HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE202300008 Other 2023-04-041. Incident Name:
2. Incident Number:
3. Date/Time Initiated:
Blue Ridge Ride to Defeat ALS
05-13-2023 Time:
3. Map/Sketch (include sketch, showing the total area of operations, the incident site/area, impacted and
threatened areas, overflight results, trajectories, impacted
shorelines, or other graphics depicting situational status
and resource assignment):
Rest Stop # 2
Blue Ridge Ride to Defeat ALS 100KIUI, SOW, 25KM & 1OKMRest
Whitehall Community Building
Rest Stop # I
Chiles Peach Orchard
Rest Stop # 5
Greater Grace Bap1ftt Church Oro Re
Stop 40
Nate Start/stop
0 Batesville
Stop # 3
Ice Cream
Rest Stop
Albemarle Amateur Radio Club (AARC) is generously volunteering
their support and expertise:
AARC Name / Call Letters
Pro Re Nata HQ
Two Net Control shadows Event
John Porter KK4JP
Amelia Atwill
Coordinators that make decisions
Joe Devincintes K08V
Anthony Woodyard
concerning conduct of the event.
Keeps Event Coordinator up to
Bill Steo K4FZE
Rest Stop #1
date on any situation involving the
Rest Stop, from supply needs to
rider issues reported at that stop.
Same as above
Steve Bowman KN4AOB
Rest Stop #2
Batesville Market
Same as above
Bill Pond NOWP
Rest Stop #3
Greater Grace
Same as above
Ed Berkowitz N3US
Baptist Church
Rest Stop #4
Chiles Orchard
Same as above
Bill Phillips AD6JV
Rest Stop #5
Mike Rein KA4JJD
Albemarle Amateur Radio Club (AARC) is also providing Support & Gear (SAG) mobile support:
AARC Name / Call Letters
Red Loop
Mobile SAG vehicles monitor
Jack Smith KE4LWT
Amelia Atwill
100km Route
segments of the course and keep
Bobby Shifflett KN4HCG
Bridgit Phelps
the event aware of any issues on
Lenny Vincent N4LXP
their part of the course, as well as
Dayton Haugh AA4DH
the condition or issues arising with
James Devincintes
riders on that segment.
SAG vehicles can transport
participating riders and their bikes,
limited to moving that rider or riders
to the next Rest Stop only, not
back to Start/Finish
Sweep by one or more vehicles
to determine number of riders
choosing to not return with groups.
Blue Loop
Same as above
Dave Beebe K4UEK
Amelia Atwill
50km Route
Warren Yursik KN4LYF
Bridgit Phelps
Paul McKee AK4O
Ben Kidd KG4GIF
Mike McPherson
Yellow Loop
Same as above
Joe Greenberg KJ4PE
Amelia Atwill
25km Route
Ian Callahan KN4TBG
Bridgit Phelps
Doug Goode KK4CEQ
Orange Loop
Same as above
Patrick Morrisay
Amelia Atwill
10km Route
Bridgit Phelps
Fun & Family
Same as above
Dave Damon K4DND
Amelia Atwill
100K Sweep
Bridgit Phelps
Greg Faust N4PGS
50K Sweep
Tom Moore WBSBNT
25K Sweep
Red Loop Van
Move rider(s) back to the
N/A — Non AARC
ALSA Staff
Start/Finish. Event provides vans
capable of collecting multiple riders
from a Rest Stop and moving them
back to the Start/Finish.
Blue Loop Van
Same as above
Same as Above
ALSA Staff
Yellow Loop Van
Same as above
Same as Above
ALSA Staff
A. Incident Management Plan Roles & Responsibilities
B. Route Maps & Cue Sheets (Turn by Turn)
C. Cyclist Instructions Day of Event
D. Incident Radio Communications Plan (ICS 205) & 205A
5. Situation Summary and Health and Safety Briefing (for briefings or transfer of command): Recognize potential
incident Health and Safety Hazards and develop necessary measures (remove hazard, provide personal protective
equipment, warn people of the hazard) to protect responders from those hazards.
The Blue Ridge Ride to Defeat ALS will be held on May 13, 2023, Rain or Shine. It is a one -day cycling challenge event
designed to appeal to every level of cyclist and supporter of the ALS Association (ALSA) DC/MD/VA Chapter. Together,
we can help raise awareness, and provide hope for patients and families living with ALS. There are four routes:
100KM Metric Century (62 miles) Route
https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37812802?privacy code=YDWEgUtsDOJKmu5e
50KM Half Century (31 Miles) Route
https://ridewdhgps.com/routes/37963605?privacy code=sB9n7oMVYAZJ86is
25KM Quarter Century (16 Miles) Route
https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37813007?privacy code=MfOD9A9oWos53Gri
10km Fun & Family (6.2 Miles) Route
https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37812968?privacy code=GVhuCfrCIGmolVVIT
Ride Day Information
• 06:00: Volunteer Arrival & Check -In
• 07:00: Registration Begins at Pro Re Nata
• 07:00: ACPD Officers, EMT, Net Central Operators arrive for Incident Briefing & disperse to assigned positions
• 08:00: 100km Metric Century Ride Start
• 09:00: 50km Metric Half Century Ride Start
. 10:00: 25km Metric Quarter Century Ride & 10km Fun & Family (Ice Cream) Ride Start
. 12:00: Lunch @ PRN begins
. 14:00: Lunch Ends
• 14:30: All Closing Remarks & Awards
. 15:00 Clean Up & Event Closure
. 18:00: All Ride signs removed from Routes
6. Prepared by: Name: Position/Title:
ICS 201, Page 1 1 Date/Time:
1. Incident Name:
2. Incident Number:
3. Date/Time Initiated:
Blue Ridge Ride to Defeat ALS
Date: 05-13-2023 Time: 0700
7. Current and Planned Objectives:
7.1 Provide Communications Support for Blue Ridge Ride to Defeat ALS
7.2 Placement of AARC amateur radio volunteers
a. Placement of five (5) fixed position Rest Stops & Pro Re Nata HQ
b. Placement of five (5) or more mobile SAG support on Red (100km),
Blue (50km) and Yellow (25km & Fun & Family) routes to monitor the
Cyclists, roads, and provide assistance, if needed.
7.3 Provide situational awareness and updates to the HQ site and Event
Coordinator, as appropriate.
7.4 Each fixed site and mobile SAG unit will maintain an activity log of
significant events and/or information (ICS 214 or AARC standard).
8. Current and Planned Actions, Strategies, and Tactics:
Provide awareness and draft ICS 201 to Albemarle County Chief of
Police, Sheriff, and Chief of Fire Rescue
• Request assistance for cyclists crossing Rt.250 on Day of Event,
with Law Enforcement present at Pro Re Nata until all cyclists
return. We will also invite EMS volunteers.
• Safety of participants is highest priority
• No road closings, no spectators on routes
• Barricades will be used at Start/Finish to manage spectators.
Complete and submit Albemarle County Zoning Clearance and Parks
and Recreation Dept. Special Event Applications.
Weather Cancellation Policy — The Event will be held rain or shine but
may be canceled up to the time of departure, or at any time during event,
if unsafe conditions develop, or due to an unforeseen situation such as a
national/local safety issue.
The Event will be canceled if any of the following unsafe weather
conditions are predicted for the time -period of the ride by
Accuweather.com hourly forecasts:
• National Weather Service Red Flag Warnings; high winds,
thunderstorms capable of hail, or lightning within 20 miles
The Event Coordinators are accountable to make the decision.
Cancellation notice will be provided to non -Emergency dispatcher, all
AARC volunteers via amateur radio, text to all volunteers and
participants, event web site, and social media channels.
March 15
Albemarle County requires ALSA to provide Special Event Liability
Insurance in an amount not less than $1 million dollars, naming
Albemarle County and its officers, agents and employees as an
additional insured party to the contract.
• Update policy & provide copies to County.
April 30
Finalize ICS201, Crisis Management Plan & all AARC updates
Update plan with additional ACPD recommendations for Officers at seven
(7) locations and (1) supervisor day of event (0730-1330), signage;
Volunteers are stationed safely off the road in high visibility vests on blind
May 13
Put out turn signs off roadway and no medians. Mark color coded routes
with biodegradable Aervoe 216 Temporary Marking Chalk Paint -
Marking Chalk - Aervoe Industries, Inc. (typically gone in 1-2 rains).
We will put warning signs by blind curves.
One Porta Potty delivered to all Rest Stops. art
Review Operational Checklist & Final Site Survey
• Review Weather forecast and cancellation criteria
o If cancelled, call non -emergency dispatcher, text all
AARC volunteers, event volunteers and participants.
o If cancelled, update web site and social media
• Event coordinator makes go / no go decision
Volunteer Arrival & Check -In
• EMT's will be located at Start/Finish
• Two (2) AARC Net Central Operators.
• All locations have a First Aid kit and Safety Binder with simplified
Incident Action Plan.
• Safety of participants is highest priority
Check -In and Registration Begins at Pro Re Nata
Conduct radio check with HQ, and all fixed and mobile operators
Morning of the Event Instructions to Riders
• Follow all traffic signs and direction from Police & EMT
• Communication to SAG will be thumb down for assistance. They
will pull over in the next safe area or come back to you if you are
immobile. If emergency and waiting for SAG, move to a safe
pull -off (driveway, etc.)
• SAG will transport to nearest Rest Stop, an ALSA event van will
transport from Rest Stop to Start/Finish.
• Emergency contacts are listed on the Cue Sheet
• Be courteous, share the road; whenever cars are present, ride
single file.
Repeat morning instructions to riders 15 minutes prior to start.
All riders will start from Pro Re Nata in staggered start times.
HQ will announce the start and update Fixed & Mobile Operators to look
for cyclists.
• 08:00: 100km Metric Century Ride Start
• 09:00: 50km Metric Half Century Ride Start
• 10:00: 25km Metric Quarter Century & 10km Fun & Family Start
Lunch starts
As the last riders on each route pass the fixed sites, reports will be made
to HQ. Note riders choosing not to return with the group.
• All Rest Stops perform clean-up prior to heading to start/finish
Awards & Closing Ceremonies.
Event Concludes & Clean Up
Additional Information:
May 16
One Porta Potty picked up all Rest Stops.
6. Prepared by: Name: Position/Title: Signature:
ICS 201, Page 2 Date/Time:
1. Incident Name: 2. Incident Number: 05-14-2022 33.aDat0/Time 0 Time: 0700 Initiated:
Blue Ridge Ride to Defeat ALS
9. Current Organization (fill in additional organization as appropriate):
Incident Coordinators
Amelia Atwill / ALSA
Bridgit Phelps / ALSA
Anthony Woodyard
Liaison Officer
Steve Greer / ALSA Board
Safety Officer
Dan Dusseau
Chief of Police, NOVA CC
Public Information Officer
Paul Jeter / Territory Exec.
Operations Lead Planning Lead Communications HQ Lead Finance/ Admin Lead
** AARC ** ** AARC ** ** AARC ** Amelia Atwill / ALSA
fFixed Sites SAG Units
Whitehall Rest Stop #1 Jack Smith KE4LWT
Bill Steo K4FZE I ) ( Bobby Shifflett KN4HCG
�V/ \�hLennv Vincent N4LXP
Maybelle's Rest Stop #2 Dayton Haugh AA4DH
Steve Bowman KN4AOB James Devincintes
Dave Beebe K4UEK
Batesville Mkt. Rest Stop #3 Warren Yursik KN4LYF
Bill Pond NOWP Paul McKee AK4OH
Ben Kidd KG4GIF
Greater Grace Baptist
Church Rest Stop #4 Mike McPherson KQ913
Ed Berkowitz N3US
Joe Greenberg KJ4PE
Chiles Orchard RS #5 Ilan Callahan KN4TBG
Bill Phillips AD6JV Doug Goode KK4CEQ
Mike Rein KA4JJD
Patrick Morrisay KO4VLM
6. Prepared by: Name: Position/Title: Signature:
ICS 201, Page 3 Date/Time:
1. Incident Name:
2. Incident Number:
3. Date/Time Initiated:
BRR to Defeat ALS
Date: May 13,2023 Time: 0700
10. Resource
Notes (location/assignment/status)
Amelia Atwill - ALSA
Pro Re Nata
Bridgit Phelps - ALSA
Pro Re Nata
Dan Dusseau
Safety Officer
Pro Re Nata
Justin Rumley
Liaison Officer
Pro Re Nata
Paul Jeter
Territory Executive
Pro Re Nata
John Porter KK4JP
Comm. Lead
Joe DevincintesKO8V
Net Central
Pro Re Nata
Bill Steo K4FZE
Fixed Position
Whitehall Rest Stop #1
Steve Bowman
Fixed Position
Maybelle's Rest Stop #2
Bill Pond NOWP
Fixed Position
Batesville Mkt. Rest Stop #3
Ed Berkowitz N3US
Fixed Position
Greater Grace Baptist Church
Rest Stop #4
Bill Phillips AD6JV
Fixed Position
Chiles Orchard Rest Stop #5
Mike Rein KA4JJD
Jack Smith
SAG Mobile
Support Rest Stop #1 & #2
Red Route
Bobby Shiffiett
Lenny Vincent N4LXP
Dayton Haugh AA4DH
James Devincintes
Same as above
SAG Mobile
Support Rest Stop #1 & #2
Red Route
Dave Beebe K4UEK
SAG Mobile
Support Rest Stop #3
Warren Yursik KN4LYF
Blue Route
Paul McKee AK4OH
Ben Kidd KG4GIF
Mike McPherson
Same as above
SAG Mobile
Support Rest Stop #4
Blue Route
Joe Greenberg KJ4PE
SAG Mobile
Support Rest Stop #4
Ian Callahan
Yellow Route
Doug Goode
Patrick Morrisay
SAG Mobile
Support Rest Stop #5
Orange Route
Dave Damon K4DND
100K Sweep
Greg Faust N4PGS
Tom Moore
50K Sweep
25K Sweep
Fixed Position
Whitehall Rest Stop #1 Captain
Angela Ostrom (ALSA)
Fixed Position
Maybelle's Rest Stop #2 Captain
Kathleen Kelly (ALSA)
Fixed Position
Batesville Mkt. Rest Stop #3 Captain
Debbie Eggleston (UVA Clinic)
Fixed Position
Greater Grace Baptist Church
Rest Stop #4 Captain
Jonathan Strausberg (ALSA)
Fixed Position
Chiles Orchard Rest Stop #5 Captain
Anthony Woodyard (ALSA)
6. Prepared by: Name: Position/Title: Signature:
ICS 201, Page 4 Date/Time:
Appendix A Incident Management Plan Primary Roles
Event Coordinators
Accountable Primary decision makers
Safety Officer
Assessment & Recommendations to Coordinators & Communications Lead
Liaison Officer
Consults with Event Coordinators, Safety Officer & Communications Lead
Public Information
Single point of contact authorized to address all media or social media requests for
information or comments for all incidents.
Communications Lead
Fixed location at Start/ Finish: Facilitate all communications from the field to the Event
Coordinators & Safety Officer.
If Event Coordinators cannot be contacted, or unavailable, contact Law
Enforcement / EMS directly.
Rest Stop
Report to rest stop by assigned time
Fixed Location
Check in with Rest Stop Host (may not be property owner)
Amateur Radio
Establish contact with Communications Coordinator at Start/ Finish when in
Monitor riders coming and going, follow crisis plan for any incidents
• Do not leave post; all rider transportation will be handled by mobile SAG or
arranged by Communications Lead.
• Sign Off with Communications Coordinator
Follow Incident Plan below for any injuries or incidents.
SAG (Support & Gear)
Two SAGS per Route. Space selves out on route
Amateur Radio
• Drive back and forth on assigned route and time slot.
• Do not pass riders if you do not have good sight lines for oncoming traffic.
Travel opposite direction, when possible, to avoid passing riders.
• Check with all riders that are stopped.
Visually watch for riders in your rear-view mirror as you pass to see if they
signal for help.
• Only pull over in safe places for you and the rider.
• Follow Incident Plan below for any injuries or incidents.
Appendix A Incident Management Plan Responsibilities
Event Coordinators
Accountable Primary incident decision makers
Safety Officer
Assessment & Recommendations to Coordinators & Communications Lead
Liaison Officer
Consults with Event Coordinators, Safety Officer & Communications Lead
Public Information
Single point of contact authorized to address all media or social media requests for
information or comments for all incidents.
Communications Lead
Fixed location at Start/ Finish: Facilitate all communications from the field to the Event
Coordinators & Safety Officer.
If Event Coordinators cannot be contacted, or unavailable, may contact Law
Enforcement / EMS directly.
Rest Stop
Report to rest stop by assigned time
Fixed Location
Check in with Rest Stop Host (may not be property owner)
Amateur Radio
Establish contact with Communications Coordinator at Start/ Finish when in
• Monitor riders coming and going, follow crisis plan for any incidents
• Do not leave post; all rider transportation will be handled by mobile SAG or
arranged by Communications Lead.
• Provide final rider count to Net Central. Note bib numbers of cyclists choosing to
not return with group.
• Sign Off with Communications Coordinator
Follow Crisis Plan below for any injuries or incidents.
SAG (Support & Gear)
Two SAGS per Route. Space selves out on route
Amateur Radio
• Drive back and forth on you route during the time you are assigned to the route.
• Do not pass riders if you do not have good sight lines for oncoming traffic.
Travel opposite direction, when possible, to avoid passing riders.
• Check with all riders that are stopped
• Watch riders in your rear-view mirror as you pass to see if they signal for help.
• Only pull over in safe places for you and the rider.
• "Sweep" route to monitor route and note bib numbers of cyclists choosing to not
return with group. Relay info. to Net Central.
• Sign Off with Communications Coordinator
Follow Crisis Plan below for any injuries or incidents.
Incident Management Response Playbook
Cell Phone Number
Event Coordinators
Amelia Atwill
Bridgit Phelps
Anthony woodyard
304 207 0015
Safety Officer
Daniel Dusseau
N/A Active Law Enforcement
Liaison Officer
Justin Rumley
Public Information Officer
Paul Jeter
Communications Leads
John Porter KK4JP
Joe DevincintesK08V
Life Threatening Emergency — Dial 9-1-1
• Albemarle County 9-1-1 can receive text messages.
Cyclists Cue Sheets
For anything else, call the Ride Hotline: 434-260-0124
• Ride Hotline will automatically Alert Net Central & Event Coordinators
Rider Support > Stop at Rest Stop or Thumbs Down to Mobile SAG Vehicles
• Please Move Safely off the Road
• In conjunction with rider, HAM Operator determine if "major
injury" requiring EMS (Call 9-1-1).
• Rider makes final decision if to continue route or be transported
back to Start/ Finish
Minor Injury
• HAM Operator documents Rider Name, Number, brief
description of injury/cause, and rider's decision.
at Rest Stop
• HAM Operator notifies Communication Lead at HQ.
• Event Coordinators and Safety Officer are notified of situation
to determine if any further action needs to be taken.
• If rider's decision to continue the route or leave the Rest Stop is
questioned, HAM Operator notifies Communications Lead and
Event Coordinators to determine if intervention is needed,
mobile SAG is notified to monitor.
• In conjunction with rider, HAM Operator determines if EMS is
needed, immediately calls 9-1-1, provide first aid.
• HAM Operator notifies Communications Lead; all Event Leads
are notified.
• Provide support to fellow riders & secure rider's equipment
• Determine need for Police Report
Major Injury
• Public Information Officer is the Media Contact
• Establish "isolated control area'
at Rest Stop
• Event Coordinators make any required decisions.
• Event Coordinators notify rider Emergency Contact Person
• Event Coordinators are riders contact (travel with or by phone)
• If rider's decision to continue the route or leave the Rest Stop is
questioned, HAM Operator notifies Communications Lead and
Event Coordinators to determine if intervention is needed,
mobile SAG is notified to monitor.
• Rider is moved to safe area.
• In conjunction with rider, HAM Operator determine if "major
injury" requiring EMS (Call 9-1-1).
• Rider makes final decision if to continue route or be transported
to Rest Stop or back to Start/Finish. Rider makes final decision
if to continue route or be transported back to Start/ Finish
Minor Injury
• HAM Operator documents Rider Name, Number, brief
On the Road
description of injury/cause, and rider's decision.
• HAM Operator notifies Communication Lead at HQ.
• Event Coordinators and Safety Officer are notified of situation
to determine if any further action needs to be taken.
• If rider's decision to continue the route is questioned, HAM
Operator notifies Communications Lead and Event
Coordinators to determine if intervention is needed, mobile
SAG is notified to monitor.
• Secure safety of area and rider. In conjunction with rider, HAM
Operator determines if EMS is needed, immediately calls 9-1-1,
provide first aid.
• HAM Operator notifies Communications Lead; all Event Leads
are notified.
• Provide support to fellow riders & secure rider's equipment
• Determine need for Police Report
Major Injury
0Public Information Officer is the Media Contact
• Establish "isolated control area'
On the Road
• Event Coordinators make any required event decisions.
• Event Coordinators notify rider Emergency Contact Person
• Event Coordinators are rider's contact (travel with or by phone)
• Rider makes final decision if to continue route or be transported
back to Start/Finish
• If riders decision to continue the route or leave the scene is
questioned, HAM Operator notifies Communications Lead and
Event Coordinators to determine if intervention is needed,
mobile SAG is notified to monitor.
A crisis is a situation that occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, which
creates stress and uncertainty. It interferes with normal routines and
demands a quick response.
It can be a natural event, such as an earthquake or hurricane, or it can
be man-made, such as a protest, scandal, or terrorist attack.
For HAM Radio Operators
• Notify HAM Headquarters to notify all Radio Operators to hold
every rider at their event location.
• Ask each HAM operator to radio in the total amount of riders at
the location.
• Ask volunteers/staff to keep each rider at the event location in a
safe place until transportation arrives.
• Once transportation arrives, radio into headquarters that group
Cue Sheets - All Routes
o� 19
Blue Ridge Ride to
Defeat AILS All Route<
'o.1 .
VIJke Ridge Ride to Defeat ALS 100KM
,. .
Ice Creary
_ ...... f Rest StoX
a O . Mint springs Valley Park 1
Calf Mountain Overlook
" Blue RIda to Defeat ALS 50KM
as �.� - creenwooe ♦ � y B w�lli Harris Teeter
w r
4J��',,//�� Yncey Mila - 7i
J Blue Ridge Parkway y p
^9 r,. North Entrance anon �-�',,
r Bharat , * Y a ....$�'7" ..:rn e.ar "•--��._.
" Afton St Stables �•;�
ndo Darrel Town ,
s '�` Celella Photo Y
p ,* KM
Holy Cross r// ��
I Episcopal Church
Blue Ridge Ride to Defeat ALS 25KM
a 9 :1.
Mint Springs Valley Park
Emory Design
Knights Gambit it
^,. Beaver Creek
Reservoir Park � LI
King Famllyreyards _ -
A �
wOld Trail GdlfClu" +� rfillGreenwood � a� f'�`u
r.eII,E.�rr.e ar.e„ .
Blue Ridge Ride to Defeat ALS `
Fun & Family (Ice Cream)I
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� Nqn School
`"� w •• A T�'FOREST GLEN Ice Cream
Appendix C
Cyclist Instructions Day of Event
• You must wear a helmet at all times and have a bicycle in good working order.
Safety comes first. This is not a race. Look for warning signs by blind curves.
• Please do not consume alcoholic beverages on any routes or rest stops.
• Be courteous and share the road. Whenever cars are present, please ride single file.
• Follow and obey all traffic signs & direction from Albemarle County Police Officers.
• All routes are marked with a unique chalk paint color.
• Major turns will have signs with turn arrows. Directional colored chalk will be on road
pavement approximately 25 yards from a turn.
• Bib numbers indicate the route selected; Yield to more experienced cyclists, and do not
assume vehicles will yield right of way.
• If you cannot finish, either go to the nearest rest stop or communication to mobile SAG will be
raise your hand and wave. They will pull over in the next safe area or come back to you if you
are immobile.
• Mobile SAG will transport you to the nearest rest stop. A van will be dispatched to the Rest
Stop location to bring you back to Pro Re Nata.
• If you have any physical or mechanical issues and are waiting for SAG, pull completely off the
road into a driveway or field, especially on any curves.
• Volunteers are stationed safely off the road in high visibility vests on blind curves.
• Emergency contact information is on the Cue Sheets. Note in some parts of the County
reception is poor. Albemarle County can receive a 911 text.
• Lunch will be served 1200-1400. If you are not back by 1400, we will be unable to feed you.
Appendix D
Incident Radio Communications Plan (ICS 205)
Purpose. The Incident Radio Communications Plan (ICS 205) provides information on all radio
frequency or trunked radio system talkgroup assignments for each operational period. The plan is a
summary of information obtained about available radio frequencies or talkgroups and the
assignments of those resources by the Communications Unit Leader for use by incident responders.
Information from the Incident Radio Communications Plan on frequency or talkgroup assignments is
normally placed on the Assignment List (ICS 204).
Preparation. The ICS 205 is prepared by the Communications Unit Leader and given to the
Planning Section Chief for inclusion in the Incident Action Plan.
Distribution. The ICS 205 is duplicated and attached to the Incident Objectives (ICS 202) and given
to all recipients as part of the Incident Action Plan (IAP). All completed original forms must be given
to the Documentation Unit. Information from the ICS 205 is placed on Assignment Lists.
N otes:
• The ICS 205 is used to provide, in one location, information on all radio frequency assignments
down to the Division/Group level for each operational period.
• The ICS 205 serves as part of the IAP.
Block Number
Incident Name
Enter the name assigned to the incident.
Date/Time Prepared
Enter date prepared (month/day/year) and time prepared (using the 24-hour
Operational Period
Enter the start date (month/day/year) and time (using the 24-hour clock) and
Date and Time From
end date and time for the operational period to which the form applies.
Date and Time To
Basic Radio Channel
Enter the following information about radio channel use:
Zone Group
Channel Number
Use at the Communications Unit Leader's discretion. Channel Number (Ch
#) may equate to the channel number for incident radios that are
programmed or cloned for a specific Communications Plan, or it may be
used just as a reference line number on the ICS 205 document.
Enter the Net function each channel or talkgroup will be used for (Command,
Tactical, Ground -to -Air, Air -to -Air, Support, Dispatch).
Channel Name/Trunked
Enter the nomenclature or commonly used name for the channel or talk
Radio System Talkgroup
group such as the National Interoperability Channels which follow DHS
frequency Field Operations Guide (FOG).
Enter the name of the ICS Branch/Division/Group/Section to which this
channel/talkgroup will be assigned.
RX (Receive) Frequency
Enter the Receive Frequency (RX Freq) as the mobile or portable subscriber
(N or W)
would be programmed using xxx.xxxx out to four decimal places, followed by
an "N" designating narrowband or a W designating wideband emissions.
The name of the specific trunked radio system with which the talkgroup is
associated may be entered across all fields on the ICS 205 normally used
for conventional channel programming information.
Enter the Receive Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS)
subaudible tone (RX Tone) or Network Access Code (RX NAC) for the
receive frequency as the mobile or portable subscriber would be
4 (continued)
TX (Transmit)
Enter the Transmit Frequency (TX Freq) as the mobile or portable subscriber
Frequency (N or W)
would be programmed using xxx.xxxx out to four decimal places, followed by
an "N" designating narrowband or a W designating wideband emissions.
Enter the Transmit Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS)
subaudible tone (TX Tone) or Network Access Code (TX NAC) for the
transmit frequency as the mobile or portable subscriber would be
Mode (A, D, or M)
Enter "A" for analog operation, "D" for digital operation, or "M" for mixed
mode operation.
Enter miscellaneous information concerning repeater locations, information
concerning patched channels or talkgroups using links or gateways, etc.
Special Instructions
Enter any special instructions (e.g., using cross -band repeaters, securevoice,
encoders, private line (PL) tones, etc.) or other emergency
communications needs). If needed, also include any special instructions for
handling an incident within an incident.
Prepared by
Enter the name and signature of the person preparing the form, typically the
(Communications Unit
Communications Unit Leader. Enter date (month/day/year) and time
prepared (24-hour clock).
• Signature
• Date/Time
1. Incident Name:
Blue Ridge Ride to Defeat ALS
2. Operational Date From: 5/13/2023 Date To: Date Period:
Time From: 0700 Time To: HHMM
3. Basic Local Communications Information:
Incident Assigned Position
Name (Alphabetized)
Method(s) of Contact
(phone, pager, cell, etc.)
Beebe, Dave
Greenwood Rest Stop
Berkowitz, Ed
Maybelle's Market Rest Stop
Bowman, Steve
Callahan, Ian
100K Sweep
Damon, Dave
100K SAG
Devincintes, James
Start/Finish Net Control
Devincintes, Joe
50K Sweep
Faust, Greg
Goode, Doug
Greeenberg, Joe
100K SAG
Haugh, Dayton
Kidd, Ben
50K SAG (Bike Mobile)
McKee, Paul
McPherson, Mike
25K Sweep
Moore, Tom
Family/Fun Ride SAG
Morrisay, Patrick
Chiles Orchard Rest Stop
Phillips, Bill
Batesville Rest Stop
Pond, Bill
Start/Finish Net Control
Porter, John
Chiles Orchard Rest Stop
Rein, Mike
100K SAG
Shifflett, Bobby
100K SAG
Smith, Jack
White Hall Rest Stop
Steo, Bill
100K SAG
Vincent, Lenny
Yursik, Warren
4. Prepared by: Name: Position/Title: Signature:
ICS 205A I IAP Pagel I Date/Time: Date