HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200800139 Review Comments No Submittal Type Selected 2008-10-06c��pF AL &FA9'P
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Camille Phillips
From: Gerald Gatobu, Senior Planner
Division: Zoning and Current Development
Date: October, 7h 2008
Subject: SDP2008 -00139 Green House Coffee Preliminary Site Plan
The County of Albemarle Division of Zoning and Current Development will grant or recommend approval of
the preliminary site plan referred to above once the following comments have been addressed: [Each comment is
preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise
❑ 32.5.6 The preliminary site plan shall contain the following information:
❑ a.
Sheet number and total number of sheets; a cover sheet would be helpful. Include a legend with sheet
number and what each sheet depicts on the front cover.
■ Owner, zoning, tax map and parcel number and present use of adjacent parcels; it is difficult to
distinguish adiacent properties. Clearlv delineate denartinLy lot lines to better define adiacent pronertv
■ Minimum setback lines, a parking setback of 3 feet is shown to the retaining wall on the adjacent
property. The retaining wall is shown as being on TMP 56A1 -01 -124. The parking setback needs to be
to the property line for TMP 56A1 -01 -120 and not to the retaining wall on the adjacent property.
❑ b. Written schedules or data as necessary to demonstrate that the site can accommodate the proposed use
• Maximum height of all structures; what is the height of the existing building? Indicate /add this to the
site plan.
• Maximum amount of impervious cover on the site; Please clarify
❑ d.
• Existing topography (up to twenty [20] percent slope, maximum five [5] foot contours, over twenty
[20] percent slope, maximum ten [10] foot contours). Include an existing conditions page that will
show current site conditions.
• Areas of the site where existing slopes are twenty -five (25) percent or greater. Show on the site plan
areas where existing slopes are >25 percent.
❑ e. Existing landscape features as described in section As mentioned above, an existing
conditions page should be included as a separate sheet on the site plan. This sheet should include or
show areas of the site where slopes are greater than 25 percent, therefore satisfying the above two
❑ f. The name and location of all watercourses and other bodies of water adjacent to or on the site.
Indicate if the site is located within a reservoir watershed. Show the location of the 100 foot steam
buffer on the site plan. This site is located in the Beaver Creek Water Reservoir water supply watershed.
Add this note to the site plan.
❑ j. Location and size of: existing water and sanitary sewer facilities and easements; storm sewer
facilities, drainage channels; and drainage easements. Show the location of existing water facilities
and easements on the site plan. I can find existing sanitary sewer facilities, but cannot find existing
water facilities and easements.
❑ k. Proposed conceptual lay -out for water and sanitary sewer facilities and storm drainage facilities
including storm detention ponds or structures, indicating direction of flow in all pipes and
watercourses with arrows. Show the location of existing water facilities and easements, storm
drainage facilities including storm detention ponds or structures, indicating direction of flow in all pipes
and watercourses with arrows on the site plan.
❑ 1. Location of other existing and proposed utilities and utility easements. Show the location of existing
water facilities and easements on the site plan.
❑ n. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements including:
• Buildings (maximum footprint and height) and other structures; as noted above, what is the height
of the structure?
• Trash containers;
• Signs
[Section 20B.71 Sidewalks and Street trees
A. Sidewalk design. Each sidewalk proposed to be accepted for maintenance by the Virginia Department of
Transportation shall be designed and constructed according to Virginia Department of Transportation
standards or to the standards in the design standards manual, whichever is greater. Each sidewalk
proposed to be privately maintained shall be constructed using concrete, designed so that no
concentrated water flow runs over them, and otherwise satisfy the standards in the design standards
manual. Each sidewalk on Crozet Avenue, Three Notch'd Road and the street identified in the Crozet
master plan as the new Main Street shall be at least ten (10) feet wide. All other sidewalks shall be at
least eight (8) feet wide.
D. Waivers from sidewalk requirements. In accordance with the procedures stated in subsection 20B.3 (I), the
agent may waive the requirements for a sidewalk and/or street trees where the developer demonstrates that: (i)
the Virginia Department of Transportation prohibits establishing sidewalks and/or planting street trees; or (ii)
existing utility easements prohibit establishing sidewalks and /or planting street trees.
The developer /applicant has not demonstrated that (i) the Virginia Department of Transportation prohibits
establishing sidewalks and/or planting street trees; or (ii) existing utility easements prohibit establishing
sidewalks and /or planting street trees, therefore the agent cannot approve (denies) the sidewalk design
Section 20B.3.I.3
Appeal to the commission or the board. The denial of a waiver, or the approval of a waiver with conditions
objectionable to the applicant, may be appealed from the director to the commission and from the commission to
the board, as the case may be, as an appeal of a denial of the plat, as provided in section 14 -226 of the Code, or
the site plan, as provided in sections or of this chapter, to which the waiver pertains. If
subdivision plat or site plan approval is not required, the applicant may file a written appeal with the clerk of the
board of supervisors within ten (10) days of the date of the written action by the director or the commission. A
waiver considered by the commission in conjunction with an application for a special use permit shall be subject
to review by the board of supervisors without the filing of an appeal. In considering a waiver on appeal, the
commission or the board may grant or deny the waiver based upon its determination of whether one or more
applicable circumstances exist or criteria are satisfied, amend any condition imposed by the director or the
commission, and impose any conditions deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare.
Appeal the Sidewalks waiver denial to the Planning Commission. The planning commission will hear the
appeal and act on the waiver.
Please contact Gerald Gatobu at the Division of Zoning and Current Development at 296 -5832 ext.3385 for
further information.