HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201400028 Plan - As-built 2023-06-07VSMP AS -BUILT PLAN FOR LEGEND EXIST NEW DESCRIPTION 165 TC x 125 TC TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 165 x 125 SPOT ELEVATION 165 TW x 125 TW TOP OF WALL ELEVATION 165BW x 125BW BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION ® BENCHMARK m STORM SEWER --- _: - RG ROOF DRAIN SEWER LINE - 6"w -- 6..w WATER LINE GAS GAS GAS LINE -- OHE OHE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WIRE --- UGE -- UGE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC OHT GHT OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE UGT UGT UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE PROPERTY LINE - -- ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE ----- VACATED PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK A I- DRAIN INLET (DI) OO QA O STORM/SANITARY MANHOLE E [ PLUG WATER VALVE & BOX FIRE HYDRANT co ® WATER METER �.� LIGHT POLE UTILITY POLE -- SANITARY EASEMENT ---- -- GRADING EASEMENT -- DRAINAGE EASEMENT - UTILITY EASEMENT - -- ---- - ---- WATER EASEMENT ACCESS EASEMENT -- ----- - - STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT TREE LINE FENCE - STREAM 312- 12 INTERVAL CONTOUR 30D­ 00 INDEX CONTOUR CG-2 CG-2 STANDARD 6" CURB CG-6 - = CG-6 COMBINATION 6" CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE PAVEMENT / SIDEWALK RIPRAP ASPHALT GRASS EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING WETLAND 10 o PARKING COUNT CROSSWALK HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE A_N A_N CG-12 & & HANDICAP PARKING NOTE: THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. FAN OF5 CORNER WPO 201800088 TMP 07800-00-00-005AO, TMP 07800-00-00-0051505 TMP 07600-00-00-005EO, * TMP 07800-00-00-056G I RIVANNA DISTRICT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAP SCALE: 79V=1,000' n E50 ,�-� •`�yti Oardeo f o we ;',fe;Ct SITE r�;I I'an,tnps SI-tttf�blln9 %;'ntk:r:� -;-� �]v IMAUL PKUVIULU BY UUUGLL MAPS SHEET INDEX f- t•'atysr�"���` �`ofk;n ttrr Giant Food m 25t) C I - A5-BUILT COVER 51­1EET C2 - A5-BUILT VSMP PLAN C3 - A5-BUILT DETENTION 5Y5TEM DETAI L5 C4 - AS -BUILT STORM SEWER PROFI LE5 C5 - A5-15UILT 5WM DETAI L5 AND DRAINAGE MAPS µ a 7 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE `r Department of community F)evetoprnent .r Construction Record Drawings (As -built) for VSMP The following is a list of information required on construction record drawings for stormwater facilities (reference: Water Protection Ordinance 17-422). It is preferable that the construction record drawing be prepared by someone ether than the designer. Please do not provide design drawings as construction record drawings. A. A signed and dated professional sea] of the preparing engineer or surveyor. B. The name and address of the firm and individual preparing the drawings on the title sheet. C. The constructed location of all items associated with each facility, and the inspection records to verify proper dimensions, materials and installation. The items include, but are not limited to the following: t, inspection Records and photographs for pipe trenches and bedding, including underdrains. 2. Video Pipe Inspection for any pipes which are: not accessible or viewable. 3. Updated Location with geo-coordinates of all facilities. 4, Verified Drainage Area maps for the drainage area treated, and for drainage to the facilities, 5. Current physical and topographic survey for all earthen structures. Ponds should include a survey of the pond bottom. Surveys should verify pond volumes are per design. Corrections may he required for altcratims from the design. 6. Plants. location and type. 7- Plans and profiles for all culverts, Pipes, Risers, Weirs and Drainage Structures - Display the installed type of drainage structures, culverVpipe size, weirs, materials, inlets or end treatment(s), inlet and outlet protection, alignment and invert elevations compared to design. 8. Computations: For significant deviations from design, provide scaled computations verifying that the as -built condition is equivalent or better than design. 9. Ditch Lines - Display the Instructed location of all ditch lines and channels, including typical sections and linings. 10. Easements - Show all platted easements with dead book references labeled. Facilities and drainage must be within platted casements. Provide copies of recorded documents. 11. Guardrail, fences or other safety provisions - Msplay the constructed location of all safety provisions; fences, guardrail, including the type, length and applied end treatments, compared to design. 12. Material layers - biofiller media, stone layers, sand layers, keyways and cores must be verified as to material types and depths. Include inspection reports, N-Hing or test pit reports and materials certifications. Biofilter media must be an approved state mix. 13. Access roads - show location of access roads, surface treatment, drainage, etc, as applicable. 14. Compaction reports are nNuire:d to verify fill compaction in dams. 15. Manufacturers certifications for proprietary BMP's certifying proper installation and functioning. ��.-, Htltorj OWNER / DEVELOPER Pantops Corner, LC. Pantops, LC. 12704 Crimson Ct Ste. 101 12704 Crimson Ct Ste. 101 Henrico VA, 23233 Henrico VA, 23233 WiDROVED Ly aba Albemarle County 'O> l De Vment Djeparment DM C1a a/ z 3 Fie � ZONING TMP 78-5A, 5B, 5C, 5E HC - Highway Commercial, EC - Entrance Corridor -Potions are within Managed Steep Slopes Overlay District TMP 78-58G1 HC - Highway Commercial, EC - Entrance Corridor Per Approved ZMA 2013-00002. Proffers dated November 26, 2013. ZMA approval date by Board of Supervisors, December 11, 2013. -Within the FH Flood Hazard Overlay District -Portions are within Managed and Preserved Steep Slopes Overlay District SOURCE OF TITLE Tax Map 78, Parcel 5A, 5B & 58G1: D1B 4358 PG 684 D113 5147 PG 228-229 PLAT Tax Map 78 Parcel 5E: D1B 2976 PG 576 DB 5147 PG 228-229 PLAT Tax Map 78 Parcel 5C: DB 4873 PG 577 DB 5147 PG 228-229 PLAT MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Rivanno BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD88. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY & TOPO Boundary & topographic survey information provided by: Field survey provided by Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. on March 23, 2018. Updated XY data on October 16, 2018. Datum for topography NAVD88. As -Built Road Survey provided Iby: Shimp Engineering, P.0 Date Completed: 3/23/2021 As -built Detention Survey provided by Roudabush, Gale & Associates. on October 30, 2019. Detention pipe inspection & wallkthru by Shimp engineering, p.c. on October 03, 2019. system reinspected by shimp engineering, p.c. on December 1, 2022 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE 1. ALL CONCENTRATED ONSITE RUNOFF SHALL BE ROUTED INTO CHANNELS AT RATES THAT COMPLY WITH VA TYPE 11C SWM REULATIONS AS THE SITE IS GRANDFATHERED INTO A TYPE IIC SWM PERMIT. 2. WATER QUANTITY IS ADDRESSED PER 9VAC25-870-97&98 (TYPE IIC REGS). AT EACH POINT OF ANALYSIS, THE POSTDEVELOPMENT 2-YR AND 10-YR PEAK RUNOFF IS LESS THAN THE PREDEV PEAK RUNOFF. 3. WATER QUALITY WILL BE ADDRESSED PER 9VAC25-870-96 (TYPE IIC REGS) WITH THE PURCHASE OF 8.49 LBS OF PHOSPHOROUS NUTRIENT CREDITS TO SATISFY THE NUTRIENT LOAD REDUCTION AS SET FORTH BY THE DEQ IN THE VIRGINIA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 4. STORM SEWER ON TM 78-5A TO BE DESIGNED UNDER WAWA SITE PLAN. THIS VSMP PLAN COVERS THE CONVEYANCE AND TREATMENT OF RUNOFF FROM PARCEL TM 78-5A BUT NOT THE STORM SEWER DESIGN WITHIN THIS PARCEL. UNDERGROUND DETENTION MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. INSPECT THE 3 TRASH SCREENS AT DETENTION INLET AREAS TWICE PER YEAR, IN THE SUMMER AND IN THE WINTER. CLEAN OUT DEBRIS WITH VAC -TRUCK DURING INSPECTION. REPAIR SCREENS IF NEEDED. 2. INSPECT WEIR PLATE ORIFICES, TRASH RACKS, AND WELDS ANNUALLY. REMEDY ANY CLOGS OR FAILURES, AND REPLACE ORIFICE TRASH RACKS IF NEEDED. 3. INSPECT GENERAL SYSTEM DEBRIS ACCUMULATION ONCE EVERY 2 YEARS. IF DEBRIS OR SEDIMENT IS NOTICED, CLEAN OUT SYSTEM WITH A VAC -TRUCK USING ACCESS RISERS. DETENTION SYSTEM MAIN ACCESS: 38.036166',-78.452745° AS -BUILT NARRATIVE THIS AS -BUILT SHOWS COMPLETION OF THE PANTOPS CORNER VSMP PLAN. THE DETENTION SYSTEM AND STORM SEWER WAS BUILT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS. THE DETENTION SYSTEM WAS OBSERVED TO HAVE ADEQUATE STONE BEDDING, ADEQUATE STONE BACKFILL, ADEQUATE FILTER FABRIC WRAPPING, AND ADEQUATE PIPE INSTALLATION. SHIMP COMPLETED A WALKTHROUGH OF THE INSTALLED DETENTION SYSTEM TO CONFIRM THAT THE SYSTEM WAS SOILTIGHT AND IN GOOD CONDITION. STORM SEWERS HAVE BEEN INSPECTED WITH PIPE CAMERA AND APPEAR TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION. PERMIT COMPLIANCE THIS PROJECT ACHIEVES COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WPO AND LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. RUNOFF COMPLIES WITH REQUIRED PEAK FLOW RATES: Pre-Dev POA 1 Post-Dev POA 1 Asx-Built POA 1 Pre-Dev POA 2 Post-Dev POA 2 As -Built POA 2 Year 4.09 cfs 4.03 cfs 4.102 cfs 1.20 1.01 cfs 1.14 cfs 10-Year 12.32 cfs 12.18 cfs 12.18 cfs 3.44 2.37 cfs 2.55 cfs Pre-Dev to Rte 250 Post-Dev to Rte 250 As -Built to Rte 250 10-Year* 11.21 cfs 11.80 cfs 11.42 cfs AS -BUILT NUTRIENT TREATMENT COWPLIES WITH REQUIRED REMOVAL RATES: APPROVED AREA TOTALS: AS -BUILT AREA TOTALS: 5.23 AC IMP 5.21 AC IMP 1.59 AC PERV 11.61 AC PERV APPROVED NUTRIENT CREDIT AMOUNT: 8.49 LBS PURCHASED NUTRIENT CREDIT AMOUNT: 8.49 LBS SEE BILL OF SALE ON SHEET C5. SAM �'C/111o.45183 , 1 f �J �t✓� O ��SS�ONAL V 0 0 0 00 r / / � / / / / / / i 0 1 BFitE K / / / / / / / / / ' r ! L f - N W �j . �INU�I�DATI6N/291VE� / i / / / , ' � / �� 10 / o / y - - '� EOP�\ ' _.�Y r Z \ / / / / / / , \ , d-38 ---- - --� o r � l / / / � / j r / / � fir; � , � \, /� J . �_ W-1 _ _ \ `'- j I' J LOOD LAIN • l i i / / �r i - " '' .. ` Y. p I : 1 �/ \ /. NEW f - -- - --- / / ... -... / � yw l R (NAG 1 � I. .- ` � ;, , . _. ,: ,:, � --.-- -- Aye - i t _.. i ESMT EOP I�. , - / l k ). ... .4 , . \ \/ RpVF/ E3(. SIP / r I ... l ACC ESMT �5 �►I ;" _.—I-- I ESMT �.. I. , 4 D + , •' - - -- - \ ? —�- - — - ---- - / AID VVi Q, S / (DB 46- � / v - - : �� �!`-- • I --. T � :. r ; 1 85) I I p .. , I , \ . ► _ / -7- \ ' • ► . K1E�rSQ' PUBLIC eR // NEN SWM ESMT / 11 ! r.. I ® , • ��. ►•.♦ \,. �:. I' 0 END PRORL.F . ~I I I \ - I ♦ \ , i IP j l / .-364.3 I I L }. I . o n. T ♦ I r:. , • � YNAGE,ESMT ;.' $ i•' N SWM - I I r �, N \ / `ri4-1$6r1 ) *:•:,a -._.0 - .. �- �; - I 7 \. .7 ♦. ... I f N \ / f 1p• J _ 1 (b@ 15246-1 �7; �; i 11r�' \ �" { / I '' ► \ ' ' + t, Q , / Al i 11 \ , � I ` .....'.-. \. .I � I Ii ^O - _- arY I ► ► '♦ 7►-►'. •7�\►I \ \ I,'1 � err li \ � / /► , _, I , , i \ i - lye �7 _ '.,• \ ,. , : ' , ', � •►� .■ -I � •'`- . r \ __., {1:. 9 " , ; <.•Tis wITN � \ \: _r .. _ , .., ,. \ ,.. •:. � I '�' � �- �' .I � I '� - { NG \ 1 NEW 20 �H-1 r iH ACCSS RISFR , '4. .:)(.KING 8 Li SIDS �. ,I ., I e \ ♦ /' ! - ^Gy W --- PRIVATE DRAINGE , ►..\ ♦' • ► 9 r UH 1 3 p' - - - - - - - - -- ' I- J 3829 — �.:: J1,I -I ES1o�T I I L� w DB `5246-159dd8 : ' . PARCEL C I �; \ 1 \ — a - \ , 1 \ �\• \ * ' 1 w I \ t i f• Ri DE r N la ( �' \ I >: ----- -- \ \ S \ . ♦ I I Q \--- „ l\ S E P A R A I N `>tivv- b4. I 1 ,_, r. li I , o ,' �\ Y nn r - \ I I r ACTIVE P E I - •' \ i R 7 Di .. 7� } : AT , \ I ff` \ \ \ --_ - V1C � SH J E - - X� _ I / P g5 __ d-3A O \ \ \ \ ACCESS UP \ � { I t I I `.•, L i . I `---_=�--__- _. _ - __ ; f t `_ I /- EOP __ I � � \ \ \ \ DE OF WE]R PLA \/ �\ ! �4 I3- -- ` . n r \ E \i I �` U \ I --- - ,. DR (NAG / ' 1 _ \ Sic. o.45183 • � I �-MI'I - - - -- ' �•12 \ DI .o .. • n-i? r•-•L It - a • -- \ O \ • - I A10 --\ / SAN, • ,, ...... . I \ 3 9 _ _ ! __ ,�cg - - \ --- --_-- --- __ �SHAN. —w • W —W —W —W—W'',.—W —W W —W —W —W —W —W —W —W M.— AV— M M— M— M— ArG— M— M— M \ _ — = \ . 1 W W • W 15' • • 4 � �r � Al o I V E FS M T NEW MH --- I ° . ,. � � \ ••. - '— ---- _ _ N , NI DB 246 _. -- / .... _ 91" L<ER FLOOR ELEJ 389.10 / y 3 STORIES (34.7') ABOVE . /(. ;? A GRACE ALONG THIS FACADE 57 / _J r .. •i 1 i \ NEW D '/ (� . O I\ \ - \ - A9 390 \ j v) E - ` APCEL 0 EKED NV OUT: 387.52 , EFFE 392.42 � �9' rroae ���� BY ISEPA AT � . ,�, / j . • i ;: *:'• s .. ` ,1 p I - STORAGE r -- _ ° • AC _ SELF STORAGE BLDG -- - - - 83,095 f (�16,805 SF`j -FLOOR \ _ 37 43- FLOORS ABOVE GRADE OVER 2 BASEMENT LEVELS) _ - J -- _ . ... CX 38 a N .. _-. 92 ' INV oc,fi 717 V - 2.0 ' EXISTING EXISTING = — o / -.. 380 SF I y-- LOADING DOCK D G B P6 CG-6 i OFFICE -- — --,_` u cJ t > . B o , 0 SPACES) +3 BSMT ELEV=369.10 148' i FFE = 387.88 i I J _ J. APPROX. LOCATION �_.. _.... _. _ EXISTING ROOF AND CURB I t _ _ t} i' 60, DI-3B — — i I I , �\ :. , y y DItT A C,E LSM 1 I ,\360I 0 r- I M. H. � r, j Q 4f� DINGuj RIVERl� LANEui, \ � -_ _ .�__�'_ _ __ _ __� \ \ •.. SIN wF Date 18 2019 Scale NSA 30 0 30 60 90 Sheet No. Scale: 1 "=30' C2 OF 5 File No. 1 ? nr)r-; Y A (6j6 S�S i - ---- - 1 �.: EMBEDq:. 4 - _ _.._..._____ _ . -_-__ _._ _-___._._..___ _ ..__ _ -.. I M 3 7 7 0 -A� --- �� I 1 olkA_ �� INV.=354.3 1 (]�PANTOPS CORNER WAY BMP PLAN 10 ° 10 20 30 C3 SCALE: 1 "=30' Scale: 1 "=10' AS -BUILT CMP DETENTION NOTES: 1. SYSTEM WAS OBSERVED TO BE INSTALLED IN TRENCH WHICH HAD 48" SPACING BETWEEN PIPES; AND MINIMUM 36" WIDE ENVELOPE AROUND ENTIRE SYSTEM. 2. SYSTEM INVERT WAS OBSERVED TO BE FLAT. IT WAS OBSERVED THAT THE CONTRACTOR WAS UISING A LASER LEVEL TO INSTALL STONE AND PIPES. 3. AS -BUILT BEDDING MATERIAL: #57 STONE PLACED IN 6"-12" LIFTS 4. PIPE MATERIAL: 14 GAGE ALUMINIZED PERFORATED CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE, 5%1" CORRUGATIONS. 5. TRASH SCREENS WERE FIELD OBSERVED TO BE INSTALLED BY MANUFACTURER PER PLAN. 6. HAUNCH ZONE MATERIAL WAS OBSERVED TO BE HAND SHOVELED INTO PLACE. 7. THE BACKFILL MATERIAL WAS OBSERVED TO BE #57 STONE WHICH IS A FREE -DRAINING, ANGULAR, WASHED -STONE PER AASHTO M 43. MATERIAL WAS PLACED IN 12" MAXIMUM LIFTS AND WAS WORKED INTO THE PIPE HAUNCHES BY MEANS OF SHOVEL -SLICING, RODDING, AND VIBRATORY PLATE TAMPER. 8. CMP RISERS WERE OBSERVED TO BE INSTALLED PER PLAN. 9. MIRAFI 14ON GEOTEXTILE WAS USED AROUND TOP AND SIDES OF STONE BEDDING TO PREVENT SOIL MIGRATION. 10.DETENTION PIPES WERE INSTALLED SOILTIGHT AT JOINTS BY USE OF GASKET AND HUGGER BANDS. THIS WAS CONFIRMED WITH A FIELD INSPECTION AND SYSTEM WALKTHROUGH. 11. DETENTION PIPES WERE FIELD VERIFIED TO CONFIRM APPROPRIATE SECTIONS WERE SOLID WALLED OR PERFORATED PER PLAN. NOTE: WEIR PLAIFE IS 12 GAGE PREMANUFACTURIED ALUMINIZED STEEL REINFORCED & WELDED TO TOP ELE=363.10 CMP DETENTION (PIPE f6p FEE— 9g LADDER ON 16 GAGE ALUMINIZED STEEL UPSTREAM SIDE WIRE TRASH SCREEN. WELD 2.28 ELE=360.82 TO INSIDE OF CMP PIPES. � E' 12' WEIR 6.72' / 00' _ EL{art ELE=358.30 3'x8' ORIFICE (B) NO TRASH RACK 4. 04.?Ei' INSTALLED BECAUSE 4.0 (A) BOTTOM 4.20' REINFORCING BARS TRASH RACK PREVENT INSTALLATION 7 0 }' INV ELE=354.10 ORIFICE 4 TRASH SCREEN DETA L (3::) DETENT ON WEIR PLATE DETAIL C 3 SCALE: 1 =5 5;UALL: 1 ­=5 THIS ACCESS RISER REMOVED PER MANUFACTURER REQUIREMENT. UPSTREAM 30" CMP SIDE OF WEIR PLATE CAN BE ACCESSED ACCESS RISER BY OTHER SYSTEM RISERS W. LADDER 100-YR ELEV=364.70 C P ELE=366.00 10-YR ELEV=362.95 — 18 YR EL E-_62.85 — — TEE JOINT UPTURNED 8' CMP W. CAP TOP ELE=362.10 2-YR ELEV=359.34 TeP-FL E- 362„6- 9' WEIR PLATE INV ELE=354.10 iwd _EL r—T,;,;{, K3O'ADS STORM OUTLET CMP PIPE PORTION EXTENDED PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION. THIS PROVIDES A TEE CONFIGURATION (INSTEAD OF AN ELBOW. MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDED THIS REVISION. INCREASED TOTAL LENGTH BY 4 FEET. 6 DETENTON BARREL 1 DETAIL C3 SCALE: 1 "=5' MH-1 FRAME dICOVER �- FOR THE 5 RISERS IN ASPHALI PARKING / LOT, PROVIDE 5' DIAMETER CONCRETE SUPPORT SLAB 4" THICK, 3000 PS. PROVIDE MIN 4" GAP FROM TOP OF CONC. TO RISER RIM ELEV. TO ALLOWASPHALT PAVEMENT COVER. PROVIDE 6" VDOT #21A GRAVEL BASE: UNDER CONC, RING. j- WELD LADDER 70 ACCESS RISER. CONTINUE LADDER DOWN TO 8' CMP DETENTION INVERT PREMANUFACTURED RISER STUB 30• CMP RISER Z� ACCESS RISER DETAIL C 3 SCALE: 1 "=5' z Cn � O N Cn q �w �� CN M N ' O CN p O O Z r� V Z O 0 L U W m Q VJ C Q c W J Date 11 18 2019 Scol e N/A Sheet No. C3 OF 5 File No. 1 1-) nr)1:1 385 380 375 370 365 360 v55 350 3 4 RM 0 i M O W t0 N 00 � O N N O M U w M ^UQ� 10+50 11+00 11+`,;0 STORM SEWER PROFILE: Al—A4 C4 HORIZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1'=10' HORIZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1'=10' 355 350 345 340 335 330 385 380 405 - 400 - —1 395 390 385 f_ 380 T� 375 370 365 360 .............. 355 350 345 1n.. 375 370 355 10+O,: 0 STORM SEWER PROF LE: A9—A9Z HORIZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1'=10' STORM SEWER PROF LE: D 1—D2 HORIZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1'=10' 11 + 00 11+50 12+00 awl HORIZ: 1 "=30" VERT: 1 "=10" 0+00 STORM SEWER PROFILE: A5—Al3 HORIZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1'=10 14+00 15+0 _ 400 5904 F/l 7Iu 385 1 - 380 I 375 I 570 365 i I 1 t1TJ' 16+00 385 380 375 3-70 365 360 355 350 16+50 385 380 375 370 365 360 355 6300 405 0 0 90 0 -- 390 w w� 385 - 380 375 w 370 _ � w 365 w N 360 w rn 355 - 350 NL 17+04J p v Jus W a ic. o.45183 Id 01, STORM SEWER PROFILE: B 1— B 1 A HORIZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1'=10' IJTVV 1.5+ 405 400 395 390 385 380 375 J70 8 STORM SEWER PROFILE: C3—C4 C4 HORIZ: 1 STORM SEWER PROFILE: All—A11c HORIZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1'=10' IL--____ _._. BILL OF SALE Nonpoint Nutrient Offset Credits BILL OF SALE, made as of J 4-,Q- 1b 2019, by HOTEL STREET CAPITAL, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company ("Seller"), to PANTOPS CORNER, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, ("Purchaser"). WHEREAS, Seller and Purchaser have entered into that certain Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Nutrients Mitigation Credits, dated as of June 20, 2019, (the "Purchase Agreement", the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference and made part hereof), with respect to the sale by Seller and purchase by Purchaser of Compensatory Nutrients Mitigation Credits held in Seller's Nonpoint Offset Bank in Fluvanna County, Virginia (HUC 02080204). NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the payment of the Purchase Price (as defined in the Purchase Agreement) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Seller hereby sells, transfers, assigns, conveys, delivers and sets over to Purchaser, its successors and assigns, 8.49 Nutrient Credits ("Credits") as such are described in the Purchase Agreement. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all such Nutrient Credits hereby sold and transferred to Purchaser and its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has caused this Bill of Sale to be executed by its duly authorized representative as of the date first above written. HOTEL STREET CAPITAL, L.L.C. a Virginia limited 1' biW company by Grayson e &,eompany, LLC, its By: Name: " ho as James Its: aRer Project Name: Pantops Corner Location: Albemarle County, Tax Map 78 Parcels �/5B, 5E, & 58G1 Owner: Pantops Corner LC 12704 Crimson Ct Ste. 101 Henrico Va, 23233 Credit Amount Desired: 8.49 Ibs Project HUC: 020802040401 Rivanna River -Meadow Creek Application: WP0201800088 OFFSITE AREA (RTE 20 ROW IMPROVEMENTS) AFFIDAVIT OF PHOSPHOROUS OFFSET SALE HOTEL STREET CAPITAL, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company ("Seller"), hereby certifies the following: 1. Pursuant to that certain Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Nutrients Mitigation Credits, dated a of May 23, 2019 (the "Purchase Agreement"), the Terms of which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof) between Seller and the PANTOPS CORNER, LLC, ("Purchaser"), for the benefit of the Purchaser, Seller agreed to sell 2.82 pounds of nonpoint source phosphorus offsets (the Nutrient Credits) to Purchaser and retire the associated ratio of nonpoint source nitrogen offsets at the offset generating facility in the amount of 12.91 pounds of nitrogen offsets relating to the Project known as VSMP Plan for Timberwood Square in the Forest Lakes Community off of Rt. 29 in the northern portion of Albemarle County. Virginia having Albemarle County Tax ID Numbers of TMP's: 046134-00-00-007130, 046134-00-00-00700 2 Seller and Purchaser, as of the date hereof, have closed the transaction contemplated by the Agreement and the Seller has sold to Purchaser the phosphorous offsets. WITNESS the following signature: HOTEL STREET C AL, L.L.C. a Virginia limit 1 11ity company By: GRAYSO OV & COMPANY, LLC, Manager Date: l0 q By: homasJ mes Ross II, Managing Member STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF FAUQUIER: Sworn and subscribed before me this day of J u,A, , 2019, by Thomas James Ross II, Managing Member of Grayson Love & Company, LLC, Manager of HOTEL STREET CAPITAL, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company. Notary P 1c KELLY LYNN ESTEPPE My Commission expires: I a 3 _ ' NOTARY PUB! _iC REG. #7�11805 ,- COMMON+NEALTH OF VMC-11A Project Name: Pantops Corner MY COTSSI N EXPIRE,; Location: Albemarle County, Tax Map 78 Parcels , B, 5E, `I Owner: Pantops Corner LC 12704 Crimson Ct Ste. 101 Henrico Va, 23233 Credit Amount Desired: Phosphorous 8.49 lbs/Nitrogen 36.69 Project HUC: 02080204 Application: WP0201800088 PANTOPS CORNTER AS -BUILT LAND COVER MAP OFFSITE AREA (RTE 250 ROW IMPROVEMENTS) APPLICABLE AREA: 6.67 AC ONSITE + 0.15 AC OFFSITE - 6.82 AC TOTAL ONSITE AREA,: D. 09 AC I M P 1.58 AC PER v1/ OFFSITE AREA: 0.12 AC IMP 0.03 AC DERV TOTAL AREA: I I I- 13 _ _J 1 !I 4\ IT\71STIR --------j� �" fi li 8 20P 0.33 ACRES I 0.27 AC IMP / i I I \ I \ I l - I , 1 , , 1 li :1 1 :1 160 240 � -. ■ :0 0 L m°0 w � PANTOPS CORNTER o Z OK POST-DEV DRAINAGE MAP Q ,, W RTE 250 INLETS Z W w-------- --- Z 2 w OI _ w� Z V) n - ------- - > 1 1 n-- - ` V) J 1 i ` I � P6S�ETEG TO D J 1 ) I 1.42 ACRES / O ---- v a ----------- _ _ - �� � � ►mow W } Q } -------------- 1 � ir POA I POSTDEV DRAINAGE INFO TO POSTEV D2 & D1: TURF HSG B: 0.52 AC IMPERVIOUS: 0.90 AC TOTAL: 1.42 AC TO POSTEV 8 20P: TURF HSG B:.06AC IMPERVIOUS: 0.27 AC,'. TOTAL: 0.33-: AC `. HYDROLOGIC DATA TO POSTEV D2 & D1: Assumed ToC = 5.0 min 02_YR= 5.01 Cfs Q10-YR= 6.60 cfs TOTAL TO POSTEV 8-20P: Q2-YRI 1u Q10-YR,.,,: - yy 1 \; �� `. �'/��,� , - � - �� ---" I I - � �.�.�..� C3 .: : • t5 . , \ 4' 14/ , 0 ♦♦ \ \\\ ♦ ` \ ♦ ,ems v JUS MP a I ic. a.1l45183 O sSfONAL �G ONSITE AREA TO RTE 250 INLETS REDUCED FROM APPROVED PLAN. PEAK FLOW RATE REDUCED. NO FURTHER ANALYSIS REQUIRED. PANTOPS CORNTER AS -BUILT POA DRAINAGE MAP -''lll '11�?III I illI ONSITE POSTDEV t'"" T"-,ri . 4 /�/7oltlS}r'91iWitL:d r, "t a �'e r • . r, i • e �� }yy r 1 ale ��- --� I Ivvic. , c as scca>, r,uc ,�Iw /'11 c� wnli,n Ilvwa w Rte 250 inlets discharges into the Rivanna I River and meets the limits of analysis per 9VAC25-840-40, 19-b(1) & 19-b(2)(c). See 1-" I Rte 250 Inlet Analysis which shows the I_i I adequacy of the storm drains to the point of discharge into the Rivanno River. I I HYDROLOGIC DATA POA 1 Assumed ToC to Detention = 6.0 min Assumed Bypass ToC = 6.0 min It --_------_--_ I' Q2-YR 04 Q10-YR= 1 t 7 " Q - ' ! 100-YR- 1 1 y I I' ; , \I \ '' I \ r Assumed ToC 5.0 min \1 I �' r yY Q 2- YR rR Q10-YRff"', ---}0t5.- �\ 1 ��•'` - -- --- ,' I I' I Q100-YR"" .,, i . , Date 11 Z18 2019 Scale N /A Sheet No. C5 OF 5 File No. 12.025