HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB200800124 Staff Report 2008-09-19ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT Project #: Name ARB- 2008 -124: Walmart Store Expansion ( #1780) Review Type Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan Parcel Identification Tax Map 45, Parcel 68135 Location 975 Hilton Heights Road, west of Route 29 North, and south of Hilton Heights Road. Zoned Highway Commercial (HC), Entrance Corridor (EC) Owner Wal -Mart Real Estate Business c/o Wal -Mart Stores #1780 Applicant Wal -Mart Stores, Inc. Magisterial District Rio Proposal To construct a 35,000 sf addition including a new vestibule entryway, three loading bays, and to undertake associated site improvements. ARB Meeting Date October 6, 2008 Staff Contact Eryn Brennan SITE/PROJECT HISTORY The original Wal -Mart building was approved by the ARB on June 10, 1991. Since that time a number of applications have been reviewed for signs, the gardening center, and outdoor storage and display. More recent applications of particular note are listed below. • June 24, 2008: ARB- 2008 -73: Wal -Mart Store ( #1780), Sign and Limited Remodel (repainting), administratively approved. • June 17, 2002: ARB- 2002 -57: Review of a plan to expand the outdoor storage and display area to establish permanent areas for events, approved with conditions reserved for administrative review. • March 16, 2001: ARB- F(SDP)- 98 -54: Garden Center, changes to brick material and color of entrance awning, administratively approved. CONTEXT The subject parcel is 13.3 acres in size and located east of Berkmar Drive and west of 29 North (Seminole Trail). The context of the site is that of the North 29 commercial corridor characterized by large stores and parking lots. The front (east) half of the site (closest to 29 North) slopes down from the road and is a flat, paved parking lot. The Wal -Mart store sits on the rear potion of the lot approximately 400 feet from the Entrance Corridor. A short, steep engineered slope rises behind the store, along the west lot line, and along the south lot line. The parcel is separated by Hilton Heights Road from a developed site to the north containing Sam's Club. Jim Price Chevrolet is located on the adjoining parcel to the south. VISIBILITY The subject parcel is highly visible from the Entrance Corridor. The proposed monument sign, fagade and entrance redesign, landscape changes between the parking lot and 29 North, 35,000 sq. ft. addition, parking lot improvements, and redesigned parking area in the southeast corner of the site will be highly visible from the EC. The proposed new retaining wall south of the addition will be somewhat visible from the EC, although material color and details may be difficult to discern. The proposed addition of three loading bays in the loading dock area and the new truck exit on Hilton Heights Road will not be visible from the EC. ARB 10/6/2008 Walmart Store Expansion - Page -1 PROJECT DETAILS The applicant proposes to construct a one - story, 35,000 sq. ft. addition to the existing Wal -Mart store located in the Hwy. 29 commercial corridor. The addition would be located on the southwest portion of the building and would extend the entire depth of the building. The applicant is also proposing to upgrade the existing front elevation by adding recessed and projecting bay elements, creating two separate entrance /exit areas, installing a permanent covered overhead awning -like projection, and new wall sign and logo. Other proposed changes include replacing the existing monument sign on Hwy. 29 with a new monument sign, reducing the height of the light poles in the parking lot, constructing a new truck ingress and egress on Hilton Heights Road, building a new retaining wall next to the expansion, adding new directional signage, increasing landscaping on the site, installing 8 Filterra water quality units, removing outdoor storage trailers, and expanding the loading dock area near Hilton Heights Road. ANALYSIS based on: Site plan drawings submitted: • Sheet ARB -1 "Preliminary Site Plan" date 8/11/08. • Sheet ARB -2 "Preliminary Utility Plan" date 8/11/08. • Sheet ARB -3 "Preliminary Grading Plan' date 8/11/08. • Sheet ARB -4 "Preliminary Landscape Plan" date 8/11/08. • Sheet ARB -5 "Land Title Survey" date 3/12/08. Architectural drawings submitted: • Sheet 1 "Front, Rear, Left, Right Elevations" date September, 2008. • Sheet 2 "Proposed Monument Sign' date September 9, 2008. Materials submitted: A 20" x 16" white board showing proposed elevation and material samples corresponding to various portions of the elevation dated 8/4/08. Photographs of use of Trespa Meteon Metalic Panel in Washington D.C. and Richmond. Photographs of building and site context. Issues: Building Form/Wall Blankness Comment-,- The central arched portion of the proposed fagade lacks depth. The lack of depth combined with the height, color, and proportion of signage convey a billboard -like quality. • The addition would extend the already extensive blank wall of the building, but the proposed changes to the entrance fagade would help mitigate the length and repetitive appearance. The fagade changes, however, incorporate ten different elements (the brick wall surfaces, curved wall elements, CMU blocks, short brick elements with windows, and an awning). • The split -face panels and the rectangular brick -faced forms adjacent to the entrances are not sufficiently integrated into the fagade as a unified composition. • The proposed awning breaks along the fagade of the rectangular brick -faced form and presents an awkward appearance. • It appears that the proposed windows along the fagade are faux. The windows must appear to be true windows to be appropriate for the EC. • Elevations of the existing building would be useful for comparison of building heights and details. Recommendations: Revise the central arched portion of the fagade to provide depth and reduce the billboard - like appearance of the form. The number of varying elements results in an uncoordinated, overly -busy appearance. A more cohesive design would be appropriate. Reduce the number of forms and elements along the fagade to create a more cohesive and unified appearance. Extend the awning over the rectangular brick- ARB 10/6/2008 Walmart Store Expansion - Page -2 faced form to connect and unify the various elements of the fagade. Submit detailed drawings of the windows clarifying their appearance and transparency. Provide existing condition elevations for comparison. Issues: Materials and colors Comments: The Trespa Meteon Metallic Panel "Copper Yellow" proposed for the central portion of the front fagade possesses a reflective quality that may not be appropriate for the EC. The applicant has agreed to bring in a larger sample of the panel in order to better understand how the material reflects light. The proposed elevations show the gate elements enclosing the Outdoor Living area as either replaced with a different color gate or painted black. The applicant has indicated that no changes are proposed to the gate elements. Recommendations: Provide a larger sample of the Trespa Meteon Metallic Panel "Copper Yellow" for review. Revise the elevation drawings to show what color is being proposed for the gate elements. If the applicant intends to paint or replace the gate elements, color and/or material samples should be provided. Issues: Landscaping Comments: • The elevation drawings and Sheet ARB -4 Preliminary Landscape Plan show tree planters at a distance from the existing wall rather than abutting the existing wall. The applicant has indicated that the planters will not be moved, but will be kept in place against the wall as they currently exist. • Photographs of the Filterra water quality units have been provided. • Some existing plants are not shown on Sheet ARB -4, particularly at the corner of Hilton Heights Road and 29 North. • No cart corrals are shown on Sheet ARB -4. • No new shrubs are proposed in conjunction with the proposed additional trees along the landscaped area adjacent to Hwy. 29, and existing shrubs in this area are not shown. • New tree additions are shown on sheet ARB -4 in locations where existing trees are shown on the site plan. Replacing mature trees with smaller trees is not appropriate. • There is a lack of coordination between the existing and proposed plantings along the EC. The character of the planting proposed at the north end of the frontage differs from that at the southern end. A coordinated landscape would be appropriate. • No additional landscaping is shown along the perimeter of the additional parking proposed on the southwest corner of the site. • The landscape plan is not drawn at the same scale as the other drawings. Recommendations: Revise the plans and elevations to coordinate the tree planter locations along the front fagade. Show where the Filterra water quality units will be located on the Landscape Plan. Provide an accurate and complete existing conditions and demolition plan that includes landscaping. Show the location of the cart corrals on the landscape plan. Incorporate shrubs into the proposed landscape additions along the EC. Provide 2'/2" caliper trees every 40 feet at the perimeter of the redesigned parking area in the southwest corner of the site. Submit a revised landscape plan drawn at the same scale as the other drawings. Issues: Grading Plan/Retaining Walls Comments: A retaining wall is required to construct the addition of the south side of the building. Proposed grading on Sheet ARB -3 Preliminary Grading Plan does not appear to be complete. Also, it is unclear if the proposed new retaining wall lies on or over the property line. A grading easement may be required. No material or color samples have been submitted for the proposed retaining wall. Elevations of the retaining wall have not been provided. Recommendations: Revise Sheet ARB -3 Preliminary Grading Plan to include complete proposed grading, elevations of the retaining wall indicating height, and clearly show the location of the property line and proposed retaining wall. Provide material and color samples and a block size of the proposed new retaining wall. ARB 10/6/2008 Walmart Store Expansion - Page -3 Issues: Lighting Comments: The architectural drawings of the front elevation show illuminated wall fixtures and bollards. Sheet ARB -2 shows an existing light pole to be relocated west of the redesigned parking area at the southwest corner of the site. The applicant has stated that this is a mistake in the drawing and no existing light pole will be relocated. Recommendations: Submit cutsheets of the proposed fixtures and bollards. All lighting exceeding 3,000 lumens must be in a full cut off style fixture. Submit a photometric plan for the entire site, including the wall fixtures and bollards. Calculate the photometric plan using an LLF of 1.0. Correct Sheet ARB -2 to show that no light pole will be moved. Address whether additional light poles will be added near the redesigned parking area in the southwest corner of the site. Issues: Parking Spaces Comments: The parking schedule on Sheet ARB -1 indicates that 601 parking spaces are required and provided. Cart corrals are located in several of the parking spaces, reducing the number provided spaces below the number that is required (as indicated on the plan). Also, if there are no extra parking spaces provided, the previously approved parking lot storage and display cannot be used. Recommendations: Adjust the parking count on Sheet ARB -1 to take into consideration the parking spaces lost to cart corrals. Add the following note to the plan: "Outdoor storage and display in the parking lot approved under previous special use permits cannot be used unless sufficient parking is provided. Issues: Mechanical Equipment Comments: The applicant has indicated that mechanical equipment will be located on the roof of the proposed addition. Additional information concerning the location of the mechanical equipment is needed to determine visibility. Visible equipment is not appropriate for the EC. Recommendations: Indicate the location of rooftop equipment on the plans and elevations. Provide equipment heights. Show how visibility of the equipment from the EC will be eliminated. Use the architecture of the building to eliminate visibility. Issues: Preliminary Utility Plan Comments: Only a portion of the landscaped area abutting the EC is shown on Sheet ARB -2 Preliminary Utility Plan, and no utility easements are shown on the plan. Recommendations: Revise Sheet ARB -2 to show the entire site on the plan and outline all utility easements. Issues: Wall Signs Comments- The front elevation includes three new wall signs: one over the Market & Pharmacy entrance, one over the Home & Living entrance, and one in the central portion of the building. • The elevation does not indicate the dimensions of the new wall signs, or type of illumination. Samples of the colors proposed for the " Walmart" sign and logo have not been provided. • As shown on the front elevation, the orange color used for the logo may clash with the Trespa Meteon "Copper Yellow" panels and have a negative impact on the EC. Recommendations: Provide complete details on proposed wall signs and reference the sign checklist for requirements. Provide color samples for the " Walmart" sign and logo. Issues: Freestanding Monument Sign Comments: The Land Title Survey Site Plan, Sheet ARB -1 Preliminary Site Plan, and Sheet ARB -4 Preliminary Landscape Plan all show a freestanding monument sign 85' west of Hilton Heights Road and 10' north of Hwy. 29 North. An architectural drawing detailing the freestanding sign shows that it is 13' -11 1 /z" long and 7' tall. The sign includes a brick base that stands 2' -8" tall and a sign panel that is 4' tall with a 4" concrete cap. The text is to be Walmart with a graphic logo. • The applicant has stated that the proposed monument sign is a replacement of an existing monument ARB 10/6/2008 Walmart Store Expansion - Page -4 sign located in the exact same location and shown on Sheet ARB -5. • The brick veneer soldier course "slate stone" on the base is compatible and consistent with the brick soldier course on the fagade of the building. • The applicant has indicated that the sign will be internally lit. • The applicant has indicated that the area around the sign will be landscaped as shown on Sheet ARB -4 (the architectural drawing specifically addressing the monument sign does not show landscaping around the sign). Recommendations: Provide a revised architectural drawing with complete details of the monument sign. Reference the sign checklist for requirements. Include the dimensions of the proposed lettering and logo, the method of illumination, and the opacity of the background. Provide color samples of both the orange to be used for the graphic logo and the blue background. Revise the landscape plan to identify the species to be placed in the planters of the monument sign. Issues: Flagpole Comments: A flagpole is shown on the front elevation. The applicant has indicated that there is an existing flagpole that is currently attached to the building, which will be replaced with a free - standing flagpole. Recommendations: Revise the existing site plan to show the flagpole and revise the proposed site plan to show the location of the proposed flagpole. Indicate the height of the flagpole. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion: 1. The proposed new design, materials, and colors of the front fagade. 2. The design of the freestanding sign and wall signs. 3. The proposed landscaping for the site. Staff recommends the following comments on the preliminary site plan: 1. Revise the central arched portion of the fagade to provide depth and reduce the billboard -like appearance of the form. The number of varying elements results in an uncoordinated, overly -busy appearance. A more cohesive design would be appropriate. Reduce the number of forms and elements along the fagade to create a more cohesive and unified appearance. Extend the awning over the rectangular brick -faced form to connect and unify the various elements of the fagade. Submit detailed drawings of the windows clarifying their appearance and transparency. Provide existing condition elevations for comparison. 2. Provide a larger sample of the Trespa Meteon Metallic Panel "Copper Yellow" for review. Revise the elevation drawings to show what color is being proposed for the gate elements. If the applicant intends to paint or replace the gate elements, color and/or material samples should be provided. 3. Revise the plans and elevations to coordinate the tree planter locations along the front fagade. Show where the Filterra water quality units will be located on the Landscape Plan. Provide an accurate and complete existing conditions and demolition plan that includes landscaping. Show the location of the cart corrals on the landscape plan. Incorporate shrubs into the proposed landscape additions along the EC. Provide 2 ' /z" caliper trees every 40 feet at the perimeter of the redesigned parking area in the southwest corner of the site. Submit a revised landscape plan drawn at the same scale as the other drawings. 4. Revise Sheet ARB -3 Preliminary Grading Plan to include complete proposed grading, elevations of the retaining wall indicating height, and clearly show the location of the property line and proposed retaining wall. Provide material and color samples and a block size of the proposed new retaining wall. ARB 10/6/2008 Walmart Store Expansion - Page -5 5. Submit cutsheets of the proposed fixtures and bollards. All lighting exceeding 3,000 lumens must be in a full cut off style fixture. Submit a photometric plan for the entire site, including the wall fixtures and bollards. Calculate the photometric plan using an LLF of 1.0. Correct Sheet ARB -2 to show that no light pole will be moved. Address whether additional light poles will be added near the redesigned parking area in the southwest corner of the site. 6. Adjust the parking count on Sheet ARB -1 to take into consideration the parking spaces lost to cart corrals. Add the following note to the plan: "Outdoor storage and display in the parking lot approved under previous special use permits cannot be used unless sufficient parking is provided. 7. Indicate the location of rooftop equipment on the plans and elevations. Provide equipment heights. Show how visibility of the equipment from the EC will be eliminated. Use the architecture of the building to eliminate visibility. 8. Revise Sheet ARB -2 to show the entire site on the plan and outline all utility easements. 9. Provide complete details on proposed wall signs and reference the sign checklist for requirements. Provide color samples for the "Walmart" sign and logo. 10. Provide a revised architectural drawing with complete details of the monument sign. Reference the sign checklist for requirements. Include the dimensions of the proposed lettering and logo, the method of illumination, and the opacity of the background. Provide color samples of both the orange to be used for the graphic logo and the blue background. Revise the landscape plan to identify the species to be placed in the planters of the monument sign. 11. Revise the existing site plan to show the flagpole and revise the proposed site plan to show the location of the proposed flagpole. Indicate the height of the flagpole. ARB 10/6/2008 Walmart Store Expansion - Page -6