HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201900033 Inspection 2019-12-23 ti.pF 7A L13 sr.j� !raP.'1.01bk rye O-it®=�1 4.11.11 ,�, r 1'IRGlj4' COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,Vriginia 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 EROSION CONTROL PERMIT Date of Application: 05/22/2019 Permit Effective Date: 12/23/2019 Number: WPO-2019-00033 DEQ Permit#: N/A LANDOWNER: OCT STONEFIELD PROPERTY OWNER LLC Phone: 2123087700 230 ROYAL PALM WAY STE 200 PALM BEACH FL33480 CONTRACTOR: R.E.Lee&Son,Inc Phone: (434)973-1321 2811 Hydraulic road Charlottesville,VA22901 REPONSIBLE LAND Jordan Lehman/Rocktown Excavating Phone: (540)810-0861 DISTURBER: 3566 Dawn Drive Harrisonburg,VA22801 Certification/License#: 13272 Type: Responsible Land Disturber Plans Prepared By: WW Associates Plans Dated: 08/28/2019 Last Revised: 08/28/2019 Plans Entitled: C&F Bank(G5)Stonefield Block G Major Site Plan Location: Stonefield Block G Amendment Dist. 0.45 Acreage: Tax Map: 061W0-03-00-019A0 Hydrological JR14 Unit: Additional Information: Annual Maintenance Fees[Sections 17-207&208 of the Albemarle County Code]—Annual maintenance fees will be assessed in March of every year this permit is active. Fees cannot be prorated after the first year of permit issuance. Issued By:Kenny Thacker Title:Erosion Control Officer /Z-Z3-/9 Signature Date