administrator was in error in that the introduction of a firearms -
related business will inevitably be accompanied by a higher crime rate because of the
potentially dangerous nature of some gun buyers coming to purchase or store
firearms. The location of this permitted use is in a residential area of the rural zoning
district. Prior to the County granting of this firearms -related permit we in this
neighborhood enjoyed a quiet peaceful world with a low crime rate and a genuine sense of
neighborliness and security. We do not want that characterization to be altered.
a. Attached please note an article from the November 3, 2021 SdentifrcAmerican entitled
"Where Gun Stores Open, Gun Homicides Increase." The article lays out the
deleterious effect of and reasons for increased gun violence in areas where gun
dealers are located. Within this study researchers compared firearm -related
homicides to other homicides and "their analysis found that when a gun dealership
opens, homicides within a surrounding area of 100 square miles increase by as much
as 3.9% in subsequent years." Poignant charts clearly indicate that the more gun
dealers there are, the higher the rates of homicides, even when the rate of homicides
by any other tool decreased over the same period of time.
5. That the Zoning Administrator was in error in that the presence of a firearms -related
business in out area will cause harm by inevitably and ultimately depressing property
6. That the Zoning Administrator was in error in that the fact that this permit to
manufacture and sell guns is within three to six miles of two elementary schools
causes harm by posing a danger to said children by exposing them to possible gun
That the Zoning Administrator was in error in that the presence of a Major Home
Occupation firearms -related business will cause harm by increasing traffic at an
already dangerous section of Free Union Road. The applicant's driveway is
immediately adjacent to the Woodlands Road intersection which already has
documented accidents. As many of the applicant's customers will be driving north from
Charlottesville on Free Union Road where the line of sight is limited, they will descend the
hill and need to make an immediate left turn into the driveway, thus posing a potential traffic
8. That the Zoning Administrator was in error approving this permit because the
criteria that determines whether an application should be approved or denied did not
take into account the profundity of community concerns and opposition to the
presence of a firearms -related business in the neighborhood, as manifested by the
included nearly 100 signatures on the petition in opposition. If the County is restricting
home businesses because of the impact on the neighbors or neighborhood, as is evidenced
on the prohibited businesses list (junkyards, frequent yard sales, etc.) then this appeal clearly
demonstrates the concerns and the opposition of the local community to the introduction of
a firearms -related business in their midst.
9. That the Zoning Administrator was in error approving this permit because it violates
one of the three Requirements for Home Occupation businesses as stated on the
Albemarle County Home Occupations web page. The three requirements are listed in
screenshot below. Without question, approving this firearms -related business interferes with
the second requirement which states that the "home occupation must not interfere with the
quality and character of the neighborhood."
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Home Occupations
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10. That we believe that the Zoning Administrator is in error and the determination will
cause harm as per these ten points. We further believe that other unknown hazards
or dangers could arise as a result of this error, any of which could negatively impact
the safety and security of our neighborhood and community.
I. Reference to the relevant Zoning Ordinance section or .... case precedence to justify appeal.
Albemarle County Section 5.2A is the focus of this appeal. At the request of the appellants,
access to the County's system to research previous cases or any relevant cases of precedence
has only just been explained. This system is complex and not user friendly. The appellants need
to familiarize themselves with this system in order to determine if there are any cases of precedence
that might be relevant to our case. If so, the relevant cases will be presented at the meeting
on June 6, 2023.
3/19/23, 10:38 AM
Bart is out of the office due to the passing of a relative. I am informed that the end of the appeaL
timeframe will be close of business on Monday, not Sunday as I think you had men lone .
Jeff Baker
Zoning Permit Planner
Albemarle County_
office 434-296-5832 x3024
401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902
From: momaupin@comcast.net <momaupin@comcast.neb
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 11:26 AM
To: Jeffrey Baker <jbaker@albemarle.org>
Cc: Bart Svoboda <bsvoboda@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: brief meeting HO 2023 2
CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or
open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
Jeff and Bart,
Thanks for getting back to me. I have a few questions about how to fill out the forms for an appeal
that I'd like to go over and how to go where on your system to look up some of the details from that
last email that you sent. I'm curious if any Business Occupation appeals were successful and when
they might have been ..... but I understand that if that task is a time consuming one, it might not be the
best use of your time. I believe that Sunday is the end of the 30 day period, so I would have to have
papers postmarked by Sunday or in your hands by Sunday?
Does 9:00 or 1:00 work for y'all?
Thank you for your patience with my myriad of questions. I know you're both busy with so much
going on.
On 03/14/2023 10:31 AM Jeffrey Baker <jbaker@albemarle.org> wrote:
How about this coming Thursday, whenever is convenient for you? Also, is there anything specific for
this meeting so we can prepare in advance?
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3119/23, 10:38 AM
Jeff Baker
Zoning Permit Planner
Albemarle County
office 434-296-5832 x3024
401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902
From: momaupin@comcast.net <momaupin@comcast.neb
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2023 11:47 AM
To: Bart Svoboda <bsvoboda@albemarle.org>; Jeffrey Baker <jbaker@albemarle.org>
Subject: brief meeting HO 2023 2
CAUTION This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or
open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
Bart and/or Jeff,
Top o the Morning to you!
Could I schedule a meeting with you preferably on Wednesday (the Ides of March), but maybe
Tuesday if you can't do Wednesday?
Margaret Maupin
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