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March 11, 1985 (Adjourned from March 7, 1985)
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held
on March 11, 1985, beginning at 1:00 P.M., in Room 7, County Office Building, Charlottesville
Virginia; said meeting being adjourned from March 7, 1985. ,
PRESENT: Mr. F. R. Bowie, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke (arrived at 1:08 p.m.-), Messrs.
Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr. (arrived at 1:41 p.m.) C Timothy Lindstrom and Peter T.
Way. , ·
OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr.; Deputy County ExecuTives, Ray B.
Jones and Robert W. Tucker, Jr. (Mr. Tucker arrived at 4:34 p.m ); and Administrative Assis~ ~
tant, Sandra R. Markwood. ·
Agenda Item No. 1.
Mr. Fisher.
The meeting was called to order at 1:09 p.m. by the Chairman,
Agenda Item No. 2. BUDGET WORK SESSION ON THE COUNTY'S 1985-86 BUDGET. Mr. Agnor noted
that when an asterick is shown beside a reconm,ended amount in the budget, it indicates that
the recommendation is different from the request. All salaries shown in the "Requested" col-
umn are shown at the staff's requested increase of five percent, however, the amount in the
"Recommended" column is at a four percent increase, which is the County Executive's recommen-
dation. Also, all costs of workman's compensation insurance have been deleted from the indi-
vidual budgets and moved as a lump sum figure to the Personnel Department budget. A new code
is shown this year in the departmental budgets for "copy supplies and expenses". This is
being done in an attempt to isolate costs. The Board members also have a listing of the sal-
aries of individual employees. These lists were not generally circulated.
Board of Supervisors. Present was the Clerk, Miss Lettie Neher. Total request -
$215,255. Recommendation - $222,012. Mr. Agnor noted that the salary of the Board members
was not adjusted in the 1984-85 budget since the increase in salary occurred after that budget
had been adopted. Therefore, this budget shows a 16.84 percent increase in salaries, but that
covers the previous year also.
Mr. Agnor mentioned code 550601, in the amount of $5,000, entitled "Travel-Students,,
which is set aside for the Italian Student Exchange Program. During 1983-84, $4,750 was spent.
Nothing was budgeted for the '84-85 year, however, it is felt that $1,900 may be spent before
the new fiscal year begins, so that amount is shown under the "Revised" column. Mr. Bowie said
he had questions about this expense. In '83-84, $4,750 was spent, whereas it appears that for
'85-86 the amount will be near $7,000. He asked why this expense is not shown in the School
Board's budget. Mr. Fisher said it has been indicated that the School Board does no~ want this
expense as part of its budget. Mr. Bowie said he feels an educational exchange should
certainly be a part of the School budget. He does not object to the program, and would support
it being funded from either education or private funds.
Mr. Lindstrom asked how the Board could act on Mr. Bowie's suggestion. Mr. Agnor said
the funds could be categorized for administrative purposes, and the School Board asked to use
the funds for the purpose of the Student Exchange Program. Mr. Lindstrom agreed that this
category is more related to public education than other items in the budget. Mr. Bowie then
offered motion to delete this item from the Board of Supervisors' budget, and ask that it be
placed in the School Budget with the School Board's consent. Mr. Lindstrom said he would
second the motion with the understanding that this amount will be placed in the School Budget.
Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, and Messrs. Fisher, Lindstrom and Way.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mr. Henley.
Mr. Agnor drew the Board's attention to line item 700100, Machinery and Equipment, noting
that the Clerk had requested funds for a new recording system (which can also be used by the
School Board Clerk, the Planning Commission, and the Board of Zoning Appeals) for use in this
room, to replace three worn out reel-to-reel recorders. The Clerk also requested funds to
replace one memory typewriter with a word processor. Mr. Agnor said he is recommending that
the recording system be purchased and the Clerk's Office be automated all in one year instead
of staging it over a number of years. This can be accomplished during the current year (FY
'84-85) by using funds that are left in the Board's contingency fund. This is a method that
has been used for nonrecurring capital needs.
Mr. Agnor then noted the amount of $18,272 shown as the recommended amount of Contingency
Funds for FY '85-86. He said this is actually just a~figure used to balance the budget. Mr.
Lindstrom asked what happens to equipment which is replaced. Mr. Agnor said it is transferred
to other departments if it has any usable life. In this case one of these typewriters is over
ten years old, and it is becoming difficult to get replacement parts. If there is no county
use of the machinery, it is sold at auction.
Mr. Fisher said he supports the concept of going to word processors for the Clerk's office
fice. Mr. Agnor said the thought of phasing in new equipment is commendable, but he feels the
operation will be more efficient if all employees are using the same type of equipment so he
recommends that this change be made all at one time. '
County Executive. Total request - $308,930. Recommendation - $306,370. Mr. Agnor said
this budget shows no significant increase, but does reflect a small change in salaries since
adding the position of County.Executive into the General Government Pay/Classificiation Plan.
Under line item 700100, Machinery and Equipment, the recommended amount of $26 500 covers' the
cost of two word processors and one micro computer. '
March 11, 1985 (Adjourned from March 7, 1985)
Mr. Fisher asked if any department in the County Office Building has access through a
telephone modem to the Division of Legislative Services in Richmond. He thinks it would be a
good idea to have such a connection while the General Assembly is in session each year.
Mr. Bowie noted the increased amount under 300400, Repairs & Maintenance-Office Equipment.
He asked if this amount is due to the installation of word processors and if the amount is
based on some sort of contract. Mr. Agnor said it is based on a contract amount. Mr. Bowie
said he realizes that printing is the slowest part of the operation, but asked if the Clerk's
Office and the~County Executive's Office staff could not use one printer. Mr. Agnor said that
only four machines may be connected to one printer, and it was felt that a back-up printer
should be available on this floor.
Personnel. Total Request - $194,473. Recommendation - $178,533. Mr. Agnor noted that
this department services a total of 1456 employees, as follows: 1150 in education, 249 in
local goverment, 44 at the Joint Security Complex, and 13 for the 911 Emergency Dispatch Cen-
ter. He then mentioned that line item 200900, Unemployment Insurance, has been decreased by
one-half for next year because the County's experience does not dictate that the higher
amount be carried. Line item, 201100, Workman's Compensation, in the amount of $40,000 is
shown in this budget; this figure represents a consolidation of this category from all general
government budgets. There is a new code, 201400, Stipend-Vacation, which will pay six
employees in the General Government section for vacation accumulated before 197'8 in excess of
the allowable accumulation. This a policy which was approved by the Board earlier this year.
Line item 201700, Pay Plan Reclassification, is for a revision of the Pay Plan which has been
underway for a number of months. This revision will cover individual job titles shown to be
out of line with the job market, and in order to adopt the proposed revisions, $34,000 has
been included. These revisions are scheduled to be brought to the Board for discussion at
its meeting on Wednesday March 13.
Mr. Fisher asked about line item 201500, Salary Reserve-Merit. Mr. Agnor said the
amount shown represents about one percent of the total general government payroll. During
the current fiscal year, 82 merits have already been awarded, or 33 percent of the employees.
That has cost $45,114, and $47,000 was allocated for this expense. At this time there is the
two-step merit plan~ Of the 82 merits awarded, 53 were for the five-percent step, and 29 were
for the two and one-half percent step.
Mr. Bowie noted line item 201700, Pay Plan Reclassification, and asked if this is the
study done by an outside source. Mr. Agnor said it usually is, but it has been done by Dr.
Hastings this time using her staff.
Legal~Services. Total Request - $169,395. Recommendation - $168,090. Mr.~?~Agnor said
the only significant change in this budget is line item 700100, Machinery and Equipment, in
the amount of $7,800, for a word processor. The County Attorney had expressed interest in
leasing this equipment, but the executive staff felt it would be better to purchase the
equipment. Mr. Fisher asked if in the arrangements for the County Attorney, his office space,
utilities, secretarial service, and those types of things are covered as overhead in line item
800200. Mr. Agnor said that is basically correct. The services of one secretary are covered
in that item. Mr. Fisher asked if that has also been true of equipment in the past. Mr.
said the county provides that office with the equipment for one secretary. (Mr. St. John
arrived just as the Board finished this item, but had no comments.)
Finance. Mr. Melvin Breeden, Director of Finance, was present. Mr. Agnor said the
Finance Department is carried in three divisions. Total Request for Director of Finance -
Administrative Division - $791,915. Recommendation - $700,835. (Mr. Henley arrived at 1:41
p.m.) Mr, Agnor noted the difference between~the request and the recommendation for line
100100 - Compensation, Regular. He said one additional employee was requested, but is not
recommended for funding. Mr. Breeden is currently working on a "fixed asset accounting report'~
to be presented to the Board in the Spring. If the County should adopt this accounting method
Mr. Breeden feels he will need one additional employee. Under line item 300200, Professional
Services, Mr. Breeden had requested $60,000 to institute that program. The executive staff
does not feel fixed asset accounting will be cost-effective for the county so does not
recommend approval of that program.
Mr. Agnor said the $10,000 shown in line item 300200 is for the Indirect Cost Study
which is conducted annually and is used as the basis to charge administrative fees to agencies
for which the county does administrative work. It also provides the cost of administering
programs of the Social Services Department which are then billed to the State and Federal
governments. Mr. Bowie asked how much the County recovers as a result of this study. Mr.
Agnor said it runs between $38,000 and $45,000 in Social Services and about $13,000 from the
Jail Board. This year the 911 emergency dispatch center will be added to this study. It is
required that the study be conducted by an outside agency so there is objectivity. Mr. Fisher
asked if the City conducts a study to justify the administrative costs they charge for being
the fiscal agent for the Library, etc. Mr. Agnor said they do a study.
Mr. Agnor noted that the increase in line item 300601, printing & copy supplies, is off-
set by the decrease in line item 540100, office supplies. Most of the increase is due to the
new personal property mailers. Mr. Fisher said he likes the new form, it is much simpler
than that used in the past. Mr. Breeden said there have been a lot of compliments about the
Mr. Agnor said another item of interest is in line item 700100, machinery & equipment.
There have been plans for a number of years to automate the collections operation in the
Finance Department so %hat when payments are received, they would be posted directly to the
accounting system. The $31,500 recommendation is for purchase of those machines. Mr. Bowie
said only $3,600 was budgeted for this category for the current year, but it appears that
$20,000 is to be spent, He asked what accounts for the difference. Mr. Agnor said it is
anticipated that the $20,000 will be spent during '84-85 to pay for part of that equipment, an
the amount requested for '85-86 will pay for the balance of the equipment. Mr.
March 11, 1985 (Adjourned from March 7, 1985)
Lindstrom asked if the difference in the '84-85 expenditure has been covered by a supplemental
appropriation, or if this amount was appropriated by the Board in a prior year. Mr. Agnor said
only $3,600 was appropriated, but because the position of deputy director of finance was not
filled immediately, those funds accumulated and rather than turning those funds back into the
General Fund, Mr. Breeden elected to buy some of this equipment in 'FY 84-85, and then complete
the purchase in the '85-86 fiscal year. Normally, if a department head has accumulated funds
in his departments's budget, those funds can be transferred to another line item with the
consent of the Director of Finance, and/or the County Executive. Mr. Lindstrom asked if that
transfer requires any action by this Board. Mr. Agnor said it does not. Mr. Lindstrom asked
what the original amount of $3,600 was for. Mr. Breeden said it was related to typewriters,
calculators, equipment of that type. Mr. Lindstrom asked if there will be a corresponding
decrease in salaries by not needing a person to do the posting of receipts. Mr. Breeden said
it is possible, but the collections division of his department is already close to having a
manpower shortage.
Mr. Bowie asked if the authority to move $20,000 in funds to a new program not approved by
this Board is from law, or some authority given by this Board. Mr. Bowie said it has been men-
tioned at times that moneys were transferred in various budgets to cover the cost of merit pay,
and to purchase vehicles. He wonders where this authority is given. Mr. Agnor said it is
taken from the appropriation ordinance adopted by the Board each year. The authorization to
shift moneys within a department's budget has been an administrative authority granted by the
Board, although it is not a formal written policy. Mr. Agnor said he would not approve of
shifting this amount of money without informing the Board. He is doing it through this budget
work session. Mr. Lindstrom said the shifting of this $20,000 to a new program seems to commit
the Board to funding an additional $30,000 in the next year's budget to complete this project.
Mr. Bowie said this seems to be approving an entirely new way of doing business, and the
project has not been seen by the Board. Mr. Agnor said that a report was made to the Board
about three years ago on the automating of the Finance Department. This was before Mr. Bowie
was a member of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Lindstrom said he did not mean to criticize, but
feels this shifting of funds may be a way of getting a foot in the door without anyone ever
noticing the foot is there. This automated equipment seems to be an ideal way to decrease the
number of manhours needed, but when the department head says in the same breath that the
department is getting short on people, and more personnel may be needed in the future, the
Board loses tract of all of these little transactions, and the staff grows without the Board
being specifically aware of it. Mr. Bowie said one problem is that the County is on a zero-
based budget, but the Board of Supervisors is not, looking strictly at line items. In this
case, three or four different line items have changed which are not significant unless added
together. Then there is a whole new program that is quite expensive. He would prefer that new
programs be spelled out separately stating the benefits to be seen from the program, and giving
a cost for the program over an extended period of time. There were no further comments on this
particular bUdget item.
Real Estate. Total Requested - $395,705. Recommendation - $383,290. Mr. Agnor said
that one new employee, an appraiser, is recommended for this department. The County has been
using outside consultants, overtime and compensatory time for the assessment procedure, and
the executive staff feels it is time to add an additional employee~ This is the off year for
the assessments procedure, so the budget shows a decrease in office supplies. That line item
be increased again in the next budget.
Mr. Fisher asked if a new appraiser is needed in the off year of assessments. Mr. Agnor
said the field work of the appraisers begins in August and takes about fourteen months to
complete. In this reassessment year, the office received about 400 telephone calls, there
were over two hundred site visits made, but only six appeals were made to the Equalization
Board. Mr. Lindstrom asked if the problem of a couple of years ago where citizens did not
realize they had a right to appeal had been corrected. Mr. Agnor said yes, the notices' were
changed. Mr. Ray Jones said the sales/ratio study just completed based on the 1983 assessment
and 1984 sales accomplished a 94 percent ratio. The co-efficient of dispersion was six. This
is the best study ever done.
Mr. Bowie asked if the cost of overtime and outside help exceeds the $23,000 which a new
employee costs. Mr. Agnor said only $5,000 had been budgeted for overtime, so the staff had
taking compensatory time. This will cut down on giving staff members time off from the
Purchasing. Total Requested - $84,065. Recommendation - $83,375. Mr. Agnor said office
expenses drop because $8,000 was spent this current year to buy a remote terminal to hook to
the mainframe computer to determine if the departments have enough money in their budgets to
the items requisitioned. There is a 100 percent increase in line item 520300, telephone,
was underbudgeted in the current year.
Refunds. Total Requested - $2,536,470. Recommendation - $2,536,470. Mr. Agnor said
amount is basically due to the Land Use Tax Deferral Program. The amount has increased
of the reassessment made this year. Mr. Breeden is now working on a report on the Tax
for the Elderly and Handicapped Program with the expectation that the Board will amend
limits placed on that program.
Data Processing. Mr. Fred Kruger, Director, was present. Total Requested - $469,365.
~dation - $466,765. Mr. Agnor said this budget includes the salary of one new employee
programmer analyst. It also includes the full salary for two employees who have been working
an apprenticeship program (these people are hired in at ten percent below the first step on
scale until the apprenticeship is completed); and a night shift differential for a night
operator. The total cost for the new employee is $29,000 including salary and benefits.
March 11, 198~ (Adjourned from March 7~ 1985)~': .....
Mr. Fisher asked if the new people will be hired prior to receipt of the consultant's
report on this department. Mr. Agnor said no, but the report is due in June, with this budget
to take effect on July 1. Mr. Fisher said it sounded as if the apprentices will also become
permanent employees, so it sounds as if three new permanent positions are being created. Mr.
Agnor said the two employees are already permanent employees. They were just hired at a
lower than the beginning step on the scale, and he was only mentioning this because they will
be moved to the first step on the scale and this shows as an increase in salaries for FY
Mr. Bowie said he went through this Data Processing budget, tried to do some figuring,
but could make no sense of the requests. The whole purpose of the data processing study
(which was just funded) is to determine whether certain things, such as a second shift, the
senior programmer position, and extra operational people, are really necessary. Four times
cost of that study is already requested in this budget. He does not want to approve this
budget as constituted pending the outcome of the study since he feels it might have a tendency
to affect the outcome of the study. He would rather see the new items separated out, and
maintain the status quo until the study is completed.
Mr. Agnor said the study is directed toward the need for software, and capital purchases
of hardware more than toward staffing. Mr. Bowie said in the narrative it states: "Included
in this item (100200 - Overtime) is a second shift differential for computer operators work-
ing a second shift - one member of staff." He said this is part of the study, to determine if
there is a need for a second shift, or whether the one shift can be run more efficiently. The
narratige-goes on to state: "If the Data Center is required to provide operations staff durin
all off hours systems work and testing by our programmer/analysts, then additional funds would
be needed. This will amount to about $5,000 of the total." Mr. Bowie said the County has bee
criticized twice in the annual audit, so this is one of the specific items to be studied. The
study is also to look at the need to upgrade software, and an amount is shown for that item
Mr. Fisher said he feels the funds should be reserved pending outcome of the studY, so
that it does not become a fait accompli' as far as the consultant is concerned. Mr. Bowie
said if he were making the study and knew the budget was already funded, it certainly would
influence the outcome of the study. Mr. Bowie said when the County does begin talking to IBM
about an update, he would like to have a definite reserve set aside so it is not completely
dependent on the outcome of the study. Mr. Fisher said he did not disagree with the concept,
and said if this would not make a major change in the budget, he would like for the staff to
make a recommendation at the Wednesday meeting on how to set those funds aside.
Elections. Mrs. Mary Lou Matthews, Registrar, was present. Total Requested - $87,365.
Recommendation - $86,030. Mr. Agnor said that postage was underfunded in the current year,
so that amount has been increased. Mr. Fisher asked if this budget is predicated on there
being only one general election this year. Mr. Agnor said yes. A citizen may now register
anywhere he wishes, and then the main office has to notify that person where he votes. Mrs.
Cooke asked if there are any funds in this budget for the splitting of the Charlottesville
Precinct into two precincts. Mr. Agnor said no funds are included in this budget for such a
Inspections. Mr. Robert Vaughn, Director{ was present. Total Requested - $448,381.
Recommendation - $444,126. Mr. Agnor said this budget contains only a very small change.
The staff feels that the office has reached a
Circuit Court. Mrs. Jean Easton, Secreta~
Recommendation - $41,340. Mr. Agnor said line
the first time the salary of a full-time secre~
700100, Machinery & Equipment, contains funds
~lateau at this time.
:y, was present. Total Requested - $41,715.
item 100100, Compensation-Regular, shows for
:ary for the judge of the court. Line item
~or a word processor for that office. For the
first time, other localites in this circuit will share in the cost of the secretary's salary
by $3,600. Mr. Lindstrom said it has certainly been helpful to-have a person in the office
who knows what is going on, and is present all,the time, Mrs. Easton said that just recently
Greene County has decided to contribute $600 a!year toward this operation. Mr. Lindstrom
asked if there will be any moving expenses incurred when the judge moves back into the
Courthouse. Mr. Agnor said yes, but those expenses are in the capital improvements budget.
Mr. Lindstrom asked when the court is expected to move. Mrs. Easton said the Courthouse is to
be completed by July.
General District Court. Mrs. Sterling Hudson, Clerk, was present. Total Requested -
$18,670. Recommendation - $11,170. Mr. Agnor said this office had requested $8,000 for fur-
niture and equipment, but executive staff changed this amount to $500, and placed the remain-
der in the capital improvements budget for the renovations of the building. Mr. Lindstrom
asked how the renovations affected this office. Mr. Agnor said the Court will move into the
County Office Building on Court Square, and will have the court room and the judges offices in
this building also. There will'be three court rooms in the Courthouse, but the one on the
upper level is not accessible to the handicapped. The elevator in the former County Office
Building has been enlarged to accommodate the handicapped.
Magistrate. Mr. D. D. Hudson, Magistrate, was present. Total Requested - $4,895. Rec-
ommendation - $3,520. Mr. Agnor said this budget covers one-half the cost of rent, tele,
phone, supplies and equipment. The staff found an error when reviewing its recommendations.
The recommendation should read $4,445 instead of $3,520. There are some funds left in the
current year which can be used to purchase furniture, but the recommended figure was made too
March 11, 1985 (Adjourned from March 7, 1985)
Juvenile Court. Total Requested - $33,251. Recommendation - $33,250. Mr. Agnor said
this office is putting in an automated filing system which causes a significant increase in
cost for next year; the County pays one-half of the cost of this court. The City reimburses
the County for the cost of health insurance and retirement benefits for the baliff which are
not recovered from the State.
Clerk, Circuit Court. Mrs. Shelby J. Marshall, Clerk, was present. Total Requested -
$294,255. Recommendation - $260,755. Mr. Agnor said the salaries shown in this budget are
those salaries which the staff expects the State Compensation Board to fund. Should there be
changes in these amounts when approval is received from the State, the staff will have to
bring these back to the Board for an amendment. Mrs. Marshall had requested funds for com-
puter equipment so that her office could be tied to the State Court System, the Commonwealth
Attorney's office, and the Circuit Court Judge's office. This computer system is still in
the formative-stages, and it appears that it may be a year before the State decides on the
type of equipment that will be used. The executive staff therefore did not recommend that
this item be funded this year.
Mrs. Marshall said her office is very busy. If the work load increases at the same rate
as it has for the last one and one-half years, she will need more personnel. When the Clerk
moves into her new quarters, if the Compensation Board does not allow any additional personnel
to keep up with the work of the court, as well as the Clerk's Office, she will have to request
more County funds for her operation. At this time, there are two employees tied up five days a
week in Circuit Court. That leaves the rest of the staff to wait on the public, so~nc.'~!the
work is just not getting out.
Mr. Fisher inquired about a microfilming program. Mrs. Marshall said that all of the
new wills and deeds being filed are microfilmed so there are no new books being generated. She
had hoped to place some other things on microfilm, but found this impossible in herr~ temporary
Commonwealth's Att.orne¥. Total Requested - 239,305. Recommendation - $216,330. Mr.
Agnor said the Commonwealth's Attorney has requested two additional people for his office, a
full-time secretary and a part-time attorney. The City was to share in the cost of the
attorney, however, Mr. Richard Barrick, City Commonwealth's Attorney, was not amendable to the
idea, and will not request funding from the Compensation Board for this person. Mr. Agnor said
has recommended that the County not fund the salary of this person either. Mr. Agnor said
the staff of this office consists of the Commonwealth's Attorney, two full-time assistants, and
one secretary who handles the telephone and also acts as receptionist. This has placed an
~mpossible overload of work on one person, and that is the reason for the additional secretary.
Included in 700100, Machinery & Equipment, are funds for a word processor. Funds had been
requested for office furniture for the attorney, but those funds were removed along with that
salary. If the State Compensation Board does approve this position, an adjustment will have to
be requested. From the information Mr. Ray Jones received from the Secretary of the State
Compensation Board, the staff does not believe the attorney will be approved, but the
additional secretary will be funded.
Mr. Fisher mentioned the word processor. He said he supports better handling of infor-
mation, and asked if~there is any way to get compatibility with all the equipment expected to
be purchased. Mr. Agnor said there is a Data Processing Technical Committee which reviews
the purchase of all equipment, and then makes recommendations on compatibility. Mr. Fisher
said the different people probably have different ideas about what equipment they want, but
he feels the County would do better by purchasing one type of equipment to serve most of the
offices. Mr. Agnor said this has been the case. The only deviation has been in the Engi-
neering Department where the computer language is different from that of the County's mainframe
computer. This was done so the computer could be tied by telephone to a computer at the
University of Virginia, for soils and water analysis work. Mr. Agnor said that even the School
system has been incorporated into this committee's review process.
At 2:55 p.m., the Board being ahead of scheduled appointments, took a recess. The
Chairman called the meeting back to order at 3:10 p.m. Mr. Lindsay Dorrier, Commonwealth's
Attorney, was present at this time, and at his request, the Board considered this budget
Mr. Dorrier said he had put together some statistics for the Board's review to justify
his request for additional personnel. He then showed numerous charts showing crime statis-
tics, and the workload of his office staff. Mr. Dorrier said he brings this request to the
Board because in dealing with the State Compensation Board he needs the support of the local
governing body in order to insure success with that Board.
Mr. Fisher asked Mr. Agnor what he had included in his recommendation. Mr. Agnor said
the salary of the secretarial position was included because the staff felt there was a good
chance the position would be funded. Nothing was included for the part-time attorney. Mr.
Dorrier said State statute allows his office one part-time attorney if there is the need. Mr.
Fisher asked if Mr. Dorrier wanted the Board to go on record as basically supporting his
request. Mr. Dorrier said that is correct. Mr. Fisher asked if the Board would consider a
resolution of support for the part-time attorney provided the position is funded by the State
Compensation Board. Mr. Dorrier said that would be helpful in making his case to the
Compensation Board.
At this time, Mr. Way offered motion to adopt the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Commonealth's Attorney of Albemarle County, Virginia,
has indicated to the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County a need for
an additional full-time secretary and a part-time attorney;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby supports the addition of the two
March 11, 198~ (Adjourned from March 7, 1985)
positions, with the provision that the State Compensation Board also
participate in the funding of the additional part-time attorney.
The foregoing motion was seconded by Mr. Bowie. Roll was called and the motion carried
by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
NAYS: None.
Engineerinq. Mr. Maynard Elrod, County Engineer, was present. Total Requested -
$277,260. Requested - $274,615. Mr. Agnor said the only change in salaries is the
one-fourth funding of an engineering position with the Soil & Water Conservation District
paying the remaining seventy-five percent through a grant. Line item 300206, Consultants,
contains funds for studies and plans for replacement of the Keene Landfill. The cost of stree
lights has increasesd by twenty percent.
Mr. Bowie said he serves on the Resource Recovery Committee and they have been out to
look at the Keene Landfill. He said it is just a hole so many feet long, and he questioned
the need for a consultant to say the hole is going to be filled up. Mr. Agnor said these
funds are to actually develop a plan for the replacement of the landfill by either a new
landfill or a transfer station. The County has no land in the area that can be used for this
purpose. It has been thought for years that when the Keene Landfill had reached its capacity,
refuse disposal for this area would be shifted to the Ivy Landfill. That idea has not been
well received. Mr. Fisher said that has been the plan for years, but evidently the people in
this area had not heard that plan. Mr. Way said he has never heard it mentioned before. He
feels the County must continue to make sure this area has a proper landfill.
Refuse Disposal. Mr. Maynard Elrod, County Engineer, was present. Total Requested -
$605,966. Recommendation - $605,966. There were no comments on this budget.
Staff Services. Mr. Bill Sullivan, Director, was present. Total Requested - 627,270.
Recommendation - $627,010. Mr. Agnor said there are two new employees funded in this depart-
ment. One is a custodian for the Court Square Buildings, and one is a Deputy Director of
Staff Services. Mr. Agnor mentioned that an error had been found on line item 700100, Furni-
ture and Equipment. The requested column should show as $16,710, while the recommendation
should show as $7,100. A request for a computer terminal was deleted since the executive
staff did not feel this was a necessary item at this time. Also, there was a request to pur-
chase two vacuum cleaners for the Court Square buildings, but staff feels that they can get
along with just one vacuum cleaner.
Mr. Fisher said he often hears comments from citizens about the shiny hallway floors in
the County Office Building. Mr. Bowie said he thinks it is time that a deputy director was
hired for this department.
Police Department. Mr. Frank Johnstone, Chief of Police, was present. Total Requested
- $1,853,607. Recommendation - $1,747,967. Mr. Agnor said ten additional staff members are
requested for this department. In order to get the budget to balance, the funding of these
positions is somewhat different. He recommends that five additional people be funded in July,
with the other five being funded in January. This will not only stagger the financial impact
on the budget, but the impact on the police department as well, The total cost of a new.
officer is $38,064. Of that amount, $14,300 is in capital costs. An error has been found in
line item 300800, Laundry & Dry Cleaning. This item should show as $3,000. Under line item
301300, Contract Services-Informers, this amount was kept at $1-,000 and not increased
anticipating that any increase might be covered by transfers from other line items. Postal
Services, line item 520100, was underfunded in the current year. In this budget, office
supplies has been subdivided into several categories - office supplies, copy supplies, data
processing supplies. Under line item 540800, Repairs & Maintenance of Vehicles-Equipment-
Supplies, the ten new vehicles are added in, but the recommendation was reduced from the
original request by not having all of the vehicles in service for a full-year.
Mr. Agnor said that line item 540900, Security Supplies, includes fingerprint kits,
supplies, kits for the DUI enforcement program, and ammunition used on the firing range.
Bowie asked who uses the .223 ammo. Mr. Johnstone said it is for the SWAT squad.
Mr. Agnor noted that line item 541000, uniforms, contains funds for uniforms for the ten
new officers, plus gas masks and riot helmets which the department does not have at the
present time. The $11,300 in line item 700100, Machinery & Equipment-New, is for sirens and
video equipment. Line item 700101, Machinery & Equipment-Replacement, contains $15,700 for
new sirens to help standardize the fleet. Mr. Way asked if new sirens will be installed on
all vehicles. Mr. Johnstone said no. Mr. Fisher asked why it is necessary to replace the
sirens before the vehicles are ready to be traded. Mr. Johnstone said these funds are for
lights and sirens. He is attempting to standardize some equipment; blue lights will be
optional after the first of July, but will be mandatory in three years. He said the sirens
have a life cycle of five to eight years depending on the amount of usage. Normally he would
expect to replace vehicles five or six times before the sirens are replaced. On the police
cars at this time there are single dome lights, dual dome and single dome lights on a bar.
Johnstone said when the ten new cars are purchased, he would either have to buy ten new red
lights with reflectors and change them later, or do something aboUt replacing some of the
lights now.
Mr. Agnor said another large line item is 700300, Communication Equipment-New, which
will cover the purchase of ten new radios, and ten portable radio units. Under line item
700501, Motor Vehicles-Replacements, funds were requested for fifteen units. Executive staff
recommends that only nine units be replaced. In the past, vehicles have been turned in when
they had been used for about 65,000 miles. Staff now thinks these vehicles can be run to
March 11, 1985 (Adjourned from March 7, 1985)
75,000 miles without danger to safety and without incurring additional costs to keep them
going to this mileage.
Mr. Way said the Board had recently been furnished a memorandum about overtime in this
department. He said $30,000 was requested for this item, but only $15,000 is recommended.
He asked if this amount will be sufficient. Mr. Agnor said it is anticipated that the addi-
tional people will cut down on the need for overtime. Mr. Agnor said compensatory time has
been granted to some staff members, but it has been difficult with staff in court also.
Mr. Lindstrom asked how the total amount of this budget compares with projections made
before the Board decided to change to the police department. Mr. Agnor said the number of
employees is almost exactly the number which had been predicted. In terms of operating dol-
lars, the amount is close to the prediction. Mr. Lindstrom asked how the local costs compare
to those when this department was a Sheriff's Department. Mr. Agnor said he was not sure,
but would make that comparison and send same to the Board. Mr. Lindstrom asked about the
policy on vehicle usage. He said he did not recall that there would be one vehicle per man,
although that seems to be what is being done. Mr. Agnor said the ~officers who are subject to
call take their cars home. The theory is that a marked vehicle parked in a residential
neighborhood acts as a deterrent to crime. Recently there has been a discussion about new
Internal Revenue Service regulations which state that taking a Vehicle home is a fringe benefit
efit of the job, and is subject to income withholding. The logs necessary for such reports are
being kept pending what Congress might finally decide. Mr. Lindstrom said one of the biggest
savings projected by changing to a police department was that the cars would be put in a motor
pool. That has not happened. Mr. Agnor said the Board rejected that idea because there were
only savings in the first year of operations when the number of vehicles could be lowered, but
the operational costs of the vehicles increased because the vehicles would be driven by three
or more different drivers.
Mr. Henley said he questions whether a deputy sheriff needs to take a car home. He
feels the Sheriff's Department cars could be kept in a motor pool. Mr. Agnor said the depu-
ties are often called on to transport prisoners at other than normal working hours. There is
also the advantage of having a marked car in the neighborhood, and the fact that the deputy
has radio communications from the time he leaves his home. Mr. Henley said he would like for
the Chief of Police to say how often the Sheriff had helped him during emergencies this last
year. Sheriff George Bailey said he was called at three o'clock in the morning last week to
take a juvenile to the Detention Home in Staunton. The same thing happened a couple of days
ago, but because it was at 5:30 a.m., he had the juvenile put in the lockup, and transported
at a later time. Mr. Henley said he still does not believe it is necessary for the deputies
to take a car home. Sheriff Bailey said he has three men who will not be taking cars home
because they live close to town and do not want to pay income tax on that use.
Mr. Bowie said he has heard that IRS estimates $4 a day for vehicle usage by police
officers. He said it is clearly established that when a police car is present in a neighbor-
hood, there is a reduction in crime. Mr. Bowie commented on line item 300206, Consultants,
on which the narrative states: "This would permit us to contract with a national assessment
center to evaluate the department for accreditation ... which would be good for five years
and would help to establish the department on a more professional footing .... " Mr. Bowie
said he understands there are only ten accredited departments in the country at this time;
two are in Virginia, and he does not feel it is the right time to start a process which takes
two years to complete. Mr. Lindstrom asked that Mr. Agnor's report summarize any major devi-
ations from what was projected in terms of manpower and dollar changes since the original
Mr. Johnstone said by any objective measurement his department is understaffed. He made
a study and compared the ratio of police officers per one thousand population for localities
thoughout the state and found that all have at least 1.2 police officers per one thousand.
Albemarle County has .84 police ~f.~fi~E$~per one thousand. Albemarle is the fifth largest
county in the Commonwealth. It is hard to get from one side of the County to the other when
there is a shortage of manpower. Adding ten people to staff puts the equivalent of two peo-
ple on each 24 hours. At this time there are ten people on the day light shift and ten on
the evening shift. After allowing for training, sick leave, holidays, and vacations, there
are never more than six people on a shift. Adding these ten new people will get that number up
to eight. There will be the equivalent of five on the midshift shift, plus one shift
Mr. Henley said he has no problem with deputies taking a car home if they are subject to
call and help the police department in an emergency. Mr. Johnstone said he does not remember
having any reason to call on the Sheriff after hours for any law enforcement responsibility
last year. Mr. Bowie asked if 85 percent of the new people will be on active patrol. Mr.
Johnstone said there will be one commander level position added in administration, one crime
.on officer and a school resource officer, but these people will still carry a regular
(Note: Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way left the meeting at 4:20 p.m.)
Victim-Witness Program. Total Requested - $24,775. Recommendation - $23,535. Mr.
Agnor said this program was funded last year without any commitment that the funding would
continue, however, the staff feels the program is functioning in a capacity that is a great
benefit to a number of people, and a lot of positive comments have been heard. Mr. Bowie
said that last year there was money in this budget for a typewriter and he thought it was
decided that the machine might not be needed. It appears that the money was spent, which
just supports his theory that if the money is left in the budget it will be spent. He was
impressed with the statistics present on the use of volunteers. He had recently seen
an article from Baltimore County on a similar program. That locality has a much higher
crime rate and they use volunteer labor.
Sheriff. Mr. George Bailey, Sheriff, was present. Total Requested - $298,415. Recom-
n - $283,965. Mr. Agnor said the State Compensation Board has made significant
changes in the salaries of the people in the Sheriff's Department for next year. Deputies
March 11, 1985 (Adjourned from March 7, 1985)
are eligible for a 15.3 percent increase, the secretary is to receive ten percent, and the
Sheriff, nine percent. For the item covering vehicle replacement, the Sheriff had requested
that two vehicles be replaced, but the staff recommends that only one vehicle be replaced,
and the Sheriff use the vehicles to a higher mileage.
Parks and Recreation. Mr. Pat Mullaney, Director, was present. Total Requested -
$544,750. Recommendation - $527,400. (Mr. Way returned to the meeting at 4:33 p.m. Mr.
Robert Tucker, Deputy County Executive, arrived at the meeting at 4:34 p.m.)
Mr. Agnor said there were no particular changes in this budget to discuss. Mr. Bowie
asked how much of the cost of running Chris Greene Lake is supported by fees. Mr. Mullaney
said revenue from Chris Greene and Mint Springs parks is about $100,000. Mr. Bowie said it
seems it would take a thirty percent increase in user fees to make this a self-supporting
operation. He asked if a different fee is charged for non-residents. Mr. Mullaney said a
higher fee is charged to non-residents. Mr. Fisher said he has received many complaints about
charging an entrance fee to the parks, so he is not ready to support any increase in that fee.
Mr. Mullaney said he would like to mention that the figure carried for part-time salaries
carries no cost-of-living adjustment. Mr. Agnor said the executive staff has discussed this,
and does not feel this is necessary for hourly wage earners. Mr. Mullaney said he has one
concern. When hiring summer employees, the County is in competition with the City of
Charlottesville who add five percent to the salary for a lifeguard. One thing that works
against the County in hiring, is that the County only pays once a month. (Mr. Lindstrom
returned to the meeting at 4:39 p.m.) Mr. Mullaney said he worries that the County might only
get second choices when hiring summer employees.
Planning and Community Development. Mr. James Donnelly, Director, was present. Total
Requested - $359,230. Recommendation - $350,100. Mr. Agnor said the compensation category
carries a lower cost due to attrition of employees. Concerning the housing operation, the
staff has discussed the recent request from Mrs. Rellen Perry, Albemarle Housing Coalition,
that a housing coordinator be added to the staff, but does not recommend that the staff of thi
department be changed. Mr. Lindstrom said since these functions' were changed, and the housing
coordinator's position was absorbed in the planning and community development operation, is
there any change in the amount of staff time available to deal with this program. Mr. Agnor
said it depends on the definition of "program". There has been no lessening of staff. Before
the move, the housing coordinator was part-time and there was a staff of three people. This
operation was moved into the community development division, and the coordinator's job assumed
by the Chief of Community Development. Mr. Lindstrom said that at some time in the future he
would like to have a report from the Chief of Community Development on her activities and if
there are areas in relation to housing where she sees she might increase efforts~ Mr. Agnor
said in recent times, the County has been involved in the Community Development Block Grant
program of the State, and the staff of the Planning Department has spent a good deal more time
on this activity than in the past.
Mr. Fisher referred to the narrative: "Request for addition of one position, Transpor-
tation Planner, whose time will be supported by Metropolitan Planning Organization funding
and whose projects would be totally drawn from the Unified Work Program. Due to proposed
Comprehensive Plan revision and work load of MPO projects, additional staff is requested to.
ensure completion of projects in accord with work program schedule." He asked if the support
from the MPO will be 100 percent. Mr. Tucker said it is suppoSed to be 100 percent. It was
not included in any line item in the budget because the staff really does not believe it has a
chance of being funded. The staff does not propose that the County itself fund the position.
If it is funded, the staff will ask for the appropriation later, and that appropriation will
reimbursed through the Urban Mass Transit Administration. Mr. Fisher q~estioned whether the
County really needs a full-time transportation planner. Mr. Tucker said a lot of time is
consumed by the Community Development division with MPO work.
Mr. Bowie said this department is requesting two Memorywriters. When everybody else is
requesting word processors, should that not be the request for this department. Mr. Fisher
said they may be buying a dinosaur. Mr. Bowie said he feels it would bs best to look at Word
Housing. Total Requested - $50,750. Recommendation - $400,075. Mr. Agnor noted that
the total budget of this division decreases because of a change in personnel. There are no
particular changes to discuss.
Zoning. Mr. Michael Tompkins, Zoning Administrator, was present.
$196,915. Recommendation - $193,485. Mr. Agnor noted that a new typew
for this department at a cost of $900. Staff has recommended that a Me
use be upgraded at a cost of $1,000 instead.
Mr. Fisher asked Mr. Tompkins how he is progressing with a sign in
Mr. Tompkins said a University of Virginia student will be working on t
no cost to the County. This will help get the project started and give
work. She will inventory Route 29 North and South, and Route 250 East
said this was mentioned during budget work sessions a year ago. It alu
away. He thought this inventory was going to be made during the off-bu
Tompkins said there was no off-building season this year. Mr. Fisher Said he is going to sta~
making inquiries every month, and if that does not work, every Monday until this project is
Total Requested -
riter had been requeste
morywriter already in
~entory of the County.
his project until May a
a base on which to
and West. Mr. Fisher
ays seems to be a year
ilding season. Mr.
Soil and Water Conservation. Total Requested - $10,715. Recommendation $10,620.
Agnor said there is no change in this budget other than the four percent general increase,
plus funds for a merit increase.
March 11, 1985 (Adjourned from March 7, 1985)
Watershed Management. Mr. William Norris, Watershed Management Official, was present.
Total Requested - $34,500. Recommendation - $34,055. Mr. Agnor said the increase in this
budget is attributed to the cost of water sampling at the golf course on Ivy Creek. The
staff will be making a recommendation in the near future that the sample not occur as
frequently as is called for in the special use permit (Warren Andrews for Seagrams, Inc.).
that request is approved, that line item can be modified.
Fire Department, City. Mr. Julian Taliaferro, Fire Chief, was present. Total Requested -
$344,261. Recommendation - $347,260. Mr. Agnor said the staff has been working on revisions
to the Fire Services Contract for almost two years. There have been two cost studies made by
City staff and the County staff found loopholes in both. He expects the contract to be ready
sometime between July and September, but have an effective date of July, 1986. Mr. Fisher
asked the status of the new fire engine which is funded in the Capital Improvements Program
budget. Mr. Agnor said it was suggested that the contract for the fire engine be held pending
renegotiations of the contract. Mr. Fisher asked why it was going to take until July to get
the contract renegotiated. Mr. Agnor said the wording must be agreed upon by the staff, given
to the attorneys for both governing bodies, and then adopted by the respective governing
bodies. Also, he had promised members of the Jefferson Country Firefighter's Association that
they could participate in the process.
Volunteer Fire Departments. Mr. J. B. Morris, President, Jefferson Country
Firefighters' Association, was present. Total Requested - $250,968. Recommendation -
$250,850. Mr. Agnor said an amount is included in this budget for disposal of hazardous
waste. It was felt that should the need arise to dispose of hazardoud waste, there might be a
need for money. The fire departments are charged with the responsibility of taking the lead in
disposal of hazardous wastes. Mr. Lindstrom asked how many volunteer companies receive the
full amount of funding. Mr. Morris said that at this time, Crozet and North Garden do not have
an advance from the County. Crozet will be drawing funds this year for help with their new
fire station. North Garden expects to draw funds next year for purchase of an engine.
Forest Fire Extinction. Total Requested - $9,060. Recommendation - $9,060. Mr. Agnor
said there will be another increase in this category in 1986-87, but for this year the cost
remains the same.
Rescue Squads (Includes Charlottesville/Albemarle, Western Albemarle and Scottsville).
Total Requested $42,900. Recommendation - $42,900. Mr. Agnor noted that both Western
Albemarle and Scottsville have an advance of funds they are repaying to the County. The
County received no request from any of these rescue squads, so the staff recommended the same
percentage increase as that requested by the volunteer firemen.
Agenda Item No. 3. Other Matters not on the Agenda from the Board and Public.
were no other matters brought forward.
Agenda Item No. 4. Executive Session: Personnel. At 5:12 p.m., motion was offered by
Mr. Bowie, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, to adjourn into executive session for the stated pur-
pose. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
The Board reconvened into open session at 6:06 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 5.
immediately adjourned.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
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