HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201700080 Application 2017-12-21 h'' 1 Community Development Department \ '#tA .`+iA�bemar(e Co.. 4 ireRoadCharlottesville,VA22902-4596 ,Dice.(434)296-5832 Fax: (434)972-4126 \ .rJy;J Planning Application l�S11M5 PARCEL / OWNER INFORMATION TMP 032A0-02-00-00100 Owner(s): MALLOY PROPERTIES III LLC C/O MALLOY COMPANIES LLC Application# SDP201700080 PROPERTY INFORMATION ACREAGE TRACT 1 BBB:T BANK Legal Description .- Magisterial Dist, Rivanna i! Land Use Primary Office l Current AFD Not in A/F District 1,r I Current Zoning Primary Highway Commercial ([1 APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 3267 PROFFIT RD CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22911 Entered By --""`-" --7 ;Jennifer SmithI. pplication Type Site Development Plans ,; .__._: 1 22/2017 Project WAWA - INITIAL Received Date 12/21/17 Received Date Final L Submittal Date 01/02/18 Total Fees 848.02 Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid 848.02 Revision Number T90 Comments Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) Type I Sub Applicatio I Comment Initial Site Plan 01/02/18 APPLICANT / CONTACT INFORMATION ContactType Name Address CityState Zip Phone PhoneCell Ow neri ppkart :MALLOY PROPERTIES III LLC Cr`0 MALLOY :1300 RICHMOND ROAD •CHARLOTTESVILL 22911 Primary Certao aSCOTT STICKELY,RE. -BOHLER 28 BLACKWELL PARK LANE, WARRENTON,VA 20186 5403494500 .+.,pgimart RL DEVELOPMENT,LLC 1300 RICHMOND RD VIENNA,VA 22182 7034042346 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date ALkte 'application for ,. Initial Site Plan or Final Site Plan or Site Plan Exception Project Name: Wawa Tax map and parcel(s): 032A0-02-00-00100 Zoning: Highway Commercial Contact (who should we contact about this project) Bohler Engineering VA,LLC-Scott Stickely,P.E. Street Address 28 Blackwell Park Lane,Suite 201 city Warrenton State VA _ Zip Code 20186 Phone Number (540)349-4500 Email sstickley@bohlereng.com Owner of Record Malloy Properties HI LLC C/O Malloy Companies LLC Street Address 1300 Richmond Road City Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22911 Phone Number Email Applicant RL Development,LLC Street Address 8605 Westwood Center Drive,Suite 410 City Vienna State VA Zip Code 22182 Phone Number (703)404-2346 Email mfontaine@renaudconsulting.net Type of Development U Residential U Non-residential Type of unit(s): ® Commercial ❑ Industrial #of building(s): ❑ Quasi-Public Sq.ft.of building(s): 6 001 SF Sq.ft.of building(s): ' #of units per building: 1.431 AC Acreage of site: Total#of units: 0.785 Acreage in open space: Resulting density: 0.562 Acreage in roads: Acreage of site: Average gallons of water used per day: 3,000 Acreage in open space: Acreage in roads: Average gallons of water used per day: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SDP# Fee Amount$��t. 04Date )•//By who?tra ,4cL I$A, Receipt#II9 ALA Ck# 3u6,I By. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434)972-4126 REVISED 11/02/2015 Page 1 of 2 • Intended use or justification for request: Comments/Attachments: FEES SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SITE PLAN EXCEPTION Initial Site Plan Final Site Plan Exception to drawing of site plan under section 32.3.5(a) Approved No Preapplication plan Preapplication plan $752 plus$16/dwelling U $1,290 plus$16/dwelling U $1,613 ❑ $1,613 unit and/or$0.016 per unit and/or$0.016 per square foot of square foot of nonresidential structure nonresidential structure $752.00+96.02=$848.02 $ 16 folded copies of the plan #of copies required for submittal will be noted with 8 folded copies of the plan plus an additional 6 copies if within an Entrance Corridor your initial approval letter. Copies of the plan should be folded and in blue or black ink.Also provide 1 reduced copy of the plan no larger than II by 17 in. ❑ The initial site plan has a parking structure. ❑ The final site plan has a parking U Included are architectural elevations,drawings, structure. photographs or other visual materials showing any ❑ Included are revised architectural elevations, parking structure proposed on the site and surrounding drawings,photographs or other visual structures and land uses. materials submitted with the initial site plan. The elevations shall be part of the approved Tmal site plan. GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT (Required for all non-residential site plans not serviced by public water) U If the plans show a use using less than 2,000 gallons/day(average) Tier 3 Groundwater Review=$548 ❑ If the plans show a use using greater than 2,000 gallons/day(average) Tier 4 Groundwater Review=$1,183 ❑ Special Exception=$457 Notices required by Section Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty(50)notices=$215.00 plus the actual cost of first class postage. Preparing and mailing or delivering,per notice more than fifty(50)=$1.08 plus the actual cost of first class postage. Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign This site plan as submitted contains all of the information required by Section 32.5(Initial Site Plan)or Section 32.6(Final Site Plan)of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle. I understand that plans which lack information required by said sections shall be deemed incomplete and shall be denied by the agent within ten(10)days of submittal as provided in Section or Section of Chapter 18 of the Code as the case may be.By signing this application I am consenting to written comments,letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such written communication from also being sent via first class mail. For Final Plans Only:To the b my knowledge,I have complied with Section a)of Chapter 18 of the Code. pifff Owl!' ct Purchaser,Agent Date Mark J. Fontaine (703)431-6938 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory REVISED 11/02/2015 Page 2 of 2 sivitial Site Ilan *VI Checklist 0 fr Project Name: Wawa Charlottesville Firm: Bohler Engineering This checklist must be completed,signed and submitted with the application. The information contained in this checklist reflects the contents of the Section 32 of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle also known as the Site Plan Ordinance as of January 1, 2013. The applicant is responsible for insurinE that no revisions to the Ordinance have occurred since preparation of this document. Plans which lack the information required by this checklist shall be deemed to be incomplete and shall be denied by the agent with ten (10)calendar days after the applicable submittal deadline[Section 32.4.21. An Initial Site Plan shall contain the following: 11.5.1 aJ Number of copies. Sixteen(14)clearly legible copies in blue or black ink of the plan shall be submitted. 2 Ili 142.5.2lb] Scale and size. m The plan shall be prepared to the scale of one(1)inch equals twenty(20)feet or to another scale approved by the / agent in a particular case.No sheet shall exceed forty-two(42)inches by thirty-six(36)inches in size. t The plan may be prepared on one(1)or more sheets. If prepared on more than one(1)sheet,match lines shall clearly indicate where the several sheets join. I!J The top of the sheet shall be approximately either north or east. d [ 2.5.1 c]Dimensions. I5 Tie plan shall be dimensioned to at least the following standards for accuracy: Et Boundary, setback and zoning lines: One foot in one thousand(1:1,000)feet. Existing contours: One-half(1/2)of the contour interval required in section 32.5.2(d). Proposed contours: Within five(5)feet horizontally and vertically. Existing structures,utilities and other topographic features: Within five(5)feet. Proposed structures,roads,parking lots and other improvements: Within five(5)feet. I: 02.5 a] General information. The name of the development; names of the owner, developer and individual who prepared the plan; tax map and parcel number; boundary dimensions; zoning district; descriptions of all proffers,special use permits and conditions thereof, special exceptions and conditions thereof,variances and conditions thereof,application plans,codes of development and bonus factors applicable to the site; magisterial district; county and state; north point; scale;one datum reference for elevation(where section 30.3, flood hazard overlay district,is involved,United States Geological Survey vertical datum shall be shown and/or correlated to plan topography); / the source of the topography; departing lot lines; minimum setback lines,yard and building separation requirements; the source of the survey; sheet number and total number of sheets; and the names of the owners, zoning district,tax map and parcel numbers and present uses of abutting parcels. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4126 REVISED 06/10/2015 Page 1 of 4 l.Vunly of rtiocmarlc-initial ane rlan l,necKnsl II. 11. ❑ [32.5.2 b] Information regarding the proposed use. ❑ ritten schedules or data as necessary to demonstrate that the site can accommodate the proposed uses, including proposed uses and maximum acreage occupied by each use; 91❑ maximum number of dwelling units by type including the number of bedrooms for multifamily dwellings; /A ❑ gross residential density; NM ❑ square footage of recreational areas; d the percentage and acreage of open space; Lai maximum square footage for commercial and industrial uses; 0/4 maximum floor area ratio and lot coverage for industrial use; maximum height of all structures; schedule of parking including the maximum amount required and the amount provided; the maximum amount of impervious cover on the site;and if a landscape plan is required,the maximum amount of paved parking and other vehicular circulation areas. [32.5.2 c]Phase lines. N/iI❑ If phasing is planned,phase lines and the proposed timing of development. El [ 2.5.2 dJ Topography and proposed grading. J Existing topography(up to twenty[20]percent slope,maximum five[5] foot contours,over twenty[20]percent slope,maximum ten [10] foot contours)for the entire site with sufficient offsite topography to describe prominent and pertinent offsite features and physical characteristics,but in no case less than fifty(50)feet outside of the site unless otherwise approved by the agent; proposed grading(maximum five [5] foot contours)supplemented where necessary by spot elevations; 1 areas of the site where existing slopes are critical slopes. l9 [42.5.2 eJ Landscape features. elThe existing landscape features as described in section 5[32.5.2 fJ Watercourses and other bodies of water. The name and location of all watercourses and other bodies of water adjacent to or on the site; ill indicate whether the site is located within the watershed of a public water supply reservoir. 1 WKrH ca t V WO/N It l l [32.5.2 g]Onsite sewage system setback lines. lit.❑ The location of onsite sewage system setback lines from watercourses including intermittent streams and other bodies of water. LI [32.5.2 h]Floodplain and related information. it/if❑ The boundaries of the flood hazard overlay district,the base flood elevation on the site, the elevation of the lowest floor,including any basement,and for any structures to be flood-proofed as required by section 30.3,the elevation to which the structures will be flood-proofed. Ll0 .5.2 iJ Streets, easements and travelways. [L The existing and proposed streets, including A/4 ❑ proposed bike lanes, 4110 access easements, alley easements and rights-of-way, and travelways, together with street names, state route numbers, right-of-way lines and widths, centerline radii and pavement widths. REVISED 06/10/2015 Page 2 of 4 l..uuIIIy ul t1IUGIIla1 IC.-II11L1al JIM rum t.IIGt,KIiS1 ill N ii [ 2.5.2 jJ Existing sewer and drainage facilities. 31 T e location and size of existing water and sewer facilities and easements, the storm drainage system, drainage channels,and drainage easements. Ly [ 2.5.2 kJ Proposed sewer and drainage facilities. lfl Ttie proposed conceptual layout for Lei water and sewer facilities and l the storm drainage system, indicating the direction of flow in all pipes and watercourses with arrows. 61 [ 2.5.2 ZJ Existing and proposed utilities.Ti e location of other existing and proposed utilities and utility easements, including existing telephone, cable, electric and gas easements. d1 [ 2.5.2 m] Ingress and egress. The location of existing and proposed ingress to and egress from the property, Show the distance to the centerline of the nearest existing street intersection from the proposed ingress and egress. LI [ 2.5.2 nJ Existing and proposed improvements. The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements including buildings(maximum footprint and height)and other structures; walkways; fences; walls; trash containers; outdoor lighting; landscaped areas and open space; "ail recreational areas and facilities; parking lots and other paved areas; loading and service areas; N./ signs; and Q the proposed paving material types for all walks,parking lots and driveways. [3 .5.2 of Areas to be dedicated or reserved. -nto mpicpnoj All areas intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use under sections, and,and shall include a note on the plan stating that the land is to be dedicated or reserved for public use. Lii 02.5.2 pJ Landscape plan. a A landscape plan that complies with section 32.7.9, if it is required to be submitted with the initial site plan. lJ1 [3 .5.2 gJ Traffic generation figures. 16,1 If deemed appropriate by the agent due to the intensity of the development,estimated traffic generation figures for i the site based on current Virginia Department of Transportation rates; O indicate the estimated number of vehicles per day and the direction of travel for all connections from the site to a public street. 4 [ 2.5.2 r] Symbols and abbreviations. l4 A legend showing all symbols and abbreviations used on the plan. REVISED 06/10/2015 Page 3 of 4 1 6 t.ounty of Aluemarle-Initial bite rian t,necKnst 2.5.2 s Additional informa The agent may require adl information to be shown on the initia lan as deemed necessary to provide sufficient information for the agent and the site review committee to adequately review the plan. Grading Permit Requirements—If you will be looking to obtain a grading permit and the initial plan is approved and you have satisfied the conditions of approval identified by the agent in the letter required by section a separate Water Protection Ordinance Application for an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan must be submitted for review and approval In addition to the items required by the ordinance,Albemarle County Engineer,Groundwater Program Authority, the Virginia Department of Transportation,the Albemarle County Service Authority,and the Thomas Jefferson Health District require these items on plans submitted for initial approval. Plans will not be rejected if these items are not present,but they are required for approval. These items are provided in an effort to communicate all initial comments. m 1. Reference the benchmarks used for surveys. (Albemarle County Engineering Policy) 2. Indicate the available sight distance for entrances and left turn lanes. (Albemarle County Engineering Policy) Ni,4 1❑ 3. Label the maximum height of all retaining walls. (Albemarle County Engineering Policy) IJ 4. Provide copies of off-site easements,or letters of intent to grant them from off-site property owners. (Albemarle County Engineering Policy) N To SI- ?RAW%bbb STu''llil;�CfELY '� U 5. Show and label stream buffer limits. (WRPA Ordinance) i6. Indicate the deed book and page reference for all existing utility easements located on the property. (Albemarle County Service Authority) 4141 ❑ 7. Tier 3 -Draft Groundwater Management Plan (17-403) tll4 ❑ 8. Tier 4—Aquifer testing work plan (17-403) Read and Sign In representing t ove refe ced firm submitting this plan for initial approval,I hereby sate that,to the best of my knowledge,the attached pla al ' ation required by this checklist. i)pcii 7 • atuur'e�of Owner,Contract Purchaser,Agent Date Jonk-gnGv. Mthlt, C1-0-31-1 - ` co0 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory mt tVii;,;vtt; ) REVISED 06/10/2015 Page 4 of 4 BOHLER EN1kEERING 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201,Warrenton,VA 20186 Professional Engineering Services Telephone: (540)349-4500 Fax: (540)349-0321 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL VIA: Federal Express TO: Albemarle County RE: Initial Site Plan— 1St Submission Department of Community Wawa Charlottesville Development Seminole Trail and Proffit Road 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 Charlottesville,VA 22902 Albemarle County (434)296-5832 ATTN: To Whom It May Concern DATE: December 20, 2017 JOB NO: V162083 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑Shop drawings ❑Copy of letter ®Attached ❑ Prints ❑Change order COPIES JOB# DATE REVISION REVISION SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 V162083 11/30/17 Check#13061 Check in the amount of$848.02 made payable to County of Albemarle 1 V162083 11/21/17 1-2 of 2 Application for Initial Site Plan or Final Site Plan of Site Plan Exception 1 V162083 12/20/17 1-4 of 4 Initial Site Plan Checklist 22 V162083 12/19/17 1-14 of 14 Initial Site Plan These Are Transmitted: ❑For approval ID For your use ID As requested ® For review and comment ['Approved as submitted DApproved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections REMARKS: Enclosed please find the above mentioned items for the Wawa project in Charlottesville,Virginia. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office at (540)349-4500. COPY TO: SI '4 D. Jonathan Q. Ritchie, P.E. File kpplication for Initial Site Plan or Final Site Plan or Site Plan Exception <<RGINV' Project Name: Wawa Tax map and parcel(s): 032A0-02-00-00100 Zoning: Highway Commercial Contact (who should we contact about this project) Bohler Engineenng VA,LLC-Scott Stickely,P.E. Street Address 28 Blackwell Park Lane,Suite 201 City,Warrenton State VA Zip Code 20186 Phone Number (540)349-4500 Email sstickley@bohlereng.com Owner of Record Malloy Properties III LLC C/O Malloy Companies LLC Street Address 1300 Richmond Road City Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22911 Phone Number Email Applicant RL Development,LLC Street Address 8605 Westwood Center Drive,Suite 410 City Vienna State VA Zip Code 22182 Phone Number (703)404-2346 Email mfontaine@renaudconsulting.net Type of Development ❑ Residential ❑ Non-residential Type of unit(s): NI Commercial ❑ Industrial #of building(s): U Quasi-Public Sq.ft.of building(s): 6,001 SF Sq.ft.of building(s): #of units per building: 1.431 AC Acreage of site: Total#of units: Acreage in open space: 0.785 Resulting density: Acreage in roads: 0.562 Acreage of site: Average gallons of water used per day: 3,000 Acreage in open space: Acreage in roads: Average gallons of water used per day: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I. I SDP# (� Fee Amount$6/51)•_ r :rs11 y ? P �\ALLY t.T 1 fi p tI' cc)c �lt'.1 y Date Patd� /0 , B who. Recet t# Clc#� g B littiAU. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434)972-4126 REVISED 11/02/2015 Page 1 of 2 Intended use or justification for request: Comments/Attachments: FEES SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SITE PLAN EXCEPTION Initial Site Plan Final Site Plan Exception to drawing of site plan under section 32.3.5(a) Approved No Preapplication plan Preapplication plan a $752 plus$16/dwelling U $1,290 plus$16/dwelling U $1,613 U $1,613 unit and/or$0.016 per unit and/or$0.016 per square foot of square foot of nonresidential structure nonresidential structure $ $I.290 0O+96.02=$1,386 02 16 folded copies of the plan #of copies required for submittal will be noted with 8 folded copies of the plan plus an additional 6 copies if within an Entrance Corridor your initial approval letter. Copies of the plan should be folded and in blue or black ink.Also provide l reduced copy of the plan no larger than 11 by 17 in. ❑ The initial site plan has a parking structure. ❑ The final site plan has a parking ❑ Included are architectural elevations,drawings, structure. photographs or other visual materials showing any U Included are revised architectural elevations, parking structure proposed on the site and surrounding drawings,photographs or other visual structures and land uses. materials submitted with the initial site plan. The elevations shall be part of the approved final site plan. GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT (Required for all non-residential site plans not serviced by public water) ❑ If the plans show a use using less than 2,000 gallons/day(average) Tier 3 Groundwater Review=$548 ❑ If the plans show a use using greater than 2,000 gallons/day(average) Tier 4 Groundwater Review=$1,183 ❑ Special Exception=$457 Notices required by Section (f) Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty(50)notices=$215.00 plus the actual cost of first class postage. Preparing and mailing or delivering,per notice more than fifty(50)=$1.08 plus the actual cost of first class postage. Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign This site plan as submitted contains all of the information required by Section 32.5 (Initial Site Plan)or Section 32.6(Final Site Plan)of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle. I understand that plans which lack information required by said sections shall be deemed incomplete and shall be denied by the agent within ten(10)days of submittal as provided in Section or Section of Chapter 18 of the Code as the case may be.By signing this application I am consenting to written comments,letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such written communication from also being sent via first class mail. For Final Plans Onl :To the besf my knowledge, I have corn lied with Section Chapter 18 of the Code. 2/ 7 r f Ow ct Purchaser,Agent Date Mark J. Fontaine (703)431-6938 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory REVISED 11/02/2015 Page 2 of 2 Brandy Booker From: Scott Stickley Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 2.51 PM To: Jonathan Ritchie; Brandy Booker Cc: V162083@nf.bohlereng corn Subject: FW: fee payment: SDP-2017-00080 Attachments: Initial_Site_Plan_Application_&_Checklist pdf; SDP201700080_Wawa Initial Site Plan_Application pdf See below on fee amount needed for Wawa ISP. From:Tim Padalino [mailto:tpadalino@albemarle.org] Sent: Monday,January 22, 2018 1:38 PM To: Scott Stickley<sstickley@bohlereng.com> Cc: mfontaine@renaudconsulting.net Subject:fee payment: SDP-2017-00080 Hello Mr. Stickley, My name is Tim Padalino; I'm a Senior Planner with Albemarle County's Community Development Department(CDD). If memory serves, I believe we met last year during a Pre-App meeting for a potential hotel project on Pantops. I'm writing today with regards to the Initial Site Plan application for the proposed Wawa project on US-29 and Proffit Road (SDP-2017-00080). After reviewing your application, it looks like there is a need to submit additional fee payment based on discrepancy between the application fee requirements and the fee payments received by CDD to date. More specifically, this application was submitted as an Initial Site Plan (with an approved Preapplication plan); however, this application should have been submitted as an Initial Site Plan (no approved preapplication plan). The difference in the application fees for these two application types is [($1,290) — ($752)] = $538. Please reference your application (Page 2 of 2) for more details(*); I've attached a scan of that application to this message. As such, please submit the outstanding balance of$538 at your earliest convenience. And please provide an updated/revised application for an Initial Site Plan (No Preapplication plan), inclusive of the correct"FEES" information on "Page 2 of 2." I've attached a new blank application for your use. Please provide a copy of this message to Community Development staff whenever you submit the remaining balance and the revised application. And please ensure this issue is addressed in the near future. Finally, please let me know if you would like to discuss these issues, or if you have any other questions or requests for assistance (now or later). Thanks very much; sincerely, Tim (*) Also of note is the fact that both types of Initial Site Plan applications have a base fee, and both types also require the exact same additional fee payment as calculated by the square footage of nonresidential structure(s). For your project, this equates to an additional $96.02 (regardless of Initial Site Plan application type). Because that portion of ' the fee is the same for either type c„ ,,,,.ial Site Plan, I'm confirming that that of the total application fee has been correctly paid. As a result, the only required fee payment that remains for this application is the discrepancy noted above ($538). Tim Padalino, AICP Senior Planner I Community Development Department County of Albemarle, Virginia https://www.albemarle.org/department.asp?department=cdd (434)-296-5832 x. 3088 2 .BOHLER ENGINEERING 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201,Warrenton,VA 20186 Professional Engineering Services Telephone: (540) 349-4500 Fax: (540) 349-0321 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL VIA: Federal Express TO: Albemarle County RE: Initial Site Plan—Revised Submission Fee Department of Community Wawa Charlottesville Development Seminole Trail and Proffit Road 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Albemarle County (434)296-5832 ATTN: Tim Padalino, AICP DATE: January 23, 2018 JOB NO: V162083 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑Shop drawings ❑Copy of letter ®Attached ❑ Pnnts ❑Change order COPIES JOB# DATE REVISION REVISION SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 1 V162083 1/23/19 Check#002696 Check in the amount of$583.00 made payable to County of Albemarle 1 V162083 11/21/17 1-2 of 2 Application for Initial Site Plan of Final Site Plan or Site Plan Exception -Revised V V162083 1/22/15 1-2 of 2 Fee Payment Email These Are Transmitted: ❑For approval ❑For your use ®As requested ❑For review and comment ['Approved as submitted ['Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections REMARKS: Enclosed please find the above mentioned items for the Wawa project in Charlottesville,Virginia. Should you have any questions or require additional information,please do not hesitate to contact this office at (540)349-4500. COPY TO: SI D• 40/ Jonathan Q. Ritchie, P.E. File