HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP199200018 Action Letter Final Site Plan and Comps. 1992-03-10 � I �
Dept of Planning & Community Development
401 Mclntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
(804) 296-5823
March 12, 1992
Michie Tavern
c/o Greg McDonald
Rt. 6, Box 7A
Charlottesville, VA 22901
RE: Michie Tavern Site Plan
Tax Map 77, Parcel 27
Dear Mr. McDonald:
The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on
March 10, 1992 , unanimously approved the above-noted
site plan. Please note that this approval is subject to the
following conditions:
1. The final site plan shall not be signed until the
following conditions have been met:
13.0.' Staff approval of the landscape plan; (1". 11 : Z
b. Department of Engineering issuance of an Erosion
Control Permit.
In order to be eligible for administrative approval by the
agent, a final site development plan shall be submitted on a
submittal deadline with the appropriate fee within six (6)
months of Planning Commission approval of the preliminary
plan. In any case, the final site development plan shall be
submitted within one (1) year of the Planning Commission's
approval of the preliminary plan or the approval shall
During the above time period, the applicant shall work to
satisfy the conditions of preliminary site development plan
approval. The applicant shall have the appropriate agency
notify this Department, in writing, that the applicable
conditions have been met.
Michie Tavern
Page 2
March 12 , 1992
To obtain tentative approvals for the final site development
plan from the agencies represented on the Site Review
Committee, the applicant shall submit the appropriate plans
and materials to each agency, individually, for their
review. Once the plans have been tentatively approved by
each agency, the applicant shall have each agency notify the
Planning Department, in writing, that tentative approval has
been secured.
Once tentative approvals are secured, the final plan shall
be submitted to this Department, as stated above. The final
plan mylar can be signed at the scheduled Site Review
Meeting if after staff review, the final plan meets all
ordinances and conditions of approval.
If you should have any questions or comments regarding the
above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yolanda Hipski
YH/j cw
cc: Amelia Patterson
Jo Higgins
Gloeckner & Osborne, Inc
Department of Zoning
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
(804) 296-5875
March 20, 1992
Gloeckner & Osborne, Inc.
700 East High Street
Charlottesville VA 22901
ATTN: Brian Smith
Re: ARB-F(SDP) 91-40 Michie Tavern Site Plan
Tax Map 77 Parcels 27 and 29
Dear Mr. Smith:
The revised drawing (revised date 3-18-92) illustrating the above
noted site plan conforms to the conditions imposed by the Albemarle
County Architectural Review Board. Therefore, a Certificate of
Appropriateness has been granted for the Michie Tavern Site Plan.
Approval received from the Albemarle County Architectural Review
Board is predicated on the fact that the materials as proposed and
exhibited for review will be used. The acceptance of approval
implies ,that the applicant has agreed to use the materials as
indicated on the site plan, attachments and samples submitted to
the Albemarle County Zoning Department. Any change in the approved
materials will require an amendment to the plan and must be
reviewed and approved by the Zoning Administrator or Architectural
Review Board if changes are deemed by the Zoning Administrator to
be substantial.
If you have questions please call me.
Marcia oseph
Design Planner
cc: Amelia Patterson Cindy Conte Yolanda Hipski Bob Shaw
SDP-91-079 M' -'iie Tavern Site Pi - Prc--sal to relocate
eight existi log cabins to sup• t exl its and crafts.
Property, described as Tax Map 77, Parcel 27 is located on
Rt. 53 behind the existing Michie Tavern site. Zoned RA,
Rural Areas and EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District, this
site is located in the Scottsville Magisterial District.
This site is not located in a designated growth area.
Ms. Hipski presented the staff report. Staff recommended
approval subject to conditions.
Ms. Hipski distributed copies of a letter from the County
Engineering Department indicating that the grading and
drainage plans and stormwater detention plans have been
The applicant was represented by Mr. Brian Smith. He
offered to answer questions. He stated the applicant had no
opposition to the suggested conditions of approval . He
explained that the requested revisions to the landscape plan
had been made and would be re-submitted to Ms. Joseph (ARB
staff member) March llth. In response to Ms. Huckle's
request, Mr. Smith described the stormwater channels.
There being no further public comment, the matter was placed
before the Commission.
Mr. Johnson expressed concerns about "the way this has been
handled. " He stated: "For reasons unknown to me, a letter
dated 16 September of last year was sent to George St. John
from Mary Sue Terry. It addressed three questions which had
3-10-92 18
been posed to the Attorney General 's Office. The third
question was: 'Whether the Architectural Review Board may
require an applicant to relocate his proposed building on
its site or otherwise alter a site plan previously approved
by the local planning commission. ' The answer in part was
'local governing body could define the Architectural Review
Board's evaluation of architectural compatibility to include
a review of a proposed building or a structure's location in
a site plan. In the absence of such assignment, that board
would lack authority to overrule or modify a site plan
previously approved by the entity designed in the local
ordinance to perform that function. ' What it is saying is
that unless unless the Board of Supervisors authorizes the
ARB to change something after we had passed the final site
plan, they have no authority. Our ordinance covers that by
saying in Section 30. 6. 4 . 1 'The Commission shall not approve
any final site development plan unless and until a
Certificate of Appropriateness has been issued. So our
local ordinance has pushed this function of the ARB prior to
the approval of the final site plan. I began to get
concerned as I looked at dates here. My concern was that
the ARB, as far as I know and I have checked in depth, the
ARB as a unit, or as an individual, has not seen the plan as
it exists now at least since the 5th of November. Their
last report was dated the 5th of November. At that time--in
my estimation and here it's a matter of interpretation, I
guess--they did not necessarily approve it, in my eye, but
'the Board voted 4 to 1 in favor of granting a Certificate
of Appropriateness. . . . ' Subsequent to that we. . . didn't
authorize administrative approval of the final site plan but
said we wanted it to come to us. That' s where we are
now--the final site plan is brought to us in conformance to
our request as being concerned with the treatment of the
critical slope. My concern is, and continues to be, is that
the ARB, who has the aesthetic evaluation and concern over
the whole thing, including the treatment of critical slopes
from an aesthetic standpoint, has not, as far as I
know, . . .met on it. We have a purported approval here, by
the ARB, of something that they have never seen--the final
version they haven't seen. That concerns me. In addition,
when we discussed the Sign Ordinance, there was a request by
either the ARB or the BZA that the requirement to review
signs be included in any site plan. There are bound to be
some signs on this, I am sure, but there is no mention of
that. Basically, we're asked here to approve this, and I am
sure we will, but predicated on the information that the ARB
has seen it when they haven't. . . . This concerns me; it
just doesn't seem like a very businesslike way to run an
organization. "
Mr. Grimm asked staff: "Has this plan changed significantly
enough to have merited another review of the ARB?" Mr.
Cilimberg responded: "The plan on which the ARB based its
approval, with the condition of staff approval of the
• 3-10-92 19
landscape plan, indicated a general approach to grading and
the treatment of the area to be graded that were very
similar to what is now on the plan. It was the view of the
staff person of the ARB, who was essentially given final
administrative approval with the landscape plan, that this
plan, here, included all the necessary and critical elements
of the original plan that they approved. We can only go by
that, but that is a staff determination based on the
decision that the staff person knew that the ARB made. "
Ms. Hipski confirmed this was an accurate assessment of the
situation. Ms. Hipski also stated that the plan that was
now being presented to the Commission had been reviewed by
the ARB's staff member "this afternoon" and she had granted
administrative approval, as she had been authorized to do by
the ARB on November 5th. Mr. Cilimberg concluded: "The
bottom line is that the staff person given that final
approval found this plan to be in substantial accord with
the plan that the ARB reviewed and approved. In her
determination, there was no reason to take it back to the
ARB and there is no plan to take it back to the ARB. It is
now an administrative item. "
Mr. Nitchmann concluded that "we must trust the ARB' s
judgment that it was well within the knowledge and the
expertise of their staff member to approve any minor changes
that might occur after they had essentially approved it. "
Mr. Blue agreed with Mr. Nitchmann's conclusion and
disagreed with Mr. Johnson' s position. Mr. Blue also
questioned why the final site plan had come back to the
Commission. He felt it was the Commission's task to set or
revise policy but "we are not expert enough to get into the
little details of the grading and critical slopes. " He felt
detail should be left up to staff.
Mr. Johnson stated he agreed with Mr. Blue, but he continued
to question the ARB' s action. He stated: "On November 5th
they say they voted 4 : 1 ' in favor of granting' , they didn't
say 'we grant approval, ' they just said ' in favor. '" He
concluded: "But not approving it, never seeing, and just
having a statement by Marcia Joseph that she sees nothing
wrong with it--the Architectural Review Board isn't doing
their part, in my estimation. "
Mr. Cilimberg stated that is "the language the ARB is using
as their approval language. "
Mr. Blue interpreted that the ARB had approved the plan
"subject to their staff having a final look at it. "
Mr. Keeler pointed out that, early on, it had been decided
that ARB approvals would work much the same way as site plan
3-10-92 20
Mr. Bowling asked staff: "The ARB has approved this
application--have they not?" Mr. Keeler responded: "Yes. "
Mr. Johnson continued to argue that a step in the process
had not taken place, i.e. "they (did not) take action
between us reviewing the preliminary and the final. "
Mr. Cilimberg pointed out that the Commission had reviewed
the preliminary on October 29, 1991 and the ARB met after
that date (November 5, 1991) .
Without further discussion, Ms. Andersen moved that the
Michie Tavern Site Plan Amendment be approved, subject to
the following conditions:
1. The final site plan shall not be signed until the
following conditions have been met:
a. Staff approval of the landscape plan;
b. Department of Engineering issuance of an Erosion
Control Permit.
Mr. Nitchmann seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Mr. Cilimberg brought the Commission up-to-date on the
status of the Sign Ordinance.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at
10: 15 p.m.
V. Wayne Cilimberg, Secretary
(1w -To 'PG
TO: Yolanda Hipski, Planner
FROM: Wayne A. Smith, Sr. , Civil Engineer II V0-0
DATE: March 9, 1992
RE: Michie Tavern Site Plan Amendment (SDP-91-078)
Summary of Memos Concerning this Project
Memo dated 10/14/91 - referred to the "T" turnaround - the Site Review
Committee comments did not apply since this is to be a walkway.
Memo dated 10/21/91 - referred to critical slopes and soil erosion - only a
portion of the walkway and the western courtyard will be located on critical
slopes - the possibility of soil erosion will be kept to a minimum by using
temporary sediment traps, silt fencing and berms.
Action letter dated 10/30/91 from Planning and Community Development -
Department of Engineering approval of a) grading and drainage plans and
calculations; b) approval of retaining wall design; c) issuance of an erosion
control permit; d) issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness (approval)
from the Architectural Review Board.
Tentative approval dated 2/19/92 - approval given with the following
exception: erosion control plan was approved subject to minor procedural
Architectural Review Board Status dated 11/5/91 - Board granted approval
subject to approval of the landscape plan.
All the above items have been addressed including adequate channels for
stormwater management for erosion control; rainfall intensity for the
reoccurring two year storm and rainfall intensity for the reoccurring ten year
storm on the finished project in accordance with Final Regulations VR
625.02.00 adopted by The Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board on July
11, 1990; effective date September 13, 1990.
This project has been reviewed in exceptional depth. It is my personal
opinion that further review would be futile in light of the number of staff
hours expended already.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
��yor ni.e�,r
>R:INn tN,Iq-f
Department of Zoning
401 Mclntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
(804) 296-5875
To: Yolanda Hipski
From: Marcia Joseph, Design Planner
Re: Michie Tavern Site Plan
ARB-F(SDP) -91-40
Date: March 10, 1992
I have reviewed the grading, pathways, and the building placement
on the proposed Site Plan dated 2-3-92 scheduled for review by the
Planning Commission on March 10, 1992 , and find it to conform to
the site plan sketch reviewed by and granted a conditional approval
by the Architectural Review Board on November 5, 1991.
The Landscape portion of this plan has been reviewed. The applicant
must revise the drawing to:
1) Label the existing trees on the Landscape plan.
2) Indicate that the proposed plantings of mountain
laurel, rhododendron, and rose bushes, will be 36" in height.
The selection of plant materials and their location on the plan are
approvable once the revisions have been submitted to this office.
A Certificate of Appropriateness will be granted if the revisions
are made to the Landscape Plan.
6, laY m ,•`
. C-11Qeri•1 "To
Department of Engineering
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
(804) 296-5861
February 14 , 1992
Mr. Brian Smith
Gloeckner & Osborne, Inc.
700 East High Street
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Re: Michie Tavern Exhibit Buildings
Erosion Control Plan #1292
Dear Mr. Smith:
The above referenced plan was reviewed on February 14 , 1992 ,
and has been approved subject to the following conditions and plan
and narrative corrections:
1. Tentative approval of the final site plan must be obtained
from the appropriate site review committee members.
,,/ 2 . Department of Engineering approval of grading and drainage
plans is required.
,/ 3 . Department of Engineering approval of stormwater detention
7 and/or approval of adequate channels conforming to Virginia
Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations VR 625-02-00.
4 . A certificate of appropriateness must be used by the
Architectural Review Board.
5. Soils information must be included in the narrative.
6. Dust control must be provided for in the narrative or on the
plan sheet.
7 . Design a silt trap in front of the stormwater drain on the
lower side of the site.
Prior to the issuance of an erosion control permit, a precon-
struction conference must be held with the owner and contractor.
Also, a performance bond in the amount of $5, 400. 00 must be posted
on a County form and approved by the County Attorney and County
Engineer. The acceptable forms of surety for the erosion control
FAX (804) 979-1281
Mr. Brian Smith
February 14, 1992
Page Two
bond are a letter of credit, certified or cashier's check,
passbook savings, certificate of deposit, or bonding company.
Please contact Ms. Babette Thorpe, Zoning Assistant, for specifics
regarding the bond (804-296-5875) .
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Robert A. Shaw
Erosion Control Officer
Copy: Michie Tavern Corporation
Ms. Babette Thorpe