HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200000009 Calculations Minor Amendment 2000-03-14 .L jJ U JL JL/� ��Y 1J \ Ili � 7,;:::4,1:1..54t :` a v ' iAREA NOT INCLUDED •��� P Burnley-Ms ::•?::::;,,,,!....._,,,,,<,...?„,8;1. �� ° o • �� . 7/ ti'9 Sch �:.; R , I ONE B• . • �,: �_••-! ..� � � 335� iI "II /�JAP., II 1 � � '. .. mini r �%' o t.•4 g" 25R ""• • ZONE B II i ZONE B)' Ir '%:.: •. i •/ N N Os, /a 7 (�� iRM 43 >�aR K 1 LC 8 ruN A chiseled square on east edge of bottom step at west end of drying beds at Moores Creek sewei plant. • ) %I, National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 1 ) froo.,: , l' 1 • Pantops F ,�-_ \ ):::7,/ • morl!Pr I /�g2 // �I 33GI , //iF:, , BM 536 ��� I P .� ILI2Iç , ; ZONE C — ' 0 • � �'P.�F --i/ \� RlverVl : ZONE • \ T .�. ' . � i C e m i BE': \\� F., �/ 0 , /• is / , \,,,,,::-. / \• 400 kri 0 • ••. it •• �� ��9 V� C urge g C o • •• '• �• .; ZONE Al =�. • o/ • Ce jQ� I. • ••: ••• x. =j II j"/ .+- qc ZONEC • �ZONEB / RonoIj . CE SEWAGE \e / ROAD , _ i'IV \\. r 2 `1' - yarn• / I O 9 �' ZON ACCESS •�`� _ P �� (O �/ �,. E B ROAD • •• III, '' • 8 �' 499 �, �� �ZON�� Sewage .,r` . i) a / g, ` ..�-N:D i s pos.' ,, ,-- / r , L� `` �� �P SEWAGE ROAD ���OQ �I• � \ __.�. �.I F ZONE A18 Creek. ► +ra6` �•` _ _•___ T ir. ES ���� ' �..._ .ZO t : ZONE B � • RAJ ��pteS RM43 • y ='j�S _ \��,\ ZONE B Pia :rou d // i 'liV , 24 P M K i 1,: 3��• C. M4 323 � �tiEssiE �s tlk _ ZONE A18 '-►;. -�sysi- I B ,`t� I ZONE B � �zj � j •I1 ZONE A18 ZONE B ZONEI r 3 ��� '�.� Al 0 % �?� • -4.-/ PRIVATE — { •• ru, DRIVE ���5�.\'N , ,/ -- ,,Inir n '1c/ \\(//,f,1 0 \ : ',..,J )4z. ti rge s C o •• •• ,,,,I •.aiiiip /7/. d >/. (111) / \ i Y � T ' NC Ce) ., 444 9/ .. . 0 Wat' ACCESS • • • ��, // r / \ ROAD Op 04 ) 41*44 ��O • / / / 5 \T€ 47;);: / yG/ ACCESSO ♦ Dam• / G Fi d O ROAD 1.4 ♦• ),:l , it��� `\ P-q� �• V • Sewage k 4 , P�' 1:Dispos a !� EWAGE ROAD I� � �QO � � —p • !� creek ��,'""��0�� lp •• 0 __•--- -.-- 0 '"*NN•6*-4‘;: . •, 41; s ��,�es � RM43 � v 1`4 Pla :rou d\v'//c \.-,/ , 1 N. ,P RM4/ �`�_ Ciic .1 aV` II Q -'4'../1P.C1 i 1 e '' 1 PRIVATE �• '� © \ ©r�/ • DRIVE ,-, \ ) / E DR ��. / � 'i\ II• / Th.. /—_1 )1100.-- 'X'Q1 a r ry : env P�{ir k l -��� it %' ��,� o 9 Alt // '' FLOOD WA s,,; Sewage �\ )^J� /' 8 \ I . 1� Y Disposal • • `(� ��• i� • •.• �• Blue Ridge oq • ,532 C_______,....---------2 i �� ‘ * iirvi:ernri - - • yy O o M ich�e Tavern ' , _._ 11 �, i.� Sanatorium /000 �G ' at • A , I ),,,Jefferson _ / 1 Tomb // / • �i/ *Water �� l 1 Tank c. ��o ti7 11011/4 / • 0 / a • J Steven Snell From: Steven Snell Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 12:36 PM To: Jack Kelsey Cc: David Hirschman; Glenn Brooks Subject: FW: Double Trouble Jack, J I am going to need some guidance on this RWSA Moors Creek Minor Site Plan Amendment (file —2091). Dave tells me we have never regulated any construction at RWSA before. If this is true, Why?There are three issues that we take very seriously with our other clients that need to be addressed at this site, 1)they want to put a drainpipe above ground in the floodplain, 2)they have no BMPs and 3)they have no stormwater detention whatsoever at this treatment plant. When I was brought the response letter yesterday, I asked Chuck Kent why they didn't have any BMPs and his response was "I don't know"without any explanation. The explanation in their response letter is"No treatment or detention is planned, and therefore, no detention routing was performed." Perhaps they have never made any plans, because they have never been asked. I need guidance on why this client should expect to be treated differently than our other clients. One condition that is going to make this a difficult issue, is the fact that the existing and proposed improvements are constructed very close to the top of the river bank and there is little, if any, room for Bmp/stormwater improvements. Thanks, Steve Original Message From: David Hirschman Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 9:03 AM To: Steven Snell Subject: RE: Double Trouble 1. We have never regulated any construction at RWSA before. We'll have to look things over. 2. Boar's Head is coming in with some BMP computations and a plan to dredge the lakes. I have received one of those special missions from Bill M. this week, so time is very limited. dhirschaalbemarle.orq 3 , - David J. Hirschman,Water Resources Manager O/.} C lc O r' b Albemarle County Department of Engineering&Public Works 401 McIntire Road 7 .M D, S ' ' Q R4-//t,, Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 (804)296-5861 FAX(804)972-4035 /F 4 T C f f p e• o ---Original Message---- r '.J C C. ( '— From: Steven Snell 12 L% L.. Sent: Tuesday,March 14,2000 8:49 AM (9 r fG P c' eT t- ) To: David Hirschman Subject: Double Trouble — ,U O f co O Dave, 12L4/N w4 ►v&/t I need you to get involved with two projects I am workir 1. RWSA Moores Creek Minor Site Amendment . Th ground in the floodplain. They also have no BMPs this treatment plant. Charles Kent wants to set up a meeting at Moores Creek to have us look at the site and discuss why he doesn't need to modify his plans. 2. Boars Head Inn Spa Addition. The new building is within 100 feet of a manmade pond/lake . Also, the lake is full of sediment- in some places the sediment is higher than the water level. I will be out of the office on Wednesday and Thursday. Thanks, Steve Ad A COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering&Public Works MEMORANDUM TO: Ted Glass, Planner FROM: Steven M. Snell, Engineer DATE: 7 February 2000 RE: Moores Creek WWTP Upgrade,RWSA The plat for Moores Creek WWTP, received on 3 February 2000 has been reviewed. The Engineering Department will recommend approval when the following items are satisfactorily addressed: 1. A manhole will be required where the stormwater flow changes direction 12 feet north of manhole#1. [Policy] 2. Slope drains are intended for temporary use only, a more permanent drainage system is needed. An underground drainpipe is desired for the slope shown in cross-section 1-3-4 and 2-3-4. Please show the slope for the drainpipe in cross-section 1-3-4 and 2-3-4. Stormwater pipes,which exceed a 16%grade, must include VDOT standard anchor blocks and endwalls. [Policy] 3. An erosion control plan, narrative and computations are required. A completed application and fee for erosion control and stormwater management are also required. [17-203, 17-209] 4. Please supply a stormwater/BMP plan and computations. Computations must include water quality, and detention routings for the 2yr and l0yr storms. Please verify that existing and new stormwater systems are adequate to handle the new velocities and flow rates. [17-303, 18-32.7.4, MS-6] 5. A completed stormwater management facilities maintenance agreement and fee are required. [17-310, 17-323] Please contact me if you have questions or require additional information. Copy: file File:memo.doc w w Se% 21 RIVANNA WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY ‘11\ M P O. BOX t8 • CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22902-0018 • (8041 877-2970 O7V0.I March 9, 2000 Ted Glass P Planner County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: SDP 00-009 RWSA Moores Creek Minor Amendment Dear Mr. Glass; This will attempt to respond to your letter of February 8, 2000 concerning the reference Minor Site Amendment. With regard to Planning and Zoning comments, I believe you have a stamp which can be used as a signature panel on the plans . Please utilize this stamp once all other requirements have been met. Our design engineers have reviewed comments from the Engineering and Zoning departments and have provided the following responses: The numbers correspond to the numbered comments on the review by Steven Snell (Engineering) . 1 . There will be no change in direction of the storm water \ pipe north of Manhole #1 . OIL J2 . Due to the steep slope, burying the drainpipe is not a V economicallyfeasible. The intent of the drainpipe is ' �ir V � to transport storm water from the composting facility down the wooded slope to the north without causing Q erosion problems . We feel the above ground drainpipe will accomplish this . The drainpipe will be placed through an existing wooded area, and this area will remain wooded. The public does not have access to the steep slope, nor do RWSA personnel have a need to be in this area . For these reasons, we feel an above ground drainpipe is the best and most practical solution for transporting storm water off site. ',,13 . The land disturbing activity for the grading and new fir asphalt pad area will be less than 10, 000 square feet . p Hence, we did not believe a completed application and P* �t + fee were required. We are aware that erosion control ? � must be practiced at the project. Attached is Section a � 02270 - Erosion Control . This specification section isL) J included in the bid documents, and it details erosion u 5 - control measures that will be enforced. SERVING CHARLOTTESVILLE&ALBEMARLE COUNTY C— 4 . The storm water pipes were designed to handle the flow /00;77 from a ten year storm. Calculations are attached. The flow was calculated using the Rational method. The storm water is that water which runs off of the existing and new buildings . No treatment or detention is planned, and therefore, no detention routing was performed. The following responds to comments by John Shepherd (zoning) . The number corresponds to the number on the review. 5 . These comments are based on the lighting changes for the composting facility expansion project . There are three existing outdoor lights on the north side of the existing composting building. These three lights will be removed to allow construction of the new building. Two new outdoor lights (one on the west side and one on the south side) will be installed. These lights will be 320 watt metal halide. They are controllable by a switch and by a photcell . The lights are not for parking but utilized in the event access is required to the composting facility during hours of limited visibility. The removal of the three lights and installation of two new lights will reduce the overall lighting outside the buildings at the composting facility. Additional responses to Zoning comments : 1. The proposed change included in this amendment is doubling the enclosed space of the composting facility. 2 . Tax Map and Parcel numbers of adjacent parcels are 78- 30, and 78-21B. 3 . Noted. 4 . We will not be storing in excess of 600 gallons of petroleum products on this site. We are continuing to discuss fire hydrant requirements with the Fire Marshall . If you have any questions or if I can be of assistance in any way in the future, please call . Thank you. Sincerely, /4;;(„1/ Charles E. Kent, P. E. Engineer Cc: Steven Snell John Shepherd • • • SECTION 02270 EROSION CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Intent 1.1.1 A plan for the prevention of accelerated soil erosion and sedimentation of the streams of the Commonwealth of Virginia in accordance with the Regulations adopted by the Commonwealth is outlined in this section, The CONTRACTOR shall implement this plan in the field. 1.2 Scope 1.2.1 This project involves the installation of a metal building, asphalt pavement, leachate collection sewer, storm sewer, and appurtenances. The project will not increase stormwater runoff, but the proximity of stored soils to area drainage may increase sediment transport if this plan is not implemented. The primary goal of this plan is to avoid construction methods that will result in siltation and pollution of streams. Accordingly, and as a minimum, the following construction practices are prohibited: 1.2.1. 1 Dumping spoil material into streams, or on stream banks where it may wash or slide into streams. Disposal of silt laden water from trenches into streams. 1.2. 1.3 Disposal of vegetation or other debris in streams or their banks. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 All materials and products shall meet the approval of the Commonwealth of Virginia. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3. 1 Planning of ConstructjQn 3 I I Plan and coordinate the construction to reduce sediment pollution. Minimize the area of disturbance. Keep the area of clearing and grubbing necessary to facilitate construction to a minimum. 3. 1.2 Erosion control measures shall be placed prior to or as the first step in grading. 28500 Ri'ann S.plcmber 22.1999 R&1 I nivanm<nwl Cotkmilun1,,i,i . 02270 - I SENT 'BY; 2-24— 0 ; 2:47PM ; MALCOLM PIRNIE NEW—, 804 293 8858;#10/10 3,4.5 Establish permanent cover for all areas disturbed by construction with grasses as noted below. Fertilizer: 1,000 pounds per acre of 10-20-10 or equivalent, uniformly applied to the surface to be seeded during seedbed preparation and incorporated into the top four to six inches of soil. Seed: Seed for permanent stabilization shall comply with Section 3.32, Table 3.32D Site Specific Seeding Mixtures for Piedmont Area of the latest edition of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Mulch/Lime: Mulch shall be small grain straw, applied at a rate of 1-1/2 to 2 tons per acre (70 to 90 pounds per I,000 square feet). Mulch shall be anchored immediately following spreading to prevent windblow. Anchoring will be accomplished using asphalt binder spread at a rate of 0.10 gallons per square yard. 3.4.6 During unfavorable times of the year for permanent cover, provide temporary cover using crops such as annual rye grass, small grain sudan grass or field bromegrass. Sow uniformly at rates recommended by Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Protect constructed slopes by mulching, netting, or strip sodding. 3.5 Excavation and Backfill 3.5.1 Protect existing vegetation to the extent possible during construction. Trees to be salvaged shall be properly marked as such and protected from damage by operating workmen and equipment. 3.5.2 Control excavation for site work operations. Stockpile the material removed from the excavation in areas where a minimum of sediment will be generated and where other damage will not result from the piled earth. Stockpile topsoil separately and redistribute uniformly after grading. Protect and maintain drainageways at all times. Do not pile soil in drainageways. 3.5.3 Institute temporary or interim stabilization of soil stockpiles. Avoid the existence of critical slopes on stockpiles. If a stockpile is to remain for over 15 days, stabilize by temporary vegetation,' interim structures, or other special practices. 3.6 Liability 3.6.1 The CONTRACTOR agrees to hold the OWNER or any of its agents harmless from any and all liability or damage that may arise out of a violation of the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance and agrees to indemnify them against any loss. END OF SECTION •285004iivanna September 22. 1999 E&A.Envuronmentat C.mxtiltanv,,tnc 02270 - 3 SENT BY: 2-24- U ; 2:45PM ; MALCOLM PIRNIE NEW-, 804 293 8858;# 4/10 E & A ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULT ►, INC. 6HEETNO. I Of T 1130 Kildaire Farm Road ' Suite zu0 !� CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27511 CALCULATED BY C� DATE ? �8 (919) 460-6266 FAX (919) 460-6798 CHECKED BY DATE d/2.l/4 0 eaenvcary@aol.com SCALE Ft Y\ C �� �-J (2 ,r-,� 20 o Pe-w '(.OYY) �� Cl) n o r L�w .4'a Iv o 1L� \, S 1 'D e- '/-z 3xLsQ./ = iaiis54 1213, ac_ f 1 A t c4Z—o rc` 1J o R-+ c- _TT = 1 VD T PL-ATk. s- a AL-,3EItet Ak.E Co. A = 2 - S,ti, 42, 1 , c�5 D = 1(.0 Q n s/8 /Y\A ,,� s Z - L F ✓l = S, -1S ' , S J0 cnS,r2.- -7-11.)e. . 3, & �z Sts'1 tiY: 2-24- u ; z:4brm ; r1ALLULn r i m i t (VC.YY-' OU4 06b ;FF bin) U E & A ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULT S, INC. SHFF_T NO OF 1130 Kildaire Farm Road Sui.. .JO • CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27511 CALCULATED BY DATE (919) 460-6266 FAX (919) 460-6798 eaenvcary@aol.com cnecxEO BY DATE SCALE Fln� -Vti . iL.1 1^.._.. t...1 111)4 N Spou-±3 . . _ - Z o c • e.,- a ids J '/z_ -s1 s -I\-\ � .. ._ �R "7 aet Cc't acta o—► c L ,Y.c1 P,pe sN'Ee + Cc1Rv 3. scc5 , lc)/a 1 -= 1 (LI 3 s' C .0ji� 3 042 A. - 3 , s . s P- n S\L MUl.I�•1 Wp.Stang 205.I iraeul SENT BY: 2-24- 0 ; 2:45PM ; MALCOLM P1NNIt NtW-, 804 203 8858;# 6/10 E & A ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULT i, INC. SHEET No, -3 OF 1130 Kildaire Farm Road Sui,.. ..JO • CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27511 ('-A1 Cu1ATEo 6v DATE (919) 460-6266 FAX (919) 460-6798 CHECKED 8v DATE eaenvcary@aol.com SCALE -1+ C VVC-C..k S_�. _ -r ► C_P c_n _ z•y Low �I g7( z 2D) - , g z . �5v^^-e- j U 7_ l �o s (9 CO, 0 1- ) 3/8 L V/ _ cA - S � -7 Cf:,.5 0 6: ?AWE 110ti1',imps Smoni 295.1 Iho0e0 JOIN l 1S1: L-Z4- U i 1;4br i i MALLULLM r 1 t c 1 t Ntn-i iU4 2 3 oddd;; //1 U E & A ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULT S, INC. 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