HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201800001 Plan - Approved 2019-04-11APFROVED by fteAhemarle County Conmunity Develo men DepartmentIlde O KESWICK ooee// WnrrR SYSTEM ExpnrusroN TECH NICAL SPECIFICATIONS I Keswick, Virginia _ e ill}p* **o T!MMONS GROUP YOUA VISION ACHIEVED THAOUGH OURS, Site D.relopm.nr I R6,denrial i lnlEtructure I le€hnotog/ w9v.timnn ..om Op oU 9NtrH t BITL]CE W. S1'IiICKLAND JR. Lic. No.056612 j /zol e.L rJanuary 18, 2019 Revised: March 20,2OLg Project Number 4O24L l/oN qC tL-^*- hr C- T- - L -- )t. - I Keswrcr Hnu Wnren Svsreu Expnnsrou Technical Specifications Engineer: Timmons Group 1001 Boulders Parkway, Suite 300 Richmond, YA23225 Contact: Bruce Strickland, P.E. Phone: 804-200-6389 Fax: 804-560-1438 January 18,2019 Revised: March 20,2019 Project Number 40241 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGES These technical specifications are supplemental to the Drawings and the Albemarle Countr Service Authoriw (ACSA) General Water and Sewer Construction Specifications. Where requirements overlap or conflict, the more stringent requirements shall apply DIVISION I 0l 1100 0r 3100 0l 3l 19 01 3300 0r 4000 01 4333 01 5000 0l 6000 0l 7000 01 7823 0r 7836 Summary of Work ................ Coordination ....... Project Meetings. Submittals........... Testing and Inspection............ Manufacturer's Sen ices.............-..-........ Temporary Facilities and Environmental Materials and Equipment.... Closeout Procedures.......... Operating and Maintenance Data........... Startup Warranties and Guarantees ........ Protection 4 2 I 5 4 3 3 6 4 2 2 DIVISION 2 02 0000 DIVISION 3 03 1500 03 3000 03 6000 Site Conditions Adhesive Anchors..... Cast-[n-Place Concrete. Grout............................. Painting.......................... Steel Tank Coatings....... Steel Potable Water Slorage Non-Pressure Tank..... .....2 ....l9 DIVISION 22 22 1219 8 6 4 DIVISION 25 25 9000 4 DIVISION 26 26 0526 26 0519 26 0526 26 0s29 26 0533.13 26 0533.t6 26 0553 26 0573 26 2416 26 2726 26 2813 Sequence of Operation .. Selective Demolition fbr Electrical ................ Electrical Power and Control Conductors and Cables ... Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems............. Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems.... Conduit ............... Boxes.................. Identification for Electrical Systems . Power System Studies ....................... Panelboards......... 2 8 6 5 8 5 1 7 6 4 2 Wiring Devices....... Fuses....................... TOC/lof2 DIVISION 9 09 9100 09 97 t3 4 4 4 5 3 5 7 6 26 28t6.16 26 2913.16 262923 26 3600 26 5100 DIV]SION 33 33 0523 33 1000 33 1223 33 2000 Enclosed Switches.............. Reduced-Voltage Motor Controllers ............. Variable-Frequency Motor Controllers......... Transfer Switches Interior Lighting ....... Horizontal Directional Drilling . Water Utilities .... Water Utility Pumping Station.. We11s................... Chlorine Analyzer Controller 5 l5 l0 DTVISION 40 40 7521 40 7522 40 4200 Process Piping Insulation 4 3 5 DIVISION 43 43 4221 Welded Steel Pressure Tank........... DIVISION 46 46 3000 Chemical Feed Equipment.. APPENDICES Appendix A Well #5 Completion Report EN'D OF TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC I 2 of2 r. GENERAL I.1 DESCRIPTION A. This Section includes requirements of a general nature applicable to the Contract. B. The Work includes but is not limited to the following: I . Install new well pump, piping, and appurtenances in existing wells #4 and #5; construct water main fiom existing well #5 to existing Water Plant; install new water meter assemblies, chemical feed pumps, static mixer, chlorine analyzer, 22,000 gallon atmospheric storage tank, booster pumps, 6,000 gallon hydropneumatic tank, and associated fittings, appurtenances, controls and connections to the existing distribution system at the existing Water Plant. 1.2 REFERENCEDOCUMENTS A. Applicable Codes, Specifications, and Standards: I . All references to codes, specifications, and standards referred to in the Contract Documents shall be the latest edition, amendment and./or revision of such reference standard in effect as ofthe date of Notice to Proceed for this Contract. 2. These Codes, Specifications and Standards are by reference incorporated intothese contract documents. In the event ofa conflict, the more stringent as determined by the Engineer shall prevail. B. Documents on the Site: L The Contractor shall maintain, onthe site, copies ofall appropriate documents including codes, specifications, permits, and reference standards referred to forthis project. I.3 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS I . AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 2. ACI American Concrete Institute 3. ACSA Albemarle County Service Authority 4. ANSI American National Standards Institute 5. ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 6. ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 7. NHI National Hydraulics Institute 8. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 9. AWWA American Water Works Association 10. BOCA Building Officials Code Administration, Inc. I 1. NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers 12. NEC National Electrical Code 13. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration 14. VAUSBC Virginia Statewide Unified Building Code 15. VDOT Virginia Department of Transportation 16. VSWCC Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board 0l 1100 / I of4 SECTION 01 11OO SUMMARY OFWORK 1.4 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. The conhactor shall, at his own expense, obtain any and a permits and surety required and shall be responsible for all submittals necessary to obtain said permits required in the contract Documents. B. Use of Premises and Off-Site Work I . Facility Property - The Contractor may use the areas shown on the plans, if any, for the staging and storage of materials and equipment. The Contractor may access the other areas of the site for the purpose ofconstruction and installation. The Contractor is required to coordinate the use of areas with the Owner in accordance with Section 0l 3l 00 Coordination. 2. Lands by Contractor - Any land and access thereto not fumished by the Owner that the Contractor deems necessary for the work, temporary construction facilities, access and egress, or for storage of materials shall be provided by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall confine his apparatus and storage to such additional areas as he may provide at his expense. The Contractor shall obtain permits and written approvals from the appropriate jurisdictional agency and or property owner for use ofthe premises not fumished as described above, and all off-site areas which include but are not limited to off-site borrow pits and waste areas. Such permits and approvals must specifu treatment of said areas during and at the completion of construction. Copies ofall permits and approvals shall be fumished to the Engineer before utilization ofthe areas. 3. Private and Public Property - The Contractor shall not enter upon private property for any purpose without obtaining written permission from the property owner. Letters of permission from property owners shall be filed with the Engineer prior to entering private property. C. The Contractor shall not load nor permit any part ofany structur€ to be loaded with weights that could endanger the structure, nor shall he subject any part ofthe workto stresses or pressures that could endanger it. D. Public Convenience l. The Contractor shall, at all times, so conduct his work as to ensure the least possible obstruction to traffic and inconvenience to the Owner, the general public, and the businesses and residences in the vicinity ofthe work, and to ensure the protection ofpersons and property. Fire hydrants on and adjacent to the work shall be kept accessible to fire fighting equipment at all times. Temporary provisions shall be made by the Contractor to insure the use ofsidewalks and the proper functioning ofall gutters, stormwater systems, drainage ditches, and culverts, etc. such that they shall not be obstructed. E- Measurements I . All dimensions shown on existing work and all dimensions required for work that is to connect to existing work shall be verified by the Contractor by actual measurement of the existing work. Any discrepancies between the Contract Documents and the existing conditions shall be referred to the Engineer before any work affected thereby has been completed. F. Coordination l. Phases ofthe construction ofthe project which involv€ the temporary interruption ofessential services (water, electricity, etc.) shall be scheduled in consultation with the Engineer, Owner, and Operator, and shall be not of longer duration than essential to accomplish thepurpose for such intemrptions. Liaison with the Engineer in this matter shall be a salient feature of this Contract. 2. The Contractor shall noti! the Engineer and the Owner not less than 48 hours in 01 1100/2of4 Contractor Checklist for Ma or Items to be Performed and/or Submitted Required as Part of This Contract Description of Submittal Item or Service to be Performed Check Once Item is Completed Yes Diagram of location offuel storage areas on plans Yes Diagram of location oftemporary sanitary Facilities on plans No Statenrent of payment oftaxes Yes Affidavit of payment of debts and claims Yes Affidavit of release of liens Yes Construction schedule of work prior to the commencement of any work Yes Updates ofthe construction schedule if work does not follow the original schedule Yes Schedule ofvalues (shows the value ofeach kind ofwork) prior to first application for payment Yes Schedule of shop drawing submittals No Schedule of estimated monthly payments (within 30 days after contract date Yes Material and products schedule (include in construction schedule) Yes List ofproduct substitutions (for a period of30 days after contract date) Yes All required permits (e.g., building permit, Iand disturbance permit, etc.) No Field office located at project site with the following equipment: 1) Telephone 2) Message recording unit 3) Water and sanitary facilities Temporary field office for use by the Engineer that is approximately 150 square feet and includes: 1) One stick file 2) One drawing table 3) One stool 4) One non-folding desk chair 5) One desk 6) One four-drawer lockable filingcabinet 0l 1100/3of4 advance of commencing work. The Owner shall be given no less than 48 hours notice in advance ofthe time and date of making any connections and will advisethe Contractor as to a suitable time and date. Portions ofwork may need to occur outside of normal business hours (at night) to avoid service disruptions. G. The Contractor, at his own expense, shall retain the services ofa registered Land Surveyor to establish the necessary horizontal and vertical control in order to construct the proposed work in the proper location. Cut sheets performed by a registered Land Surveyor shall be delivered to the Engineer 48 hours prior to installation of anywork. H. Contractor Checklist: This checklist is intended to be a guide and to assist the Contractor in determining what items need to be submitted to the Owner/Engineer or what services need to be performed by the Contractor. The checklist is not intended to be an all- inclusive list of services to be performed by the Contractor, and does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibilities stipulated within these specifications. Required as Part of This Contract Description of Submittal Item or Service to be Performed Check Once Item is Completed Yes Shop drawings and product data Yes Samples Yes Layout data/schedule for pipe joining and special connections Yes Copies of survey cut sheets No Diary or log book recording significant construction activities, meetings, weather conditions, etc. Yes Progress reports submitted with each application forpayment Yes Test results (e.g., concrete cylinder tests, compaction tests, etc.) Yes One signed original and 3 copies of inspections or approvals of work required to be inspected by local code or law No Project photographs (a minimum of l0 photos per month during contract) that include two glossy color prints (8 in. x l0 in.) and each negative Yes Product guarantees, certificates, and warranties Yes Contractor's one-vear standard warrantv for all work Yes Operation and Maintenance Manuals Yes Spare parts and maintenance materials Yes One complete set of contract drawings and one project manual recording all changes to the work to indicate actual installation Yes Application and Certificate for Payment in appropriate format Yes Monthly progress meetings No Preliminary inspection and testing (a demonstration that individual components of equipment/work have been completed) scheduled a minimum of 20 days before the pre-final inspection is scheduled. Pre-final inspection (a demonstretion that all individual proj€ct components function and are coordinated with other systems) scheduled a minimum of 20 days before the final inspection. Yes Final inspection (a demonstration that all elements ofthe project are ready to be placed in operation and all work has been substantially completed) scheduled a minimum of20 days before completion date. Yes Calibration test results performed by competent experienced test engineers Yes Nameplates on all devices Yes Brass tags on each field mounted device Yes List of manufacturers, suppliers, and subcontractors who participated in the construction of the proiect , 3 PRODUCTS - NOT USED f,XECUTION - NOT USED END OF SECTION 01 ll00/4of4 Yes f------t I T--__lH I I SECTION 01 3100 COORDINATION 1. GENERAL I.I ST]BMITTALS A. Informational I . Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer. 2. Sequence of Construction. 3. Temporary Water Storage and Bypass Pumping Plan. 1.2 UTILITYNOTIFICATIONANDCOORDINATION A. The Contractor will coordinate the Work with various utilities within the Project limits. The Contractor will notifu applicable utilities prior to commencing work and ifdamage occurs, or ifconflicts, or emergencies arise during execution oftheWork. I.3 FACILITYOPERATIONS A. Continuous operation ofthe Owner's facilities is ofcritical importance. The Contractor shall schedule and conduct activities to enable existing facilities to operate continuously, unless otherwise specified. B. The Contractor shall perform the Work continuously during critical connections and changeovers, and as required to prevent intenuption ofthe Owner's operations. All planned service intemrptions shall require approval ofthe Owner and Engineer and shall occur between the hours of l0:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. C. When necessary the Contractor shall plan, design, and provide various temporary services, utilities, connections, temporary piping and heating, access, and similar itemsto maintain continuous operation ofthe Owner's facility. D. The Contractor shall not close lines, open or close valves, or take other actions which would affect the operations ofthe existing systems, except as specifically required bythe Contract Documents and after authorization by the Owner, Engineer, and Operator. Such authorization wilI be considered within 48 hours after receipt ofthe Contractor's wriften request. E. Contractor shall not proceed with work affecting the facility's operation without obtaining Owner's, Engineer's, and Operator's advanced approval. REFERENCE POINTS AND SURVEYS A. Contractor's Responsibilities: l. Check and establish exact location ofexisting facilities prior to construction ofnew facilities and any connections thereto. 2. In the event ofa discrepancy in data the Contractor shall request clarification before proceeding with theWork. 3. The Contractor shall retain the services ofa Professional Land surveyor orCivil Engineer registered in the State of Virgini4 who shall perform or supervise the engineering and surveying necessary for the construction staking and layout. 4. The Contractor shall maintain a complete and accurate log of the survey Work as it progresses as a Record Document. 5. On request ofthe Engineer, the Contractor shall submit documentation. 1.4 01 3100 / I of2 6. The Contractor shall provide competent employee(s), tools, stakes, and other equipment and materials as the Engineer may require to:a) Establish control points, lines, and easement boundaries.b) Check layout, survey and measurement Work performed by others.c) Measure quantities for payment purposes. 2. PRODUCTS - NOT USED 3. f,XECI]TION 3.1 CUTTING FITTING ANDPATCHING A. Cu! fit, adjust, or patch Work and work by others, including excavation and backfill as required, to make the Work complete. B. Obtain prior lrritten authorization from the Engineer before commencing the Work to cut or otherwise alter: I . Structural reinforcing steel, structural column or beam, elevated slab, trusses, or other structural member. 2. Weather - or moisture-resistant elements. 3. Efficiency, maintenance, or safety element. C. Work of others. l. Refinish surfaces to provide an evenfinish. 2. Refinish continuous surfaces to nearest intersection. 3. Refinish entire assemblies. 4. Finish restored surfaces to such planes, shapes, and textures that notransition between existing work and new Work is evident in finished surfaces. 5. Restore existing work, underground facilities, and surfaces that are to remain in completed Work including concrete-embedded piping, conduit, and other utilities as specified and as shown. 6. Make restorations with new materials and appropriate methods as specified for new Work of similar nature; if not specified, use recommended practice ofmanufacturer or appropriate trade association. 7. Fit Work airtight pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit and other penetations through surfaces and fill voids. 8. Remove specimens of installed Work for testing when requested by the Engineer. END OF SECTION O1 3100 /2 of2 1. GENERAL SECTION 01 3119 PROJECT MEETINGS f,ND OF SECTION 1.1 A. B. 1.2 A. B. 1.3 A. B. C. D. 1.4 A. B. C. 01 3119/Page I ofl REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED Contractor participation in preconstruction conferences. Contractor participation in progress meetings and pre-installation conferences. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCES Engineer will administer preconstruction conference for execution of Owner-Conkactor Agreement and exchange of preliminary submittals. Attendance: Owner, Engineer, Contractor, major Subcontractors, representatives of Quality Control firm(s). PROGRESS MEETINGS Engineer shall schedule and administer project meetings throughout progress ofthe work at maximum monthly intervals, as well as administer called meetings, and pre-installation conferences. Engineer shall make physical arrangements for meetings, prepare agenda with copies for participants, preside at meetings, record minutes, and distribute copies within seven (7) days to Contractor, participants, and those affected by decisions made at meetings. Aftendance: Contractor's Sup€rintendent, Contractor's Project Manager, major Subcontractors and Suppliers; Owner and Engineer as appropriate to agenda topics for each meeting. Suggested Agenda: Review of Work progress, status of progress schedule and adjustments thereto, delivery schedules, submittals, maintenance ofquality standards, pending changes and substitutions, and other items affecting progress of Work. PRE-INSTALLATION CONFERENCES When required in individual specification Section, Contractor shall convene a pre- installation conference prior to commencing work of that Section. Require attendance ofentities directly affecting, or affected by, work ofthe Section. Review conditions of installation, preparation and installation procedures, and coordination with related work. 2. PRODUCTS_NOTUSED 3. EXf,CUTION_NOTUSED SECTION 01 3300 SUBMITTALS I. GENERAL Ll A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1.2 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 1.3 A. B. 1.4 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED Procedures Schedule of Submittals Construction Progress Schedules Schedule ofValues Shop Drawings Product Data Manufacturer's Instructions Operation & Maintenance Manuals PROCEDURES Contractor is required to provide submittals for all materials and equipment fumished and installed under this contract. Contractor shall deliver submittals to Engineer. Transmit each item with Submittal cover attached. l. Number submittals by specification section and revision number (e.g.013000-1 for initial submission of schedule of submittals.) 2. Submit only one item per cover. Highlight all deviations fiom the Contract Documents, and provide explanation/justification for deviation. 3. Complete all portions ofthe form above the Contractor's signature line. Incomplete submittals or submittals with unhightighted deviations will be retumed unreviewed. Submit initial progress schedules, schedule ofvalues, and schedule of submittals in duplicate within l5 days after date of Owner-Contractor Agreement. After review by Engineer, revise and resubmit as required. Submit revised schedules with each Application for Payment, reflecting changes since previous submittal. Comply with progress schedule for shop drawings, product data, and manufacture/s instructions related to Work progress, and coordinate submittal of related items. Allow a minimum of two weeks' review time. Distribute copies ofreviewed submittals to appropriate parties. Instruct recipients to promptly report any inability to comply with provisions. SCHEDULE OF SUBMITTALS Contractor to provide to Engineer a Schedule of Submittals for all products used during construction 2 weeks prior to the stad ofwork. Submit the number ofcopies required by the Contractor, plus three for the Engineer to retain. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES 0l 3300 / Page I of5 A. Submit horizontal bar chart with separate bar for each major trade or operation, identif,ing first work day ofeach week. Show relationships between critical path items and indicate lead times for equipment and materials delivery, etc. B. Show complete sequence ofconstruction by activity, identi$ing work of separate stages and other logically grouped activities. Show projected percentage of completion for each item of Work as of time ofeach Application for Progress Pal,rnent. C. Construction schedule shall consider the following typical number ofweather days, (i.e. > 0. 10" of precipitation) as well as days following during which site conditions may impede progress ofthe work. The Contractor will not be allowed a time extension due to inclement weather conditions if the total number of inclement weather days for the duration ofthe project is less than the total inclement weather days indicated below. J FM A M J J A S O N D 667666865556 Submit the number ofcopies required by the Conhactor, plus three for the Engineer to retain. Determination ofactual rain days will be based on data published by NOAA for the gauging station nearest the project site, which will be identified at the pre-construction meeting. At each monthly progress meeting, prepare a Monthly Project Summary Report (form included with this section) and attach to the revised project schedule. SHOP DRAWINGS Submit the number ofcopies required by the Contractor, plus three for the Engineer to retain. PRODUCT DATA Mark each copy to identifr applicable products, models, options, and other data; supplement manufacturer's standard data to provide information unique to the Work. Submit the number of copies required by the Contractor, plus three for the Engineer to retain. MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS Submit manufacturer's printed instructions for delivery, storage, assembly, installation adjusting, and finishing. Submit the number ofcopies required by the Contractor, plus three for the Engineer to retain. D. E. F. t.5 A. 1.6 A. B. 1.7 A. B. 2. PRODUCTS. NOT USEI) 0l 3300 / Page 2 of5 3. EXECUTION 3.I SHOPDRAWINGS AND SUBMITTALS A. Contractor shall keep a copy ofall shop drawings and submittals on the project site for the duration of the contract EI\[D OF SECTION (See Monthly Project Summary Report whichfollows) (See Submittal Cover which follows) 01 3300 / Page 3 of5 MONTHLY PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT MEETING DATE: Is the project on Schedule? _Yes Number ofweeks AHEAD of Schedule No Number ofweeks BEHIND Schedule List items liom Schedule which are AHEAD OF SCIIEDULE: List items from Schedule which are RIGHT ON SCIIEDULE: List items from Schedule which are BEHIND SCHEDULE: If behind, what is the Contractor doing to get back on schedule? When does the Contractor anticipate the Project to be back on Schedule? Date: Are there any outstanding change order items? _ Yes _ No If so, list them: Scheduled Actual Balance A dvers e W'eal h er S ummary JFMAMJJASOND DATE: TITLE SUBMITTF]D: SIGNED: 01 3300 / Page 4 of5 Submittal Cover No...- Project: To: Date Submitted Project #: From:Timmons Group Attn: 1001 Boulders Parkway, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23225 Review Requested Not Later Than Submittal lnformation and Contractor's Representation Subject Pursuant to Specifl cation Section(s) Submitted as: E Specified ltem Items Submitted: Drawing No(s) E "Equal'ltem n Substitution tr The Contractor's submittal of items for the Engineer's review and approval constitutes a representation that the items proposed have been reviewed thoroughly by the Contractor and found to be in conformance with the requirements of the Contract Drawings and Specifications. All deviations have been clearly listed in the submittal package and an explanation provided for the deviation. Contractor's Reviewer (siqn): Date: Raview lnformation Forwarded for review to: Timmons Grcl,Jp: Received on: Reviewer: Recelved On Reviewed by Review is for general complaance with the Contract Documents. Nothing in this review shall be taken as permitting variation from the Contract Documents, unless specifically stated by the reviewer in writing. Sole responsibility for correctness of dimensions, options, details, quantities, and safety during fabrication and erection shall remain with the Contractor. EVALUATION OF INSTALLATION FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE wlLL BE BASED ON THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, NOT THE SUBMITTALS, EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY APPROVED OTHERWSE IN WRITING. n No Exceptions Taken E Rejected E Resubmission Not Requared ! Revise and Resubmit E Submit Specified ltem n Comments: Returned to Contractor:Returned to Timmons Group 0l 3300 / Page 5 of 5 SECTION 01 4OOO TESTING AND INSPECTION I. GENERAL I.I REQUIREMENTSINCLUDED A. Concrete Testing and Inspection B. Masonry Testing and Inspection C. Reinforcing Steel Inspection D. Testing and Inspection of Piping Systems E. Equipment and Systems Testing and Inspection 1.2 INSPECTIONSERVICES A. The Owner, at their discretion, shall retain the services and be responsible for payment for an independent inspection firm or firms (Inspection Firm) to provide onsite inspection. I.3 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED TESTING SERVICES A. At the time of the Preconstruction Conference, the Contractor shall provide to the Engineer and Owner the identity ofthe concrete testing firm and laboratory (QC Firm) proposed to perform the field quality control measure. The Contactor shall be responsible for the costs ofthe field quality control measures at no additional cost to the Owner. B. The QC firms shall not be authorized to: I . Release, revoke, alter, or expand on the requirements of the Contract Documents. 2. Approve or accept any portion of the Work. 3. Perform any duties ofthe Contractor. C. In coordination with the QC firms, the Contractor shall: l. Cooperate with testing personnel, to provide access to the work and to the Manufacturer's operations where applicable. 2. Secure and deliver to the QC firm(s) adequate quantities of representational samples of materials proposed to be used and which require testing. 3. Provide to the QC firm the preliminary design mix proposed to be used for concrete, and other materials mixes which require control. 4. Fumish incidental labor and facilities: a) To provide access to the Work to be tested.b) To obtain and handle samples at the project site or at the source ofthe product to be tested. c) To facilitate inspections and tests. d) For storage and curing oftest samples. 5. Notif, the QC firm sufficiently in advance of operations to allow for firm assignment of personnel and scheduling oftests. D. Copies oftest results and product test reports shall be transmitted in quantities required by the Engineer directly from the QC firm, and shall not be handled or received by the Contractor prior to being received by the Engineer. E. Testing services other than those called for in these Contract Documents may be called for by the Owner to check compliance with the specification requirements. When these 0l 4000 / Page I of 4 additionaltests indicate compliance with specifications, the testing service charges shall be bome by the Owner, but when non-compliance with specifications is indicated, the testing service charges shall be the Contractor's responsibility and be deducted from the Contract sum, 1.4 INSPECTIONANDTESTING A. Equipment lnstallation l. All equipment shall be installed in accordance with the Manufacturer's installation instructions. The O & M Manual for the specific equipment shall be on hand during the inspection phases for confirmation of correct installation. Contractor shall have on site a copy ofthe O & M Manual with the installation instructions for review by the Inspection Agency and Engineer. B. Inspection l. The Inspection Firm has the right to inspect all material and equipment at all stages of development or fabrication, and shall be allowed access to the site and to the Contractor's and Supplier's shops to conduct such inspections. Inspection by the Inspection Firm shall not release the Contractor from responsibility or iiabilitywith respect to material or equipment. 2. When specified inspections or tests are required by the Contract Documents, the Work involved shall not proceed beyond that point until such inspections or tests have been completed and approved by the Inspection Firm. The Contractor shall inform the Inspection Firm ofthe progress ofthe Work and shall give the lnspection Firm a minimum ofthree working days written notice ofappropriate times for specified inspections and tests. The Contractor shall insure that the portion of Work to be inspected is safe, accessible, dry, ventilated and welllit. 3. When local codes or laws require approval and inspection ofthe Work by other agencies or organizations before installation or operation, the Contractor shallobtain such approval and submit one signed original and tkee copies ofthe approval to the Inspection Firm. 4. That portion of the Work subject to tle provisions of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code shall be constructed in accordance with the latest version. 5. The Work shall be subjected to continuous inspection by the lnspection Firm and a formal inspection by the Engineer: All required labor, materials, equipment, instruments, lubricants and incidentals necessary to perform these inspections shall be fumished by the Contractor. This includes providing competent and experienced personnel, who are authorized representatives ofthe Manufacturers ofthe equipment furnished, to assist the Contractor in the installation, testing and adjustments ofthe equipment to perform in accordance with the Contract Documents. Before proceeding to the next inspection, all discrepancies and deficiencies observed during each inspection shall be noted and corrected and, ifdirected by the Engineer, the inspection shall be rescheduled and re-performed at no additional cost to the Owner. 6. Pre-final Inspection: The Contractor shall schedule in accordance with his construction schedule and with the approval ofthe Engineer a Pre-final Inspection to take place a minimum of l0 days before the Contractor's date of substantial completion. The Pre- final Inspection shall fully demonstrate to the Engineer or Inspecting Firm that all individual project components function as required by the Contract Documents and that all systems are intemally coordinated, as wellas coordinated with other systems. 01 4000 / Page 2 of 4 Equipment shall be operated and required system tests performed. In addition, the Contractor shall demonstrate that all major site work has been brought to final configurations and restoration initiated. All items ofdeficiency noted for correction shall be completed before the Final lnspection is scheduled. The Engineer will prepare a punch list of items to be accomplished prior to Final Acceptance. 7. Final lnspection : After the Contractor has shown that all systems and project work are completed and deficiencies noted in the Pre-final Inspection are corrected, a Final lnspection ofthe project including a test and demonstration ofall equipment and systems shall be scheduled. This Inspection shall take place a minimum of20 days before the Contractor's scheduled Final Completion date. Correction ofthe deficiencies noted in the Pre-final Inspection shall be accomplished before the Engineer will approve the scheduling ofthe Final Inspection. This Inspection shall demonstrate that all elements ofthe project are ready to be placed in operation and all work has been fully completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. Equipment Testing: Test procedures as specified in the Contract Documents or as otherwise required shall be coordinated and demonstrated during the Pre-final and Final Inspections. Each test shall be scheduled and performed by the Contractor in the presence ofthe Engineer or Inspection Firm. All required labor, materials, equipment, instruments, lubricants and incidentals to perform the tests shall be fumished by the Contractor. This shall include providing competent and experienced personnel, who are authorized representatives ofthe Manufacturers ofthe equipment fumished, to assist the Contractor in the installation, testing and adjustments ofthe equipment to perform in accordance with the Contract Documents. Before proceeding to the next test, all discrepancies and deficiencies observed during each test shall be noted and corrected and, ifdirected by the Engineer, the test rescheduled and re-performed at no additional cost to the Owner. L Pre-final Test: During the Pre-final Inspection, equipment shall be operated and tested to fully demonstrate to the Engineer that it works as a unit and a part of the entire system in accordance with the Contract Documents and that all systems are intemally coordinated as well as coordinated with other systems. All items ofdeficiencies and required adjustments noted during this Test shall be corrected before the Final Inspection is scheduled. 2. Final Test: After all equipment and systems have passed the Pre-final Inspection and are completely installed with controls, instrumentation, safety devices and all items of Work completed including correction ofdeficiencies, and adjustments, the Final Inspection and Test shall be scheduled. This Test shall consist ofcontinuously operating the equipment and systems without intemrption under actual operating conditions for a period of 14 days to demonstrate that all are fully operative and ready to be permanently placed in operation. The Contractor shall be responsible for operation during the Final (14 day) Test, including provision ofand payment for all materials and operation costs necessary for the Tests. Should there be any disruption during the 14 day period, the Contractor shall make necessary adjustments and reschedule the Test from its beginning. D. Acceptance: The Engineer shall recommend to the Owner that the Work be accepted upon the Contractor's completion and to the satisfaction ofthe Owner, all ofthe Work required by the Contract Documents and all items identified on the punchlist prepared by the Engineer and Contractor, ifany, at the time ofthe Final Inspection. The Contractor is required to coordinate with the Engineer reinspections of Work listed on the punchlist. The Engineer may require the Contractor to have groups ofpunchlist items completed prior to reinspecting the Work. The Owner shall accept the Work upon the recommendation by the 0l 4000 / Page 3 of4 Engineer and completion ofall ofthe Work required by the Contmct Documents and all punchlist items; all Operation and Maintenance Manuals, "as-built" drawings, Certificates and Written Warranties having been submittedand approved by the Engineer. 2. PRODUCTS-NOTUSED 3. EXECI-ITION - NOT USED END OFSECTION 01 4000 / Page 4 of4 SECTION 0r 4333 MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES A. B. l.J A. B. C. 1.4 A. B. 1.5 A. Work under this section defines the minimum scope of services to be provided by the Contractor using factory representatives of the Manufacturers of the equipment to be installed during installation, start-up, and operatortraining. Equipment Manufacturers assigned unit responsibility for systems comprised ofseveral components shall provide the service ofa factory representative for each component Manufacturer to perfiorm the duties required under these Specifications. The equipment Manufacturer assigned unit responsibility shall be responsible for coordinating the activities of the system component Manufacturers. SUBMITTALS Training Schedule: Submit not less than 2l days prior to equipment installation and revise as necessary for acceptalce. Training Materials: I . Final training materials must be approved by the Engineer prior to equipment startup and training. 2. Fumish complete outlines ofproposed training session, operation and maintenance data for each trainee in attendance. Quality Control Submittals: As required in the individual Specifications, submit: l. The qualifications of Manufacturer's Representative performing specified services. 2. The Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance. 3. The Manufacturer's Certificate ofProper Installation. 4. The Manufacturer's Written Warranty QUALIFICATION Qualification ofthe representatives for installation, startup, and operator training purposes shall mean an authorized representative ofthe Manufacturer, factory trained, and experienced in the technical applications, installation, operation and maintenance ofthe equipment being installed and shall be subject to the approval ofthe Engineer. No substitutions of approved representatives will be allowed without the prior written approval of the Engineer. References in various equipment sections ofthe terms "factory representative" or"field representative" shall mean an employee or contractor ofthe equipment Manufacturer who is trained, articulate, capable ofcoordinating and expediting haining, andfamiliar with operation and maintenance manual information specified in Section 01 7823, OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA. COORDINATION The Contractor shall notifu the Engineer 72 hours prior to any impending visit by factory representatives so that the Engineer may be present. 0l 4333 / I of3 i r. GEI{ERAL I.I DEFINITIONS A. Person-Day: One person for 8 hours within regular Contractor working hours. 1.2 SCOPE B. C. 1.6 A. B. C. D. 1.7 A. B. 1.8 A. The Engineer may approve the services ofa Manufacturer's representative for more than one system during the same site visit. The Contractor shall perform the necessary inspections to €nsure that all conditions necessary for successful training and/or startup services have been met prior to scheduling the Manufacturer's onsite services. MINIMUM MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES REQUIREMENTS Qualified factory representatives shall fumish Manufacturer's services as specified in the Contract Documents. Where time is specified in the Conhact Documents for Manufacturer's services, the specified time shall be considered a minimum time and any time in excess ofthe specified time stated in the specifications to perform the required Manufacturer's services shall be considered incidental work. Days ofservice, approved by the Engineer, will be credited to fulfi the specified minimum Manufacturer's services. The Contractor's training and startup schedule shall coordinate the Manufacturer's services to avoid conflicting with other onsite testing or other Manufacturer's services. The Manufacturer's services will include the following, as applicable to thespecific system or equipment items: l. Installation assistance including observation, guidance, instruction ofthe Contractor's assembly, erection, installation or applications. 2. Inspection, checking, and adjustment as required for product (system, subsystem, or component) to function as warranted by the Manufacturer and necessary to furnish written approval of installation. 3. Additional site visits as necessary to address problems and until installationand operation are acceptable to the Engineer. 4. Perform, coordinate, and assist during functional and performance testing and startup demonstration, and until product acceptance by the Engineer. 5. Training ofthe Owner's personnel in the operation and maintenance ofrespective product as required. 6. Completion ofthe Manufacturer's Certificate ofProper Installation with applicable certificates for proper installation and initial, interim, and final test orservice. SCHEDULE List specified equipment and systems with respective Manufacturers that require training services of Manufacturers' representatives and show: 1. Estimated dates for installation completion. 2. Estimated training dates to allow for multiple sessions when several shiftsare involved. Adjust training schedule to ensure training of appropriate personnel as deemed necessary by the Owner, and to allow full participation by the Manufacturers' representatives. Adjust schedule for intemrptions in operability ofequipment. TRAINING PLAN Training PIan: Submit for each proposed course: 0l 4333 /2 of3 l. Title and objectives 2. Schedule oftraining courses including dates, durations, and locations ofeach class 3. Recommended ty'pes of attendees (e.g., managers, engineers, operators, maintenance) 4. Course description and outline of course content 5. Duration 6. Instruction materials and equipment requirements 7. Detailed course schedule for each day showing time allocated to each topic 1.9 TRAININGOWNER'SPERSONNEL A. PrestartupTraining: I . Coordinate training sessions with operating personnel and the Manufacturers' representatives, and with submission of operation and maintenance manuals in accordance with Section 01 7823, OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA. 2. Complete at least 14 days prior to actual startup. B. Post-Starhrp Training: If required in Specifications, fumish and coordinate training ofthe Owner's operating personnel by respective Manufacturer's representatives. 2. PRODUCTS-NOTUSf,I) 3. EXECUTION - NOT USED END OF SECTION 0l 4333 /3 of3 SECTION 01 5000 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION I . Temporary facilities and protective devices include, but are not limited to, th€ following items: temporary barricades, fences, bridges, guards, temporary utilities, steel plates over trenches, maintenance of traffrc and project identification signs. 2. All materials used in construction of the above mentioned items of work shall beof such size, shape and strength as to be suitable for the use intended. 3. The Contractor shall conduct construction operations in such a manner as to causeas little inconvenience as possible to the general public and the Owrer. Wherever required, the Contractor shall erect and maintain signs, fences, barricades, and pedestrian bridges and provide guards and flagmen for the protection ofthe public. 4. The Contractor shall take positive measures to prevent at all times, entry to the siteof the work and storage areas by children, animals, and unauthorized adults. B. Furnish and construct temporary fencing as needed to fence offexcavation, storage, and operating areas. All temporary fences erected by the Contractor shall be substantially constructed, and neat in appearance. l. Barricade or close all openings in roadways, floors, walls, or other parts ofstructures or walkways while the openings are not in regular use. Barricades shall be substantial and neat in appearance. C. Unless otherwise specified, the existing water system shall remain in service during the entire construction period for the project. The Contractor shall provide temporary pumps, tanks, pre-assembled flushing mechanisms and compressors as necessary to produce the required flow and pressure to maintain operation of the system. The Contractor shall provide water at no cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall assure the availability of drinking water lor his work force. D. The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements and provide all temporary electrical service and lighting required during the entire construction period. The cost of electricity used shall be bome by the Contractor. The electrical service shall be sufficient capacity and characteristics to supply the proper current for the various types of construction tools, motors, welding machines, lights, heating plant, pumps, and other work required. All necessary temporary wiring, panel boards, outlets, switches, lamps, fuses, controls, and accessories shall be provided. E. The Contractor shall provide and maintain an adequate number oftemporary toilets with proper enclosures as necessary for use of workmen during construction. The Contractor shall keep toilets clean and comply with local and State health requirements and sanitary regulations. Toilet facilities shall be the prefabricated chemical type unless otherwise permitted. F. The Contractor shall be responsible for provisions oftemporary heating, including all costs ofequipment and installation, fuel and attendance, whenever and for such periods as such heating may be required, either because ofgeneral weather conditions toprevent freezing, to provide suitable working conditions, or to assure progress ofthe operation within the established scheduled time for curing ofconcrete. 0l 5000 / I of3 1. GENf,RAL 1.I TEMPORARYFACILITIES A. General: 1.2 A B C. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a normal through traffic flow in accordance with County and VDOT requirements. The Contractor shall provide temporary facilities as required for pedestrian and vehicular access to properties adjacent to or contiguous to the project. Should it be necessary to temporarily interrupt access, the Contractor shall so notii, the Engineer, and after securing the Engineer's approval, the Contractor shall notifu all affected parties ofthe time, extent, and duration ofthe interuption. The Contractor shall not obstruct any driveway longer than two (2) hourswithout providing an alternate temporary access to the prop€rty. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION The Contractor shall be responsible for fumishing all necessary items for fulfilling the Work described herein for Environmental Protection including prevention and control of erosion and sedimentation that results directly or indirectly from the project. The Contactor shall also be responsible for compliance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shown on the approved contract drawings. Prevention of Water Pollution: I . The Contractor shall take all such precautions in the conduct of his operations as may be necessa4r to avoid contaminating the water in adjacent watercourses or water storage areas. 2. All earthwork. moving of equipment, and other operations likely to create silting, shall be conducted so as to minimize pollution of water courses and water storage areas. 3. Water used during the work which has become harmful and contaminated with oil, brtumrns, or objectionable chemicals, sewage or other pollutants, shall be disposed of so as to avoid affecting all nearby waters and lands. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor discharge pollutants into any watercourse or water storage area. The Contractor shall not allow water used in aggegate processing, concrete curing. foundation, and concrete lift cleanup, or any other waste, to enter a stream. Wlen water from adjacent natural sources is used in the Work, intake methods shall be such to avoid contaminating the source ofsupply or becoming a source oferosion. Noise and Air Pollution Control l. The Contractor shall conduct his operations so as not to violate any applicable ordinances, regulations, rules, and laws in effect in the area pertaining to noiseand air pollution. Preservation of Natural Resources l. All construction operations, cleanup, and the condition of the adjacent terrain upon completion of the work shatl fully comply with all applicable regulations and laws conceming the preservation of natural resources- Dust Control l. Throughout the entire construction period, maintain dust control by use of water sprinklers or chemical dust control binder as may be approved by the Engineer and VDOT. 0l 5000 / 2 of3 CONFINED SPACE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall be responsible for all practices and procedures, either singularly or in combination, required for entry into a confined space area as deftned by the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Codes Board. Such practices include, but are not limited to: L Preparation 2. Atmospheric Testing 3. Attendants and Rescue Teams 4. Permit Systems 5. Training 6. Special Equipment and Tools 7. Tripods, Safety Hamesses, Retrieval Lines, and Respiratory Protection The Contractor shall be required to conform to requirements stipulated inthe Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations. CLEANING DURING CONSTRUCTION Control accumulation of waste materials and rubbish; periodically dispose ofoff-site. Clean areas prior to start offinish work; maintain areas free ofdust andother contaminants during finishing operations. It is imperative that a wash rack shall be installed as shown on the drawings to eliminate sediment and objectionable material transport by vehicular tracking onto paved surfaces. Where sediment and objectionable material is transported onto a paved road surface, the road surface shall be thoroughly cleaned immediately to the satisfaction ofthe owner. 3. f,XECUTION-NOTUSED END OF SECTION t.4 A. B. 1.5 A. B. C. 2. PRODUCTS_NOTUSED 0l 5000/3 of3 SECTTON 01 6000 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT I. GENf,RAL I.I DEFINITIONS A. Products: 1.2 1 . New items for incorporation in the Work whether purchased by Contractor or Owner for the Project, or taken from previously purchased stock and may also include existing materials or components required for reuse. 2. Includes the terms material, equipment, machinery, components, subsystem, system, hardware, software, and terms of similar intent and is not intended to change meaning of such oth6r terms used in Contract Documents, as those terms are self-explanatory and have well recognized meanings in construction industry. 3. ltems identified by Manufacturer's product name, including make or model designation, indicated in Manufacturer's published product literature, that iscurrent as ofthe date ofthe Contract Documents. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Where Contractor design is specified, design of installation, systems, equipment, and components, including supports and anchorage, shall be in accordance with provisionsof latest edition of Virginia Statewide Uniform BuildingCode. E}.iVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Altitude: Provide materials and equipment suitable for installation and operation under rated conditions at elevations shown on theDrawings. B. Provide equipment and devices installed outdoors or in unheated enclosures capableof continuous operation within an ambient temperature range of0 'F to 104 "F. PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT A. When practical, have tlte factory assemble products, mark or tag separate parts and assemblies to facilitate field assembly. Cover machined and unpainted parts that maybe damaged by the elements with strippable protective coating. B. Package products to facilitate handling and protect from damage during shipping, handling, and storage. Mark or tag outside of each package or crate to indicate its purchase order number, bill of lading number, contents by name, name of Project and Contractor, equipment number, and approximate weight. Include complete packing list and bill of materials with each shipment. C. Extra Materials, Special Tools, Test Equipment, and Expendables: 1. Furnish as Required by Individual Specifications. D. Schedule: 1. Ensure that shipment and delivery occur concurrently with shipment ofassociated equipment. 2. Transfer to the Owner shall occur immediately subsequent to the Contractor's acceptance of equipment fiom Supplier and any required inspections, testing, and O&M Manuals have been delivered to and approved by the Engineer. 1.3 1.4 0l 6000/ I of6 E. F. G. 1.5 A. B. C. D. 1.6 A. B. Packaging and Shipment: l. Package and ship extra materials and special tools to avoid damage during long term storage in original cartons insofar as possible, or in appropriately sized, hinged-cover, wood, plastic, or metal box. Prominently Displayed on Each Package, the Following: l. Manufacturer's part nomenclature and number, consistent with the Operation and Maintenance Manual identification system. 2. Applicable equipment description. 3. Quantity of parts in package. 4. Equipment Manufacturer. Delivery of Materials: I . Notiff the Engineer upon arrival for transfer of materials. Replace extra materials and special tools found to be damaged or otherwise inoperable at time of transfer to the Owner. 2. Request a minimum 7-day advance notice of shipment from the Manufacturer. Upon receipt ofthe Manufacturer's advance notice of shipment, promptly notiry the Engineer of anticipated date of equipment arrival. 3. Factory Test Results: Reviewed and accepted by the Engineer before product shipment as required in individual Specification Sections. DELTVERY AND INSPEC IION Deliver products in accordance with accepted current Progress Schedule and coordinate to avoid conflict with the Work and conditions at the Site. Deliver anchor bolts and templates sufficiently early to permit setting prior to placement of structural concrete. Deliver products in uudamaged condition, in the Manufacturer''s original container or packaging with identifing labels intact and legible. lnclude on label, date of manufacture and shelf life, where applicable. Unload products in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions for unloading or as specified, and record receipt ofproducts at Site. Promptly inspect for completeness and evidence of damage during shipment. Remove damaged products fiom the Site, and expedite delivery of identical new undamaged products, and remedy incomplete or lost products to provide that specified, so as not to delay progress of the Work. HANDLTNG, STORAGE, AND PROTECTION Handle and store products in accordance with the Manufacturer's written instructions and in a manner to prevent damage. Store in approved storage yards or sheds provided in accordance with Section 0l 50 00, TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Provide the Manufacturer's recommended maintenance during storage, installation, and until products are accepted for use by the Owner. 01 6000/2 of6 C. Arrange storage in a manner to provide easy access for inspection. Make periodic inspections of stored products to assure that products are maintained under specified conditions, and free from damage or deterioration. Keep running account of products in. storage to facilitate inspection and to estimate progress payments for products delivered, but not installed in the Work. D. Store electrical, instmmentation, and control products, and equipment with bearings in weather{ight structures maintained above 60 oF. Protect electrical, instrumentation, and control products, and insulation against moisture, water, and dust damage. Comect and operate continuously all space heaters furnished in electrical equipment. E. Store fabricated products above ground on blocking or skids, prevent soiling or staining, and store loose granular materials in well-drained area on solid surface to prevent mixing with foreign matter. Cover products that are subject to deterioration with impervious sheet coverings; provide adequate ventilation to avoid condensation. F. Store finished products that are ready for iastallation in dry and well-ventilated areas. Do not subject to extreme changes in temperatue orhumidity. G. After installation, provide coverings to protect products fiom damage due to traffic and construction operations. Remove coverings when no longer needed. H. Hazardous Materials: Prevent contamination ofpersonnel, storage building, and Site. Meet requircments ofproduct specification, codes, and Manufacturer's instructions. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERA.L A. Provide the Manufacturer's standard materials suitable for service conditions unless otherwise specified in the individual Specifications. B. Where product specifications include a named Manufacturer, with or without model number, and also include performance requirements, named Manufacturer's products must meet the performance specifications. C. Like items of products fumished and installed in the Work shall be end products of one Manufacturer and ofthe same series or family ofmodels to achieve standardization for appearance, operation and maintenance, spare parts and replacement, Manufacturer's services, and implement same or similar process instrumentation and control functions in same or similar manner. D. Do not use materials and equipment removed from existing premises, except as specifically permitted by the Contract Documents. E- Provide interchangeable components ofthe same Manufacturer, for similar components, unless otherwise specified. F. Equipment, Components, Systems, Sub-systems: Design and manufacture with due regard for health and safety ofoperation, maintenance, and accessibility, durabilityof parts, and shall comply with applicable OSHA, State, and local health and safety regulations. 01 6000/3 of6 G. H. I. J. K. L. 2.2 A. Regulatory Requirement: Coating materials shall meet Federal, State, and Local requirements limiting the emission ofvolatile organic compounds and forworker exposure. Safety Guards: Provide for all belt or chain drives, fan blades, couplings, or othermoving or rotary parts. Cover rotating part on all sides. Design for easy installation and removal. Use l6-gauge or heavier; galvanized steel, aluminum coated steel, or galvanized or aluminum coated %" mesh expanded steel. Provide galvanized steel accessories and supports, including bolts. For outdoors application, prevent entrance ofrain and dripping water. Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): l. Provide the Work in accordance with AHJ's adopted edition of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Where required by the VUSBC, material and equipment shall be labeled or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or other organization acceptable to the VUSBC in order to provide a basis for approval underNEC. 2. Materials and equipment manufactured within the scope of standards published by Under*riters Laboratories, Inc. shall conform to those standards and shall have an applied UL listing mark. Equipment Finish: 1. Provide the Manufacturer's standard finish and color, except where specific coloris indicated. 2. Ifthe Manufacturer has no standard color, provide equipment with gray finishas approved by the Engineer. Special Tools and Accessories: Fumish to the Owner, upon acceptance of equipment, all accessories required to place each item ofequipment in full operation. These accessory items include, but are not limited to, adequate oil and grease (as required for first lubrication ofequipment after field testing), light bulbs, fuses, hydrant wrenches, valve keys, hand wheels, chain operators, special tools, and other spare parts as required for maintenance. Lubricant: Provide initial lubricant recommended by the equipment Manufacturer in sufficient quantity to fill lubricant reservoirs and to replace consumption during testing, startup, and operation until final acceptance by the Owner. FABzuCATION AND MANUFACTURE General: l. Manufacture parts to U.S.A. standard sizes and gauges. 2. Two or more items of the same tlpe shall be identical, by the same Manufacturer, and interchangeable. 3. Design structural members for anticipated shock and vibratory loads. 4. Use l/4" minimum thickness for steel that will be submerged, wholly orpartially, during normal operation. 5. Modifr standard products as necessary to meet performance Specifications. 0l 6000/4of6 ts Lubrication System: I . Require no more than weekly attention during continuous operation. 2. Convenient and accessible Oil drains with bronze or stainless steel valves and fill- plugs easily accessible from the normal operating area or platform are required. 3. Locate drains to allow convenient collection ofoil during oil changes without removing equipment from its installed position. 4. Provide constant-level oilers or oil level indicators for oil lubrication systems. 5. For grease type bearings, which are not easily accessible, provide and install stainless steel tubing; protect and extend tubing to convenient location with suitable grease fitting. SOURCE QUALITYCONTROL Where Specifications call for factory testing to be witnessed by the Engineer, notii/ the Engineer not less than 14 days prior to scheduled test date, unless otherwise specified. Calibration Instruments: Bear the seal ofa reputable laboratory certiling instrument has been calibrated within the previous 12 months to a standard endorsed by the National Institute of Standards and Technologr (NIST). Factory Tests: Perform in accordance with accepted test procedures, document successful completion, and submit results to the Engineer. 2.3 B C 3. EXECUTION 3.I INSPECTION A. Inspect materials and equipment for signs ofpitting, rust decay, or other deleterious effects ofstorage. Do not install material or equipment showing such effects. Remove damaged material or equipment from the Site and expedite delivery ofidentical new material or equipment. Delays to the Work resulting fiom material or equipment damage that necessitates procurement ofnew products will be considered delays within Contractor's control. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Equipment Drawings show general locations ofequipment, devices, and raceway, unless specifi cally dimensioned. B. No shimming between machined surfaces is allowed. C. Install the Work in accordance with NECA Standard of Installation. unlessotherwise specified. D. Repaint painted surfaces that are damaged prior to equipment acceptance. E. Do not cut or notch any structural member or building surface without specific approval ofEngineer. F. Handle, install, connect, clean, condition, and adjust products in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions, and as may be specified. Retain a copy ofthe Manufacturer's instruction at the Site, available for review at alltimes. 01 6000/5 of6 G. For material and equipment specifically indicated or specified to be reused in the Work: l. Use special care in removal, handling, storage, and reinstallation to assureproper function in the completed Work. 2. Arrange for transportation, storage, and handling of products that require offsite storage, restoration, or renovation. lnclude costs for such Work in the Contract Price. 3.3 LUBRICANTS A. Fill lubricant reservoirs and replace consumption during testing, startup, andoperation prior to acceptance ofequipment by the Owner. END OF SECTION 01 6000/6of6 SECTION 01 7000 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES I. GENERAL I.I SLMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for contract closeout, including but not limited to the following: 1. Inspectionprocedures 2. Warranties 3. Final cleaning B. See Section 01 78 23 "Operating and Maintenance Data" for Operation and Maintenance Manual requirements. C. See Section 0l 43 33 "Manufacturer's Services" for requirements for instructing Owner's personnel. D. See Divisions 2 through 33 Sections for specific closeout and special cleaning requirements for the Work in those Sections. I.2 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion, complete the following. List items below that are incomplete in the request. 1. Prepare a list of items to be completed and corrected (punch list), the value ofitems on the list, and reasons why the Work is not complete. 2. Advise the Owner ofpending insurance changeover requirements. 3. Submit specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance service agreements, final certifications, and similar documents. 4. Obtain and submit releases permitting the Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include occupancy permits, operati g certificates,and similar releases. 5. Prepare and submit the Project Record Documents, Operation and Maintenance Manuals, final completion construction photographs and photogaphic negatives if available, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys, and similar final record information. 6. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra materials, and similar items to location designatedby Owner. Label with the Manufacturer's name and model number where applicable. 7. Make final changeover of permanent locks and deliver keys to the Owner. Advise the Owner's personnel ofchangeover in securiry provisions. 8. Complete startup testing ofsystems. 9. Submit test/adj ust/balance records. 10. Terminate and remove temporary facilities from the Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. I 1. Advise the Owner of changeover in heat and other utilities. 12. Submit changeover information related to the Owner's occupancy, use, operation, and maintenance. l3. Complete final cleaning requirements, including touchup painting. 0l 7000/ I of4 14. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes to eliminate visual defects- B. Inspection: Submit a written request for inspection for Substantial Completion. On receipt ofrequest, the Engineer will either proceed with inspection or noti! the Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. The Engineer will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion after inspection or will notifr the Contractor of items, either on the Contractor's list or additional items identified by the Engineer, that must be completed or conected before certificate will be issued. I . Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. 2. Results ofthe completed inspection will form the basis ofrequirements forFinal Completion. I.3 LIST OF INCOMPLETE ITEMS (PUNCHLIST) A. Preparation: Submit three copies ofthe list. Include name and identification ofeach space and area affected by construction operations for incomplete items and items needing correction including, ifnecessary, areas disturbed by the Contractor that are outside the limits of construction. l. Organize list ofspaces in sequential order. 2. Organize items applying to each space by major element, including categories for individual walls, and equipment, and building systems. I.4 FINAL COMPLETION A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting the final inspection for determining date of Final Completion, complete the following: I . Submit a final Application for Payment according to the General Conditions. 2. Submit a certified copy of Engineer's Substantial Completion inspection list ofitems to be completed or corrected (punch [ist), endorsed and dated by the Engineer. The certified copy ofthe list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance. 3. Submit evidence offinal, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. 4. Instruct the OwneCs personnel in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products, equipment, and systems. Submit demonstration and training mderia.ls. B. Inspection: Submit a written request for Final lnspection for acceptance. On receipt of request, the Engineer will either proceed with inspection or notifr the Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. The Engineer will prepare a final Certificate for Pa).rnent after inspection or will noti! the Contractor ofconstruction that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. l. Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. 0l 7000 l2of 4 0l 7000 / 3 of4 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERTALS A. Cleaning Agents: Use cleaning materials and agents recommended by the Manufacturer or fabricator of the surface to be cleaned. Do not use cleaning agents that are potentially hazardous to health or property or that might damage finished surfaces 3. EXECT]'IION 3.I FINAL CLEANING A- General: Provide final cleaning. Conduct cleaning and waste-removal operations to comply with local laws and ordinances and Federal, State and Local environmental and antipollution regulations. B. Cleaning: Clean each surface or unit to condition equal to original plantcondition. Comply with the Manufacturer's written instructions. 1 . Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification of Final Completion for entire Project or for a portion ofProject: a) Clean Project site, yard, and grounds, in areas disturbed by construction activities, ofrubbish, waste material, litter, and other foreign substances. b) Sweep paved areas broom clean. Remove petrochemical spills, stains, and other foreign deposits.c) Remove tools, construction equipment, machinery, and surplus material from the Project site. d) Clean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfaced finishes to a dirt free condition, free of stains, films, and similar foreign substances. Avoid disturbing natural weathering of exterior surfaces. Restore reflective surfaces to their original condition. e) Remove debris and surface dust from limited access spaces, including roofs, plenums, shafts, trenches, equipment vaults, manholes, attics, and similar spaces.f) Sweep concrete floors broom clean in unoccupied spaces.g) Remove labels that are not permanent. h) Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred, exposed finishes and surfaces. Replace finishes and surfaces that cannot be satisfactorily repaired or restored or that already show evidence ofrepair or restoration. i. Do not paint over "UL" and similar labels, including mechanical and electrical nameplates. i) Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment and similar equipment. Remove excess lubrication, paint and mortar droppings, and other foreign substances. j) Replace parts subject to unusual operating conditions.k) Replace disposable air filters and clean permanent air filters. Clean exposed surfaces of diffusers, registers, and grills. l) Clean light fixtures, and reflectors to function with full efficiency. Replace bumed-out bulbs, and those noticeably dimmed by hours of use, and defective and noisy starters in fluorescent and mercury vapor fixtures to comply with requirements for new fixtures. m) Leave Project clean and ready for occupancy. C. Comply with safety standards for cleaning. Do not bum waste materials. Do not bury debris or excess materials on the Owner's property. Do not discharge volatile, harmful, or 3.2 A. B. C. D. E. 3.3 A. B. dangerous materials into drainage systems. Remove waste materials llom the Project site and dispose of lawftlly. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Contractor shall demonstrate to the Owner and Engineer that each unit process functions and performs in accordance with the plans, specifications, and the Manufacture's design criteria. The Contractor shall coordinate the date, time, and duration ofthe performance testing and demonstration with the Owner and Engineer. The Contractor shall correct deficiencies identified by the Owner or Engineer during performance demonstration prior to rescheduling a subsequent performance demonstration. Once the Contractor has demonstrated that each unit process functions and performs as required, the Engineer shall advise the Contractor in writing as to the date of Substantial Completion. The punch list of items to be corrected before the date ofthe final completion will be attached to the notification ofsubstantial completion. FINALCOMPLETION The Contractor shall coordinate with the Owner and Engineer confirmation that each item appearing on the punch list has been corrected. Once all punch list items have been corrected, the Engineer shall issue the Certificate of Final Completion. END OF SECTION 0l 7000/4of4 SECTION 01 7823 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA 1. GENERAL I.1 REQUIREMENTS A. Operation and Maintenance Manuals are required for all materials and equipment provided and installed in the Project. B. tnformation included in the O & M Manual shall be specific to the equipment or item installed. Data sheets that include information not pertinent to the specific equipment or product should be omitted. Wtere data sheets have multiple information, all non- pertinent information shall be edited out and the pertinent information shall be highlighted to make it clear which information applies. C. Drawings shall be provided which clearly indicate the item and the installation. These should include plan views, elevation views and section views as required. Drawings should be scaled and dimensioned. Drawings liom the approved submittals should be included and corrected ifrequired to indicate the "as-built" condition. D. Information shall include name plate data" serial numbers, order numbers, dates, contact information and other pertinent information that are required to trace a piece ofequipment back to the Manufacturer. E- Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall contain complete operation and maintenance instructions including but not limited to the following: l. Equipmentwarranties 2. Operating and maintenance data 3. Troubleshooting information andprocedures 4. Lubrication information and schedules 5. Nameplate data (model numbers and serial numbers for all equipment and motors) 6. Wiring diagrams 7. Assembly drawings with part numbers 8. Approved shop drawings (plan elevation and section drawings showing all details as equipment has been installed) 9. All appurtenances provided with equipment including (pipe, valves, fittings, supports and brackets) 10. All electrical components, control panels, switches, floats, electronic components, relays, sensors, starters, contactors and enclosures I l. Names, telephone numbers, and addresses ofapplicable subcontraclors, equipment and service suppliers and manufacturers 12. Adequate information to satisry State regulatory agency requiremenls 13. Any other information concerning operation or maintenance ofequipment readily available to the Contractor and as required to repair and order parts F. At a minimum, operating and maintenance data shall be supplied for the following equipment: l. Control systems 0l 7823 ll of2 2. Process equipment and devices 3. Pumps 4. Electrical Devices 5. Control Valves 6. Mechanical gates 7. Pipe valves and fittings 8. Instrumentation 9. Pressure measuring devices 10. Sensors I l. Unit Heaters 12. Lighting 13. Air Handling Equipment 2. PRODUCTS-NOTUSED 3. EXECUTION 3.1 Two preliminary copies ofeach manual shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to the date of shipment ofthe equipment. After review and approval by the Engineer, four final copies ofeach Operation and Maintenance Manual shall be prepared and delivered to the Engineer not later than 30 days prior to placing the equipment in operation. Copies supplied to the Engineer are in addition to those required by the Contractor. Preliminary and final manuals, and all other parts lists and information, shall be bound in a loose-leafqpe manual, properly indexed and bound in hard back, three-ring binde(s) with covers and spines bearing suitable identification. A table of contents and index tabs shall be fumished for all volumes containing data for three or more items of equipment. All material shall be marked with the Manuals. END OF SECTION 0l 7823 l2 of2 SECTION 01 7836 STARTUP WARRANTIES AND GUARANTEES 1. GENERAL I.1 STARTUP SERVICES A. The Contractor shall provide startup services for all equipment and systems as required to provide startup for a complete operating system. Starting up individual pieces ofequipment separately does not constitute startup ofthe system. The Contractor shall demonstrate running ofall systems and equipment together as a unit. The Contractor shall provide all labor and materials, Manufacturers' representatives, field service technicians and coordination between all parties as required. This shall include coordination between suppliers ofdifferent equipment. All startup services shall be coordinated with the Owner, Operator, and the Engineer and a representative of each shall be present. B. The Contractor shall supply all expendables including but not limited to electric power, fuel, water, lubricating oils, grease, filters and chemicals to provide all start up services. Any expendables supplied by the Owner shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. 1.2 TIE-INS AND OPERATION OF OWNER'S EQUIPMENT A. The Contractor shall not make any tie-ins to existing systems whether in service or not without pre-approval from the Owner and without an Owner's representative present. B. The Contractor shall not operate any valves and/or equipment belonging to the Owner without pre-approval from the Owner and without an Owner's representative present. 1.3 WARRANTIES AND GUARANTEES A. The Contractor shall provide Wananties and Guarantees on all materials, equipment, workmanship, installations, labor and operation items provided and /or installed by the Contractor or any of its Subcontractors and /or suppliers. B. Warranties and Guarantees shall be for a minimum period of one year after: l. Being placed in service by the Owner before substantial completion ofthe Project. 2. Date of substantial completion ofthe Project. 3. Being installed after substantial completion of the Project. C. Equipment installed does not constitute being "in service". D. Warranties specifically stated in individual specification sections that are longer in duration than stated above shallapply. E. The Contractor is required to submit the Manufacturer's Written Warranty onall equipment, devices and materials used to construct and assemble the Project. 1.4 STORAGE A. The Contractor shall store all materials and equipment in accordance with all manufacturers' recommendations. Contractor shall include in his submittal package the Manufacturers' recommended long term and short term storage procedurcs. Storage procedures shall extend to equipment installed but not put into service and shall continue unti I project completion. 2. PRODUCTS - NOT USED 01 7836 ll of2 3. EXECUTION 3.1 The Contractor shall provide a written document from the Manufacturer ofall equipment installed and./or provided by the Contractor that their equipment has been installed correctly and all warranties and guarantees are in effect. 3.2 Startup shall be performed under typical service operating conditions. 3.3 Written documentation shall contain various check-off items as recommended by the Manufacturer and include but not be limited to: A. Ampere readings on all electrical motors B. Correct lubrication C. Conect operating temperatures and pressures D. Correct vibration levels E. F. G. 3.4 3.5 Coupling alignment Correct supports Correct flange loadings (equipment piping or attachments shall be disconnected from equipment and affirmed that the piping is supported independent from equipment) In the event one or more components fail to perform as specified or is proven defective in service during the warranty period, the Contractor shall provide replacement parts and labor to make all repairs without cost to the Omer. The Warranty shall not cover any item that has been subjected to extemal damage, disassembled and/or repaired by unauthorized persons, flooded or otherwise mistreated. Items normally consumed in service such as grease, oi[, v-belts, fuses, filters, seals, etc., shall not be warranted. f,IID OF SECTION 0l 7836 l2 of2 SECTION 02 OOOO SITE CONDITIONS 1. GENERAL I.I DESCzuPTION A. Existing utility facilities and structures are shown in accordance with the best available information. The Engineer and / or the Owner shall not be responsible for the completeness or accuracy thereof nor for any deductions, interpretations, or conclusions drawn there from. Forty-eight hours in advance of work in the vicinity ofexisting facilities, the Contractor shall notifu "Miss Utility" by calling 800-552-7001. The Contractor shall veriry to his own satisfaction, the actual locations ofexisting facilities prior to construction in theirvicinity. l. Should the Contractor, in the course ofhis operations, encounter any underground utilities, the presence of which was not previously known or ofa different type than shown, he shall immediately notifu the Engineer and take all precautions necessaryto support and protect the utility and maintain continuous service until said utilities can be adjusted by the appropdat€ owners or other corrective measurestaken. 2. Relocations by others ananged by and for the convenience ofthe Contractor shall be at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for filing all requests with public utility corporations, jurisdictional agencies, or other owners to make all adjustments to public utility fixtures and appurtenances within or adjacent to the limits of construction. Furnish copies ofall such requests and replies to the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating his activities with said body. Additional costs resulting from a lack ofcoordination betw€en the utilities and Contractor shall be at no additional cost to the Owner, and extension of time, therefore, will not be granted. 4. Damage caused to utilities either directly or indirectly by the Contractor shall be repaired and the facilities restored to their original condition to the satisfaction ofthe Engineer and the utility owner, at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Work in Vicinity of Existing Utilities 1 . At least 48 hours prior to starting work in the vicinity of utility structures and appurtenances, the Contractor shall notiry "Miss Utility" as stated hereinbefore. The Contractor, at his own expense, shall support and protect all utility structures and appurtenances in accordance with the Contract Documents and/or the Owney's requirements and shall take any other steps necessary to protect the structures fiom disturbance and damage. C. Access to Utilities Facilities I . The Contractor shall at all times permit llee and clear access to the various affected facilities by personnel ofthe utility for the purpose of inspection, maintenance, providing additional service requirements and the construction ofnew facilities. When personnel of the utility are working within the limits of work to be performed by the Contractor, the Contractor will not be relieved ofhis responsibility for the maintenance and protection of such facilities. D. When local codes or laws require notification of work to agencies or departments,the Contractor shall be responsible for providing such notification. 2. PRODUCTS - NOT USED END OF SECTION 020000/ l ofl 3. IXECUTION _ NOT USED SECTION 03 15OO ADHESIVE ANCHORS 1. GENERAL I.1 SCOPE A. All anchor bolts embedded in concrete shall be ofthe epoxy adhesive type whether specifically called out on the drawings or no! unless otherwise required by the equipment Manufacturer. No expansion type, "red head" or any type of insert will be allowed without approval of the Engineer. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 CAPSULE ADFTESTVE ANCHORING SYSTEM A. B. C. D. 2.2 A. B. C. D. Capsule adhesive anchor system shall consist ofan all-thread rod, nut, washer and adhesive capsule. Anchor rod shall be provided with a 45-degree chisel or cut point to provide proper mixing ofthe adhesive components. Anchor rods shall be manufactured to meet the following requirements of AISI 304 or AISI 3 l6 stainless steel meeting the mechanical requirements ofASTM F 593. Washers ofnuts shall meet the same requirements as the rods. Rods, washers and nuts shall be furnished by the system Manufacturer for compatibility with the system. The adhesive capsules shall consist ofa dual chamber foil capsule. The resin material shall be vinyl urethane methacrylate. System shall be Hilti IIVA Capsule Adhesive Anchoring System or approved equal. INJECTABLE ADHESIVE ANCHORING SYSTEM lnjectable adhesive anchoring system shall consist of an all-thread rod, nut, washer and a two component epoxy adhesive. Anchor rods shall be fumished with chamfered ends so that either end will accept a nut and washer. Altematively, anchor rods shall be fumished with a 45-degree chisel point on one end to allow for easy insertion into the adhesive filled hole. Anchor rods shall be manufactured to meet the following requirements ofAISI 304 or AISI 316 stainless steel meeting the mechanical requirements ofASTM F 593. Washers ofnuts shall meet the same requirements as the rods. Rods, washers and nuts shall be fumished by the system manufacturer for compatibility with the system. Injection adhesive is a hybrid adhesive consisting ofa methacrylate resin, hardener, cement and water. The system consists ofadhesive refill packs, a mixing nozzle and, a dispenser. Injection adhesive shall be Hilti HIT-HY 150 or HITJCE. 3. EXECUTION 3.I INSTALLATION A. Capsule Adhesive Anchoring System I . Adhesive anchors shall be installed in holes drilled using the specified diameter car- bide tipped drill bit or matched tolerance diamond core bit. 2. Hole depth shall be as indicated in the manufacturer's instructions 3. Hole must be cleaned to remove dust, debris, water, oil, chemicals and any other 03 1500/ 1of2 foreign matter or contaminants. 4. Place the capsule or capsules in hole. Ensure the capsule is inserted in the direction indicated on the capsule. 5. Using the setting tool on the rotar;r hammer drill, drive the rod in to the prescribed depth, Stop the drill immediately after the prescribed depth is reached. Do not disturb the anchor until the adhesive has fully cured. 6. After the adhesive has cured the anchor may be put in service. Do not over torque the rod. B. Injectable Adhesive Anchoring System l. Anchor holes shall be drilled with a carbide bit. Contact the Manufacturer for drilling holes with a diamond bit. 2. Hole must be cleaned to remove dust, debris, water, oil, chemicals and any other foreign matter or contaminants. 3. Using the dispenser with static mixer inject adhesive intohole. 4. Install rod and allow adhesive to cure. 5. After the adhesive has cured the anchor may be put in service. Do not over torque the rod. C. All anchors shall be installed in strict accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions D. Minimum Embedment depths shall be: Anchor Bolt Dia. 3t8" 1/2" s/8" 314" 7/8" END OF SECTION Embedment Depth 3-1t2" 4-1t4" 6-5/8" 7-112" 8-1/4" 03 1500 / 2 of2 SECTTON 03 3000 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 1. GENERAL I.I SUMMARY A. This Section specifies cast-in place concrete, including formwork, reinforcement concrete materials, mixture design, placement procedures, and finishes, for Building and Environmen- tal Structures as follows: L Footings. 2. Foundation walls. 3. Slabs-on-grade. 4. Suspended slabs. 5. Concrete toppings. 6. Building frame members. 7. Building walls. B. Minimum compressive strengths listed in this specification shall be adhered to unless other- wise specified on the Drawings. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Cementitious Materials: Portland cement alone or in combination with one or more of the following: blended hydraulic cement, fly ash, ground granulated blast-fumace slag, and silica fume; subject to compliance with requirements. I.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type ofproduct indicated. B. Design Mixtures: For each concrete mixture. Submit altemate design mixtures when charac- teristics of materials, Project conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warrant adjustments. l. Indicate amounts of mixing water to be withheld for later addition at Project site. C. Steel Reinforcement Shop Drawings: Placing drawings that detail fabrication, bending, and placement. Include bar sizes, lengths, material, grade, bar schedules, stimrp spacing, bent bar diagrams, bar arrangement, splices and laps, mechanical connections, tie spacing, hoop spac- ing, and supports for concrcte reinforcement. D. Formwork Shop Drawings: Prepared by or under the supervision ofa qualified professional engineer detailing fabrication, assembly, and support of formwork. l. Shoring and Reshoring: Indicate proposed schedule and sequence of stripping formwork, shoring removal, and installing and removing reshoring. E. Samples: 1. Waterstops. F. Welding certificates. G. Material Test Reports: For the following, from a qualified testing agency, indicating compli- ance with requirements: 03 3000 / I of 19 H. I. 1.4 A. B. C. D. E. F. l. Aggregates. Include service record data indicating absence ofdeleterious expansion of concrete due to alkali aggregate reactivity. Material Certificates: For each ofthe following, signed by manufacturers: I . Cementitious materials. 2. Admixtures. 3. Form materials and form-release agents. 4. Steel reinforcement and accessories. 5. Waterstops. 6. Curing compounds. 7. Floor and slab treatments. 8. Bonding agents. 9. Adhesives. 10. Vapor retarders. I l. Repair materials. Minutes of preinstallation conference. QUALITY ASSURANCE Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing ready-mixed concrete products and that complies with ASTM C 94lC 94M requirements for production facilities and equipment. I . Manufacturer certified according to NRMCA's "Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities." Source Limitations: Obtain each tlpe or class ofcementitious material ofthe same brand from the same manufactureCs plan! obtain aggregate fiom one source, and obtain admixtures through one source from a single manufacturer. Welding: Quali! procedures and personnel according to AWS D1.4, "Structural Welding Code-Reinforcing Steel." ACI Publications: Comply with the following unless modified by requirements in the Con- tract Documents: l. ACI 301-99, "Specification for Structural Concrete," Sections I through 5. 2. ACI ll7, "Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials." Concrete Testing Service: Engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform material evaluation tests and to design concrete mixtures. Preinstallation Conference: conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division I. Before submitting design mixtures, review concrete design mixture and examine proce- dures for ensuring quality of concrete materials. Require representatives ofeach entity directly concerned with cast-in-place concrete to attend, including the following: a) Conhactor'ssuperintendent.b) Independent testing agency responsible for concrete design mixtures. 0l 3000 / 2 of 19 Ready-mix concrete manufacturer Concrete subcontractor. 2. Review special inspection and testing and inspecting agency procedures for field quality control, concrete finishes and finishing, cold- and hot-weather concreting procedures, curing procedures, construction contraction and isolation joints, andjoint-filler strips, semirigidjoint fillers, forms and form removal limitations, shoring and reshoring proce- dures, vapor-retarder installation, anchor rod and anchorage device installation toleranc- es, steel reinforcement installation, floor and slab flatness and levelness measurement, concrete repair procedures, and concrete protection. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Steel Reinforcement: Deliver, store, and handle steel reinforcement to prevent bending and damage. Avoid damaging coatings on steel reinforcement. Waterslops: Store waterstops under cover to protect from moisture, sunlight, dirt, oil, and other contaminants. c) d) 1.5 B 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MANIIFACTIIRERS 2.2 FORM-FACINGMATERIALS A. Smooth-Formed Finished Concrete: Form-facing panels that will provide continuous, true, and smooth concrete surfaces. Fumish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number of joints. l. Plywood, metal, or other approved panel materials. 2. Exterior-grade plywood panels, suitable for concrete forms, complying with DOC PS l, and as follows: a) High-density overlay, Class I or better. b) Medium-density overlay, Class I or better; mill-release agent treated and edge sealed. c) Structural l, B-B or better; mill oiled and edge sealed. d) B-B (Concrete Form), Class I or better; mill oiled and edge sealed. B. Rough-Formed Finished Concrete: Plyvood, lumber, metal, or another approved material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side for tight fit. C. Pan-Type Forms: Glass-fiber-reinforced plastic or formed steel, stiffened to resist plastic concrete loads without detrimental deformation. D. Chamfer Strips: Wood, metal, PVC, or rubber strips, 314-by-314 inch, minimum. E. Rustication Strips: Wood, metal, PVC, or rubber strips, kerfed for ease of form removal. F. Form-Release Agent: Commercially formulated form-release agent that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatments of con- crete surfaces. l. Formulate form-release agent with rust inhibitor for steel form-facing materials. G. Form Ties: Factory-fabricated, removable or snap-offmetal or glass-fiber-reinforced plastic form ties designed to resist lateral pressure of fresh concrete on forms and to prevent spalling ofconcrete on removal. 03 3000 / 3 of l9 1. Fumish units that will leave no corrodible metal closer than I inch to the plane ofex- posed concrete surface. 2. Fumish ties tha! when removed, will leave holes no larger than I inch in diameter in concrete surface. 3. Fumish ties with integral water-barrier plates to walls indicated to receive dampproofing or waterproofing. 2.3 STEEL REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60, deformed. B. Low-Alloy-Steel Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 7061A 706M, deformed when welding is indi- cated. C. Plain-Steel Wire: ASTM A 82, as drawn. D. Plain-Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement: ASTM A 185, plain, fabricated from as-drawn steel wire into flat sheets. 2.4 REINFORCEMENT ACCESSORIES A. Joint Dowel Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60, plain-steel bars, cut bars true to length with ends square and fiee of burrs. B. Bar Supports: Bolsters, chairs, spacers, and other devices for spacing, supporting, and fas- tening reinforcing bars and welded wire reinforcement in place. Manufacture bar supports fiom steel wire, plastic, or precast concrete according to CRSI's "Manual of Standard Prac- tice," of greater compressive strength than concrete and as follows: l. For concrete surfaces exposed to view where legs ofwire bar supports contact forms, use CRSI Class I plastic-protected steel wire or CRSI Class 2 stainless-steel bar supports. 2.5 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Cementitious Material: Use the following cementitious materials, of the same type, brand, and source, throughout Project: l. Portland Cement: ASTMC 150, Type Ull, gray. Supplement with the following: a) Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Class C. b) Ground Granulakd Blast-Fumace Slag: ASTM C 989, Grade 120. B. Normal-Weight Aggegates: ASTM C 33, Class 35 coarse aggregate or better, graded. Pro- vide aggregates from a single source. l. Maximum Coarse-Aggregate Size: 1-ll2 inches nominal except as otherwise limited by ACI 3 I 8-99, paragraph 3.3.2. 2. Fine Aggregate: Free of materials with deleterious reactivity to alkali in cement. C. Water: ASTM C 94lC 94M and potable. 2.6 ADMIXTURES A. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260. B. Chemical Admixtures: Provide admixtures certified by manufacturer to be compatible with other admixtures and that will not contribute water-soluble chloride ions exceeding those permitted in hardened concrete. Do not use calcium chloride or admixtures containing more than 0.104 chloride ions. 03 3000 / 4 of 19 1. Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494lC 494M, Tlpe A. 2. Retarding Admixture: ASTMC 4941C 494M,Type B. 3. Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494lC 494M, Type D. 4. High-Range, Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 4941C 494M,Type F. 5. High-Range, Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 4941C 494M, Type G. 6. Plasticizing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C l0l7/C l0l7M, Type II. C. Non-Set-Accelerating CorrosionJnhibiting Admixture: Commercially formulated, non-set- accelerating, anodic inhibitor or mixed cathodic and anodic inhibitor; capable of forming a protective barrier and minimizing chloride reactions with steel reinforcement in concrete. 2.7 WATERSTOPS A. Chemically Resistant Flexible Waterstops: Thermoplastic elastomer rubber waterstops for embedding in concrete to prevent passage offluids throughjoints; resistant to oils, solvents, and chemicals. Factory fabricate comers, intersections, and directional changes. l. Products:a) JP Specialties, Inc.; Earth Shield TPE-Rubber. b) Vinylex Corp.; PetroStop.c) WESTEC Barrier Technologies, Inc.; 600 Series TPE-R. 2. Profile: Ribbed with center bulb. 3. Dimensions: 4 inches by 3/16 inch thick; nontapered. 2.8 VAPOR RTTARDERS A. Plastic Vapor Retarder: ASTM E 1745, Class C, or polyethylene sheet, ASTM D 4397, not less than l0 mils thick. Include manufacturer's recommended adhesive or pressure-sensitive joint tape. 2.9 FLOOR AND SLAB TREATMENTS A. Unpigmented Mineral Dry-Shake Floor Hardener: Factory-packaged dry combination of portland cement, graded quartz aggregate, and plasticizing admixture when indicated.. B. Penetrating Liquid Floor Treatment: Clear, chemically reactive, waterborne solution of inor- ganic silicate or siliconate materials and proprietary componentsl odorless; colorless; that penetrates, hardens, and densifies concrete surfaces when indicated. 2,10 CURING MATEzuALS A. Evaporation Retarder: Waterbome, monomolecular film forming, manufactured for applica- tion to fresh concrete. B. Absorptive Cover: AASHTO M 182, Class 2, burlap cloth made from jute or kenall weigh- ing approximately 9 oz./sq. yd. when dry. C. Moisture-Retaining Cover: ASTMC 171, polyethylene film or white burlap-polyethylene sheet. D. Water: Potable. 03 3000 / 5 of l9 E. 2.11 A. B. C. D. Clear, Waterbome, Membrane-Forming Curing Compound: ASTM C 309, Type l, Class B, nondissipating, certified by curing compound manufacturer to not interfere with bonding of floor covering. RELATED MATERIALS Bonding Agent: ASTM C 1059, Type II, non-redispersible, acrylic emulsion or styrene buta- diene. Epoxy Bonding Adhesive: ASTM C 881, two-component epoxy resin, capable of humid cur- ing and bonding to damp surfaces, ofclass suitable for application temperature and of grade to suit requirements, and as follows: I . Types IV and V, load bearing, for bonding hardened or freshly mixed concrete to hard- ened concrete. Reglets: Fabricate reglets ofnot less than 0.0217-inch- thick, galvanized steel sheet. Tempo- rarily fill or cover face opening ofreglet to prevent intrusion ofconcrete or debris. Dovetail Anchor Slots: Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet, not less than 0.0336 inch thick, with bent tab anchors. Temporarily fill or cover face opening ofslots to prevent intrusion ofcon- crete or debris. REPAIR MATERIALS Repair Underlayment: Cement-based, polymer-modified, self-leveling product that can be applied in thicknesses fiom l/8 inch and that can be feathered at edges to match adjacent floor elevations. 1 . Cement Binder: ASTM C 150, portland cement or hydraulic or blended hydraulic ce- ment as defined in ASTM C 219. 2. Primer: Product of underlayment manufacturer recommended for substrate, conditions, and application. 3. Aggregate: Well-graded, washed gravel, l/8 to l/4 inch or coarse sand as recommended by underlayment manufacturer. 4. Compressive Strength: Not less than 4100 psi at 28 days when tested according to ASTM C IO9/C IO9M. 2.12 A 2.13 B. Repair Overlayment: Cement-based, polymer-modified, seltleveling product that can be ap- plied in thicknesses from li8 inch and that can be feathered at edges to match adjacent floor elevations. 1. Cement Binder: ASTM C I 50, portland cement or hydraulic or blended hydraulic ce- ment as defined in ASTM C 219. 2. Primer: Product oftopping manufacturer recommended for substrate, conditions, and application. 3. Aggregate: Well-graded, washed gravel, l/8 to l/4 inch or coarse sand as recommended by topping manufacturer. 4. Compressive Strength: Not less than 5000 psi at 28 days when tested according to ASTMC I OglC IOgM. CONCRETE MIXTURES, GENERAL Prepare design mixtures for each type and strength ofconcrete, proportioned on the basis of laboratory trial mixture or field test data, or both, according to ACI 301. 03 3000 / 6 of l9 B I . Use a qualified independent testing agency for preparing and reporting proposed mixture designs based on laboratory trial mixtures. Cementitious Materials: Limit percentage, by weight, of cementitious materials other than portland cement in concrete as follows: l. Fly Ash: 25 percent. 2. Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag: 50 percent. Limit water-soluble, chloride-ion content in hardened concrete to 0.06 percent by weight of cement. Admixtures: Use admixtures according to manufacturer's written instructions. l Use water-reducing high-range water-reducing or plasticizing admixture in concrete, as required, for placement and workability. 2. Use water-reducing and retarding admixture when required by high temperatures, low humidity, or other adverse placement conditions. 3. Use corrosion-inhibiting admixture in concrete mixtures when indicated. Color Pigment: Add color pigment to concrete mixture according to manufacturer's written instructions and to result in hardened concrete color consistent with approved mockup. CONCRETE MIXTURES FOR NON-ENVIRONMENTAL BUILDING ELEMENTS Footings: Proportion normal-weight concrete mixture as follows: I . Minimum Compressive Strength: 4000 psi at 28 days. 2. SlumpLimit:4inches;Sinchesforconcretewithverifiedslumpof2to4inchesbefore adding high-range water-reducing admixture or plasticizing admixture, plus or minus I inch. 3. Air Content: 6 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent at point of delivery. Foundation Walls: Proportion normal-weight concrete mixture as follows: l. Minimum Compressive Strength: 4000 psi at 28 days. 2. Slump Limit: 4 inches; 8 inches for concrete with verified slump of 2 to 4 inches before adding high-range water-reducing admixture or plasticizing admixture, plus or minus I inch. 3. Air Content: 6 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent at point of delivery. Slabs-on-Grade: Proportion normal-weight concrete mixture as follows: 1. Minimum Compressive Strength: 4000 psi at 28 days. 2. Slump Limit: 4 inches, plus or minus I inch. 3. Air Content: Do not allow air content oftroweled finished floors to exceed 3 percent. 4. Synthetic Fiber: Uniformly disperse in concrete mixture at manufacturer's recommended rate, but not less than I .5 lb/cu. yd. Suspended Slabs: Proportion normal-weight concrete mixture as follows: l. Minimum Compressive Strength: 4000 psi at 28 days. 2. Slump Limit: 4 inches, plus or minus I inch. C D E 2.t4 A B D 03 3000 / 7 of 19 C. 03 3000 / 8 of l9 3. Air Content: Do not allow air content of troweled finished floors to exceed 3 percent. 4. Synthetic Fiber: Uniformly disperse in concrete mixture at manufacturer's recommended rate, but not less than 1.5 lb/cu. yd. E. Concrete Toppings: Proportion normal-weight concrete mixture as follows: l. Minimum Compressive Strength: 4000 psi at 28 days. 2. Slump Limit: 4 inches, plus or minus I inch. 3. Air Content: Do not allow air content oftroweled finished toppings to exceed 3 percent. 4. Synthetic Fiber: Uniformly disperse in concrete mixture at manufacturer's recommended rate, but not less than I .5 lb/cu. yd. 2.15 CONCRETE MIXES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND LIQUID RETAINING STRUCTURES A. Footings: Proportion normal-weight concrete mixture as follows: 1. Minimum Compressive Strengtl: 4000 psi at 28 days. 2. Slump Limit: 4 inches; 8 inches for concrete with verified slump of 2 to 4 inches before adding high range water-reducing or plasticizing admixture, plus or minus I inch. 3. Air Content: 6 percent plus or minus 1.5 percent at point of delivery. B. All other concrete: Proportion normal weight concrete mixture as follows: l Minimum compressive strength: 4000 psi at28 days. 2. Maximum Water-Cementitious Material Ratio: 0.45. 3. Minimum Cementitious Materials Content: 540 lbs/cu. yd. 4. Slump Limit: 4 inches plus or minus I inch. 5. Air Content: 6 percent plus orminus 1.5 percent at point of delivery. Do notallow air content oftroweled finished floors to exceed 3 percent 2.16 FABRICATINGREINFORCEMENT A. Fabricate steel reinforcement according to CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice." 2.17 CONCRETE MIXING A. Ready-Mixed Concrete: Measure, batch, mix, and deliver concrete according to ASTM C 94lC 94N|., and fumish batch ticket information. I . When air temperature is between 85 and 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time from l-l/2 hours to 75 minutes; when air temperature is above 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. 3. EXECI]TION 3.I FORMWORK A. Design, erect, shore, brace, and maintain formwork, according to ACI 301, to support verti- cal, lateral, static, and dynamic loads, and construction loads that might be applied, until structure can support such loads. B. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are ofsize, shape, alignment, eleva- tion, and position indicated, within tolerance limits of ACI 117. C. Limit concrete surface irregularities, desigrated by ACI 347R as abrupt or gradual, as fol- lows: l. Class A, 1/8 inch for smooth-formed finished surfaces. 2. Class B, l/4 inch for rough-formed finished surfaces. D. Construct forms tight enough to prevent loss of concrete mortar. E. Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prying against concrete surfaces. Provide crush or wrecking plates where shipping may damage cast concrete surfaces. Pro- vide top forms for inclined surfaces steeper than 1.5 horizontal to I vertical. I . Install keyrvays, reglets, recesses, and the like, for easy removal. 2. Do not use rust-stained steel form-facing material. F. Set edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed strips for slabs to achieve required eleva- tions and slopes in finished concrete surfaces. Provide and secure units to support screed strips; use strike-off templates or compacting-type screeds. G. Provide temporary openings for cleanouts and inspection ports where interior area of form- work is inaccessible. Close openings with panels tightly fitted to forms and securely braced to prevent loss ofconcrete mortar. Locate temporary openings in forms at inconspicuous lo- cations. H. Chamfer exterior comers aad edges of permanently exposed concrete. I. Form openings, chases, offsets, sinkages, keyways, reglets, blocking, screeds, and bulkheads required in the Work. Determine sizes and locations fiom trades providing such items. J. Clean forms and adjacent surfaces to receive concrete. Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt, and other debrisjust before placing concrete. K. Retighten forms and bracing before placing concr€te, as required, to prevent mortar leaks and maintain proper alignment. L. Coat contact surfaces of forms with form-release agent, according to manufacturer's written instructions, before placing reinforcement. 3.2 EMBEDDED ITEMS A. Place and secure anchorage devices and other embedded items required for adjoining work that is attached to or supported by cast-in-place concrete. Use setting drawings, templates, diagrams, instructions, and directions furnished with items to be embedded. l. lnstall anchor rods, accurately located, to elevations required and complying with toler- ances in Section 7.5 of AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridg- es-" 2. Install reglets to receive waterproofing and to receive through-wall flashings in outer face ofconcrete frame at exterior walls, where flashing is shown at lintels, shelfangles, and other conditions. 3. lnstall dovetail anchor slots in concrete stuctures as indicated. 03 3000 / 9 of 19 3.3 REMOVING AND REUSING FORMS A. General: Formwork for sides of beams, walls, columns, and similar parts of the Work that does not support weight ofconcrete may be removed after cumulatively curing at not less than 50 deg F for 24 hours after placing concrete, ifconcrete is hard enough to not be dam- aged by form-removal operations and curing and protection operations are maintained. L Leave formwork for beam soIfrts, joists, slabs, and other structural elements that supports weight ofconcrete in place until concrete has achieved at least 75 percent of its 28-day design compressive strength. 2. Remove forms only ifshores have been arranged to permit removal of forms without loosening or disturbing shores. B. Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be reused in the Work. Split, frayed, delaminated, or otherwise damaged form-facing material will not be acceptable for exposed surfaces. Apply new form-release agent. C. When forms are reused, clean surfaces, remove fins and laitance, and tighten to close joints. Align and securejoints to avoid offsets. Do not use patched forms for exposed concrete sur- faces unless approved by Engineer. 3.4 SHORES AND RESHORES A. Comply with ACI 3l8andACl 301 for design, installation, and removal of shoring and reshoring. l. Do not remove shoring or reshoring until measurement of slab tolerances is complete. B. In multistory construction, extend shoring or reshoring over a sufficient number ofstories to distribute loads in such a manner that no floor or member will be excessively loaded or will induce tensile stress in concrete members without sufficient steel reinforcement. C. Plan sequence ofremoval ofshores and reshore to avoid damage to concrete. Locate and provide adequate reshoring to support construction without excessive stress or deflection. 3.5 VAPOR RETARDERS A. Plastic Vapor Retarders: Place, protect, and repair vapor retarders according to ASTM E 1643 and manufacturer's written instructions. l. Lap joints 6 inches and seal with manufacturer's recommended tape. 3.6 STEEL REINFORCEMENT A. General: Comply with CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice" for placing reinforcement. l. Do not cut or puncture vapor retarder. Repair damage and reseal vapor retarder before placing concrete. B. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other foreign materials that would reduce bond to concrete. C. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement. Locat€ and support reinforcement with bar supports to maintain minimum concrete cover. Do not tack weld crossing reinforcing bars. I . Weld reinforcing bars according to AWS D1.4, where indicated. D. Set wire ties with ends directed into concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces. 03 3000 / l0 of 19 E. Install welded wire reinforcement in longest practicable lengths on bar supports spaced to minimize sagging. Lap edges and ends ofadjoining sheets at least one mesh spacing. Offset laps of adjoining sheet widths to prevent continuous laps. Lace overlaps with wire. 3.7 JOINTS A. General: Constructjoints true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. B. Construction Joints: Install so strengh and appearance ofconcrete are not impaired, at loca- tions indicated or as approved by Engineer. l. Placejoints perpendicular to main reinforcement. Continue reinforcement across con- struction joints, unless otherwise indicated. Do not continue reinforcement through sides of strip placements of floors and slabs. 2. Form keyedjoints as indicated. Embed keys at least l-ll2 inches into concrete. 3. Locate joints for beams, slabs,joists, and girders inthe middle third ofspans. Offset joints in girders a minimum distance of twice the beam width fiom a beam-girder inter- section. 4. Locate horizontal joints in walls and columns at underside offloors, slabs, beams, and girders and at the top of footings or floor slabs. 5. Space verticaljoints in walls as indicated. Locatejoints beside piers integral with walls, near comers! and in concealed locations where possible. 6. Use a bonding agent at locations where fiesh concrete is placed against hardened or par- tially hardened concrete surfaces. 7. Use epoxy-bonding adhesive at locations where fresh concrete is placed against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces. C. Isolation Joints in Slabs-on-Grade: After removing formwork, install bond break strips at slabjunctions with vertical surfaces, such as column pedestals, foundation walls, grade beams, and other locations, as indicated. I . Extend bond break strips full width and depth ofjoint, terminating flush with finished concrete surface, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Terminate full-width bond break strips not less than l/2 inch or more than I inch below finished concrete surface wherejoint sealants, specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants," are indicated. 3. Install bond break strips in lengths as long as practicable. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip sections together. D. Doweled Joints: Install dowel bars and support assemblies at joints where indicated. Lubri- cate or asphalt coat one-halfofdowel length to prevent concrete bonding to one side ofjoint. 3.8 WATERSTOPS A. Flexible Waterstops: Install in construction joints and at otherjoints indicated to form a con- tinuous diaphragm. Install in longest lengths practicable. Support and protect exposed waterstops during progress ofthe Work. Field fabricate j oints in waterstops according to manufacturer's written instructions. B. Self-Expanding Strip Waterstops: Install in construction joints and at other locations indicat- ed, according to manufacturer's written instructions, adhesive bonding, mechanically fas- tening, and firmly pressing into place. Install in longest lengths practicable. 033000/llof19 3.9 CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Before placing concrete, veriry that installation of formwork, reinforcement, and embedded items is complete and that required inspections have been performed. B. Notifu Soils Engineer to permit inspection of sub-base a minimtm of 24 hours prior to placement ofreinforcing steel and concrete. Soils Engineer shall inspect and approve all foundation subgrades prior to placing concrete (See Division 2). C. Notifi lnspection service to permit inspection of reinforcing steel a minimum of 24 hours prior to concrete placement. Noti$ Owner 24 hours prior to any scheduled concrete pour. D. Before placing concrete, water may be added at Project site, subject to limitations ofACI 30r. l. Do not add water to concrete after adding high-range water-reducing admixtures to mix. E. Deposit concrete continuously in one layer or in horizontal layers ofsuch thickness that no new concrete will be placed on concrete that has hardened enough to cause seams or planes ofweakness. Ifa section cannot be placed continuously, provide construction joints as indi- cated. Deposit concrete to avoid segregation. l. Deposit concrete in horizontal layers ofdepth to not exceed formwork design pressures and in a manner to avoid inclined construction joints. 2. Consolidate placed concrete with mechanical vibrating equipment according to ACI 301 . 3. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators vertically at uniformly spaced locations to rapidly p€netrate placed layer and at least 6 inches into preceding layer. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers ofconcrete that have begun to lose plasticity. At each insertion, limit duration ofvibration to time neces- sary to consolidate concrete and complete embedment of reinforcement and other em- bedded items without causing mixture constituents to segregate. F. Deposit and consolidate concrete for floors and slabs in a continuous operation, within limits of construction joints, until placement ofa panel or section is complete. I . Consolidate concrete during placement operations so concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcement and other embedded items and into comers. 2. Maintain reinforcement in position on chairs during concrete placement. 3. Screed slab surlaces with a straightedge and strike offto correct elevations. 4. Slope surfaces uniformly to drains where required. 5. Begin initial floating using bull floats or darbies to form a uniform and open-textured sur- face plane, before excess bleedwater appears on the srrrface Do not ftrther disturb slab surfaces before starting fi nishing operations. G. Cold-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 306.1 and as follows. Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength that could be caused by frost, fieezing actions, or low temperatures. l. When average high and low temperature is expected to fall below 40 deg F for three suc- cessive days, maintain delivered concrete mixture temperature within the temperature range required by ACI 301 . 2. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. Do not place concrete on frozen subgrade or on subgrade containing frozen materials. 03 3000 / 12 of 19 H 3.10 A. B. 3.1 I 3. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, or other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators unless otherwise specified and approved in mixture designs. Hot-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 301 and as follows: 1. Maintain concrete temperature below 90 deg F at time of placement. Chilled mixing wa- ter or chopped ice may be used to control temperature, provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Using liquid nitrogen to cool concrete is Contractor's option. 2. Fog-spray forms, steel reinforcement, and subgrade j ust before placing concrete. Keep subgrade uniformly moist without standing water, soft spots, or dry areas. FINISHING FORMED SURFACES Forms used for formed concrete shall produce a smooth formed finish. Smooth-Formed Finish: As-cast concrete texture imparted by form-facing material, arranged in an orderly and synmetrical manner with a minimum of seams. Repair and patch tie holes and defects. Remove fins and other projections that exceed specified limits on formed- surface irregularities. I . Apply to concrete surfaces to receive a rubbed finish and to be covered with a coating or covering material applied directly to concrete. C. Rubbed Finish: Apply the following to smooth-formed finished as-cast concrete where indi- cated: 1. Grout-Cleaned Finish: Wet concrete surfaces and apply grout ofa consistency ofthick paint to coat surfaces and fill small holes. Mix one part portland c€ment to one and one- half parts fine sand with a l:1 mixture of bonding admixture and water. Add white port- land cement in amounts determined by trial patches so color ofdry grout will match adja- cent surfaces. Scrub grout into voids and remove excess grout. When grout whitens, rub surface with clean burlap and keep surface damp by fog spray for at least 36 hours. 2. Apply to concrete surlaces exposed to view or permanently exposed to process liquids. D. Related Unformed Surfaces: At tops of walls, horizontal offsets, and similar unformed sur- faces adjacent to formed surfaces, strike off smooth and finish with a texture matching adja- cent formed surfaces. Continue final surface treatment of formed surfaces uniformlv across adjacent unformed surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. FINISHING FLOORS AND SLABS A. General: Comply with ACI 302. I R recommendations for screeding, restraightening, and fin- ishing operations for concrete surfaces. Do not wet concrete surfaces. B. Scratch Finish: While still plastic, texture concrete surface that has been screeded and bull- floated or darbied. Use stiffbrushes, brooms, or rakes to produce a profile amplitude of 1/4 inch in I direction. I . Apply scratch finish to surfaces indicated and to receive: concrete floor toppings; to re- ceive mortar setting beds for bonded cementitious floor finishes. C. Float Finish: Consolidate surface with power-driven {loats orby hand floating ifarea is small or inaccessible to power driven floats. Restraighten, cut down high spots, and fill low spots. Repeat float passes and restraightening until surface is left with a uniform, smooth, granular texture- 03 3000 i l3 of l9 03 3000 / 14 of l9 I . Apply float finish to surfaces indicated to receive trowel finish and to be covered with fluid-applied or sheet waterproofing, built-up or membrane roofing, or s and-bed tenuzo. D. Trowel Finish: After applying float finish, apply first troweling and consolidate concrete by hand or power-driven trowel. Continue troweling passes and restraighten until surface is free of trowel marks and uniform in texture and appearance. Grind smooth any surface defects that would telegraph through applied coatings or floor coverings. I . Apply a trowel finish to surfaces indicated exposed to view or to be covered with resilient flooring, carpet, ceramic or quarry tile set over a cleavage membrane, paint, or another thin-fi lm-fi nish coating system. 2. Finish and measure surface so gap at any point between concrete surface and an un- leveled, freestanding, l0-foot- long straightedge resting on 2 high spots and placed any- where on the surface does not exceed 1/8 inch E. Broom Finish: Apply a broom finish to exterior concrete platforms, steps, and ramps, and elsewhere as indicated- I . Immediately after trowel finishing, slightly roughen trafficked surface by brooming with fiber-bristle broom perpendicular to main traffic route. Coordinate required final finish with Engineer before application. F. Dry-Shake Floor Hardener Finish: After initial floating, apply dry-shake floor hardener to surfaces according to manufacturer's written instructions and as follows: l. Uniformly apply dry-shake floor hardener at a rate of 100 lb/l00sq. ft. uoless greater amount is recommended by manufacturer. 2. Uniformly distribute approximately two-thirds of dry-shake floor hardener over surface by hand or with mechanical spread€r, and embed by power floating. Follow power float- ing with a second dry-shake floor hardener application, uniformly distributing remainder of material, and embed by power floating. 3. After final floating, apply a trowel finish. Cure concrete with curing compound recom- mended by dry-shake floor hardener manufacturer and apply immediately after final fin- ishing. 3.12 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE ITEMS A. Filling In: Fill in holes and openings left in concrete structures, unless otherwise indicated, after work of other trades is in place. Mix, place, and cure concrete, as specified, to blend with in-place construction. Provide other miscellaneous concrete filling indicated or required to complete t}re Work. B. Curbs: Provide monolithic finish to interior curbs by stripping forms while concrete is still green and by steel-troweling surfaces to a hard, dense tinish with comers, intersections, and terminations slightly rounded. C. Equipment Bases and Foundations: Provide machine and equipment bases and foundations as shown on Drawings. Set anchor bolts for machines and equipment at correct elevations, complying with diagrams or templates from manufacturer fumishing machines and equip- ment. D. Steel Pan Stairs: Provide concrete fill for steel pan stair treads, landings, and associated items. Cast-in inserts and accessories as shown on Drawings. Screed, tamp, and trowel- fi nish concrete surfaces. 3.13 A. B. C. D. E. 3.14 A. CONCRETE PROTECTING AND CURING General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Comply with ACI 306.1 for cold-weather protection and ACI 301 for hot- weather protection during curing. Evaporation Retarder: Apply evaporation retarder to unformed concrete surfaces if hot, dry, or windy conditions cause moisture loss approaching 0.2 lb/sq. ft. x h before and during fin- ishing operations. Apply according to manufacturer's written instructions after placing, screeding, and bull floating or darbying concrete, but before float finishing. Formed Surfaces: Cure formed concrete surfaces, including underside ofbeams, supported slabs, and other similar surfaces. If forms remain during curing period, moist cure after loos- ening forms. If removing forms before end of curing period, continue curing for the remain- der of the curing period. Unformed Surfaces: Begin curing immediately after finishing concrete. Cure unformed sur- faces, including floors and slabs, concrete floor toppings, and other surfaces. Cure concrete according to ACI 308, by one or a combination ofthe following methods: l. Moisture Curing: Keep surfaces continuously moist for not Iess than seven days with the following materials: a) Water. b) Continuous water-fog spray. c) Absorptive cover, water saturated, and kept continuously wet. Cover concrete sur- faces and edges with l2-inch lap over adjacent absorptive covers. 2. Moisture-Retaining-Cover Curing: Cover concrete surfaces with moisture-retaining cov- er for curing concrete, placed in widest practicable width, with sides and ends lapped at least 12 inches, and sealed by waterprooftape or adhesive. Cure for not less than seven days. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover material and waterproof tape. a) Moisture cure or use moisture-retaining covers to cure concrete surfaces to receive penetrating liquid fl oor treatments. b) Cure concrete surfaces to receive floor coverings with either a moisture-retaining cover or a curing compound that the manufacturer certifies will not interfere with bonding of floor covering used on Project.. 3. Curing Compound: Apply uniformly in continuous operation by power spray orroller according to manufacturer's written instructions. Recoat areas subjected to healy rainfall within three hours after initial application. Maintain continuity ofcoating and repair damage during curing period. a) After curing period has elapsed, remove curing compound without damaging con- crete surfaces by method recommended by curing compound manufacturer unless manufacturer certifies curing compound will not interfere with bonding offloor cov- ering used on Project. LIQUID FLOOR TREATMENTS Penetrating Liquid Floor Treatment: Prepare, apply, and finish pen€trating liquid floor treat- ment according to manufacturer's written instructions. l. Remove curing compounds, sealers, oil, dirt, laitance, and other contaminants and com- plete surface repairs. 2. Do not apply to concrete that is less than 28 days' old. 03 3000 / 15 of 19 03 3000 / l6 of l9 3. Apply liquid until surface is saturated, scrubbing into surface until a gel forms; rewet; and repeat brooming or scrubbing. Rinse with water; remove excess material until sur- face is dry. Apply a second coat in a similar manner if surface is rough or porous. B. Sealing Coat: Uniformly appty a continuous sealing coat ofcuring and sealing compound to hardened concrete by power spray or roller according to manufacturer's written instructions. 3.15 CONCRETE SUR-FACE REPAIRS A. Defective Concrete: Repair and patch defective areas when approved by Engineer. Remove and replace concrete that cannot be repaired and patched to Engineer's approval. B. Patching Mortar: Mix dry-pack patching mortar, consisting of one part portland cement to two and one-half parts fine aggregate passing a No. l6 sieve, using only enough water for handling and placing. C. Repairing Formed Surfaces: Surface defects include color and texture irregularities, cracks, spalls, air bubbles, honeycombs, rock pockets, fins and other projections on the surface, and stains and other discolorations that cannot be removed by cleaning. I . Immediately after form removal, cut out honeycombs, rock pockets, and voids more than l/2 inch in any dimension in solid concrete, but not less than I inch in depth. Make edg- es ofcuts perpendicular to concrete surface. Clean, dampen with water, and brush-coat holes and voids with bonding agent. Fill and compact with patching mortar before bond- ing agent has dried. Fill formtie voids with patching mortar or cone plugs secured in place with bonding agent. 2. Repair defects on surfaces exposed to view by blending white portland cement and stand- ard portland cement so that, when dry, patching mortar will match surrounding color. Patch a test area at inconspicuous locations to verify mixture and color match before pro- ceeding with patching. Compact mortar in place and strike off slightly higher than sur- rounding surface. 3. Repair defects on concealed formed surfaces that affect concrete's durability and structur- al performance as determined by Engineer. D. Repairing Unformed Surfaces: Test unformed surfaces, such as floors and slabs, for finish and verifu surface tolerances specified for each surface. Correct low and high areas. Test surfaces sloped to drain for trueness ofslope and smoothness; use a sloped template. I . Repair finished surfaces containing defects. Surface defects include spalls, popouts, hon- eycombs, rock pockets, crazing and cracks in excess of 0.01 inch wide or that penetrate to reinforcement or completely through unreinforced sections regardless of width, and other objectionable conditions. 2. After concrete has cnred at least l4 days, correct high areas by grinding. 3. Correct localized low areas during or immediately after completing surface finishing op- erations by cutting out low areas and replacing with patching mortar. Finish repaired ar- eas to blend into adjacent concrete. 4. Correct other low areas scheduled to receive floor coverings with a repair underlayment. Prepare, mix, and apply repair underlayment and primer according to manufactureCs written instructions to produce a smooth, uniform, plane, and level surface. Feather edg- es to match adjacent floor elevations. 5. Conect other low areas scheduled to remain exposed with a repair topping. Cut out low areas to ensure a minimum repair topping depth of l/4 inch to match adjacent floor eleva- E F tions. Prepare, mix, and apply repair topping and primer according to manufacturer's written instructions to produce a smooth, uniform, plane, and level surface. 6. Repair defective areas, except random cracks and single holes I inch or less in diameter, by cutting out and replacing with fiesh concrete. Remove defective areas with clean, square cuts and expose steel reinforcement with at least a 3/4-inch clearance all around. Dampen concrete surfaces in contact with patching concrete and apply bonding agent. Mix patching concrete of same materials and mixture as original concrete except without coarse aggregate. Place, compact, and finish to blend with adjacent finished concrete. Cure in same mamer as adjacent concrete. 7. Repair random cracks and single holes I inch or less in diameter with patching mortar. Groove top of cracks and cut out holes to sound concrete and clean offdust, dirt, and loose particles- Dampen cleaned concrete surfaces and apply bonding agent. Place patching mortar before bonding agent has dried. Compact patching mortar and finish to match adjacent concrete. Keep patched area continuously moist for at least 72 hours. Perform structural repairs of concrete, subject to Engineer's approval, using epoxy adhesive and patching mortar. Repair materials and installation not specified above may be used, subject to Engineer's ap- proval. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing and lnspecting: Contractor will engage a special inspector and qualified testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections and prepare test reports. Testing Agency shall provide certification offield and laboratory technicians for qualifications re- quired in ACI 318-08, Section 5.6.1. Inspections: l. Steel reinforcement placement. 2. Steel reinforcement welding. 3. Headed bolts and studs. 4. Verification ofuse ofrequired design mixture. 5. Concrete placement, including conveying and depositing. 6. Curing procedures and maintenance ofcuring temperature. 7. Verification of concrete strength before removal ofshores and forms from beams and slabs. 3.16 A. B C. Concrete Tests: Testing ofcomposite samples offiesh concrete obtained according to ASTM C 172, as modified in these specifications, shall be performed according to the follow- ing requirements: l. Testing Frequency: Obtain one composite sample for each day's pour ofeach concrete mixture exceeding 5 cu. yd., but less than 25 cu. yd., plus one set for each additional 50 cu. yd. or fiaction thereof. a) When frequency of testing will provide fewer than five compressive-strength tests for each concrete mixture, testing shall be conducted fiom at least five randomly selected batches or fiom each batch if fewer than five are used. 03 3000 / l7 of 19 2. Slump: ASTM C 1431C l43M; one test at point of placement for each composite sample, but not less than one test for each day's pour of each concrete mixture. Perform addition- al tests when concrete consistency appears to change. 3. Air Content: ASTM C 231, pressure method, for normal-weight concrete; one test for each composite sample, but not less than one test for each day's pour ofeach concrete mixture. 4. Concrete Temperature: ASTM C 10641C 1064M1' one test hourly when air temperature is 40 deg F and below and when 80 deg F and above, and one test for each composite sam- ple. 5. Compression Test Specimens: ASTMC 3llC 3lM. Samples shall be taken from con- crete pump discharge hose when concrete is transported by concrete pump. a) Cast and laboratory cure two sets oftwo 6 x 12 cylinder specimens or two sets of three 4 x 8 cylinder specimens for each composite sample. Test specimen size shall be agreed upon by A,/E and testing agency before construction. b) Cast and field cure two sets ofcylinder specimens for each composite sample for formed elevated slab or beam elements. 6. Compressive-Strength Tests: ASTM C 39-05. a) 6x12 Specimens: Test one set of two laboratory-cured specimens at 7 days and one set of two specimens at 28 days. b) 4 x 8 Specimens: Test one set ofthree laboratory-cured specimens at 7 days and one set of three specimens at 28 days.c) A compressive-strength test shall be the average compressive strength from a set of specimens obtained fiom same composite sample and tested at age indicated. 7. When strength offield-cured cylinders is less than 85 percent of companion laboratory- cured cylinders, Contractor shall evaluate operations and provide conective procedures for protecting and curing in-place concrete. 8. Strength ofeach concrete mixture will be satisfactory ifevery average ofany three con- secutive compressive-strength tests equals or exceeds specified compressive strength and no compressive-strength test value falls below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi. 9. Test results shall be reported in writing to Engineer, concrete manufacturer, and Contrac- tor within 48 hours oftesting. Reports of compressive-strength tests shall contain Project identification name and number, date ofconcrete placement, name of concrete testing and inspecting agency, Iocation of concrete batch in Work, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mixture proportions and materials, compressive breaking strength, and type ofbreak for both 7- and 28-day tests. 10. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permitted by Engineer but will not be used as sole basis for approval or rejection of concrete. 11. Additional Tests: Testing and inspecting agency shall make additional tests ofconcrete when test results indicate that slump, air entrainment, compressive strengths, or other re- quirements have not been met, as directed by Engineer. Testing and inspecting agency may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42lC 42M or by other methods as directed by Engineer. 12. Additional testing and inspecting will be at Contractor's expense. 03 3000 / 18 of 19 13. Correct deficiencies in the Work that test reports and inspections indicate dos not comply with the Contract Documents. END OF SECTION 03 3000 / 19 of 19 1. GENER{L 1.I DI]SCRIPTION A. Scope: l. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals as shown, specified and required to fumish and install grout. 2. The types of grout include the following: a) Non-Shrink Grout: This R?e of grout is to be used wherever grout is shown in the Contract Documents, unless another qpe is specifically referenced. Two classes of non-shrink grout (Class I and II) and areas ofapplication are specified herein. b) Non-Shrink Epoxy Grout (Class III). c) Grout Fill, Topping Grout. d) Construction Joint Grout. B. Application: The following is a listing oftypical applications and the corresponding type of grout, which is to be used. Unless otherwise indicated, grouts shall be provided as listed below whether called for on the Drawings or not. Application Type ofGrout Beam and column (1 or 2 story) base plates and precast concrete bearing less than 16-inches in the least dimension. Column base plates and precast concrete bearing (greater than 2 story or larger than 16- inches in the least dimension). Base plates for storage tanks and other non- motorized equipment and machinery less than 30 horsepower. Machinery over 30 horsepower and equipment under 30 horsepower but subject to severe shock loads and high vibration. Toppings and concrete fill greater than 4-inches thick. Non-shrink Class ll Non-shrink Class I. Type of Grout Non-shrink CIass IIl. Non-shrink Class II (Class I where placement time exceeds l5 minutes). Class "A" Concrete in accordance with Section 03 3000, Cast-ln- Place Concrete. Toppings and concrete fill less than 4-inches thick. Grout Fill, Topping Grout. 03 6000/ 1 of 8 SECTION 03 6000 GROUT Apolication Filling block out spaces for embedded items such as railing posts, gate guide frames, etc. Non-shrink Class l. Any application not listed above, where grout is called for on the Drawings. Refer to Section 03 1500, Adhesive Anchors. Non-shrink Class I, unless noted otherwise. 1 .2 REFERENCF,S 1.3 A. Standards referenced in this Section are listed below: l. American Concrete Institute, (ACI). a) ACI 2l l.l, Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete. b) ACI 301, Specification for Structural Concrete (Includes ASTM Standards referred to herein). 2. American Society for Testing ald Materials, (ASTM). a) ASTM C 33, Specification for Concrete Aggregates. b) ASTM C 109, Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (using 2 in. or 50 mm. Cube Specimens). c) ASTM C 150, Specification for Portland Cement. d) ASTM C 230, Specification for Flow Table for use in Tests ofHydraulic Cement. e) ASTM C 53 l, Test Method for Linear Shrinkage and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Chemical- Resistant Mortars, Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacings. 0 ASTM C 579, Test Method for Compressive Strength of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, Monolithic Surfacings and Polymer Concretes.g) ASTM C 827, Test Method for Early Volume Change of Cementations Mixtures.h) ASTM C 882, Test Method for Bond Strength of Epoxy-Resin Systems Used with Concrete. D ASTM C 937, Specification for Grout Fluidifier for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete.j) ASTM C 939, Text Method for Flow ofGrout for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone Method).k) ASTM C 1107, Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout (Non- shrink). D ASTM C I l8l, Test Method for Compressive Creep of Chemical-Resistant Polymer Machinery Grouts. m) ASTM D 696, Test Method for Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of Plastics. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Field Tests: 1 . Compression test specimens will be taken during consfuction from the first placement of each type of grou! and at intervals thereafter as selected by the ENGINEER to ensure continued compliance with these Specifications. The specimens will be made by the ENGINEER or its representative. 2. Compression tests and fabrication ofspecimens for non-shrink grout will be performed as specified in ASTM C 109 at intervals during construction as selected by the ENGINEER. A set of three specimens will be made for testing at seven days, 28 days, and each additional time period as appropriate. 3. Compression tests and fabrication of specimens for epoxy grout will be performed as specified in ASTM C 579, Method B, at intervals during construction as selected by the 036000/2of8 All anchor bolts and reinforcing ste€l set in grout. 1.4 A. B. 1.5 A. B. 2.1 A B ENGINEER. A set of three specimens will be made for testing at seven days, and each earlier time period as appropriate. 4. The cost of all laboratory tests on grout will be borne by the OWNER" but CONTRACTOR shall assist the ENGINEER in obtaining specimens for testing. However, CONTRACTOR shall be charged for the cost of any additional tests and investigation on Work performed which does not conform to the requirements ofthe Specifications. CONTRACTOR shall supply all materials necessary for fabricating the test specimens. SUBMITTALS Shop Drawings: Submit the following: 1. For Grout Fill, copies of grout design mix and laboratory test reports for grout strength tests. Reports and Certificates, submit for approval the following: l. For proprietary materials, submit copies of manufacturer's certification ofcompliance with the specified properties for Class I, II, and III grouts. 2. Submit certified testing lab reports for ASTM C 1107, Grade B and Grade C (as revised herein) requirements for Class I and ll grouts tested at a fluid consistency for temperatures of45,73.4,90"F with a pot life of30 minutes at fluid consistency. 3. Submit certification that materials conform to the Specifications requirements for nonproprietary materials. 4. Submit certifications that all grouts used oo the project are free ofchlorides or other chemicals causing corrosion. 5. Manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for all proprietary materials. PRODUCT DELTVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Delivery of Materials: Grout materials from manufacturers shall be delivered in unopened containers and shall bear intact manufacturer's labels. Storage of Materials: Grout materials shall be stored in a dry shelter and shall be protected from moisture. 2. PRODUCTS GROUTS General: Non-shrink grout shall be a prepackaged, inorganic, flow able, non-gas-liberating, non-metallic, cement-based grout requiring only the addition of water. Manufacturer's instructions shall be printed on each bag or other container in which the materials are packaged. The specific formulation for each class ofnon-shrink grout specified herein shall be that recommended by the manufacturer for the application. Class I, Non-Shrink Grout: I . Class I, non-shrink grouts shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 7,000 psi. This grout is for precision grouting and where water-tightness and non-shrink reliability in both plastic and hardened states are critical. Refer to areas ofapplication as specified herein. 03 6000/3 of8 2. Shall meet the requirements of ASTM C I 107 Grade C and B (as modified below) when tested using the amount of water required to achieve the following properties:a) Fluid consistency (20 to 30 seconds) in accordance with ASTM C 939.b) At temperatures of45, 73.4, and 95'F. 3. The length change ,iom placement to time of final set shall not have a shrinkage greater than the amount of expansion measured at 3 or 14 days. The expansion at 3 or 14 days shall not exceed the 28-day expansion. 4. The non-shrink property is not based on a chemically generated gas or gypsum expansion. Fluid grout shall pass through the flow cone, with a continuous flow, one hour after mixing. 6. Products and Manufacturer: Provide one ofthe following: a) Masterflow 928, as manufactured by Master Builders, Inc. b) Five Star Grout, as manufactured by Five Star Products, Inc. c) Hi-Flow Grout, as manufactured by the Euclid Chemical Company.d) Or equal. C. Class II Non-Shrink Grout: I . Class II, non-shrink grouts shall have a minimum 28-day compressive str€ngth of 7,000 psi. This grout is for general purpose grouting applications as specified herein. 2. Shall meet the requirements of ASTM C I 107 and the following requirements when tested using the amount of water required to achieve the following properties: a) Flowable consistency (140 percent flow on ASTM C 230, five drops in 30 seconds). b) Fluid working time of at least 15 minutes. c) Flowable for at least 30 minutes. 3. The grout when tested shall not bleed at maximum allowed water- 4. The non-shrink property is not based on a chemically generated gas or gypsum expansion. 5. Products and Manufacturer: Provide one ofthe following: a) Set Grout, as manufactured by Master Builders, Inc. b) NBEC Grout, as manufactured by Five Star Products, Inc. c) NS Grout, as manufactured by the Euclid Chemical Company. d) Or equal. D. Class III Non-Shrink Epoxy Grout: l. Epoxy grout shall be a pourable, non-shrink, 100 percent solids system. The epoxy gout system shall have three components: resin, hardener, and specially blended aggregate, all premeasured and prepackaged. The resin component shall not contain any non-reactive diluents. Resins containing butyl glycidyl ether (BGE) or other highly volatile and hazardous reactive diluents are not acceptable. Variation ofcomponent ratios is not permitted, unless specifically recommended by the manufacturer. Manufacturer's instructions shall be printed on each container in which the materials are packaged. The following properties shall be attained with the minimum quantity ofaggregate allowed by the manufacturer. 2. Products and Manufacturer: Provide one ofthe following: a) Euco High Strengh Grout, as manufactured by The Euclid Chemical Company. b) Sikadur 42 Grout Pak, as manufactured by Sika Corporation. 5 036000/4of8 c) Five Star Epoxy Grout, as manufactured by Five Star Products, lncorporated.d) Or equal. 3. The vertical volume change at all times before hardening shall be betwe€n 0.0 percent shrinkage and 4.0 percent expansion when measured according to ASTM C 827 (modified for epoxy grouts by using an indicator ball with a specific gravity between 0.9 and 1.1). Altemately, epoxy $outs which maintain an effective bearing area ofnot less than 95 percent are acceptable. 4. The length change after hardening shall be negligible (less than 0.0006 iniin) and the coefficient ofthermal expansion shall be less than 0.00003 in/in/F when tested in accordance to the requirements ofASTM C 531. 5. The compressive creep at one year shall be negligible (less than .001 in/in) when tested under a 400-psi constant load at l40oF in accordance to the requirements ofASTM C I l8l. 6. The seven-day compressive strength shall be a minimum of 14,000 psi when tested in accordance to the requirements ofASTM C 579. 7. The grout shall be capable of maintaining at least a flow able consistency for a minimum of 30 minutes at 70"F. 8. The shear bond strength to Portland cement concrete shall be greater than the shear strength ofthe concrete when tested in accordance to the requirements of ASTM C 882. 9. The effective bearing area shall be a minimum of95 percent. E. Grout Fill, Topping Grout: 1 . Grout for topping of slabs and concrete fill for built up surfaces of tank, channel, and basin bottoms shall be composed ofcement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water, and admixtures proportioned and mixed as specified herein. 2. Topping grout and concrete fill shall contain aminimum of564 pounds ofcement per cubic yard with a maximum water cement ratio of 0.45. \\rhere concrete fill is thicker than 4-inches, Class "A" concrete may be used when accepted by the ENGINEER. 3. Coarse aggregate shall be graded as follows: U.S,STANDARD PERCENTBY SIEVE SIZE WEIGHT PASSING112-inch 1 003/8-inch 90 to 100 No. 4 20 to 55No.8 5to30 No. 16 0 to 10No.30 0 4. Final mix design shall be as determined by trial mix design under supervision ofthe approved testing laboratory. 5. Strength: Minimum compressive strength of grout fill at the end of28 days shall be 4000 psi. F. Construction Joint Grout: 03 6000 / 5 of8 03 6000i 6of8 l. Construction Joint Grout approximates Class "A" concrete, with aggregate coarser than l/2-inch removed. The mix shall be designed as flow able with a high mortar content. It is intended to be placed over construction joints and mixed with Class "A" concrete. The mix requirements are as follows: a) Compressive Strength: 4,500-psi minimum at 28 days. b) Maximum Water Cement Ratio: 0.45 by weight. c) Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C 33, No. 8 size. d) Fine Aggregate: ASTM C 33, approximately 60 percent by weight oftotal aggregate. e) Air Content: 841 percent.f) Minimum Cement Content: 752 pounds per cubic yard. G. Requirements for Grout Fill and Constnrction Joint Grout: 1 . Proportion mixes by either laboratory trial batch or field experience methods, using materials to be employed on the Project for grout requied. Comply with ACI 21 I .l and report to ENGINEER the following data: a) Complete identification of aggregate source ofsupply. b) Tests ofaggregates for compliance with specified requirements. c) Scale weight ofeach aggregate. d) Absorbed water in each aggregate.e) Brand, type and composition of cement.f) Brand, type and amount of each admixture.g) Amounts of water used in trial mixes. h) Proportions ofeach material per cubic yard.i) Gross weight and yield per cubic yard oftrial mixtures.j) Measured slump.k) Measured air content.i. Compressive strength developed at seven days and 28 days, from not less than three test specimens cast for each seven day and 28-day test, and for each design mix. 2. Submit written reports to ENGINEER ofproposed mix of grout at least 30 days prior to start of the Work. Do not begin grout production until mixes have been approved by ENGINEER. 3. Laboratory Trial Batches: When laboratory trial batches are used to select grout proportions, prepare test specimens and conduct strength tests as specified in ACI 301, Section 4 Proponioning. However, mixes need not be designed for greater than 125 percent ofthe specified strength, regardless ofthe standard deviation ofthe production facility. 4. Field Experience Method: When field experience methods are used to select grout proportions, establish proportions as specified in ACI 301, Section 4. 5. Admixtures: Use air-entraining admixture in all grout. Use amounts of admixtures as recommended by the manufacturer for climatic conditions prevailing at the time of placing. Adjust quantities and types of admixtures as required to maintain quality control. Do not use admixtures which have not been incorporated and tested in the accepted design mix, unless otherwise authorized in writing by ENGINEER. 2.2 CURING MATERIALS A. Curing materials shall conform to the requirements by the manufacturer of prepackaged grouts. 2.3 CONSISTENCY A. The consistency of grouts shall be that necessary to completely fill the space to be grouted for the particular application. Dry pack consistency is such that the grout is plastic and moldable, but will not flow. Where "dry pack" is called for in the Contract Documents, it shall mean a grout ofthat consistency; the type of grout to be used shall be as specified herein for the particular application. B. The slump for topping gout and grout fill shall be adjusted to match placement and finishing conditions, but shall not exceed 4-inches. C. The slump for Construction Joint Grout shall be 7 + f-inches 3. EXECUTION 3.I INSPECTION A. CONTRACTOR shall examine the substrate and conditions under which grout is to be placed and notifz ENGINEER" in writing, of unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with the Work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to ENGINEER. 3,2 INSTALLATION A. General: I . Place grout as shown and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. If manufacturer's instructions conflict with tiese Specifications, do not proceed until ENGINEER provides clarifi cation. 2. Manufacturers of proprietary products shall make available upon 72 hours' notification the services of a qualified, full time employee to aid in assuring proper use ofthe product underjob conditions. 3. Placing grout shall conform to temperature and weather limitations required by the manufacturer. 4. Grout shall be cured following manufacturer's instructions for prepackaged grout and the requirements for grout fill and topping grout. B. Columns, Beams and Equipment Bases: l. Epoxy grout: After shimming equipment to proper grade, securely tighten anchor bolts. Properly form around the base plates, allowing sufficient room around the edges for placing the grout. Adequate depth between the bouom ofthe base plate and the top of concrete base must be provided to assure that the void is completely filled with the epoxy grout. 2. Non-shrink, non-metallic grout: After shimming columns, beams and equipment to proper grade, securely tighten anchor bolts. Properly form around the base plates allowing sufficient room around the edges for placing the grout. Adequate depth between the bottom ofthe base plate and the top ofconcrete base must be provided to assure that the void is completely filled with the non-shrink, non-metallic grout. C. Handrails and Railings: I . After posts have been properly inserted into the holes or sleeves, fill the annular space between posts and sleeve with the non-shrink, non-metallic grout. Bevel grout at juncture with post so that moisture flows away fiom post. 036000/7of8 D. Construction Joints: I . Place a 6-inch minimum thick layer of Construction Joint Grout over the contact surface ofthe old concrete atthe interfac.€ of horizontal construction joints. E. Topping Grout: l. AII mechanical, electrical, and finish work shall be completed prior to placement of topping grout. The base slab shall be given a roughened textured surface by sandblasting or hydroblasting exposing the aggregates to ensure bonding to the base slab. 2. The minimum thickness ofgrout topping shall be l-inch- 3. The base slab shall be thoroughly cleaned and wetted prior to placing topping and fill. No topping concrete shall be placed until the slab is complete fiee fiom standing pools or ponds of water. A thin coat of neat Type II cement slurry shall be broomed into the surface ofthe slab and topping or fill concrete shall be placed while the slurry is still rlet. The topping and fill shall be compacted by rolling or tamping, brought to established grade, and floated. Grouted fill for tank and basin bottoms where scraping mechanisms are to be installed shall be screeded by blades attached to the revolving mechanism ofthe equipment in accordance with the procedures as recommended by the equipment manufacturer after the grout is brought to the established grade. 4. Topping grout placed on sloping slabs shall proceed uniformly from the bottom ofthe slab to the top, for the full width of the placement. 5. The surface shall be tested with a straight edge to detect high and low spots which shall be immediately eliminated. When the topping has hardened sufficiently, it shall be steel troweled to a smooth surface free from pinholes and other imperfections. An approved type ofmechanical trowel may be used as an assist in this operation, but the last pass over the surface shall be by hand howeling. During finishing, no water, dry cement or mixture ofdry cement and sand shall be applied to the surface. 6. Cure and protect the grout topping as specified by the manufacturer F. Grout Fill: l. All mechanical, electrical, and finish work shall be completed prior to placement of grout fill. 2. The minimum thickness of grout fill shall be l-inch. Where the finished surface ofgrout fill is to form an intersecting angle of less than 45 degrees with the concrete surface it is to be placed against, a key shall be formed in the concrete surface at the intersection point. The key shall be a minimum of3 l/2-inches wide by I l/2-inches deep. 3. The surface shall be tested with a straight edge to verifr that the surface slopes uniformly to drain and to detect high and low spots which shall be immediately eliminated. When the grout fill has hardened sufficiently, it shall be steel troweled to a smooth surface free from pinholes and other imperfections. During finishing, no water, dry cement, or mixture ofdry cement and sand shall be applied to the surface. END OF SECTION 036000/8of8 SECTION 09 9100 PAINTING 1. GENERAL 1.I SUMMARY A. Scope I . The Contractor shall fumish all materials, labor, equipmen! and incidentals required to provide a protective coating system listed herein and not otlerwise excluded. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. The Work includes painting and finishing of interior and exterior exposed items and surfaces such as pipe, valves, fittings, equipment, miscellaneous metals, ceilings, walls, floors, doors, frames, transoms, roof fans, and all other work required to be painted unless otherwise specified herein or on the drawings. The omission of minor items in the schedule of Work shall not relieve the Contractor ofhis obligation to include such items where they come within the general intent ofthe specification as stated herein. B. The following items will not be painted: l. Any code requiring labels, such as Underwriters' Laboratories and Factory Mutual, or any equipment identification, performance rating, name or nomenclature plates. 2. Any moving parts of operating units, mechanical and electrical parts, such as valve and damper operators, linkages, sensing devices, motor and fan shafts, unless other- wise indicated. 3. Aluminum handrails, walkways, windows, louvers, and grating unless otherwise specified herein. 4. Signs and nameplates. 5. Finish hardware. 6. Galvanized angles, tubes, piping, pipe supports and appurtenances. 7. Stainless steel angles tubes, piping, pipe supports and appurtenances. 8. Products with polished chrome, aluminum, nickel, or stainless steel finish. 9. Plastic switch plates and receptacle plates 10. Flexible couplings, lubricated bearing surfaces, insulation, and metal and plastic pipe interior. 1 l. Aluminum items (Aluminum embedded items shall be coated where embedded in concrete for corrosion protection). I.3 REFERENCES A. ANSI/NSF 6I B. ANSYAWWA DIO2 C. SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council. D. Metal Ladder Manufacturer's Association - Specification for Ladders and Scaffolds. E. UL Requirement for Ladders and Scaffolds. F. ICRI - International Concrete Repair Institute, Sterling, Virginia. 1.4 SUBMITTALS 099100/1of6 A. B. 1.5 A. B. C. D. E. 1.6 A. 1.7 A. B. C. Product Data l. The Contractor shall submit complete product data and information regarding all coatings proposed for use in accordance with this specification. The Contractor's submittal must include a certification that the submitted material describes exactly the materials to be provided or a list ofdeviations from the specifications with an ex- planation of each deviation. Samples: I . Samples of each finish and color shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before any work is started. 2. Such samples when approved in writing shall constitute a standard, as to color and finish only, for acceptance or rejection ofthe finishwork. QUALITY ASSURANCE Manufacturer's Qualifi cations: I. Manufacturers regularly engaged in the Manufacture ofthe coatings as specified herein and who can demonstrate coatings ofthe specified product in actual service for a period of not less than I0 years will be considered as acceptable Manufacturers. Workmanship shall be performed by skilled workmen thoroughly trained in necessary crafts and completely familiar with specific requirements and metlods specifiedherein. All materials shall be produced by a single Manufacturer. Total paint system shall be from one Manufacturer and no cross coating allowed between primers and finishcoats. Component Compatibi lity I . Contractor and coating Manufacturer shall ensure compatibility of top coats with the Manufacturer's primers and top- coats and existing coating systems. VOC Requirements I . Submit the Manufacture/s certification that paints and coatings comply with Federal, State, and Local, whichever is more stringent, requirements for VOC (Volatile Or- ganic Compounds). WARRANTY All equipment and workmanship fumished under this contract shall be guaranteed to be free ofdefects in materials and workmanship for a period of one ( l) year from substan- tial completion. Any such defects, which occur within the stipulated guaranty period, shall be repaired, replaced, or made good at no cost to the Owner. DELTVERY, T{ANDLINC AND STORAGE Deliver all material to site in original, new, unopened containers, labeled and bearing the Manufacturer's name and stock number, product and brand name, contents by volume for major constituents, instructions for mixing and reducing, and application instruction. Provide adequate storage facilities designed exclusively for the purpose ofpaint storage and mixing. Facility area shall be located away from open flames, be well ventilated, and be capable of maintaining ambient storage temperature ofno less than 45 degrees F. Paint, coatings, reducing agents, and other solvents must be stored in original containers until opened; ifnot resealable, then must be transfened to UL approved safety containers. Provide proper ventilation, personal protection, and fire protection for storage and use of 099100i2of6 same. D. Comply with requirements set forth by Occupational Safety and Health Act, OSHA,for storage and use ofpainting materials and equipment. 1.8 EXTRASTOCK A. Upon completion of work, the Contractor will provide the Owner with at least one gallon of each type and color ofproduct used. B. Containers shall be tightly sealed and clearly labeled for identification. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE SYSTEMS AND MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 A. B. 2.3 A. General: Paint products/systems specified are not intended to limit competition, but to es- tablish a standard of quality desired. Equivalent systems from other Manufacturers may be used upon approval by the Engineer. MATERIALS All materials specified herein are manufactured by the Sherwin Williams Company or the Tnemec Company, Inc. Equivalent materials ofother Manufacturers may be substituted on approval ofthe Engineer. Request for substitution shall include the Manufacturer's literature for each product giving name, generic type, descriptive information, performance and test data, and evidence of satisfactory past performance. No request for substitution shall be considered that would decrease film thickness and/or number ofcoats or offer a change in the generic type of coating specified. Coating Schedule for Shop Primed Surfaces Interior and Exterior Moderate Service l. Surface Preparation: Remove all oil and grease from surface by solvent cleaning perSSPC-SP-I. Hand tool clean per SSPC-SP-2 or power tool clean per SP-3 where shop prime coat has been damaged. 2. Primer: B50WZ000I - Kem Kromik Universal Metal Primer, dry film thickness - 3-4 mils. For touch up of shop primed surfaces. 3. Second Coat: B54W00l0l Industrial Enamel, dry film thickness - 2-4 mils 4. Third Coat: B54W00l0l Industrial Enamel, dry film thickness - 2-4 mils B. lnterior and Exterior Harsh Service I. SurfacePreparation: Remove all oil and grease llom surface by solvent cleanilg per SSPC-SP-1. Hand tool clean per SSPC-SP-2 or power tool clean per SP-3 where shop prime coat has been damaged. 2. Primer: B50WZ000l - Kem Kromik Universal Metal Primer, dry film thickness - 3-4 mils. For touch up ofshop primed surfaces. 3. Second Coat: Maeropoxy 646 Fast Cure epoxy dry film thickness - 4-6 mils 4. Third Coat: Macropoxy 646 Fast Cure epoxy dry film thickness - 4-6 mils 099100/3of6 2.4 2.5 2.6 Coating Schedule for Bare Steel and Ductile Iron Surfaces A. SurfacePreparation: Remove all oil and grease from surface by solvent cleaning per SSPC-SP- l . hand tool clean per SSPC-SP-2, power tool clean per SP-3 or sand blast per SP-6. B. Primer: B50WZ000l - Kem Kromik Universal Metal Primer, dry film thickness - 3-4 mils. C. Second and Third coats shall be as per above for shop primed surfaces. Coating Schedule for Concrete Floor A. Surface Preparation: SSPC-SPI3, ICRI CSP5. B. First Coat: Series 280 Tneme-Glaze, dry film thickness - 8 mils. C. Second Coat: Series 280 Tneme-Glaze, dry film thickness - 8 mils. Coating Schedule for lnterior Wallboard and Ceiling A. Surface Preparation: Surface must be clean and dry. B. First Coat: Series 151 Elasto-Grip, dry film thickness - I mils. C. Second Coat: Series I l3 H.B. Tneme-Tufcoat, dry film thickness - 4 mils. D. Third Coat: Series I 13 H.B. Tneme-Tufcoa! dry film thickness - 4 mils. Coating Schedule for High Heat Coating A. Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10 near-white blast cleaning. B. First Coat: Series 39-1261 Silicone Aluminum, dry fitrn thickness - 1.0-1.5 mils. C. Second Coat: Series 39-1261 Silicone Aluminum, dry film thickness - 1.0-1.5 mils. 3. EXECUTION 3.I INSPECTION 2.7 A. 3.2 A. B. C. Thoroughly examine surface scheduled to be painted prior to commencing work. Report in writing to the Owner's Representative any condition that may affect properapplication and overall performance ofcoating system. Do not proceed with work until such conditions have been corrected. Commencing with work indicates acceptance of existing conditions and for responsibility for performance of applied coating. PROTECTION Extreme diligence shall be taken to ensure that vehicles, equipment, hardware, fixtures, materials, etc., are protected against paint spillage, overspray, etc. Such damages shall be corrected at no expense to the Owner. Surfaces not to be coated shall be masked, removed, or otherwise covered to protect against cleaning and coating application procedures and weather. Drop cloths shall be used to protect floor, walls, machinery, equipment, and previously coated surfaces. Exercise care in erecting, bracing, handling, and dismantling staging and scaffolding, to 09 9100 / 4 of6 3.3 avoid scratching or damaging walls, floors, equipment, etc. SURFACE PREPARATION A. Perform preparation and cleaning procedures in strict accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions for each substrate condition. B. C. D. E. 3.4 A. 3.5 A. B. C. D. E. F. Surface preparation for field touch up of ferrous metals shop primed shall be as follows: L Immersion Remove all oil, grease, dirt, dust, and foreign matter fiom tle surface. Weld slag, weld spatter, rough edges, and sharp comers of weld seams shall be ground smooth. All rusted, abraded, and unpainted areas shall be blast cleaned to a Near White Finish as outlined in Steel Stmctures Painting Council's Specification SP 10. 2. Non-lmmersion Remove all oil, grease, dirt, dust, and foreign mafter fiom the surface. Follow cleaning with Steel Structures Painting Council's Specification SP 3 Power Tool cleaning. Galvanized metals requiring paint (only as directed by Owner's Representative) shall be cleaned by removing all oil, grease, dirt, dust, and foreign matter by solvent cleaning in accordance with SSPC SP1 prior to applying any finish. Etch all galvanized, surfaces with Great Lakes Laboratories Clean N Etch, (800) 888-1105 or equal. Concrete and concrete masoffy surfaces shall be cleaned and free ofoils, laitance, dust, dirt, loose mortar, and excess moisture. Structural cracks and defects shall be repaired. All surfaces must be completely dry prior to applying any coatings/paint. Gypsum board (or drywall) surfaces shall be dry, flat, and fiee ofdust, dirt, grease, oil, powdery residue, wax, soap, and other contaminants. TOUCH UP OF SHOP APPLIEDCOATINGS All shop applied coatings with Manufacturer's standard paint and in non-immersion ser- vice, shall be touched up with the Manufacturer's coating. APPLICATION No paint shall be applied when surrounding air temperature, as measured in the shade, is below 45 degrees F. No paint shall be applied when the temperature ofthe surface to be painted is below 40 degrees F. Paint shall not be applied to wet or damp surfaces, and shall not be applied in rain, snow, fog or mist, or when the relative humidity exceeds 85%. Paint shall not be applied when the substrate temperature is within 5 degrees ofthe dew point. The Paint Manufacturer's t€mperature guidelines must be followed. No paint shall be applied when it is expected that the relative humidity will exceed 85% or that the air temperature will drop below 45 degrees F within 4 hours after the application ofthe paint. Maintain proper ventilation in area ofwork to alleviate volatile solvents evaporatingfrom coating materials. All ingredients in any container ofthe coating materials shall be thoroughly mixed and shall be agitated often enough during application to keep the pigment suspended. Should thinning be required use only the amounts specified by the coating Manufacturer. Application ofcoating shall be by brush, roller, mift, or spray and in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. All material shall be evenly applied to form a smooth, continuous, unbroken coating. Drips, runs, sags, or pinholes shall not be acceptable. 09 9100 / 5 of6 G H I. 3.6 A, B. C. D. E. Provide proper application equipment, including ladders, scaffolding, masking materials, and tools to perform work. Ladders and scaffolding shall meet or exceed UL require- ments and Metal Ladder Manufacturer's Association. Second coat shall be tinted slightly to differentiate between the second coat and third (fi- nal) coat. Meet all requirements set forth by Occupational Safety and Health Act, OSHA, for con- fined space. SYSTEM INSPECTION AND TESTTNG After application of each coating in the specified system and its surface has cured, meas- ure its thickness with a properly calibrated Nordson Microtest Dry Film Thickness Gauge, or equivalent. Follow standard method for measurement of dry paint thickness with magnetic gauges as outlined in Steel Structures Painting Council's SSPC PA2. Make as many determinations as needed to ensure the specified thickress values in each typical area. To all surfaces having less dry film thickness than specified, apply additional coat(s) at no extra cost to Owner to bring thickness up to specifications. Structural metals in immersion service that receive a protective coating system shall be checked with a non-destructive holiday detector that shall not exceed 67 l/2 volts. All pinholes or defects shall be repaired in accordance with the Manufacturer's printed rec- ommendations and then retested. Masonry, drywall, or other non metallic surfaces shall be continuously checked with wet film thickness gauges during application to ensure proper dry film thickness wil[ be attained Also, square feet coverage needs to be monitored to verifu proper coverage rates. Painting contractor shall permit the Owner's Representative and/or paint & coating Man- ufacturer (as requested by owner) to inspect his work for conformance to this specifica- tion. Owner reserves the right to reject all work that does not comply with this specifica- tion. 3,7 CLEAN UP A. Upon completion, the painting Contractor shall clean up and remove from site all surplus materials, tools, appliances, empty cans, cartons, and rubbish resulting from painting work. Site shall be left in neat orderly condition. B. Remove all protective drop cloths and masking from surfaces not being painted. Provide touch up around same areas as directed by the Owner's Representative. C. Remove all misplaced paint splatters or drippings resulting from this Work. END OF SECTION 099100/6of6 SECTION 09 9713 STEEL TANKCOATINGS A. Fumish all necessary equipment, labor, materials, and tools to paint the interior and exterior ofthe water storage tank(s), including all exposed piping within the tank structure in accordance with the Project Drawings and as specified herein. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The latest revisions ofthe following standard specifications shall govem the work with regards to materials, design, construction, inspection, and testing to the extent specified or as indicated in this specification. 1. NSF Intemationala) ANSLNSF 61, Drinking Water system Component - Health Effects (current edition) 2. American Water Works Association a) ANSVAWWA D102, Standard for Coating Steel Water Storage Tanks, 2006 Edition 3. The Society for Protective Coatings a) SSPC PA-l Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel, April 1,2000 Edition (Editorial November l, 2004) b) SSPC PA-2 Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages, May l, 2004 Edition (Editorial September 1, 2009)c) SSPC SP-6 Commercial Blast Cleaning, January 1,2007 Editiond) SSPC SP-7 Brush-OffBlast Cleaning, January 1, 2007 Edition e) SSPC SP-10, Near-White Blast Cleaning, January 1,2007 Edition 4. Manufacturer's product data sheets I.3 SUBMITTALS A. Paint manufacturer Product Data Sheet and MSDS for each paint product B. Cleaning and Painting Instruction document with outline of surface preparation, paint system (including dry film thickness) and sterilization procedure. C. Samples ofeach finish and color shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before any work is started. Such samples when approved in writing shall constitute a standard, as to color and finish only, for acceptance or rejection ofthe finish work. 1.4 QUALITY A. Meet the requirements of AWWA Dl02 I.5 DELryERY, STORAGE, AND TIANDLING A. Materials shall be delivered to the job to the project site in manufacturer's original, unopened containers. B. Paint Materials shall be stored in an enclosed well-ventilated area in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 1.6 PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS A. Containment ofthe structure is at the discretion ofthe Contractor. Contractor is responsible for preventing any contamination of surrounding system components and/or damage to surrounding strucfures or property due to airbome paint particles or spent abrasive. 099713 ll of4 I. GENERAL I.I SCOPEOFWORK 1.7 WARRANry A. All work shall be guaranteed by the Contractor for a period of one ( I ) year from the date of substantial completion against faulty design, defective materials, and faulty workmanship. Substantial completion shall be the date the tank is placed, or available to be placed, in service. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. All paint materials are to be from a single manufacturer. Thinners are to be as recommended by the paint manufacturer unless otherwise approved. B. The paint and paint products specified are manufactured by Tnemec Company or approved equal. Substitutions can be made with written approval if an altemative paint system is presented and specified. C. All painting and thinning materials shall be in manufacturer's original containers with labels intact. The labels shall show the manufacturer's name, type and color ofpaint. and the manufacturer's stock and batch number. Only newly purchased paint bought specifically for this project shall be used. D. All materials shall be stored in an environment and in such a manner as to comply with all of the provisions of manufacturer's product data sheets. E. Coatings used on potable water bearing surfaces shall be certified to ANSUNSF 61. 2.2 INTERIOR WET SURFACE PAINT SYSTEM A. Shop Painting I . Surface Preparation. Remove all oil and grease from the surface before blast cleaning. All surfaces shall be abrasive blast cleaned to a NEAR-WHITE finish in accordance with SSPC SP.IO. 2. Shop Primer. Immediately after abrasive blasting and before any rusting occurs, apply one-coat of polyamidoamine epoxy Tnemec Pota-Pox Plus Vl40-1255 (Beige) or Pota- Pox Plus Fast Cure Vl40F-1255 (Beige) to a DFT range of 4.0-6.0 mils. B. Field Painting L Surface Preparation. After placement and prior to field touch-up priming, all surfaces shall be cleaned to remove all surface contamination including oil, grease, dust, dirt and foreign matter. Weld slag, weld spatter, and other sharp or rough projections shall be removed. All rusted, abraded and unpainted areas shall be abrasive blast cleaned to a NEAR-WHITE finish in accordance with SSPC SP-10. 2. Field Touch-Up. Spot prime with polyamide epoxy Tnemec Pota-Pox 20- 1255 (Beige) or Pota-Pox Fast Cure FC20-1255 (Beige) to a DFT range of 4.0 - 6.0 mils. 3. Field Finish Coat. Apply one-coat ofpolyamide epoxy Tnemec Pota-Pox 20-l5BL (Tank White) or Pota Pox Fast Cure FC20-l5BL (Tank White) to a DFT range of 4.H.0 mils. a) The total DFT range ofthe three-coat paint system is 8.0-12.0 mils. 2.3 EXTEzuOR PAINT SYSTEM A. Shop Painting 09 9713 l2of 4 I . Surface Preparation. Remove all oil and grease from the surface prior to blast cleaning. All surfaces shall be abrasive blast cleaned to a COMMERCIAL finish in accordance with SSPC SP-6. 2. Shop Primer. Immediately after abrasive blasting and before any rusting occurs, apply one-coat ofzinc-rich urethane Tnemec Hydro-Zinc 94-H20 to a DFT of 2.5-3.5 mils. B. Field Painting 1. Surface Preparation. After erection and prior to field touch-up priming, all surfaces shall be cleaned to remove all surface contamination including oil, grease, dust, dirt and foreign matter. Weld slag, weld spatter, and other sharp or rough projections shall be removed. All rusted, abraded and unpainted areas shall be abrasive blast cleaned to a COMMERCIAL finish in accordance with SSPC SP-6. 2. Field Touch-Up. Spot prime with zinc-rich urethane Tnemec Hydro-Zinc 94-H20 or Hydro-Zinc 9l-H20 to a DFT range of 2.5-3.5 mils. 3. Field lntermediate Coat. Apply one complete coat of polyamidoamine epoxy Tnemec HB Epoxoline II Series N69 or Series HB Epoxoline II Fast Cure Series N69F to a DFT range of 2.0-3.0 mils. 4. Field Finish Coat. Apply one complete coat ofalphatic acrylic polyurethane Tnemec Endura-Shield Series 73 to a DFT range of 2.0-3.0 mils. 5. The total DFT range ofthe three-coat paint system is 6.5-9.5 mils. 3. EXECUTION 3,I APPLICATIONCONDITIONS A. Adhere to all ambient temperature and surface temperature restrictions described in the paint manufacturer's product data sheets. B. No paint shall be applied when the temperature ofthe surface to be painted is below the minimum specified by the paint manufacturer. C. No paint shall be applied to wet, damp or frost coated surfaces or when the relative humidity exceeds 85o%- 3,2 MIXING AND THINNINU A. Paint shall be thoroughly mixed in the proportions stated in the manufacturer's product data sheets. The pot life ofthe mixed materials shall not exceed the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Paint shall be factory mixed to proper consistency and viscosity for application without thinning. In no case shall the wet film thickness ofapplied paint be reduced, by the addition ofthinner or otherwise, below the thickress recommended by the paint manufacturer. 3.3 SURFACEPREPARATION A. All surfaces must be dry and fiee fiom dir! dust, sand, mud, oil, grease, rust, and mill scale before applying paint to the surface. B. All steel surfaces shall be prepared for painting by abrasive blast cleaning as defined in the materials section of this specification. 099713 l3 of4 C. All steel surfaces cleaned on a particular day shall be painted within the same day and before evidence of rusting or discoloration. Any abrasive blast cleaned surfaces that develop rusting due to climatic conditions or prolong exposure shall be re-blasted prior to painting. D. All interior wet surfaces that have been prime coated in the shop shall be brush off blasted in accordance with SSPC SP-7 prior to receiving any field applied pailt. 3.4 PAINT APPLICATION A. Paint shall be applied in a neat manner with finish surfaces free ofruns, sags, ridges, healy laps, and brush marks. B. Prior to applying the first field spray coat to the interior wet area, all weld seams, rough areas, bolt heads, bold threads, nuts, comers, and difficult to coat areas, shall be stripe coated. Striping shall be by either brush or roller using a 5% thinned primer material. 3.5 CURING AND VENTILATION A. Adhere to all curing provisions ofthe paint manufacturer's product data sheets. No paint shall be applied over paint that has not had sufficient time to properly cure. B. The interior ofthe tank shall be ventilated during painting and drying periods using fans or air compressors of sufficient number and size in relation to the tank size. During drying periods, the hatches at the top and bottom ofthe tank shall remain open. 3.6 INSPECTION TESTING AND RECORDS A. [n the event the owner elects to conduct inspections of the tank painting, the paint subcontractor shall provide the owner or his representative reasonable access to the various areas for inspection. The owner is to be notified 24 hours prior to blasting or painting. B. The painting subcontractor shall take and record dry film thickness readings on each coat of paint. Dry film thickness (DFT) shall be measured in accordance with SSPC PA-2. C. The painting subcontractor shall prepare a daily record of ambient air temperatures, surface temperatures on surfaces to be worked on, and relative humidity readings. The record shall also indicate any general weather conditions for the day. All data is to be recorded at the following times: l. The beginning ofthe workday. 2. The time blasting or painting is started, and a minimum of every four hours thereafter. 3. The completion of work each day. D. The paint manufacturer shall visit the site to confirm that the paint is being properly prepared and applied to the tank surface. E. A one-year anniversary inspection in accordance with AWWA D102 is required for this project. END OF SECTION 09 9713 I 4 of 4 SECTION 22 t2t9 STEEL POTABLE WATER STORAGE NON-PRESSURE TANK I. GENERAI, I.I SUMMARY A. This section describes requirements for providing the equipment, labor and materials neces- sary to furnish and install a 22,000 gallon (10' diameter x 37.5' long) above-ground, horizon- tal, non-pressure, steel storage tank system for potable water. B. Requirements include fumishing and installing all equipment and accessories necessary to make a complete system for the storage of potable water. C. The Owner intends to contract directly with the Tank Manufacturer for the following items: I . 22,000 gallon horizontal potable water storage tank 2. 120" saddles 3. Seal weld of 120" saddles to tank 4. Urethane topcoat 5. Polyurethane exterior touchup kit 6. Internal NSF 6l liner 7. Intemal ladder coated same as interior of tank 8. Urethane topcoat 9. Vertical extemal ladder with platform 10. Freight 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. AGREEMENT consists ofthe conditions ofthe contract between the Owner and the Contrac- tor, including referenced specifications, drawings and related documents. B. AUTHORITY HAVING TRISDICTION is Virginia Department of Health having statutory jurisdiction over the project. C. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS consist of the general and supplemental conditions. speci- fications, drawings, and any addenda issued prior to bidding. D. CONTRACTOR is the person, firm, or corporation witlr whom Owner has entered into the Agreement. E. FURNISH means the Contractor shall supply the item specified, at the job site, unloaded, and secured against damage, vandalism or theft. F. INSTALL means the Contractor shall perform all work required to place the equipment spec- ified in operation, including installation, testing, calibration, and start-up. G. OWNER is the person or entity identified as such in the Agreement. H. PRODUCT means the liquid stored in and dispensed from the tank. I. PROVIDE means the Contractor shall Fumish and Install the equipment specified, and per- form all work necessary to provide a complete and functional system. J. SPOL means all material removed by demolition or excavating. 22 12191 I of 4 K L. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION is the stage in the progress of the Work when the Work or designated portion thereofis sufficiently completed in accordance with the Contract Docu- ments for the Owner to utilize the Work for its intended use. WORK means all materials, equipment, construction and services required by the Contract, whether completed or partially completed. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Unless otherwise specified, equipment fumished under this section shall be fabricated and installed in compliance with the instructions ofthe manufacturer. The Contractor shall ensure that all equipment, accessories and installation materials comply with the specification and tlrat adequate provision is made in the tank design and fabrication for mounting the specified system equipment and accessories. The Contractor is solely responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for safety precautions and programs. The contractor shall provide all labor, equipment and material required to provide a complete and functional system. To avoid delays in construction, the Contractor shall ensure that all components ofthe system are available at the time of installation. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with other work being performed at the construction site and minimize interference with the Owner's normal activities which may continue during construction. 1,4 STANDARDS A. The manufacture and installation ofabove-ground storage tank systems described in this sec- tion shall adhere to the following standards and regulatory requirements: 1. Welded Carbon Steel Tanks for Water Storage, AWWA D-100, Coating Steel Water- Storage Tanks, AWWA D-102, American Water Works Association, 6666 West Quincy Ave., Denver, CO 80235-3098 2. Welded Tanks for Oil Storage, API Standard 650, Eleventh Edition, June 2007, American Petroleum lnstitute, 1220 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 3. Control of Extemal Corrosion of Submerged Metallic Piping Systems, NACE Recom- mended Practice RPOl69, ; Extemal Catholic Protection of On-Grade Metallic Storage Tank Bottoms, NACE Recommended Practice RPOl93-93, NACE Intemational, P.O. Box 218340, Houston, TX 77213. 4. National Fire Prevention Code, 1994, Building Officials and Code Administrators, 405 I Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, Illinois 60478. 5. Standard Fire Prevention Code, 1995, Southem Building Code Congress Intemational, 900 Montclair Road, Birmingham, Abbama 35213-1206. 6. Occupational Safety and Health Standards, particularly Flammable and Combustible Liq- uids,29CFR 1910.106, Personal Protective Equipment 29CFR 1910 Subpart I, Excava- tions 29CFR 1926.650 Subpart P, U. S. Department ofLabor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Washington, D.C. 7. Clean Water Act and Oil Pollution Actof 1990, Spill Prevention, Control and Counter- measure (SPCC) Plans, 40 CFR I 12, 113 and 114. 22 l2l9/2of4 5 8. Uniform building Code, International Conference of Building Officials, 5360 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 9060 I -2298. 9. Applicable state and local regulations and ordinances B. In case ofdifferences between building codes, state laws, local ordinances, utility company regulations, and contract documents, the most stringent shall govem. C. The codes and standards listed are the latest as of this publication. Codes and standards are continuously updated. The Contractor shall confirm the construction standard edition en- forced by the authority havingjurisdiction. SUBMITTALS A. B. C. D. 1.6 A. The Contractor shall provide shop drawings ofthe following system components for ap- proval before commencing construction. I . Shop drawings of the tank(s) by the tank manufacturer. 2. Assembll and installation drawings. The Contractor shall provide product data sheets and descriptive material for major compo- nents to be provided. l. Piping, venting equipment, fittings, hatches, ladders. Submittals shall be delivered to the Engineer within [0 days] ofnotice to proceed. The Engi- neer shall review the drawings and retum them to the Contractor approved, or with appropri- ate comments, within [4 days] of receipt. The foundation design for the tank must be signed and sealed by the Contractor's Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Virginia. CON STRUCTION DOCUMENTATION The Contractor shall provide three (3) sets of manufacturers' system component operation and maintenance manual instructions. B. The Contractor shall provide record ("as-built") drawings and photographs of all system com- ponents C. The Contractor shall provide copies of all testing and inspection reports to the Owner prior to substantial completion. 1.7 GUARANTEES, WARRANTIES AND INSURANCE A. The Contractor shall provide a two year warrantee. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Tank manufacturer shall be ISO 9001 certified. B. Additional Information I . Tanks shall be double butt welded with full penetration welds. 2. Tank shall have two top manways. 2.2 VENTING REQUIREM ENTS A. Provide one ( I ) normal atmospheric vent sized per the largest inlet or outlet connection 22 l2l9 l3of 4 3. EXECTITION 3.I GENERAL A. Familiarity with the Site. l. Contractor shall familiarize himself with the location of all public utility facilities and structures that may be found in the vicinity ofthe construction. 2. The Contractor shall conduct his operation to avoid damage to the utilities or structures. Should any damage occur due to the Contractor's operations, repairs shall be made at the Contracto/s expense in a mamer acceptable to the Owner. 3. The Contractor is responsible for meeting all the requirements established by the agencies for utility work, as well as work affecting utilities and other govemment agencies. 3.2 SITE PREPARATION A. The site shall be prepared to ensure adequate support for the tank system and drainage of sur- face water. I . The foundation and tank supports shall be capable of supporting the weight of the tank and associated equipment when full. 2. The foundation design for the tank must be signed and sealed by the Contractor's Regis- tered Professional Engineer in the State of Virginia. B. Regional Code Awareness l. Regional and local fire codes authorities shall be consulted for local requirements. 2. Notiry the Engineer ofany local requirements not incorporated in the system as designed. 3. Regional and local fire codes authorities shall be consulted for Iocal requirements. C. Maintain legal separation distances from property lines, buildings, public ways, dispensers, vehicles being fueled and other storage tanks. 3.3 TANK HANDLTNG, STORAGE AND INSTALLATION A. Tanks shall be handled, lifted, stored and secured in accordance with the manufacturer's in- structions. B. Unload with equipment having sufficient lifting capacity to avoid damage to the tank. Se- curely store the tank at thejob site. C. The tank and associated equipment shall be installed in accordance with the fire safety codes, regulations, standards and manufacturer's instructions including: l. Federal, state and local fire safety, occupational health and environmental regulations. 2. The installation instructions ofother system component manufacturers. 3. The Construction Documents and associated Drawings. D. Advise the Owner of any shipping or handling damage encountered. E. No modifications shall be made to any tank without the prior written approval ofthe manu- facturer and the Engineer. This includes any welding on tank shells, adding penetrations in the tank structure, or repairing damage which might affect the integrity ofthe inner or outer tank. 22 l2l9 l4of 4 END OF SECTION SECTION 25 dOOO SEQUENCE OF OPERATION r. GENERAL I,1 DESCRIPTION A. The following sequence of operation describes the automatic and manual operation of equipment. Equipment that is operationally a stand-alone unit is not described under this section but shall be considered an integral part ofthe whole system when incorporating these sequences of events in order to provide for a complete operating system. Items shown or described in one section but not in the other shall be provided. Operating and alarm levels and conditions stated in this document are based on nominal values and may be field adjusted as required. B. All control parameters shall be operator adjustable tkough the PLC workstations. 1.2 ALARMANNUNCIATION A. Audible alarms shall be able to be silenced locally, while maintaining visual display until the alarm condition is cleared. Every alarm condition shall require manual acknowledgement. Alarms shall be annunciated at the pump house and transmitted to maintenance personnel by the SCADA RTU system. B. The following conditions shall be monitored by the PLC system(s): l. Hand-Off-Local-Remote Status (well pumps, booster pumps) 2. Hand-Off-Auto (chemical feed pumps) 3. Main Power 4. Auxiliary Power 5. Well Pump Start/Stop 6. Well Pump Flow Rate 7. Chemical Feed Pump Start/Stop 8. Chemical Feed Pump Speed 9. Chlorine Analyzer Reading 10. Booster Pump Start/Stop ll. VFD Speed 12. Atmospheric Tank Water Level 13. Booster Pump Discharge Pressure C. The following conditions shall be annunciated as alarms at the Control Panel: l. Phase Monitor Fault 2. Well Pump Failure 3. Chemical Feed Pump Failure 4. Chlorine Analyzer Low Reading 5. Chlorine Analyzer High Reading 6. VFD Fault/Failure 25 9000 l\ of4 7. VFD High Temperaore 8. Booster Pump Failure 9. Motor High Temperature 10. Tank Low Water Level 11. Tank High Water L€vel 12. System Low Pressure 13. System High Pressure D. The following conditions shall be monitored by the SCADA RTU [. Automatic Transfer Switch Position 2. Well Pump Start/Stop 3. Well Pump Flow Rate 4. Chemical Feed Pump Start/Stop 5. Chemical Feed Pump Speed 6. Chlorine Analyzer Reading 7. Booster Pump Start/Stop 8. VFD Speed 9. Atrnospheric Tank Water l,evel 10. Booster Pump Discharge Pressure E. The following conditions shall be transmitted as alarms by the SCADA RTU l. Power Failure 2. Well Pump Failure 3. Chemical Feed Pump Failure 4. Chlorine Analyzer Low Reading 5. Chlorine Analyzer High Reading 6. Booster Pump Failure 7. Tank Low Water Level 8. Tank High Water Level 9. System Low Pressure 10. System High Pressure I.3 DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM A. The water system shall be controlled by the PLC system and operate automatically in LOCAL mode as follows: l. Booster Pumpsa) When a demand is placed on the water distribution system while the water booster pumps are off, the Hydropneumatic Tank will supply the demand and pressure in the system will decrease. When the pump discharge pressure 259000 l2 of4 transmitter reaches the Pump On pressure (75 PSI), Booster Pump #1 will start in a gradual manner and attempt to maintain the Set Point pressure (85 PSI) by altering the VFD speed and therefore flow rate supplied by the pump. If demand is greater than Booster Pump #l can deliver, which will be indicated by the system pressure falling below the allowable drift llom the Set Point pressure, then the PLC will tum on Booster Pump #2. b) Booster Pump #2 will start in a gradual manner and both pumps will maintain the Set Point pressure by altering the VFD speed and therefore flow rate supplied by the pumps. When demand on the system substantially decreases or stops, the pressure in the system will increase until it reaches the Pump Offpressure (95 PSI), at which point both the Booster Pumps will be taken through the shut off procedure. c) If only Booster Pump #l is running and the Pump Offpressure is reached, Booster Pump #l will be taken through the shut off procedure. d) The PLC shall have the ability to periodically alternate the lead pump between Booster Pump #l and #2 based on run times. e) Ifthe discharge pressure hansmitter falls below the Pump On pressure (75 PSI) then the PLC shall transmit a Low Pressure alarm. Ifthe discharge pressure transmitter rises above the Pump Off pressure (95 PSI) then the PLC shall transmit a High Pressure alarm. 2. Well Pumps a) Ifthe submersible pressure transmitter in the atmospheric storage tank indicates the water level decreases to the Well Pump On elevation, then the well pumps will start in a gradual manner and fill the storage tank. Ifthe level in the atmospheric storage tank increases to the Well Pump Offelevation, then the well pumps will be taken through the shut off procedure. b) Ifthe submersible pressure transmitter in the atmospheric storage tank indicates the water level decreases below the Well Pump On elevation, then the PLC shall transmit a Low Water Level alarm. If the water level rises above the Well Pump Off elevation, then the PLC shall transmit a High Water Level alarm. c) If the level in the Atmospheric Storage Tank drops to the Booster Pump Off Level, then Booster Pumps # I and #2 will be shut off. This action will supersede the call by the Pump On pressure to tum on the Booster Pumps. Whenever the Booster Pump OffLevel is reached in the atmospheric tank, the Booster Pumps are to be locked out fiom running until water level in the tank rises to the Booster Pump Restart Level. The system will not be able to provide water during this time. This event should never occur as the system has been designed for the peak hour demands. However, it should still be programmed into the PLC as a safeguard to protect the Booster Pumps from running dry. d) Neither the Well Pump nor the Booster Pumps should operate if alarms have not been manually cleared. . The water system shall operate automatically in REMOTE mode as follows: l. Booster Pumpsa) When a demand is placed on the water distribution system while the water booster pumps are ofl the Hydropneumatic Tank will supply the demand and pressure in the system will decrease. When the pump discharge pressure reaches the Booster Pump I Cut On pressure (80 PSI), Booster Pump I will start in a gradual manner and run at a fixed speed. If demand is greater than Booster Pump 1 can deliver, the system pressure will decrease to the Booster Pump 2 Cut On B 259000 l3 of4 2. PRODUCTS-NOTUSEI) 3. EXf,CUTION _NOT USf,D f,ND OF SECTION 2590O0/4of4 Pressure (75 PSI), Booster Pump 2 will start in a gradual manner and run at a fixed speed. b) When demand on the system decreases or stops, the pressure in the system will increase until it reaches the Booster Pump 2 Cut Offpressure (90 PSI), at which point Booster Pump 2 will be taken through the shut offprocedure. The pressure in the system will continue to increase until it reaches the Booster Pump I Cut Offpressure (95 PSI), at which point Booster Pump I will be taken through the shut off procedure. 2. Well Pumps a) Ifthe water level in the atmospheric tank decreases to the Well Pump On float switch, then the well pumps will start in a gradual manner and fill the storage tank. If the level in the atmospheric storage tank increases to the Well Pump Off float switch, then the well pumps will be taken through the shut offprocedure. b) If the level in the atmospheric storage tank drops to the Booster Pump Offfloat switch, then Booster Pumps I and 2 will be shut off. This action will supersede the call by the Pump On pressure to turn on the Booster Pumps. Whenever the Booster Pump Off float switch is reached in the atmospheric tank, the Booster Pumps are to be locked out from running until water level in the tank rises to the Booster Pump Restart float switch. The system will not be able to provide water during this time. C. The chemical feed pumps shall operate automatically in AUTO mode as follows: I . Chemical Feed a) The chemical feed pumps shall only run while the well pumps are running. The dosing rate shall automatically adjust based on the raw water flow rate and the chlorine readings taken by the chlorine analyzer. The pumps shall automatically altemate after each well pump cycle. I. GENERAL 1.I DESCRIPTION A. Electricaldemolition 2. PRODUCTS-NOTUSEI) 3, f,Xf,CUTION 3.2 EXAMINATION A. Verifu field measurements and circuiting arrangements are as indicated. B. Verifu that abandoned wiring and equipment serve only abandoned facilities. C. Demolition drawings are based on casual field observation and existing record documents. D. Report discrepancies to Engineer before disturbing existing installation. E. Beginning of demolition means installer accepts existing conditions. PR.EPARATION A. Disconnect electrical systems in walls, floors, and ceilings to be removed. B. Coordinate utility service outages with utility company. C. Provide temporary wiring and connections to maintain existing systems in service during construction. When work must be performed on energized equipment or circuits, use personnel experienced in such operations. D. Existing Electrical Service: Maintain existing system in service until new system is complete and ready for service. Disable system only to make switchovers and connections. Minimize outage duration. l. Make temporary connections to maintain service in areas adjacent to work area. DEMOLITION AND EXTENSION OF EXISTING ELECTzuCAL WORK A. Perform work for removal and disposal ofequipment and materials containing toxic substances regulated under the Federal Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations. Applicable equipment and materials include, but are not limited to: l. Mercury-containing lamps and tubes, including fluorescent lamps, high intensity discharge (HID), arc lamps, ultra-violet, high pressure sodium, mercury vapor, ignitron tubes, neon, and incandescent. B. Remove, relocate, and extend existing installations to accommodate new construction. C. Remove abandoned wiring to source ofsupply. D. Remove exposed abandoned conduit, including abandoned conduit above accessible ceiling finishes. Cut conduit flush with walls and floors, and patch surfaces. E. Disconnect abandoned outlets and remove devices. Remove abandoned outlets ifconduit servicing them is abandoned and removed. Provide blank cover for abandoned outlets that are not removed. J- ' 3.1 26O505 I 1of2 SECTION 26 O5O5 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION FOR ELECTRICAL F. G. H. I. J. K. ,-4 A. B. Disconnect and remove abandoned panelboards and distribution equipment. Disconnect and remove electrical devices and equipment serving utilization equipment that has been removed, unless otherwise noted. Disconnect and remove abandoned luminaires. Remove brackets, stems, hangers, and other accessories. Repair adjacent construction and finishes damaged during demolition and extension work. Maintain access to existing electrical installations that remain active. Modifl installation or provide access panel as appropriate. Extend existing installations using materials and methods compatible with existing electrical installations, or as specified. CLEANING AND REPAIR Clean and repair existing materials and equipment that r€main or that are to be reused. Panelboards: Clean exposed surfaces and check tightness ofelectrical connections. Replace damaged circuit breakers and provide closure plates for vacant positions. Provide typed circuit directory showing revised circuiting arrangement. END OF SECTION 260505 l2of2 SECTION 260519 ELECTRJCAL POWER AIID CONTROL CONDUCTORS AND CABLES I. GENERAL l.l A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1.2 A. B. C. 1.3 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. DESCRIPTION Single conductor building wire. Underground feeder and branch-circuit cable. Control wirings. Wiring connectors. Electrical tape. Heat shrink tubing. Wire pulling lubricant. Cable ties. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems: Additional requirements for grounding conductors and grounding connectors. Section 26 0536 - Cable Trays for Electrical Systems: Additional installation requirements for cables installed in cable tray systems. Section 26 0553 - IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Identification products and requirements. REFERENCE STANDARDS ASTM 83 - Standard Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire; 2013. ASTM B8 - Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft; 201 l. ASTM B33 - Standard Specification for Tin-Coated Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes; 2010 (Reapproved 2014). ASTM B787lB787M - Standard Specification for l9 Wire Combination Unilay-Stranded Copper Conductors for Subsequent Insulation; 2004 (Reapproved 2014). ASTM D3005 - Standard Specification for Low-Temperature Resistant Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressure-Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape; 2010. ASTM D4388 - Standard Specification for Nonmetallic Semi-Conducting and Electrically Insulating Rubber Tapes; 2013. NECA I - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2010. NECA 121 - Standard for Installing Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable (Type NM-B) and Underground Feeder and Branch-Circuit Cable (Type UF); 2007. NEMA WC 70 - Nonshielded Power Cable 2000 V or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy; 2009. NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems; 2013. NIPA 70 - National Elecrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. 260519i 1of8 L. UL 44 - Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. M. UL 83 - Thermoplastic-lnsulated Wires and Cables; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. N. IJ'L 4864-4868 - Wire Connectors; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. O. UL 486C - Splicing Wire Connectors; Current Edition, lncluding All Revisions. P. UL 486D - Sealed Wire Connector Systems; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. Q. UL 493 - Thermoplastic-Insulated Underground Feeder and Branch-Circuit Cables; Current Edition. lncluding All Revisions. R. UL 5 l0 - Polyvinyl Chloride, Polyethylene, and Rubber Insulating Tape; Current Edition, lncluding All Revisions. 1,4 ADMINISTRATIVEREQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: l. Coordinate sizes ofraceways, boxes, and equipment enclosures installed under other sections with the actual conductors to be installed, including adjustments for conductor sizes increased for voltage drop. 2. Coordinate the installation ofdirect burial cable with other trades to avoid conflicts with piping or other potential conflicts. 3. Coordinate with electrical equipment installed under other sections to provide terminations suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. 4. Notiry Engineer ofany conflicts with or deviations from the contract documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. I.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for conductors and cables, including detailed information on materials, construction, ratings, listings, and available sizes, configurations, and stranding. B. Field Quality Control Test Reports. I.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements ofNFPA 70. B. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSTIA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 CONDUCTOR AND CABLE APPLICATIONS A. Do not use conductors and cables for applications other than as permitted by NFPA 70 and product listing. B. Provide single conductor building wire installed in suitable raceway unless otherwise indicated, permitted, or required. 26 05'19 I 2 of 8 Provide control wiring as specified or recommended by the equipment manufacturer installed in suitable raceway. Nonmetallic-sheathed cable is not permitted. Underground feeder and branch-circuit cable is permitted only as follows: l. Where not otherwise restricted, may be used: a. Flat conductor cable for well pump feeders only.. Service entrance cable is not permitted. Armored cable is not permitted. Metal-clad cable is not permitted. Manufactured wiring systems are not permitted. CONDUCTOR AND CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Provide products that comply with requirements ofNFPA 70. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide all required conduit, boxes, wiring, connectors, etc. as required for a complete operating system. Comply with NEMA WC 70. Thermoplastic-Insulated Conductors and Cables: Listed and labeled as complying with UL 83. Thermoset-lnsulated Conductors and Cables: Listed and labeled as complying with UL 44. Conductor Material: l. Provide copper conductors only. Aluminum conductors are not acceptable for this project. Conductor sizes indicated are based on copper. 2. Copper Conductors: Soft drawn annealed,98 percent conductivity, uncoated copper conductors complying with ASTM 83, ASTM 88, or ASTM B787IB787M unless otherwise indicated. 3. Tinned Copper Conductors: Comply with ASTM B33. Minimum Conductor Size: l. Branch Circuits: l2 AWG. 2. Control Circuits, 50 volts or less: l6 AWG. 3. Control Circuits, Greater than 50 volts: 14 AWG. Where conductor size is not indicated, size to comply with NFPA 70 but not less than applicable minimum size requirements specified. Conductor Color Coding: l. Color code conductors as indicated unless otherwise required by the authority having jurisdiction. Maintain consistent color coding throughout project. 2. Color Coding Method: Integrally colored insulation. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. 2.2 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I, J. 26 0519 / lofS z-3 A. B. C, D. 2.4 A. B. C. D. 2.5 A. B. C. a. Conductors size 4 AWG and larger may have black insulation color coded using vinyl color coding electrical tape. 3. Color Code: a. 208Y1120Y,3 Phase,4 Wire System: i. Phase A: Black. ii. Phase B: Red. iii. Phase C: Blue. iv. NeutraL/Grounded: White. b. Equipment Ground, All Systems: Green. SINGLE CONDUCTOR BUILDING WIRE Description: Single conductor insulated wire. Conductor Stranding: l. Feeders and Branch Circuits: a. Size 10 AWG and Smaller: Solid. b. Size 8 AWG and Larger: Stranded. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 V. Insulation: l. Copper Building Wire: Tlpe XHHW-2. LTNDERGROUND FEEDER AND BRANCH-CIRCUIT CABLE Description: NFPA 70, Tlpe UF multiple-conductor cable listed and labeled as complying with UL 493, Type UF-B. Provide equipment grounding conductor unless otherwise indicated. Conductor Stranding: I . Size l0 AWG and Smaller: Solid. 2. Size 8 AWG and Larger: Stranded. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 V. WIRING CONNECTORS Description: Wiring connectors appropriate for the application, suitable for use with the conductors to be connected, and listed as complying with UL 486A-4868 or UL 486C as applicable. Wiring Connectors for Splices and Taps: l. Copper Conductors Size 8 AWG and Smaller: Use twist-on insulated spring connectors. 2. Copper Conductors Size 6 AWG and Larger: Use mechanical connectors or compression connectors. Compression connector shall only be utilized for butt splicing two conductors. Wiring Connectors for Terminations: 26 0519 I 4 of I l. Provide compression adapters for connecting conductors to equipment fumished with mechanical lugs when only compression connectors are specified. 2. Where over-sized conductors are larger than the equipment terminations can accommodate, provide connectors suitable for reducing to appropriate size, but not less than required for the rating ofthe overcurrent protective device. 3. Copper Conductors Size 8 AWG and Larger: Use mechanical connectors or compression connectors where connectors are required. 4. Stranded Conductors Size l0 AWG and Smaller: Use crimped terminals for connections to terminal screws. D. Do not use insulation-piercing or insulation-displacement connectors designed for use with conductors without stripping insulation. E. Do not use push-in wire connectors as a substitute for twist-on insulated spring connectors. F. Twist-on Insulated Spring Connectors: Rated 600 V, 221 degrees F for standard applications and 302 degrees F for high temperature applications; pre-filled with sealant and listed as complying with UL 486D for damp and wet locations. G. Mechanical Connectors: Provide set-screw type. l. Manufacturers: a. Ilsco: www.ilsco.com/#sle. b. Thomas & Betts Corporation: www.tnb.com,/#sle. 2. Mechanical connectors shall be preinsulated type suitable for the environment for which they are be installed. 3. Connectors that utilize tape for insulation shall not be utilized. H. Compression Connectors: Provide circumferential type or hex type crimp configuration. l. Compression connector shall be suitably insulated for the environment for which they are to be installed with either heat shrink sleaves or rubber tape with rynil tape cover. I. Crimped Terminals: Nylon-insulated, with insulation grip and terminal configuration suitable for connection to be made. 2.6 MRING ACCESSORIES A. Elecrical Tape: ) Vinyl Color Coding Electrical Tape: Integrally colored to match color code indicated; listed as complying with UL 5 l0; minimum thickness of 7 mil; resistant to abrasion, corrosion, and sunlighq suitable for continuous temperature environment up to 221 degrees F. Vinyl Insulating Electrical Tape: Complying with ASTM D3005 and listed as complying with UL 510; minimum thickness of 7 mil; resistant to abrasion, corrosion, and sunlight; conformable for application down to 0 degrees F and suitable for continuous temperature environment up to 221 degrees F. Rubber Splicing Electrical Tape: Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) tape, complying with ASTM D4388; minimum thickness of 30 mil; suitable for continuous l 260519/5ofB temperature environment up to 194 degrees F and short-term 266 degrees F overload service. 4. Electrical Filler Tape: Rubber-based insulating moldable putty, minimum thickness of 125 mil; suitable for continuous temperature environment up to 176 degrees F. 5. Moisture Sealing Electrical Tape: Insulating mastic compound laminated to flexible, all-weather vinyl backing; minimum thickness of 90 mil. B. Heat Shrink Tubing: Healry-wall, split-resistant, with factory-applied adhesive; rated 600 V; suitable for direct burial applications; listed as complying with UL 486D. C. Wire Pulling Lubricant: Listed; suitable for use with tle conductors or cables to be installed and suitable for use at the installation temperature. D. Cable Ties: Material and tensile strenglh rating suitable for application. 3. EXECUTION 3.1 A. B. C. D. E. 3.2 A. A. EXAMINATION Verif, that interior ofbuilding has been protected from weather. Verifu that work likely to damage wire and cable has been completed. Veri! that raceways, boxes, and equipment enclosures are installed and are properly sized to accommodate conductors and cables in accordance with NFPA 70. Verifo that field measurements are as indicated. Verifo that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. PREPARATION Clean raceways thoroughly to remove foreign materials before installing conductors and cables. INSTALLATION Circuiting Requirements: l. Unless dimensioned, circuit routing indicated is diagrammatic. 2. When circuit destination is indicated without specific routing, determine exact routing required. 3. Arrange circuiting to minimize splices. 4. lnclude circuit lengths required to install connected devices within l0 ft of location indicated. 5. Maintain separation ofClass l, Class 2, and Class 3 remote-control, signaling, and powerJimited circuits in accordance with NFPA 70. 6. Circuiting Adjustments: Unless otherwise indicated, when branch circuits are indicated as separate, combining them together in a single raceway is not permitted. 7. Common Neutrals: Unless otherwise indicated, sharing of neutral/grounded conductors among up to three single phase branch circuits ofdifferent phases 260519/ 6of8 installed in the same raceway is not permitted. Provide dedicated neutral/grounded conductor for each individual branch circuit. B. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Perform work in accordance with NECA i (general workmanship). D. Install underground feeder and branch-circuit cable (T1pe UF-B) in accordance with NECA 121. E. lnstallation in Raceway: 1. Tape ends of conductors and cables to prevent infiltration of moisture and other contaminants. 2. Pull all conductors and cables together into raceway at same time. 3. Do not damage conductors and cables or exceed manufacturer's recommended maximum pulling tension and sidewall pressure. 4. Use suitable wire pulting lubricant where necessary, except when lubricant is not recommended by the manufacturer. F. Paralleled Conductors: Install conductors ofthe same length and terminate inthe same manner. G. Secure and support conductors and cables in accordance with NFPA 70 using suitable supports and methods approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Provide independent support fiom building structure. Do not provide support from raceways, piping, ductwork, or other systems. H. Terminate cables using suitable fittings. I. Install conductors with a minimum of l2 inches of slack at each outlet. J. Neatly train and bundle conductors inside boxes, wireways, panelboards and other equipment enclosures. K. Group or otherwise identifu neutraVgrounded conductors with associated ungrounded conductors inside enclosures in accordance with NFPA 70. L- Make wiring connections using specified wiring connectors. 1. Make splices and taps only in accessible boxes. Do not pull splices into raceways or make splices in conduit bodies or wiring gutters. 2. Remove appropriate amount ofconductor insulation for making connections without cutting, nicking or damaging conductors. 3. Do not remove conductor strands to facilitate insertion into connector. 4. Clean contact surfaces on conductors and connectors to suitable remove corrosion, oxides, and other contaminates. Do not use wire brush on plated connector surfaces. 5. Mechanical Connectors: Secure connections according to manufacturer's recommended torque settings. 6. Compression Connectors: Secure connections using manufacturer's recommended tools and dies. 260519/7of8 M N. o. P. a. 3.4 A. B. C. Insulate splices and taps that are made with uninsulated comectors using methods suitable for the application, with insulation and mechanical strength at least equivalent to unspliced conductors. 1. Dry Locations: Use insulating covers specifically designed for the connectors, electrical tape, or heat shrink tubing. a. For taped connections, first apply adequate amount ofrubber splicing electrical tape or electrical filler tape, followed by outer covering ofvinyl insulating electrical tape. b. For taped connections likely to require re-entering, includhg motor leads, first apply vamished cambric eleckical tape, followed by adequate amount of rubber splicing electrical tape, followed by outer covering ofvinyl insulating electrical tape. 2. Damp Locations: Use insulating covers specifically designed for the connectors, electrical tape, or heat shrink tubing. a. For connections with insulating covers, apply outer covering of moisture sealing electrical tape. b. For taped connections, follow same procedure as for dry locations but apply outer covering of moisture sealing electrical tape. 3. Wet Locations: Use heat shrink tubing. Insulate ends of spare conductors using vinyl insulating electrical tape. Field-Applied Color Coding: Where vinyl color coding electrical tape is used in lieu of integrally colored insulation as permitted in Part 2 under "Color Coding", apply half overlapping turns of tape at each termination and at each location conductors are accessible Install firestopping to preserve fire resistance rating ofpartitions and other elements, using materials and methods specified in Section 07 8400. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide final connections to all equipment and devices, including those fumished by others, as required for a complete operating system. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS, except Section 4. Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section 7.3.2. The insulation resistance test is required for all conductors. The resistance test for parallel conductors listed as optional is not requircd. l. Disconnect surge protective devices (SPDs) prior to performing any high potential testing. Replace SPDs damaged by performing high potential testing with SPDs coDnected. Conect deficiencies and replace damaged or defective conductors and cables. EI'D OF SECTION 26 0519 / 8 of8 SECTION 26 0526 GROUNDING AND BONDING FORELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 1. GENERAL 1.1 A. B. c. D. E. 1.2 A. B. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. 1.4 A. B. 1.5 A. B. DESCRIPTION Grounding and bonding requirements. Conductors for grounding and bonding. Connectors for grounding and bonding. Ground bars. Ground rod electrodes. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0519 - ELECTRICAL POWER AND CONTROL CONDUCTORS AND CABLES: Additional requirements for conductors for grounding and bonding, including conductor color coding. Section 26 0553 - IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Identification products and requirements. REFERENCE STANDARDS IEEE 8l - IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Grounding System; 2012. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2010. NEMA GR 1 - Grounding Rod Electrodes and Grounding Rod Electrode Couplings; 2007. NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems; 2013. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. UL 467 - Grounding and Bonding Equipment; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination: l. Veri$r exact locations ofunderground metal water service pipe entrances to building. 2. Coordinate the work with other trades to provide steel reinforcement complying with specifi ed requirements for concrete-encased electrode. 3. Notifi, Engineer ofany conflicts with or deviations fiom the contract documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. Sequencing: l. Do not install ground rod electrodes until final backfill and compaction is complete. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for grounding and bonding system components. Field quality control test reports. 26 0526 I I of6 C. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations ofgrounding electrode system components and connections. I.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. B. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSFIA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having j urisd ict ion. 2.1 A. B. C. D, E. F. GROUNDING AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS Existing Work: Where existing grounding and bonding system components are indicated to be reused, they may be reused only where they are free from corrosion, integrity and continuity are verified, and where acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Do not use products for applications other than as permifted by NFPA 70 and product listing. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide all required components, conductors, connectors, conduit, boxes, fittings, supports, accessories, etc. as necessary for a complete grounding and bonding system. Where conductor size is not indicated, size to comply with NFPA 70 but not less than applicable minimum size requirements specified. Grounding System Resistance: 1. Achieve specified grounding system resistance under normally dry conditions unless otherwise approved by Engineer. Precipitation within the previous 48 hours does not constitute normally dry conditions. 2. Grounding Electrode System: Not greater than 25 ohms to ground, when tested according to IEEE 8l using "fall-of-potential" method. Grounding Electrode System: l. Provide comection to required and supplemental grounding electrodes indicated to form grounding electrode system. a. Provide continuous grounding electrode conductors without splice orjoint. b. Install grounding electrode conductors in raceway where exposed to physical damage. Bond grounding electrode conductor to metallic raceways at each end with bonding jumper. 2. Metal Underground Water Pipe(s): a. Provide connection to metal water service pip€(s) that are in direct contact with earth for at least l0 feet at an accessible location not more than 5 feet from the point of entrance to the building. b. Provide bondingjumper{s) around insulatingjointVpipes as required to make pipe electrically continuous. 3. Ground Rod Electrode(s): 26 0526 I 2of 6 2. PRODUCTS 4 a. Provide three electrodes in an equilateral triangle configuration unless otherwise indicated or required. Existing ground rods may be utilized ifthe pass the Ground Resistance Test. Otherwise, new rods shall be provided. b. Space electrodes not less than l0 feet fiom each other and any other ground electrode. c. Where location is not indicated, locate electrode(s) at least 5 feet outside building perimeter foundation as near as possible to electrical service entrance; where possible, locate in softscape (uncovered) area. Provide additional ground electrode(s) as required to achieve specified grounding electrode system resistance. Ground Bar: Provide ground bar, separate fiom service equipment enclosure, for common connection point of grounding electrode system bonding jumpers as permitted in NFPA 70. Connect grounding electrode conductor provided for service- supplied system grounding to this ground bar. a. Ground Bar S izel. l/4by 2 by l2 inches unless otherwise indicated or required. b. Where ground bar location is not indicated, locate in accessible location as near as possible to service disconnect enclosure. c. Ground Bar Mounting Height: I 8 inches above finished floor unless otherwise indicated. 5 G. Service-SuppliedSystemGrounding: L For each service disconnect, provide grounding electrode conductor to connect neutral (grounded) service conductor to grounding electrode system. Unless otherwise indicated, make connection at neutral (grounded) bus in service disconnect enclosure- For each service disconnect, provide main bondingjumper to connect neutral (grounded) bus to equipment ground bus where not factory-installed. Do not make any other connections between neutral (grounded) conductors and ground on load side of service disconnect. H. Separately Derived System Grounding: l. Separately derived systems include, but are not limited to: a. Transformers (except autotransformers such as buck-boost transformers) b. Generators, when neutral is switched in the transfer switch. Provide grounding electrode conductor to connect derived system grounded conductor to nearest effectively grounded metal building frame. Unless otherwise indicated, make connection at neutral (grounded) bus in source enclosure. Provide bondingjumper to connect derived system grounded conductor to nearest metal building frame and nearest metal water piping in the area served by the derived system, where not already used as a grounding electrode for the derived system. Make connection at same location as grounding electrode conductor connection. Where common grounding electrode conductor ground riser is used for tap connections to multiple separately derived systems, provide bondingjumper to connect the metal building frame and metal water piping in the area served by the derived system to the common grounding electrode conductor. 2 2 J 4 26 0526 I 3 of6 I 5. Outdoor Source: Where the source ofthe separately derived system is located outside the building or structure supplied, provide connection to grounding electrode at source in accordance with NFPA 70. 6. Provide system bondingjumper to connect system grounded conductor to equipment ground bus. Make comection at same location as grounding electrode conductor connection. Do not make any other connections between neutral (grounded) conductors and ground on load side of separately derived system disconnect. 7. Where the source and first disconnecting means are in sepa.rate enclosures, provide supply-side bondingjumper between source and first discomecting means. Bonding and Equipment Grounding: l. Provide bonding for equipment grounding conductors, equipment ground busses, metallic equipment enclosures, metallic raceways and boxes, device grounding terminals, and other normally non-current-carrying conductive materials enclosing electrical conductorvequipment or likely to become energized as indicated and in accordance with NFPA 70. 2. Provide insulated equipment grounding conductor in each feeder and branch circuit raceway. Do not use raceways as sole equipment grounding conductor. 3. Where circuit conductor sizes are increased for voltage drop, increase size of equipment grounding conductor proportionally in accordance with NFPA 70. 4. Unless otherwise indicated, connect wiring device grounding terminal to branch circuit equipment grounding conductor and to outlet box with bondingjumper. 5. Terminate branch circuit equipment grounding conductors on solidly bonded equipment ground bus only. Do not terminate on neutral (grounded) or isolated/insulated ground bus. 6. Provide bondingjumper across expansion or expansion/deflection fittings provided to accommodate conduit movement. 7. Provide bonding for interior metal piping systems in accordance with NFPA 70. This includes, but is not limited to: a. Metal water piping where not already efGctively bonded to metal underground water pipe used as grounding electrode. b. Metal process piping. GROUNDING AND BONDING COMPONENTS General Requirements: l. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. 2. Provide products listed and labeled as complying with UL 467 where applicable. Conductors for Grounding and Bonding, in Addition to Requirements of Section 26 0526: 1. Use insulated copper conductors unless otherwise indicated. a. Exceptions: i. Use bare copper conductors where installed underground in direct contact with earth. 2.2 B 26 0526 I 4of 6 C ii. Use bare copper conductors where directly encased in concrete (not in raceway). Connectors for Grounding and Bonding: 1. Description: Connectors appropriate for the application and suitable for the conductors and items to be connected; listed and labeled as complying with UL 467. 2. Unless otherwise indicated, use exothermic welded connections for underground, concealed and other inaccessible connections. 3. Unless otherwise indicated, use compression connectors or exothermic welded connections for accessible connections. Ground Bars: I . Description: Copper rectangular ground bars with mounting brackets and insulators 2. Siz.e: As indicated. 3. Holes for Connections: As indicated or as required for connections to be made. Ground Rod Electrodes: I . Comply with NEMA GR I . 2. Material: Copper-bonded(copper-clad)steel. 3. Size: 3/4 inch diameter by 10 feet length, unless otherwise indicated. D 3. EXECUTION E 3.1 A B C 3.2 A B C D EXAMINATION Verif that work likely to damage grounding and bonding system components has been completed. Verifu that field measurements are as indicated. Verifl that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. INSTALLATION Install products in accordance with manufactureCs instructions. Perform work in accordance with NECA I (general workmanship). Ground Rod Electrodes: Unless otherwise indicated, install ground rod electrodes vertically. Where encountered rock prohibits vertical installation, install at 45 degree angle or bury horizontally in trench at least 30 inches (750 mm) deep in accordance with NFPA 70 or provide ground plates. 1. Outdoor Installations: Unless otherwise indicated, install with top of rod l2 inches below finished grade. Make grounding and bonding connections using specified connectors. 1. Remove appropriate amount ofconductor insulation for making connections without cutting, nicking or damaging conductors. Do not remove conductor strands to facilitate insertion into connector. 2. Remove nonconductive paint, enamel, or similar coating at threads, contact points, and contact surfaces. 26 0526 l5of6 3. Exothermic Welds: Make connections using molds and weld material suitable for the items to be connected in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Mechanical Connectors: Secure connections according to manufacturer's recommended torque settings. 5. Compression Connectors: Secure connections using manufacturer's recommended tools and dies. Identil! grounding and bonding system components in accordance with Section 26 0553. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS except Section 4. Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section 7.13. Perform ground electrode resistance tests under normally dry conditions. Precipitation within the previous 48 hours does not constitute normally dry conditions. Investigate and correct deficiencies where measured glound resistances do not comply with specifi ed requirements. Submit detailed reports indicating inspection and testing results and corrective actions taken. END OF SECTION E. 3.3 A. B. C. D. E. 260526/6of6 r. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Support and attachment components for equipmen! condui! cable, boxes, and other electrical work. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0533.13 - Conduit: Additional support and attachment requirements for conduits. Section 26 0533. 16 - Boxes: Additional support and attachment requirements for boxes. Section 26 5 100 - Interior Lighting: Additional support and attachment requirements for interior luminaires. REFERENCE STANDARDS ASTM A123lAl23M - Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on lron and Steel Products;2015. ASTM Al53/Al53M - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on lron and Steel Hardware; 2009. ASTM 8633 - Standard Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings ofZinc on Iron and Steel; 2013. MFMA-4 - Metal Framing Standards Publication; 2004. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2010. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. ADMNISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination: l. Coordinate sizes and arrangement of supports and bases with the actual equipment and components to be installed. 2. Coordinate the work with other trades to provide additional framing and materials required for installation. 3. Coordinate compatibility of support and attachment components with mounting surfaces at the installed locations. 4. Coordinate the arrangement ofsupports with ductwork, piping, equipment and other potential conflicts installed under other sections or by others. 5. Notifu Engineer ofany conflicts with or deviations fiom the contract documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. Sequencing: l. Do not install products on or provide attachment to concrete surfaces until concrete has fully cured. SUBMITTALS 26 0529 / I of5 SECTION 26 0529 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 1.1 A, 1.2 A. B. C. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. 1.4 A. B. 1.5 A. B. C. 1.6 A. B. C. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for metal channel (strut) framing systems and post-installed concrete and masonry anchors. Shop Drawings: Include details for fabricated hangers and supports where materials or methods other than those indicated are proposed for substitution. Manufacture/s Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations ofuse stipulated by product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of product. QUALITY ASSURANCE Comply with NFPA 70. Comply with applicable building code. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSIIA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 SUPPORT AND ATTACHMENT COMPONENTS A. GeneralRequirements: l. Provide all required hangers, supports, anchors, fasteners, fittings, accessories, and hardware as necessary for the complete installation ofelectrical work. 2. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended, where applicable. 3. Where support and attachment component types and sizes are not indicated, select in accordance with manufacturer's application criteria as required for the load to be supported with a minimum safety factor of 3. Include consideration for vibration, equipment operation, and shock loads where applicable. 4. Do not use products for applications other than as permitted by NFPA 70 and product listing. 5. Do not us€ wire, chain, perforated pipe strap, or wood for permanent supports unless specifi cally indicated or permitted. 6. Steel Components: Use corrosion resistant materials suitable for the environment where installed. a. Indoor Dry Locations: Use zinc-plated steel or approved equivalent unless otherwise indicated. b. Outdoor and Damp or Wet Indoor Locations: Use galvanized steel, stainless steel, or approved equivalent unless otherwise indicated. c. Zinc-Plated Steel: Electroplated in accordance with ASTM 8633. d. Galvanized Steel: Hot-dip galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM Al23lAl23M or ASTM Al53/A153M. B. Conduit and Cable Supports: Straps, clamps, etc. suitable for the conduit or cable to be supported. l. Conduit Straps: One-hole or two-hole type; steel or malleable iron. 26 0529 l2of 5 2. Conduit Clamps: Bolted type unless otherwise indicated. C. Outlet Box Supports: Hangers, brackets, etc. suitable for the boxes to b€ supported. D. Metal Channel (StruQ Framing Systems: Factory-fabricated continuous-slot metal channel (strut) and associated fittings, accessories, and hardware required for field-assembly of supports. l. Comply with MFMA-4. 2. Channel Material: a. Indoor Dry Locations: Use galvanized steel. b. Outdoor and Damp or Wet Indoor Locations: Use galvanized steel. 3. Minimum Channel Thickness: Steel sheet, 14 gage,0.0747 inch. 4. Minimum Channel Dimensions: l-ll2 inch width by 1-5/8 inch height. E. Hanger Rods: Threaded galvanized steel unless otherwise indicated. 1. Minimum Size, Unless Otherwise Indicated or Required: a. Equipment Suppons: l/2 inch diameter. b. Single Conduit up to I inch (27 mm) trade size:. ll4 inch diameter. c. Single Conduit larger than I inch (27 mm) trade size: 3/8 inch diameter. d. Trapeze Support for Multiple Conduits: 3/8 inch diameter. F- Anchors and Fasteners: 1. Unless otherwise indicated and where not otherwise restricted, use the anchor and fastener t)?es indicated for the specified applications. 2. Concrete: Use preset concrete ins€rts or Epoxy anchors. 3. Steel: Use beam clamps, machine bolts, or welded threaded studs. 4. Sheet Metal: Use sheet metal screws. 5. Plastic and lead anchors are not permitted. 6. Powder-actuated fasteners are not permitted. 7. Hammer-driven anchors and fasteners are not permitted. 8. Preset Concrete Inserts: Continuous metal channel (stnrt) and spot inserts specifically designed to be cast in concrete ceilings, walls, and floors. a. Comply with MFMA-4. b. Channel Material: Use galvanized steel. c. Minimum Channel Thickness: Steel sheet, 12 gtge,0.1046 inch minimum base metal thickness. d. Manufacturer: Same as manufacturer of metal channel (strut) framing system. 9. Post-Installed Concrete Anchors: Evaluated and recognized by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC (CC-ES) for compliance with applicable building code.+ 26 0529 l3of5 3. f,Xf,CUTION 3.1 A. B. C. 3.2 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. ),) A. B. EXAMINATION Verifiz that field measurements are as indicated. Veriry that mounting surfaces are ready to receive support and attachment components. Verii/ that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. INSTALLATION Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Perform work in accordance with NECA I (general workmanship). Install anchors and fasteners in accordance with ICC Evaluation Services, LLC (ICC-ES) evaluation report conditions of use where applicable. Provide independent support from building structure. Do not provide support from piping, ductwork, or other systems. Unless specifically indicated or approved by Engineer, do not provide support from suspended ceiling support system or ceiling grid. Unless specifically indicated or approved by Engineer, do not provide support from roof deck. Do not penetrate or otherwise notch or cut structural members without approval of StructuraI Engineer. Equipment Support and Attachment: l. Use metal fabricated supports or supports assembled fiom metal channel (strut) to support equipment as required. 2. Use metal channel (strut) secured to studs to support equipment surface-mounted on hollow stud walls when wall strength is not sufficient to resist pull-out. 3. Use metal channel (strut) to support surface-mounted equipment in wet or damp locations to provide space between equipment and mounting surface. 4. Securely fasten floor-mounted equipment. Do not install equipment such that it relies on its own weight for support. Conduit Support and Attachment: Also comply with Section 26 0533.13. Box Support and Attachment: Also comply with Section 26 0533.16. Interior Luminaire Support and Attachment: Also comply with Section 26 5 100. Preset Concrete Inserts: Use manufacturer provided closure strips to inhibit concrete seepage during concrete pour. Secure fasteners according to manufacturer's recommended torque settings. Remove temporary supports. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Inspect support and attachment components for damage and defects. Repair cuts and abrasions in galvanized finishes using zinc-rich paint recommended by manufacturer. Replace components that exhibit signs of corrosion. 26 0529 I 4 of5 C. Correct deficiencies and replace damaged or defective support and attachment components. f,ND OF SECTION 26 0529 l5of5 SECTTON 26 0533.13 CONDUIT r. GENERAL 1.1 A. B. C. D. E. F. 1.2 A. B. C. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. o. DESCRIPTION Galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC). Flexible metal conduit (FMC). Liquidtight flexible metal conduit (LFMC). Eleckical metallic tubing (EMT). Rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit. Conduit fittings. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. l. Includes additional requirements for fittings for grounding and bonding. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. Section 26 0553 - IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Identification products and requirements. REFERENCE STANDARDS ANSI C80.1 - American National Standard for Electrical Rigid Steel Conduit (ERSC); 2005. ANSI C80.3 - American National Standard for Steel Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT); 2005. NECA I - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2010. NECA l0l - Standard for Installing Steel Conduits (Rigid, IMC, EMT);2013. NECA I I I - Standard for Installing Nonmetallic Raceways (RNC, ENT, LFNC); 2003. NEMA FB I - Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit, Electrical Metallic Tubing, and Cable;2012. NEMA TC 2 - Electrical Pollvinyl Chloride (PVC) Conduit; 2013. NEMA TC 3 - Pollvinyl Chloride (PVC) Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing; 2015. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authoriry Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. UL I - Flexible Metal Conduit; Cunent Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 6 - Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit-Steel; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 360 - Liquid-Tight Flexible Steel Conduit; Current Edition, Including AlI Revisions. UL 5l4E} - Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings; Current Edition, lncluding All Revisions UL 651 - Schedule 40, 80, Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and Fittings; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 797 - Electrical Metallic Tubing-Steel; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 26 0533.13 / 1of8 t.4 A. B. 1.5 A. B. 1.6 A. B. ADMIN1STRATTVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination: l. Coordinate minimum sizes ofconduits with the actual conductors to be installed, including adjustments for conductor sizes increased for voltage drop. 2. Coordinate the arrangement ofconduits with structural members, ductwork, piping, equipment and other potential conflicts installed under other sections or by others. 3. Veri! exact conduit termination locations required for boxes, enclosures, and equipment installed under other sections or by others. 4. Coordinate the work with other trades to provide roof penetrations that preserve the integrity ofthe roofing system and do not void the roof warranty. 5. Notifu Engineer ofany conflicts with or deviations from the contract documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. Sequencing: l. Do not begin installation ofconductors and cables until installation ofconduit is complete between outle! junction and splicing points. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for conduits and fiftings. Shop Drawings: 1. Indicate proposed arrangement for conduits to be installed within structural concrete slabs, where permitted. 2. Include proposed locations of roof penetrations and proposed methods for sealing. QUALIry ASSURANCE Conform to requirements ofNFPA 70. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 CONDUITAPPLICATIONS A. Do not use conduit and associated fittings for applications other than as permitted by NFPA 70 and product listing. B. Unless otherwise indicated and where not otherwise restricted, use the conduit types indicated for the specified applications. Where more than one listed application applies, 26 0533.13 / 2 of 8 C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. 2.2 A. comply with the most restrictive requirements. Where conduit qpe for a particular application is not specified, use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit. Underground: l. Under Slab on Grade: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit. 2. Exterior, Direct-Buried: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit. 3. Exterior, Embedded Within Concrete Ductbank: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit or rigid PVC conduit. Conduit shall have a minimun of3" ofconduit around each conduit and 4" minimum spacing (edge to edge) between conduits. 4. Where rigid pollvinyl (PVC) conduit is provided, transition to galvanized steel rigid metal conduit where emerging from underground. 5. Where steel conduit emerges fiom concrete into soil, use corrosion protection tape to provide supplementary corrosion protection for a minimum of4 inches on either side of where conduit emerges. Embedded Within Concrete: l. Within Slab on Grade: Not permitted. 2. Within Slab Above Ground: Not permitted. Concealed Within Masonry Walls: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit. Interior, Damp or Wet l,ocations: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit. Exposed, Interior, Not Subject to Physical Damage: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit or electrical metallic tubing (EMT). Exposed, Interior, Subject to Physical Damage: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit. 1. Locations subject to physical damage include, but are not limited to: a. Where exposed below 8 feet, except within electrical and communication rooms or closets. Exposed, Exterior: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit. Concealed, Exterior, Not Embedded in Concrete or in Contact With Earth: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit. Connections to Vibrating Equipment: 1. Dry Locations: Use flexible metal conduit. 2. Damp, Wet, or Corrosive Locations: Use liquidtight flexible metal conduit. 3. Maximum Length: 3 feet unless otherwise indicated. 4. Vibrating equipment includes, but is not limited to: a. Transformers. b. Motors. CONDUIT REQUIREMENTS Existing Work: lvhere existing conduits are indicated to be reused, they may be reused only where they comply with specified requirements, are free from corrosion, and integrity is verified by pulling a mandrel through them. 26 0533.13 I 3 of8 B. c. D. E. F. 1-.) A. B. 2.4 A. B. 2.5 A. B. Fittings for Grounding and Bonding: Also comply with Section 26 0526. Provide all conduit, fittings, supports, and accessories required for a complete raceway system. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. Minimum Conduit Size, Unless Otherwise Indicated: l. Branch Circuits: 1/2 inch (16 mm) trade size. 2. Control Circuits: l/2 inch (16 mm) trade size. 3. Flexible Connections to Luminaires:. l12 inch (16 mm) trade size. 4. Underground, Interior: 3/4 inch (21 mm) trade size. 5. Underground, Exterior: l-l/2 inch trade size. Where conduit size is not indicated, size to comply with NFPA 70 but not less than applicable minimum size requirements specified. GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) Description: NFPA 70, Type RMC galvanized steel rigid metal conduit complying with ANSI C80.1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 6. Fittings: l. Non-Hazardous Locations: Use fittings complying with NEMA FB I and listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B. 2. Material: Use steel or malleable iron. a. Do not use die cast zinc fittings. 3. Connectors and Couplings: Use tlreaded type fittings only. Threadless set screw and compression (gland) type fiuings are not permitted. FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT (FMC) Description: NFPA 70, Type FMC standard wall steel flexible metal conduit listed and labeled as complying with UL [, and listed for use in classified firestop systems to be used. Fittings: l Description: Fittings complying with NEMA FB I and listed and labeled as complying with UL 5 l48. 2. Mateial: Use steel or malleable iron. a. Do not use die cast zinc fittings. LIQUIDTIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT (LFMC) Description: NFPA 70, Type LFMC polyvinyt chloride (PVC) jacketed steel flexible metal conduit listed and labeled as complying with UL 360. Fittings: 1. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA FB I and listed and labeled as complying with UL 5 I 48. 2. Material: Use steel or malleable iron. 260533.13/ 4of8 2.6 A. B. 2.7 A. B. 3.1 A. B, C. 3.1 A. B. C. D. E. a. Do not use die cast zinc fittings. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) Description: NFPA 70, Type EMT steel electrical metallic tubing complying with ANSI C80.3 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 797. Fittings: l. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA FB 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B. 2. Material: Use steel or malleable iron. 3. Connectors and Couplings: Use compression (gland) type. a. Do not use indenter type connectors and couplings. b. Do not use set-screw type connectors and couplings. RIGID POLYVINIYL CHLORIDE (PVC) CONDUIT Description: NFPA 70, Type PVC rigid polyvinyl chloride conduit complying with NEMA TC 2 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 651; Schedule 40 unless otherwise indicated, Schedule 80 where subject to physical damage; rated for use with conductors rated 90 degrees C. Fittings: I . Manufacturer: Same as manufacturer of conduit to be connected. 2. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA TC 3 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 651; material to match conduit. 3. EXECUTION EXAMINATION Verif, that field measurements are as indicated. Verit/ that mounting surfaces are ready to receive conduits. Veriry that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. INSTALLATION Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Perform work in accordance with NECA I (general workmanship). Install galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC) in accordance with NECA l0l . Install rigid pollvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit in accordance with NECA 1 I l. Conduit Routing: 1. Unless dimensioned, conduit routing indicated is diagrammatic. 2. When conduit destination is indicated without specific routing, determine exact routing required. 3. Conceal all exterior conduits unless specifically indicated to be exposed. 4. Interior conduits may be run concealed or exposed. 260533.13 / 5of8 5. Conduits installed underground or embedded in concrete may be routed in the shortest possible manner unless otherwise indicated. Route all other conduits parallel or perpendicular to building structure and surfaces, following surface contours where practical. 6. Arrange conduit to provide no more than the equivalent of three 90 degree bends between pull points. 7. Route conduits above water and drain piping where possible. 8. Arrange conduit to prevent moisture traps. Provide drain fittings at low points and at sealing fittings where moisture may collect. 9. Maintain minimum clearance of6 inches between conduits and piping for other systems. F. Conduit Support: l. Secure and support conduits in accordance with NFPA 70 and Section 26 0529 using suitable supports and methods approved by the authority having jurisdiction. 2. Provide independent support fiom building structure. Do not provide support from piping, ductwork, or other systems. 3. Use conduit strap to support single surface-mounted conduit. a. Use clamp back spacer with conduit strap for damp and wet locations to provide space between conduit and mounting surface. 4. Use metal channel (strut) with accessory conduit clamps to support multiple parallel surface-mounted conduits. 5. Use conduit clamp to support single conduit from beam clamp or threaded rod. 6. Use trapeze hangers assembled from threaded rods and metal channel (strut) with accessory conduit clamps to support multiple parallel suspended conduits. 7. Use of spring steel conduit clips for support ofconduits is not permitted. 8. Use of wire for support ofconduits is not permitted. 9. Where conduit support intervals specified in NFPA 70 and NECA standards differ, comply with the most stringent requirements. G. Connections and Terminations: l. Use approved zinc-rich paint or conduitjoint compound on field-cut threads of galvanized steel conduits prior to making connections. 2. Where two threaded conduits must be.ioined and neither can be rotated, use three- piece couplings. Do not use running threads. 3. Use suitable adapters where required to transition from one type ofconduit to another. 4. Provide drip loops for liquidtight flexible conduit connections to prevent drainage of liquid into connectors. 5. Terminate threaded conduits in boxes and enclosures using threaded hubs or double lock nuts for dry locations and raintight hubs for wet locations. 260533.13/ 6of8 6. Where spare conduits stub up through concrete floors and are not terminated in a box or enclosure, provide threaded couplings equipped with threaded plugs set flush with finished floor. 7. Provide insulating bushings or insulated throats at all conduit terminations to protect conductors. 8. Securejoints and connections to provide maximum mechanical strength and electrical continuity. H. Penetrations: l. Do not penetrate or otherwise notch or cut structural members, including footings and grade beams, without approval of Structural Engineer. 2. Make penetrations perpendicular to surfaces unless otherwise indicated. 3. Provide sleeves for penetrations as indicated or as required to facilitate installation. Set sleeves flush with exposed surfaces unless otherwise indicated or required. 4. Conceal bends for conduit risers emerging above ground. 5. Seal interior ofconduits entering the building fiom underground at first accessible point to prevent entry of moisture and gases. 6. Where conduits penetrate waterproof membrane, seal as required to maintain integrity of membrane. 7. Make penetrations for roof-mounted equipment within associated equipment openings and curbs where possible to minimize roofing system penetrations. Where penetrations are necessary, seal as indicated or as required to preserve integrity of roofing system and maintain roof warranty. Include proposed locations of penetrations and methods for sealing with submittals. l. Underground Installation: l. Minimum Cover, Unless Otherwise lndicated or Required: a. Underground, Exterior: 24 inches. b. Under Slab on Grade: l2 inches to bottom ofslab. 2. Provide underground waming tape in accordance with Section 26 0553 along entire conduit lenglh. J. Provide underground waming tape along entire conduit length. J. Concrete Encasement: Where conduits not otherwise embedded within concrete are indicated to be concrete-encased, provide concrete with minimum concrete cover of 3 inches on all sides unless otherwise indicated. K. Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Where conduits cross boundaries ofhazardous (classified) locations, provide sealing fittings located as indicated or in accordance with NFPA 70. L. Condensation Prevention: Where conduits cross barriers between areas of potential substantial temperature differential, provide sealing fitting or approved sealing compound at an accessible point near the penetration to prevent condensation. This includes, but is not limited to: l. Where conduits pass from outdoors into conditioned interior spaces. 26 0533.13 I 7 of 8 M. N. 3.3 A. B. 3.4 A. 3.5 A. 2. Where conduits pass from unconditioned interior spaces into conditioned interior spaces. Provide pull string in all empty conduits ard in conduits where conductors and cables are to be installed by others. Leave minimum slack of24 inches at each end. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Repair cuts and abrasions in galvanized finishes using zinc-rich paint recommended by manufacturer. Replace components that exhibit signs ofcorrosion. Conect deficiencies and replace damaged or defective conduits. CLEANING Clean interior ofconduits to remove moisture and foreign matter. PROTECTION Immediately after installation ofconduit, use suitable manufactured plugs to provide protection fiom entry of moisture and foreign material and do not remove until ready for installation of conductors. END OF SECTION 260533.13 i 8of8 SECTION 26 0533.16 BOXES I. GENERAL l.l A. B. C. 1.2 A. B. C. D. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. 1.4 A. DESCRIPTION Outlet and device boxes up to 100 cubic inches, including those used asjunction and pull boxes. Cabinets and enclosures, includingjunction and pull boxes larger than 100 cubic inches. Underground boxes/enclosures. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. Section 26 0533.13 - Conduit: l. Conduit bodies and other frttings. 2. Additional requirements for locating boxes to limit conduit length and./or number of bends between pulling points. Section 26 0553 - IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Identification products and requirements. Sectior,26 2726 - Wiring Devices: 1. Wall plates. 2. Additional requirements for locating boxes for wiring devices. REFERENCE STANDARDS NECA I - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2010. NECA 130 - Standard for Installing and Maintaining Wiring Devices; 2010. NEMA FB I - Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit, Electrical Metallic Tubing, and Cable;2012. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum); 2014. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. SCTE 77 - Specification for Underground Enclosure Integrity; 2013. UL 50 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non-Environmental Considerations; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 508 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations; Current Edition. Including All Revisions. UL 508A - Industrial Control Panels; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 5l4A - Metallic Outlet Boxes; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination: l. Coordinate the work with other trades to avoid placement of ductwork, piping, equipment, or other potential obstructions within the dedicated equipment spaces and working clearances for electrical equipment required by NFPA 70. 26 0533.16 I I of 5 1.5 1.6 2. Coordinate arrangement ofelectrical equipment with the dimensions and clearance requirements ofthe actual equipment to be installed. 3. Coordinate minimum sizes ofboxes with the actual installed anangement of conductors, clamps, support frttings, and devices, calculated according to NFPA 70. 4. Coordinate minimum sizes ofpull boxes with the actual installed arrangement of connected conduits, calculated according to NFPA 70. 5. Coordinate the placement of boxes with millwork, fumiture, devices, equipment, etc. installed under other sections or by others. 6. Coordinate the work with other trades to preserve insulation integrity. 7. Coordinate the work with other hades to provide walls suitable for installation of fl ush-mounted boxes where indicated. 8. Notif Engineer ofany conflicts with or deviations from the contract documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. SIJBMITTAI,S A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for cabinets and enclosures, boxes for hazardous (classified) locations, floor boxes, and underground boxeVenclosures. l. Underground Boxes,/Enclosures: Include reports for load testing in accordance with SCTE 77 certified by a professional engineer or an independent testing agency. B. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations for outlet and device boxes, pull boxes, cabinets and enclosures, floor boxes, and underground boxes/enclosures. C. Maintenance Materials: Furnish the following for Owner's use in maintenance of project. l. Keys for Lockable Enclosures: Two of each different key. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. B. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2. PRODUCTS 2.t BOXES A. GeneralRequirements: I. Do not use boxes and associated accessories for applications other than as permitted by NFPA 70 and product listing. 2. Provide all boxes, fittings, supports, and accessories required for a complete raceway system and to accommodate devices and equipment to be installed. 3. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable lor the purpose intended. 4. Where box size is not indicated, size to comply with NFPA 70 but not less than applicable minimum size requirements specified. 26 0533.16 l2of 5 5. Provide grounding terminals within boxes where equipment grounding conductors terminate. B. Outlet and Device Boxes Up to 100 cubic inches, lncluding Those Used as Junction and Pull Boxes: l. Use sheet-steel boxes for dry locations unless otherwise indicated or required. 2. Use cast iron boxes or cast aluminum boxes for damp or wet locations unless otherwise indicated or required; fumish with compatible weatherproof gasketed covers. 3. Use cast iron boxes or cast aluminum boxes where exposed galvanized steel rigid metal conduit is used. 4. Use suitable concrete O?e boxes where flush-mounted in concrete. 5. Use suitable masonry type boxes where flush-mounted in masonry walls. 6. Cast Metal Boxes: Comply with NEMA FB l, and list and label as complying with UL 514A; fumish with threaded hubs. 7. Boxes for Supporting Luminaires and Ceiling Fans: Listed as suitable for the type and weight of load to be supported; furnished with fixture stud to accommodate mounting of [uminaire where required. 8. Boxes for Ganged Devices: Use multigang boxes ofsingle-piece construction. Do not use field-connected gangable boxes unless specifically indicated or permitted. 9. Minimum Box Size, Unless Otherwise Indicated: a. Wiring Devices (Other Than Communications Systems Outlets): 4 inch square by l-ll2 inch deep (100 by 38 mm) trade size. 10. Wall Plates: Comply with Section 26 2726. C. Cabinets and Enclosures, Including Junction and Pull Boxes Larger Than 100 cubic inches: l. Comply with NEMA 250, and list and label as complying with tll 50 and UL 508, or UL 508A. 2. NEMA 250 Environment Type, Unless Otherwise Indicated: a. Indoor Clean, Dry Locations: Type 4. b. Outdoor Locations: Type 4X, stainless steel. 3. Junction and Pull Boxes Larger Than 100 cubic inches: a. Provide screw-cover or hinged-cover enclosures unless otherwise indicated. 4. Cabinets and Hinged-Cover Enclosures, Other Than Junction and Pull Boxes: a. Provide lockable hinged covers, all locks keyed alike unless otherwise indicated. b. Back Panels: Painted steel, removable. c. Terminal Blocks: Provide voltage/current ratings and terminal quantity suitable for purpose indicated, with 100 percent spare terminal capacity. 5. Finish for Painted Steel Enclosures: Manufacturer's standard grey unless otherwise indicated. D. UndergroundBoxes/Enclosures: 26 0533.16 / 3 of 5 2 3 4 5 Description: In-ground, open bottom boxes furnished with flush, non-skid covers with legend indicating type of service and stainless steel tamper resistant cover bolts. Size: As indicated on drawings. Depth: As required to extend below fiost line to prevent frost upheaval, but not less than 18 inches. Provide logo on cover to indicate type of service. Applications: a. Parking Lots, Sidewalks and Landscape Areas Subject Only To Occasional Nondeliberate Vehicular Traffic: Use polymer concrete enclosures, with minimum SCTE 77, Tier l5 load rating. b. Do not use polymer concrete enclosures in areas subject to deliberate vehicular traffic. Polymer Concrete Underground Boxes/Enclosures: Comply with SCTE 77. a. Combination fiberglass/polymer concrete boxes/enclosures are acceptable. 6 3. EXECUTION 3.r A. B. C. A, B. C. D. E. F. EXAMINATION Verifu that field measurements are as indicated. Verifu that mounting surfaces are ready to receive boxes. Verifo that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. INSTALLATION lnstall products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Install boxes in accordance with NECA 1 (general workmanship) and, where applicable, NECA 130, including mounting heights specified in those standards where mounting heights are not indicated. Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 70. Unless otherwise indicated, provide separate boxes for line voltage and low voltage systems. Unless otherwise indicated, boxes may be surface-mounted where exposed conduits are indicated or permitted. Box Locations: 1. Unless dimensioned, box locations indicated are approximate. 2. Locate boxes as required for devices installed under other sections or by others. a. Switches, Receptacles, and Other Wiring Devices: Comply with Section 26 2726. 3. Unless otherwise indicated, where multiple outlet boxes are installed at the same location at different mounting heights, install along a common vertical center line. 26 0533.16 l4of 5 4 Locate junction and pull boxes as indicated, as required to facilitate installation of conductors, and to limit conduit length and/or number ofbends between pulling points in accordance with Section 76 0533.13. Locatejunction and pull boxes in the following areas, unless otherwise indicated: Electrical rooms. 5 a 3.3 3.4 b. Mechanical equipment rooms. c. Equipment Rooms. G. Box Supports: 1. Secure and support boxes in accordance with NFPA 70 and Section 26 0529 using suitable supports and methods approved by the authority having j urisdiction. 2. Provide independent support from building sfucture except for cast metal boxes (other than boxes used for fixture support) supported by threaded conduit connections in accordance with NFPA 70. Do not provide support fiom piping, ductwork, or other systems. H. Install boxes plumb and level. I. UndergroundBoxes,/Enclosures: 1. Install enclosure on gravel base, minimum 6 inches deep. 2. Provide cast-in-place concrete collar constructed, minimum i0 inches wide by l2 inches deep, around ericlosures. 3. Install additional bracing inside enclosures in accordalce with manufacturer's instructions to minimize box sidewall deflections during backfilling. Backfill with cover bolted in place. J. Install permanent banier between ganged wiring devices when voltage between adjacent devices exceeds 300 V. K. Close unused box openings. L. Install blank wall plates on junction boxes and on outlet boxes with no devices or equipment installed or designated for future use. M. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526. N. Identif, boxes in accordance with Section 26 0553. CLEANING A. Clean interior ofboxes to remove dirt, debris, plaster and other foreign material. PROTECTION A. Immediately after installation, protect boxes from entry of moisture and foreign material until ready for instatlation ofconductors. f,ND OF SECTION 26 0533.16 / 5 of 5 SECTION 26 0553 INDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 1. Gf,NERAL l.l A. B. C. D. E. F. 1.2 A. B. C. D. 1.3 A. B. C. D. 1.4 A. B. 1.5 A, DESCRIPTION Electrical identification requirements. Identification nameplates and labels. Wire and cable markers. Underground waming tape. Floor marking tape. Waming signs and labels. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0519 - ELECTRICAL POWER AND CONTROL CONDUCTORS AND CABLES: Color coding for power conductors and cables 600 V and less; vinyl color coding electrical tape. Section 26 0573 - Power System Studies: Arc flash hazard waming labels. Section 26 2726 - Wiring Devices - Lutron: Device and wallplate finishes; factory pre- marked wallplates. Section 27 1000 - Structured Cabling: Identification for communications cabling and devices. REFERENCE STANDARDS ANSI 2535.2 - American National Standard for Environmental and Facility Safety Signs; 20t1. ANSI 2535.4 - American National Standard for Product Safety Signs and Labels; 201 l. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. UL 969 - Marking and Labeling Systems; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination: l. Verifr final designations for equipment, systems, and components to be identified prior to fabrication of identification products. Sequencing: l. Do not conceal items to be identified, in locations such as above suspended ceilings, until identification products have been installed. 2. Do not install identification products until final surface finishes and painting are complete. SIJBMITTALS Product Data: Provide manufacturels standard catalog pages and data sheets for each product. 26 0553 I I of1 B. Shop Drawings: Provide schedule ofitems to be identified indicating proposed designations, materials, legends, and formats. C. Manufacturer's Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations ofuse stipulated by product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation and installation of product. 1.6 QUAUTY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. 2.1 A IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Identifi cation for Equipment: l. Use identification nameplate to identiff each piece ofelectrical distribution and control equipment and associated sections, compartments, and components. a. Motor Control: i. Identifo ampere rating. ii. Identi| voltage and phase. iii. Identifu power source and circuit number. Include location. iv. Use identification nameplate to identifo main overcurrent protective device. v. Use identification nameplate to identifu load(s) served for each branch device. Do not identifu spares and spaces. b. Panelboards: i. ldentifu ampere rating. ii. Identifu voltage and phase. iii. Identi$ power source and circuit number. Include location when not within sight ofequipment. iv. Identifl main ovsrcurrent protective device. Use identification label for panelboards with a door. For power distribution panelboards without a door, use identifi cation nameplate. v. Use tnewritten circuit directory to identiry load(s) served for panelboards with a door. vi. For power panelboards without a door, use identification nameplate to identifr load(s) served for each branch device. c. Transformers: i. Identi! kVA rating. ii. Identif,, voltage and phase for primary and secondary. iii. Identifr power source and circuit number. lnclude location. iv. Identifo load(s) served. Include location. d. Enclosed switches, circuit breakers, and motor controllers: 26 0553 l2of1 2. PRODUCTS 26 0553 l3of1 i. Identiry voltage and phase. ii. Identifo power source and circuit number. Include location. iii. Identifr load(s) served. Include location. e. Transfer Switches: i. Identifu voltage and phase. ii. Identifi power source and circuit number for both normal power source and standby power source. Include location. iii. Identifu load(s) served. Include location. iv. Identi! short circuit current rating based on the specific overcurrent protective device type and settings protecting the transfer switch. 2. Service Equipment: a. Use identification nameplate to identif each service disconnecting means. b. For buildings or structures supplied by more than one service, or any combination of branch circuits, feeders, and services, use identification nameplate or means of identification acceptable to authority having j urisdiction at each service disconnecting means to identif all other services, feeders, and branch circuits supplying that building or structure. Verifo format and descriptions with authority having.jurisdiction. 3. Use identification nameplate to identifi equipment utilizing series ratings, where permitted, in accordance with NFPA 70. 4. Use identification nameplate to identiry panelboards utilizing a high leg delta system in accordance with NFPA 70. 5. Use identification nameplate to identifu disconnect location for equipment with remote disconnecting means. 6. Use identification label or identification nameplate on inside ofdoor at each fused switch to identifu required NEMA fuse class and size. 7. Use identification label or identification nameplate on inside ofdoor at each motor controller to identifo nameplate horsepower, full load amperes, code letter, service factor, voltage, and phase of motor(s) controlled. 8. Use field-painted floor markings, floor marking tape, or waming labels to identifr required equipment working clearances. a. Field-Painted Floor Markings: Altemating black and white stripes, 3 inches wide, painted in accordance with Section 09 9123 and 09 9113. 9. Available Fault Current Documentation: Use identification label to identif the available fault current and date calculations were performed at locations requiring documentation by NFPA 70, including but not limited to the following. a. Service equipment. b. Industrial control panels. 10. Arc Flash Hazard Warning Labels: Comply with Section 26 0573. B. Identification for Conductors and Cables: 2.2 I . Color Coding for Power Conductors 600 V and Less: Comply with Section 26 0519. 2. Identification for Communications Conductors and Cables: Comply with Section 27 1000. 3. Use identification nameplate or identification label to identiry color code for ungrounded and grounded power conductors inside door or enclosure at each piece of feeder or branch-circuit distribution equipment when premises has feeders or branch circuits served by more than one nominal voltage system. 4. Use wire and cable markers to identifr circuit number or other designation indicated for power, control, and instrumentation conductors and cables at the following locations: a. At each source and load connection. b. Within boxes when more than one circuit is present. c. Within equipment enclosures when conductors and cables enter or leave the enclosure. 5. 5. Use wire and cable markers to identifo connected grounding electrode system components for grounding electrode conductors. 6. Use underground waming tape to identifr direct buried cables. C. Identification for Boxes: l. Use identification labels to identifr circuits enclosed. D. Identification for Devices: l. Identification for Communications Devices: Comply with Section 27 1000. 2. Wiring Device and Wallplate Finishes: Comply with Seclion 26 2726. 3. Factory Pre-Marked Wallplates: Comply with Section 26 2726. 4. Use engraved wallplate to identi! serving branch circuit for all receptacles. 5. Use identification label or engraved wallplate to identi$ load controlled for wall- mounted control devices controlling loads that are not visible liom the control location and for multiple wall-mounted control devices installed at one location. IDENTIFICATION NAMEPLATES AND LABELS A. IdentificationNameplates: l. Materials: a. Indoor Clean, Dry Locations: Use plastic nameplates. b. Outdoor Locations: Use plastic, stainless steel, or aluminum nameplates suitable for exterior use. 2. Plastic Nameplates: Two-layer or three-layer laminated acrylic or electrically non- conductive phenolic with beveled edges; minimum thickness of 1/16 inch; engraved text. 3. Stainless Steel Nameplates: Minimum thickness of l/32 inch; engraved or laser- etched text- 260553/4of1 4. Aluminum Nameplates: Anodized; minimum thickness of 1/32 inch; engraved or laser-etched text. 5. Mounting Holes for Mechanical Fasteners: Two, centered on sides for sizes up to I inch high; Four, located at corners for larger sizes. B. IdentificationLabels: 1. Materials: Use self-adhesive laminated plastic labels; UV, chemical, water, heat and abrasion resistant. 2. Text: Use factory pre-printed or machine-printed text. Do not use handwritten text unless otherwise indicated. C. Format for Equipment Identification: l. Minimum Size: I inch by 2.5 inches. 2. Legend: a. Equipment designation or other approved description. 3. Text: All capitalized unless otherwise indicated. 4. Minimum Text Height: a. Equipment Designation: l/2 inch. 5. Color: a. Normal Power System: White text on black background. D. Format for General lnformation and Operating Instructions: l. Minimum Size: I inch by 2.5 inches. 2. Legend: Include information or instructions indicated or as required for proper and safe operation and maintenance. 3. Text: All capitalized unless otherwise indicated. 4. Minimum Text Height: l/4 inch. 5. Color: Black text on white background unless otherwise indicated. E. Format for Receptacle Identification: l. Minimum Size: 3/8 inch by I .5 inches. 2. Legend: Power source and circuit number or other designation indicated. a. lnclude voltage and phase for other than 120 V, single phase circuits. 3. Text: All capitalized unless otherwise indicated. 4. Minimum Text Height: 3/16 inch. 5. Color: Black text on clear background. F. Format for Control Device Identification: l. Minimum Size: 3/8 inch by I .5 inches. 2. Legend: Load controlled or other designation indicated. 3. Text: All capitalized unless otherwise indicated. 260553/5of1 4. Minimum Text Height: 3/16 inch. 5. Color: Black text on clear background. WIRE AND CABLE MARKERS Markers for Conductors and Cables: Use wrap-around self-adhesive vinyl self-laminating, heat-shrink sleeve, or vinyl split sleeve lrpe markers suitable for the conductor or cable to be identified. Markers for Conductor and Cable Bundles: Use plastic marker tags secured by nylon cable ties. Legend: Power source and circuit number or other designation indicated. Text: Use factory pre-printed or machine-printed text, all capitalized unless otherwise indicated. Minimum Text Height: 1/8 inch. Color: Black text on white background unless otherwise indicated. UNDERGROLIND WARNING TAPE Materials: Use foil-backed detectable type polyethylene tape suitable for direct burial, unless otherwise indicated. Foil-backed Detectable Type Tape: 3 inches wide, with minimum thickness of 5 mil, unless otherwise required for proper detection. Legend: Type of service, continuously repeated over full length oftape. Color: 1. Tape for Buried Power Lines: Black text on yellow background. FLOOR MARKING TAPE Floor Marking Tape for Equipment Working Clearance ldentification: Self-adhesive vinyl or polyester tape with overlaminate, 3 inches wide, with alternating black and white stripes. WARNING SIGNS AND LABELS Comply with ANSI 2535.2 or ANSI 2535.4 as applicable. Waming Signs: 1. Materials: 2. Minimum Size: 7 by l0 inches unless otherwise indicated. Warning Labels: 1. Materials: Use factory pre-printed or machine-printed self-adhesive polyester or self- adhesive vinyl labels; UV, chemical, water, heat, and abrasion resistant; produced using materials recognized to UL 969. 2. Machine-Printed Labels: Use thermal transfer process printing machines and accessories recommended by label manufacturer. 3. Minimum Size: 2by 4 inches unless otherwise indicated. 260553/6of] 2.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. 2.4 A. B. C. D. 2.5 A. 2.6 A. B. C. 3. EXECUTION 3.1 A. ).2 A. B. C. D. E. F. J.J A. PREPARATION Clean surfaces to receive adhesive products according to manufacture/s instructions. INSTALLATION Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Install identification products to be plainly visible for examination, adjustment, servicing, and maintenance. Unless otherwise indicated, locate products as follows: 1. Surface-MountedEquipment: Enclosure front. 2. Flush-Mounted Equipment: Inside of equipment door. 3. Free-Standing Equipment: Enclosure front; also enclosure rear for equipment with rear access. 4. Elevated Equipment: Legible from the floor or working platform. 5. Branch Devices: Adjacent to device. 6. Interior Components: Legible from the point of access. 7. Boxes: Outside face ofcover. 8. Conductors and Cables: Legible from the point of access. 9. Devices: Outside face ofcover. Install identification products centered, level, and parallel with lines of item being identified. Secure nameplates to exterior surfaces of enclosures using stainless steel screws and to interior surfaces using seltadhesive backing or epoxy cement. Install self-adhesive labels and markers to achieve maximum adhesion, with no bubbles or wrinkles and edges properly sealed. lnstall underground waming tape above buried lines with one tape per trench at 3 inches below finished grade. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Replace self-adhesive labels and markers that exhibit bubbles, wrinkles, curling or other signs of improper adhesion. END OF SECTION 26 0553 I 7 of1 SF],CTION 26 0573 POWER SYSTEM STUDIES 1. GENERAL 1.1 A. B. C. D. 1.2 A. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. 1.4 A. B. DESCRIPTION Short-circuit study. Protective device coordination study. Arc flash and shock risk assessment. l. Includes arc flash hazard warning labels. Criteria for the selection and adjustment ofequipment and associated protective devices not specified in this section, as determined by studies to be performed. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0553 - IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Additional requirements for arc flash hazard waming labels. REFERENCE STANDARDS IEEE 1584-2018 - Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations ANSI 2535.4 - American National Standard for Product Safety Signs and Labels; 201l. IEEE l4l - IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Power Distribution for Industrial Plants; 1993 (Reaff 1999). IEEE 242 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination oflndustrial and Commercial Power Systems: 2001. IEEE 399 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis;1997. IEEE 551 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industria[ and Commercial Power Systems; 2006. NEMA MG I - Motors and Generators; 2014. NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems; 2013. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. NFPA 708 - Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace;2015. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination: I . Existing Installations: Coordinate with equipment manufacturer(s) to obtain data necessary for completion of studies. 2. Coordinate the work to provide equipment and associated protective devices complying with criteria for selection and adjustment, as determined by studies to be performed. 3. Notifi Engineer ofany conflicts with or deviations from the contract documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. Sequencing: 26 0573 I l of7 C. 1.5 A. B. C. D. E. 1.6 A. l. Submit study reports prior to or concurrent with product submittals. 2. Do not order equipment until matching study reports and product submittals have both been evalualed by Engineer. 3. Verifr naming convention for equipment identification prior to creation offinal drawings, reports, and arc flash hazard warning labels (where applicable). Scheduling: l. Arrange access to existing facility for data collection with Owner. 2. Where work ofthis section involves intemrption ofexisting electrical service, arrange service interruption with Owner. SUBMITTALS Study prepareCs qualifi cations. Study reports, stamped or sealed and signed by study preparer. Product Data: In addition to submittal requirements specified in other sections, include manufactureCs standard catalog pages and data sheets for equipment and protective devices indicating information relevant to studies. 1. Include characteristic time-current trip curves for protective devices. 2. Include impedance data for busway. 3. lnclude impedance data for engine generators. 4. Clearly indicate whether proposed short circuit current ratings are fully rated or, where acceptable, series rated systems. 5. Include documentation oflisted series ratings. 6. Identi$ modifications made in accordance with studies that: a. Can be made at no additional cost to Owner. b. As submitted will involve a change to the contract sum. Arc Flash Hazard Waming Label Samples: One of each ry'pe and legend specified. Project Record Documents: Revise studies as required to reflect as-built conditio[s. l. Include hard copies with operation and maintenance data submittals. 2. Include computer software files (Program Data Files) used to prepare studies with file name(s) cross-referenced to specific pieces of equipment and systems. POWER SYSTEM STUDIES Scope of Studies: l. Except where study descriptions below indicate exclusions, analyze system at each bus from primary protective devices ofutility source down to each piece of equipment involved, including parts of system affecting calculations being performed (e.g. fault current contribution from motors). 2. Include in analysis altemate sources and operating modes (including known future configurations) to determine worst case conditions. a. Known Operating Modes: 26 0573 I 2 of7 i. Utility as source. ii. Generator as source. B. General Study Requirements: 1. Comply with NFPA 70. 2. Perform studies utilizing computer software complying with specified requirements; manual calculations are not permitted. C. Data Collection: l. Compile information on project-specific characteristics of actual installed equipment, prot€ctive devices, feeders, etc. as necessary to develop single-line diagram of electrical distribution system and associated input data for use in system modeling. a. Utility Source Data: Include primary voltage, maximum and minimum three- phase and line-to-ground fault currents, impedance, X/R ratio, and primary protective device information. i. Obtain up-to-date information from Utility Company. b. Generators: Include manufacturer/model, kW and voltage ratings, and impedance. c. Motors: Include manufacturer/model, type (e.g. induction, synchronous), horsepower rating, voltage rating, full load amps, and locked rotor current or NEMA MG I code letter designation. d. Transformers: Include primary and secondary voltage ratings, kVA rating, winding configuration, percent impedance, and X/R ratio. e. Protective Devices; i. Circuit Breakers: Include manufacturer/model, type (e.g. thermal magnetic, electronic trip), frame size, trip rating, voltage rating, intemrpting rating, available field-adjustable trip response settings, and features (e.g. zone selective interlocking). ii. Fuses: Include manufacturer/model, type/class (e.g. Class J), sizelrating, and speed (e.g. time delay, fast acting). f. Protective Relays: Include manufacturer/model, type, settings, current/potential transformer ratio, and associated protective device. g. Conductors: Include feeder size, material (e.g. copper, aluminum), insulation type, voltage rating, number per phase, raceway type, and actual length. D. Short-CircuitStudy: I . Comply with IEEE 551 and applicable portions of IEEE 14l, IEEE 242, and IEEE. 399. 2. For purposes of determining equipment short circuit current ratings, consider conditions that may result in maximum available fault curren! including but not limited to: a. Maximum utility fault currents. b. Maximum motor contribution. 26 0573 I 3 of1 c. Known operating modes (e.g. utility as source, generator as source, utility/generator in parallel, bus tie breaker open/close positions). 3. For each bus location, calculate the maximum available three-phase bolted symmetrical and asymmetrical fault currents. For grounded systems, also calculate the maximum available line-to-ground bolted fault currents. E. Protective Device Coordination Study: l. Comply with applicable portions ofIEEE 242 and IEEE 399. 2. Analyze alternate scenarios considering known operating modes (e.g. utility as sourc€, generator as source, utility/generator in parallel, bus tie breaker open/close positions). 3. Analyze protective devices and associated settings for suitable margins between time- current curves to achieve full selective coordination in compliance with Autlrority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Utilize a minimum of .l seconds coordination or less where required by the AHJ. 4. Coordination study shall be performed prior to submission ofGenerator, Transfer Switch, Panelboard and Variable Frequency Motor Controller shop drawings. 5. Make revisions to equipment selections as required to ensure that coordination meets the requirements of the AHJ or minimum of .1 seconds, whichever is more stringent. F. Arc Flash and Shock Risk Assessment: 1. Comply with NFPA 708. 2. Perform incident energl and arc flash boundary calculations in accordance with IEEE 1584 (as referenced in NFPA 70E Annex D), where applicable. a. To clarifr IEEE 1584 statement that "equipment below 240 V need not be considered unless it involves at least one 125 kVA or larger low-impedance transformer in its immediate power supply" for purposes ofstudies, study preparer to include equipment rated less than 240 V fed by transformers less than 125 kVA in calculations. b. Where reasonable, study preparer may assume a maximum clearing time of two seconds in accordance with IEEE 1584, provided that the conditions are such that a worker's egress from an arc flash event would not be inhibited. c. For single-phase systems, study preparer to perform calculations assuming three- phase system in accordance with IEEE 1584, yielding conservative results. 3. For equipment with main devices mounted in separate compartmentalized sections, perform calculations on both the line and load side ofthe main device. 4. Analyze altemate scenarios considering conditions that may result in maximum incident enerry, including but not limited to: a. Maximum and minimum utility fault currents. b. Maximum and minimum motor contribution. c. Known operating modes (e.g. utility as source, generator as source, utility/generator in parallel, bus tie breaker open/close positions). G. Study Repo(s: 26 0573 I 4 ofl l. GeneralRequirements: a. Identifu date of study and study preparer. b. Identiry study methodologz and software produc(s) used. c. Identif, scope of studies, assumptions made, implications of possible altemate scenarios, and any exclusions from studies. d. Identif, base used for per unit values. e. Include singleJine diagram and associated input data used for studies; identifu buses on single-line diagram as referenced in reports, and indicate bus voltage. f. Include conclusions and recommendations. 2. Short-CircuitStudy: a. For each scenario, identifl at each bus location: i. Calculated maximum available symmetrical and asymmetrical fault currents (both three-phase and line-to-ground where applicable). ii. Fault point X/R ratio. iii. Associated equipment short circuit current ratings. b. Identifu locations where the available fault current exceeds the equipment short circuit current rating, along with recommendations. 3. Protective Device Coordination Study: a. For each scenario, include time-curent coordination curves plotted on log-log scale graphs. b. For each graph include (where applicable): i. Partial single-line diagram identifring the portion ofthe system illustrated. ii. Protective Devices: Time-current curves with applicable tolerance bands for each protective device in series back to the source, plotted up to the maximum available fault current at the associated bus. iii. Conductors: Damage curves. iv. Transformers: lnrush points and damage curves. v. Generators: Full load current, overload curves, decrement curves, and short circuit withstand points. vi. Motors: Full load current, starting curves, and damage curves. vii. Capacitors: Full load current and damage curves. c. For each protective device, identifr fixed and adjustable characteristics with available ranges and recommended settings. i. Circuit Breakers: lnclude long time pickup and delay, short time pickup and delay, and instantaneous pickup. ii. Include ground fault pickup and delay. iii. Include fuse ratings. 26 0573 I 5of7 1.7 A B 2.1 A iv. Protective Relays: Include current/potential transformer ratios, tap, time dia[, and instantaneous pickup. d. Identifr cases where either full selective coordination or adequate protection is not achieved, along with recommendations. 4. Arc Flash and Shock Risk Assessment: a. For each scenario, identifu at each bus location: i. Calculated incident energy and associated working distance. ii. Calculated arc flash boundary. iii. Bolted fault current. iv. Arcing fault current. v. Clearing time. vi. Arc gap distance. b. For purposes ofproducing arc flash hazard warning labels, summarize the maximum incident enerry and associated data reflecting the worst case condition ofall scenarios at each bus location. c. Identif locations where the calculated maximum incident energy exceeds 40 calories per sq cm. d. Include recommendations for reducing the incident energr' at locations where the calculated maximum incident energy exceeds l2 calories per sq cm. QUALITY ASSURANCE Study Preparer Qualifications: Professional electrical engineer licensed in the State in which the Project is located and with minimum five years experience in the preparation of studies of similar type and complexity using specified computer software. l. Study preparer may be employed by the manufacturer ofthe electrical distribution equipment. 2. Study preparer may be employed by field testing agency. Computer Software for Study Preparation: Usethe latest edition of commercially available software utilizing specified methodologies. l. Acceptable Software Products: a. ETAP/Operation Technology, Inc: www.etap.com-/#sle. b. SKM Systems Analysis, Inc: *qrv.skm.com/#sle. 2. PRODUCTS ARC FLASH HAZARD WARNING LABELS Provide waming labels complying with ANSI 2535.4 to identifl arc flash hazards for each work location analyzed by the arc flash and shock risk assessment. l. Nominal Size: 4 by 6 inches. 2. Legend: Provide custom legend in accordance with NFPA 70E based on equipment- specific data as determined by arc flash and shock risk assessment. 26 0573 I 6 of7 a. Include orange header that reads "WARNING" where calculated incident energy is less than 40 calories per square cm. b. Include red header that reads "DANGER" where calculated incident energy is 40 calories per square cm or greater. c. Include the text "Arc Flash and Shock Hazard; Appropriate PPE Required" or approved equivalent. d. Include the following information: i. Arc flash boundary. ii. Available incident energy and corresponding working distance. i ii. Nominal system voltage. iv. Limited approach boundary. v. Restricted approach boundary. vi. Equipment identification. vii. Date calculations were performed. viii. Identifu immediate upstream protection device. 3, EXECUTION 3.1 A. 3.2 A. B. C. 3.3 INSTALLATION Install arc flash waming labels in accordance with Section 26 0553. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS, except Section 4. Adjust equipment and protective devices for compliance with studies and recommended settings. Notifo Engineer ofany conflicts with or deviations Ilom studies. Obtain direction before proceeding. CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES EN'D OF SECTION 26 0573 / 7 ofl SECTION 262416 PANELBOARDS I. GENERAL l.l A. B. 1.2 A. B. C. t.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J, K. L. M. 1.4 A. DESCRIPTION Lighting and appliance panelboards. Overcurrent protective devices for panelboards. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. Section 26 4300 - Surge Protective Devices. REFERENCE STANDARDS FS W-C-375 - Circuit Breakers, Molded Case; Branch Circuit and Service; Federal Specification: Revision E, 20 1 3. NECA I - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2010. NECA 407 - Standard for lnstalling and Maintaining Panelboards; 2009. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum);2014. NEMA PB I - Panelboards; 201 1. NEMA PB 1 .1 - General Instructions for Proper Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Panelboards Rated 600 Volts or Less; 2013. NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems; 2013. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. UL 50 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non-Environmental Considerations; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 50E - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 67 - Panelboards; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 489 - Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches and Circuit Breaker Enclosures; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 869A - Reference Standard for Service Equipment; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination: 1. Coordinate the work with other trades to avoid placement ofductwork, piping, equipment, or other potential obstructions within the dedicated equipment spaces and working cleararces for electrical equipment required by NFPA 70. 2. Coordinate arrangement ofelectrical equipment with the dimensions and clearance requirements ofthe actual equipment to be installed. 262416/ I of6 1.5 A. B. C. D. E. 1.6 A. B. t.7 A. B. C. 3. Coordinate the work with other trades to provide walls suitable for installation of fl ush-mounted panelboards where indicated. 4. Veril, with manufacturer that conductor terminations are suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. 5. Notiff Engineer ofany conflicts with or deviations fiom the conh-act documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for panelboards, enclosures, overcurrent protective devices, and other installed components and accessories. Shop Drawings: Indicate outline and support point dimensions, voltage, main bus ampacity, overcurrent protective device arrangement and sizes, short circuit current ratings, conduit entry locations, conductor terminal information, and installed features and accessories. I . Include dimensioned plan and elevation views of panelboards and adjacent equipment with all required clearances indicated. 2. Cleerly indicate whether proposed short circuit current ratings are fully rated or, where acceptable, series rated systems. 3. Include documentation oflisted series ratings. Project Record Documents: Record actual installed locations ofpanelboards and actual instal led circuiting arrangements. Maintenance Data: Include information on replacement parts and recommended maintenance procedures and intervals. Maintenance Materials: Fumish the following for Owner's use in maintenance of project. l. Panelboard Keys: Two ofeach different key. QUALITY ASSURANCE Conform to requirements ofNFPA 70. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND IIANDLING Receive, inspect, handle, and store panelboards in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NECA 407. Store in a clean, dry space. Maintain factory wrapping or provide an additional heavy canvas or heavy plastic cover to protect units from dirt, water, construction debris, and traffic. Handle carefully in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions to avoid damage to panelboard intemal components, enclosure, and finish. 26 2416 l2of6 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. ABB/GE: www.geindustrial.corn/#sle. B. Eaton Corporation: www.eaton.com. C. Schneider Electric; Square D Products: www.schneider-elechic.us. D. Siemens lndustry, Inc: www.usa.siemens.com. E. Source Limitations: Fumish panelboards and associated components produced by the same manufacturer as the other electrical distribution equipment used for this project and obtained from a single supplier. 2.2 PANELBOARDS.GENERALREQUIREMENTS A. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. B. Short Circuit Current Rating: l. Provide panelboards with listed short circuit current rating not less than the available fault current at the installed location as indicated on the drawings. 2. Listed series ratings are acceptable, except where not permitted by motor contribution according to NFPA 70. 3. Label equipment utilizing series ratings as required by NFPA 70. C. Panelboards Used for Service Enffance: Listed and labeled as suitable for use as service equipment according to UL 869A. D. Mains: Configure for top or bottom incoming feed as indicated or as required for the installation. E. Branch Overcurrent Protective Devices: Replaceable without disturbing adjacent devices. F. Bussing: Sized in accordance with UL 67 temperature rise requirements. 1. Provide fully rated neutral bus, with a suitable lug for each feeder or branch circuit requiring a neutral connection. 2. Provide solidly bonded equipment ground bus in each panelboard, with a suitable lug for each feeder and branch circuit equipment grounding conductor. G. Conductor Terminations: Suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. H. Enclosures: Comply with NEMA 250, and list and label as complying with UL 50 and UL s0E. l. Environment Tlpe per NEMA 250: Unless otherwise indicated, as specified for the following installation locations: a. Indoor Clean, Dry Locations: Type l. 2. Boxes: Galvanized steel unless otherwise indicated. a. Provide wiring gutters sized to accommodate the conductors to be installed. 3. Fronts: a. Fronts for Surface-Mounted Enclosures: Same dimensions as boxes. 26 2416 I 3 of 6 I. J. K. z-, A. B. C. D. E. 2.4 A. b. Finish for Painted Steel Fronts: Manufacturer's standard grey unless otherwise indicated. 4. Lockable Doors: All locks keyed alike unless otherwise indicated. Future Provisions: Prepare all unused spaces for future installation ofdevices including bussing, connectors, mounting hardware and all other required provisions. Surge Protective Devices: Wlere factory-installed, intemally mounted surge protective devices are provided in accordance with Section 26 4300, list and label panelboards as a complete assembly including surge protective device. Load centers are not acceptable. LIGHTING AND APPLIANCE PANELBOARDS Description: Panelboards complying with NEMA PB l, Iighting and appliance branch circuit type, cicuit breaker type, and listed and labeled as complying with UL 67; ratings, configurations and features as indicated on the drawings. Conductor Terminations : 1. Main and Neutral Lug Material: Aluminum, suitable for terminating aluminum or copper conductors. 2. Main and Neutral Lug Type: Mechanical. Bussing: l. Phase Bus Connections: Arranged for sequential phasing of overcurrent protective devices. 2. Phase and Neutral Bus Material: Aluminum. 3. Ground Bus Material: Aluminum. Circuit Breakers: Thermal magnetic bolt-on type unless otherwise indicated. Enclosures: l. Provide surface-mounted or flush-mounted enclosures as indicated. 2. Fronts: Provide lockable hinged door with concealed hinges for access to overcurrent protective device handles without exposing live parts. 3. Provide clear plastic circuit directory holder mounted on inside ofdoor. OVERCURRENT PROTECTTVE DEVICES Molded Case Circuit Breakers: l. Description: Quick-make, quick-break, over center toggle, trip-free, trip-indicating circuit breakers listed and labeled as complying with UL 489, and complying with FS W-C-375 where applicable; ratings, configurations, and features as indicated on the drawings. 2. InterruptingCapacity: a. Provide circuit breakers with intemrpting capacity as required to provide the short circuit current rating indicated, but not less than: b. Fully Rated Systems: Provide circuit breakers with interrupting capacity not less than the short circuit current rating indicated. 26 2416 I 4of 6 c. Series Rated Systems: Provide circuit breakers listed in combination with upstream devices to provide intemrpting rating not less than the short circuit current rating indicated. 3. ConductorTerminations: a. Provide mechanical lugs unless otherwise indicated. b- Lug Material: Aluminum, suitable for terminating aluminum or copper conductors. 4. Thermal Magnetic Circuit Breakers: For each pole, fumish thermal inverse time tripping element for overload protection and magnetic instantaneous tripping element for short circuit protection. 5. Multi-Pole Circuit Breakers: Furnish with common trip for all poles. 6. Provide listed switching duty rated circuit breakers with SWD marking for all branch circuits serving fluorescent lighting. 7. Do not use tandem circuit breakers. 8. Do not use handle ties in lieu ofmulti-pole circuit breakers. 9. Provide multi-pole circuit breakers for multi-wire branch circuits as required by NFPA 70. 3. EXECUTION 3.1 A B C D 3.2 A B C D E, F. G H I. EXAMINATION Verifu that field measurements are as indicated. Veriry that the ratings and configurations ofthe panelboards and associated components are consistent with the indicated requirements. Verifo that mounting surfaces are ready to receive panelboards. Verifo that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. INSTALLATION Perform work in accordance with NECA I (generat workmanship). lnstall products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Install panelboards in accordance with NECA 407 and NEMA PB I . I . Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 70. Provide required supports in accordance with Section 26 0529. Install panelboards plumb. Install flush-mounted panelboards so that trims fit completely flush to wall with no gaps and rough opening completely covered. Mount panelboards such that the highest position of any operating handle for circuit breakers or switches does not exceed 79 inches above the floor or working platform. Provide minimum of six spare I inch trade size conduits out ofeach flush-mounted panelboard stubbed into accessible space above ceiling and below floor. 262416 / 5 of 6 J. K. L. 3.3 A. B. C. 3.4 A. B. 3.5 A. B. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526. Install all field-installed branch devices, components, and accessories. Provide filler plates to cover unused spaces in panelboards. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS, except Section 4. Molded Case Circuit Breakers: Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section Tests listed as optional are not required. Correct deficiencies and replace damaged or defective panelboards or associated components. ADJIJSTING Adjust tightness ofmechanical and electrical connections to manufacturer's recommended torque settings. Adjust alignment of panelboard fionts. CLEANING Clean dirt and debris fiom panelboard enclosures and components according to manufacturer's instructions. Repair scratched or marred exterior surfaces to match original factory finish. END OF SECTION 2624161 6of 6 SECTION 262726 WIRING DEVICES I. GENERAL 1.1 A B. C. t.2 A. 1.3 A, B. C. D. E. F. G. 1.4 A. 1.5 A. B. C. 1.6 A. B. DESCRIPT]ON Wall switches. Receptacles. Wall plates. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0533.16 - Boxes. REFERENCE STANDARDS NECA I - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Constuction; 2010. NECA 130 - Standard for [nstalling and Maintaining Wiring Devices; 2010. NEMA WD I - General Color Requirements for Wiring Devices; 1999 (R 2010). NEMA WD 6 - Wiring Devices - Dimensional Specifications; 2012. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. UL 20 - General-Use Snap Switches; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 498 - Attachment Plugs and Receptacles; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination: l. Coordinate the placement of outlet boxes with millwork, fumiture, equipment, etc. installed under other sections or by others. 2. Coordinate wiring device ratings and configurations with the electrical requirements of actual equipment to be installed. 3. Coordinate the installation and preparation ofuneven surfaces, such as split face block, to provide suitable surface for installation of wiring devices. 4. Notif Engineer ofany conflicts or deviations from the contract documents to obtain direction prior to proceeding with work. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Provide manufacturefs catalog information showing dimensions, colors, and configurations. Operation and Maintenance Data: l. GFCI Receptacles: Include information on status indicators. Project Record Documents: Record actual installed locations of wiring devices. QUALITY ASSURANCE Conform to requirements ofNFPA 70. Products: Listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. 26 2726 I 1 of4 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Hubbell Incorporated: www.hubbell-wiring.com. B. Leviton Manufacturing Company, Inc: www.leviton.com. C. Pass & Seymour, a brand oflegrand North America, Inc: www.legrand.us 2.2 WIRING DEVICE APPLICATIONS A. Provide wiring devices suitable for intended use and with ratings adequate for load served. B. Provide weather resistant GFCI receptacles with specified weatherproofcovers for receptacles installed outdoors or in damp or wet locations. C. Provide GFCI protection for receptacles installed within 6 feet of sinks. 2.3 WIRING DEVICE FINISHES A. Provide wiring device finishes as described below unless otherwise indicated. B. Wiring Devices, Unless Otherwise Indicated: White with white nylon wall plate. C. Wiring Devices Installed in Wet or Damp Locations: White with specified weatherproof cover. 2,4 WALL SWITCI{ES A. Wall Switches - General Requirements: AC only, quiet operating, general-use snap switches with silver alloy contacts, complying with NEMA WD I and NEMA WD 6, and listed as complying with UL 20; types as indicated on the drawings. 1. Wiring Provisions: Terminal screws for side wiring and screw actuated binding clamp for back wiring with separate ground terminal screw. 2. Switches for use outdoor shall be suitable for wet locations. B. Standard Wall Switches: Industrial specification grade, 20 A,1201277 Y with standard toggle type switch actuator and maintained contacts; single pole single throw, double pole single throw, three way, or four way as indicated on the drawings. 2.5 RECEPTACLES A. Receptacles - General Requirements: Self-grounding, complying with NEMA WD I and NEMA WD 6, and listed as complying with UL 498; types as indicated on the drawings. 1. Wiring Provisions: Terminal screws for side wiring or screw actuated binding clamp for back wiring with separate ground terminal screw. 2. NEMA configurations specified are according to NEMA WD 6. B. Convenience Receptacles: i. Standard Convenience Receptacles: Industrial specification grade,20A, 125Y, NEMA 5-20R; single or duplex as indicated on the drawings. 2. Weather Resistant Convenience Receptacles: Industrial specification gade, 20A, 125V, NEMA 5-20R, listed and labeled as weather resistant t)?e complying with UL 26 2726 l2of4 498 Supplement SE suitable for installation in damp or wet locations; single or duplex as indicated on the drawings. C. GFCI Receptacles: l. Weather Resistant GFCI Receptacles: lndustrial specification grade, duplex, 20A, 125V, NEMA 5-20R, rectangular decorator style, listed and labeled as weather resistant type complying with UL 498 Supplement SE suitable for installation in damp or wet locations. 2.6 WALL PLATES A. Weatherproof Covers for Wet Locations: Gasketed, cast aluminum or thermoplastic, with hinged lockable cover and corrosion-resistant screws; listed as suitable for use in wet locations while in use with attachment plugs connected and identified as extra-duty type. 3. EXECUTION 3.1 A. B. C. D. E. F. 3.2 A. B. C. D. EXAMINATION Verifu that field measurements are as indicated. Verii/ that outlet boxes are installed in proper locations and at proper mounting heights and are properly sized to accommodate devices and conductors in accordance with NFPA 70. Verifl that wall openings are neatly cut and will be completely covered by wall plates. Verifu that final surface finishes are complete, including painting. Veri! that branch circuit wiring installation is completed, tested, and ready for connection to wiring devices. Verifo that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. INSTALLATION Perform work in accordance with NECA I (general workmanship) and, where applicable, NECA 130, including mounting heights specified in those standards unless otherwise indicated. Coordinate locations ofoutlet boxes provided under Section 26 0533.16 as required for installation of wiring devices provided under this section. Coordinate locations ofoutlet boxes as required for installation of wiring devices provided under this section. 1 . Mounting Heights: Unless otherwise indicated, as follows: a. Wall Switches: 48 inches above finished floor. b. Receptacles: l8 inches above finished floor or 6 inches above counter. 2. Orient outlet boxes for vertical installation ofwiring devices unless otherwise indicated. 3. Locate wall switches on strike side ofdoor with edge ofwall plate 3 inches fiom edge of door frame. Where locations are indicated otherwise, notifo Engineer to obtain direction prior to proceeding with work. Install wiring devices in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 26 2726 I 3 of4 E. Install permanent barrier between ganged wiring devices when voltage between adjacent devices exceeds 300 V. F. Where required, connect wiring devices using pigtails not less than 6 inches long. Do not connect more than one conductor to wiring device terminals. G. Connect wiring devices by wrapping conductor clockwise 3/4 turn around screw terminal and tightening to proper torque specified by the manufacturer. Where present, do not use push-in pressure terminals that do not rely on screw-actuated binding. H. Unless otherwise indicated, connect wiring device grounding terminal to branch circuit equipment grounding conductor and to outlet box with bondingjumper. I. Provide GFCI receptacles with integral GFCI protection at each location indicated. Do not use feed-through wiring to protect downstream devices. J. Install wiring devices plumb and level with mounting yoke held rigidly in place. K. Install wall switches with OFF position down. L. Install vertically mounted receptacles with grounding pole on bottom and horizontally mounted receptacles with grounding pole on left. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect each wiring device for damage and defects. B. Operate each wall switch with circuit energized to veriff proper operation. C. Test each receptacle to verifu operation and proper polarity. D. Test each GFCI receptacle for proper tripping operation according to manufacturer's instructions. E. Conect wiring deficiencies and replace damaged or defective wiring devices. ADJUSTING A. Adjust devices and wall plates to be flush and level. CLEANING A. Clean exposed surfaces to remove dirl paint, or other foreign material and restore to match original factory finish. END OF SECTION 3.3 3.5 262726/4of4 SECTION 262813 FUSES I. GENERAL I.1 DESCRIPTION A. Fuses. 1.2 RELATEDREQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 2816.16 - Enclosed Switches: Fusible switches. B. Section 26 2913 - Enclosed Controllers: Fusible switches. 1.3 REFERENCESTANDARDS A. NEMA FU i - Low Voltage Cartridge Fuses; 2012. B. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. C. UL 248-l - Low-Voltage Fuses - Part I : General Requirem€nts; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. D. UL 2484 - Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 4: Class CC Fuses; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. E. E.UL 248-12 - Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 12: Class R Fuses; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.4 ADMINISTP.ATIVEREQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: l. Coordinate fuse clips fumished in equipment provided under other sections for compatibility with indicated fuses. a. Fusible Enclosed Switches: See Section 262816.16. b. Fusible Switches for Enclosed Motor Controllers: See Section 26 2913. 2. Coordinate fuse requirements according to manufacture/s recommendations and nameplate data for actual equipment to be installed. 3. Notifr Engineer of any conflicts with or deviations fiom the contract documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. I.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard data sheets including voltage and current ratings, interrupting ratings, time-curr€nt curves, and current limitation curves. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements ofNFPA 70. B. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Bussmann, a division of Eaton Corporation: www.cooperindustries.com. 2 26 2813 / I ofZ B. C. 2.2 A. B. C. D. ,L.) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. 3.t A. B. 3.2 A. B. C. Littelfuse, Inc: www.littelfuse.com. Mersen: ep-us.mersen.com. APPLICATIONS Service Entrance: l. Fusible Switches up to 600 Amperes: Class RKl, time-delay. Feeders: l. Fusible Switches up to 600 Amperes: Class RKl, timedelay. Individual Motor Branch Circuits: Class RK5, time-delay. Primary Protection for Control Transformers: Class CC, time-delay. FUSES Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide fuses for all fusible equipment as required for a complete operating system. Provide fuses of the same type, rating, and manufacturer within the same switch. Comply with UL 248-1. Unless otherwise indicated, provide cartridge type fuses complying with NEMA FU l, Class and ratings as indicated. Voltage Rating: Suitable for circuit voltage. Class R Fuses: Comply with UL 248-12. Class CC Fuses: Comply with UL 248-4. Provide the following accessories where indicated or where required to complete installation: 1. Fuseholders: Compatible with indicated fuses. 2. Fuse Reducers: For adapting indicated fuses to permit installation in switch designed for fuses with larger ampere ratings. 3. EXECUTION 26 2813 I 2 of2 EXAMINATION Veri$, that fuse ratings are consistent with circuit voltage and manufacturer's recommendations and nameplate data for equipment. Veriry that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. INSTALLATION Do not install fuses until circuits are ready to be energized. Install fuses with label oriented such that manufacturer, q/pe, and size are easily read. Identi$ fuses installed in each device (Size and Type) with a label on the inside ofthe device with a label in accordance with Secrion 26 0553. END OF SECTION SECTION 26 2816.16 ENCLOSED SWITCIIES 1. GENERAL 1.1 A. 1.2 A. B. C. D. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. 1.4 A. 1.5 DESCRIPTION Enclosed safety switches. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. Section 26 0553 - IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Identification products and requirements. Section 26 2813 - Fuses. REFERENCE STANDARDS NECA I - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2010. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Elecrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum); 2014. NEMA KS I - Heary Duty Enclosed and Dead-Front Switches (600 Volts Maximum); 2013. NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems; 2013. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. UL 50 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non-Environmental Considerations; Current Edition. lncluding All Revisions. UL 50E - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 98 - Enclosed and Dead-Front Switches; Curent Edition, Including All Revisions. UL 8694, - Reference Standard for Service Equipmentt Cunent Edition, Including All Revisions. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination: 1. Coordinate the work with other trades. Avoid placement ofductwork, piping, equipment, or other potential obstnrctions within the dedicated equipment spaces and within working clearances for electrical equipment required by NFPA 70. 2. Coordinate arrangement ofelectrical equipment with the dimensions and clearance requirements ofthe actual equipment to be installed. 3. Veriry with manufacturer that conductor terminations are suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. 4. Notif Engineer ofany conflicts with or deviations from the contract documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. SUBMITTALS 26 2816.\6 I I of 4 A. B. C. 1.6 A. B. 2.1 A. B. C. D. E. 2.2 A. B. C. D. E. F. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for enclosed switches and other installed components and accessories. Shop Drawings: Indicate outline and support point dimensions, voltage and current ratings, short circuit current ratings, conduit entry locations, conductor terminal information, and installed features and accessories. 1. Include dimensioned plan and elevation views ofenclosed switches and adjacent equipment with all required clearances indicated. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations ofenclosed switches. QUALITY ASSURANCE Conform to requirements ofNFPA 70. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2. PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS Eaton Corporation: www.eaton.com. General Electric Company: www.geindustrial.com. Schneider Electric; Square D Products: www.schneider-electric.us. Siemens Industry. Inc: wr.vw.usa.siemens.com. Source Limitations: Fumish enclosed switches and associated components produced by the same manufacturer as the other electrical distribution equipment used for this project and obtained fiom a single supplier. ENCLOSED SAFETY SWITCHES Description: Quick-make, quick-break enclosed safety switches listed and labeled as complying with UL 98; heavy duty; ratings, configurations, and features as indicated on the drawings. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. Unless otherwise indicated, provide products suitable for continuous operation under the following service conditions: l. Altitude: Less than 6,600 feet. 2. Ambient Temperature: Between -22 degrees F and 104 degrees F. Horsepower Rating: Suitable for connected load. Voltage Rating: Suitable for circuit voltage. Short Circuit Current Rating: 1. Minimum Ratings: a. Heary Duty Single Throw Switches Protected by Class R, Class J, Class L, or Class T Fuses: 200,000 rms symmetrical amperes. 262816.16/2of4 G. Enclosed Safety Switches Used for Service Entrance: Listed and labeled as suitable for use as service equipment according to UL 869A. H. Provide with switch blade contact position that is visible when the cover is open. I. Fuse Clips for Fusible Switches: As required to accept fuses indicated. l. Where NEMA Class R fuses are installed, provide rejection feature to prevent installation of fuses other than Class R. J. Conductor Terminations: Suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. K. Provide insulated, groundable fully rated solid neutral assembly where a neutral connection is required, with a suitable lug for terminating each neutral conductor. L. Provide solidly bonded equipment ground bus in each enclosed safety switch, with a suitable lug for terminating each equipment grounding conductor. M. Enclosures: Comply with NEMA 250, and list and label as complying with UL 50 and UL 508. l. Environment Type per NEMA 250: Unless otherwise indicated, as specified for the following installation locations: N. Provide safety interlock to prevent opening the cover with the switch in the ON position with capability ofoverriding interlock for testing purposes. O. Heary Duty Switches: l. Comply with NEMA KS 1 . 2. ConductorTerminations: a. Provide mechanical lugs unless otherwise indicated. b. Lug Material: Aluminum, suitable for terminating aluminum or copper conductors. 3. Provide extemally operable handle with means for locking in the OFF position, capable of accepting three padlocks. 3. EX-OCUTION 3.1 A. B. C, D. 3.2 A. B. C. EXAMINATION Veri! that field measurements are as indicated. Veriry that the ratings ofthe enclosed switches are consistent with the indicated requirements. Verifo that mounting surlaces are ready to receive enclosed safety switches. Verif, that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. INSTALLATION Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Perform work in accordance with NECA I (general workmanship). Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 70. 262816.16 / 3 of 4 D. E. F. G. H. I. 3.3 A. B. C. 3.4 A. 3.5 A. B. Provide required supports in accordance with Section 26 0529. Install enclosed switches plumb. Except where indicated to be mounted adjacent to the equipment they supply, mount enclosed switches such that the highest position of the operating handle does not exceed 79 inches above the floor or working platform. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526. Provide fuses complying with Section 26 2813 for fusible switches as indicated or as required by equipment manufacturer's recommendations. Identifl enclosed switches in accordance with Section 26 0553. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS, except Section 4. Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section 7.5.1 .1 . Correct deficiencies and replace damaged or defective enclosed safety switches or associated components. ADruSTING Adjust tightness ofmechanical and electrical connections to manufacturer's recommended torque settings. CLEANING Clean dirt and debris from switch enclosures and components according to manufacturer's instructions. Repair scratched or marred exterior surfaces to match original factory finish. f,ND OF SECTION 26 2816.16 l4of 4 SECTION 26 2913.16 REDUCED.VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROLLERS I. GENERAL l.l A. 1.2 A. B. 1.3 A. B. C. D. 1.4 A. B. C. D. E. 1.5 A. B. t.6 A. DESCRIPTION Reduced-Voltage Solid State (RVSS) Motor Controllers (Soft Starters) RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0553 - IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Identification products and requirements. Section 26 2813 - Fuses. REFERENCE STANDARDS NEMA ICS 7 - lndustrial Control and Systems NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum); 2014. NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems; 2013. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. STIBMITTAI,S Product Data: Provide catalog sheets showing voltage, controller size, ratings and size of switching and overcurrent protective devices, short circuit ratings, dimensions, and enclosure details. Shop Drawings: Indicate front and side views ofenclosures with overall dimensions and weights shown; conduit entrance locations and requirements; and nameplate legends. Manufacturer's Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of product. Operation Data: NEMA ICS 7.1. Include instructions for starting and operating controllers, and describe operating limits that may result in hazardous or unsafe conditions Maintenance Data: NEMA ICS 7.1. Include routine preventive maintenance schedule. QUALITY ASSURANCE Conform to requirements ofNFPA 70. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSFIA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND TIANDLING Store in a clean, dry space. Maintain factory wrapping or provide an additional heary canvas or healry plastic cover to protect units from dirt, water, construction debris, and traffic. 262913.16/ 1of 5 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. RVSS Soft Starters: l. ABB/GE: www.geindustrial.cor/#sle. 2. Eaton Corporation: www.eaton.corn/#sle. 3. Rockwell Automation, Inc.; Allen-Bradley Products: ab.rockwellautomation.com/#sle. 4. Schneider Electric; Square D Products: www.schneider-electric.uV#sle. 5. Siemenslndustry, [nc: www.usa.siemens.com/#sle. B. Source Limitations: Fumish soft start motor controllers and associated components produced by a single manufacturer and obtained from a single supplier. C. Soft starters shall be compatible with the pump as provided by the pump manufacturer. Contractor shall confirm compatibility with existing pumps prior to ordering and installing equipment. D. Substiutions: Substitution will only be allowed where specifically approved by the pump manufacturer as compatible with the pump for this application and length ofcable between the pump and the soli starter. 2.2 DESCRIPTION A. A reduced voltage, solid state motor starter shall be fumished for each new and existing well pump motor. The starter construction shall be modular with separately replaceable power and control sections. The power section shall consist of six back-to-back SCR's rated 208 to 480 volts, 50160 hertz. The SCR's shall have a minimum repetitive peak inverse voltage rating of 1400 volts at 480 volts. The enclosed operating temperature range shall be 0 to 40 degrees C at altitudes up to 2000 meters without derating. I . Starting Modes a. Starting modes shall be selectable soft start, current limit, or full voltage. Soft starting the pump shall include an adjustable initial torque value of 0 to 90 %. The acceleration ramp shall be adjustable from 0 to 30 seconds. The starter shall include a selectable kick start providing a cunent pulse at start. Kick srart level shall be adjustable llom 0 to 90% of locked rotor torque. Kick start time shall be adjustable from 0 to 2 seconds. b. Current limit mode shall provide means for limiting the starting current to a programmable value between 50 and 600% of full load current. c. Full voltage start shall provide across the line starting with a ramp time ofless than 0.25 seconds- 2. Ramp time will be dependent on pump torque requirements. The starter shall provide smooth acceleration and deceleration, which approximates the flow rate ofa vertical turbine pump. The starter's microcomputer shall analyze motor variables and generate control commands, which will minimize surges in the system. Pump stop time shall be adjustable fiom 0 to 120 seconds. Pump control provides reduced hydraulic shock.3. When the start ramp time is complete, the starter shall energize an integral bypass contactor. When in the bypass mode, the bypass contactor shall carry the motor load to minimize intemal heating in the electrical enclosure. 26 2913.16 I 2of5 l-3 4. Protection a. The starter shall include protective features: Communication fault, control temperature, excess starts/hour, stall, jam, line fault, open gate, overload, overvoltage, phase reversal, power loss, underload, undervoltage, shorted SCR, open bypass and voltage unbalance. b. An integral electronic overload relay equipped with thermal memory shall be included and shall utilize single phase or three phase current sensing, depending on the pump motor. Adjustments shall include trip current, service factor and 10, 15, 20 or 30 trip class. c. Jam trip shall be adjustable 0-1,000% ofthe nominal motor current with a delay time adjustment of 0-99 seconds. d. Stall protection senses that the motor is not up-to-speed at end oframp and will shut down after a user-selected delay time has elapsed. Stall delay shall be adjustable from 0-10 seconds. e. Fault diagnostics shall be displayed on the starter and shall include temperature fault, line fault, open gate and power loss. f. Include integral fused disconnect switch on the line side ofeach controller. 5. Display a. The starter shall include a keypad and display on the front ofthe control module. The disptay is equipped with a built-in four line, 16 character backlit LCD. The LCD displays metering, faults and parameter settings in English. Faults will display in English and fault code. A fault buffer will store the last five faults. Metering capabilities shall include: curren! voltage, power factor, motor thermal usage, wattmeter, kilowatt hours, and elapsed time meter. Digital parameter adjustments shall be made using the keypad. 6. Design for ability to operate controller with motor disconnected fiom output. 7. Have Three (3) programmable analog (4-20mA) inputs for monitoring functions. 8. Have two (2) programmable analog (4-20mA) outputs. 9. Have dry contacts for run and fault indication. 10. Have two (2) programmable digital inputs. I I . Have Dual-port EtheNet/lP for communication suitable for Modbus protocol and shall include all necessary hardware and drivers. 12. Controls outputs and manage status information locally within the starter, allowing operation of the starter independently or complementary to supervisory control B. Enclosures: NEMA 250, Type l, suitable for equipment application. C. Controls outputs and manages status information locally within the starter, allowing you to operate the starter independently or complementary to supervisory control D. Finish: Manufactureds standard enamel. OPERATING REQUIREMENTS A. Rated Input Voltage: Varies, refer to electrical drawings. COMPONENTS 262913.\6/3of 5 A. Display: Provide integral digital display to indicate output voltage and output current. B. Status Indicators: Separate indicators for overcurrent, overvoltage, ground fault, overtemperature, ard input power ON. C. Furnish HAND-OFF-AUTOMATIC selector switch. D. Control Power Source: Integral control transformer. E. Door tnterlocks: Furnish mechanical means to prevent opening of equipment with power connected, or to disconnect power if door is opened; include means for defeating interlock by qualified persons. F. Safety Interlocks: Fumish terminals for remote contact to inhibit starting under both manual and automatic mode. G. Disconnecting Means: Include integral fused disconnect switch on the line side ofeach controller. H. Wiring Terminations: Match conductor materials and sizes indicated. SOURCE QUALTTY CONTROL A. Shop inspect and perform standard productions tests for each starter. 3. EXECUTION 2.5 3.1 A. B. 3.2 A. J.J A. B. C. D. E. F. 3.4 A. B. C. 3.5 EXAMINATION Veriry that surface is suitable for controller installation. Do not install conholler until building environment can be maintained within the service conditions required by the manufacturer. SETI]P Setup (programming) for Soft Starts shall be included. All settings shall be on the As-Built control drawings and the O&M Manuals. INSTALLATION Install in accordance with NEMA ICS 7.1 and manufacturer's instructions. Tighten accessible comections and mechanical fasteners after placing controller. Provide fuses in fusible switches; refer to Section 26 2813 for product requirements. Program the starter to operate as indicated to respond to the extemal input indicated. Set overloads in starter base and nameplate ratings of motors to be controlled. Identifr reduced voltage solid state soft starters in accordance with Section 26 0553. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Provide the service ofthe manufacture/s field representative to prepare and start controllers. Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS, except Section 4. Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section 7 .17.The insulation-resistance test on control wiring listed as optional is not required. ADruSTING 262913.16/ 4of5 A. 3.6 A. 3.7 A. B. Make final adjustments to installed controller to assure proper operation of load system. Obtain performance requirements from installer. CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES Demonstrate operation ofcontrollers in automatic and manual modes. MAINTENANCE Provide a separate maintenance contract for specified maintenance service. Provide service and maintenance of controllers for one year fiom Date of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 26 2913.16 I 5 of5 SECTION 262923 VARIABLE-FREQUENCY MOTOR CONTROLLERS I. GENf,RAL DESCRIPTION A. Variable frequency controllers. RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0553 - IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Identification products and requirements. B. Section 26 2El3 - Fuses. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NEMA ICS 7.1 - Safety Standards for Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation, and Operation of Adjustable Speed Drive Systems; 2006. B. NEMA ICS 7 - Industrial Control and Systems: Adjustable-Speed Drives; 2006. C. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum); 2014. D. NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems; 2013. E. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide catalog sheets showing voltage, controller size, ratings and size of switching and overcurrent protective devices, short circuit ratings, dimensions, and enclosure details. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate front and side views ofenclosures with overall dimensions and weights shown; conduit entrance locations and requirements; and nameplate legends. C. Manufacturer's Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of product. D. Operation Data: NEMA ICS 7.1 . Include instructions for starting and operating controllers, and describe operating limits that may result in hazardous or unsafe conditions E. Maintenance Data: NEMA ICS 7.1. Include routine preventive maintenance schedule. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements ofNFPA 70. B. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSFIA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND T{ANDLING A. Store in a clean, dry space. Maintain factory wrapping or provide an additional healy canvas or heavy plastic cover to protect units fiom dirt, water, construction debris, and traffic. 1.1 t_2 1.3 1.5 6 26 2923 I I of4 t.4 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Variable Frequency Motor Controllers: 1. ABB/GE: www.geindustrial.com/#sle. 2. Eaton Corporation: www.eaton.com,/#sle. 3. Rockwell Automation, Inc.; Allen-Bradley Products: ab.rockwellautomation.com/#sle. 4. Schneider Electric; Square D Products: www.schneider-electric.us/#sle. 5. Siemenslndustry,Inc: www.usa.siemens.com-/#sle. B. Source Limitations: Fumish variable frequency motor controllers and associated components produced by a single manufacturer and obtained from a single supplier. C. Gould: Compatible with the pump as provided by the pump manufacturer. D. Substitutions: Substitution will only be allow where specifically approved by the pump manufacturer as compatible with the pump for this application and lenglh of cable between the pump and the drive. 2.2 DESCRIPTION A. Variable Frequency Controllers: Enclosed controllers suitable for operating the indicated loads, in conformance with requirements of NEMA ICS 7. Select unspecified features and options in accordance with NEMA ICS 3.1. 1. Employ microprocessor-based inverter logic isolated fiom power circuits. 2. Employ pulse-width-modulated inverter system. 3. Design for ability to operate controller with motor disconnected from output. 4. Have LCD display with kelpad for adj ustmet ofsettings. 5. Have Three (3) programmable analog (4-20mA) inputs for speed setting and other monitoring functions. 6. Have two (2) programmable analog (4-20mA) ouputs, one programmed for speed outPut. 7. Have dry contacts for run and fault indication. 8. Have two (2) programmable digital inputs. 9. Have Dual-port EtherNet{P for communication suitable for Modbus protocal and shall include all necessa4r hardware and drivers. 10. Controls outputs and manage status information locally within the drive, allowing operation of the drive independently or complementary to supervisory contro B. Enclosures: NEMA 250, Type l, suitable for equipment application. C. Controls outputs and manages status information locally within the drive, allowing you to operate the drive independently or complementary to supervisory contro D. Finish: Manufacturer's standard enamel. 2.3 OPERATINGR-EQUIREMENTS 26 2923 I 2of 4 A. B. C. D. 2.4 A. B. C. D. E. F, G. H. 2.5 A. 3.1 A B. 3.2 A J.J A B, C, D E. F. Rated Input Voltage: 480 volts, three phase, 6O Hertz. Motor Nameplate Voltage: 460 volts, three phase, 60 Hertz. Displacement Power Factor: Between 1.0and0.95, lagging, over entire range ofoperating speed and load. Operating Ambient: 0 degrees C to 40 degrees C. COMPONENTS Display: Provide integral digital display to indicate output voltage, output fiequency, and output current. Status Indicators: Separate indicators for overcurrent, overvoltage, ground fault, overtemperature, and input power ON. Fumish HAND-OFF-AUTOMATIC selector switch and manual speed control. Control Power Source: Integral control transformer. Door Interlocks: Fumish mechanical means to prevent opening ofequipment with power connected, or to disconnect power ifdoor is opened; include means for defeating interlock by qualified persons. Safety Interlocks: Furnish terminals for remote contact to inhibit starting under both manual and automatic mode. Disconnecting Means: Include integral fused disconnect switch on the line side of each controller. Wiring Terminations: Match conductor materials and sizes indicated. SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL Shop inspect and perform standard productions tests for each controller. 3. EXECUTION EXAMINATION Verifo that surface is suitable for controller installation. Do not install controller until building environment can be maintained within the service conditions required by the manufacturer. SETUP Setup (programming) for VFDs shall be included. All settings shall be on the As-Built control drawings and the O&M Manuals. INSTALLATION Install in accordance with NEMA ICS 7.1 and manufacturer's instructions. Tighten accessible connections and mechanical fasteners after placing controller. Provide fuses in fusible switches; refer to Section 26 2813 for product requirements. Program the drive to operate as indicated to respond to the extemal input indicated. Set overloads in drive base and nameplate ratings of motors to be controlled. Identi! variable frequency controllers in accordance with Section 26 0553. 26 2923 I 3 of4 3.4 A. B. C. 3.5 A. 3.6 A. J.t A. B. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Provide the service ofthe manufacture/s field representative to prepare and start controllers. Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS, except Section 4. Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section 7.17. The insulation-resistance test on control wiring listed as optional is not required. ADJUSTING Make final adjustments to installed controller to assure proper operation of load system. Obtain performance requirements from installer ofdriven loads. CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES Demonstrate operation ofcontrollers in automatic and manual modes. MAINTENANCE Provide a separate maintenance contract for specified maintenance service. Provide service and maintenance of controllers for one year from Date of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 26 2923 / 4of 4 SECTION 26 3600 TRANSFER SWITCHES I. Gf,NERAL l.l A. 1.2 A. B. C. D. 1.3 A. B. c. D. E. 1.4 A. 1.5 A. DESCRIPTION Transfer switches for low-voltage (600 V and less) applications and associated accessories: RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Elechical Systems. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. Section 26 0553 - IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Identification products and requirements. Section 26 3213 - Engine Generators: For interface with transfer switches. 1. Includes additional testing requirements. 2. Includes related demonstration and training requirements. REFERENCE STANDARDS NECA I - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2010. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum); 2014. NEMA ICS l0 Part I - Industrial Control and Systems Part l: Electromechanical AC Transfer Switch Equipment; 2005. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. UL 1008 - Transfer Switch Equipment; Current Edition, lncluding All Revisions. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination: 1. Coordinate compatibility oftransfer switches to be installed with work provided under other sections or by others. 2. Coordinate the work with other trades to avoid placement ofductwork, piping, equipment, or other potential obstructions within the dedicated equipment spaces and working clearances required by NFPA 70. 3. Coordinate arrangement ofequipment with the dimensions and clearance requirements ofthe actual equipment to be installed. 4. Coordinate the work with placement of supports, anchors, etc. required for mounting. 5. Notifu Engineer ofany conflicts with or deviations from the contract documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for each product, including ratings, configurations, dimensions, finishes, weights, service condition requirements, and installed features. l. Where applicable, include characteristic trip curves for overcurrent protective devices upon request. 26 3600/ lof5 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1.6 A. B. 11 A. Shop Drawings: Include dimensioned plan views and sections indicating locations of system components, required clearances, and field connection locations. Include system interconnection schematic diagrams showing all factory and field connections. 1. Clearly indicate whether proposed short circuit curent ratings are based on testing with specific overcurrent protective devices or time durations; indicate short-time ratings where applicable. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, installation, and operation of product. Manufacturer's detailed field testing procedures. Operation and Maintenance Data: Include detailed information on system operation, equipment programming and setup, replacement parts, and recommended maintenance procedures and intervals. 1. lnclude contact information for entity that will be providing contract maintenance and trouble call-back service. Executed Warranty: Submit documentation offinal executed warranty completed in Owner's name and registered with manufacturer. Maintenance contracts. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of system components, installed circuiting arrangements and routing, and final equipment settings. QUALITY ASSURANCE Comply with the following: l. NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code). Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. WARRANTY Provide minimum two year manufacturer warranty covering repair or replacement due to defective materials or workmanship. 2.1 MANUFACTURES A. Transfer Switches: l. ABB/GE: www.geindustrial.com/#sle. 2. Eaton Corporation: www.eaton.com/#sle. 3. Russelectric: www.russelectric.com 4. Thomson Power Systems: *"wrr.thomsonps.com/#sle. B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 TRANSFER SWITCI{ES 263600/2of5 2. PRODUCTS A. Provide complete power transfer system consisting ofall required equipment, conduit, boxes, wiring, supports, accessories, system programming, etc. as necessary for a complete operating system that provides the functional intent indicated. B. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. C. Applications: l. Utilize open transition transfer unless otherwise indicated or required. D. Construction Type: Only "contactor type" (open contact) transfer switches are acceptable. Do not use "breaker ty,pe" (enclosed contact) transfer switches. E. Automatic Transfer Switch: I . Transfer Switch Type: Automatic transfer switch. 2. Transition Configuration: Delayed-transition (with neutral position). 3. Voltage: As indicated on the drawings. 4. Ampere Rating: 225 amps minimum. 5. Neutral Configuration: Switched neutral. 6. Load Served: As indicated on the drawings. 7. Primary Source: As indicated on the drawings. 8. Altemate Source: As indicated on the drawings. F. Comply with NEMA ICS 10 Part 1, and list and label as complying with UL 1008 for the classification ofthe intended application (e.g. emergency, optional stzrdby). G. Do not use double throw safety switches or other equipment not specifically designed for power transfer applications and listed as transfer switch equipment. H. Load Classification: Classified for total system load (any combination of motor, electric discharge lamp, resistive, and tungsten lamp loads with tungsten lamp loads not exceeding 30 percent ofthe continuous current rating) unless otherwise indicated or required. I. Switching Methods: l. Delayed Transition: a. Provide break-before-make transfer with programmable time delay in a neutral position not connected to either source, and with interlocks to prevent simultaneous connection ofthe load to both sources- 2. Neutral Switching: Either simultaneously switched neutral (break-before-make) or overlapping neuhal (make-before-break) methods are acceptable. 3. Obtain control power for transfer operation from line side of source to which the load is to be transferred. J. Service Conditions: Provide transfer switches suitable for continuous operation at indicated ratings under the service conditions at the installed location. K. Enclosures: I . Environment Type per NEMA 250: Unless otherwise indicated, as specified for the following installation locations: a. Outdoor Locations: Typc 3R or Type 4. 26 36O0 / l of5 2. Provide lockable doo(s). 3. Finish: Manufacturer's standard unless otherwise indicated L. Short Circuit Current Rating: 3. EXECUTION Withstand and Closing Rating: Provide transfer switches, when protected by the supply side overcurrent protective devices to be installed, with listed withstand and closing rating not less than the available fault current at the installed Iocation as determined by shon circuit stud1. Short Time Rating: Where the requirement for selectivity is indicated, provide transfer switches with short time ratings suitable for the maximum short time delay setting ofthe supply side overcurrent protective device. 26 3600 l4of 5 3.I EXAMINATION A. Veri! that field measurements are as indicated. B. Verifo that the ratings and configurations of transfer switches are consistent with the indicated requirements. C. Verif that rough-ins for field connections are in the proper locations. D. Veriry that mounting surfaces are ready to receive transfer switches. E. Verifo that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Perform work in accordance with NECA I (general workmanship). B. Inslall products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances and required maintenance access. D. Provide required support and attachment in accordance with Section 26 0529. E. Install transfer switches plumb and level. F. Unless otherwise indicated, mount floor-mounted transfer switches on properly sized 3 inch high concrete pad constructed in accordance with Section 03 3000. G. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526. H. Identifu transfer switches and associated system wiring in accordance with Section 26 0553. 3.3 FrELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide services ofa manufacturer's authorized representative to observe installation and assist in inspection and testing. Include manufacturer's detailed testing procedures and field reports with submittals. B. Prepare and start system in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Provide additional inspection and testing as required for completion ofassociated engine generator testing as specified in Section 26 3213. D. Correct defective work, adjust for proper operation, and retest until entire system complies with contract documents. 3.4 CLEANING 3.5 A. Clean exposed surfaces to remove dirt, paint, or other foreign material and restore to match original factory finish. CLOSEOUT ACTTVITIES A. Training: Train Owner's personnel on operation, adjustment, and maintenance oftransfer switches. 1. Use operation and maintenance manual as training reference, supplemented with additional training materials as required. 2. Provide minimum offour hours oftraining concurrent with generator training. 3. Instructor: Manufacturer'sauthorizedrepresentative. 4. Location: At project site. PROTECTION A. Protect installed transfer switches from subsequent construction operations. MAINTENANCE A. Provide to Owner at no extra cost, a separate maintenance contract for the service and maintenance of transfer switches for two years from date of Substantial Completion; Include a complete description of preventive maintenance, systematic examination, adjustment, inspection, and testing, with a detailed schedule. B. Conduct site visit at least once every three months to perform inspection, testing, and preventive maintenance. Submit report to Owner indicating maintenance performed along with evaluations and recommendations. C. Provide trouble call-back service upon notification by Owner: I . Provide on-site response within 4 hours of notification. 2. Include allowance for call-back service during normal working hours at no extra cost to Owner. 3. Owner will pay for call-back service outside ofnormal working hours on an hourly basis, based on actual time spent at site and not including travel time; include hourly rate and definition ofnormal working hours in maintenance contract. D. Maintain an on-site log listing the date and time ofeach inspection and call-back visit, the condition ofthe system, nature ofthe trouble, correction performed, and parts replaced. 3.6 3.7 END OF SECTION 26 3600/ 5of5 SECTION 26 51OO INTERIOR LIGHTING 1. GEIIERAL 1.1 A. B. C. D. 1.2 A. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 1.4 A. 1.5 A. B. DESCRIPTION Interior luminaires. Building Mounted Exterior luminaires. Ballasts and drivers. Luminaire accessories. RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 26 0533.16 - Boxes. REFERENCE STANDARDS IES LM-63 - IESNA Standard File Format for Electronic Transfer of Photometric Data and Related Information; 2002 (Reaffrmed 2008). NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2010. NECA/IESNA 500 - Standard for Installing Indoor Commercial Lighting Systems; 2006. NECA/IESNA 502 - Standard for lnstalling Industrial Lighting Systems; 2006. NEMA 410 - Performance Testing for Lighting Controls and Switching Devices with Electronic Drivers and Discharge Ballasts; 201 l. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including Alt Applicable Amendments and Supplements. UL 1598 - Luminaires; Cunent Edition, Including All Revisions. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Coordination: 1. Coordinate the installation of luminaires with mounting surfaces installed under other sections or by others. Coordinate the work with placement of supports, anchors, etc. required for mounting. Coordinate compatibility of luminaires and associated trims with mounting surfaces at installed locations. 2. Coordinate the placement of luminaires with structural members, ductwork, piping, equipment, diffrrsers, fire suppression system components, and other potential conflicts installed under other sections or by others. 3. Notifu Engineer of any conflicts or deviations fiom the contract documents to obtain direction prior to proceeding with work. SUBMITTALS Shop Drawings: 1. Indicate dimensions and components for each luminaire that is not a standard product of the manufacturer. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets including detailed information on luminaire construction, dimensions, ratings, finishes, mounting requirements, listings, service conditions, photometric performance, installed accessories, 26 5100 i I of3 and ceiling compatibility; include model number nomenclature clearly marked with all proposed features. l. Provide electronic files ofphotometric data certified by a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) lab or independent testing agency in IES LM-63 standard format for proposed substitutions. C. Project Record Documents: Record actual connections and locations of luminaires and any associated remote components. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. B. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSFIA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2. PRODUCTS GENERAL A. Fumish products as indicated in luminaire schedule included on the drawings. LUMINAIRES A. Provide products that comply with requirements ofNFPA 70. B. Provide products that are listed and labeled as complying with UL 1598, where applicable. C. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. D. Unless otherwise indicated, provide complete luminaires including lamp(s) and all sockets, ballasts, reflectors, lenses, housings and other components required to position, energize and protect the lamp and distribute the light. E. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide all required conduit, boxes, wiring, connectors, hardware, supports, hims, accessories, etc. as necessary for a complete operating system. F. Provide products suitable to withstand normal handting, installation, and service without any damage, distortion, corrosion, fading, discoloring, etc. BALLASTS AND DRIVERS A. Ballasts/Drivers - General Requirements: l. Minimum Efficiency/Efficacy; Provide ballasts complying with all current applicable federal and state ballast efficiency/efficacy standards. 2. 2Electronic Ballasts/Drivers: Inrush currents not exceeding peak cunents specified in NEMA4IO. ACCESSORIES A. Threaded Rods for Suspended Luminaires: Zinc-plated steel, minimum l/4" size, field- painted as directed. 3. EXECUTION 2.t 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 EXAMINATION 26 5100 I 2 of 3 A. B. C. D. E. 3.2 A. B. C, D. E. F. G. H. t. J. J..) A. B. C. 3.4 A. Veri$z that field measurements are as indicated- Veriry that outlet boxes are installed in proper locations and at proper mounting heights and are properly sized to accommodate conductors in accordance with NFPA 70. Veri$, that suitable support frames are installed where required. Verif, that branch circuit wiring installation is completed, tested, and ready for connection to luminaires. Verifi that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. INSTALLATION Coordinate locations ofoutlet boxes provided under Section 26 0533.16 as required for installation of luminaires provided under this section. Perform work in accordance with NECA I (general workmanship). Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. lnstall luminaires securely, in a neat and workmanlike manner, as specified in NECA 500 (commercial lighting) and NECA 502 (industrial lighting). Install luminaires plumb and square and aligned with building lines and with adjacent luminaires. Suspended Luminaires: l. Install using the suspension method indicated, with support lenglhs and accessories as required for specified mounting height. Wall-Mounted Luminaires: Unless otherwise indicated, specified mounting heights are to center of luminaire. Install accessories furnished with each luminaire. Bond products and metal accessories to branch circuit equipment grounding conductor. lnstall lamps in each luminaire. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Inspect each product for damage and defects. Operate each luminaire after installation and connection to verifl proper operation. Correct wiring deficiencies and repair or replace damaged or defective products. Repair or replace excessively noisy ballasts as determined by Engineer. CLEANING Clean surfaces according to NECA 500 (commercial lighting), NECA 502 (industrial lighting), and manufacturer's instructions to remove dirt, fingerprints, paint, or other foreign material and restore finishes to match original factory finish. END OF SECTION 26 5100 / 3 of3 SECTION 33 0523 HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING 1. GENERAL l.t A. 1.2 A. 1.3 A. B. c. DESCRIPTION Scope of Work: Fumish and install underground utilities using the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) method ofinstallation, also commonly referred to as directional boring or guided horizontal boring for pressure pipe. This Work shall include all piping services, equipment, materials, and labor for the complete and proper installation, testing, restoration of underground utilities, and environmental protection and restoration. QUALITY ASSURANCE Qualifications l. Directional Drilling Contractor or Subcontractor shall have a minimum of4-years experience constructing water, wastewater, or reclaimed water. Experience to include pipelines ofthe same or larger diameter and the same or greater lengths. 2. The Contractor's operations shall be in conformance with the Plastic Pipe Institute (PPD TR46 "Guidelines for Use of Mini-Horizontal Directional Drilling for Placement of High Density Polyethylene Pipe" and the pipe manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations. SHOP DRAWINGS AND SUBMITTALS Submittals shall be provided to the Engineer for review and acceptance prior to construction in accordance with the County's General Construction Standards. I . Work Plan 2. Pipe 3. Joining procedure 4. Training and experience ofdirectional boring machine operator 5. Directional drilling equipment Specifications including calibration records 6. Proposed deviations from design Prior to beginning Work, the Conhactor must submit a work plan to the Engineer detailing the procedure and schedule to be used to execute the Project. The Work plan should include the following: l. A description ofall equipment to be used 2. Down-hole tools 3. A list ofpersonnel and their qualifications and experience 4. List of Subcontractors 5. An environmental protection plan 6. Contingency plans for possible problems Equipment l. The Contractor will submit specifications on directional drilling equipment to be used to ensure that the equipment will be adequate to complete the Project. Equipment shall include but not be limited to the following: 33O523/1of5 a. Drilling rig b. Mud system c. Down-hole tools d. Guidarce system e. Rig safety systems f. Data logger D. Records l. Contractor shall submit record drawings in accordance with specification 0l 7000 Closeout Proeedures. 2. Fusion results for all fieldjoints shall be provided at the Engineer's request, for review prior to substantial completion. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 A. B. 2.2 A. z..t A. B. GENERAL The directional drilling equipment shall consist ofthe following: I . A directional drilling rig of sufficient capacity to perform the bore and pullback operations. 2. A drilling fluid mixing and delivery system ofsufficient capacity to complete the installation. 3. A guidance system to accurately guide boring operations. 4. A vacuum truck ofsufficient capacity to handle the drilling fluid volume. All equipment shall be in good, safe operating condition with sufficient supplies, materials, and spare parts on hand to maintain the system in proper working order and minimize delays to construction operations. DRILLING SYSTEM The directional drilling machine shall consist ofa hydraulically powered system to rotate, push, and pull hollow drill pipe into the ground at a variable angle while delivering a pressurized fluid mixture to a guidable drill (bore) head. The machine shall be anchored to the ground, ifrequired to withstand the pulling, pushing, and rotating pressure to complete the installation. The hydraulic power system shall be self-contained with sufficient pressure and volume to power drilling operations. Hydraulic system shall be free of leaks. The rig shall be grounded during drilling and pullback operations. There shall be a system to detect electrical cunent fiom the drilling string and an audible alarm that automatically sounds when an electrical current is detected. PIPE Pipe shall be High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) in accordance with specification 33 1000 Water Utilities. HDPE Pipe l. HDPE pipe shall have a maximum dimension ratio of DR I I, and minimum pressure class PC 160 psi. 33 0523 I 2of5 2. HDPE pipe shall have been continuously marked by the manufacturer with permanent printing indicating at a minimum the following: a. Nominal size (inches) b. Dimension ratio (DR) c. Pressure rating (psi) d. Material classification (PE 3408) e. Plant, extruder, and operator codes f. Resin supplier code g. Date produced 3. HDPE pipe shall be black in color with permanent colored stripes extruded into the pipe length or shall be I solid-color, per the applicable service. a. Water: Blue 4. InstallationCurvature a. The pipeline curvature shall not exceed the minimum radius as defined by the pipe manufacturer. 2.4 TRACER WIRE A. Tracer wire shall be installed per specification 33 1000 Water Utilities. 2.5 DRILLING FLUIDS A. Drilling fluids shall consist ofa mixture ofpotable water and gel-forming colloidal material, such as bentonite or a polyrner surfactant mixture producing a slurry ofcustard- like consistency. 3. EXECUTION 3.1 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS A. Responsible representatives ofthe Contractor and Subcontractor(s) shall be present at all times during directional drilling operations. A responsible representative as specified herein is defined as a person experienced in the type of work being performed and who has the authority to represent the Contractor in a routine decision-making capacity concerning the manner and method of carrying out the Work. B. The Contractor and Subcontractor(s) shall have sufficient number ofcompetent workers on the Project at all times to ensure the utility placement is made in a timely, satisfactory manner. Adequate personnel for carrying out all phases ofthe directional drilling operation (where applicable: tunneling system operators, operator for removing spoil material, and laborers as necessary for various related tasks) must be on thejob site at the beginning of Work. A competent and experienced supervisor representing the Contraclor or Subcontractor that is thoroughly familiar with the equipment and type of work to be performed, must be in direct charge and control ofthe operation at all times. In all cases, the supervisor must be continually present at the project site during the directional drilling operation. WORKPLAN 330523/3of5 A. J.J A. 3.4 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Work plan should be comprehensive, realistic, and based on actual working conditions for this particular Project. Plan should document the requirements to complete the Project. I . Calibration records for guidance equipment shall be included. Specifications for any drilling fluid additives that the Contractor intends to use or might use shall be submitted. COORDINATION OF THE WORK The Contractor shall notit/ the Owner and Engineer at least 3-days in advance of starting Work. INSTALLATION Erosion and sediment control measures and on-site containers shall be installed to prevent drilling mud from spilling out of entry and,/or exit pits. Drilling mud shall be disposed of ofI-site in accordance with local, state, and federal requirements. 1. No other chemicals or polymer surfactant shall be used in the drilling fluid without written consent ofthe Engineer and after a determination is made that the chemicals to be added are not harmful or corrosive to the facility and are environmentally safe. Pilot Hole: Pitot hole shall be drilled on bore path with no deviations geater than + l-foot in the horizontal plane and * I -foot in the vertical plane. In the event that the pilot does deviate from bore path more than ]. l-foot, the Contractor shall notifo the Engineer. The Engineer may require the Contractor to pullback and re-drill fiom the location along bore path before the deviation. The Contractor shall submit any proposed deviations flom the design bore path with the submittals. Reaming: Upon successful completion ofpilot hole, the Contractor will ream borehole to a minimum of 25Yo greater than outside diameter ofpipe using the appropriate tools. Contractor will not attempt to ream at one time more than the drilling equipment and mud system are designed to safely handle. Pullback: After successfully reaming borehole to the required diameter, Contractor shall put the pipe through the borehole. ln front of the pipe shall be a swivel and barrel reamer to compact bore hole walls. Once pullback operations have commenced, operations must continue without interruption until pipe is completely pulled into borehole. During pullback operations, the Contractor shall not apply more than the maximum safe pipe pull pressure at any time. A break away head rated below the maximum safe pull force shall be utilized. The pipe entry area shall be graded to provide support for the pipe to allow free movement into the borehole. The pipe shall be guided in the borehole to avoid deformation of, or damage to, the pipe. If unexpected subsurface conditions are encountered during the bore, the procedure shall be stopped. The installation shall not continue until the County has been consulted. The pipe shall be pulled back through the borehole using the wet insertion construction technique. The pipe shall be installed full ofwater. 'Ihe pipe shall be installed in a manner that does not cause upheaval, settlement, cracking, movement, or distortion of surface features. A boring log shall be kept with horizontal and vertical location ofthe installation. The horizontal location ofthe bore shall be marked in the field during the bore at a minimum of 50 foot increments and at directional changes. These marks shall include the bore depths. 33 0523 l4of5 The contractor shall locate and record these marks in accordance with the as-built requirements. J. The pipe shall be installed at a minimum 3'ofcover or greater as indicated on the plans. 3.5 INSPECTION A. Fusionjoining shall include a processor or electronic data recording device capable of reading and storing the input parameters and the fusion results for later download to a record file. 3.6 FIELD TESTING A. Testing ofthe directionally drilled pipe shall be done in accordance with the Albemarle County Service Authority Standards. EIID OF SECTION 330523/ 5of5 SECTION 33 1000 WATER TITILITIES I. GENERAL l.t A. 1.2 A. 1.3 A. B. C. D. DESCRIPTION AlI pumps piping, valves, fittings, meters, appurtenances and other products shall conform to the requhements ofthe latest edition ofthe Local Utility Standards. QUALITY ASSURANCE Comply with all applicable codes and regulations as required by regulatory agencies having jurisdictions over this Work. CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING SYSTEM: The Contractor shall make connections to the existing system under a pressure or non- pressure condition, as indicated, complying with the syst€m owner's requirements for the time of day such work can be done. The Contractor shall pay all costs associated with the connections unless otherwise indicated. If the system owner performs the work, the Contractor shall arrange for the work to be done. Owner's valves and equipment shall be operated only by the Owner. Contractor shall submit for approval dimensioned layout drawings for all flanged ductile iron pipe. Drawings shall include all fittings, valves, equipment, taps, appurtenances, and dimensions to locate pipe in buildings. Exposed pipe shall be installed level, plumb and square to building walls and equipment in accordance with industry standards and practices. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 I'NDERGROUND PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Ductile Iron Pipe: 1. Ductile iron pipe shall meet the requirements of AWWA C l5 l, AWWA C I 50 and Rubber-gasket joints shall meet the requirements of AWWA C111 3" through 24" pipe shall be, at a minimum, class 52 with a working pressure of 350 psi. Pipe shall have a single cement-mortar lining and a bituminous seal coat conforming to the requirement of AWWA C104. A minimum of 5olo of the pipe fumished shall be gauged for roundness full length and so marked. Pressure class ofpipe shall be increased ifthe specific installation warrants it. B. Polyethylene pipe l. 3 Inches and Smaller -Pipe shall be manufactured Ilom a PE 3408 resin listed with the Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI) as TR-4. The resin material will meet the specifications ofASTM D3350-02 with a cell classification ofPE:345464C. Pipe shall have a manufacturing standard of ASTM D2737 (copper tubing size), ASTM 33 1000 / I of l5 C. Fittings D2239 (iron pipe size, controlled inside diameter) and ASTM D 3035 (iron pipe size, controlled outside diameter). Pipe shall have a pressure class as specified on the plans. The pipe shall contain no recycled compounds except that generated in the manufacturer's own plant from resin ofthe same specification fiom the same raw material. All pipes shall be suitable for use as pressure conduits, and per AWWA C901, have nominal burst values of three times the Working Pressure Rating (WPR) ofthe pipe. Pipe shall also have the following agency listing ofNSF 61. Ductile Iron Fittings Fittings for PVC pipe and DI pipe shall be ductile iron. Ductile iron fittings shall be in accordance with AWWA Cl 10. No compact fiftings are allowed. Pressure ratings shall be a minimum of350 psi for fiftings 24-inch and smaller and 250 psi for 3O-inch. All fittings shall have a single cement mortar lining on the interior and a bituminous seal coating on the exterior. Fittings shall have mechanicaljoints conforming to the requirements of AWWA C I I I . Bolts for mechanicaljoint fittings shall be high strengh, corrosion - resistant low alloy steel with hexagon nuts having a minimum yield point of 45,000 psi in accordance with AWWA C I I I . Mechanical joint bolts shall be torqued with a torque wrench as per manufacturer's recommendations. Polyethylene Pipe Fittings Fittings for polyethylene pipe shall be manufactured specifically for the intended use and be approved by the piping manufacturer to be compatible with their product. All fittings shall have a working pressure rating €qual to or greater than the pipe, and shall meet all requirements ofNSF 61. Butt Fusion Fittings i. Fittings shall be PE3408 I-IDPE, Cell Classification of345464C as determined by ASTM D3350-02, and approved for AWWA use. Butt Fusion Fittings shall have a manufacturing standard ofASTM D3261. Molded & fabricated fittings shall have a pressure rating equal to the pipe unless otherwise specified in the plans. Fabricated fittings are to be manufactured using Data Loggers. Temperature, fusion pressure and a graphic representation ofthe fusion cycle shall be part ofthe quality control records. All fiftings shall be suitable for use as pressure conduits, and per AWWA C906, shall have a nominal burst values ofthree and one-halftimes the Working Pressure Rating (W?R). Electrofusion Fittings i. Fittings shall be PE3408 HDPE, Cell Classification of345464C as determined by ASTM D3350-02. Electrofusion Fittings shall have a manufacturing standard ofASTM F1055. Fittings shall have a pressure rating equal to the pipe. All electrofusion fittings shall be suitable for use as pressure conduits, and per AWWA C906, have nominal burst values of three and one-half times the Working Pressure Rating (WPR). ii. Flanged and Mechanical Joint Adapters - Flanged and Mechanical Joint Adapters shall be PE 3408 HDPE, Cell Classification of345464C as determined by ASTM D3350-02. Flanged and Mechanical Joint Adapters shall have a manufacturing standard ofASTM D3261. Coupling Style Fittings 2 a a. C b d 33 1000/ 2of l5 2.2 i. Pipe fittings 2" and smaller may be Dresser style 90, and Ford Meter Products Quick Joint or packjoint fittings or approved equal upon approval ofthe engineer or owner. D. Thrust Restraint I . Contractor to install concrete thrust blocks at all fittings valves and dead ends. Thrust blocks shall be sized and located as indicated on the thrust block details on the contract drawings. 2. All pipe fittings, plugs, caps, tees, and bends in underground ductile iron or PVC piping must be restrained utilizing Megalug Series I 100 retainer glands by EBAA Iron Sales, Inc.(or approved equal). Glands shall be manufactured ofductile iron conforming to ASTM A 536-80. Restraining devices shall be ofductile iron heat treated to a minimum hardness of 370 BHN. Dimensions of the gland shall be such that it can be used with the standardized mechanicaljoint bell and tee-head bolts conforming to ANSVAWWA A21.1I andCl53/421.53. Twist-offnuts shall be used to insure proper actuating ofthe restraining devices. The mechanicaljoint restraint device shall have a working pressure ofat least 250 psi with a minimum safety factor of2- 3. All ductile iron bell and spigot pipejoints shall be restrained using US Pipe Field Lok 350 type gaskets unless indicated otherwise on the drawings. Ifalljoints are not required to be restrained the minimum restrained tengths and locations will be indicated on the drawings. Gaskets shall be manufactured by the pipe manufacturer to be compatible with their pipe. E. Couplings for under ground or buried service shall be ductile iron mechanicaljoint in accordance with underground ductile fittings in this section. ABOVE GROLTND OR EXPOSED PIPING A. Ductile iron pipe 1. Ductile iron pipe installed above ground, inside buildings or underground vaults, shall be flanged ductile iron pipe class 53 in accordance with ANSI A21 . I 5 (AWWA C1l5). Unless indicated otherwise on the drawings pipe shall have Class 125 flanged joints utilizing factory installed screwed flanges ( no uniflange type flanges are permitted) meeting the requirements of ANSI B 16. l, outside coating shall be red primer, and gaskets for flanged pipe shall be l/8" thick full face red rubber. All steel flanges mating to flat face flanges shall have the raised face machined off. Pipe shall have a single cement mortar lining with asphaltic seal coat meeting the requirements forAWWACl04. B. Ductile Iron Fittings 1. Fittings for ductile iron pipe shall be flanged ductile iron in accordance with ANSI 42l.l0 (AWWA Cl l0). Ductile iron compact fittings, in accordance with ANSI A21.53 (AWWA C 153), may not be used unless specifically approved by the Engineer. Fittings up to 30" diameter shall have a minimum working pressure rating of250 psi. Unless indicated otherwise on the drawings, pipe shall have Class 125 flangedjoints meeting the requirements ofANSI B 16.1, outside coating shall be red primer, and gaskets for flanged pipe shall be l/8'thick full face red rubber. Fittings shall have a single cement-mortar lining and a bituminous seal coat conforming to the requirement of AWWA C 104. C. Above Ground Copper Tubing 33 1000 i 3 of 15 l. Copper tubing for exposed services shall be seamless, hard copper tubing Type L, in conformance with ASTM B88. Fittings shall be wrought copper with solderedjoints. Solder shall be 95-5 approved for potable water service. D. Couplings l. Couplings for above ground or exposed service shall be Dresser Style 38 or approved equal. Transition couplings shall be Dresser Style 162 or approved equal. All couplings shall be rodded unless otherwise noted. E. Flange adaptors l. Flange adaptors shall be used where indicated on the drawings or as approved by the engineer. Flange adaptors may be used as a final connection or to allow for disassembly ofpipe for equipment maintenance in approved locations. Flange adaptors are not to be used to make up for misaligned pipe. 2. Flanged Adapter shall be JCM flanged coupling adaptors model 30lR or approved equal. 2.3 GATE VALVES A. Gate valves 3" through 12" shall open counter-clockwise, have a resilient seat and meet the requirements of AWWA C509. Body shall be of cast iron with a 250 psig maximum working pressure and hydrostatically tested to 500 psig. Wedge shall be constructed ofcast iron, bonded in synthetic rubber in accordance with ASTM D2000. Valve shall be coated inside and out with a fusion epoxy coating of a nominal l0 mil thickness on all exposed iron surfaces in compliance with AWWA C550 and beNSF 6l certified. Valves shall be bi-directional flow and have a ten year limited warranty. l. Above ground valves or exposed valves in vaults shall utilize outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) with rising stems and have flanged ends meeting the requirements of ANSI B 16.1, Class 125. 2. Underground valves shall utilize non rising stems, mechanicaljoint ends with a 2" operating nut in accordance with AWWA C1 I 1. 3. Gate valves 3" and larger when located 6ft. or more above the finish floor or operating platform shall have chain operators. 4. Valves shall be Mueller series 2360, or approved equal. BUTTERFLY VALVES2.4 A. B. 2.5 A. 2.6 Butterfly valves shall have a ductile iron body, seat in body design, ductile iron disk with a 3 16 stainless steel disc edge (3 " and 4" valves to have 3 16 disk), symmetrical disc, nonmetallic bearings, chevron self-adjusting "V" type packing and have a 250 psi working pressure. Valves shall meet or exceed all the requirements of AWWA C504 standard class 2508 and be NSF 61 certified. Exposed piping shall have flange ends Class 125 and underground valves shall have mechanicaljoint ends. Valves 6" and larger shall have gear operators. All exposed valves with gear operators shall have a position indicator. Valves shall be Mueller Lineseal XP butterfly valves (class 250B) or approved equal. BALL VALVES. ABOVE GROUND Ball valves 2" and smaller shall b€ 150 Ib rated, theaded ends, bronze or stainless steel body (stainless steel valves are to be used on stainless steel pipe), full port, lever operated, ball valves, with stainless steel ball and stem, and Teflon seats. Ball valves shall be Crane figure 9201 (bronze body), 9231(stainless steel) or approved equal. CHECK VALVES 33 1000 i 4 of 15 2.7 A. Swing check valves l. 3 inch and larger a. Check valves 3" and larger shall be Class 125 flanged ends ductile iron body bronze mounted, bronze disc facing, swing type lever and weight check valves in accordance with AWWA C508. Flanged end dimension and drilling shall comply with ANSI B 16.1, Class 125. Check valves 3" through 12" shall have a 175 psig maximum working pressure and a 350 psig test pressure. Check valves 14" through 24" shall have a 150 psig ma,rimum working pressure and a 300 psig test pressure. 2. Check valves shall have an adjustable oil decelerator (oil cushion) installed on the outside ofthe valve to control valve closing. 3. Check valves 2" and smaller shall be class 150 bronze or stainless steel y-pattern swing check valves with tkeaded ends. Valves shall be Crane figure I37 (bronze), Crane Aloyco figure 49 or approved equal. B. Silent check valves I . Silent check valves shall be the globe type with a spring loaded disk. Valve shall have a ductile iron body, bronze plug, 3 l6 stainless steel spring and a working pressure rating of250 psig. Valves shall be flanged in accordance with ANSI B l6.l class 125. Valves shall be APCO globe style series 600, Clow style 636 or approved equal. Wafer type check valves shall not be permitted. ABOVE GROUND OR EXPOSED TAPS A. All taps on exposed pipe. Flanged pipe or above ground pipe shall be made on fitting bosses. No tapping saddles or tapping of pipe will be allowed unless specifically called for on the drawings. AIR RELEASE VALVES A. Air release valves shall have a minimum of a I " N.P.T. inlet for pipe sizes 16" and smaller with a3/32" minimum size outlet orifice. Valves shall have acast iron body and cover, stainless steel float, Buna -N seat, Delrin lever frame and all other intemal part shall be stainless steel or bronze. Air release valves shall be suitable for 150 psi working pressure at a minimum. B. All air release valve installations shall contain an isolation valve to allow removal of the air release valve while the line is under pressure and a means to manually vent the pipeline without removal ofthe air release valve. 2.9 Reduced Pressure Zone Backflow Preventer A. Reduced Pressure Zone Backflow Preventer assembly shall consist ofan intemal pressure differential reliefvalve located in a zone between two positive seating check modules with captured springs and silicone seat discs. Service ofall internal components shall be through a single access cover secured with stainless steel bolts. The assembly shall also include two resilient seated isolation valves, for resilient seated test cocks, a protective bronze wye strainer with a 20-mesh screen and an air gap drain fming. B. The assembly shall meet the requirements of: the latest available American Water works Association (AWWA) standards including Std. C5 I I ; hold current University of Southem California Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research (USC) approval and hold the American Society of Sanitary engineers (ASSE) listing. C. All RPZ backflow preventers shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 2.8 33 1000 / 5 of 15 33 1000 / 6 of l5 D. 2.10 A. 2.tl A. 2.12 A. B. C. Shalt be a Watts Regulator Co. Series 009QT-S or equal. Size shall be as indicated on the drawings. SAMPLE TAPS All sample taps are to be threadless hose bibs unless indicated otherwise on the drawings. Those indicated to have threads shall be provided with a hose bib vacuum breaker. WALL PIPES AND SLEEVES Pipes tlrough concrete walls and slabs shall be provided with wall pipes or penetration seals. Wall pipes shall comply with cast iron fittings specification and shall have flanged joint connections unless otherwise noted on the drawings. Penetration seals shall be Link- Seal as manufactured by Thunderline Corporation of Wayne Michigan, orequal. All hardware shall be stainless steel. Sleeves inside diameters shall be sized to fit the outside diameter ofthe penetrating pipe and the link seal. Sleeves shall be ofa thickness to maintain their shape and shall be manufactured buy the seal manufacturer. All Sleeves shall have waterstops and be hot dipped galvanized after fabrication. Where pipe penetrations are in existing concrete structures, core drilling is acceptable provided the hole size is coordinated with the seal manufacturer. PIPE LOCATING DEVICES Tracer wire shall consist ofa steel core to which an outer layer ofcopper has been metallurgically bonded. The outer layer shall be 30 mils thick high-density polyethylene (HDPE) insutation. Tracer wire shall be Copperhead Reinforced Tracer Wire or approved equal. Wire shall be colored blue for water. Wire Connectors l. Connector, Wire, Set Screw Pressure typ€ for use with No. l0 stranded wire size. a. Holub Industries MA-2 or equivalent b. Ideal Industries Model 30-222 or equivalent 2. Connector, Wire, C-Tap for two-way splicingof tracer wire for use with No. l0 stranded wire size. a. T&B #54705 or equivalent 3. Connector, Wire, Split Bolts - Three-Wire Type for use with No. l2 stranded wire size. a. ILSCO Catalog # SEL-2S or equivalent. 4. Electrical Coating - Scotchkote 3M Electrical Coating or equivalent. a. Scotchkote 3 M Electrical Coating Part No. 054007 b. Electric Tape - 3M Super33 + Scotch Brand Premium Vinyl Electrical Tape or equivalent 5. Wire nuts shall not be allowed underground. Locator Stations l. Locator stations shall consisted ofa specially formulated High Density Polyethylene post with UVI inhibitors. Color shall be blue for water or as requested by owner. The station shall provide for the attachment of two tracer wires and a ground wire to tlree terminal lugs inside a line marker. The lugs are to be welded to an aluminum sleeve, which is mounted inside a HDPE post. All locator components shall be plastic, aluminum, or stainless steel to avoid rusting. Post shall be marked to indicate it is a locator station. D 2.13 A 2.t4 A D B C D 2. Locator stations shall be Vulcan H4l Locator, "Big Fink" manufactured by Cott Manufacturing Company or approved equal. Marking Tape l. Tape shall be 3.5 mill polyethylene tape 3" in width, with the continuous printed message! "Caution - Waterline Buried Below." Tape shall be style 48288 as manufactured by the Seton Safety and ldentification or approved equal PRESSURE GAGES Pressure gauges shall be ofall stainless steel construction, 3.5 inch case size, accuracy of 102 over the entire dial arch, %" NPT bottom connection, Pressure range shall be as indicated on the drawings. Pressure gages shall be Ashcroft stainless steel-case 1009 pressure gauges or approved equal. All pressure gages shall be installed with a %" stainless steel ball valve and stainless steel nipples. All pressure gages shall be mounted with httings or on fitting bosses. NO TAPPING OF PIPE OR SADDLES WILL BE ALLOWED. PIPE SUPPORTS Pipes shall be supported by steel pipe hangers, clamps . brackets, rods and inserts as required to support the imposed pipe loads. Hangers in general shall be new, manufactured ofcarbon steel and hot dipped galvanized after fabrication or 304 stainless steel. Pipes 2 % inches and larger shall be supported with adjustable floorstand type pipe supports as detailed on the drawings. Pipe supports shall be Standon Model S89 flange support, Standon Model 596 cradle support as manufactured by Material Resources, [nc. or approved equal. Pipes 2" and smaller shall be supported from the floor, walls or ceiling depending on the type of building construction. Pipe supports for these size pipes shall be as manufactured by Unistrut Building Systems. Supports shall consist offloor stands, wall brackets or clevis type hangers. Unistrut and appurtenances shall be stainless steel. Clips for copper tubings shall be copper coated. Minimum threaded rod size shall be 3/8 inch. Ductile Iron and steel pipe supports shall be spaced in accordance with the following schedule: B C Pipe sizes (inches) % -314 1-1U4 34 6 8 Max spacing (feet) 4 6 8 t0 t2 l4 E. Copper tubing pipe supports shall be spaced in accordance with the following schedule: Nominal tubing size (inches) %- 3t4 t- I t/4 1%-2 Max spacing (feet)4 6 Pipe supports shall be located as per the following: l. Maximum spacing as indicated above 2. Ma-ximum of l2 inches from all horizontal and vertical changes in direction F 33 1000 / 7 of 15 8 3. On the suction and discharge ofpump piping to eliminate pipe stresses on the pump flanges. 4. On the connections to all equipment to eliminate pipe stresses on t}re equipment connections and allow equipment removal. 5. On the inlet and outlet piping to the water meter to allow the removal ofthe water meter. Additional pipe supports as indicated on the drawings6 3. EXECTITION 3,I GENERAL A 3.2 A B, Water lines shall be laid to lines and grades shown on the drawings with appurtenances and service connections at required locations. Installation ofall materials shall be in strict conformance with manufacturer's recommendations and AWWA standards. SEPARATION OF POTABLE WATER LTNES AND SANITARY AND/OR COMBINED SEWER Follow State Health Department standards for separation of water mains and sewer lines. Parallel Installation: l. Normal Conditions Water lines shall be constructed at least 10 feet horizontally fiom a sewer or sewer manhole whenever possible. The distance shall be measured edge to edge. 2. Unusual Conditions When local conditions prevent a horizontal separation ofat least l0 feet, the water line may be laid closer to a sewer or sewer manhole provided that: a. The bottom of the water line is at least 18 inches above the top ofthe sewer. b. Where this vertical separation cannot be obtained, the sewer shall be constructed of AWWA approved water pipe pressure tested in place to 50 psi without leakage prior to backfi ing. The sewer manhole shall be of watertight construction ald tested in place. C. Crossing: 1. Normal Conditions: Water lines crossing over sewers shall be laid to provide a separation ofat least l8 inches between the bottom of the water line and the top of the sewer whenever possible. 2. Unusual Conditions: When local conditions prevent the vertical separation described in crossing normal conditions, (paragraph above) the following construction shall be used. a. Sewers passing over or under water lines shall be constructed ofthe materials described in parallel installation, unusual conditions Paragraph b. above. b. Water lines passing under sewers shall, in addition, be protected by providing: i. A vertical separation ofat least l8 inches between the bottom ofthe sewer and the top ofthe water lines. ii. That the length ofthe water line shall be centered at the point ofthe crossing so thatjoints shall be equidistant and as far as possible from the sewer. 33 1000 / 8 of l5 D. 3.3 A. 3.4 A. 3.5 A. 3.6 A. B. 3.7 A. 3.8 3.9 A. 3.r0 A. 3.1 I A. B, Sanitary and,/or combined sewers or sewer manholes No water pipes shall pass through or come in contact with any part of sewer or sewer manhole. EXAMINATION OF MATERIAL: All pipes, httings, valves and other appurtenances shall be examined carefully for damage and other defects immediately before installation. Defective materials shall be marked and held for inspection by the Owner, who may prescribe corrective repairs or reject materials. PIPE ENDS: All lumps, blisters, and excess coating shall be removed from the socket and plain ends of each pipe, and the outside ofthe plain end and the inside ofthe bell shall be wiped clean and dry and be fiee from dirt sand, grit, or any other foreign material before thejoint is made. Proper lubricant shall be used for all pushjoint pipe. PIPE CLEANLINESS: Foreign material shall be prevented fiom entering the pipe while it is being placed in the trench. During laying operations, no debris, tools, clothing or other materials shall be placed in the pipe. PIPE PLACEMENT: Laying ofthe pipe shall be commenced immediately after the excavation is started, and every means must be used to keep pipe lying closely behind the trenching as each length of pipe is placed in the trench, thejoint shall be assembled and the pipe brought to correct line and grade before the next length ofpipe is laid. No more than 200 lfoftrench shall be opened at any one time. No opened trenches will be allowed at the end ofthe work day. Lay pipe with bell ends facing the direction of laying. Where grade is l0 percent or greater, lay pipe uphill with bell ends upgrade. PIPE PLUGS: At times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends ofthe pipe shall be closed by a water tight plug or other means approved by the Engineer. When practical, the plug shall remain in place until the trench is pumped completely dry. Care must be taken to prevent pipe flotation should the trench fill with water. LAYING CONDITIONS Pipe shall be placed in a dry trench at the proper line and grade. PIPE DEFLECTION Permissible deflection in mechanicaljoint pipe shall not be greater than 1/2 ofthat listed in AWWA C600 or as recommended by pipe manufacturer. No joint deflection shall be allowed in PVC pipe. Radius turn with PVC pipe shall be by bending pipe at 1/2 manufacturers recommended defl ection. PIPE CUTTING: Cutting ofthe pipe shall be done in a neat, workmanlike manner with the proper tools without creating damage to the pipe or cement mortar lining. RESTRAINED JOINTS Provide reaction anchors ofconcrete blocking, metal harness, retainer gland type, restaining gaskets or restrainedjoint type pipe at all changes in direction ofpressure pipelines and as shown on Drawings. All mechanicaljoint bolts shall be torqued with a torque wrench as recommended by the manufacturer. 33 1000 / 9 of 15 C 3.12 A Tighten nuts on altemate side ofthe gland until pressure on the gland is equally distributed POLYETHYLENE PIPE INSTALLATION Sections ofpolyethylene pipe should bejoined into continuous lengths on thejobsite above ground. Thejoining method shall be the butt fusion method and shall be performed in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The butt fusion equipment used in thejoining procedures should be capable of meeting all conditions recommended by the pipe manufacturer, including, but not limited to, temperature requirements of400 degrees Fahrenheit, alignment, and an interfacial fusion pressure of75 PSI. The butt fusion joining will produce ajoint weld strength equal to or greater tlnn the tensile strength ofthe pipe itself. All welds will be made using a Data Logger to record temperature, fusion pressure, with a graphic representation ofthe fusion cycle shall be part ofthe Quality Control records. B. Sidewall fusions for connections to outlet piping shall be performed in accordance with HDPE pipe and fitting manufacturer's specifications. The heating irons used for sidewall fusion shall have an inside diameter equal to the outside diameter oflhe HDPE pipe being fused. The size ofthe heating iron shall be % inch larger than the size ofthe outlet branch being fused. Mechanicaljoining will be accomplished by either using a HDPE flange adapter with a Ductile Iron back-up ring or HDPE Mechanical Joint adapter with a Ductile Iron back-up ring. Socket fusion, hot gas fusion, threading, solvents, and epoxies will not be used to join HDPE pipe. SETTING VALVES AND VALVE BOXES. Install valves with operator stems plumb in the vertical plane. Locate valves where shown on Drawings. TRACER WIRE Wire shall be placed on the top ofall underground pipes and attached to the pipe with wire ties ata minimum ofevery sixteen (10) feet. Water service connections will haveasingle wire attached ffom the main line wire and terminating in the meter box as close to the surface as possible. Tracer wire within Meter Boxes will be stripped three-quarter (3/4) inch from the end and capped with a wire nut to minimize electrical ground contact. All connections at the main line must be electrically sound and physically secure with screw connections or clamps. All connections must be taped with electric tape and sealed with an electrical coating sealant. LOCATOR STATIONS Locator Stations shall be installed every 1000 ft long the pipe line and within ten ( l0) feet ofeach fire hydrant. Locator pipe shall be buried in the ground a minimum of 3 ft and be a minimum of3 ft above the ground. MARKING TAPE Install marking tape in utility trenches above all pipes in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Install tape approximately 18 inches above the pipe and not less than I 8 inches deep. Bolt Size - Inches Torque Ft. - Lbs518 45 -603t4 7s - 90l 100-120 C D 3.13 A 3.14 A 3. l5 A 3.16 A 33 1000 / 10 of 15 3.17 A B TESTING Contractor shall supply water at no cost, for testing potable water lines. Pressure Testing of Water Mains and Pressure pipe l. Hydrostatic testing shall be performed in accordance with AWWA C600. 2. After the pipe has been installed , all pipe or any valved section thereof shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure ofat least 1.5 times the working pressure or 150 psi which ever is greater, at the lowest point in the system. 3. Test Pressure Restrictions: a. Test pressures shall: Not be less than 1.25 times the working pressure or 125 psi which ever is greater at the highest point along the test section. Not to exceed pipe or thrust restraint design pressures. Be ofat least 2-hour duration. Not vary by more than 5 psi for the duration ofthe test. Not to exceed the rated pressure ofthe valves, hydrants and appurtenances b. Each valved section ofpipe shall be filled with water slowly and the specified test pressure, based on the elevation ofthe lowest point ofthe line or section under test and corrected to the elevation of the test gage, shall be applied by means ofa pump connected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. c. Before applying the specified test pressure, air shall be expelled completely from the pipe, valves and hydrants. Ifpermanent air vents are not located at all high points, the Contractor shall install corporation cocks at such points so that the air can be expelled as the line is filled with water. Alter all the air has been expelled, the corporation cocks shall remain closed and be left in place. d. All exposed pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, andjoints shall be examined carefully during the test. Any damaged or defective pipe, fittings, valves, or hydrants that are discovered following the pressure test shall be repaired or eplaced with sound material and the test shall be repeated until it is satisfactory. Leakage Test For Bell and Spigot and Mechanical Joint Pipe l. A leakage test shall be conducted concurrently with the pressure test 2. Leakage shall be defined as the quality of water that must be supplied into the newly installed pipe, or any valved section thereof, to maintain pressure within 5 psi ofthe specified test pressure after the air in the pipeline has been expelled and the pipe has been filled with water. Leakage shall not be measured by a drop in pressure in a test section over a period of time. 3. No pipe installation will be accepted ifthe leakage is greater than that determined by the following formula: L: SDJP 133,200 in which L is the allowable leakage, in gallons per hour; S is the length ofpipeline tested, in feet; D is the nominal diameter ofthe pipe, in inches; and P is the average test pressure during the leakage test in pounds per square inch gage. ll. lll tv C 33 1000 / 1l of 15 4 When testing against closed metal-seated valves, an additional leakage per closed valve of 0.0078 gallons/hour/inch of nominal valve size shall be allowed' Acceptance shall be determined on the basis of allowable leakage. Ifany test ofpipe instalied discloses leakage greater than that specified above, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, locate and make repairs as necessary until the leakage is within the specified allowance. ALL VISIBLE LEAKS ARE TO BE REPAIRED ) 3. 18 REGARDLESS OF TFM AMOUNT OF LEAKAGE 6. Allowable leakage D. Leakage testing of exposed and above ground pipe I. ALL JOINTS ARE TO BE WATERTIGHT. TTMRE STIALL BE NO VISIBLE LEAKS ALLOWED. ALL LEAKS ARE TO BE REPAIRED. DISINFECTION The water used in the disinfection and flushing process shall be potable water from an approved supply. If water is to be transported to the subject site, then the tank trucks must also be properly disinfected prior to transporting water. Disinfection ofthe vehicle should also include all appurtenances used such as valves, hoses, etc. Preliminary Flushing l. The main shall be flushed prior to disinfection, except when the tablet method is used. Flushing shall be at a velocity ofnot less than 3.0 ft./sec. Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage of flushing water. Flushing is to be perlormed only with the approval ofand under the direction ofthe Town Inspector. The Contractor shall inspect areas ofdischarge and provide the necessary equipment to prevent any environmental damage or erosion. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage that may result from flushing. Form of Chlorine for Disinfection l. Liquid chlorine shall be used only when suitable equipment is available and only under the direct supervision ofa person familiar with the physiological, chemical, and physical properties of this element and who is properly trained and equipped to handle any emergency that may arise. Introduction ofchlorine-gas directly from the supply cylinder is unsafe and shall not be permitted. 2. Calcium hypochlorite contains 70 percent available chlorine by weight. It shalt be either granular or tabular in form. The tablets, 6-8 to the ounce, are designed to dissolve slowly in water. A chlorine-water solution shall be prepared by dissolving the granules in water in the proportion requisite for the desired concentration. 3. Sodium hypochlorite is supplied in strengths from 5.25 to l6 percent available chlorine. The chlorine-water solution shall be prepared by adding hypochlorite to water. Product deterioration shall be reckoned with in computing the quantity of sodium hypochlorite required for the desired concentration. 4. Application: The hypochlorite solutions shall be applied to the water main with a chemical feed pump designed for feeding chlorine solutions. For small applications the solutions may be fed with a hand pump, for example, a hydraulic test pump. Feed lines shall be ofsuch material and strength as to withstand safely the maximum pressures that may be created by the pumps. All connections shall be checked for tightness before the hypochlorite solution is applied to the main. Methods of Chlorine Application: 1. Continuous Feed Method B C D 33 1000/ l2of 15 a Water from the existing distribution system or other approved sources ofsupply shall be made to flow at a constant, measured rate into the newly-laid pipeline. The water shall receive a dose ofchlorine, also fed at a constant, measured rate. The two rates shall be proportioned so that the chlorine concentration in the water in the pipe is maintained at a minimum of 50 MG/L available chlorine. To assure that this concentration is maintained, the chlorine residual shall be measured at intervals not exceeding 2,000 feet in accordance with the procedures described in the current edition of "Standard Methods" and AWWA Ml2 - "simplified procedures for water examination." In the absence of a meter, the rate may be determined either by placing a pitot gage at the discharge or by measuring the time to fill a container ofklown volume. Table I gives the time to fill a container of known volume. Table I gives the amount of chlorine required for each 100 ft. of pipe ofvarious diameters. Solutions of I percent chlorine may be prepared with sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite. The latter solution requires approximately I lb. ofcalcium hypochlorite in 8.5 gal. ofwater. TABLE I CHLORINE REQUIRED TO PRODUCE 50 MG/L CONCENTRATION IN IOO FT. OF PIPE - BY DIAMETER Pipe Size In. 100 Percent Chlorine Lb. I Percent Chlorine Solutions Gal. 4 6 8 l0 t2 l6 20 0.33 0.73 1.30 2.04 2.88 5.t2 8.00 b. During the application ofthe chlorine, valves shall be manipulated to prevent the treatment dosage fiom flowing back into the line supplying the water. Chlorine application shall not cease until the entire main is filled with the chlorine solution. The chlorinated water shall be retained in the main for at least 24 hours, during which time all valves and hydrants in the section treated shall be operated in order to disinfect the appurtenarces. At the end ofthis 24 hour period, the treated water shall contain no less than 25 MGIL chlorine throughout the length ofthe main. 2. Slug Method (Use only if authorized by Utilities Department) a. Water from the existing distribution system or other approved source ofsupply shall be made to flow at a constant, measured rate into the newly laid pipeline. The water shall receive a dose ofchlorine, also fed at a constant, measured rate. The two rates shall be proportioned so that the concentration in the water entering the pipeline is maintained at no less than 300 MG/L. The chlorine shall be applied continuously and for a sufficient period to develop a solid column or "slug" of chlorinated water that will, as it passes along the line, expose all interior surfaces to a concentration ofat least 300 MG/L for at least 3 hours. The application shall be checked at a tap near the upstream end on the line by chlorine residual measurements- 33 1000i 13of l5 0.027 0.061 0.108 0.170 0.240 0.430 0.675 E b. As the chlorinated water flows past tees and crosses, related valves and hydrants shall be operated so as to disinfect appurtenances. 3. Tablet Method a. Use only when scrupulous cleanliness has been exercised because preliminary flushing cannot be used. Do not use this method if trench water or foreign material have entered the main or if the water is below 4l degrees F (5 degrees C). This method may be used for mains up to 12 inches in diameter and where the total length ofthe main is less than 2,500 feet. Tablets shall not be used with PVC pipe. b. Place tablets in each section ofpipe and also in hydrants, hydrant branches, and other appurtenances. Attach tablets using an adhesive that is aNSF 61 listed product. Tablets shall be free ofadhesive except on the one broad side to be attached. Place all tablets at the top ofthe main. Ifthe tablets are attached before the pipe section is placed in the trench, mark the position ofthe tablet in the pipe and assure that the pipe is placed with the tablet at the top. c. The following table shows the number of 5 grain HTH tablets necessary perjoint of pipe to obtain 50 PPM chlorine. Pipe Size Tablets Per 18-20 Ft. Joint 3 in. I 4 in. I 6 in. 2 8 in. 3 l0 in. 4 12 in. 7 d. When installation is complete, fill the main with water at a velocity of less than 1 foot per second. The water shall remain in the pipe for at least 24 hours. Operate valves so that the strong chlorine solution will not flow back into the line supplying the water. Final Flushing: After the applicable retention period, the heavily chlorinated water shall be flushed from the main. Using a "Neutralization Station", neutralize the waterline until the chlorine concentration in the water leaving the main is no higher than that generally prevailing in the system, or less than I MG/L. Chlorine residual determination shall be made to ascertain that the heavily chlorinated water has been removed from the pipeline. BACTEzuOLOGICAL TESTS After final flushing, and before the water main is placed in service, samples shall be collected and tested for bacteriologic quality and shall show the absence ofcoliform organisms. At least two samples shall be collected at least 24 hours apart at intervals not exceeding 2,000 ft. and tested by the Department ofConsolidated Laboratory Services or a Department ofConsolidated Laboratory Services certified laboratory. and the results submitted to engineer. Samples for bacteriological analysis shall be collected in sterile bottles treated with sodium thiosulfate. If laboratory results indicate the presence ofcoliform bacteria, the samples are unsatisfactory and disinfection shall be repeated until the samples are satisfactory. Cleaning, disinfection, and testing will be the responsibility ofthe contractor. Water for these operations will be fumished by the owner, but the contractor shall include in his bid the cost of loading, hauling, and discharging the water. 3.19 A B 33 1000 / 14 of 15 C. A sampling tap consisting of a corporation cock with metal pipe shall be installed within two feet ofvalves. The corporation stop inlet shall be male one inch in size and the outlet shall have one-inch I.P. threads and a cap. D. Testing and disinfection ofthe completed sections shall not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to repair or replace any cracked or defective pipe. All work necessary to secure a tight line shall be done at the contractor's expense END OF SICTION 33 1000/ 15of 15 I. GENf,RAL I.I SUMMARY A. A Distributed Processing System Consisting of: 1. Pump control panel 2. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programming 3. Field wiring to instruments and controls 4. Human Machine Interface QIMI) 5. Sensor transmitters 1.2 REFERENCES A. AWWA - American Water Works Association B. ANSI - American National Standards lnstitute C. ASTM - American Standards for Testing Materials D. HI - Hydraulic Institute E. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers F. UL - Underu,riters Laboratories G. ISO - Intemational Standards Organization H. NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association I. ETL - Electrical Testing Laboratories J. CSA - Canadian Standards Association K. NEC - National Electrical Code L. IEC - lnternational Electrotechnical Commission M. NSF - NSF International I.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall include the following: i- System summary sheet. 2. Sequenceofoperation. 3. Shop drawing indicating dimensions, required clearances and location and size of each field connection. 4. Power and control wiring diagrams. The electrical ladder logic drawings shall illustrate motor branch and control circuits to the extent necessary to validate function and integra- tion of circuits to form a complete working system. a) Complete Bill of Materials for control panel(s). b) Catalog cuts for all control panel components. 5. HMI Screens 33 1221 / I of l0 SECTION 33 1223 WATER UTILITY PUMPING STATION 1.4 B A a)Product Data: Provide catalog sheets showing voltage, controller size, ratings and size of switching and overcunent protective devices, short circuit ratings, dimen- sions, and enclosure details. Shop Drawings: Indicate front and side views ofenclosures with overall dimensions and weights shown; conduit entrance locations and requirements; and nameplate leg- ends. Manufacturer's Instructions: lndicate application conditions and limitations ofuse stiputated by testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of product. Operation Data: NEMA ICS 7.1 . Include instnrctions for starting and operating con- trollers, and describe operating limits that may result in hazardous or unsafe condi- b) c) d) tions. e) Maintenance Data: NEMA ICS 7.1 . Include routine preventive maintenance sched- ule. 6. Pump data sheet 7. Operation and Maintenance Manuals a) Documentation shall be specific to the pump station supplied and collated in func- tional sections. Each section shall combine to form a complete system manual cover- ing all aspects ofequipment supplied by the slation manufacturer. Support data for any equipment supplied by others, even if mounted or included in overall station de- sign, shall be provided by those supplying the equipment. Instructions shall include the following as a minimum:i. Functional description ofeach major component, complete with operating in- structions. ii. Instructions for operating pumps and pump controls in all modes of opera- tion. iii. Calibration and adjustment of equipment for initial start-up, replacement ol leveVpressure control components, or as required for routine maintenance.iv. Support data for commercially available components not produced by the station manufacturer, but supplied in accordance with the specifications, shall be supported by literature from the prime manufacturer and incorporated as appen- dices. v. Electrical schematic diagram ofthe pump station circuits shall be in accord- ance with NFPA70. Schematics shall illustrate, to the extent ofautlorized repair, pump motor branch, control and alarm system circuits including interconnec- tions. Wire numbers and legend symbols shall be shown. Schematic diagrams for individual components, not normally repairable by the station operator, need not be included. Details for such parts shall not be substituted for an overall system schematic. Partial schematics, block diagrams, and simplified schematics shall not be provided in lieu ofan overall system diagram. Submittals must be specific to this project. Generic submittals will not be accepted. Quality Assurance The manufacturer shall assume "Unit Responsibility" for the complete pumping package. Unit responsibility shall be defined as responsibility for interface and successful operation of all system components supplied by the pumping system manufacturer. The manufacturer shall have a minimum of 5 years' experience in the design and construction ofpackaged pumping systems, and over l0 years in active design/ production of centrifugal Pumps. B 33 1223 / 2 of l0 C. The pump(s) shall be hydrostatically tested by the manufacturer in accordance with HvdraulicInstitute standards at a minimum of 3 50 PSI prior to shipment. D. Production performance testing shall be conducted by the manufacturer on each pump unit.Head at three operating points will be measured to verifu performance: 70% of tiEp, BEp, and 120% ofBEP. E. A copy of manufacturer's certificate ofinsurance shall be made available upon request show- ing as a minimum, general liability coverage of$1,000,000, and an exces, iiability "or".ugeof $ 10,000,000. F. The pumping package shall be certified by an approved independent testing and certification organization as being compliant with the requirements ofNSF/ANSI 61 for potable drinking water and NSF-61 Annex G for low lead content. G. Manufacturer shall be listed by UL as a manufacturer ofpackaged pumping systems under UL/cUL category QCZJ. H. Pump control panel shall be UL listed. l. Manufacturer shall be listed by UL as a manufacturer ofcontrol panels under UL 508A. J. The manufacturey's production facility shall be certified by an approved independent testing and certification organization as being compliant with the requirements of NSF/ANSI 6l and NSF-61 Annex G. The manufacturing facility shall be subjected to periodic inspections and audits. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 SUPPLIER A. Subject to compliance with these specifications, the following suppliers shall be acceptable: 1. Tencarva Machinery Company, 12200 Wilfong Court, Richmond, VA23ll2 2.2 MANUFACTUREDUNITS B. Furnish and install as shown on the plans two multistage centrifugal pump units, Model e-SV as manufactured by Goulds Water Technology. All pump units shall be fiom one manufac- turer and provided complete including electric motor drive. Pump motors shall be 30 hp, 460 Volts, 3 Phase, 60 tlz. C. Manufacturer shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories as a manufacturer of packaged pumping systems. D. The entire pumping package shall be NSF/ANSI,NSF-61 certified for potable drinking water and NSF- 6l Annex G for a wetted area, weighted average lead content =0.2502. E. Pumps shall be protected from thermal accumulation via individual thermal relief mecha- nisms. 2.3 COMPONENTS A. Pump Logic Controller l. It is the intent ofthese specifications to secure a completely prewired automatic control panel utilizing a PLC / Operator Interface / Transducer based control system with elec- tromechanical backup control for the operation of the booster pumps and well pumps. The automatic pump control system shall be constructed to NEMA l2 standards. All pilot 33 1223 I 3 of 10 devices, breaker interlocks and operator interfaces shall be located on the outer door of the enclosure for ease of operation. 2. The pump control panel shall be provided with aPLC based leveUpressure control logic controllei. The plb shall be an Allen-Bradley Compactlogix 5370 L2 Control System. The PLC shall be equipped with a CPU with 750KB [1769-L16ER] or IMB [1769- LISERM] of user memory, and two Modbus communication ports supporting ring topol- ogies and I USB port for firmware download and programming. The controller shall uti- liie the small applications 1769 I/O modules. The Controller shall be designed to imple- ment consumed tag, event instruction, embedded inputs, remote I/O, axis, and motion event triggers. The controller shall be equipped to handle up to 32 Controller Tasks and 100 programs/task. a) The PLC shall operate on 120V AC power. A 1784-SDl (lGB) Memory Module shall be shipped with the controller. The controller shall accept all digital and analog VO necessary to accomplish the specified operation. A minimum of l0o% spare ofthe I/O used shall be supplied. b) The program logic shall be stored on the processor as well as on a programmable, read only I GB SD card [shipped with controller]. The memory module shall auto load and run when installed in the programmable control processor and is included to facilitate field repair or replacement ofthe programmable control hardware without the use of programming terminals or personal computers. c) The PLC shall communicate using Modbus protocol, but can also support other communication protocols such as EtherNet, ControlNet, or DeviceNet networks. The PLC shall issue pump start/stop and speed commands to drives. Drive status shall al- so be communicated to the PLC. The drive shall be configured to operate manually without the use of the PLC.d) An Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 6 700 electronic operator interface shall be pro- vided for data entry and display. The Operator Interface Display size will be at least 6.5 inches with Color active matrix, thin film transistor (TFT), liquid crystal display (LCD). The operator interface shall have an l8-Bit color graphic resolution with backlight CCFL of50,000 hours minimum. The operator interface shall be mounted on the front ofthe control panel with other operator controls and shall be compatible with the PLC communication protocol. The operator interface shall be a backlit, touch-screen terminal. The operator interface program shall be stored externally on a Secure Digital (SD) card. The operator interface shall have animation status color change for the lollowing: i. Pump Run : Green ii. Discharge Failure = Rediii. Utility Power = Greeniv. Generator Power: Red e) Electromechanical relays and timers, when used shall be equipped with l20vac coils and contacts rated NEMA A-150 (l0A @ l50V) minimum. Timers shall be pneumat- ic, electrical, or synchronous motor driven.f) Control logic shall be accomplished using programmable controllers. Electromechan- ical relays may be used when necessary. However, the primary control logic shall be performed by the PLC.g) The O&M manual shall be provided with complete ladder logic program documenta- tion including English names, rung comments, and coiUcontact cross-references.h) The control shall be pre-programmed or wired to provide the following routines:i. Booster pump altemationii. Excessive pump run time alternation 33 1223 I 4 of l0 iii. Jump to next pump on lead failureiv. Start/stop pumps at normal level/pressure settingsv. Booster pump start delays when called simultaneouslyvi. General alarm pilot light activation: euick flashing alarm/slow flashing acknowledge/ steady on reset/off when clearvii. Station trouble alarm (l l5vac and normally open dry contact)viii. High and low level/pressure alarmsix. Pump start/stop leveVpressure controlx. Pump high temperature shutdowni) The operator interface shall be equipped with the following displays and functions:i. Main Menuii. Atmospheric Tank Leveliii. Atmospheric Tank Level Simulationiv. Well pump flow rate #1, #2, #4, #5v. Low Water Alam Statusvi. High Water Alarm Statusvii. System Pressureviii. System Pressure Simulationix. Low Pressure Alarm Statusx. High Pressure Alarm Statusxi. Pump High Temperature Statusxii. Pump Sequence Selectionxiii. Alarm Silencexiv. Alarm Resetxv. General Alarm Lamp Testxvi. Level Start/Stop Setpointsxvii. Lead Pressure Start/Stop Setpointsxviii. Lag Pressure Start/Stop Setpointsxix. Low Water Alarm Setpoints xx. High Water Alarm Setpointsxxi. Low Pressure Alarm SePointsrxii. High Pressure Alarm Setpoints xxiii. Power-up Delay Setpoint xxiv. Alarm Delay Setpointxxv. Pump Start Delay Setpoint xxvi. Altemation Time Interval Setpoint xxvii. Level Transmitter Calibration xxviii. Pressure Transmitter Calibration xxix. Chlorine Analyzer Readingsxxx. Chemical Feed Pump Status 3. Pump mode selector switches shall permit manual start or stop of each pump individually or permit automatic operation under LOCAL or REMOTE conrrol. 4. Six digit elapsed time meter shall be shall be displayed on the operator interface terminal to indicate total running time ofeach pump in "hours" and "tenths ofhours". Pump runtime shall be adjustable and password protected. 5. The pump logic controller shall be microcomputer based and hold its software in flash memory. On-line field modified data entries, such as stage point, altemation, serial com- munication, and sensor setup, as a minimum, shall be stored in non-volatile memory with capability to prevent accidental loss of data due to voltage surge or spike. ln the event of 33 1223 I 5 of l0 a complete power outage, all factory preset or last sav€d data values remain stored and available for recall by the operator. 6. The pump controller shall function to a proven program that safeguards the pumps/system against damaging hydraulic conditions including: a) Motor Overload b) Pump Flow Surges c) Hunting d) Integral Curve Limiting Feature: The pump logic controller shall automatically pro- tect the system from overload through frequency/current optimization. 7. The pump logic controller shall be capable ofaccepting individual analog inputs from zone sensor/transmitters as indicated on the plans. Analog input resolution shall be 12-bit minimum, and the controller shall scan each analog input a minimum ofonce every 100 milliseconds. Use ofa multiplexer for multiple sensor inputs is not acceptable. All sen- sor/transmitter inputs shall be individually wired to the pump logic controller for contin- uous scan and comparison function. All analog inputs shall be provided with current limit circuitry to provide short circuit protection and safeguard against incorrect wiring of sen- sors. 8. Hydraulic stabilization program shall utilize a proportional-integral-derivative control function. The proportional, integral and derivative values shall be user adjustable over an infinite range. The scan and compare rate that selects the command set point and process variable signal shall be continuous and automatically set for optimum performance. Each sensor shall be scanned at least once everyl00 milliseconds. 9. The pump logic controller shall be self-prompting. All messages shall be displayed in plain English. The following features shall be provided: Multi-fault memory and recall, on-screen help functions, LED pilot lights, and switches. 10. The system shall utilize the Quickstart feature to simpli! programming and startup of the pump control system. The feature shall be specific to pump systems and use suitable pump terminology. I l. A datalogging feature shall be provided as a function ofthe pump logic controller. The Alarm log shall include the last 40 alarms with date/time stamp. The Pump data log shall display individual pump run timers and pump cycle counters. A Signal log shall be pro- vided to display the maximum and minimum values with date/time stamps for each pro- cess variable. 12. The Logic controller shall incorporate a Flash Memory for saving and reloading custom- ized settings. These field determined values shall be permanently retained in Flash memory for automatic reloading ofthe site-specific setup values in the event of data cor- ruption due to extemal disturbances. The Conholler shall also employ a sensor setup copy feature. 13. The pump controller shall be capable ofcommunicating by both hard-wired and serial communication via 4-20ma analog output signals and digital input/outputs. 14. The following communication features shall be provided via an onboard RS-485 port uti- lizing Modicon Modbus protocol: a) All sensor process variables b) Individual zone set points c) Individual pump failured) Individual pump on/off status 33 1223 I 6 of l0 e) Individual VFD onloff statusf) VFD speedg) Individual VFD Failureh) Individual sensor failure 15. The pump logic controller enclosure shall be NEMA 1 with NEMA 4 rated operator in- terface. 16. Dynamic Flow Loss Compensation: To maximize energy efficiency, the controller shall be capable ofusing algorithms to simulate operational control, as ifusing a sensor locat- ed at the critical fixture, such that the friction loss associated with varying flow through the system is compensated for by corresponding set point adjustments. As flow increases, the pressure losses due to fiiction in the system will increase accordingly. This feature will allow conholler to modifr the set-point in real time based on the speed changes to compensate system friction loss. The use of a flow meter is not required. The controller will log the last 40 real time setpoint changes. 17. t/o a)Provide cards/modules for each type ofVO types necessary for connecting the system as depicted in the contract documents. The system supplier shall veri! the VO requirements with the actual devices to be installed. VO may include the followingi. AC Inputsii. AC Outputsiii. Sourcing DC Inputsiv. Sourcing DC Outputsv. Relay Outputsvi. Analog Inputs (4-20 mA or 0-10 V dc)vii. Analog Outputs (4-20 mA or 0-10 V dc) Provide the number ofVO points necessary for instruments and controls required for the system with l00o spare capacity installed. b) 18. Power Supplies a) Power supplies shall be an integral module in the PLC and Remote I/O chassis. b) Power supplies shall be sized to handle the connect load ofthe system and the power requirements ofall the instruments and controls connected to the chassis with 100% additional capacity for future devices. B. Panel Enclosure l. Main station disconnect shall have a through door operator and shall be sized as shown in the technical data sheet. Individual integrated fusible drive disconnects shall have exterior operators and shall be sized as shown in the technical data sheet. Station disconnect panel shall be housed in a NEMA I enclosure with integral latches. The control enclosure shall be constructed of l4-gauge steel and the back plate assembly shall be constructed of 14- gauge steel. 2. The control panel with controls shall be built in accordance with NEC, shall comply with UL standards and shall be UL Listed. Pump station manufacturer shall be authorized un- der UL508A to manufacture its own control panels. All equipment and wiring shall be mounted within the enclosure and each device shall be labeled with proper identification. All adjustments and maintenance shall be accessible from the front ofthe control enclo- sure. A complete wiring circuit diagram and legend with terminals, components, and wir- c) 33 1223 I 7 of l0 ing completely identified shall be provided. Main disconnect shall be interlocked with door. 3. Station shall have a minimum short circuit current rating (SCCR) OF 5000A' 4. Enclosure shall have ventilation and appropriately sized fans to maintain temperature. C. Booster Pump (Pressure) Control 1 . Pressure transducer shall be utilized for providing primary pressure signals for the boost- er pump control logic. Pressure transducer shall be a solid-state bonded strain gage type with an accuracy of < r1-5o BFSL and constructed of316 stainless steel. Transducer shall be rated for a pressure of300 psi and shall provide gauge pressure output, rather than an absolute. Pressure transducer constructed ofplastic is not acceptable. Pressure transducer shall be 4-20mA analog type with l0-28 VDC supply range shall utilize a packard type connector to prevent moisture intrusion and include surge protection against voltage spikes. 2. Pressure transducer will be backed up using (4) Allen Bradley 836-C7A pressure switch- es mounted on a common plate and piped to the common discharge manifold. These units will be utilized ifthe control signal is lost. D. Well Pump (Level) Conhol l. The level control system shall be a submersible pressure transducer type, and will start and stop the pumps in response to the liquid level in the atmospheric ground storage tanks. 2. The primary elements ofthe control system shall be a 4-20mA submersible pressure transducer. This unit will be backed up by (4) snap-action type float switches also locat- ed in the ground storage tank. 3. Submersible Pressure Transducer- The submersible pressure transducer will provide a 4- 20mA signal which varies in direct response to the ground storage level. Full Scale accu- racy wil[ Be +l-lok. Operating temperature will be -40 to +120 Deg. F. The transducer housing will be machined from 316 SS with a 2 t/2" diameter Stainless steel diaphragm clamped between two rings to provide a watertight pressure seal. Submersible pressure transducer shall be complete with sufficient wet location listed wiring to provide continu- ous 'un-spliced' connection from device to motor control center. a) A silicon oil fill tiquid behind the diaphragm will transmit the sensed pressure to a solid state isolated piezo-resistive pressure transducer which will convert the sensed pressure to a 4-20mA signal. E. High Pump Temperature Shutdown Circuit I . A high pump temperature protection circuit shall override the level control and shut down the pump motor(s) when required to protect the pump fiom excessive temperature. A thermostat shall be mounted on each pump casing and connected to the PLC. Ifcasing temperature rises to a level sufficient to cause damage, the thermostat N.O. contact shall close indicating a high pump temperature condition to the PLC. The PLC will then inter- rupt power to the pump motor. The operator interface terminal will display an alarm banner indicating the motor stopped due to high pump temperature. The motor shall re- main locked out until the pump has cooled and circuit has been manually reset. Automat- ic reset of this circuit is not acceptable. F. Equipment Marking 33 1223 I 8 of l0 I . Permanent corrosion resistant name plate(s) shall be attached to the control and includefollowing information: a) Equipment serial numberb) Control panel short circuit ratingc) Supply voltage, phase and fiequencyd) Current rating of the minimum main conductore) Electrical wiring diagram numberf) Motor horsepower and full load currentg) Motor overload heater elementh) Motor circuit breaker trip current ratingi) Name and location ofequipment manufacturerj) Control components shall be permanently marked using the same identification keys shown on the electrical diagram. Labels shall be mounted adjacent to device being identified. k) Switches, indicators, and instruments mounted through the control panel door shall be labeled to indicate function, position, etc. Labels shall be mounted adjacent to, or above the device. G. Data Acquisition I . Contractor shall eoordinate with the SCADA RTU System provider to ensure required outputs are supplied as specified. a) Provide mapping and registers for Modbus functionality. b) Provide digital and analog outputs. 3. EXECUTION 3.I INSTALLATION A. Install equipment in accordance with manufactureCs instructions B. C. D E, F. 3.2 A Verif, that all devices required to control and monitor the facility as described in the contract documents are shown on the plan and shown connected to the system. Identifo any discrepancy to the Engineer and provide the necessary connection. Contractor shall verifr all conduit sizes and runs prior to installation. Provide additional conduits as required for complete installation. The contractor ihall align the pump and motor shafts to within the manufacturer's recom- mended tolerances prior to system start-up. Power wiring, as required, shall be the responsibility ofthe electrical contractor. All wiring shall be performed per manufacturer's instructions and applicable state, federal and local codes. Control wiring for remote mounted switches, sensors, and transmitters shall be the responsi- bility ofthe controls contractor. All wiring shall be performed per manufacturer's instructions and applicable state, federal and local codes. DEMONSTRATION/TRAINING The system manufacturer's factory qualified representative shall provide start-up ofthe pack- aged pumping system. This start-up shall include verification ofproper installation, system initiation, adjustment and fine tuning. Start-up shall not be considered complete until the se- quence ofoperation, including all alarms, has been sufficiently demonstrated to the Owner or OwneCs designated representative. This job site visit shall occur only after all hook-ups, tie- 33 1223 / 9 of l0 B. C. 3.3 A. 3.4 A. B. ins, and terminations have been completed and signed-off on the manufacturer's start-up re- quest form. The system manufacturer's factory qualified representative shall provide on-site training for owner's personnel. This training shall fully cover maintenance and operation ofall system components. The system manufacturer must have an optional complete pressure booster training program available for owner's personnel. The training sessions shall take place at the manufacturer's facility and cover all aspects ofpressure booster system design, service and operation. WARRANTY The manufacturer shall warrant the water pumping system to be free of defects in material and workmanship for one year (12 months) from date of authorized start-up. START-I]P SERVICF, Owner start up assistance shall be provided by a manufacturer qualified representative and shall be a minimum ofone 8-hour day. When discharge piping, electrical connections, and electrical inspection have been completed, the pump station representative shall be contacted for start up. A minimum two-week notice shall be given to the Manufacturer Representative, Owner, Operator, and Engineer prior to scheduled startup date. During startup, the complete pumping svstem shall be given a running test ofnormal start and stop, and fully loaded oper- ating conditions. During this test, each pump shall demonstrate its ability to operate without undue vibration, or overheating, and shall demonstrate its general fitness for service. All de- fects shall be corrected, and adjustments shall be made to the pumping station for satisfactory operation. System problems or concerns will be corrected by the general contractor or appro- priate subcontractor, in conjunction with the appropriate factory representative. Testing shall be repeated until satisfactory results are obtained, as determined by tlle engineer. Contractor shall provide startup field test report and certification from the manufacturer's representative indicating that the equipment is ready to be placed into service. EIID OF SECTION 33 1223 / l0 of 10 SECTION 33 2OOO WELLS I. GENERAL 1.I DESCRIPTION 1.3 A. Publications listed below form parr ofthis specification to extent referenced in the text by basic designation only. Consult latest edition ofpublication unless otherwise noted. B. American National Std. Institute (ANSI) / American Water Works Assoc. (AWWA) C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D. Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) E. National Electric Code (NEC) / National Electrical Manufacturers' Assoc. (NEMA) SUBMITTALS A. Product Data l. Welt pump submittals shall include shop drawings, electrical ladder logic drawings, and support data. 2. Well casing and screen. B. Operations and Maintenance Manuals l. Operation and maintenance instructions must be provided for the pump and control system and must be specific to equipment supplied in accordance with these specifications. C. As-BuiltDocumentation l. A complete casing and screen location record showing individual lengths ofsections ofcasing and screens and the location ofpackers, plugs, and seals ifinstalled. MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY A. The pump manufacturer shall warrant all equipment to be ofquality construction, free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of l8 months fiom date ofinstallation. A written warranty shall be fumished to the owner. t.2 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 WELL PUMP A. The pump shall be submersible, vertical deep well turbine style with multiple bowls, designed and constructed in accordance with AWWA El0l. The pump shall be sized to meet the design criteria specified on the pump curve shown on the drawings. The pump shall be designed for continuous or intermittent submerged operation. B. Pump, column check valve, cable, and motor shall be the single responsibility ofthe pump supplier and shall be as specified on the drawings, or approved equal. C. Pump: The pump shall have a discharge housing with integral check valve, protection against upthrust and motor thrust bearing to absorb downthrust. Each impeller shall be 33 2000 I I of4 2.2 2.3 fitted with a seal ring around its eye or skirt to prevent hydraulic losses. A filter screen shall be included on the suction inlet assembly. D. Materials of Construction: the pump bowls, impellers, guide vanes, strainer, and check valve shall be 304 stainless steel. The pump shaft shall be 431 stainless steel. E. Impellers: The impellers shall be the enclosed q?e and shall be fiee from defects and must be accurately cast, machined, balanced, and filed for optimum performance and minimum vibration. F. Submersible Cable: The pump cable shall be sized to limit the voltage drop to no more than 5%. The cable shall have three separate conductors, and a ground. Each conductor shatl be insulated separately with a synthetic rubber or plastic insulation suitable for continuous immersion in water and shall be water and oil resistant. The cable should be the length of the column pipeplus extend from the well plate to pump electrical controller. The cable should be adequately secured to the column pipe by plastic ties, or other non-metallic means, at lO-foot intervals. It should conform to NEC codes and be shielded when passing bowls. G. Submersible Electric Motor: The motor shall be a hearry duty submersible rype NEMA design for 4" motors, 3450 rpm and inverter duty rated. The motor shall be capable of continuous operation under water. A suitable thrust bearing shall be incorporated in the Iower end ofthe motor adequate to receive the entire hydraulic thrust load ofthe pump unit plus the weight ofthe rotating parts regardless ofthe direction ofrotation. The variable speed motor shall have a 1. l5 service factor, and shall be suitable for use on a 480 volt, three phase electric service. The motor leads shall be protected against the pump with a 304 stainless steel cable guard held in place with stainless steel banding. As the motor lead exit the top ofthe cable guard it shall be properly protected to prevent damaging or cutting the lead by the cable guard material. H. Check Valve: The column check valves shall be installed to prevent backflow. Valves shall be either bronze or ductile iron designed for minimum head loss, to provide a positive seal under high or low pressure applications. The lowest check valve shall be installed within 20' of the pump discharge. Valves shall be lead and zinc free, and rated at a minimum 425 psi. All intemal components except the nitrile seal shall be stainless steel. CONTROLS A. The well pump controls shall be located in a common logic panel with the booster pump controls. Refer to specification 33 1223 - Water Utility Pumping Station. WELL SCREEN A. Double extra-heavy continuous SIot Wire Wound: The screen shall be constructed of wound wire, reinforced with longitudinal bars, the wire having a cross section that will form an opening between each adjacent coil of wire that is shaped in such a manner as to increase in size inward. The wire shall be firmly attached to the bars that will, in tum, be attached to a coupling adapter. The total open area shall be such that the design entrance velocity shall not exceed 6 feet per minute (0. I foot per second). The width of the aperture openings will be selected on the basis the water bearing formations. The screen shalI have 332000/2of4 adequate strength to resist the extemal forces to which it will be subjected during and after installation. l. The screen shall be fabricated entirely ofType 304L stainless steel. 2. The nominal diameter ofthe screen shall match the specified screen diameter. 3. Screens shall be manufactured by Johnson Screens, [nc., Post Office Box 3l 18, St. Paul, Minnesota 55165, or approved equal. 4. Method ofJoining Screen to Screen: a. Screen sections shall bejoined by welded or threaded connections. b. Ifjoints are to be welded, the welding rod must be made ofmaterial suitable for joining conosion resistant materials in a mamer so as not the reduce that resistance. Where welded joints are used, the standards of the American Welding Society shall apply. c. Where threaded and coupledjoints are used, couplings shall be API or equivalent, made up so that when tight alt threads will be buried in the lip ofthe coupling. d. Where dissimilar metals arejointed by couplings, a dielectric coupling shall be used. e. Screen sections for a single interval shall bejoined by threaded and coupledjoints or electric arc welding. Welding rods and methods recommended by the screen manufacturer shall be employed. Resulting joint(s) must be straight, sand tight, and retain 100 percent ofthe screen strength. f. Blank spacers for multiple interval screen shall be ofthe same material as the imer casing, unless otherwise specified. They shall bejoined to the screen by the threaded and coupledjoints or electric arc welding. The resultingjoints must be straight, sand tight, and retain 100 percent ofthe screen strength. 5. Method ofConnecting Screen to Inner Casing: The inner casing and screen shall be joined by tkeaded and coupledjoints or electric arc welding. The resultingjoints must be straight, sand tight, and retain 100 percent ofthe screen strength. 3. EXECUTION 3.I INSTAI,I,ATION A. The well pump and all appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and requirements. B. Setting the Screen and Inner Casing: The screen and inner casing assembly shall be properly joined and lowered into the borehole. Lowering may be by means of a temporary string ofpipe attached to the bottom ofthe screen via the wash down bottom fitting. The inner casing shall extend up into the outer casing 25 feet. l. Centering guides shall be placed around the imer casing and screen assembly at a maximum spacing of 100 feet and within one foot above each section ofthe screen. 3.2 CONTAMINATION A. The Contractor shall use due precaution to maintain the premises in a sanitary condition and prevent the entrance of surface water or any other matter into the well and keep the well 33 2000 / 3 of4 safe from contamination. The Conhactor shall be responsible for any material that may fall into the well and any effect it may have on water quality or quantiry. B. The well pump and piping installation shall come complete with all appurtenances and shall be disinfected in accordance with VDH Waterworks Regulations. EI{D OF SECTION 332000/4of4 I. GENERAL l.l A. 1.2 A. 1.3 A. 1.4 A. B. DESCRIPTION Amperometric chlorine analyzer for continuous measurement of free or total chlorine in aqueous solutions. MEASU REMENT PROCEDURES The method ofmeasuring free or total chlorine will be with a three-electrode amperometric sensor immersed into an electrol),tic medium with a membrane, selective to chlorine, separating it ffom the sample. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Perlormance Requirements l. Measurement range: 0 to 20 ppm chlorine for either fiee or total chlorine 2. Total Chlorine a. Low Limit Of Detection (LOD): 30 ppb (0.03 ppm) or better b. Limit Of Quantitation (LOQ): 90 ppb (0.09 ppm) or better c. Repeatability/precision: 30 ppb or 3%, whichever is greater d. Response time: -100 s for 90% change (T90) (At a stable T and pH) e. Interference: Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone, and chalk deposits 3. Free Chlorine a. Low Limit Of Detection (LOD): 30 ppb (0.03 ppm) or better b. Limit Of Quantitation (LOQ): 90 ppb (0.09 ppm) or better c. Repeatability/precision: 30 ppb or 3%, whichever is greater d. Response time: -140 s for 90olo change (T90) (At a stable T and pH) e. Interference: Monochloramine, Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone, and chalk deposits 4. Drift: <10% with regular calibration (calibration will be weekly to quarterly depending on the application, given stable sample temperature and pH ofwater sample) 5. Specificityi Selectivity: Non-specific to a certain chlorine form, responds to any chlorine species and other oxidizers as noted in the interference section 6. Calibration method: Customer has the option to use one (zero or slope) or two point (zero and slope) calibration. Two point calibration with chemical zero is recommended for chlorine concentration <0.5 ppm 7. Verification procedure: One-point process calibration (slope) against a standard reference method. CERTTFICATIONS (WHEN CONNECTED TO A I{ACH SC CONTROLLER): EMC: CE compliant for conducted and radiated emissions CISPR 1 I (Class A limits), EMC Immunity EN 61326-l (lndustrial limits) Safety: General Purpose UL/CSA 61010-l with cETLus safety mark 40 7521 / | of5 SECTION 40 7521 CHLORINE ANALYZER C. D. 1.5 A. B. C. 1.6 A. 1.7 A. B. Australian C-TICK and Korean KC Markings NEMA 4X,/tP65 Water and Dust lngress Ratings ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Operational Criteria l. Operating temperature: 5 to 45 'C (41 to I 13 'F) 2. Relative humidity: 0-95olo, non condensing Sample Requirements 1. Maximum back pressure the chlorine sensor can manage without failure: a. 0.5 bar, no pressure impulses and/or vibrations 2. Temperature: 0 ro 45'C (33 to I 13 'F) 3. Temperature compensation range: 5 to 45 'C (41 to 1 13 'F) 4. Flow: 30-50 L/hr,40 L,/hr - optimal (7.9-13.2 g/hr, 10.6 g/hr - optimal) Storage Requirements I . Electrolyte: 15 to 25"C (59 to 77"F) 2. Chlorine sensors: 0 to 50"C (32 to 122"F) dry without electrolye 3. Panel: -20 to 60"C (4 to 149"F) WARRANTY The product shall include a one-year warranty in accordance with specification 0l 7836 MAINTENANCE SERVICE Scheduled maintenance: l. Calibration by comparison with lab method: every I month or as necessary 2. Replace membrane: every 6 months or as necessary 3. Replace electrolye: every 3 to 6 months or as necessary Unscheduled maintenance l. Cleaning as needed based on environmental conditions. 2. Working electrode tip polishing when required. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER A. Hach Company, Loveland, CO l. Model CLFlOsc Reagentless Free Chlorine Analyzer 2.2 MANUFACTURED UNIT A. The CLF l0 sc analyzer consists of: l. Three-Electrode Amperometric Chlorine sensor 2. Chlorine sensor flow cell with integrated flow sensor 40 7521 I 2of5 2.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 2.4 A. B. 3. pH flow cell with grab sample port 4. Digital gateway for communication between probes and controller 5. Stainless steel panel EQUIPMENT The CLFI0 sc work with Hach sc model controllers only. The amperometric cell ofthe sensor consists of: l. Gold cathode 2. Stainless steel counter electrode 3. Silver/silverchloride reference electrode 4. pH buffered electrollte 5. Sensor membrane to filter chlorine species selectively and to provide interface between the electrochemical cell and the sample Wetted materials as follows: l. Chlorine Measuring Cell: PVC 2. Chlorine Sensor Body: PVC 3. Chlorine Sensor Flow Cell: Acrylic 4- Optional pH Sensor Flow Cell: PVC The sensor interface to the controller is through a digital gateway. The chlorine sensor automatically compensates for temperature utilizing an embedded temperature sensor. The electrolyte provides intemal, buffered pH compensation in the range of4-9 pH units The sensor includes proprietary Cal Watch self-diagnostic technolory. The panel assembly includes a flow cell that integrates a flow meter and control valve. COMPONENTS Standard equipment: l. Stainless Steel Mounting Panel 2. Chlorine Sensor with Membrane and Electrolyte 3. Chlorine Sensor flow cell 4. Flow meter with control valve 5. Digital gateway to sc controller with cable 6. User Manual Dimensions l. Sensor a. Length: 7.68 in. (195 mrn) b. Diameter: 0.98 in. (25 mm) 407521 l3of5 3. EXECUTION C 3.1 A. B. C. D. 3.2 A. B. 2. Panel a. Length: 19.0 in. (482.6 mm) b. Width: 19.5 in. (495.3 mm) c. Depth: 5.95 in. (151.2 mm) 3. Gateway to Controller cable: 3 ft. ( I m) Weight l. Panel and empty panel-mounted components: approximately l2 lbs. (5.5 kg) 2. Complete panel with pH sensor: approximately 20 lbs. (9.1 kg) ACCESSORIES Required l. sc Controller 2. pH sensor 3. Acidification unit 4. Sample conditioning kit. 40 1521 I4of5 2.5 PREPARATION Clearances L The pre-assembled analyzer pan€l must be mounted to allow clearance for sensor removal and routine maintenance. Mounting l. Wall or panel mounted Sample Inlet l. English Fiftings a. Speed-fit fitting - % in OD Tube Sample Outlet (order with English or Metric Fittings) l. English Fittings a. Speed-fit fitting - % in OD INSTALI,ATION Contractor shall install the analyzer in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendation. Manufacturer's representative shall include a half-day of start-up service by a factory- trained technician. 1. Contractor shall schedule a date and time for start-up. 2. Contractor shall require the following people to be present during the start-up procedure. a. General contractor 3.3 b. Electricalcontractor c. Hach Company factory trained representative d. Owner's personnel e. Engineer MANUFACTURER'S SERVICE AND START.UP A. Contractor shall include the manufacturer's services to perform start-up on instrument to include basic operational training and certification of performance ofthe instrument. B. Contractor shall include a manufacturer's Service Agreement that covers all the manufacturer's recommended preventative maintenance, regularly scheduled calibration and any necessary repairs beginning from the time ofequipment startup through to end user acceptance / plant tumover and the first l2 months ofend-user operation post turnover. C. Items A and B are to be performed by manufacturer's factorytrained service personnel. Field service and factory repair by personnel not employed by the manufacturer is not allowed. D. Use of manufacturer's service parts and reagents is required. Third-party parts and reagents are not approved for use. EIID OF SECTION 407521 l5of5 SECTION 40 7522 CHLORINE ANALYZER CONTROLLER I. GEI\'ERAL 1.1 A. t.2 B. C. D, 1.3 B. cl. SECTION INCLUDES A modular single or dual channel controller that works witl analog sensor modules and./or digital sensors. MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES Microprocessor-based sensor controller. Change digital sensors connected to the controller by unplugging and plugging in sensorc as necessary. Change analog sensor modules connected to the controller by unplugging and plugging analog sensor modules as necessary. The controller accepts 4 different analog sensor modules in any combination to measure the following: 1. pFUORP module a. Combination pfVORP 2. Conductivity module a. Contactingconductivity b. Inductiveconductivity c. Cationic conductivity (Calculated pH) 3. Dissolved Oxygen/Oxygen Scavengers module a. Amperometric dissolved oxygen b. Amperometric oxygen scavengers 4. Analog mA IN module SYSTEM DESCzuPTION Performance Requirements pFVORP sensor module l. Measurement range: a. pH: -2.0 to +14.0 or -2.00 to 14.00 pH b. mV: -2100 to +2100 mV 2. Repeatability: 0.loZ of range or better 3. Response time (t90%): 0.5 s 4. Temperature range: a. PTl00/PTl000: -20 to 200 "C b. Accuracy: +0.05 "C DO sensor module I . Measurement range: 401522 / 1of 7 a. 0 to 2000 ppb 2. Repeatability: +0.5 ppb or+ 5olo whichever is greater 3. Response time (t90%) for step change between l-40 ppb: <30s 4. Temperature range: 0-45'C (32-1 l3"F) D. Oxygen Scavengers sensor module 1. Measurement range: a. 0 to 500 ppb ofdissolved N2H4 b. 0 to 100 ppb of carbohydrazide c. Repeatability: <202 of the measured value or < lppb, whichever is greater d. Response time (t90%): < 60 seconds e. Temperature range: 5-45'C (41-l l3'F) E. Contacting conductivity sensor module I . Measurement range : a. Conductivity: 0-20,00011S/cm b. Resistivity: 0-50 O.cm c. TDS:0-9999 ppm or 0-9999 ppb 2. Repeatability: a. +10lo ofreading or 0.002 pS/cm below 0.2 pS/cm, whichever is higher 3. Response time (t90%): 0.5 s 4. Temperature range: -20 to 200 oC a. Accuracy: +0.05'C F. Inductive conductivity sensor module l. Measurement range: a. Conductivity: 0.5-10,000 mS/cm b. o% concentration: 0-99.99 or 0-200.0%o c. TDS: 0-9999 ppm 2. Repeatability: a. 0.5-10,000 mSlcm: + 2%o 3. Response time (t90%): 1 s 4. Temperature range: -2 to 200 "C a. Accuracy: +0.05 "C I.4 CERTIFICATIONS A. EMC: CE compliant for conducted and radiated emissions CISPR l1 (Class A limits), EMC Immunity EN 61326-1 (Industrial limits) B. Safety: General Purpose ULICSA 61010-1 with cETLus safety mark 40 7522 / 2 of7 C 1.5 A 1.6 A 1.7 A B Australian C-TICK and Korean KC Markings ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Operational Criteria l. Temperature: -4.0 to 140.0'F (20.0 to 60.0'C) 2. Relative humidity: 0 to 95%, non-condensing WARRANTY Warranted for two years fiom date of shipment from manufacturer defects. MAINTENANCE SERVICE Clean controller keypad Calibrate mA output signals. 2, PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER A. Hach Company, Loveland, Colorado and Hach Lange GmbH, Berlin, Germany l. Hach model sc200 Controller 2.2 MANUFACTURED UNIT A. The controller is available with the following power requirements: l. AC powered: 100 to 240 Vac t10Yo, 50160 Hz; l5 W with 7 W sensor/network card load, 37 W with 25 W sensor/network card load. 2. 24 VDC powered: 24 VDC, -lsyo, +20yo, 16 W with 7 W sensor/network card load, 34 W with 25 W sensor/network card load (optional Modbus RS232/RS485 and Profibus DPVI network connection). B. The controller uses a menu-driven operation system. C. The controller display is graphic dot matrix LCD with LED backlighting. D. The controller is equipped with a real-time clock. E. The controller is equipped with two security levels. F. The controller is equipped with a data logger with RS-232 capability. G. The controller shall have worded operation menus in l9 languages. H. The controller is equipped with an SD card reader for data download and controller software upload. I. Four electromechanical, UL rated, SPDT relays (Form C) are provided for user- configurable contacts rated 100 to 230 Vac, 5 Amp at 30 VDC resistive maximum. I . The following can be programmed: a. Alarm b. Warning c. Timer/scheduledcleaning 407522/3of1 d. Feeder control e. Event control f. Pulse width modulation g. Frequencymodulation 2. The following can be assigned: a. Primary value measurement I b. Secondary value measurement I c. Tertiary value measurement I d. Quaternary value measurement I e. Primary value Measurement II f. Secondary value measurement II g. Tertiary value measurement II h. Quaternary value measurement II i. Real time clock j. Calculated values Two analog 0/4-20 mA ouputs are provided with a maximum impedance of 500 ohms. 1. The controller can be equipped with three additional 4-20 mA outputs with a maximum impedance of 500 ohms. 2. The following can be programmed: a. Alarms: i. Low alarm point ii. Low alarm point deadband iii. High atarm point iv. High alarm point deadband v. Off delay vi. On delay b. Controls: i. Linear ii. Bi-linear iii. Logarithmic iv. PID 3. The following can be assigned: a. Primary value measurement I b. Secondary value measurement I c. Tertiary value measurement I J 40 7522 / 4 of1 K. L. M. N. 2.3 A. B. 2.4 A. B. C. 2.5 A. B. C. D. E. d. Quatemary value measurement I e. Primary value measurement ll f. Secondary value measurement II g. Tertiary value measurement II h. Quatemary value measurement II i. Calculated values The controller can be equipped with the following forms of communication: 1. MODBUS RS.232 2. MODBUS RS-485 3. Profibus DP All user settings ofthe controller are retained for l0 years in flash memory. The controller is equipped with a system check for: l. Power up test (monitoring and shutdown) 2. Total power draw 3. Memory devices 4. Temperature mother board The controller has the option ofgraphical measurement that tracks measurement values over time. EQUIPMENT Materials l. Housing: polycarbonate, aluminum (powder coated), and stainless steel 2. Rating: NEMA 4X enclosure, rated IP66 Conduit openings: 0.5 in. NPT Components Standard equipment l. Controller 2. Mounting hardware for wall, pipe, and panel mounting Dimensions: 144x144x 180 mm (5.7 x 5.7 x 7.1 in.) Weight: 1.6 kg (3.5 lbs.) Accessories Weather protection shield Sun screen RS-232 / RS-485 MODBUS output card PROFIBUS DP output card HART output card 40 7522 I 5 of7 3 F. Additional mA input card G. Additional mA output card EXECUTION 3.I PREPARATION A. The sensor may need to be installed with additional accessories depending on its application. l. Mount on rail, panel, pipe, or wall. 2. Sensor to analyzer maximum distance: 300 m (985 ft.) 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Contractor shall install the analyzer in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendation. B. Manufacturer's representative shall include a half-day of start-up service by a factory- trained technician. l. Contractor shall schedule a date and time for start-up. 2. Contractor shall require the following people to be present during the start-up procedure. a. General contractor b. Electricalcontractor c. Hach Company factory trained representative d. Or+ner's personnel e. Engineer 3.3 COORDINATION A. Contractor shall coordinate chlorine analyzer controller VO with the pump control panel, SCADA RTU, and chemical feed pump control system for automatic operation and monitoring. 3.4 MANUFACTURER'S SERVICE AND START-UP A. Contractor shall include the manufacturer's services to perform start-up on instrument to include basic operational training and certification of performance ofthe instrument. B. Contractor shall include a manufacturer's Service Agreement that covers all the manufacturer's recommended preventative maintenance, regularly scheduled calibration 407522/6of7 and any necessary repairs beginning from the time ofequipment startup through to end user acceptance / plant tumover and the first l2 months ofend-user operation post tumover. C. Items A and B are to be perlormed by manufacturer's factory-trained service personnel. Field service and factory repair by personnel not employed by the manufacturer is not allowed. D. Use of manufacturer's service parts and reagents is required. Third-party parts and reagents are not approved for use. f,ND OF SECTION 407522 I 1of7 SECTION 40 42OO PROCESS PIPING INSULATION 1. GENERAL 2.1 A 2, PRODUCTS GENERAL Piping insulation shall be tubular type or the flexible blanket type. Insulation for valves, strainers, fittings, expansion joints, flanges and other connections shall be segmented sections, molded, or blanket type coverings ofthe specified type and thickness ofpipe 40 4200 llof6 I.1 DESCRIPTION A. Scope a. This s€ction sp€cifies insulation for exposed piping and related equipment and appurtenant surfaces. B. Temperature Classes a. Insulation for exposed piping and equipment is classified for the following temperature ranges: low, medium, high, and very high. b. Low temperature class insulation shall be suitable for an operating temperature range of minus 100 to plus 100 degrees F. c. Medium temperature class insulation shall be suitable for an operating temperature range of I00 to 800 degrees F. d. High temperature class insulation shall be suitable for an operating temperature range of 800 to 1200 degrees F. e. Very high temperature class insulation shall be suitable for an operating temperature range of 1200 to 1800 degrees F. 1.2 REFERENCES A. This section contains references to the following documents. They are a part ofthis section as specified and modified. In case ofconflict between the requirements ofthis section and those ofthe listed documents, the requirements ofthis section shall prevail. a. ASTM 8209-90 Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate b. ASTM C533-85 Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation c. ASTM C534-88 Preformed Flexible Elastomeric Cellular Thermal Insulation in Sheet and Tubular Form d. ASTM C552-88 Cellular Glass Thermal Insulation e. ASTM E96-90 Water Vapor Transmission of Materials f. FEDSPEC Plastic Sheet (Sheeting) "Plastic g. L-P-535E-79 Strip" Poly (Vinyl Chloride) and Poly (Vinyl Chloride- Vinyl Acetate), Rigid h. FEDSPEC Insulation, Blocks, Boards, i. HH-I-558B(3)-76 Blankets, Felt Sleeving (Pipe and Tube Covering), and Pipe Fitting Covering, Thermal (Mineral Fiber, Industrial Type). 2.2 A. B. C. D. E. F. 2.3 insulation, or the flexible blanket type. Equipment insulation shall be flexible blanket type or rigid board type cut to fit the surface. INSULATION General a. Low temperature class insulation shall be ofthe unicellular elastomeric thermal, cellular glass, or fiberglass type. b. Medium temperature class insulation shall be ofthe cellular glass or fiberglass type. c. High temperature class and very high temperature class insulation shall be ofthe calcium silicate type or the flexible blanket type. Piping and equipment subjected to vibration (such as engine exhaust) shall be insulated with flexible blanket type. Unicellular Elastomeric Thermal Type a. Unicellular elastomeric thermal type insulation shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C534, Type I. Cellular Glass Type a. Cellular glass type insulation shall conform to the requirements ofASTM C552, Type II. Fiberglass Type a. Fiberglass type insulation shall conform to the requirements ofFEDSPEC HH-I- 558B. Calcium Silicate Type a. Calcium silicate type insulation shall conform to the requirements ofASTM C533. Type II, Class C. Flexible Blanket Type a. High Temperature Class: High temperature insulation shall be removable 1-inch or 2-inch thick blanlertype insulation designed for continuous 1200 degree F service. The blanket shall be a custom sewn, flexible, reusablejacket, custom designed to closely fit the piping or the equipment housing. Blanket shall be custom fitted to not restrict access to any instrumentation or equipment. Insulation shall not compact or shake down in vibrating service. Blanket insulation shall consist ofa noncombustible sitica cloth jacket and no asbestos white ceramic fiber insulation. Insulating blanket shall be Thermazip Hi-Temp blanket Style 2000-60-3000 by Accessible Products Company, Hitco AIM, Advanced Thermal Products, SEI Temp-Set i200, or equal. b. Very High Temperature Class: Very high temperature insulation shall be removable l-inch or 2-inch thick blanket-qpe insulation designed for continuous 1800 degree F service. The blanket shall be a custom sewn, flexible, reusablejacket, custom designed to closely fit the piping or the equipment housing. Blanket shall be custom- fitted to not restrict access to any instrumentation or equipment. Insulation shall not compact or shake down in vibrating service. Blanket insulation shall consist ofa noncombustible silica clothjacket and high purity alumina and silica no asbestos white ceramic fiber insulation. Insulating blanket shall be Thermazip Hi-Temp blanket Style 2000-61-3000 by Accessible Products Company, Hitco AIM, Advanced Thermal Products, or equal. INSULATION JACK-ETS 40 4200 I 2 of 6 Laminated Jackets a. Laminated jackets shall consist ofaluminum and white kraft paper. Jackets shall have a perm rating for water vapor transmission ofnot more than 0.02 in accordance with procedure A ofASTM E96. Aluminum Jackets a. Aluminum jackets shall be constructed of smooth finish aluminum sheet conforming to ASTM 8209, alloy 5005, temper Hl6, with integral vapor barrier. Jackets shall be 0.016 inch thick. b. Sheet metal screws shall be aluminum or stainless steel. c. Jackets shall be secured with 0.020 by 314 inch type 304 stainless steel expansion bands. NSULATION COVERS Pollnuinylchloride (PVC) Covers a. Polyvinylchloride covers shall be one piece, premolded polyvinylchloride conforming to FEDSPEC L-P-5358, Composition A, Type II, Grade E4. Aluminum Covers a. Aluminum covers shall be constructed of smooth finish aluminum sheet conforming to ASTM 8209, alloy 5005, temper H 16, with integral vapor barrier. Covers shall be 0.016 inch thick. Soft Covers a. Soft covers shall be ofthe reusable type with TFE-coated fiberglass covers and liner. Soft covers shall be provided for the following: SHIELDS Unless otherwise specified, thermal pipe hanger shields shall be provided at pipe supports. FLASHING Flashing shall include aluminum caps, sealant and reinforcing. Aluminum caps shall be 20 gage thick and shall 6e cut to completely cover the insulation. Sealants shall be as recommended by the insulation manufacturer. a. Reinforcement in flashing heated up to 370 degrees F shall be nylon fabric. Reinforcement in flashing for hofter surfaces shall be wire mesh or as recommended by the insulation manufacturer. PRODUCT DATA The following information shall be provided: a. Manufacturer and manufacturer's type designation. b. Descriptive literature and catalog data for materials to be used showing methods of instal lation. c. Certification of ratings for water vapor transmission and puncture and stiffness. HEAT TRACING 40 4200 I 3 of 6 A. B. )t B. C. 2.5 A. 2.6 2.7 2.8 J EXECUTION 3.I INSTALLATION A. General a a. Insulation shall be applied over clean, dry surfaces. Double layer insulation, where specified or required to achieve the specified surface temperature, shall be provided with staggered section joints. B. Pipe Supports and Shields a. Unless otherwise specified, thermal pipe hanger shields shall be provided by the Contractor and installed during pipe support installation. Where thermal pipe hanger shields are used, apply the following to all buttjoints: a. On hot pipe systems, the Contractor shall apply 3-inch wide vapor barrier tape or band over the buttjoints. b. On cold water, chilled water, or refrigerant piping, the Contractor shall apply a wet coat of vapor barrier lap cement on all buttjoints and seal the joints with a minimum 3-inch wide vapor barrier tape or band. C. Protection a. Insulation and jackets shall be protected from crushing, denting, and similar damage during construction. Vapor barriers shall not be penetrated or otherwise damaged. Insulation, jacket, and vapor barriers damaged during construction shall be removed and new material shall be installed. D. Piping Insulation a. General Pipe: Piping shall be continuously insulated along its entire length including all in- line devices such as valves, fittings, flanges, couplings, strainers and other piping appurtenances. Unless ofierwise specified, piping insulation shall be provided with laminated jackets. [nsulation shall be butted firmly together and jacket laps andjoint strips provided with lap adhesive. Jackets shall be provided with their seams located on the underside ofpipe. PVC covers shall not be used with medium- or high-temperature class insulation. Removable flexible blanket-rype insulation need not bejacketed. Fittings, Connections, Flanges and Valves: Fitting, connection, flange and valve insulation shall be provided with covers. Insulation shall be secured in place with 20-gage wire and a coat of insulating cement. Covers shall overlap the adjoining b a. 40 4200 l4of 6 A. Heat tracing shall be Cromalox SRL self-regulating heating cable or approved equal. Output rating at 50 deg F shall be 5 watts per foot. B. Thermostat shall be a Cromalox model RTAS or approved equal. Unit shall be rated for 22 amps and mounted in a NEMA 4X box. C. A Cromalox splice and tee kit with signal light model RTST-SL or approved equal shall be installed on the end ofthe heat trace wire to indicate operation. D. All components shall be from one manufacturer. pipe insulation and jackets. Covers shall be provided with their seams located on the underside of fittings and valves. c. Low Temperature Class a. Pipe: Insulation shall have ends sealed offwith a vapor barrier coating. b. Fittings, Connections, Flanges and Valves: Except where soft covers are specified, insulation for pipe sizes 2 inches and less, shall be provided with rigid PVC covers. Covers shall be sealed at edges with vapor barrier adhesive. The ends of covers shall be secured with vinyl tape. The tape shall overlap thejacket and the cover at least I inch. Vapor barrier shall not be penetrated. c. Except where soft covers are specified, insulation for pipes 2 1i2 inches and larger shall be provided with rigid aluminum covers. Covers shall be mechanically secured by corrosion-resistant tacks pushed into the overlapping throatjoint. d. Medium, High, and Very High Temperature Class a. Pipe: Except for flexible blanket type, insulation shall have ends sealed with end joint strips and held in place by waterproof adhesive. b. Fittings, Connections, Flanges and Valves: Except where soft covers are specified, rigid insulation shall be provided with rigid aluminum covers. Covers shall be mechanically secured by corrosion-resistant tacks pushed into the overlapping throat j o int. e. Outdoor Piping a. Pipe: Rigid insulation shall be provided with aluminum jackets. Flexible blanket- tpe insulation shall be designed for outdoor, weather-exposed service. b. Fittings, Connections, Flanges and Valves: Rigid insulation shall be provided with rigid aluminum covers. Flexible blanket type insulation shall be designed for outdoor, weather-exposed service. E. MechanicalEquipmentlnsulation a. General: Unless otherwise specified, insulation shall fit the contours ofequipment and shall be secured with ll2by 0.015 inch-galvanized steel bands. Weld pins or stick clips with washers may be used for flat surfaces and spaced a maximum l8 inches apart. Joints shall be staggered and voids filled with insulating cement. Unless otherwise specified, insulation shall be provided with laminated jackets. b. Unless specifically specified to be uninsulated, equipment connected to insulated piping shall be insulated. c. Outdoor Equipment: Insulation shall be provided with a coat of weatherproof mastic and a layer of open-weave glass cloth embedded into a wet tack coat. Seams shall overlap at least 2 inches. A finish coat of weatherproof mastic shall be provided. The total coating thickness shall be a minimum of l/8 inch. d. Low Temperature Class: Insulation shall havejoints, breaks, and punctures sealed in facing with fire-retardant vapor barrier adhesive reinforced with 4-inch tape. a. Insulation shall be provided with a layer of open-weave glass cloth embedded into a wet coat of fire-retardant adhesive. Seams shall overlap at least 2 inches. A finish coat of fire-retardant adhesive shall be provided. 40 4200 l5of6 e. Medium Temperature Class: Joints shall be covered and cemented in place with 4- inch-wide strips of the same material as the laminated jackets. f. High and Very High Temperature Class: High and very high temperature equipment shall be covered with custom-fitted removable blanket-type insulation. Blanket-type insulation shall be secured with stainless steel wire lacing and hooks. Ends ofblanket segments shall overlap to prevent gaps and voids when the piping and equipment is heated. Blankets shall be snugly secured under nuts and bolt heads to assure complete coverage during operation and to prevent vibration-induced gaps or voids. Blankets shall be secured in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. F. Flashing a. Flashing shall be provided atjacket penetrations and terminations. Clearance for flashing shall be provided between insulation system and piping supports. a. A healy tack coat of sealant shall be troweled over the insulation, extending over thejacket edge 1 inch and over the pipe or protrusion 2 inches. Reinforcement shall be stretched over the tack coat after clipping to fit over pipe andjacket. Clipped reinforcing shall be strapped with a continuous band ofreinforcing to prevent curling. Sealant shall then be troweled over the reinforcement to a minimum thickness of l/8 inch. b. Aluminum caps shall be formed to fit over the adjacent jacketing and to completely cover coated insulation. Cap shall be held in place with ajacket strap. END OF SECTION 404200/6of6 SECTION 43 4221 WELDED STEEL PRESSURE TANK 1. GENERAL t.2 DESCRIPTION A. The work of this Section includes furnishing and installation of a 6,000 gallon (6, diameter) hydropneumatic tank. B. Requirements include furnishing and installing all equipment and accessories necessary to make a complete system for the pressurized storage ofpotable water. C. The Owner intends to contract directly with the Tank Manufacturer for the following items; l. 6,000 gallon potable water ASME pressure vessel 2. T2" srddles 3. Seal weld ofT2" saddles to tank 4. Internal NSF 6l liner 5. Urethane topcoat REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. All work performed under this section shall be in accordance with the Virginia Waterworks Regulations, latest edition. B. All work performed under this section shall be in compliance with applicable portions of Intemational Plumbing Code and local building code pertaining to selection and installation ofpotable water system materials and products. CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following. l. Shop Drawings a. Scaled drawing ofthe pressure tank, tank foundation, inlets, and outlets. b. Scaled drawing or diagram with schedule ofwater and air piping including valves, gages, fittings, and appurtenances. 2. Product Data a. Samples of warranty language for the pressure tank. 3. Certificates a. Statements signed by responsible officials ofmanufacturer ofproduct, systems or materials attesting that the product, system or material meets specification requirements for the pressure tank. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's shall be regularly engaged in manufacturer ofpotable water systems materials and products, oftypes and sizes required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than five years. WARRANTY AND GUARANTEES A. Provide one-year warran[z and guarantee to the Owner that all work is in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.5 43 4221 / lof3 SECTION 43 422I WELDED STEEL PRESSURE TANK 2. PRODUCTS 3 2.1 A 3.1 A B 2.2 PLANT FABRICATED ITEMS A. Tank l. Fumish and install one 6,000-gallon horizontal pressure vessel for hydropneumatic storage. The tank shall be 6' diameter and approximately 30' long, having a minimum usable capacity of 6,000 gallons. 2. Tank shall be constructed and designed to the latest edition ofthe ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code and so stamped for 150 psig working pressure for 100F design temperature. 3. Tanks shall be constructed to be mounted in the horizontal position and shall be provided with 2 lifting lugs. 4. Tank shall be supplied with the necessary openings as shown in the details on the drawings EXECUTION GENERAL Provide piping materials and factory-fabricated piping products of sizes, types, pressure ratings, and capacities as indicated. Where not indicated, provide proper selection as determined by Installer to comply with installation requirements. Provide sizes and types matching piping and equipment connections; provide fittings ofmaterials, which match pipe materials used in potable water systems. INSTALLAT]ON Tank l. Mount tank level, bearing evenly on existing concrete supports. Coating Application l. Tank shall arrive on site with the interior and exterior coatings ready for operation, with only touch up painting required after installation. 2. Materials shall be mixed, thinned, and applied according to the manufacturer's printed instructions. 3. All materials delivered tojob site shall be in original sealed and labeled containers of the paint manufacturer. All work shall be implemented in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions and shall be performed in a manner satisfactory to the architect/engineer. 4. Finish coats shall be uniform in color and sheen without streaks, laps, runs, sags, or missed areas. 5. Allow a minimum ofseven days curing time a{ier application offinal coat to tank surfaces before flushing, sterilizing, or filling with water. 6. Acceptance of Work a. Inspect each coat before applying next coat. 43 4221 / 2 of3 SECTION 43 422I WELDED STEEL PRESSURE TANK b. Correct work that is not acceptable. c. Coordinate inspections with Owner and Engineer. TEST PROCEDURES A. Hydrostatic Testing I . Hydrostatically test piping systems. Vent or flush air from the piping system. Pressurize system for l0 minutes with water at one and one-half times design working pressure or 150 psi (which ever is higher), then reduce to design working pressure and check for leaks and weeps. B. Disinfection and Bacteriological Testing 1. Clean, rinse, disinfect, and perform bacteriological testing in accordance with AWWA C652 prior to placing into service ENID OF SECTION 3.2 43 4221 I 3of3 SECTION 46 3OOO CHEMICAL FEED EQUIPMENT r. GENERAL l.l A B. DESCRIPTION Metering Pump - Shall be a positive displacement, peristaltic t,?e tubing pump with a variable speed DC motor, non-springJoaded roller assembly located in the pumphead, integral tube failure detection system, and peristaltic pump tubing assembly with attached connection fittings. Flex-Pro .A2 model shall be capable ofoutput volumes from 0.02 to 19.3 gallons per hour. l. There shall be no valves, diaphragms, springs, or dynamic seals in the fluid path. Process fluid shall contact the pump tubing assembly and connection fittings only. 2. Capable of self-priming at the maximum rated pressure ofup to 125 PSI (8.6 bar). 3. Capable of running dry without damage. 4. Pump rollers shall be capable ofoperating in either direction at the maximum rated pump pressure. 5. Pump rollers shall be capable ofoperating in either direction without output variation. 6. Suction lift shall be 30 feet ofwater. 7. Pump shall have a two year manufacturer's warranty that includes chemical damage to the pump head and roller assembly caused by a ruptured pump tube assembly. Pumphead - Shall be a single, unbroken track with a clear removable cover l. Tube failure detection sensors shall be wholly located in the pumphead. Tube failure detection system shall not trigger with water contact. Float switch type switches alone shall not be used. Process fluid waste ports or leak drains alone shall not be provided as the sole means of prolection. 2. Squeeze rollers with encapsulated ball bearings shall be directly coupled to a one piece thermoplastic rotor. Four Kynar (PVDF) rollers shall be provided; two squeeze rollers for tubing compression shall be located 180 degrees apart and two guide rollers that do not compress the tubing shall be located 180 degrees apart. The roller diameters and occlusion gap shall be factory set to provide the optimum tubing compressioni field adjustment shall not be required. SpringJoaded or hinged rollers shall not be used. 3. Rotor assembly shall be installed on a D-shaped, chrome plated motor shaft and removable without tools. 4. For tubing installation and removal, rotor assembly shall be rotated by the motor drive at 6 RPM maximum when the pumphead cover is removed. Hand cranking of the rotor assembly shall not be required. 5. Pump head and tubing compression surface shall be corrosion resistant Valox thermoplastic. 6. The pump head cover shall be clear, polycarbonate thermoplastic with an integral ball bearing fitted to support the overhung load on the motor shaft. Cover shall include an imbedded magnetic safety interlock which will limit the motor rotation speed to 6 RPM when removed. 7. Cover shall be positively secured to the pump head using four thumb screws. Tools shall not be required to remove the pump head cover. 46 3000/ 1of5 C. Pump Tube Assembly l. To ensure pump performance and accuracy, only tubing provided by the manufacturer is acceptable. 2. Pump tube shall be assembled to connection fittings ofPVDF material. 3. Connection fittings shall be permanently attached to the tubing at the factory. To prevent tubing misalignment and ensure accuracy, fittings shatl insert into keyed slots located in the pump head and secured in place by the pump head cover. 4. Connection fittings shall be 1/2" M/NPT. 5. Tube sizes and connections shall be measured in inches. 6. The following tube sizes shall be available: D. Drive System - Shall be factory installed and totally enclosed in a NEMA 4X, (IP66) wash- down enclosure. Capable ofoperating on I l0/130VAC 50/60 LIz, or 208/250VAC 50/60 Hz, single phase supply, user configurable via a selection switch located in thejunction box. I . Motor a. Reversible, l/8 rIP DC gear motor rated for continuous duty. b. Motor shall include overload protection. c. The maximum gear motor RPM shall be 130 RPM. Enclosure a. Pressure cast aluminum with acidic liquid iron phosphate three-stage clean and coat pretreatment and exterior grade corrosion resistant polyester polyurethane powder coat. b. Rated NEMA 4X 0P66). c. Provided with 3l655 floor/shelflevel mounting brackets and hardware. Optional; provide extended height brackets for mounting pump 4.5 inches above grade level (Engineer to specifr) 2 Model A2 Pump Tubes and Output Ranges Material Code PSI bar F c MUMin Gode Flex-A-Prene" Flex-A-Prene* Flex-A-Prene' Flex-A-Prene' Flex-A-Chem" Flex-A-Thane" Flex-A-Thaneo Flex-A-Thane' 125 (8.6) 110 (7.6) 110 (7.6) 65 (4.5) 50 (3.4) 65 (4.5) 65 (4.5) 6s (4.s) 1-108 3.6 - 361 12 - 1215 9-870 7.4 -740 3-253 6-586 9.5 - 945 A2.SND-R 42.SNGG-R A2-SNGG-R A2-SNGG-R A2-STH-R A2-SGE-R A2-SGE-R A2.SGE.R ND NEE NGG NHL TH GE GG G2G ) ) ) ) ) 1 1 1 1 85 (8s 130 (54 130 (54 130 (54 130 (54 85 (8s) 85 (85) 85 (85) Tube Material 0utput Range 463000/2of5 Tube Max Max Size Pressure Temp Roller Size d. A wiring compartment shall be provided for connection of input/output signal wires and alarm output loads to un-pluggable type terminal block connectors. Terminal board shall be positively secured to the rear ofthe pump housing by two polymeric screws and fully enclosed by the wiring compartment cover. The terminal board shall not be disturbed by the removal ofthe wiring compartment cover. Ribbon cables shall not be used in the wiring comparhnent. Conduit hubs, liquid-tight connectors, connector through holes and tapped holes shall be sized in U.S. inches. 3. Control Circuitry a. Control circuitry shall be integral to the pump and capable of adjusting the pump motor speed from 1.0 % to 100.00% in 0.102 increments. b. The pump output shall be capable of being placed in MANUAL control using the front control panel touchpad. While in manual control, the pump motor speed shall be adjustable fiom 1.0 % to 100.00% in 0.10% increments using the front control panel touchpad. c. The pump output shall be capable ofbeing placed in REMOTE 4-20mA control using the front control panel touchpad. While in remote control via 4-20mA analog input, the input resolution shall be 0.1 of input value and capable of adjusting the pump motor speed from 0% to 100.0% motor speed in 0.1% increments. Four values shall be user configurable to define the low and high points on the output slope; a low input value, the required pump percentage of motor speed at the low input value, a high input value, the required pump percentage of motor speed at the high input value. d. The pump output shall be capable ofbeing placed in REMOTE high-speed pulse input control using the front control panel touchpad. While in remote control via high-speed TTL/Cmos type digital pulse inputs or AC Sine wave type input pulses, the fiequency resolution shall be I Hz and capable ofadjusting the pump motor speed from 0% to 100.0% motor speed in 0.lolo increments. Four values shall be user configurable to define the low and high points on the output slope; a low input value, the required pump percentage of motor speed at the low input value, a high input value, the required pump percentage of motor speed at the high input value. e. The pump output shall be capable ofbeing placed in REMOTE pulse triggered batch input control using the front control panel touchpad. While in remote control via pulse triggered batch input, the pump shall accept a TTL/Cmos digital pulse type input or a contact closure type pulse input in the range of 1 to 9999 pulses per batch. The batch time shall be adjustable from 1to999.9 seconds or minutes. The pump motor speed during the batch shall be adjustable from 0o% to 100.0% motor speed in 0. l%o increments. f. The pump shall be capable ofbeing remotely controlled via any ofthe following optional communications modules, Profibus DPVI, Modbus RTU, Modbus-TCP, or EtherNet/IP. The optional communications module hardware shall install into thejunction box ofthe pump. The pump shall be field upgradable at any time with any of the communications protocols. g. The pump operating firmware shall be field upgradable. New firmware shall be downloadable via the lnt€met. A serial communications port shall be provided on the pump terminal board, which when connected to the user's computer, will permit the uploading of the new firmware into the pump. 463000/ 3of5 E h. Provide an 8-button fiont panel user touchpad control for stop/start, configuration menu access and navigation, operating mode selection, motor reverse, and auto priming. i. Provide a backJit LCD display for menu configuration settings, current pump operating mode, pump ouhut value, tube timer hour counter, tube failure detection (TFD) system and flow verification system (FVS) alarms status, motor direction and remote input signal values. j. Provide for remote stop/start pump via 6-30 VDC powered loop or non-powered contact closure loop. k. Provide for an optional 4-20mA output signal which is scalable and proportional to pump output volume. l. Provide a contact closure alarm output rated 3,A at 250VAC or 3,{ at 30VDC that will energize when the TFD (Tube Failure Detection) or FVS (Flow Verification system) is triggered. m. The pump shall provide a contact closure alarm output rated at 1A at l25VAC or at .8A at 30VDC that will energize when the motor is active. n. Provide an auto-prime function that will run the pump at 100% motor speed for 60 seconds maximum when the PRIME bufton is pressed. o. Provide a flow verification system (FVS) with programmable alarm delay time from l-255 seconds. FVS system shall monitor the FVS flow sensor while pump is running only. System shall not monitor pump while not running. Flow Verification Sensor - Shall output high-speed digital pulse signal or 4-20 mA, while pump is running only, to veriS chemical injection. l. Flow verification sensor shall be an ultrasonic transit time sensor. 2. Wefted components shall be PVDF (optional PVC), PEEK, and TFE/P (optional EP). 3. End fittings shall be PVDF with optional PVC slip frttings. All are included. 4. Sensor operating range shall be as follows: Code Flow Rans GPII Flow R (LPH) Flow Ranse (mllmlnA 0.158-79.2 0.597-299.4 10.0-5,000B 1.580-158.5 5.970-600.0 100-10,000 5. Shall provide a scalable 4-20 mA sourcing output. 6. Shall provide a scalable 0-10,000 tlz open collector fiequency output. 7. Shall provide a programmable Form C Solid State Relay rated for a maximum load capacity of 24 VDC and 100 mA. a. Programmable for high,/low flow rate alarm. b. Programmable to energize on specified flow total. 8. Power Requirements: 5-24 VDC; 5 Watts maximum. Safety 1. The pump shall be listed to UL standard 778 as a motor operated pump and CSA standard C22-2 as process control equipment. () F 463000/4of5 Tube Failure Detection (TFD) system sensors shall be wholly located in the pump head. The TFD system will stop the pump within three seconds of leak detection. To prevent false alarms due to rain, wash-down, condensation, etc., sensors shall be wholly located in the pump head. The tube failure detection system shall not trigger with water contact. Float switch type switches alone shall not be used. Process fluid waste ports or leak drains alone shall not be provided as the sole means ofprotection. Pumphead cover shall include an imbedded magnetic safety interlock which will stop the pump when removed. Pump rotor speed shall be limited to 6 RPM when cover is removed 2. PRODUCTS _ NOT USEI) 3. EXf,CUTION 3.I MANUFACTURER The pump shall be Blue-White ProSeries Flex-Pro series peristaltic pumps, manufactured in the U.S.A. by Blue-White Industries. SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION The anticipated dosing rate is 0.088 gallons per hour. The Contractor shall make adjustments in the field as required to achieve the desired chlorine residual at the Owner's sampling location. COORDINATION Contractor shall coordinate chemical feed pump VO with the pump control panel, SCADA RTU, and chlorine analyzer controller as required to achieve automatic system operation and monitoring. 2 3 A. 3.2 A. J- ' A. END OF SECTION 463000/ 5of5 APPE,NDIX A WELL #5 COMPLETION REPORT Form GW-2 Rbvised 8/t 9/2016 Page I of4 *Indicates required field or section**Indicates required field or section, ifapplicable l. Contact Information* 2. WelI Location* 3. Facili & Use* 4. Well Construction* COMMONWEAI-TH OF VIRGINIA L]NIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT DEQ Well tl _ A ddres s 01 Club Drive, Keswick, VA 22947 USGS Local # VDH HDIN # VDH PWSID # 2OO34OO Contact: Owner Name Keswick Utilities lnc Driller Foster Well & Pump Co lnc PO Box 260, Earlysville, VA 22936 434-973-9079 System Provider Phvsical Address: Club Drive County/City: Albemarle Section:Block:Lot: Tax Map/GPIN #: 3 7.99956 N Longitude:-7 8.34454 Horizontal:tr WGS84 EI NAD83 tr NAD27 Latll-ong Source (Check One):E Map tr GPS D PPDGPS tr Survey tr Imagery tr WAAS Location Information Collected Bv : Physical Location Description: Tlpe of Facility (Check One):Type of Use (Check All That Applv): El Drinking/DomesticUse El Manufachrring E Geothermal(cooling/Hearing) E Closed E OpcD: E Rdumcd t0 Surfacc0 Retumed 1(r Aqurfer E AgriculturalE IrrigationE Fire Safety [] Private El WaterworksE Observation/Monitoring Well Well designation, Name or Number: TW 1-26 DateStarted: 1011612018 DateCompleted: 1011812A18 Type Rig: Air Rotary Class Well (Check One):tr I trIIA U IIB trIIIA trIIIB trIIIC tr IIID tr NIE tr ry Construction Type (Check One): E Neu,tr Existing-Modified: o wctt E punrp: Darc WeII Depth: 3os ft Total Hole (t orehole) Depth: s3 ft Depth to Bedrock; 47 ft. Hole Size flnclude reamed zones): 12 inches from 0 to 53 ft Height of Casing above Land Surface:2 fr. 0 inches Casing Size (I.D.) and Materials: (below)Total Depth ofCasing: 55 ft Material Steel .322 wall Weight per ft. or wall thickness rn inches from to ft. o tnnltea N{aterial Weight per ft. or wall thickness in inches ftom to Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness rn Screen Size & Mesh:4 inches from 305 to 285 ft. tr inriried Mesh Size Type PVC Sch 40 Solid 4 inches from 285 to 225 ft. o intrtta Mesh Size Ttpe PVC Sch 40 Screen 4 inches from 225 to 205 ft. tr innuca Mesh Size Type PVC Sch 40 Solid Water Zones: from 62 to 77 fl fiom 85 to 93 ft from to fr Gravel Pack: Size:Type from S ize Tlpe from to ft Grout Type: E Bentonite Slurry O Neat Cmlent E Bcntonitc pcllcls/chips El Concrctc Pl Neat Ccment (6% benlonite) from 0 t., 50 n Grouting Method: I I Pourcd fiorl s:rfaccI Pourcd lhrough rrcnnri€ pipc I Pumped fro[1 boltoN upward Type of Seal: D pitl€ss adapier E sanitary scal from to ft Camera Survey: E Yes tr No Date Conducted: Additional Well Construction Form Information Attached: E Yes tr No Pho ne Subdivision Name: Latitude: Datum Source E Food Processing E Injection 8 lnches from 53 to 305 ft. 8 inches from +2 to 53 ft. tr infittea ft. o inntt.a to ft. Form GW-2 Revised 8/19/2016 Page 2 of 4 lVell designation, I\ame or Numbgy*; TW 1-26 COMMONVY'EALTH OF VIRGINIA UNIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT DEQ Well # --USGS Local # VDH HDIN # vDH PWSID # 2003400 5. Disinfection ll/ell Disinfected: fl Yes tr No Date: 6. Abandonment *When a the well, Sections I thru 4 must be leted and/or attach lGw-2 7. Pu Test** 8. Pu llata * * 9. Oeol Information Formallon Elevalion Lithology Prorincc Ccologic Map Uscd For Office Use Pulled: E Yes O No E Uncased Well tic ed)tSa a ert evelt,u n um de eIYCI em uasr( Date Com leted:Date Started Casin Depth of Fill:Type and Source of Fill: Grout: From to T From toe e Method of permanently marking location: Static lVater Level (unpumped level measured): 15 ft Date :Method (Check One):tr Water Tape tr Airline E Transduccr E Other Stabilized measured pumping tvater level:fr Datc:Nlethod (Check One): fl Top of Well tr Top ofCasing E Surface Level Test Pump Intake Depth:li Stahilized Yield:gpm after hours Natural Florv:tr Yes !No FIow Rate 60 gpm Estimated Well Yield 8pm Type: E submersible E Turbine D Shallow Jet E Deep Jet E Other IIotor HP gpm at ft TDHRated Capacitl-;Production Pump Intake Depth fr Aquifer Test Performed:Type Logs: Water Quality Results Attached: Yes No ft. Casing Size (I.D.) and Materials: Conrments: Form GW-2 Revised 8/19/2016 Page 3 of4 ilndicates required field or section**lndicates required field or section, ifapplicable COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN]A IAIIFORIVI WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT DEQ Well # _ USGS Local # _ VDH HDIN # vDH PWSID # 2003400 10. Driller's Loe (Use addition al sheets if necessary)+ Depth (feet)Type ofRock or Soil Drilling Time (Min.) Diagram of Well Construction (with dimensions) To (Colo.. nraterial. fossils, hardness. etc.)(Wat€r. caving. caviries, €tc.) lay, brown schist, water, hered brown schist stone, broken-up weathered limestone, gray limestone broken-up weathered limestone, brownstone broken-up limestone, broken-up brownstone soft whitish limestone limestone gray limestone gray Iimestone limestone limestone set casing water water 145 148 47 53 oz 77 85 93 n 145 148 30s 47 53 62 77 YJ 85 Well desi natio Name or Number: TW 1-26 License Number: 2719000250 / James R Holt Date: 1013112018 Remarks From Signature*: I I l. Certilication I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachmenls were prepared under my direction or supervision in qccordance with a system designed to assure that qualiJied personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submi ed. Based on my tnquiry of the pe6on or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submirted is lo the best ofmy knowledge and belief true, accurqte, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penakies for submitting false information including the possibility offine and imprisonmenl for knowing violations. Form GW-2 Revised 8/19/2016 Page 4 of 4 *lndicates required field or section**Indicates required field or section, ifapplicable 12. Additional Well Construction Data COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGI]'JIA UNIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT DEQ Well # USGS Local # VDH HDIN # VDH PWSID # 2OO34OO Additional Well Construction Data (Use and submit only ifadditional space is needed) Well desi Name or Number:TW 1-26ation sical Location:Date Started:Ph Date Com leted: Hole Size Include reamed zones inches from to ft inches from to ft inches from to flinches from to ft inches from to ft inches from to ft inches from to ft inches from to ft Casing Size (I.D.) and Materials: ft, D infittcdtoinches fiom Matenal \\:eight per ft. or wall thickness in toinches from ft. u infittea Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in toinches from ft. tr incl:"a Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. toinches llom ft. tr innii"a Material Weiehlpql t or wall thickness in to ft. o inntt.ainches from Material Weight per ft- or wall thickness in to ft. tr ;nnu"ainches from Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in toinches from ft. n intir"a Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in toinches from ft. tr innttea N{aterial Weight per ft. or wall thickness in ft. tr inr,tt.atoinches from N{atenal Weight per ft. or wall thickness in ft. tr inntt"atoinches from Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in ft. o int,tt"atoinches from Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in Screen Size & llesh 4 inches fiom 205 to 185 ft. trinfirtca Type PVC Sch 40 ScreenMesh Size4 inches from 185 to 165 fi. trinr,tra Mesh Size Type PVC Sch 40 Solid 4 inches from 165 to 145 ft. oinfitr"a \{esh Size Type PVC Sch 40 Screen 4 inches from 145 to 125 ft. o rnfirr"a Mesh Size Type PVC Sch 40 Solid 4 inches fiom 125 to 105 ft. oinrttea Mesh Size T14te PVC Sch 40 Screen 4 inches from 105 to 85 ft. o innrr"a Type PVC Sch 40 Solid 4 inches from 85 to 65 ft. o infiLlcd Mesh Size T,?e PVC Sch 40 Screen 4 inches fiom 65 to 10 ft. tr infilcd Mesh Size Type PVC Sch 40 solid toinches fiom ft. o;nnrt.a Mesh Size Tlpe toinches from ft. o inn "a TtpeMesh Size toinches from ft. tr inflica Mesh Size Tlpe Waler Zones: From to ft From to From to From to fr Fronr to ft From to From to From fr Fronr to From to ft From to ft From ft toFrom ft From hr ft From to ft From to ft Gravel Pack: Size Type:Fronr to ft Size:Tvpe Irom to ft. Size Type From Size:Tv'pe:From to ft S izc Typc:Fron to ft Size T]'pe From to fr from to tofrom fr Grout Type: E Bentonite Slurry E Near Clulenl E B€n(onite pellets/chips E Concreie E Neat CerDent (6% b€ntooite)from to ft Grouting Method: tr Poured fron surface O Poured rhrough lrenlnrie pipe E Purrped fronl boltorr upward inches from to ft. I Mesh Size ft.ft. fr.ft.to ft.to to ft. ft. System Name:Keswick Hall & Golf Club County: Albemarle Well Number:lWL -26 / PWSTD 7200008 Size:8 IDepth:305'Static Water Level: 17 .5 -Tfest Put--mp Brand/Model: Franklin Electric 6ogpm pumpend Pump HP: Franklin Electric 5 Hp I Name and Address of Company Performing Test: Date & Time Test Started:tLl6/2oL8 @ 10:00 am Iime Time of Foster Well & Pump Co,, lnc. PO Box 260, Earlysville, VA 22936 Drawdown Meter Pump Comments I Air Line Pressure Water Above Depth to Water .l T ding (psi)P (ft) (ft)liftlhi,(eal) 2t7 .5 77 .51 53.{ s89r _ 62.3 | 63.3 j 1.6 Rate Reading Discharge lGP", ,. 62 58 5.8 3.4 1.0 57 56--5b START 15 min I15 mrn 5 min -T5 min l, -,n 177.7 rtoi rog.o 181.9 176.7 1.72.7 64.9 6 6.0 10:00 AM 10:05 L0:10 10:15 ib:20 AM AM AM AM 57 56 10;25 AM 10:30 AM -.il5 min lrimin ' 15 mtn ri min 10:45 AM 11:00 Arvt 11:15 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 73.7 80.9 7.7 4.6 151.3 55 55 55 54 54 54 52 52 156.7 154.L 152.4 I49.7 74i.5' 13 0.1 119.9 '1"12_8 + 82.6 85.3 2.6I1.5 min 15 min 15 min l, n,. t hr lil: t hr'fi trr l, n,. thr Tlr: t hr T,n..Ihr ____ _+_ L.7 2.7 16.4 10.2 7 .1. 2.6 zql177 .21_f t29.3'l rEosI I 132.41 2.1 1.5 3:00 PM 88.5 104.9 115.1 , r22.2 L24.a 51 PH7.2 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 110.2 49 48 48 7:00 PM e:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM L07 .8 10s.7 L04.2 702.6 101.0 1.6 1.6 47 47 47 47 47 9 9.3 134.0 735.7 1.7I 1.2 1 2 OO AM. OO AM OO AM 739.2 . 13 7.3 1.b 19, 1.8 1,hr 97 .7 l95.8 e1.gl 92.8 i 141.0 L42.2 46 46 46 --Well Location: Helicopter pad at entrance off Rte 610 I Class: llB l l t Time Time of Air Line Water lnterval ading Pressure bove Oeplh to Water Drawdown Meter Rate Reading (eal) Pump Comments Discha rge (epm) 46 46.-l4b, ;Gf t hr t hr t hr t hr 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 5:00 AN4 6:00 AJvr -t nr 7:00 AM i t hr 8:00 AM thr 9:00 AM (psi)Pump (ft) (ft) (ft/ht) 743.3 144.5 97.7 90.5 !.1 t.2 145.6 | t.189.4 88.3 746.7 87 .2 85.9 749.7 r.L l !47 .8 1,.1 ___t_4sl4t_.- 85.2 149.8 84.4 15 0.6 1.3 o.7 0.8 45 44thr ---,)ll hr 11 h, 10:00 AM 1L:00 AM 12:00 PM 84.L 83.8 8 3.2 0.3 0.3 u.b PH7.2 150.9 i - 151-2 i-- 44 44 thr thr t hr t hr t hr thr f hr t hr t hr 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 151,8I7526--82.4 8t.7. 81.0 80.2 _ _ 154.0 154.8 0.7 3:00 PM 15 3.3 0.8 0.7 0.8 4:00 PM 5:00 PM t- 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 155.2 1ss.8 ! 156.4 --l 0.6 0.6 0,4 0.7 o.7 0.4 79.8. 79.2 0.4 44i 44 44 44 44 44 44 I I I 78.6 78,29:00 PM 10:00 PM 77 .5It hr t hr thr I 11:00 PMr 12:00 AM t hr i t:oo avt 2:00 AM 3:00 AM +:ot au' 5:00 AM 6:00 AM 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 7 6.8 76.4 158.6 -T 44_i4 7 4.5 7 4.2 160 1 431 43 1.5 t hr t hr t hr t hr t hr thr t hr t I,tt hr 73.ai :73.2 729. 43 43 43 43. 43 150. 160. 162.L 162.3 162. 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 o.2 o.2 o.2 1. q z t 6 1b 1. L6!. 161. 7 2.7 72.5I I 10:00 AM 1-62. 43 43 RECOVERY TESTl l IIt hr fhr 11:O0 AM 12:00 PM 199.8 + 127 .5t2q1.! 205.0 32.O 3 0.0 + 3:2 + o.2I nr t hr rl +-I hr I hr 1:25 PM -1!_44 44 44t 44 15 8.2 m Name: Keswick Hall & Golf Club _A/ell Location: well furthest from entrance {ame and Address of Company Performing Test: _rate & Time Test Started: LL/G/aOL8 @ 10:00 am County: Albemarle Foster Well & Pump Co., lnc. PO Box 250, Earlysville, VA 22936 Time of Reading -7r/6/2018 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 7L/7/2018 2:00 AM 8:00 AM 2:00 PM 8:00 PM 7t/8/2OtB 2:00 AM 8:00 AM Water Depth to Above Water Pump (ft! (ftl Orawdown Meter Rate Reading (ft/ht) (eal) Pump Comments Discharge (gpm) Air Line Pres5ure (psi) L77 .5 40.1 114. 1 36.2 12.9 50.4 118.7 31.8 L2.L 88.5 37 .2 149.9 31. 1 8 5.7 85.9 754.2 pump off pump running pump off pump off pump off pump running pump running pump off pump running pump off pump off pump off pump running pump off pump off pump off pump running I Name: Keswick Hall & Golf Club ll Location: well closest to pumphouse {ame and Address of Company Performing Test: Jate & Time Test Started: lLl6l20t8 @ 10:00 am County: Albemarle Foster well & Pump co., lnc, PO Box 260, Earlysville, VA 22935 Time of Reading -7L/5/2O78 9:50 AM 11:05 AM 12:05 PM 1:05 PM 2:05 PM 3:05 PM 4:05 PM 5:05 PM 5:05 PM 7:05 PM 8:05 PM -7t/7 /2078 2:05 AM 8:05 AM 2:05 PM 8:05 PM |U8/2OI8 2:05 AM 8:05 AM Air line Pressure (psi) Water Above Pump (ft) Depth to Water (ft) Drawdown Meter Rate Reading (ft/ht) (eal) Pump Comments Discharge (cpm) 44.0 3 6.8 53.9 37 .L 36.4 3 6.1 54.1 36.5 36.1 35.8 53.8 pump cut off just before reading pump off pump running pump off pump off pump off pump running pump off pump off pump off pump running pump off pump running pump off pump off pump off pump running 3 s,5 54.7 3 s.7 35.7 35.2 54.4 i Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services 600 North sth St. Richmond, Virginia 23219 80+64&4480 Mail To A iJ. Report Date: DCLS LIMS #: IX,I,S 1',U16t2018 E181005684 REPORT OF ANALYSIS KESWICK ESTATES-FOSTER WELL & PUI\,1P P O BOX 260 EARLYSVILLE, VA 22936 ATTN: SHANE FOSTER Sample lnformation PWSID REGION 7200008 7 DATE RECEIVED SAMPLING DATE COLLECTED BY SAMPLE MATRIX ORDERED TEST PROJECT NAME 11lOAl2O1A fis6 11/08i2018 09:30 SHANE FOSTER DRINKING WATER 206-012 CYANIDE D\ t2018-Q4 SAMPLE COMMENTS LOCATION FACILITY CCtrlPL!ANCE TYPE CATEGORY OROER NUMBER EVIDENCE OF COOLING PROPOSED WELL 5 WLOO5 N SP GE 42720 Test Results APPROVEO BY: RLEW|S, Scientist Senior DATE APPROVED: 1,1 I 1612018 METHOO PARAMETER SM 4:,00-CN-C+E Cyanide - Explanation of Terms and Oisclaimers RESULT < 0.01 mg/L PMCL SMCL 0.2 PMCL is defined 8s the "Primary l\4aximum Coniaminant Level." SMCL is deflned as the "Secondary lvlaximum Contaminant Level". lf blank, level not defined by EPA. Results denoled wilh an asterisk (') indicate that the PMCL is exceeded Test Resulls meet all requirements of NELAC. Nor}NEIAC accredited _ analyses noted by ^^. The results included on this report .elale only to this specific sample and nol to other samples tesled from this sampling localion. CONFIDENTIALIry NOTICE: This reporl contains PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL INFORIMATION This report should not b€ reproduced, except in full. wilhout the written approval of OCLS. lf you have received lhis report in error, please notiry OCLS immedigtely at (804) 64&4480 Ext. 171. Page 1 of r for sampre E181005684 COA_DW,RPT A'VALYS'S DAIE 11/09/2018 '16:00 Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services 600 North 5th St Richmond, Virginia 2321 I 80+64&4480 Mail To ,re\'l1' Report Oate: DCLS LIMS # I)CLS 11t20t2018 E181005680 REPORT OF ANALYSIS KESWCK ESTATES.FOSTER WELL & PUMP P O BOX 260 EARLYSVILLE, VA 22936 ATTN: SHANE FOSTER PWSID 7200008 REGION 7 DATE RECEIVED SAMPLING OATE COLLECTEO BY SAMPLE MATRIX ORDERED TEST PROJECT NAME 11108120'18 14:55 11/08/2018 08:00 SHANE FOSTER DRINKING WATER 206-095 INORGANTCS 0V12018-O4 LOCATION FACILITY COMPLIANCE ryPE CATEGORY OROER NUMBER PROPOSED WELL 5 WLO05 N SP GE 42720 Sam le lnformation Test Results APPROVED BY: RMUSTAK, Analyst Senior DATE APPROVED: 11EOTZO18 METHOD EPA 300.0 PARAMETER Chloride Fluoride Sultate Ortho Phosphate as P RESUL]" 11.6 mg/L < 0.2 ppm < 5.0 mg/L < 0.05 mg/L 1111012018 18:29 1111.012018 18:29 1111012018 18:29 11l1Ol2O'18 18129 4 250 250 6.5 - 8.5 15 stt 23208/15(nH+B Alkalinity, Total 16'l mg/L pH @20 oC 7.58 S.U. PARAMETER QUAL!FIER: Sanple Held Eeyond Normal Holding Time sM 2120 B Color-PCU @ pH 7.'16 <5PCU sM 25108 Specific Conductance 350 pmhos/cm ASTM D6919/SM 2340 B Calcium Hardness 108 mg/L This is a calculated value frcm methods that are accredited ' Lab not cettified Hardness-Total 158 mg/L sM 21i0 B Turbidity sM 2510C - Explanation of Terms and Disclaimers 0.13 NTU 1'1h312018 08:54 11t1312018 08:54 11109/20'18 10:00 11/16/2018 0'l:36 1111612018 01:36 1'1i09l2018 l3:35 PMCL js delined es the "Primary Maximum Contaminant Level." SI,CL is detined as the "Secondary Maximum Conteminant Level'. lf blank, level nol dellned by EPA. Resulls denoled with an asterisk (') indicate that the Pl\4CL is exceeded. Test Results meel all requirements of NELAC. NoGNELAC accredited _ analyses noted by n". The results included on lhis report relate only 1o lhis specific sample and nol lo other samples tested from lhis sampling location. CONFIDENnALITY NOTICE: This repon contains PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION This repo.t should not be reproduced, except in tull, wilhoul lhe written approval of DCLS. lf you have received this reporl in error, please no ry DCLS immediately at (604) 649480 Ext. 171. Page 1 of2 for Sample E181005680 COA_OW.RPT PMCL SII,'CL AA'ALYS'S DATE 600 Norlh sth St. Richmond, Virginia 2321 I 80+64&4480 Test Results APPROVEO BY: RMUSTAK, AnalyBt Senior .z.-T:1 Report Date: DCLS LIMS #l DCI.S 11t2012018 E18'1005680 DATE APPROVED: 11 12U2018 REPORT OF ANALYSIS PARAMETER RESUI.T Total Dissolved Solids 184 mg/L Aggressive InCex 1'l.8 Al This is a calculated value from methods that are accredited ' Lab not ceftified - Explanation of Terms and Disclaimers PMCL SMCL AA'ALYS'S DATE 1111512018 15t49 11/20/2018 08:38 METHOD sM 2540C sM 23308 500 PMCL is derined as the "Primary lvlaximum Contaminant Level-" SMCL isdefned as the "Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levef. lfblank, level notdefined by EPA. Results denoled with an asterisk (') indicate that the PMCL is exceeded. Test Results meet all requirements of NELAC. NoGNELAC accredited _ analyses noted by ^^. The .esults included on this report relate only 10 this specillc sample and not to other samples tested from this sampling location. CONFIOENTIALITY NOTICE: This report contains PRIVILEGEO and CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. This repod should not be reproduced, €xcept in lull, \,vithout the writlen spproval of OCLS. lfyou have rec€ived lhis r€pon in errot please notjry DCLS immediateiy at (804) &&4480 Ext '171. ?age 2 ot 2 for Sample E181005680 COA_DW.RPT Commonwealth of Virginia- Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services 600 North sth St. Richmond, Vtginia 23219 804-64H480 A REPORT OF ANALYSIS Report Dat€: DCLS LIMS #: DCI-S 11t2612018 E't 8't 005683 Mail To KESWICK ESTATES.FOSTER WELL & PUMP P O BOX 260 EARLYSVILLE, VA 22936 ATTN: SHANE FOSTER Sample lnformation PWSID REGION 7200008 7 OATE REGEIVED SAMPLING DATE COLLECTED BY SAMPLE MATRIX ORDERED TEST PROJECT NAME 11t0812018 12:04 1110812018 09:15 SHANE FOSTER DRINKING WATER 206.094 DW.METALS DW2018-Q4 LOCATION FACILITY COMPLIANCE TYPE CATEGORY ORDER NUMBER PROPOSED WELL 5 WLOO5 N SP GE 42720 Test Results APPROVED BY: MMOUER, Scientisl Senior DATEAPPROVED:'l'l12612018 METHOD EPA 200.7 PARAMETER RESULT < 0.05 ppm 5.61 ppm < 0,01 ppm 0.'10 0.05 - 0.2 0.05 11119t20't8 11t',t9t2014 11t19t2018 PMCL SMCL AAIALYS'S DATE lron Sodium Silver EPA 200.8 Beryllium Aluminum Chromium Manganese Nickel Copper Zinc Arsenic Selenium Cadmium Antimony Barium Mercury Thallium Lead - Explanation of Terms and Disclaimers < 0.002 ppm < 0.05 ppm < 0.0'l ppm < 0.0', ppm < 0.01 ppm < 0.010 ppm 0.115 ppm < 0.002 ppm < 0.01 ppm < 0.002 ppm < 0.002 ppm 0.047 ppm < 0.0002 ppm < 0.002 ppm < 0.002 ppm 11t13t2018 11t13t2018 '11t13t2018 11113t2018 11t13t2018 11t1312018 11t13t2018 11t13t2018 1',t t1312014 11t13t2018 11113t2018 11113t20'18 1111312018 1',U1312018 11t13t2018 0.004 0.1 1.3 5 0.010 0.05 0.005 0.006 2 0.002 0.002 0.015 P[rCL is defined as lhe "Primary Maximum Contaminanl Level." SlvtcL is dcfined as the "Secondary l\4aximum Conlaminant Level". lf b]ank, level not defined by EPA. Results denoled with an asierisk (') indicate that lhe P[4CL is exceeded. Test Results meet all requirements of NELAC. Non-NELAC accredited _ analyses noted by nn. The results included on this reporl relate only to lhis speciflc sample and not to other samples tesled from this sampling location. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This repod contains PRIVILEGEO and CONFIDENTIAL INFOR iATION. This report should not be reproduced, except in full, without the wrilten approval of DCLS. lf you have rece,ved this repo( in erro( please notify DCLS immedialely at (604) 648-4460 Ext. 171. Page 1 of 'l for Sample E181005683 COA_DWRPT 0.3 Commbnwealth of Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services 600 North sth St. Richmond, Virginia 23219 80+648.4480 Mail To 4\ l_, Report Oate: DCLS LIMS #: i)CLS 't1t15t20't8 E181005682 REPORT OF ANALYSIS KESWCK ESTATES.FOSTER WELL & PUMP P O BOX 260 EARLYSVILLE, VA 22936 ATTN: SHANE FOSTER Sample lnformation PWSID REGION 7200008 7 OATE RECEIVED SAMPLING DATE COLLECTED BY SAMPLE MATRIX ORDERED TEST PROJECT NAME 11tO812018 14:56 '11108/2018 09:30 SHANE FOSTER DRINKING WATER 206-005 NtTRtTE DW2018-Q4 SAMPLE COMMENTS LOCATION FACILITY COMPLIANCE TYPE CATEGORY ORDER NUMBER EVIDENCE OF COOLING PROPOSED WELL 5 WLOO5 N 5t' 42720 Test Results APPROVED BY: RMUSTAK. Analyst Senior DATE APPROVED: 1111512018 METHOO EPA 300.0 PARAMETER Nitrite as N RESULT < 0.05 mgil PMCL SMCL A/VALYS'S DAIE 11/09/2018 10:35 P[4CL is defined as the "Primary Maximum Contaminanl Level." SMCL is del]ned as lhe "Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level'. lf blank, level not definod by EPA. Results denoted with an asterisk (') indicale that the PMCL rs exceeded Tesl Results meel all requiremenls ot NELAC. No.FNELAC accredited _ analyses noted by ^^. The res!lts included on this report rolate only to this specitic sample and not to other samples tested from this sampling location. CONFIOENTIALITY NOTICE: This report contains PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL INFORIVIATION This report should not be reproduced, except infull, withoul the wriuen approval of DCLS. Ityou have .eceived lhis report in e.ror, please nolify DCLS immodiatety at (804) 648-44ti0 Ext. 171. Page 1 of 1 for Sample E181005682 COA_DWRPT - Explanation of Terms and Disclaimers Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services 600 North 5th St. Richmond, Virginia 2321 9 804{48-4480 Mail To 14\ Report Date: DCLS LIMS #: IX,I,S 11t15t2018 E181005679 REPORT OF ANALYSIS KESWCK ESTATES-FOSTER WELL & PUMP P O BOX 260 EARLYSVILLE, VA 22936 ATTN: SHANE FOSTER PWSID REGION 7200008 7 DATE RECEIVED SAMPLING OATE COLLECTEO BY SAMPLE MATRIX ORDERED TEST PROJECT NAME 1110812018 12:04 '11108/2018 09:00 SHANE FOSTER DRINKING WATER 206-004 NO2/N03 DW20'18-Q4 LOCATION FACILITY COMPLIANCE TYPE CATEGORY ORDER NUMBER PROPOSED WELL 5 WLO05 N SP GE 42720 Sam le lnformation Test Results APPROVED BY: RMUSTAK, Anatyst Senjor DATEAPPROVEO: 11115DO,18 METHOD EPA 300.0 PARAMETER Nitrate + Nitrite - Explanation of Terms and Disclaimers RESULT O.24 mglL PMCL SffCL 10 A/VALYS'S DAIE rlA9l2O1A 15:10 PMCL is defined as lhe 'Primary Maximum Contaminant Leve[" SMCL is defined as the "Secondary Maximum Contaminaflt Levef'. lf blank. level not defined by EPA. Resulls denoled with an aslerisk (*) indicale that the PMCL is exceeded. Tesl Results meet all requiremenls of NELAC. No+NELAC accredited _ analyses noted by ^^. The results included on this report relate only to this specific sample and not to other samples tesled from this sampling loc8tion. CONFIOENT,ALITY NOTICE: This report contains PRIVILEGEO and CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Thjs report should not be reproduced, except in full, without the writlen approval of DCLS. liyou hav€ received lhis report in enor, plesse notify DCLS immediately at (604) 64S4480 Ext. 171. Page 1 of 1 for Sample E'18'1005679 COA_OW.RPT Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services 600 North sth St. Richmond, Virginia 2321 9 80+648-4480 Mail To ,6.\ ll Report Date: DCLS LIMS #i I)CLS 't1t3012018 E181005681 KESWCK ESTATES-FOSTER WELL & PUMP P O BOX 260 EARLYSVILLE, VA 22936 ATTN: SHANE FOSTER PWSID REGION 7200008 7 DATE RECEIVED SAMPLING DATE COLLECTED BY SAMPLE MATRIX ORDERED TEST PROJECT NAME 11108t2018 12:04 1110812018 09:20 SHANE FOSTER DRINKING WATER 206-074 RADTLOGIC 0W2018-Q4 LOCATION FACILITY COMPLIANCE TYPE CATEGORY ORDER NUMBER PROPOSED WELL 5 WLOO5 N SP GE 42720 Sam le lnformation Test Results APPROVED BY: MTATUM. Scientisi Senior DATEAPPROVEO: 1113012018 PARAMETER RESULT Alpha, GrosE < 0.37 pCi/L 15 PARAMETER QUALIFIER: Result is below the SDWA detection limit Beta, Gross 0.8 r 0.6 pCi/L Radium-22E < 0.51 pCi/L 5 PARAMETER QUALIFIER: Result is below the SDWA deteclion limit. - Explanation of Terms and Disclaimers METHOD EPA 900.0 EPA 944.0 PMCL SIT'CL ANALYSIS DATE 11t26t2018 1112612018 11t28t20',t8 PMCL is derned 8s the "Pri.nary l\.4aximum Contaminant Level" S[rCL is defined as the 'Secondary Maximum Conlamira nt Level'. lf blank, level not defined by EPA. Results denoted with an asterisk 1') indicate that the PMCL is exceeded. Test Resuhs meel all requirements of NELAC. Nol>NELAC accredited _ analyses floted by ^^. The results included on this report relale only to this specifc sample and not to other samples lesled from this sampling location. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This report contains PRIVILEGEO and CONFIDENTIAL INFORI\,lATlON This reporl should not be reproduced, except in tull, without the written approval of DCLS. lfyou have reccived this report in error, pleaso notify DCLS immediately at (804) 64&4480 Ext. '171. Page 'l of 1 for Sample E181005681 COA_DWRPT REPORT OF ANALYSIS Commonwealth of Virg inia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services 600 North sth St. Richmond, Virginia 2321 9 804-64&4480 Mail To Report Date: DCLS LIMS #l DCI.S 11127 t20',18 E181005678 REPORT OF ANALYSIS KESWCK ESTATES-FOSTER WELL & PUMP P O BOX 260 EARLYSVILLE, VA 22936 ATTN: SHANE FOSTER PWSTD 7200008 REGION 7 Sample lnformation DATE RECEIVED SAMPLING OATE COLLECTED BY SAMPLE MATRIX ORDEREO TEST PROJECT NAME 11/08/2018 '14:56 1110812018 08:45 SHANE FOSTER DRINKING WATER 206-101 M524 DW2018-O4 SAMPLE COMMENTS LOCATION FACILITY COMPLIANCE ryPE CATEGORY ORDER NUMBER EVIDENCE OF COOLING PROPOSED WELL 5 WLOO5 N SP GE 42720 Test Results APPROVED BY: TPAYNE, Scientisl Senior DATEAPPROVED: 1127/2018 METHOD EPA 521.2 PARAMETER Vinyl Chloride l,l.Dichloroethene Methylene Chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl tert.Butyl Ether cis-1,2-Dichloroethsns Chloroform , ,2-Dichloroetha ne 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride Benzene l,2.Dichloropropane Trichloroethene Bromodichloromethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Toluene Dibromochloromsthane Tetrachloroethylene Chlorobenzen€ Ethylbenzene Bromoform Styrene RESULT PMCL SMCL A'VALYS/S DAIE < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 5.0 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb 11t08120't8 11tO812018 11toBt2018 't1108/2018 11tO8t2018 11108t20',t8 111O812018 11/08/2018 't1to812018 11tO8t2018 11t0812018 11t0812018 11nA12018 11/08/2018 11loat2018 f t0a12018 11tO812018 11toat2018 11toal201a fi toalz0la i nat2018 11tO812018 70 2 7 5 100 100 5 1000 5 100 700 200 - Explanation of Terms and Disclaimers PMCL is defin€d as the "Primary Maxirhum Contaminant Level-" SMCL is defined as the "Secondary Maximum Conlamanant Level". lf blank, level not delined by EPA. Results denoted with an asterisk (') indicate that the PMCL is exceeded. Test Results meet all requirements of NELAC. Non-NELAC accredited _ analyses noted by ^n. The results included on this .eport relate onty to this specific sample and not to olher sarnples tested from this sampling locatioo. CONFtDENTIALITY NOTICE: This repori contains PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. This repo.t Ehould not be reproduced, except in full. without the written approval of DCLS. Ifyou have received this report in error. please notify DCLS immedialely al {804) 648-4480 Ext. 171. Page I of 2 for Sample E18'1005678 COA-DW.RPT ,/"\ lt Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services 600 North 5th St. Richmond, Virginia 2321 I 80zt-&&4480 Test Results APPROVED BY: TPAYNE, Scientisl Senior 6\ i..-,i Report Date: DCLS LIMS f IX--LS 't't t27 t2018 E18100s678 DATEAPPROVED: 11n7n018 REPORT OF ANALYSIS METHOD EPAE!2 PARAMETER p-Dichlorobenzene o-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Total Xylenes - Explanation of Terms and Disclaimers RESULT < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb < 0.50 ppb 75 600 70 10000 f t08no18 1',|togt2018 1'1108/2018 f toat2o18 PMCL S'T'CL AA'ALYS'S OAIE PirCL is defined as th€ "Primary iraximum Conlaminanl Levet" SMCL is delined Es the "Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level'. lf blank, level not defined by EPA. Results denoted with an aslcrisk (') indicate that the PMCL is exceeded. Test Regulls meet all requtemenls ofNELAC. NoDNELAC accredjled _ analyses noted by ^^. The results included on this report relate only to this specific sample and not to other samples tested from this sampling location CONFIDENTIALIYY NOTICE: This .eport contains PRIVILEGED and CONFIOENTIAL INFORMATION. This repon should not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approv8l of DCLS. lfyou have received this report in error, pleasa nolify DCLS immediately at (E04) 64&4E0 Ext. 171. Page 2 of 2 tor Sample E181005678 COA_DW.RPT r:.,ftCTLJA_A I lil I_':IBE) FTF'TE R I ES, FOSTER WELL COMF,NNY BOX E60 EARLYSVILLE, VA. rr /P]9/?a1B SAMPLE MEETS STNTE STANDARD FOR COLIFORM BACTERIA IN DRINKING I.IATER. TOTAL COLIFORMS I.'ERE NOT DETECTED. E. COL I BNCTER I A I.IERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY THE ONF.G-MUG F.ROCEDURE, IA MF'N COLIFORM Ef,CTERIFI F'ER lOO FIL SAMF'LE, Tt} IGEI ]I€ DNIMIM XNIER STfl'IDNRD F()fi C[]LIFOR}I, T}ERE nEI tt N0 c&tF0flt6 IIETECTED I n 100 l[ scm.r, JOB NUMBER: SAMFLE NUMBER ! DATE RECE I UED: DATE REtrORTED: AOUA-AIR LN REFIORTED BY BACTERIOLOGICNL ANNLYSIS REPORT TOTNL COLIFORM IN DFINHING I.IATER B€3984 n65Be4 rt/aB/?@LB L L /@9/e@74 ATO I C I Eiologicat, Cherical, and Fhysical Analysi: of }later, f,ir, and Solids;I Eioloqical and Oretical Tr€atability Studi€5i Floi treasurellnts I NE- I 5?7 0ice Strert ! Clarlottrsvills, tla, 49$-08{1I Pnone ({14)2?5-1715 I Uirliri. Leboratony I0 t @15 IDENTIFICATION: Ft,S 7?@OOAS, HESI,ICH HALL & EOLF CLUB' L7/B/18 le!AAFM AGIIJA_F I FT I_HBERA-TEFI I ES. I Biologicalr Cherical, and Physical flnalyris of llater, flir, and Solids;! Bioloqiral and Che.ical Trratibility Studieil FIoi learurer:nt! FBSTER I.llELL COMF.ANY Box e6el EARLYSVILLE, VA. I NE- I 62? Dice Strert r Charlottesvillo, 9a. e?93-e8{lI phon€ l{3{)e95-1716 I 9irginia Laboratory I0 r Oels 1 r /aB /E$!8 JOB NUIVIBER : SAF'IPLE NUI',IBER: DATE nECEMD! DATE REF.ORTED: BACTERIOLOCICAL ANALYSIS REPORT TOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINKING WATER A65BE4 4658S3 !1/@B/EALe 11 /49 / ?ALB IDENT I FItrETI ON: FWS 7eOrzrAA8, KESWICX HnLL & GOLF CLUB, 71/B/1A lE:3tZrAM SAMPLE MEETS STATE STNNDARD FOR COLIFORM BACTERIAIN DRINKING [.JATER. TOTAL COLIFORMS WERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BNCTERIA I.IERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY THE ONF.G-MUG trROCEDURE. A MF.N CtrLlFORT4 BACTERIA F.ER lCtO ML SAMF.LE. m XEEI m DRIrqtNS r,mlEn ST0ilDAnI) Fon CU-tF{)Ril, TI€RE NSI BE IO C{I.IFORNS DEIECIED IN A IM iL Sf,PLE. AOUA-flIR LABO AT F NC REF.ORTED BY FCII.JFI -FI I FI 1_ABEFtF-rEFt I E5, 11/A9/?8'1AFOSTER I^IELL trOMF.NNYuox e60 EARLYSUILLE! VA. JOB NUMBER: SAMFLE NUMBER: Df,TE RECEI VED: Df,TE REF.ORTED: Ee936 BNETERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS REPORT TOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINXING I,.IATER AE58e4 e63Be6 11/ESlEO1A 77/49/ettLB IDENTIFICf,TION: trI,\,S TEAAC'O8, KESWICX HALL & 6OLF CLUB, 1I/A/18 1:OIBAM SAMPLE MEETS STATE STANDARD FOR COLItrORM BACTERIA I N OR I NK I NG T.IATER. TOTNL COL I FORMS I.IERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BNETERIA I,.'ERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY THE ONF,G-IIIUG F.ROCEDURE. IZI MF'N COLIFORI4 BtrCTERIA FIER 1RO ML SAMPLE. T0 |EEI ru DRIMITG ratTE[ SIOOARI) F(}R C0LIF0n r mRE [,sI 8€ x0 c0LrFo0is DEIECIED It{ B lg0 tt s$qI. AGUA-AIR LABO REPORTED BY o I Eiological, Cherical, and Fhyrical Analyris of later, Air, and SolidsiI Eiolooical and Cherical Traatabilitv Studie* Flo tleasurmentsI t{E- I 637 Dice Street ! Ctsrlotte:ville' Ur. A9B-084tI Phonr ({34)295-1715 I 9irginia Laboratory II) I ee0l5 ACILJA_R T FI I-FIEIO Rd-l-f OFa I Et=i, I Biologieal, Orrrical, and physical Analy5is of llater, Air, and SolidsiI Eioloqical and Che.ical Trralabilitr Studi::r Flor llea:urerejk FOSTER I"IELL COMtrENY BOX e6El EARLYSVILLEI Vfl' I I{tE - I g?1 Dicr 9trert r Charlottesville, Ua, 22903{841I phoie ({54)e95-1715 I Uirginia Lab0r6t0ry ID I 00015 1L/@9/e@18 3i?J6 JOB NUII1BER : SNHF'LE NUMBER: D9TE RECE I VED: DATE REtrORTED: AI]UA-A I R LABO REF.ORTED BY BACTER:OLOGICAL ANALYSIS REPORT TOTNL COLIFORM IN DRINKING WATER A65BE4 n65Ae7 | | / aa/etara 1L /Pl9,/:E?jt8 IDENTIFICATION: F'HS 7aEOOO8, HESI.,ICH HALL & GoLF CLUB' 11/e,/lA 1:364M SNMPLE MEETS STATE STANDNRD FOR COLIFORM BACTERItrIN DRINKING LINTER. TOTAL COLIFORMS [.'ERE NOT DETECTED. E.COLI BECTERIA WERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY THE ONF,G-MUG PROEEDURE. El NFN COLIFORM EACTERIA FER lEr$ ML SAIYIFLE. T0 Er Ir€ DntMI!$ HnrER Sl0r{0ARD F(]R Cq-lF0Rn, mnE ruST SE NO COLIFORIIS I}EIECTED IN A IOO iL SCIS.I. TO # I BCIL|A_A T R +faE|.E Fts:lTEFt I ES, I liologieal, Eherical, and Physical flnalysis 0t llatsr, Air, and Solid;; Biolooiea end ChD.ical Ineatahilit I Studie:r Flolr laasurerentsIhIE- 1527[icrStreet r Charlotte:ville, lla. AS3-0841I Phonr l{34}295-1716 Mrgini. L6bsrat0ry lD I 000ls t1/tzg/eqta eP9s5 JOB NUMBER: SRMFLE NUMBER: DATE RECEI VED: DATE REtrORTEEI: BACIERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS REtrORT TOTNL COLIFORM IN DRINRING I"IATER n65BE4 f,65AeA t | /tdB/ealg Lt /@9/AA18 I DENTIF ICHT I ON IFtls 7EAEIOA8, HESITICH HALL E GOLF CLUB, 77/A/78 3:OEIAM SAMPLE MEETS STATE STANDARD FOR COLIFORM SACTERIA IN DRINKING I.'ATER. TOTNL trOLIFORMS I^IERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BACTERIA I.IERE NOT DETECTED. IIUN BY THE ONF.E-MUE PROCEDURE. A MT.N CBLIFORM BRCTERIH FER 1AA ML SAHF.LE. T0 rEtr Ii€ Dntm(til8 TJATER sT$tD{R0 F8R C0-tF0Rlr, T|{RE I{.EI BE XO C{I.IFI}TIS IEIECTED I N IO8 H. Sf,I9tE, NOUN-AIF LAB REFORTED BY T FOSTER I.IELL COMF.FNY BOX EGB EARLYSUILLE, Ufl. ,I AGTJr1_F I R L-ALIE Flf.]-TE T1 I E5 , I Bi01o!icalr Cherical, and Physical Analysis 0f llatert flirr and SolidsiI Biolooical and Ch.rical Tre8tabiiitr Studiur Flon leaturerents FOSTER I'ELL COI{F.ANY BDX EEO EERLYSVILLE, VA. I t{E- I 627 Dicp Strcet : Cfierlottesvtll€r lla. 4903-0841I Fhone (434)?95-1716 Mrqinia Labor.tory ID I ee0l5 Lt/q9/t@ra ;je?36 JOB NU|'IBER : SAMFiLE NUI4BER: DATE RECE I VED: DATE REF.ORTED: BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALVSIS REPORT TOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINRING I.IATER A65AE4 A6=A?9 1L /@B /:c,atA tr/@e/eq7B NC IDENT IFI CATION: F.HS TEIAO'ZIOA! KESW I CH HALL & GOLF CLIJB, 17 / A/ 78 E: 3OAM SAMPLE MEETS STATE STANDARD FOR COLIFORM BAtrTERIN IN DRINKING WATER. TOTAL COLIFORMS I.IERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BACTERIA TIERE NOT DETECTED. NUN BY THE ONF.G-I4UG F.ROCEDURE. A MF.N COLIFORM BACTERIA F,ER 168 FlL SAMF.LE. T0 rfEI Ilf l)RIN(lN6 UnTgn STS{DflRD FoR qltFoRil, rfPf, ITEI BE IIO COLIF{]flIE D€IECTED IN A IM N- Sf,'9TE. AGUA_AIR LABO REF'ORTED BY d FlGIJF_fa I R L-FBEFIFq-I-ER I EE? Biolo!icalr Cheticair and Physical Analysi: of llater, Air, and S0lidsi Bi0looical and ChErical lrcatebilite Studi:sr Flor kasur:rents 5?7 Dicr Strret I Charlottesville, Va. 8?903-08{t Phone 1434)a9!-1715 Mrqinir Laboratory ID I SmlS INC- FOSTER I^JELL CBMF,NNY BOX E6B EARLYSUILLE! VN.ee?36 BCCTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS REPORT TOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINKING I.IATEN I DENTIFICATION: F'HS 7EAAAO8, KESI.IICK HtrLL & GOLF CLUB' l1/B/18 3:EOAM SAMPLE MEETS STATE STANDNRD FOR COLIFORM BACTERIA IN DRINKING I.IATER. TOTNL COLIFORMS I^IERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BACTERIN WERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY THE ONPG-FIUG PROCEDURE. O MFN COLIFORI4 BCCTERIN F.ER 1EIB ML SAIYIF'LE. T0 rEr rc DRIr$Ul6 HATER SISTDARD FoR C{LIF0RX, Ir{RE I{JST 8E NO CIILIFOUS DEIECIED IN A IOO l{- SAlfLE. AQIJA-A I R LAB REPORTED BY INC 7 r /aE/?z'1a JOE NUiIBER: A65A14 SAMF LE NUIiIBER : n65638t DATE RECEMD: l1l@8l8014 DATE REF,ORTED: 1l /@9/E@lB AGTIJA_F I FT L-flEtf] Rft-I- Dr+ r E5, I Biologlcal, Chericalr rsd Physical finaly:is 0f lLt€r, nirr and Solidii I Eiolooical and Cherical Treatabilitv Studie3: Fl0r k.surtrtnt5f F"I E - I 627 Dim Street :! hone {{34)?95-1716 Charlottesvi lle, Va. t?9G-e04t Mrginia Laboratory ID I efils FOSTER WELL EOI{F,NNY BOX 860 ENRLYSVILLE, VA- 7r/a2/?@LA JtrB NUMBER: SAMF.LE NUIIIBER: DFTE RECEI VED: DATE REFORTED: ee?36 A65BE4 n65831 1L /AB/eDlA 1L / @9,/ ?@ 18 IDENTIFICATION: Ft,,S 7gerAOO8, HESI.JICK HnLL & 6LOF CLUB, 1t/A/7e 3:34fiH SAMPLE MEETS STATE STNNDARD FOR COLIFORM BAtrTERIAIN DRINKING I.IATER. TOTNL COLIFORMS I.'ERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BACTERIN WERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY TI{E ONF.G-MUG F.ROCEDURE. A IiF,N COL I FORM BFCTER I f; F.ER 1 EU FIL StrMF.LE. r0 IEEI Il€ DntMI$ IAIER ST$iI)ARD F()fl CU-tFoRn, Il€RE rusI BE il() C0 F{]f,tis DmcIED IX n t00 [ s$pl.I. f,AUA-trIR LABO T I NC REF.ORTED BY BACTERIOLOGICNL ANALYSIS REPORT TOTAL COL I FORM I N DR I NK I NG ].'ATE R fncll.e-ra I Ft L-ffErp RrtTtl Ft I ES , Biologicalr Ciuical, anri Phy:ic:l f,nalysis of later, Air' and Solids; Eiolorical .nd Cherical Tr?atabiiit{ Studir:l Flar lleastlfrtent: 5?7 lice Street i Rrarlottervilb, ta. ??9$3-8&{t Fhon€ (434)895-1716 I 9irgiria Laboratory ID I 00SlS 1t /q9/e|ill8 I NE. JBB NUI4BER: SAMF,LE NUI4BER I DATE RECEI VED: DATE REF'ORTED: FtrsTER HELL CBHF'NNY BOX e60 ENRLYSUILLE, UN.ee?36 BCCTERIOLBGItrNL ANALYSIS REPORT TOTNL CELIFORM IN DRINKING I.'ATER AE5BE4 A65g3e I r /aa/?alBtr /@9ieBra TO I c IDENT]FICATION: F,bJS TE|aAAAS, RESt^l I CPi HALL & 6oLF CLUE, 11. / B/ lA 4 : O@AM SAMPLE HEETS STATE STNNDAND FOR COLIFORM BFCTERIAIN DRINRING I.IATER. TOTAL COLIFORMS t,JE RE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BACTERIA I.IERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY THE ONF.G-I{UG F.ROEEDURE. E| PIF.N CBL I FOBM BACTER I A PEF 16'A HL SfiI4F,LE, m EEr THE DntMI{6 t{f,&R STSIDflRI) FoR Cq-tF0fi}'r, I}GRE nET gE X0 C{tr_tFB0S I)EIECIED iN e t00 [ SflrpLE. AGUE-f,IF LFBO REFORTED BY # ACITJA-F I R L_raBflRtrr-roRIEs, I Ei0logical, Cherical, and Fhysical Analysil 0f llaterr Air, and Sotidsi gi olodicrl and mr.ri.rl Tr.rtehili v Studiar! FloH irature.€nt5 FOSTER I^'ELL COMF,ANY BOX a6A ENRLYSVILLE, VA. I NIE- I 5?7 Dice Str€et : Charlottesvilh, 9a, ?egB-0841I Phone 1434)e35-1716 I 9irqinia Laboralory ID f e0015 r 1 /Q9 /!@rA JOB NUMBER: SAMF,LE NUMBER: DATE RECEI UED: DATE REPORTED I BNCTERIOLOGICEL ANALVSIS REPORT TOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINXING IIATER A65Se4 n658 33 7L /@B/.EBLB 17/49/e@t8 IDENTIFItrATION: truJS TeAAB'aa, HESWICH HflLL & GIILF CLUB, 11/8/tg 4:3|aAM SAMPLE MEETS STNTE STANDARD FOR COLIFORM BNCTEFIAIN DRINKINEi HNTER. TOTAL COLIFORMS WERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BNCTERIN IJERE NOT DETECTED. NUN BY IHE OI{F'G-IIIU6 F.RI]CEDURE. O MF.N trOLIFORM BACTERIN F.ER 1OA ML SAMFILE. T0 EET Ir[ Df,I]8(rr6 InTER STnNDnnD FoR CoLImn , mRE nsl 8E t$ CTLIFI}IIS ImeIED IN B t@ l{_ SnFtf. AEUN_HIR LA REPORTED BY BO AT AGI-JA-A I T+ L.FEI5] RA.I.O Ft I ES, I Bioloqical, [ierical, and Phyrical enalysis of llatrr^, flir, and Solids;I Eiolosital and Chrrical Treatabilitr Studie3! Flox leagurlrents FOSTER hELL COIYIF'ANY BOX 860 EARLYSUILLE! VA" I Phonr {434}a95-1715 Mrginia Laboratory lD I ee8l9 L1/4?/!@tA Ee?36 JOB NIJI'IBER: SNMF.LE NUMBER: DATE RECEI VED: DtrTE REFORTED r BACTERIOLOGICAL NNNLYS]S REPORT TOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINKING I"'ATER A6583 4 4658 34t!/[l8/PtZlS 7r /8]9/e@74 I I'lC IDENTIF I CAT I BN: Etds TEaaoag, KEgt,,rcx HALL & GOLF CLL|B, 7l/A/18 S:EOAPI SFMPLE MEETS STATE STANDARD FOR COLIFORM BAETERI,t IN DRINKING UNTER. TOTAL COLIFORMS I.IERE NOT DETECTED. E. COL I BACTER IA I.'ERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY TIIE ONF.G-I{UG PROCEDURE. IA MPN COLIFORM ENCTERIA trER lOC' ML SAMF'LE. Tt) }GN THE DRIII{INE HNIER SIAIIDARD F{]R CO.IF(}RIII IHENE n6T t€ N0 cq-tF(]Hs DEIEC1ED IN n loe I Sflf,L AGUA_AIR LAB REF,ORTED BY "fi Fl(f L.lJl*A I R L-FB.rf RF-r-(]R I ES, I Eiologicai, Cheticalt and Phrricrl An.ly5i5 of llater, f,ir, and S0IidriI Biolo[icel and Cherical Treatabilitv Studiesr FIoi isa3urersntg FOSTER IdELL COMF.ANY BOX EE@ EARLYSVILLE, VA. I t{C - I 5e7 Dic€ Strret r Charlottesvillpt tla. ae903+941I Phone (434)a95-1715 I Uirlinia Laboratory II) I 00015 r L / Q9 / eal B EE?:]6 JOB NUII]BER: SAMF,LE NUI4BER: DATE RECEI VED: DATE REF,ORTED; BACTERIOLOGICAL NNALYSIS REPORT TOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINKING I.IATER f,65934 465435 11/O8leerlA L7/qe/?_a1a IDENTIFICATION: FtlS TeAAraAa' HESWICH HnLL & 6OLF CLUB! 1-L/A/rA 5:3@tAM SAMPLE MEETS STATE STANDNRD FOR COLIFORM BACTERIA IN DRINKING I,.INTER. TOTNL COLIFORMS I.JERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BACTERIA I.IERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY TI{E ONPG-NUG PROCEDURE, O MF.N COLIFOEM BACTENIA F'ER lEB ML Sf,MF'LE. T0 t€ET I€ Df,trstN6 TaATER STf,NDfrRD FoR CortF0Rir, Il€fft N.6I 8E U} CII.IF(}ITS OEIECTED IN f, I@ [ SM.E. AOUA-AIR LAB REF.ORTED BY IT AGLJFI-A I FT L-F1E!,ORq-rtlR r ES, FOSTEF I,..IELL COMFTANY BOX E6A EARLYSUILLE, VN. 77/49/eale E8936 JOB NUMBER ! SAMPLE NUMBER: DATE RECEI VED: DATE REFiEJRTED: BNCTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS REPORT TOTNL COLIFORM IN DRINRING WATER AE5g34 A65A3g 1 1 / kf8 / e01 S rt/gl9/2.t478 IDENTIFItrATION: F WS 7e@OAraA, XESI^,I CK HBLL & GOLF CLUB' L 7 / 8/ 1A 5 : PTOAM SAMPLE MEETS STATE STANDARD FOR COLIFORM BACTERIAIN DRINKING LJNTER. TOTAL COLIFORMS I.IERE NOT DETECTED. E. COL] BACTERIA I.IERE NOT DETECTED. nul.l BY THE ONF'G-MUG F ROCEDURE. CI I4F'N COLIFORM BACTEFIN F'ER 1OO ML SAMF'LE. T0 llEgT Tlf DRIfl0r6 inTER sltr{of,RD FoR mLtF0R}tr T}ERE xugT BE x0 Co"tFo$rs IEIECIB) IN fi t00 " S8rflr, AGUA-AIR LNBO REF,ORTED BY B INtrtb//''R I Biological, C.herical, and thysical Analysis of later' eir' and Solids;I 8i0lolical 6nd Or?ricrl lrrat&ility Studits3 Flox lraruEr.ntgI hlE - I 627 Diee Strret : Charlott.tvillrt l,la. 2Age3-0841I Ph00. (434)a95-1715 Mrginia Laborator, ID I eml5 AGITJfI_F I R L,.AE!,E F|fa-I-(] R I I=S, I Biological, Cherica}, and Physical flnalysis of later, lir, and Solids; BioIotri.al and Chrrical Trratabilit v Studirs: Flor l{easurertntr FOSTER I^IELL COI{F.NNY BOX 860 EARLYSVILLET UA. I FJE - I 6?7 Dice Slreet s Orrl0ttesville, Ur. AS3-0841I Phon. (434)e95-t715 I Uirginia Liborstory ID I oml5 1t /49/eala ee?s6 JOB NUMBER I SAMtrLE NIJMBER r DBTE RECEI VED: DATE REFORTED I BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALVSIS REPORT IOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINKINB HNTER HE:ruJ+ c65837 I 1/48/EB 1B tL /Q9/'ee114 INC IDENTIFICATIONI F'l./S 7EEOAa8, KESTJICH HALL & GOLF CLIIB' l1/B/lA 6:38tAM SAMPLE MEETS STATE STRNDtrRD FOR COLIFORM BACTERIAIN DRINKING U.INTER. TOTAL COLIFORMS I.IERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BACTERIN WERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY THE ONF,G-MUG F.ROCEDURE. @ MF.N COLIFORM BACTERIA F,ER 1OO I,IL SHMF.LE. T{] XEET N€ DRIMING INIER ST MRD FOR U]LIFORI,! II{RE ,II.6I BE XO Cq-IF()MS DETECTED IN E I8O XL SOIfLE, NAUA-AIR LABO REF.[]RTED BY T (//w AEIL'E-FI I R L._f1BF FtA-r-O R r Es, Eioiogical, Chericslt and physical En.lyiis of llaler, Air, and Solids; Biolsrical and Cieticel lrcatability Studi0ir Ftor lea:urrrents 5?7 Dice Street l Ch*lottesville, Ua, ??98-08{l Fhone iii4)?95-1715 I l]irginia Laboratory ID I m0l5 17/@B/eEtA I IlC. FOSTER IdELL COMF'ANY BO X E6ra EARLYSVILLE, Vfl. JOB NUI'IBER : Sf,MF.LE NUMBERI DATE RECEI UED: DATE REF.ORTED: erg36 BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALVSIS REPORT TOTAL trOLIFORM IN DRINKING WATER A65834 AEE838 11/88/Eu1ls L1/@E/eq7g IDENTIFIT}ATION: FWS TeeIaAraA, XES!{ICH HtrLL & 6OLF CLUB, 17/8/18 7 2 A@At4 SAMPLE MEETS STATE STANDCRD FOR COLIFORM BACTERIAIN DRINKING WNTER, TOTCL COLIFBRMS I^IERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BAC]'ERIA I.IERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY THE ONF.G-MU6 PROCEDURE. A HFN COLIFtrRM BACTERIN F,ER lEtO I4L Sf,MF'LE, T0 IGET lttE 0RII{KrNG 9ATEn ST$mRD Ft]R C0LtF0Rlr, ntnE N,IST 8E NO CI)LIFO S I}EIECTED IN E IOO [ sNPLE, AGUA-AIR LABO REtrORTED BY ^D AGIJFI_fA I F.t L_JaFp faA-rE] Ft I ES, I NC- FOSTER I"IELL CEMPANY BOX e6el EARLYSUILLE, UA. iol0gicnlr Chsrical, end Physical AnEly5is of llat:r, flir, and Solidsi iolo0ical and Cheri.al TFlrtrhil i v Studiecr Flor learurrrentr 527 l)ice Street : Ch+lottesviller lla. ??9034841 Phonr (434)295-i716 Mrginia Laboratory I0 I @15 1L /A9/EA\e I B JtrB NUMBER: SNflFLE NUMBER: DATE RECE I VED: DATE REPORTED I !e?36 BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS REPORT TOTNL COLIFORM IN DRINKING I.IATER tr6=834 A65A39 11/88./gOle t1/tdg/eoLB IDENTIFICATIONI F'WS TglAOOOBt KES|.,,I CH HALL E GOLF CLUA, L 1 / A/ 7e 7 : 3@AM SAMPLE MEETS STATE STANDARD FOR COLIFORIN DRINK]NG I.IATER. TOTNL COLIFORMS I.IER E. COLI BACTERIE UERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY THE ONPG-F1UC F.ROCEDURE. O MF.N trOLIFORIYI BNtrTERIA F,EF 1C'@ ML SFMF.LE. TO T I{ DNII|(ING SNTER STflffflD F(}R CII.IFSiI'I, T}ERE nEI lE N0 C{ttFo S !€IECTED tI n l0S n_ SflftE. MBENACTERIA OT DETECTED. EGUA-AIR LABO REtrORTED BY rj INCUry fAGITJF-fl I R _LTAB,GRFl-rOR r ES, FOSTER I^IELL CEMF.NNY BDX 960 EARLYSV ILLE, Vfl. L7/OS/e@Le es936 JOB NUMBER: SAMF.LE NUMBER: DATE RECEI VED: DATE REPORTED; BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS REPORT TOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINHING I.IATER e65834 F6584A 11/k18/gO1€ 7r/@2/eaL8 IDENTIFI CATI ON: F!,S T3AO0OS!HESWICH HtrLL & GOLF CLUB' lr/A/78 8:BAAM SAMPLE MEETS STATE STANDARD FOR COLIFOR]'I BACTERIA IN DRINKING I.'ATER. TOTAL COLIFORMS T.IERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BACTERIA I,.JERE NOT DETECTED. NUN BY THE ONPG-MUG PROCEDURE. CI MF'N CALIFORF1 BtrCTERIN F'ER 1AO ML SflMF'LE. T0 r€ET THE DRIN{rN8 r.flTER 9TA}IDAR0 F()f, muF0M, ll€RE H.ET BE NO CII.IF{]ffi DEIECTED IN A IOE H. SN}f,LE. AGUA-FIR LABO REF.ORTED BY d INC Ur1,tu I Eiological, Cherical, and P[yricrl Analyris of l{aler' cir' and S01id5iI Eiolo0ical and Olericel Tr?atability Studi?e: Ftor h.!ur!r.ntiI NC- I 647 Dic: Stret r Clrarlottesville, lla. ee9$-9841I Phone {434)!95-1715 I Uirginir Laborato}y ID I @15 AGL'A-A I R L,r1Bpr?4l-r-CfRrES, I Bi0logicil, Cherical, and Physical flnalysis of l{ater, flir, and Solids; Biolraicrl .nd Chrrieal TrEatabilite Studies: FloH lhaturer0nts FOSTER hIELL COMF.ANY BOX e60 EARLYSVILLE, VA. I Pfione (4341?95-1715 Mrginia Laboratory lD I Se15 7!/@-r/'calA Ea9s6 JOB NUMBIIR: SAMPLE NUMEER: Df,TE RECEI UED: DATE REF.ORTED: BACTERIOLOGICAL ANNLYSIS REPORT TOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINKING I.IATER n65834 n6598I 11/Ea/EO1A 1 1/|?|3/eO18 IDENTIFICATION: Fl.,S TEAE@46' KESWICH HnLL & GLOF CLUB| tL/A/fA 8:staflM SNMPLE MEETS STATE STANDARD FOR COLIFORM BACTERININ DRINKING WATER. TOTAL COLIFORMS I"'ERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BACTERIN UERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY THE ONE.G-I{UG F.ROCEDURE. @ IYIF'N CELIFORM BNCTERIN F'ER 1AO ML SAI4F'LE. T0 nEI ru DRrt0N6 [$TEn STfl{DinD FoR C0uF0R!1, TI{ERE N,ST 8E NO CILIFU S DEIECTED IN A IOO I{- SO}OLE. AEIUA-AI R LAB REF.ORTED BY {r)tA7^ F[-]IJS_A I FE _L-faEl,f, t?rq-rE R I E5, 1,1/tZg/lEA7AFOSTER NELL CONF'NNY EOX E6A EARLYSVILLE, Vfl. JOB NUJIIBER : SAMF.LE NUI4BER: DATE RECEI VED: DATE REtrORTED: eE336 BACTERIOLOGICAL ANNLYSIS REPORT TOTAL COL I FORM IN DR I NK I NG I.IATE R f,65934 n653Ee tL/ga/e6La 11/@9/eALg IDENTIFICATION: F,WS Teoraora8r HES[^'I Cv. HALL & GOLF CLUB, t7/A/LA 3:raBEM SAMPLE MEETg STNTE STANDARD FOR COLIFORM BACTERIAIN DRINKING WATER. TOTAL COLIFORMS I.IERE NOT DETECTED. E.COLI BACTERIA WERE NOT DETECTED. NUN BY THE 8NF,G-MUG F.ROCEDURE. A MF.N COLIFORM BACTERIA F'ER lOA ML Sf,MF,LE. I0 lrEEr IrE DRtMtm r6TEn ST0NDnRD FoR C0LIF0RT't II{RE IrlEl [E r{0 C0.tF()srs DETECTO IN f, 100 t{_ snIPu. AGUA-AIR LABO REF.ORTED BY ti) INCUt/4 I Eiological, Cherical, :nd Physical Analysis of llater, f,ir, and Solids!I Biolooical and Cherical lreatability Studie* Flor lcarurerrntsI t{C- I 5?7 Dice Stre€t ! Ch.rlottervilh, 9r. ??9e3-e841I Ph0nr l{g)295-1716 I Uirginia Laboratory I0 { g@15 AGTJF-f1 I R L.AT-\.(-) I=A-T(] R I ES, I Siologicelr Cherical, and physical Analysis of later, f,ir, rnd S0lidsi Bi ol orir.rl rnd nhD.iril Tfrrtahili t Studi.s! Flox kagur.rPnts FOgTER WELL COI{F,NNY BOX PEO EARLYSVILLET VN' I Phone (43{)?95-1715 I Uirginia Laboralory ID I @ll 1t /@1/g@r8 a'4aa a JOB NUFIBER: SAMF'LE NUMBER : DflTE RECE I VED: DATE FEFORTED: BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS REPORT TOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINKING WATER AE3S34 A65303 11/ABl8018 r7/sr9/'eate I DENTIF IUflTION: FLJS TagtOOAA, KESI^JICK HALL & GOLF CLUB' 71/g/78 9:3OAl4 SAMPLE MEETS STATE STANDARO FOR COLIFORM BNCTERIAIN DRINXING I"'ATER. TOTAL COLIFORMS I.IERE NOT DETECTED. E. COLI BNCTERIA I.IERE NOT DETECTED. RUN BY THE ONF,6.MU6 FROtrEDURE. O MF.N COLIFORITI BNCTERIN F.ER 1OE ML SNMFLE. rB lEsI I1€ DntNfilto HATET STn tnRD FoR C0LIFI)RH, TIIRE I{ST BE NO CO.IFI} S I}EIECIED IN A IOO I{L SflPT!. AOUA-NIR LABO REF.ORTED BY T INC HAR 2 5 2019 COIVIMTJNIry DL, ci-OPivlcNT RECEIVED