HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202300012 Action Letter 2023-03-17Cameron Langille Principal Planner, Planning County of Albemarle blangille@albemarle.org Community Development Department - Department Telephone: (434) 296-5832 ext. 3432 Memorandum To: Justin Shimp, P.E., Tustin@shimo-engineering.com Date: March 17, 2023 Re: SUB202300012 River Heights Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Site Review Committee Action Letter Dear Applicant: The Agent for the Board of Supervisors hereby grants administrative approval to the above referenced preliminary plat. See below and attached for conditions and process. This approval shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of this letter, provided that the developer submits a final plat for all or a portion of the site within one (1) year after the date of this letter as provided in the Section 14-226 of the Code of the County of Albemarle, and thereafter diligently pursues approval of the final plat. The final plat will not be considered to have been officially submitted until the following items are received: 1. A final plat that satisfies all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Code, and the conditions attached to this letter. 2. Applicable fee outlined in the application. Please submit the final plat to the Community Development Department. The assigned Lead Reviewer will then distribute the plats to all reviewing agencies. The Department of Community Development shall not accept submittal of the final plat for signature until tentative approvals for the attached conditions from the following agencies/reviewers have been obtained: SRC Members: Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB) Albemarle County Inspections Albemarle County Information Services (E911) Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue Albemarle County Parks & Recreation Albemarle County Service Authority Virginia Department of Health Virginia Department of Transportation Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) Sincerely, Cameron Langille Principal Planner WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Cameron Langille Principal Planner, Planning County of Albemarle blangille@albemarle.org Community Development Department - Department Telephone: (434) 296-5832 ext. 3432 Memorandum To: Justin Shimp, P.E., iustin@shimo-engineering.com Date: March 9, 2023; Revised 3/17/2023 Re: SUB202300012 River Heights Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Site Review Committee Comments Dear Mr. Shimp: The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above. Initial comments from the following divisions of the Department of Community Development and other agencies, as applicable, are attached: Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) (attached) Albemarle County Information Services (E911) Albemarle County Building Inspections Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (attached) Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue (attached) Albemarle County Service Authority (attached) Albemarle County Parks & Recreation Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (attached) Virginia Department of Transportation (attached) Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed, and should not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all issues that will be required to be resolved prior to Final Site Plan approval. The applicant shall request the project be deferred to allow required revisions if required. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Cameron Langille Principal Planner WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) - Cameron Langille, blangille@albemarle.org Comments to be address prior to preliminary plat approval: 1. [14-216] The required $237.00 mailed notification fee has not been paid. This fee must be paid by Friday, March 17, 2023 or the preliminary plat will be denied. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. Comments to be address prior to final plat approval: 2. [14-302 (A)(3)] Please show and label S. Pantops Drive on all applicable sheets with dimensions of existing street right-of-way. State the deed book and page number for the recorded instrument that created the right-of-way in the label. 3. [38-2.2.3] Please provide a calculation on the cover sheet stating the amount of open space required (25% for cluster developments). 4. [14-302 (A)(4)] Please verify if all existing private easements are shown on the plat. All existing private easements should be shown and labeled with the easement type, width, and the recorded instrument number. 5. [14-302 (A)(5)] Please verify if all existing public easements are shown on the plat. All existing public easements should be shown and labeled with the easement type, width, and the recorded instrument number. 6. [14-302 (A)(4); 14-302 (A)(5)] Please update all proposed easement labels to indicate whether they are public or private. All new public easements must be noted in their labels as "dedicated to public use." 7. [14-302 (A)(9)] Please update general note #3 on the cover sheet so that it states "Lots 1-13 each contain a building site that complies with section 4.2.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance." 8. [14-302 (A)(14); 14-303 (G)] Please provide a note stating who will own and maintain the open space parcel. 9. [14-302 (13)(8)] Please add the required garage setbacks to the setback note. 10. [14-302 (13)(30)] Please show the WPO stream buffer on all applicable sheets and add the following note to the plat: "The stream buffer(s) shown hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance." 11. [14-303 (A)] Please add a statement of consent to division to the cover sheet. The statement must read: "The platting or dedication of the following described land [insert a correct description of the land subdivided] is with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersigned owners, proprietors and trustees, if any." 12. [14-303 (L)] Please show and label all proposed public utility and drainage easements. a. [14-302 (A)(14); 14-431] Public easements for drainage and stormwater will require recordation of a deed of dedication with the final plats. Deeds will be prepared by Engineering Division staff during final plat review. 13. [14-303 (0)] Please add signature panels for each owner and for the agent or his designee. The signature panel for the owner shall be located immediately below the statement required by comment #11. 14. [14-303 (P)] Please add a notary panel(s) for the notary to acknowledge the signature of the owner. WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 15. [14-305] Prior to final plat approval, a WPO application will need to be approved. See Engineering Division comments for further information. 16. [14-400] Please add a note to the final plat stating the maximum structure height permitted. 17. [14-410; 14-422] Sidewalk along S. Pantops Drive needs to be entirely within the right-of-way or entirely within private lots. See attached VDOT and Engineering Division comments for further information. 18. [14-410; 14-412] Please clarify the proposed means of access to each lot in this subdivision. The plat currently labels a 23' private cross access easement at the rear of each lot. Is this intended to be a private street easement that will comply with all regulations related to private streets in the Subdivision Ordinance? a. [14-410] See attached Engineering Division comments regarding the alley serving lots 1-13. Alleys must intersect streets at two locations. Currently, it only intersects S. Pantops Drive at one location. 19. [General Comment] Please be advised that all projects proposing single-family attached dwellings must receive approval of an initial and final site plan application. This project does not currently have an approved initial or final site plan. Please contact Cameron Langille in the Planning Division by using blaneille@albemarle.ore or 434-296-5832 ext.3432 for further information. Comments from Other Reviewers: Albemarle County Engineering Division - John Anderson, landerson2@albemarle.org - Requested changes, see attached. Albemarle County E911 Services - Andy Slack, aslack@albemarle.org - No objection. Albemarle County Architectural Review Board - Margaret Maliszewski, mmaliszewski(a)albemarle.ore - No objection. Albemarle County Inspections - Betty Slough, bsloueh@albemarle.ore - Review not yet complete, comments or approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt. Albemarle County Fire & Rescue - Howard Lagomarsino, hlaeomarsino@albemarle.ore - Requested changes, see attached. Albemarle County Service Authority - Richard Nelson, rnelson@serviceauthority.org - See attached recommendation. Albemarle County Parks & Recreation - Tim Padalino, tpadalino@albemarle.org - Review not yet complete, comments or approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt. Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) -Max Greene, max.ereene@vdot.vireinia.eov -Requested changes, see attached. Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) - Dyon Vega, dvega@rivanna.org - No objection, see attached. WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Review Comments for SUB202300012 Preliminary Plat Project Name: RIVER HEIGHTS - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Friday, February 17, 2023 DepartmenuDivisionAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: John Anderson CDD Enaineerna Requested Changes - Grading comments. These can be addressed during WPO plan review. 1. The slope in front of units on lots 6-13 appears to direct storm water runoff toward the structure. To direct storm water runoff away from the foundation, slope permeable surfaces away from the house at least 0.5 inch per foot for 10 feet. This may affect the finished floor elevation but can be addressed with the WPO grading plan. 2. Drainage between the two buildings may require an improved channel or may need to be piped. This can be addressed with the WPO grading plan. 3. Grading of the 6-ft planting strip does not reflect a 2% slope from the back -of -sidewalk to the back -of -curb. janderson2 2/17/2023 6:01 PM 1. C5 a. Lot 1 vehicles may not reverse from driveway without multi -point maneuvers. Revise design to provide adequate space to exit driveway of Lot 1 with just a single reverse maneuver, before vehicle can shift to forward direction to exit the subdivision. b. Ensure horizontal sight distance at Int. S. Pantops Drive and development entrance is unobstructed to the east, it appears adjoining parcel improvements (existing wall) may obstruct view to the east. C. Front porches are shown to be within the horizontal sight distance easement to the west. Remove porches from the easement so that the sight line is not obstructed. d. Provide vertical sight distance profile, E-W, at development entrance at S. Pantops Drive. 2. Grading comments (May be addressed during WPO plan review): a. To direct storm water runoff away from the foundation around each building, slope permeable surfaces away from the structures at least 0.5 inch per foot for 10 feet [UBC requirement]. b. Drainage between the two buildings may require an improved channel or may need to be piped, depending on the area draining to this space- C. Grading of the 6-ft planting strip does not reflect a 2% slope from the back -of -sidewalk to the back -of -curb. 3. Extend guardrail in front of all 3 guest parking spaces and around the end of the drive aisle. 4. The drive aisle is acting as an alley. Alleys must intersect streets at two locations. Dead-end alleys with a turnaround may be permitted by waiver from the county engineer [Design Standards Manual - Section 7.D.4]. 5. Portion of sidewalk beyond South Pantops Drive RW (Lots 12 and 13) is not sole maintenance responsibility of Lot 12, 13 owners. Furnish copy of HOA /CC&R indicating HOA maintenance responsibility, or copy of recorded sidewalk maintenance agreement that assigns identical responsibility to River Heights HOA. 6. WPO plan approval is required prior to final plat approval. WPO202200020 review comments were sent to Applicant, 2/7/23. 7. Ensure final plat is consistent with WPO202000020, once WPO plan is approved. 8. With final plat, show and label SWM facility easement, SWM access (from S. Pantops Dr.), and public drainage easement from SWM facility outfalls (i.e., permeable pavers) to existing variable width drainage easement shown on C3. 9. C5: Appears to indicate permeable pavement at each townhouse unit driveway /parking pad. Show /label separate SWM facility easements at each unit driveway on the final plat if pavers are used to meet state stormwater requirements. WPO202200020 indicates this is the case. 10. Provide PE -seal (cast -in -place) retaining wall design for Engineering review prior to WPO plan approval since retaining wall affects grade and additional critical elements of subdivision design. Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 03/09/2023 Review Comments for SUB202300012 Preliminary Plat Project Name: RIVER HEIGHTS - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Friday, January 27, 2023 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status: Reviewer: Margaret Maliszewski CDD ARB No Objection Page: 1--1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 33/09/20 33 Review Comments for SUB202300012 Preliminary Plat Project Name. RIVER HEIGHTS - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status: Reviewer Howard Lagomarsino Fire Rescue f Requested Changes 1) Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or within a jurisdiction. The Fire Apparatus Access Road shall rovide unobstructed travelway width of 20 ft for buildings 30 ft tall or less and 26 ft. for buildings exceeding 30 tall. measured to eaves or top of parapet, whichever is greater. 2) No parking -Fire Lane signs markings are necessaary where ever parking can rduce the travelway below the widths in # 1. 3) Fire apparatus access roads shall provide access to all sides of the ground level , within 150 ft of the fire apparatus on the fire apparatus access road. 4) An approved turn around is necessary for any fire appratus access road exceeding 150 feet in length. 5) The raod behind the structures is necessary to provide the required access to all sides of the ground level found in # 3, so it is considered a fire appartus access road and exceeds 150 feet, so it requires an approved turn around. Page. 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 03/09/2023 (Z) COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Stephen C. Brich, P.E. 1401 East Broad Street Commissioner Richmond, Virginia 23219 February 15, 2023 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Cameron Langille Re: SUB-2023-00012 — River Heights - Preliminary Plat Dear Mr. Langille: (804) 786-2701 Fax: (804) 786,2940 The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section has reviewed the River Heights - Preliminary Plat, dated January 17, 2023 as submitted by Shimp Engineering and find the following: 1. Approved site plan in compliance with the VDOT Road Design Manual are required prior to final plat approval. 2. Proposed sidewalk should be either all in or all out of the R/W. Sidewalk maintenance agreement may be required prior to final approval. 3. Existing fire hydrant and valve appear to be in the proposed sidewalk and is not an acceptable option. 4. Slope behind proposed sidewalk may require safety railing for acceptance. Please see page A(1)-82, Road Design Manual, Appendix A(1), Railing Requirements https://www.virainiadot.org/business/resources/LocDes/RDM/Appenda l.pdf 5. Has the R/W bump -out in the fire hydrant area been investigated for abandonment? A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the VDOT Charlottesville Residency Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. If you have further questions, please contact Max Greene at 434-422-9894. Sincerely, John C. Wilson, P.E. Assistant Resident Engineer Area Land Use VDOT - Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Review Comments for SUB202300012 Preliminary Plat Project Name: RIVER HEIGHTS - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Friday, March 03, 2023 Department/DivisiordAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Richard Nelson ACSA See Recommendations I recommend SUB202300012 River Heights Preliminary Subdndsion Plat for approval with the following conditions: Utility plan approval will be required prior to final plat approval. Show proposed water meters on utility plan. Include sewer main profiles with utility plan. Include retaining wall details. The ACSA has a dedicated fill hydrant for contractor use. The ACSA will need to evaluate if a relocation of the fill hydrant will be required. The ACSA requests an additional 2.5-feet of easement on both sides of the existing sewer easement. Thanks, Richard Nelson Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 (434)977-4511 Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 03/09/2023 Review Comments for SUB202300012 Preliminary Plat Project Name: RIVER HEIGHTS - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status: Reviewer: Victoria Fort RWSA RWSA has reviewed the Rarer Heights Preliminary plat dated 1/17/2023 and has no comments. Thanks, Dyon Vega Civil Engineer Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (434)977-2970, Ext.170 695 Moores Creek Lane Charlottesville, VA22902 www.nvanna.org No Objection Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 03/09/2023 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Parks & Recreation Department 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Telephone (434) 296-5844 1 Fax (434) 293-0299 To: Cameron Langille, Principal Planner, Community Development Department (Planning Division) — Lead Reviewer CC: Justin Shimp, PE, Shimp Engineering P.C. — Applicant From: Tim Padalino, AICP, Chief of Parks Planning, Parks & Recreation Department Date: March 10, 2023 Subject: ACPR Review Comments for SUB202300012 (River Heights Preliminary Plat) Review Status: Requested Changes Review Comments: Please show and label the existing Old Mills Trail across TMP #78-20R, which is located within the existing Greenway License Agreement recorded in DB 3815 PG 500-508. 2. Please show and label the reserved greenway easement across TMP #78-20R, which was reserved for dedication to Albemarle County for public use in DB 2913 PG 156-162. 3. Albemarle County requests dedication of this reserved greenway easement across TMP 478-20R in conjunction with the final plat. A template for the deed of greenway easement (prepared by the County Attorney's Office) should be used to draft the deed; this template will be made available upon request in conjunction with the preparation of the final plat. 4. Albemarle County requests (but does not require) voluntary dedication of a variable -width public greenway easement where the proposed 1.33-acre Open Space parcel is shown (across the northwestern portions of TMP # 78-20R, between the public ROW for South Pantops Drive and the reserved greenway easement for the Old Mills Trail). This request is respectfully made for the following reasons: a. The "Parks & Green Systems Plan" in the 2019 Pantops Master Plan identifies a new publicly -accessible bike/ped connection from South Pantops Drive to the Rivanna River / Old Mills Trail in this location at TMP #78-20R; b. The portions of TMP 478-20R where Albemarle County is requesting this variable width public easement are not suitable/available for private land development/use (due to the existence of numerous overlapping constraints such as existing utility easements, drainage easements, preserved steep slopes, floodplain, and dam break inundation zone); and c. Albemarle County Parks & Recreation desires to implement this valuable bike/ped trail connection between South Pantops Drive and the Rivanna River/Old Mills Trail in order to implement the vision, goals, and objectives identified in the "Greenway Plan for the Development Areas" in the Comprehensive Plan (2015), in the "Parks & Green Systems Plan' in the Pantops Master Plan (2019), and the Urban Rivanna River Corridor Plan (2022). ACPR staff remain available to discuss these comments and requests. Thank you for your attention to these comments and consideration of these requests. Enclosed: Excerpts from County -adopted plans/policies to provide explanation and rationale for review comments. Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan (2015): aww' •fir ICA•� �r Figure 3: Greenway Plan for the Development Objective ll: Complete the greenway trail system and provide access to blueways. Straleav 361 Continue to devebp the County's gre envoy system as shown in the Development Area Master Plans and on the Greenway Plan_ Slraleav 3a: Continue to encourage developers to contribute to the greenway system by dedicaflng land, donating easements or funds, and/or constructing portion of the trails identified on the Greenway Plan. Straleav 37: Coordinate adjacent land development with the greenway, so that existing and future development can be integrated into and harmonious with the greenway system. Objective 4: Provide access points to greenways and blueways. Sfrateav da: Provide access to public greenways at locations shown in Development Area Master Plans and in places listed in the Greenway Plan. Pantops Master Plan (2019): y- rtti,��� r., .• t , ;'`' �' •',lisp 46 j W",5// i� `.. `� ♦ • r NLOTTESYs S e Map Legend .r `.:.. .. , Public Parks b, . • •..;,...,,•: '' �� ■ A Potectul b•�If,`•.. •�•r . _ I Publle Perk \O / Pans6 �� •`` r I I! Green Systems •� I =��• •\g. l _ _ Existing �7y'y Public Trail �b•.�� pk�YbabnvYcnnb 0 N • Proposed 14p TYuoepl•. Public Trail _ fY:l9sal .iw. blpp . Creating Recreational Opportunities 47 1 PANTOPS MASTER PLAN I ADOPTEDJUNE 19, 2C"1 In addition to existing or already planned amenities such as Darden Towe Park and the Old Mills Trail, new public park areas, trails, and Rivanna River access points are proposed to provide improved access to amenities and the River, especially within the southern portion of Pantops. These amenities are intended to provide a range of recreational opportunities and ensure that all areas of Pantoos have access to Clarks and trails. Urban Rivanna River Corridor Plan (2022): Darden Towe Park, Riverview Park, and publicly accessible greenways enable free public access to the Rivanna River and waterfront trails. Opportunities exist to expand and enhance these parks and greenways and to develop additional parks and trails. Opportunities also exist to support and promote increased commercial recreation operations and services that enable the public to have safe, enjoyable river and trail experiences. To build on these opportunities in ways that are environmentally sensitive and sustainable, the following recommendations are made: RECREATIONAL ACTIVMES Improve multi -purpose trail connectivity between the corridor and nearby neighborhoods and commercial facilities to 1 provide better recreational access with special consideration for issues of equity and increasing access to recreation destinations for underserved populations. 1.1 Support and advance bike/ped connections identified in the Ciq/s and County's Comprehensive plans. 1.2 Continue to evaluate opportunities for new connections. 2 Improve and expand the trail system within the urban river corridor. Identify and implement needed improvements and other actions within the urban river corridor that are necessary in order 2.1 to enable the planned extension of the Rivanna Greenway downstream to areas of interest such as Shadwell, the Milton Boat Launch, and the existing riverfront greenway trail in the Village of Rivanna Development Area. Identify and improve certain sections of the Old Mills Trail that currently create challenges for access and use due to trail 2.2 layout, design, and grade. Continue efforts to develop a shared -use path along 250 to make a connection between Locust Grove and the urban river di corridor. 2 T Continue to partner with the Rivanna Trails Foundation, Charlottesville Albemarle Mountain Bike Club, and other local, state, and federal organizations and agencies to continue maintaining, improving, and expandingthe trail network. 3 Improve and expand the park system within the urban river corridor. 3.1 Implement high -priority park related projects within the Pantops Master Plan, including the Free Bridge Lane Green Street Conversion project and Rivanna River Bike/Ped Crossing catalyst projects. 3.2 Continue to work with landowners on opportunities to expand the park system and trail within the urban river corridor. 4 Increase the number and type of public access points to the river and waterfront for better public use and enjoyment of the water, with special consideration for accessibility for people with limited mobility. .. Plan, fund, and develop new water access facilities and amenities to support enhanced water recreation opportunities and Develop and implement a recreation and resource management plan for the sediment island at the mouth of Moores 4.2 Creek to enable safe public access to and sustainable recreational use of the island. 4.3 (Strengthen - existing partnerships and cultivate new partnerships with private property owners to develop new sites for access and wayfinding signage to support improved connectivity between existing or future transit stops a