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SUB202300047 Assessment - Groundwater 2023-03-22
Page / of__�_ © Construction ❑ Repair Permit Permit OSE/PE Report For: Voluntary Upgrade Permit ® Certification Letter Subdivision Approval Property Location: 911 Address: City: Lot 1 Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map # 20-5B Health Dept ID # Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: James W Newman, Jr. Street: 2805 Barracks Rd City: Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22901-2002 Prepared by: OSE Name Thomas G. Hogge License # 1940-001091 Address PO Box 418 City Ruckersville State VA Zip Code 22968 PE Name License # Address City State Zip Code Date of Report OL � /D —02 3 Date of Revision #1 OSE/PE Job # Date of Revision #2 Contents/Index of this report (e.g., Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile Descriptions, Site Sketch, Abbreviated Design, etc) I c.m. 2,3Site and Soil Evaluation Report 4-Site Sketch 5,6-Design Calculations Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the opplicoble provisions of the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VACS-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VACS-630), the Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems (12VACS-613) and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. ]The work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically the exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.A.11 I recommend that a (select one): construction permit ❑certification letter ❑ subdivision approval Elbe (select one) Issued I]' rSgair permit, P voluntaryupgrade ❑ Denied ❑ OSE/PE Date This form contains personal information subject to diYclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/1/2014 Site and Soil Evaluation Report Page 9 of VDH Use Only HDIN: General Information Date: _ - / - R 3 Atbemam County Health Department Owner: James W Newman, Jr. Phone: Owner Address: Property Address: Tax Map/GPIN #: 20-513 Subdivision: Section: Block: Lot: Soil Information Summary 1. Position in landscape satisfactory: 0 Yes ❑ No Describe landscape position: Sideslope 2. Slope: 11 % 18% in reserve 33 in reserve (pervious schist) 3. Depth to rock/impervious strata: Max. 72+ in. Min. 72+ in. M Not observed 4. Free Water Present: ❑ Yes ■ No Range in inches: 5. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color): inches M Not observed 6. Soil percolation rate estimated: 0 Yes ❑ No Estimated rate: 65 min/in at 48 inches depth Texture Group: ❑ 1 oil O 1lI ❑ IV 65 mpi @ 18" in reserve 7. Percolation test performed: ❑ Yes El No If yes, provide additional data on percolation test results. Name and title ofey luator: Thomas Graham Nogge, OSE Signature: El Site approved: Abw pfia. ve"a,ea (describe dispersal area, e.g, absorption trenches) dispersing Septic tank effluent (proposed level of treatment at time of evaluation) to be placed at 48 (inches) depth at site designated on permit. Site provides a total of 9,000+ square feet of absorption area for primary and reserve (if applicable). ❑ Site disapproved: Reasons for rejection (check all that apply) 1. ❑ Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table. 4. ❑ Rates of absorption too slow. 5. ❑ Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required absorption area, and/or reserve area. 6. ❑ Proposed system too close to well. 7. ❑ Other (specify) This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/1/2014 Page ,3 of C Date of Evaluation: 1-5-23 Profile Description SOIL EVALUATION REPORT Property tD: sax Map 20513, tot t Where the local health department conducts the soil evaluation the location of profile holes may be shown on the schematic drawing on the construction permit or the sketch submitted with the application. If soil evaluations are conducted by a private Onsite Soil Evaluator or Professional Engineer, location of profile holes and sketch of the area investigated including all structural features (i.e. sewage disposal systems, wells, etc.) within 100 feet of the site and reserve site shall be shown on the reverse side of this page or prepared on a separate page and attached to this form. AUGER BORINGS ❑ See application sketch ❑ See Construction Permit E See sketch on reverse side or page attached to this form. Hole # Horizon Depth Inches Description of color, texture, eta Texture Group 1 A 0.6 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 6-16 10 YR 6/4 light yellowish brown sandy clay loam 2 Bt 16-32 2.5 YR 418 red clay loam 3 etc 32-60 2.5 YR Slit red, light clay loam to sandy clay loam; liable 3/2 Cl 60-72 2.5 YR 6/6 light red, friable loam saprofite with 5 YR 8/4 pink 2 2 A 0-5 10 YR 413 brown loam 2 E 5-12 10 YR 6/4 light yellowish brown sandy clay loam 2 et 1244 2.5 YR 4/8 red, micaceous day loam 3 Bic 44-52 2.5 YR 418 red, micaceous, light clay loam to sandy clay loam 312 Ct 52-72 10 YR 413 brown, triable sandy clay loam to loam saprolite, variegated with 2 5 YR 4/6 yellowish red and 7.5 YR 8/6 reddish yellow 3 A 0-5 10 YR 313 dark brown loam 2 E 5-9 10 YR 6/4 light yellowish brown loam 2 Btl 9-42 2.5 YR 418 red, micaceous day loam 3 Bt2 42-64 2.5 YR 518 red, friable, micaceous clay loam 3 BtC 64-72 5 YR 5/8 yellowish red, very light silly day loam to silt loam; saproli6c; friable 3 4 A 0.5 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 RESERVE Bt 5-28 2.5 YR 4/8 red, micaceous clay loam 3 Ct 28-72 2.5 Y 4/3 olive brown, friable sandy loam saprolite, var. with 7.5 YR 814 pink and 2 5 YR 4/6 yellowish red 5 A 0-4 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 RESERVE etc 4-33 2.5 YR 4/8 red, very highly micaceous sandy clay loam with many coarse, weathered 2 mica flakes; auger refusal on schist REMARKS: This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/I/2014 Page of SITE SKETCH SHOWING PROPOSED SEPTIC & WELL, PROPOSED DIVISION OF TAX MAP # 20-513 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA f P I I THERE MAY BE A DRAINFIELD IN THIS VICINITY SLSJ,��?.� ti3c ' � L'r T 3B —4 s8622, s, I i1 ' taT 1 I 171 7 16GX0 PROPOSED f` SEPTIC (Z3 � � 4��:I.' '.`!,�, ✓. _•Sid 1.,��� ._ E9dr C7 ���1 r i n r' TI- ••••• HOGGE A! l °jJ°o e°ae°arp0 SCALE: 1" = 100' LEGEND _ a3C Proposed well Spot BLUE RIDGE o Auger Boring SOIL CONSULTING, INC. Proposed House Site AUTHORIZED ONSITE SOIL EVALUATORS (AOSEs) P.O. Box 418 Ruckersv,k, VA 22968 (434) 985-2780 Design Basis A. Estimated Percolation Rate (Minutes per inch) Design Calculations Proposed Division of Tax Map 20-56 Lot 1 Albemarle County, VA PRIMARY DRAINFIELD 65 @ ae B. Trench bottom square feet Required per Bedroom (from Table 5.4) based on ❑x Gravity ❑ LPD ❑ other: EL FLOW, PER GMP 135.A C. Number of Bedrooms Area Calculations: D. Length of Trench (ft.) E. Length of Available Area (ft.) F. Width of Trench (ft.) G. Number of Trenches H. Center -to -center spacing (ft.) L Width required (ft.) J. Width of available area (ft.) K. Total square footage required L. Square footage in design M. Is a reserve area required? 100 100 0 r5 1 0 89 Including reserve 88+ 1488 1500 yes See next page. Page 5of Page 6 of Design Calculations Proposed Division of Tax Map 20-5B Lot 1 Albemarle County, VA RESERVE DRAINFIELD Design Basis A. Estimated Percolation Rate 65 @ (Minutes per inch) B. Trench bottom square feet 263 (150GPD/0.57 GPD PER SQ. FT.) Required per Bedroom (from Table 5.4) based on ❑ Gravity ❑ LPD F11 other: 'TL-3 EFFLUENT TO GRAVITY -DOSED TRENCHES, PER 12 VAC 5-613-10, REGULATIONS FOR ALTERNATIVE ONSITE SEWAGE SYSTEMS. IN ACCORDANCE WITH GMP 156, TL-3 EFFLUEN F MUST BE PROVIDED BY AN APPROVED PROPRIETARY NITROGEN REMOVAL TREATMENT UNIT, PROVIDING A NET TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVAL (AT THE PROJECT BOUNDARY) OF SO%- C. Number of Bedrooms I..� Area Calculations: D. Length of Trench (ft.) 100 E. Length of Available Area (ft.) 100 F. Width of Trench (ft.) 0 G. Number of Trenches 0 H. Center -to -center spacing (ft.) 1D 1. Width required (ft.) 69 Including primary J. Width of available area (ft.) gg K. Total square footage required 7gg L. Square footage in design 900 Note: the alternative design for the reserve is based on shallow rock encountered in boring 5 only. Whenever the reserve is actually needed, it is possible that a conventional design can be achieved with additional soil evaluation, perhaps with a backhoe. Page of s ® Construction Permit OSE/PE Report For: Repair Voluntary Upgrade Permit Permit Certification Letter Subdivision Approval Property Location: 911 Address: City: Lot 2 Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map # 20-5B Health Dept ID # Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: James W Newman, Jr. Street: 2805 Barracks Rd City: Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22901-2002 Prepared by: OSE Name Thomas G. Hogge License # 1940-001091 Address PO Box 418 City Ruckersville State VA zip Code 22968 PE Name License # Address City State Zip Code Date of Report—/O -o? 3 Date of Revision #1 OSE/PE Job # Date of Revision #2 Contents/index of this report (e.g., Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile Descriptions, Site Sketch, Abbreviated Design, etc.) 1-Cover 2,3-Site and Soil Evaluation Report 4-Site Sketch 5-Design Calculations Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-630), the Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems (12VACS-613) and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with Iicensure to perform the work contained herein. ❑The work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically the exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.A.11 I recommend that a (select one): construction permit © El letter 0 subdivision approval Elbe (select one) Issued l A permq i!'-'' voluntary upgrade Q Denied 0 OSE/PE Signature / Z/y_ /V 7F1f5bc Zl Date This form contains personal information subject to clKlosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/1/2014 Site and Soil Evaluation Report Page CR of 5 VDH Use Only HDIN: General Information Date: — /D - a Alb.. a County Health Department Owner: James W Newman, Jr. Phone: Owner Address: Property Address: Tax Map/GPIN #: 20-5B Subdivision: Section: Block: Lot: 2 Soil Information Summary 1. Position in landscape satisfactory: @ Yes ❑ No Describe landscape position: SideSlope 2. Slope: 5 % 3. Depth to rock/impervious strata: Max. 72+ in. Min. 72+ in. B Not observed 4. Free Water Present: ❑ Yes ■ No Range in inches: 5. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color): _ inches B Not observed 6. Soil percolation rate estimated: ® Yes ❑ No Estimated rate: 55 min/in at 54 inches depth Texture Group: ❑ I @ 11 8 III ❑ IV 7. Percolation test performed: fl Yes I] No If yes, provide additional data on percolation test results. Name and title of a luator Thomas Graham Hogge, OSE Signature: I� Site approved: Abs- o-e mn-a,- (describe dispersal area, e.g. absorption trenches) dispersing Septic tank effluent (proposed level of treatment at time of evaluation) to be placed at 54 (inches) depth at site designated on permit. Site provides a total of 12,000•' square feet of absorption area for primary and reserve (if applicable). Site disapproved: Reasons for rejection (check all that apply) 1. ❑ Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table. 4. ❑ Rates of absorption too slow. 5. ❑ Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required absorption area, and/or reserve area. 6. ❑ Proposed system too close to well. 7. ❑ Other (specify) This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/laGI4 Page _ 9 of 5 Date of Evaluation: 1-5.23 Profile Description SOIL EVALUATION REPORT Property ID: Tax neap 20-5B, tot 2 Where the local health department conducts the soil evaluation the location of profile holes may be shown on the schematic drawing on the construction permit or the sketch submitted with the application. If soil evaluations are conducted by a private Onsite Soil Evaluator or Professional Engineer, location of profile holes and sketch of the area investigated including all structural features (i.e. sewage disposal systems, wells, etc.) within 100 feet of the site and reserve site shall be shown on the reverse side of this page or prepared on a separate page and attached to this form. AUGER BORINGS ❑ See a 5plication sketch ❑ See Construction Permit ® See sketch on reverse side or page attached to this form. Hole # Horizon Depth Inches Description of color, texture, etc. Texture Group 1 A 0-4 10 YR 5/4 yellowish brown loam 2 E 4-8 7.5 YR 5/6 strong brown loam 2 Bt 8-30 2.5 YR 4/8 red, micaceous clay loam 3 BtC 30-54 5 YR 518 yellowish red, triable, light day loam to sandy clay loam 312 C 54-72 5 YR 618 reddish yellow, friable loam saprdite, variegated with 2.5 Y 5/3 light olive brown 2 and 10 YR 8/3 very pale brown 2 A 0-4 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 4-10 10 YR 6/4 light yellowish brown loam 2 Bt 10.40 2.5 YR 4/8 red, micaceous clay loam 3 CBt 40.72 2.5 YR 518 red, friable, light clay loam to sandy day loam, var. with 7.5 YR 6/8 reddish yellow 32 and 2.5 Y 5/3 light olive brown 3 A OS 10 YR 413 brown loam 2 E 5-11 7.5 YR 516 strong brown loam 2 Bt 11-25 2.5 YR 4/8 red, micaceous clay loam 3 BtC 25-60 5 YR 4/6 yellowish red, friable, micaceous, light clay loam to sandy day loam 3/2 Ct 60-72 2.5 YR &8 red, friable loam saprolile, var, with 7.5 YR 618 reddish yellav and 2.5 Y 513 light olive brown 2 4 A OS 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 5-10 7.5 YR 5/6 strong brown loam 2 Bt 10-36 2.5 YR 4/8 red, micaceous clay loam 3 BtC 36-54 5 YR 5/6 yellowish red, light, friable, micaceous day loam 3 Ct 54-72 7.5 YR 516 micaceous, friable, very light sandy day loam to loam 2 5 A 0-5 10 YR 5/4 yellowish brown loam 2 Bt 5-28 2.5 YR 4/8 red, micaceous day loam 3 CBt 28-42 2.5 YR 5/8 red, friable, light day loam to sandy day loam, var. with 7.5 YR 618 reddish yellow 32 and 2.5 Y 5/3 light olive brown C 42-72 5 YR 5/8 yellowish red, friable sandy loam saprulite, var. with 2.5 Y 5/3 light olive brown 2 and 7.5 YR 716 reddish yellow REMARKS: This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/1/2014 Page 'i of 5 SITE SKETCH SHOWING PROPOSED SEPTIC & WELL, PROPOSED DIVISION OF TAX MAP # 20-513 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA �F 1s I r Red Zeeni� , THERE MAY BE A set 9 I DRAINFIELD IN THIS VICINITY i Sto �OyAp�c �3C S7ZZ),14 4 4 �TE9 PROPOSED PRIMARY & w, s� `�. RESERVE I C SEPTIC a� ,, c tnwal 74� P ?` aa+•1 u � 4�h w w ro /9u c* L17 pF VDOT �/ Cw S �kerf 4 % L1a p�J1� GAP ow stow n As G. SCALE. V — 100'°si-' jg4ty ,, LEGEND •°n.eat,e e�� e3C Proposed Well Spot BLUE RIDGE IIIIIIIII © Auger Boring SOIL CONSULTING, 1INC. Proposed House Site AUTHORIZED ONSITE SOIL EVALUATORS (AOSEs) PO. Box 418 Ruckerwile. VA 22968 (434) 985-2280 rLr6 _ Page Sof?7 Design Basis A. Estimated Percolation Rate (Minutes per inch) Design Calculations Proposed Division of Tax Map 20-5B Lot 2 Albemarle County, VA PRIMARY DRAINFIELD 55 @ B. Trench bottom square feet Required per Bedroom (from Table 5.4) based on 0 Gravity ❑ LPD ❑ other: EZ FLOW, PER GMP 135.A C. Number of Bedrooms a� Area Calculations: D. Length of Trench (ft.) 100 E. Length of Available Area (ft.) 100 F. Width of Trench (ft,) �J G. Number of Trenches H. Center -to -center spacing (ft.) �J L Width required (ft.) 102 Including reserve J. Width of available area (ft.) 113+ K. Total square footage required 1648 L. Square footage in design 1800 M. Is a reserve area required? yes 100% reserve is provided Within the staked footprint. Page / of S ® Construction Repair Permit 0 Permit OSE/PE Report For: 11 Voluntary Upgrade Permit © Certification Letter Subdivision Approval Property Location: 911 Address: City: Lot 3 Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map # 20-5B Health Dept ID # Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: James W Newman, Jr. Street: 2805 Barracks Rd City: Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22901-2002 Prepared by: OSE Name Thomas G. Hogge License # 1940-001091 Address PO Box 418 City Ruckersville State VA Zip Code22968 PE Name License # Address City State Zip Code Date of Report Date of Revision #1 OSE/PE Job # Date of Revision #2 Contents/Index of this report (e.g., Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile descriptions, Site Sketch, Abbreviated Design, etc) 1 cover 2,3-Site and Soil Evaluation Report 4-Site Sketch 5-Design Calculations Certification statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VACS-630), the Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems (12VAC5-613) and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. The work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.A.11 I recommend that a (select one): construction permit 0 certification letter © subdivision approval Sbe (select one) Issued pair perrpit © voluntary upgrade 0 Denied ❑ OSE/PE Signature //�+, ,-4 Xbn _ Date _ 0?-16 This form contains personal information subject to"Tisclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/l/2014 Site and Soil Evaluation Report Page of of 5- VDH Use Only HDIN: General Information Date: Q _ Albematle County Health Department Owner: James W Newman, Jr. Phone: Owner Address: Property Address: Tax Map/GPIN #: 20-5B Subdivision: Section: Block: Lot: 3 Soil Information Summary I. Position in landscape satisfactory: ® Yes ❑ No Describe landscape position: Sideslope 2. Slope: 5 % 3. Depth to rocklimpervious strata: Max. 72+ in. Min. 72+ in. ® Not observed 4. Free Water Present: ❑ Yes N No Range in inches: 5. Depth to seasonal water table (gay mottling or gray color): inches 9 Not observed 6. Soil percolation rate estimated: 9 Yes ❑ No Estimated rate: 55 min/in at 48 inches depth Texture Group: ❑ I 9 II 9 III ❑ IV 7. Percolation test performed: ❑ Yes f] No If yes, provide additional data on percolation test results. Name and title of ev tor: J. Thomas Graham Hogge, OSE Signature: ❑ Site approved: Absorptimtrenches (describe dispersal area, e.g. absorption trenches) dispersing Septic tank effluent (proposed level of treatment at time of evaluation) to be placed at 48 (inches) depth at site designated on permit. Site provides a total of 10,000+ square feet of absorption area for primary and reserve (if applicable). ❑ Site disapproved: Reasons for rejection (check all that apply) 1. ❑ Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table. 4. ❑ Rates of absorption too slow. 5. ❑ Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required absorption area, and/or reserve area. 6. ❑ Proposed system too close to well. 7. ❑ Other (specify) This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/1/2014 Page 3 of S Date of Evaluation: 1-70-23 Profile Description SOIL EVALUATION REPORT Property ID: Tax Map 20-51B, Lot 3 Where the local health department conducts the soil evaluation the location of profile holes may be shown on the schematic drawing on the construction permit or the sketch submitted with the application. If soil evaluations are conducted by a private Onsite Soil Evaluator or Professional Engineer, location of profile holes and sketch of the area investigated including all structural features (i.e. sewage disposal systems, wells, etc.) within 100 feet of the site and reserve site shall be shown on the reverse side of this page or prepared on a separate page and attached to this form. AUGER 13ORTNGS ❑ See application sketch ❑ See Construction Permit ® See sketch on reverse side or page attached to this form. Hole # Horizon Depth Inches Description of color, texture, etc. Texture Group 1 A 0-5 10 YR 5/4 yellowish brown loam 2 Bt 5-42 2.5 YR 5/8 red, micaceous clay loam 3 Ct 42.72 2.5 YR 5/8 red, friable loam saprolite; micaceous, variegated with 2.5 YR 718 light red 2 and 10 YR 4/4 dark yellowish brown 2 A 0-5 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 Bt 5-30 2.5 YR 4/8 red, micaceous clay loam 3 Btc 30-40 2.5 YR 418 red, light clay loam to sandy clay loam with mottles 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow; mic. 3/2 Ct 40-72 2.5 YR 518 red, friable loam saprolite; micaceous, variegated with 2.5 YR 718 light red 2 and 10 YR 4/4 dark yellowish brown 3 A 0-4 10 YR 5/4 yellowish brown loam 2 E 4-10 10 YR 6/4 light yellowish brown sandy clay loam 2 Bt 10-36 2.5 YR 5/8 red, micaceous clay loam 3 C 36-72 2.5 YR 4/8 red, sandy clay loam to loam saprollte; friable, channery in places; var. with 2 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow and 2.5 Y 6/3 light yellowish brown 4 A 0-5 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 5.13 10 YR 6/4 light yellowish brown sandy clay loam 2 Bt 13-40 5 YR 5/8 yellowish red, micaceous clay loam, variegated with 10 YR 5/4 yellowish brown 3 and 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow C 40-72 5 YR 5/8 yellowish red, friable sandy loam saprolite, var. with 5 YR 4/6 yellowish red 2 and 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow 5 A 0-5 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 5-12 10 YR 614 light yellowish brown sandy clay loam 2 Bt 12-42 2.5 YR 5/8 red, micaceous clay loam 3 C 42-72 10 YR 8/3 very pale brown, friable sandy loam saprolite, var. with 10 YR 5/4 yellowish 2 brown and 7.5 YR 714 pink REMARKS: This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/1/2014 Page y of 5 SITE SKETCH SHOWING PROPOSED SEPTIC & WELL, PROPOSED DIVISION OF TAX MAP # 20-5B ALBEMARLE COUNTY. VA DA gt*t Al G. u ,y 36 �. �yA P'�c a e3C 40" r y3C�� Ak+ �tell, PROPOSED PRIMARY 8c RESERVE SEPTIC ~ VWT DN SSt*o LEGEND e3C Proposed Well Spot Auger Boring Proposed House Site U I OW Stake SCALE: V = 100' BLUE RIDGE SOIL CONSULTING, INC. %!' AUTHORIZED ONSITE SOIL EVALUATORS (AOSEs) P.O. Box 418 Ruckersville, VA 22968 (434) 9SS-27E)3 Page Sof 5 Design Basis A. Estimated Percolation Rate (Minutes per inch) Design Calculations Proposed Division of Tax Map 20-5B Lot 3 Albemarle County, VA 55 @ 48 B. Trench bottom square feet 412 Required per Bedroom (from Table 5A) based on ® Gravity ❑ LPD ❑ other: EZ FLOW, PER GMP 135.A C. Number of Bedrooms 0 Area Calculations: D. Length of Trench (ft.) 100 E. Length of Available Area (ft.) 100 F. Width of Trench (ft.) 0 G. Number of Trenches H. Center -to -center spacing (ft.) 0 I. Width required (ft.) 93 Including reserve J. Width of available area (ft,) 97 K. Total square footage required 1548 L. Square footage in design 1800 M. Is a reserve area required? yes 100% reserve is provided within the staked footprint, via five 100-foot EZ Flow trenches, using the allowable reduction, per GMP 135.A. Page / of ® Construction Permit OSE/PE Report For: Repair Voluntary Upgrade Permit Permit Certification Letter Subdivision Approval Property Location: 911 Address: City: Lot 4 Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map # 20-5B Health Dept ID # Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: James W Newman, Jr. Street: 2805 Barracks Rd City: Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22901-2002 Prepared by: OSE Name Thomas G. Hogge License # 1940-001091 Address PO Box 418 city Ruckersville State VA Zip Code22968 PE Name License # Address City State Zip Code Date of Report Date of Revision #1 OSE/PE Job # Date of Revision #2 Contents/index of this report (e.g., Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile Descriptions, Site Sketch, Abbreviated Design, etc.) 1-Cover 2,3-Site and Soil Evaluation Report 4-Site Sketch 5-Design Calculations Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VACS-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VACS-630), the Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems (12VACS-613) and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. iThe work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically the exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.A.11 I recommend that a (select one): construction permit I]certification letter El subdivision approval IDbe (select one) Issued ©e pair permit CT voluntary ulpgrade [ Denied OSE/PE Signature _ Date o?— to c?3 This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of information Act. Revised 1711 /2014 Site and Soil Evaluation Report Page a of S VDH Use Only HDIN: General Information Date: — Ataae County Health Department Owner: James W Newman, Jr. Phone: Owner Address: Property Address: Tax Map/GPIN #: 20-5B Subdivision: Section: Block: _ Lot: 4 Soil Information Summary I. Position in landscape satisfactory: N Yes ❑ No Describe landscape position: Sideslope 2. Slope: 74 % 3. Depth to rock/impervious strata: Max. 72+ in. Min. 66 in. ❑ Not observed 4. Free Water Present: ❑ Yes ■ No Range in inches: 5. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color):_ inches 9 Not observed 6. Soil percolation rate estimated: III Yes ❑ No Estimated rate: 55 min/in at 42 inches depth Texture Group: N I 9 II N 111 ❑ IV 7. Percolation test performed: © Yes a No If yes, provide additional data on percolation test results. Name and title ofev uator. Thomas Graham riogge, OSE Signature: 0 Site approved: Absorpbon nanchas (describe dispersal area, e.g. absorption trenches) dispersing Septic tank effluent (proposed level of treatment at time of evaluation) to be placed at 42 (inches) depth at site designated on permit. Site provides a total of 1 0,000+ square feet of absorption area for primary and reserve (if applicable). 0 Site disapproved: Reasons for rejection (check all that apply) I. ❑ Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. ❑ insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table. 4. ❑ Rates of absorption too slow. 5. ❑ Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required absorption area, and/or reserve area. 6. ❑ Proposed system too close to well. 7. ❑ Other (specify) This form contains personal information subject m disclosure under the freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/12014 Page 3 of S Date of Evaluation: 1-10-23 Profile Description SOIL EVALUATION REPORT Property ID: Taz Map20-613,Lat4 Where the local health department conducts the soil evaluation the location of profile holes may be shown on the schematic drawing on the construction permit or the sketch submitted with the application. if soil evaluations are conducted by a private Onsite Soil Evaluator or Professional Engineer, location of profile holes and sketch of the area investigated including all structural features (i.e. sewage disposal systems, wells, etc.) within 100 feet of the site and reserve site shall be shown on the reverse side of this page or prepared on a separate page and attached to this form. AUGER BORINGS ❑ See application sketch ❑ See Construction Permit N See sketch on reverse side or page attached to this form. Hole # Horizon Depth Inches Description of color, texture, etc. Texture Group 1 A 04 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 4-10 10 YR 6/4 light yellowish brown sandy day loam 2 at 10-34 5 YR 4/6 yellowish red clay loam 3 Ct 34-48 5 YR 518 yellowish red, coarse sandy loam with 5 YR 718 reddish yellow 2 C 48-72 10 YR 7/8 yellow, friable loamy sand saprolite, variegated with 7.5 YR 6/8 reddish yellow 1 and 2.5 Y 412 dark grayish brown (lithic) 2 A 0.4 10 YR 413 brown loam 2 E 4-9 7.5 YR 618 reddish yellow loam 2 at 9.42 2.5 YR 4/8 red clay loam 3 Ct 42-72 5 YR 5/8 yellowish red, friable sandy day loam to loam; saprolitic; micaceous, with 2 10 YR 2/1 black (Mn oxides) 3 A 0.5 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 5-10 7.5 YR 618 reddish yellow loam 2 at 10-32 5 YR 518 yellowish red, friable, micaceous, light clay loam 3 Ct 3244 2.5 YR 6/8 light red, friable, coarse loam (angular quartz clasts) 2 C 44-66 10 YR 416 dark yellowish brown, friable, highly micaceous loam saprolite (schist); a little 2 channery; with many flows of 2.5 YR 4/8 red; boring terminated near Cr boundary 4 A 0-6 10 YR 5/6 yellowish brown loam 2 at 6-28 2.5 YR 4/8 red, friable, micaceous clay loam 3 Ct 28-48 2.5 YR 6/8 light red, friable, coarse loam saprolite with 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow 2 C 48-72 10 YR 7/8 yellow, friable loamy sand saprolke, variegated with 7.5 YR 618 reddish yellow and 1 2.5 Y 4/2 dark grayish brown (lithic) 5 A 0-4 10 YR 413 brown loam 2 E 4-22 10 YR 6/4light yellowish brown sandy loam 2 Ct 22-60 2.5 YR 5/8 red, friable, coarse loam saprolite with 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow 2 C 60-72 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow, coarse, friable sandy loam saprolite with 2.5 YR 4/8 red 2 REMARKS: This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom 0 Information Act. Revised 12/1/2014 Page Y of S SITE SKETCH SHOWING PROPOSED SEPTIC & WELL, PROPOSED DIVISION OF TAX MAP # 20-5B ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA of &3C %�' TH�AS G. 7Z4 J�;r� �f PRIMARY & RESERVE OD E OW stake Lt7 LEGEND e3C Proposed Well Spot © Auger Boring F�;j Proposed House Site SCALE: V = 100' Design Basis A. Estimated Percolation Rate (Minutes per inch) B. Trench bottom square feet Required per Bedroom (from Table 5.4) based on © Gravity ❑ LPD ❑ other: EZ FLOW, PER GMP 135.A C. Number of Bedrooms Area Calculations: D. Length of Trench (ft.) 100 E. Length of Available Area (ft.) 100 F. Width of Trench (ft.) 1� G. Number of Trenches H. Center -to -center spacing (ft.) L� I. Width required (ft.) 93 J. Width of available area (ft.) LJ K. Total square footage required 1648 L. Square footage in design 1800 M. Is a reserve area required? yes Page Sof s Design Calculations Proposed Division of Tax Map 20-5B Lot 4 Albemarle County, VA Including reserve 100% reserve is provided within the staked footprint, via five 100-foot EZ Flow trenches, using the allowable reduction, per GMP 135.A. Page / of S ® Construction Repair Permit 0 Permit OSE/PE Report For: 1-1 Voluntary Upgrade Permit Certification Letter Subdivision Approval Property Location: 911 Address: City: Lot 5 Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map # 20-5B Health Dept ID # Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: James W Newman, Jr. Street: 2805 Barracks Rd City: Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22901-2002 Prepared by: OSE Name Thomas G. Flogge License # 1940-001091 Address PO Box 418 City Ruckersville State VA Zip Code22968 PE Name License If Address City State Zip Code Date of Report oc —073 Date of Revision #1 OSE/PE Job # Date of Revision #2 Contents/Index of this report (e.g., Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile Descriptions, Site Sketch, Abbreviated Design, etc) 2,3-Site and Soil Evaluation Report 4-Site Sketch 5-Design Calculations Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-630), the Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems (12VAC5-613) and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. ZThe work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically he exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.A.11 I recommend that a (select one): construction permit O certification letter © subdivision approval Obe (select one) Issued ©' pair perrr/it CI voluntary upgrade © Denied OSE/PE Signature Date �— -a3 This form contains personal information subject tovisclosure under the Freedom of information Act_ Revised 12/1/2014 Site and Soil Evaluation Report Page A of S VDH Use Only HDIN: General Information Date: — — Albematle County Health Department Owner: James W Newman, Jr. Phone: Owner Address: Property Address: Tax Map/GPIN #: 20-5B Subdivision: Section: Block: Lot:5 Soil Information Summary I. Position in landscape satisfactory: 9 Yes ❑ No Describe landscape position: Sideslope 2. Slope: 22 /. 3. Depth to rock/impervious strata: Max. 60+ in. Min. 43 in. ❑ Not observed 4. Free Water Present: ❑ Yes 9 No Range in inches: 5. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color): _ inches 9 Not observed 6. Soil percolation rate estimated: 9 Yes ❑ No Estimated rate: 50 minlin at 25 inches depth Texture Group: ❑ I oil mill ❑ IV 7. Percolation test performed: ® Yes El No If yes, provide additional data on percolation test results. Name and title of aluator. Thomas Graham rHogge,OSE Signature: i] Site approved: Absulpti-t news (describe dispersal area, e.g. absorption trenches) dispersing Septic tank effluent (proposed level of treatment at time of evaluation) to be placed at 25 (inches) depth at site designated on permit. Site provides a total of 10,00()+ square feet of absorption area for primary and reserve (if applicable). Site disapproved: Reasons for rejection (check all that apply) I. ❑ Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table. 4. ❑ Rates of absorption too slow. 5. ❑ Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required absorption area, and/or reserve area. 6. ❑ Proposed system too close to well. 7. ❑ Other (specify) This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/112014 Page 3_of 5 Date of Evaluation: 1-10-23 Profile Description SOIL EVALUATION REPORT Properly ID: Tax Map 20-59, Lot 5 Where the local health department conducts the soil evaluation the location of profile holes may be shown on the schematic drawing on the construction permit or the sketch submitted with the application. If soil evaluations are conducted by a private Onsite Soil Evaluator or Professional Engineer, location of profile holes and sketch of the area investigated including all structural features (i.e. sewage disposal systems, wells, etc.) within 100 feet of the site and reserve site shall be shown on the reverse side of this page or prepared on a separate page and attached to this form. AUGER BORINGS ❑ See application sketch ❑ See Construction Permit 6 See sketch on reverse side or page attached to this form. Hole # Horizon Depth Inches Description of color, texture, etc. Texture Group 1 A 0-5 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 5.15 10 YR 614 light yellowish brown loam 2 Bw 15-30 5 YR V6 yelkrMsh red, very light, friable day loam to sandy clay loam; a few subxound cobbles 312 Ct 30-50 5 YR 518 yellowish red, friable, coarse loam; a little stony; auger refusal at 50' 2 2 j A j 04 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 4-16 10 YR 64 light yellowish brown loam 2 Ct 1648 5 YR 5/8 yellowish red, friable, coarse loam; a little stony; auger refusal at 46" 2 3 A 04 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 4-10 10 YR 516 yellowish brown sandy Gay loam 2 Bt 10-24 5 YR 4/6 yellowish red, very light, friable Gay loam 3 Ct 24-43 5 YR 5/8 yellowish red, friable, coarse loam; a little stony; auger refusal at 43" 2 4 A 0-4 10 YR 5/4 yellowish brown loam 2 E 4-10 10 YR 516 yellowish brown sandy day loam 2 Bt 10-26 7.5 YR 5/8 strong brown, light, friable day loam 3 Ct 2649 10 YR 4/6 dark yellowish brown, friable, highly micaceous sandy clay loam with many 2 loamy lenses; saprolltic, with many flows of 5 YR 4/6 yellowish red; AIR at 49" 5 A 04 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 4-12 10 YR 5/6 yellowish brown sandy day loam 2 Bw 12-32 7.5 YR 5/6 strong brown, very light day loam to sandy clay loam; friable 312 Ct 32-60 5 YR 5/8 yellowish red, friable, coarse loam; a little stony 2 REMARKS: This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act Revised 12/112014 Page -y of5 SITE SKETCH SHOWING PROPOSED SEPTIC & WELL, PROPOSED DIVISION OF TAX MAP # 20-513 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA 2Ci-3D �,� `s 1 t ?� WOODED 93C 8 ® PROPOSED 11 PRIMARY & 2Sta j1 RESERVE %?„ SEPTIC C v (27 y ; ts•P 6 S Dw S�Wt4m e3C C j l r A � �eOs FpLTriOFGf^� t \Q U11. HOGG .� •� LEGEND SCALE: 1" = 100' 93C Proposed Well Spot BLUE RIDGE Q Auger Boring SOIL CONSULTING, INC. Proposed House Site AUTHORIZED ONSITE SOIL EVALUATORS (AOSEs) P.O. Box 418 Ru kersmlle. VA 22968 (434) 98S-2780 Design Basis A. Estimated Percolation Rate (Minutes per inch) Design Calculations Proposed Division of Tax Map 20-5B Lot 5 Albemarle County, VA 50 @ 25 B. Trench bottom square feet 7® Required per Bedroom (from Table 5.4) based on © Gravity ❑ LPD Q other: EZ ROW, PER GM 135.A C. Number of Bedrooms Area Calculations: D. Length of Trench (ft.) 100 E. Length of Available Area (ft.) 100 F. Width of Trench (ft.) 0 G. Number of Trenches H. Center -to -center spacing (ft.) 11 I. Width required (ft.) 102 J. Width of available area (ft.) r 108 K. Total square footage required 1504 L. Square footage in design 1800 Including reserve Page: Sot / M. Is a reserve area required? yes 100% reserve is provided within the staked footprint, via four 100-foot EZ Flow trenches, using the allowed reduction, per GMP 135.A. There is also extra room below the staked footprint, so there may be enough room to get two more ditches, and hence, put in the full gravel and pipe system for the reserve. Page / of S Construction Permit OSE/PE Report For: ©Repair ❑ Voluntary Upgrade Permit Permit ElCertification Letter Subdivision Approval Property Location: 911 Address: City: Lot 6 Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map # 20-5B Health Dept ID # Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: James W Newman, Jr. Street: 2805 Barracks Rd City: Charlottesville State VA zip code 22901-2002 Prepared by: OSE Name Thomas G. Hogge License # 1940-001091 Address PO Box 418 City Ruckersville State VA Zip Code22968 PE Name License # Address City State Zip Code Date of Report_ Q & e?3 Date of Revision #1 OSE/PE Job # Date of Revision #2 Contents/Index of this report (e.g., Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile Descriptions, site sketch, Abbreviated Design, etc) t-Co r 2,3-Site and Soil Evaluation Report 4-Site Sketch 5-Design Calculations Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-630), the Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems (12VAC5-613) and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that i currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. 7The work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically the exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.A.11 I recommend that a (select one): construction permit Ocertification letter O subdivision approval Elbe (select one) Issued O' r air per it El voluntary upgrade Q Denied Q OSE/PE Signature_ This form contains personal information subject to sclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Revised 12/1l2014 Site and Soil Evaluation Report Page oZ of 5 VDH Use Only HD1N: General Information Date: 2-M-c2 Abemarle County Health Department Owner: James W Newman, Jr. Phone: Owner Address: Property Address: Tax Map/GPIN #: 20-5B Subdivision: Section: Block: Lot:6 Soil Information Summary 1. Position in landscape satisfactory: 9 Yes ❑ No Describe landscape position: Sidesiope 2. Slope: 12 % 60" in reserve 3. Depth to rocklimpervious strata: Max. 72+ in. Min. 72+ in. ❑ Not observed 4. Free Water Present: ❑ Yes 0 No Range in inches: 5. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color): inches N Not observed 6. Soil percolation rate estimated: ® Yes ❑ No Estimated rate: 45 min/in at 48 inches depth Texture Group: 8 I 9 II 9 III ❑ IV 55 mpi @ 36" in reserve 7. Percolation test performed: ❑ Yes Il No If yes, provide additional data on percolation test results. Name and title o evaluat : Thomas Graham Hogge, OSE Signature: El Site approved: Ansorpfi-aenenes (describe dispersal area, e.g. absorption trenches) dispersing Septic tank effluent (proposed level of treatment at time of evaluation) to be placed at 48 (inches) depth at site designated on permit. Site provides a total of 10,000+ square feet of absorption area for primary and reserve (if applicable). ❑ Site disapproved: Reasons for rejection (check all that apply) 1. ❑ Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table. 4. ❑ Rates of absorption too slow. 5. ❑ Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required absorption area, and/or reserve area. 6. ❑ Proposed system too close to well. 7. ❑ Other (specify) This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. ReAsed 12/1/2014 Page .3 of S Date of Evaluation: 1-11`23 Profile Description SOIL EVALUATION REPORT Property ID: Tax Map 20-58, Lot 6 Where the local health department conducts the soil evaluation the location of profile holes may be shown on the schematic drawing on the construction permit or the sketch submitted with the application. If soil evaluations are conducted by a private Onsite Soil Evaluator or Professional Engineer, location of profile holes and sketch of the area investigated including all structural features (i.e. sewage disposal systems, wells, etc.) within 100 feet of the site and reserve site shall be shown on the reverse side of this page or prepared on a separate page and attached to this form. AUGER BORINGS ❑ See application sketch ❑ See Construction Permit E See sketch on reverse side or page attached to this form. Role # Horizon Depth Inches Description of color, texture, etc. Texture Group 1 A 0-4 10 YR 4/3 brown loam 2 E 4.12 10 YR 614 light yellowish brown loam 2 Bt 12-M 5 YR 4/6 yellowish red, friable day loam 3 CBt 34 46 2.5 YR 618 ligm red, friable sandy day loam saprolde (granitic), variegated with 10 YR 413 brown 2 and 5 YR 7/8 reddish yellow Ct 46-72 5 YR 5/8 yellowish red, friable sandy loam saprolite, var. with 10 YR 4/3 brown and 2 2 A 0-6 10 YR 413 brown loam 2 Bt 6-18 5 YR 416 yellowish red, friable clay loam 3 Ct 16-24 5 YR 516 yetmmh red, friable sandy loam saprolde, var. with 10 YR 4/3 brown and 5 YR 718 reddish yellow 2 C 24-72 10 YR 8/3 very pale brown, friable loamy sand saprolite, var. with 2.5 Y 5/3 Ilght olive brown 1 and 5 YR 518 yellowish red 3 A 0-5 7.5 YR 4/6 yellowish red loam 2 Bt 5.32 2.5 YR 4/8 red, friable day loam 3 Bic 32-72 5 YR 4/6 yellowish red, soft, friable sandy day loam to loam, saprolhic; micaceous; 2 texture lightens with depth 4 A 0-5 7.5 YR 4/6 yellowish red loam 2 RESERVE Bt 5-26 2.5 YR 4/8 red, friable day loam 3 C 26-60 10 YR 416 dark yellowish brown, highly micaceous loam saprolite; a little dlannery but friable; 2 boring terminated near Cr boundary 5 A 0.4 10 YR 413 brown loam 2 RESERVE Bw 4-22 2.5 YR 418 red, friable sandy clay loam 2 Ct 22-60 5 YR 4/6 yellowish red, friable, micaceous, coarse loam saprolite, var. with 2 10 YR 4/3 brown and 5 YR 6/6 reddish yellow REMARKS: This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Revised 1211 /2014 j Page of S SITE SKETCH SHOWING PROPOSED SEPTIC & WELL, PROPOSED DIVISION OF TAX MAP # 20-5B ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA t WOODED O 577.48' �6r2. ti0 Frb 521'19`32'E 529.53' •3C c\ Mill (ny PROPOSED v) SEPTIC �-1 490 r ">V, 2 ;I WT DDw sidm 32"UTIN 0� �r x Q y1 4i � 1940 'iiiiii{Il St566 t LEGEND SCALE: I" =100' e3c Proposed Well Spot BLUEEE RIDGE © Auger Boring SOIL CONSULTING, INC:. Proposed House Site AUTHORIZED ONSITE SOIL EVALUATORS (AOSEs) P.O. Box 418 Ruckers-Ale. VA 22968 (434) 985-2780 Page 5of S Design Calculations Proposed Division of Tax Map 20-5B Albemarle County, VA Lot 6 Design Basis A. Estimated Percolation Rate 45 @ 48 55 MPI @ 36" in reserve (Minutes per inch) B. Trench bottom square feet ® 412 in reserve Required per Bedroom (from Table 5.4) based on ❑x Gravity ❑ LPD ❑ other: FZ FLOW, PER GMP 135.A C. Number of Bedrooms �J Area Calculations: D. Length of Trench (ft.) 100 E. Length of Available Area (ft.) r 100 F. Width of Trench (ft.) 0 G. Number of Trenches 0 H. Center -to -center spacing (ft.) 0 I. Width required (ft.) g3 Including reserve J. Width of available area (ft.) 102 K. Total square footage required 1376 L. Square footage in design 5500 M. Is a reserve area required? yes 100% reserve is provided in the bottom of the staked footprint, via six 100-foot trenches at 36" deep.