HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-06-19373 June 19, 1.985 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 1) A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on June 19, 1985, beginning at 7:30 P.M., in Room 7, Second Floor, County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia. PRESENT: Mr. F. R. Bowie, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Mr. C. Timothy Lindstrom (arrived at 7:34 P.M.) and Mr. Peter T. Way. ABSENT: Mr. Gerald E. Fisher and Mr. J. T. Henley, Jr. OFFICERS PRESENT: St. John. Agenda Item No. 1. Mrs. Cooke. County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr., and County Attorney, George The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by the Vice-Chairman, Agenda Item No. 2. Agenda Item No. 3. Pledge of Allegiance. Moment of Silence. Agenda Item No. 4. Consent Agenda. Motion was offered by Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom to approve Item 4.1, and to accept the remaining items as infOrmation. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. None. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. Item 4.1. Change Order Nos. 18, 19 and 20 for the Court Square Project were approved as per the following memorandum from Mr. Ray B. Jones, Deputy County Executive, dated June 12, .1985: "The current balance of the contingency account on the Court Square project is $16,802.77. The following change orders reduce the amount to $10,240.77. Change Order 18 - To install access door and remove ladder on the third floor, plus two outlets in telephone equipment room. $ 451.00 Change Order 19 - To remove and replace 22 window panes, include witness stand in new court room which was originally left out and credit on the chiller enclosure. $2,305.00 Change Order 20 - To replace floor joints in mechanical room and add wall, add two valves in chilled water lines to isolate the two buildings, paint floors in holding cells, repair greenstone floors. $3,806.00 Total $6,562.00 Plans are to begin moving future occupants of the old County Building back into the facility the weekend of June 15 and to complete the moves over the next several weekends. The moving costs will use most of the remaining contingency funds. Plans have been made by the Purchasing Agent and Direc- tor of Staff Services to secure the services of a private moving company to provide the manpower and equipment on a time and equipment basis." Item 4.2. The County Executive's Financial Report for the Month of April, 1985, was received in accordance with Virginia Code SeCtion 15.1-602. Item 4.3. Copy of letter from Mr. Jame; of Health, dated May 20, 1985, addressed to] ment, re: Water - Stone Robinson School, wa~ "Reference is made.to my letters datel which transmitted the results of petr~ samples collected from the Stone Robi! County. You will recall that these ii of benzene, toluene and petroleum prol samples collected from both the old al W. Moore, District Engineer, State Department ~r. Jack Collins, Albemarle County Health Depart- received, as information: January 4, 1985 and January 18, 1985 )leum analyses performed on water ~son School located in Albemarle ~itial tests indicated concentrations ~ucts of less than 1.0 ug/1 in all )andoned well and the new well current- ly in use at the school. Following r~ceipt.of these results a third sample was collected from the old well and submitted to the State Laboratory for additional analysis. The initial saml November 26, 1984; the third sample w~ We have finally received the results ~ State Laboratory. These samples were treated as an unknown taste and odor] results received are disappointing in original results obtained from the No' less than 1.0 ug/1 of volatile haloge] ug/1 of volatile aromatic hydrocarbon: )les were collected on November 13 and ts collected on January 30, 1985. )f the January 30th samples from the (at the suggestion of lab personnel) )roblem and, frankly, the analyses and that they are less specific than the 'ember samples. These results indicate ~ated hydrocarbons and less than 5.0 These results do not offer any additional information or indicate a specific cause of the taste and odor problems experienced at Stone Robinson when the old well was in use. Thankfully, the new well appears to be free of any taste and odor and from all indications is a very satisfactory water source for the students and staff at Stone RObinson. June 19, 1985 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 2) If you have any questions or if we can provide additional assistance with this matter, please contact me." Agenda Item No. 5. Public Hearing: 1985-86 Secondary Roads Budget. Daily Progess on June 5 and June 12, 1985.) (Advertised in the Mr. Roosevelt went through basic information furnished to the Board at its meeting of June 12, 1985 in the form of a letter which is set out in those minutes. At the conclusion of his presentation, the public hearing was opened. First to speak was Mr. Robert Dinning, along with numerous people who live on Route 727 to request improvements from its intersection with Route 627 to its intersection with Route 795. He said this is a three mile stretch of road only 12 feet wide along which live 131 adults and 46 children. The road carries 237 vehicle trips per day, and is served by three school buses. Mr. Dinning noted that the residents have been engaged in obtaining the necessary rights-of-way for this improvement. There are two people who have not yet dedicat- ed the necessary land. Mr. Dinning noted that only $15,000 is shown in this budget for this road. If possible, the residents hope that funds can be found to at least widen the danger- ous curves. Mr. Dinning then showed to the Board members a video tape which the citizens had made to graphically demonstrate the need for the road improvements. Mr. Way asked if there is any possibility of this project being funded. Mr.. Roosevelt said there are no hidden funds in this year's budget. Mr. Bowie asked if the project could go forward considering the fact that two people have not donated the necessary right-of-way. Mr. Roosevelt said the section where right-of-way has not been donated is relatively short compared to the total project. This would not effect the total project but it is possible that short section could not be hardsurfaced. ' Mr. Lindstrom asked what the $15,000 in this budget will be used for. Mr. Roosevelt said the right-of-way for this project has only been cleared in the past three months. This will cover the cost to the Department to prepare a "no plan" project, so that utility relocation may be done. Mr. Lindstrom asked the cost of the total project. Mr. Roosevelt said it is about $1.0 million. Mr. Lindstrom asked if there could be any repairs made at this time to the curves on the road. Mr. Roosevelt said it is possible, but not feasible. This project could go to construction within six months to a year. The worst section is a steep hill in the first mile, which runs for about one-half mile. He would consider it throwing money away when the whole project might get started in the 1986-87 fiscal year. Mr. Roosevelt then explained that of the twelve projects in the Six-Year Highway Plan, ten of those are for hardsurfacing improvements. He is trying to move those six projects ahead and get them completed in a two-year period of time. He does not have the personnel in the local Residency Office to do any more work during that period, nor is it feasible to put these projects out to a consultant. An unidentified gentlemen spoke, and said that he had had a car accident on that road. The judge threw the case out of court when the officer said the road was too narrow for two cars to pass each other. With no one else from the public rising to speak, the public hearing was closed. Mr. Way said he was impressed by the presentation of the people living on Route 727. He commended all of those persons present for their work in makin~-~t possible for this project to proceed. Mr. Way said he is encouraged to know that something will happen i'n the next couple of years. With no further discussion, motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, to adopt the 1985-86 Secondary Highways Improvements Budget for Albemarle County, as presented by the Highway Department and set out below. The motion was seconded by Mr. Way and carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. County-Wide Route 627 Route 671~ Route 618 Route 622 Route 643 Route 727 Route 686 Route 729 Route 678 1985-86 Secondary Highways ImDrovement Budget for Albemarle County Signs, pipe, survey, seeding $ 80,000 Operate Hatton Ferry From Rt. 609 to Rt. 668E, Hard Surface From 0.2 miles west Rt. 729 to 0.5 miles east Rt. 620, Hard Surface From Rt. 618 to Fluvanna County line, Hard Surface From Rt. 649 to 1.0 mile east Rt. 649, Hard Surface From Rt. 627 to Rt. 795, Hard Surface From Rt. 600 to Louisa County line, Hard Surface Approaches to bridge over Buck Island Cr Construct new bridge over Buck Island Cr Approaches to bridge over Mechum River Construct new bridge over Mechum River Total 10,000 21,000 85,000 149,000 112,000 15,000 155,000 85,224 410,088 106,750 440~406 $1,669,468 Agenda Item No. 6. ZTA-85-05. To amend the Zoning Ordinance to provide for a zoning district designed to accommodate residential facilities dealing with all aspects of preven- tive, adaptive and rehabilitative health services. (Advertised in the Daily Progess on June 5 and June 12, 1985.) 375 June 19, 1985 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 3) It was noted that this amendment has not yet been acted on the Planning Commission. Motion was then offered by Mr. Bowie, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, to defer this item until such time as the Board has received a Planning Commission report and recommendation. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. Agenda Item No. 7. SP-85-30. General Electric. Allow use of house with basement as a recreation center and meeting area for General Electric employees and guests. Property located on north side of Rt. 606 across from General Electric Plan west of junction of Rts. 763 and 606. Tax Map 20, Parcel 19D. Rivanna District. (Advertised in the Daily Progess on June 5 and June 12, 1985.) Mr. James R. Donnelly, Director of Planning and Community Development, presented the following staff report: Request: Acreage: Zoning: Recreation center 2.0 acres RA, Rural Areas Location: Property described as Tax Map 20, parcel 19D, located on the north side of Route 606, approximately 0.3 of a mile west of Route 763. Rivanna Magisterial District. Character of the Area: General Electric, the owner of the property, origi- nally purchased the land for purposes of buffering its plant facility from adjacent residences. The existing structure, proposed for conversion to an .employee recreation center, consists of a vacant, three-bedroom, one-story brick home with a basement. Property to the north and west consists of single-family dwellings located within NOrth Pines Subdivision (RA); proper- ty to the east is vacant (RA); and property south and adjacent to Route 606 comprises the General Electric complex (LI). Staff Comment: The applicant is proposing conversion of the structure for purposes of employee and customer related functions including but not limited to: employee meetings, award presentations and indoor recreation activities (i.e. ping-pong and pool). Outdoor activity Would be minimal and related to picnic and barbecue functions. Hours of operation would not extend past 10:00 p.m. with maximum and average usage of employees at 25 and 1 - 4 respectively. The area proposed for the recreation center is indicated as rural area in the Comprehensive Plan. This particular location may not be suited for agricultural or forestal land use in view of its location with regard to existing land uses in the area. It is staff's opinion that the proposed use can be made compatible with adjacent residential areas provided the follow- ing conditions are adhered to: The recreation center shall be only for the use of General Electric employees, customers and family members; e Hours of operation shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. seven days a week; 3. Maximum usage at one time shall be limited to twenty-five (25) persons; e Construction of outdoor recreation facilities such as ballfields, tennis courts, swimming pools, etc., shall not be permitted; The existing vegetation along front, rear and side lot lines shall be maintained for screening purposes; Outdoor lighting shall be so designed and located so as to shield the light source from adjacent lots; Approval of site plan and Virginia Department of Highways and Transpor- tation approval of commercial entrance permit. Mr. Donnelly said the Planning Commission, at its meeting on June 4, 1985, unanimously recommended approval of the petition subject to the conditions recommended by staff, but changed No. 1 and No. 2 to read as follows: The recreation center shall be only for the use of General Electric employees, customers, family members, and business guests; Hours of operation shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. six days a week; 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m. on Sundays, with no overnight use permitted; Mr. Jim Neblitt was present to represent General Electric. He said that GE has a lot of foreign customers come to the plant. Tours of the facility are given at all hours of the day. This building would give them a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the plant. The building would also be used occasionally for employee award functions. The building is not intended as a general purpose facility, nor for impromptu use by anyone. Mr. Neblitt said GE is satisfied with the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission. 376 June 19, 1985 ('Regular ~Night Meeting) (Page 4) There will be screening, the current grassy .areas will remain as well as all vegetation around the' perimeter of the. property. A security light will be installed on the property, and an alarm system in the house itself. As to parking, they feel that most people.will park in the GE lot across Route 606 and walk to the building. He said GE does not inten~ nor will it permit any nuisance value on the site. ' Mr. Ken Weggan said he lives in North Pines Subdivision and represents the people who live on Ilax Court. He is not opposed to what GE proposes. Their biggest fear is that once they get a foot in the door, they do not know what will happen next. They are concerned about the lighting, but do feel this Board will make the right decision. Mr. Darden Battle said it seems that GE is really setting up a business center, instead of a recreational use, and he wonders if that is allowable under the Zoning Ordinance. At the Planning Commission meeting, Mr. Neblitt referred to it as a business center. Mr. Lindstrom said there would be no way of the Board limiting a recreational site from being used for business discussions. If the building were to be used as a business office that would be a zoning violation. ' With no one else from the public rising to speak, the public hearing was closed. Mr. Bowie said he had been out to this site, and walked over the property. You can see a part of this house from Mrs. Miller's deck, but then you can also see the entire GE plant which is about 250 yards from the deck. Mr. Bowie said that condition 91 limiting use to "employees, customers, family members and business guests" would seem to include everybody in the world. Mrs Cooke suggested the language be changed to "employees, family members, and clients of the facility." Mr. Bowie suggested just deleting the word "customers". Mr. Neblitt said they would not object to that change. Mr. Bowie then suggested changing condition 96 to read: "Outdoor lighting shall be limited to security light and be designed and located so as to shield the light source from adjacent lots." Mr. Neblitt said that was the intent. Mr. Bowie then offered motion to approve SP-85-30 with the following conditions: 4. 5. 6. 7. The recreation center shall be only for the use of General Electric employees, family members and business guests; Hours of operation shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. six days a week; 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m. on Sundays, with no overnight use permitted; Maximum usage at one time shall be limited to twenty-five (25) per- sons; Construction of outdoor recreation facilities such as ballfields, tennis courts, swimming pools, etc., shall not be permitted; The existing vegetation along front, rear and side lot lines shall be maintained for screening purposes; Outdoor lighting shall be limited to security lights and so designed and located so as to shield the light source from adjacent lots; Approval of site plan and Virginia Department of Highways and Trans- portation approval of commercial entrance permit. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lindstom. Mr. St. John said there is no such thing as a special use permit in this district for a recreation facility, and he does not feel it fits under anything listed. If you check the section of the Zoning Ordinance entitled "Supplementary Regulations", you will find that there^no such thing as recreation facilities. There are no supplementary regulations to guide the Zoning Administrator, who is the person who must enforce the ordinanc~ The conditions put on this permit are it. Mr. St. John said although he does not~ere being any problems, later, somebody will wonder what rules govern this use, and there are none listed. Mr. Lindstrom said recreation facilities are not intended to be in the RA district at all. Mr. St. John said there are other uses which are similar. Mr. Lindstrom said this is a de facto amendment of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. St. John said if you want to,be technical, this amounts to the stretching of the definition. Mr. Lindstrom said he does~ot~like doing things this way. He does not remember the Board "backing into a zoning text amendment" like this in the last eight years. He wonders how easy this makes it for the same thing to happen again. Mr. Bowie said this petition has been completely through staff review and obviously has been heard by the Planning Commission. Mr. St. John said he does not like to bring this up when it has been through so many people. Mr. Lindstrom said if everybody agrees this type of recreation center is not out of line in the RA district, it might be okay, but he feels it is a bad way to go about doing some- thing. Mr. St. John said the question could arise as to whether this should be decided by the zoning administrator. This is not a zoning amendment. Mr. Lindstrom said he hates having things come in like this, where at the eleventh hour the Board finds such an unusual situation. Mrs. Cooke said she attended the Planning Commission meeting, but she does not know what guidance they got from the legal staff. Mr. Donnelly said he had discussed this request with the Zoning Administrator, Mr. Tompkins. They both felt that the activities to be conducted in the center were similar to those conducted in clubs, lodges, etc., but would be a less intense use. Mr. St. John said that is true, but it just does not fit into the language. For practical purposes, if someone looked at the activities there they would not know the difference between this use and a club or lodge, etc. Mr. Lindstrom said this is unfortunate. He could object to the procedure, but not the substance. He just thinks this is a sloppy way to do things. Mr. Bowie said he has no particular problem with the petition, but does object to finding out at this time about this question. The use does seem to fit under section, clubs, lodges, etc. Mr. St. John 3?7 June 19, 1985 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 5) __ ~ said that is' the closest thing to it, and if the Board wants to put i~ under that section, the zoning administrator would know what supplemental rules to apply and make it com~ly with the rules for those uses. Mrs. Cooke asked what condition the Board ~ould add to make it comply. Mr. St. John said he thinks the record is adequate now just Dy having the discussion in the record. Mr. Bowie said his original motions stands. the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke and Mr. Way. NAYS: Mr. Lindstrom. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. Roll was called, and the motion carried by Agenda Item No. 8a. Appropriation: Storm Drainage Projects. The following memorandum from Mr. Melvin A. Breeden, Director of Finance, dated May 17, 1985, was presented by Mr. Agnor. "The 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget included $429,936 for various Storm Drainage projects which represented the County's share of these projects. However, we overlooked the fact that a number of these projects would generate revenue needed to complete the project. This revenue was not included in the original appropriation. In order to correct this problem, I am requesting the following amendments be made to the Capital Improvement Budget: Estimated Revenues to be revised as follows: Windham/Jarman Gap Berkmar Detention Basin Four Seasons Detention Basin Birnam Detention Basin Wynridge Detention Basin Total $10,000 36,196 2,200 3,000 11~343 $62,739 Appropriations to be revised as follows: Storm Drainage Control $62,739 Many of these projects are anticipated to eventually produce sufficient revenue to fully fund the project. However, at this time I am only recom- mending that we recognize those revenues that we can reasonably expect in the next 12 to 18 months and then only to the extent necessary to fund the approved projects. Attached is a financial report on these projects which reflects expendi- tures as of April 30, 1985 and includes the requested revisions to Estimat- ed Revenues and Appropriations. (Note: Mr. St. John left the meeting at 9:23 P.M.) Motion was offered by Mr. Bowie, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, that the following resolu- tion be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgin- ia, that $62,739 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the Capital Improvement Fund and coded to 1-9100-41030-999999, entitled Stormwater Contingency; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Revenues section of the 1984-85 County budget is hereby amended by the addition of 62,739 as follows: Code 2-9100-16000-161710 entitled Windham/Jarman Gap - $10,000 Code 2-9100-16000-161704 entitled Berkmar Detention Basin - 36,196 Code 2-9100-16000-161707 entitled Four Seasons Detention Basin - 2,000 Code 2-9100-16000-161705 entitled Birnam Detention Basin - 3,000 Code 2-9100-16000-161706 entitled Wynridge Detention Basin - 11,343 FURTHER, that this appropriation is effective this date. Roll was called and the foregoing motion carried by the following recorded vOte: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. Agenda Item No. 8b. service. Appropriation: Visitor's Bureau, purchase of property and debt The following memorandum from Mr. Melvin A. Breeden, Director of Finance, dated May 28, 1985, on this subject, was presented by Mr. Agnor: "Recent discussions with the auditors revealed that even though the payments on the Visitor's Center are being made directly to the bank by the Thomas 378 June 19, 1985 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 6) Jefferson Memorial Foundation that the total payment amount (principal and interest) should be appropriated by the Board. This appropriation will need to cover the initial purchase price plus expenses and the amount necessary to cover the debt service from September 1, 1984 to June 30, 1985. Also, since this was not provided for in the 1985-86 Appropriation Ordi- nance, I am requesting that both the 1984-85 and 1985'86 appropriation as follows be approved at this time along with the revisions to estimated revenues. 1984-85 Expenditures 1 9800 72050 701000 1 9800 72050 300201 1 9800 72050 582124 1 9800 72050 582224 Purchase of Property Legal Services Debt Service Interest Expense 1984-85 Revenues 2 9800 15000 150101 2 9800 15000 150229 2 9800 41000 410500 Loan Proceeds Interest on Investment Rent - T. J. Memorial Foundation 1985-86 Expenditures 1 9800 72050 582124 1 9800 72050 582224 Debt Service Interest Expense 1985-86 Revenues 2 9800 41000 410500 Rent - T. J. Memorial Foundation $ 562,500.00 14,841.72 7,787.21 44,063.60 $ 629,192.53 $ 575,000..00 2,341.72 51,850.81 $ 629,192.53 $ 6,600.00 61,134.48 $ 67,734.48 $ 67,734.48 $ 67,734.48 Motion was then offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Bowie, to adopt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgin- ia, that $629,192.53 be, and the same hereby is,appropriated from the VISITORS CENTER Fund and coded to: 1-9800-72050-701000 - Purchase of Property - 1-9800-72050-300201 - Legal Services - 1-9800-72050-582124 - Debt Service - 1-9000-72050-582224 - Interest Expense - $563,500.00 14,841.72 7,787.21 44,063.60 AND, FURTHER RESOLVED that the ~Revenues section of the 1984-85 County budget is hereby amended by the addition of $629,192.53 to the following codes: 2-9800-41000-410500 - Loan Proceeds - $575,000.00 2-9800-15000-150101 - Interest on Investment - 2,341.72 2-9800-15000-150229 - Rent - T. J. Memorial Foundation 51,850.81 FURTHER, that this appropriation is effective this date. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. None. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. Mr. Agnor said the 1985-86 County Budget did not include an amount for debt service on the building. The Auditors disagree with that even though the payment goes annually to the bank. Motion was then offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Way, to adopt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgin- ia, that $67,734.48 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the Visitors Bureau Fund and coded to 1-9800-72050-582124 - Debt Service, $6,600.00 and 1-9800-72050-582224 - Interest Expense, $61,734.48; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Revenues section of the 1985-86 County budget is hereby amended by the addition of $67,734.48 to Code 2-9800-41000-410500 entitled Rent - Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation; and FURTHER, that this appropriation is effective July 1, 1985. Roll was called and the foregoing motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. None. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. Agenda Item No. 8c. Appropriation: Soil Conservation Service and Social Services: The following memorandum from Mr. Ray B. Jones, Deputy County Executive, dated June 14, 1985, re: Transfer of Funds - Salary Reserve, was presented by Mr. Agnor: 379 June 19, 1985 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 7) "In order to prevent an over-expenditure of the bottom line_in the Soil and Water Conservation Cost Center, it will be necessary to transfer $402 from the Salary Reserve line item in Personnel. Therefore, you are respectfully requested to approve the following transfer in the General Fund: From: 12030 - Personnel Code 201500, Salary Reserve - Merit $402 To: 82030 - Soil and Water Conservation Code 100100, Compensation Code 200100, F1CA Code 200500, Insurance $364 25 13 $402 Another Cost Center in which over-expenditures will occur due to the omis- sion of five (5) part-time positions in the salary projections for Fiscal Year 84-85, plus merit pay is Cost Center 53010 V.P.A. - Administration (Social Services). This can be solved by transfers from the Salar/ Reserve as well in the amount of $10,000 as follows: From: 12030 - Personnel Code 201500, Salary Reserve - Merit $10,000 To: 53010 - VPA - Administration Code 100100, Compensation $10,000 The above transfers leave an undesignated balance in the Salary Reserve for merits in the amount of $5,538. A review of the May financial report indicates that all other Cost Centers (Departments) in General Government will end the year within the appropria- tion. Even the Police Department will make it unless there is an excessive amount of overtime in June." Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Way, to approve the transfer of funds as requested above. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. Agenda Item No. 8d. Appropriation: Clean Community Commission. The following memorandum dated June 7, 1985, from Mr. Melvin A. Breeden, Director of Finance, was presented by Mr. Agnor: "The City and the County both receive litter grants which are designated to go into the CAC3 Fund of which the County is the fiscal agent. As of this date, the County has received $4,222 as its portion of the grant and $6,660 which is the City's portion of the grant that they have trans- ferred to us. ~nis is a total 1984-85 grant of $10,882 which should be appropriated by the Board of Supe.~visors. Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Bowie, to adopt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgin- ia, that $10,882 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated from the Grant Fund and coded to 1-1204-81600-930300, entitled Charlottesville/ Albemarle Clean Community Commission; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Revenues section of the 1984-85 County budget is hereby amended by the addition of $10,882 to Code 2-1204,24000-240500 entitled Revenue-State; and FURTHER, that this appropriation is effective this date. Roll was called on the foregoing motion and it passed by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. Agenda Item No. 9. Authorization to employ an architect for renovation of auditorium in County Office Building on McIntire Road. The following memorandum dated June 14, 1985, from Mr. Ray B. Jones, Deputy County Executive, was presented by Mr. Agnor: "The 1984-85 CIP Budget allocated $102,140 in funds to correct the sound and lighting conditions in the auditorium of the County Office Building. The money was appropriated in August 1984. 38O June 19, 1985 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 8) To date, a study has been done by the architect, Mr. Byron R. Sample, on original renovations of the building in conjunction with Hankins and Ander- son, consulting engineers, who were also the original mechanical engineers on Phases I and II. A copy of the study is on file in this office. A follow-up conference was held on May 9, 1985 between myself and the above firms. Additional input will be sought from the major users and the end product is scheduled for service by you prior to bids being taken. Briefly, the study recommended a new lighting system, a new recording and sound system, lowering of the front ledge of the podium and installation of a cooling coil. The project is scheduled as follows: Preparation of specs and bid documents - three weeks Review by Board of Supervisors in July Advertisement for bids - three weeks 'Review of bids - one week Installation - three months Project completion date - November, 1985 The estimated costs are in the range of $100,000 plus the costs of the recording system. Officially, you are requested to take action at this time to authorize the County Executive to negotiate and sign the contract agreement with the architectual firm, in order that staff can proceed with the project. Attached is a rough draft of the contract document offered by Mr. Sample. Motion was offered by Mr. Bowie, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, to authorize the County Executive to proceed with the contract. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. Agenda Item No. 10. Square. Report on archways in connecting wing between buildings on Court The following memorandum from Mr. Ray B. Jones, Deputy County Executive, dated June 14, 1985, was presented by Mr. Agnor: "Staff was requested at your April Meeting to get the price on installing windows in lieu of stucco archways in the connecting "link" joining the old County Office Building with the Courthouse. Attached is a letter from the architect stating a price of $9,942 for the windows, plus $5,000 to install a fan/coil. It is staff's opinion that the fan/coil would not be needed since the link will only be used as a passage- way and no one will be stationed there permanently. The judges have stated the link will not be for public use. The price of $9,942 seems excessive; however, the change would require the removal of a cinderblock support wall. Therefore the window arches would have to be of a special strength to pick up the loss of support. The support factors are especially important and costly on a building with a slate roof. Staff's recommendation is to allow the building to be completed as original- ly planned, allow the occupants to move in, analyze the final project costs as to available funds and schedule a visit by the entire Board before a final decision is made. It is not anticipated to be much more costly to make the change at a later date since the majority of the work is already completed. Also, I feel it may require an additional appropriation whenever you decide. Mr. Lindstrom said he agrees with the procedure outlined. can be discussed when the building is finished. Mr. Agnor said the subject Agenda Item No. lla. Appointments: were no names offered for appointment. Agricultural/Forestal District Committee. There Agenda Item No. llb. Appointment: Jefferson Area Board for Aging. Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Bowie, to reappoint Dr. Richard Lindsay to a new term which will expire on March 31, 1987. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. Agenda Item No. 12. March 20, 1985. Approval of Minutes: January 2, February 20 (afternoon), and Mr. Lindstrom said he had read Pages 1 - 5 of January 2, 1985, and found no errors to report. 38i June 19, 1985 (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 9) No other minutes had been read. Motion was offered by Mr. Way, seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, to approve.the minutes noted as being read. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. Agenda Item No. 13. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda. Mr. Bowie said he had received a response from Congressman D. French Slaughter, Jr. concerning his letter about the 240 units of HUD Moderate Rehabilitation funds. Mr. Slaugh- ter said he had expressed to HUD the Board's interest in obtaining these funds. Mr. Bowie said that last week, while he was absent, the Board discussed the idea of publishing an Annual Report. He would like to recommend that polling places in the County be listed along with voting precincts, rather than magisterial districts. Mr. Bowie said the Board had appropriated funds for the Jefferson Area Board for Aging, and the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. He thought the Board's intent was that the money was to be used for materials to repair the homes of elderly persons. Included in the request was money for mileage and a part-time therapist. He thinks the Board should reenforce that the $5,000 appropriation is intended to pay for materials to fix houses, and not other expenses. Mr. Lindstrom said he also thought that was the intended use of the money. Mr. Agnor said it was also his understanding that it was to buy materials. He said he will follow up on this. Not Docketed. At 9:49 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Way, to adjourn into executive session to discuss Greenwood Chemical. Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. The Board reconvened into open session at 10:40 P.M. Agenda Item No. 14. Adjournment. Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Bowie, to adjourn this meeting until June 26, 1985, at 4:00 P.M. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Henley. 382