HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202300004 Correspondence 2023-04-0428Imperial Drive P 434.327.1689
T I M M O N S GROUP Staunton, VA 24401 www.timmons.com
April 2023
County of Albemarle I Community Development Department
Planning Services Division
RE: COMMENT RESPONSE to 1st Review, SUB2023-00004.Old Trail Village Block 31C Final Plat
TO: Mr. Andy Reitelbach, Sr. Planner II
C: Mr. John Anderson, PE, Mr. Richard Nelson, Mr. Dan Butch, Mr. John Wilson, PE (VDOT)
Please find below our responses to review of the plat referenced above (Old Trail Village Block 31C Final
Plat); we appreciate your comments and review. Included (below) are comments provided by Albemarle
County with responses (in red), accordingly:
1. [ZMA2015-00001 ] Provide updated versions of the Old Trail residential count table and green
space table for staff to analyze to ensure the density and green space requirements for Old
Trail continue to be met with this proposed subdivision. The tables must be included on one (or
more) sheets of the plat. See Sheet 3 (new sheet, added to address this topic).
2. [14-302(A)5] The 15' public pedestrian access easement appears to overlap with a
significant portion of the frontage of proposed Lot 1, which could hinder
driveways/entrances. Is there a plan to move this easement over onto the residue of the
stormwater management parcel? Noted and addressed. Pedestrian Access easement is
intended to remain in its original / current location as shown. Incidental to the existing access
road / lane location for Stormwater Facility 13' and impracticality of moving said access
route, Lot 1 is now reconfigured to clear the surveyed location of said road. Pedestrian
easement is also avoided with this new configuration of Lot 1.
3. [14-302(A)5] The plat shows the 15' greenway trail at the rear of proposed Lot 3 to be located
within an easement. The code of development (page 13) requires the greenway area to be
dedicated to the County. Why is this small "notch" located within an easement, rather than fee
simple like the greenway areas on either side of it? Noted. The configuration of proposed Lot
3 and the notch extending easterly toward lands of Rosenblum reflects the record parcel
boundary lines of the parent parcel (055EO-01-EV-OOOCO). This scenario / matter relates to
legacy matters and coordination incidental to prior planning objectives with an access easement
(to remain) through the 607 SF 'notch' area.
4. [14-302(A)5] The plat appears to show a stormwater management facility easement proposed
to be vacated (on Lot 1). Is this easement a public easement, that has been dedicated to the
County? If it is a public easement held by the County, then a public hearing — and approval by
the Board of Supervisors — is necessary for the easement to be vacated. The existing SWM
Facility Easement and those portions presented for vacation is / are public (County) easement
area(s). No facilities are constructed through the areas proposed for vacation and protocols for
vacating of said easement area are acknowledged. Also, please not the Lot 1 reconfiguration as
stated in above comment no. 2.
5. [14-3O2(A)14] Any new easements to be
management easements) will require deeds.
the preparation of such deeds. Noted.
dedicated to the County (e.g., new stormwater
The Engineering Division will be able to help with
6. [14-302(B)1 ] Provide the date of last revision of the plat on all future submittals. Addressed / noted.
Comments from Other Reviewers:
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) (Rec'd via email 2023.03.09)
1. Revise label reading'Revised Northerly extent of SWM facility easement with North & East Lines of
New Lot 1.' Replace word Northerly with Southerly, or simply delete word Northerly. Addressed. The
annotation now removes the word 'Northerly' (and with no directional reference restated).
2. Quantify /label Area (SF) of Ex. SWM facility easement vacated with this plat. Addressed. The label on
sheet 2 of plat is now updated to include area to be vacated, thusly:
M 3O09515.B8 �OB. ,qF �� S/yA,E\ �
E 1f12.'p�Z3 Y&8 �(
EASEMEM \ \ \ 1jyT • \�
11,MSF(O2 AC.)
'�. \ \\ LOT 1 II
N \ 11,715 SF.
/0270AG/ I
3. Show and label Vehicular SWM Access to SWM facility L3, including portion across proposed Lot 1.
Prospective owner must be advised that a portion of SWM Access lies on Lot 1. Coordinate with Jeremy
Fox, Timmons Group, As -built drawing for BMP L-3, dated 10/20/22, sheet 2 of 4. Addressed / noted.
The existing gravel drive is now shown on sheet 2 of the plat (labeled 'Ex. Gravel Lane to SWM Facility). Lot
1 has been reconfigured to avoid this existing drive / lane as it will not be practical or feasible to re -locate
due to existing improvements. Also note that the drive is concurrent with the pedestrian easement; said
pedestrian easement is also avoided through reconfiguration of proposed Lot 1.
4. Albemarle County Engineer and county attorney's office must review SWM easement vacation; this
item to be coordinated by Engineering prior to Final Plat approval. Noted.
5. Check whether Note 10 is accurate; Engineering cannot identify managed steep slopes on sheet 2 of
plat. Note 10 has been revised to state Addressed. Note 10 is now revised to state: 'No managed
steep slopes exist on the subject property.
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA)
Richard Nelson, rnelson(6l rviceauthority.org —Requested changes; seethe comments below:
Utility plan approval will be required prior to final plat approval. Acknowledged.
If the neighboring parcel can be developed, extend sewer easement to neighboring parcel line.
Acknowledged. However, lands to the south and immediately adjacent to proposed Lot 4 are improved
with SWM facilities and will not be developed for residential.
Parks and Recreation (Dan Butch, dbutch@albemarle.org)—Comments below.
1. Proposed lot 1 includes area within Albemarle County's existing 15' public pedestrian access
easement (DB 4829 PG 323) which provides access between the Rowcross Street public ROW and the
Lindy Bain Loop portion of the Crozet Trails greenway network. Please address this apparent conflict.
Noted. Intention is for said pedestrian access to remain in place where crossing the front corner of Lot 1.
2. Proposed lot 3 includes area within Albemarle County's existing variable width public pedestrian
access easement (DB 4829 PG 323) for the Lindy Bain Loop portion of the Crozet Trails greenway
network. Please address this apparent conflict. Noted. Intention is for said pedestrian access to remain
in place where crossing the rear area of Lot 3.
VDOT Comments:
1. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right of way. The
owner / developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Acknowledged and to
be addressed by owner prior to disturbance / work within the existing right of way of Rowcross.
Thank you.
Joe Medley / Timmons Group / 540.607.7500