HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-03-07 adjMarc~7, 1983 (Afternoon Meeting) (Adjourned from March 2, 1983)
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was
held on March 7, 1983, at 1~00 P.M., in Meeting Room #7 of the Albemarle County Office
Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. This meeting was adjourned from
March 2, 1983.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. James R. Butler (Arrived at 1:06 P.M.), Mrs. Patricia H.
Cooke, Mr. Gerald E. Fisher, Mr. J. T. Henley, Jr., Mr. C. Timothy Lindstrom (Arrived at
1:05 P.M.), and Miss Ellen V. Nash.
of Finance.
Messrs. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive, and Ray B. Jones, Director
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order.
the Chairman, Mr. Gerald Fisher.
At 1:00 P.M., the meeting was called to order by
Agenda Item No. 2. Work Session 1983-84 Budget. Mr. Agnor prefaced his remarks by
reviewing the layout of the budget book to assist the Board in finding the materials to be
Agenda Item No. 2a. Board of Supervisors. Miss Lettie E. Neher, Clerk to the Board
of Supervisors, was present. Mr. Agnor noted that the total amount requested for this
department is $191,515 and that he is recommending $194,610. (NOTE: At 1:05 P.M., Mr.
Lindstrom arrived. At 1:06 P.M., Mr. Butler arrived.) Mr. Agnor explained that in this
budget, as well as the budgets of many other departments, dollar figures for telephone and
salary have seemingly increased dramatically. Mr. Agnor explained that due to problems
with the computer print-out for the telephone system, no bills have been paid by the
County for many months; therefore, figures presented in this budget are estimates. Mr.
Agnor then noted that regarding salaries, due to a change in Federal legislation, the
County will no longer be allowed to use the F.I.C.A. system after December 31, 1983, and
must revert to the former method of calculating F.I.C.A. deductions. Mr. Agnor said this
changeover appears as a decrease in the F.I.C.A. category and an increase in the salary
categories of the budget.
Mr. Ray B. Jones, Director of Finance, noted that due to a change in State purchasing
procedures, professional services must be put out for bids and that a "single audit process"
will be used.
Miss Neher noted that there is no request in the Board of Supervisor budget for word
processing equipment. Miss Neher said it is her feeling that such equipment would not be
beneficial to the department until the Planning Department is placed on compatible equip-
There were no other comments on this department's budget and no changes in the amount
of $194,610 as recommended by the County Executive.
Agenda Item No. 2b. County Executive. Mr. Agnor explained that the requested
amount of $100,925 and recommended amount of $101,250 is a 3.94% increase over last
year's budget. Miss Nash asked about the 33% increase in the category for office supplies.
Mr. Agnor said this item was drastically under funded last year. Board members offered no
changes from the amount of $101,250 as recommended by the County Executive.
Agenda Item No. 2c. Personnel. Mr. Agnor said the total amount requested is $79,645
and that he is recommending $78,835. Mr. Agnor noted that code #100700 is the line item
for salary adjustments and is the holding account for merit raise money. Mr. Agnor also
noted that advertising costs are down while tuition refunds have increased, both mainly
because of the tight job market and poor economy.
Mr. Fisher asked if the final report on the pay and classification plan review has
been received. Mr. Agnor said the report should arrive shortly. Mr. Agnor said the need
for a full-time director of personnel is becoming greater and that he has discussed this
with Dr. Gutierrez, Superintendent of Schools. Mr. Agnor said he would prefer that this
position be responsible for all personnel matters for both general government and school
employees. Mr. Agnor noted that he is presently spending a large percentage of his time
on personnel matters, and would like to see a position of director of personnel filled
beginning July 1, 1983; expenses for this position are not included in this recommended
Mrs. Cooke asked about the employee currently handling personnel matters for the
general government, Mr. Agnor said that person is classified as a technician. The technicia:
position would remain, and the position of director, as well as a secretarial position,
would be added.
Mr. Agnor noted that a new category shown in this personnel budget is for the Public
official Liability Insurance recently authorized by the Board of Supervisors.
There were no other comments or changes in the amount of $78,835 recommended by the
County Executive.
Agenda Item No. 2d. Legal Services. Mr. George R. St. John, County Attorney, was
present. Mr. Agnor said one new item added in this budget, is Code #3002 which is reinstated
to cover costs involved in hiring court reporters for transcribing court cases.
There were no other comments regarding this budget, or ohanges in the $125,625 recom-
mended by the County Executive.
March 7, 1983 (Afternoon Meeting)
(Adjourned from March 2, 1983)
Agenda Item No. 2e. Data Processing. Mr. Fred Krmger was present. Mr. Agnor said
one additional employee is recommended in order to begin shift work in this department.
Mr. Agnor noted increases in the category of maintenance contracts, due to the recent
purchase of additional computer equipment. Mr. Agnor discussed the new areas of general
government work which will be placed on the computer in the upcoming year. There were no
changes in the recommended amount of $326,865 as stated by the County Executive.
Agenda Item No. 2f. Finance. Mr. Ray Jones, Director of Finance, was present. Mr.
Agnor stated that employee compensation under the "Director of Finance" code increased due
to the hiring of an additional person to the position of "staff accountant" in the office
of the Director of Finance. Mr. Agnor noted also that machinery and equipment costs will
increase because of computer terminals being installed between the offices of Finance and
Data Processing. Mr. Agnor said the total request for the Director of Finance is $611,864
and that he would recommend $607,389.
Mr. Agnor noted that the budget for the Real Estate Assessment Division of Finance
shows a new line item category for the computer programming of assessment records by the
Data Processing Department. The cost is $25,000 and allows the computer to accept infor-
mation from the 1985 reassessment survey. The requested amount for the Real Estate
Division is $317,353 and the recommended amount is $343~i58.
Mr. Agnor noted that there are no significant changes in the Purchasing Department
budget. The requested amount is $54,050, with the recommended amount being $53,170.
Mr. Agnor explained that the grant total for the Administrative offices of Finance,
the Real Estate Assessment Office, and the Purchasing Department is $983,267 requested and
that the total amount recommended by the County Executive is $1,003,717.
Mr. Fisher asked about the new Finance Department position of staff accountant and
what the duties would be. Mr. Jones said due to the adoption of many new rules and regula-
tions pertaining to municipal government auditing, he felt it necessary to hire someone
with more indepth education in this field.
Mr. Agnor referred to page 214 and the category of "Refunds". Mr. Agnor noted that
the land use program and tax relief for the elderly and handicapped program were the
largest items. Requested and recommended amount is $2,199,300. Mr. Lindstrom asked how
the present land use program compares with an agricultural-forestal district plan. A long
discussion about this concept ensued regarding planning and finance implications of such a
There was no further discussion of the Finance Department budget and no requested
changes in the total recommended amount of $1,003,717.
Agenda Item No. 2g. Registrar/Board of Elections. General Registrar, Mary Lou
Matthews, was present. Mr. Agnor noted that the total request for this department is
$61,315 and that his recommendation to the Board is $61,270. Miss Nash asked if there
were any provisions in this budget to cover either a primary or a special election. Mr.
Agnor said there are no provisions for such elections and that a special appropriation
will be required later this year to cover the expenses incurred while conducting a recount
of votes from the last House of Delegates election.
There was no further discussion of this department and no change in the total amount
recommended by the County Executive.
Agenda Item No. 2h. Engineering. Mr. Maynard Elrod, County Engineer, was present.
Mr. Agnor noted that the total requested amount for this department was $232,339 and that
he recommends $211,924. Mr. Agnor noted that there was one additional employee trans-
ferred to this department from inspections for the purpose of soil erosion inspections.
Mr. Agnor said that code 5101 "electrical" is for street lights and this dollar figure of
$39,500 exceeds the limit authorized by the Board of Supervisors when the Street Light
Program was originally adopted. Mr. Agnor said this figure will fund existing street
lights, but unless the program is amended, further installations will not be allowed.
Mr. Elrod had no comments regarding this budget. There was no further discussion of
this department budget and no requests to change the amount recommended by the County
Agenda Item No. 2i. Landfills. Mr. Maynard Elrod, County Engineer, was present.
Mr. Agnor noted that the total requested amount for this service was $418,335 and that he
recommends $400,088. Mr. Agnor noted for the Board's information that the Keene Landfill
is rapidly reaching capacity and this will require the Board's review in the near future.
There was no discussion on this budget and no changes requested in the amount recom-
mended by the County Executive.
Agenda Item No. 2j. Staff Services. Mr. William Sullivan, Director of Staff Services,
was present. Mr. Agnor noted that the total requested amount for this department was
$467,322 and that he recommends $439,782. Mr. Agnor said Mr. Sullivan had requested an
additional employee for this department, but Mr. Agnor said he does not recommend that
There was no discussion of this budget and no request to make changes in the recom-
mended amount.
March 7, 1983 (Afternoon Meeting)
(~i_q~£romMarch 2_ 1 8~
Agenda Item No. 2k. ?lannin$. Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., Director of Planning, was
present. Mr. Agnor noted that the total requested amount for this department was $268,295
and that he recommends $269,095. Mr. Agnor noted that there were few changes from last
year's budget, mainly a decrease in operating expenses resulting from the completion of
the printing and binding of the new Comprehensive Plan.
There were no questions or requests to change this budget request as recommended by
the County Executive.
Agenda Item No. 2L. Soil Conservation. Mr. Agnor said the requested amount for this
service is $9,230 and that he would recommend that amount. Mr. Fisher asked if the position
of part-time secretary initially authorized to handle clerical work for the County-wide
soil survey should continue to be funded now that the survey has been completed. Mr.
Agnor said this secretarial position is presently being used to do clerical work for the
watershed management project called the "314 Agricultural Program for the Mechums River".
Mr. Agnor said this could be further studied and brought back to the Board at the March
16, 1983, budget work session. Mr. Fisher and other Board members agreed that this matter
should be further investigated.
Agenda Item No. 2m. Watershed Management. Mr. William K. Norris, Watershed Management
Official, was present. Mr. Agnor said the County's share of the costs for this office
will be totally reimbursed by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority this year under a
joint resolution adopted by the Board and City Council in January, 1983. Mr. Agnor said
the total requested amount is $26,825 and that he would recommend funding in the amount of
$26,605. There was no discussion or request to change the amount as recommended by the
County Executive.
At 3:00 P.M., Mr. Fisher requested a brief recess.
The meeting reconvened at 3:i0
Agenda Item No. 2n. Virginia Public Assistance. Ms. Karen Morris, Director of
Social Services, was present. Mr. Agnor said the amount requested for administration of
this department is $816,272 and that he would recommend funding in the amount of $813,172.
Mr. Agnor said three other areas of social services covered in this budget are payments,
Fuel Assistance and Food Stamps. Mr. Agnor said the total budget for all areas of Virginia
Public Assistance as requested by Ms.. Morris is $1,585,474 and he recommends funding in
the amount of $i,582,724.
Board members asked questions regarding the current economy of the country and how it
has affected the local social services programs. No change in the County Executive's
recommendation was suggested.
Agenda Item No. 2(o). Parks and Recreation. Mr. Patrick K. Mullaney, Director of
Parks and Recreation~ was present. Mr. Agnor explained that the majority of increases
throughout this budget are due to the Scottsville S~Qo~being used as a recreational
facility. Mr. Fisher said since this facility generates such substantial costs for
utilities and maintenance, disposition of the property should be discussed in detail by
the Board in the next few months.
There was no further discussion and no recommendations by Board members to change
budget figures recommended by the County Executive of $448,740.
Agenda Item No. 2p. Housing. Mr. Russell Otis, Director of Housing, was present.
Mr. Agnor noted that this department had requested funding in the amount of $55,180 and
that he is recommending $55,280. Mr. Agnor said another adjustment of the amount requested
must be made because an employee presently being shared with the Department of Planning on
a half-time basis was not included.
Mr. Otis stated that he believes the Federal Government will continue to fund this
program because of it's low administrative costs. There was no discussion by the Board,
with the change mentioned to be made at another meeting.
Agenda Item No. 2q. Circuit Court. Mr. Harry Young was present. Mr. Agnor said the
Circuit Court requested $17,350, but that he is recommending $19,900 because Of a change
in cost paid per day per juror.
The Board had no questions of Mr. Young, and made no recommendation to change the
~19,900 budget as recommended by the County Executive.
Agenda Item No. 2r. Extension Service. Ms. Elizabeth Payne of the VPI-SU Extension
Service was present. Mr. Agnor said he received a request for funding in the amount of
$71,410. Mr. Agnor noted that the Extension Service is scheduled to move into Phase II of
the County Office Building in the fall of this year, which will impact the budget. Mr.
Agnor said the expenses for rent at McIntire School, along with telephone costs must be
adjusted to include the anticipated move.
The Board had no questions of Ms. Payne. Mr. Agnor recommended this item be carried
over to March 16, 1983, in order to present the correct rent and utility cost figures to
the Board.
March 7, 1983 (Afternoon Meeting)
(Adjourned from March 2, 1983)
At 3:55 P.M., Mr. Fisher declared a brief recess.
The meeting reconvened at 4:07
Agenda Item No. 2t. Magistrate. Mr. D. D. Hudson, Magistrate, was present. Mr.
Agnor said Mr. Hudson has requested $2,085 and that is the amount shown as being recom-
mended by the County Executive. Mr. Agnor said since the printing of this budget, notice
has been received that rent for office space will increase by $150; this expense is shared
equally with the City of Charlottesville. Mr. Agnor said the total recommended amount for
the Magistrate should now be $2,160.
There were no questions from members of the Board. It was the Board's concensus to
accept the new recommendation of the County Executive for $2,160.
Agenda Item No. 2s. General District Court. No one was present representing this
department. Mr. Agnor said the Court requested funding in the amount of $8,850 but he
would recommend $8,880.
There were no questions from members of the Board and no changes made in the total
funding recommended by the County Executive.
Agenda Item No. 2u. Juvenile Court. No one was present representing this department.
Mr. Agnor said there were no details yet available from the City on this budget and he
would recommend placing this item back on the Board's agenda for March 16, 1983.
Agenda Item No. 2v. Clerk of the Circuit Court. No one was presen~ representing
this department. Mr. Agnor said a request was received in the amount of $204,625 but that
he was recommending $205,775.
There were no questions from Board members and no changes recommended.
Agenda Item No. 2w. Commonwealth's Attorney. Mr. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Commonwealth's
Attorney, was present. Mr. Agnor said $173,940 was requested but it is recommended that
this office be funded in the amount of $170,115.
There were no questions from members of the Board and no recommendations for changes.
Agenda Item No. 2x. Sheriff. Sheriff George Bailey was present. Mr. Agnor said
Sheriff Bailey had requested funding in the amount of $1,326,045 but that the County
Executive's recommendation is for $1,306,515. Mr. Agnor noted that this budget contains
funding for two additional deputies plus the half-time position recently approved. Mr.
Agnor briefly discussed the operation of patrol vehicles and purchase of vehicles. Sheriff
Bailey reported on recent crime figures and requested the Board to approve the request for
two additional deputies.
Mr. Lindstrom asked Sheriff Bailey if he felt two additional deputies are sufficient
to adequately patrol the County. Sheriff Bailey said four deputies were originally
requested, but following discussions with Mr. Agnor, he had reduced that request to two.
Mr. Lindstrom said he would be receptive to requests from the Sheriff for additional
manpower if the Sheriff felt the need existed. Sheriff Bailey said he would consider that
statement next year at budget time, adding that he would like to work toward a forty-hour
work week.
There were no other comments from members of the Board and no requests to change the
County Executive's recommendation of $1,306,515.
Agenda Item No. 2y. Fire Department. Fire Chief Julian Taliaferro was not present
during discussion of this department's budget, although he arrived later in the meeting
and was informed of the Board's decision. Mr. Agnor noted that the fire department's
request is for $473,329 and that he recommends only $313,929. Mr. Agnor summarized the
negotiations regarding a new contract with the City for fire services and stated that
dollar figures are not reflected in this budget since that contract is not complete. Mr.
Agnor said he felt the possible impact of this proposed agreement (which would cover such
fire services as arson, ladder equipment, inspections, etc.) would be so substantial to
Albemarle County that funding of the agreement should be targeted for July 1, 1985. Mr.
Agnor said the large reduction from the requested amount is because a request for a new
fire engine was transferred to the capital improvement program for funding consideration
in the 1983-84 fiscal year.
Mr. Agnor said he would recommend funding the amount of $313,929. There were no
comments from members of the Board and no recommendations to change the recommendation of
the County Executive.
Volunteer Fire Departments. Mr. J. T. Morris, Chairman of the Jefferson Country
Firemen's Association Finance and Budget Committee, was present. Mr. Agnor explained this
budget request by first stating that the requested amounts as shown are not accurate. Mr.
Agnor said the total amount as shown in this budget request is $205,540 and the recommenda-
tion is also shown as $205,540. Mr. Agnor said since the printing of the budget document,
the request for each fire company has been revised from $28,220 to $28,000. Mr. Agnor
next explained that~the Jefferson Country Firemen's Association request of $8,000 to cover
insurance expenses has been increased to $8,700. Lastly, an additional item for radio
communication equipment has been requested in the amount of $800. Mr. Agnor stated that
the total revised request from the Volunteer Fire Departments is $205,500, and that he
would recommend approval of same by the Board.
March 9, 1983 [R~gular Day Meeting)
March 7, 1983 (Afternoon Meeting)
~Adjourned from March 2, 1983)
Board members had no objections to the changes as described by Mr. Agnor, and agreed
to go to public hearing with the recommended amount of $205,500.
Forest Fire Extinction. Mr. Agnor said there has been no change in this request for
the past few years, and he would recommend the amount requested of $3,020. There was no
discussion by the Board or change in the recommendation of the County Executive.
Agenda Item No. 2z. Rescue Squads. Representatives of the Scottsville and Western
Albemarle Rescue Squads were present. Mr. Agnor stated that the total amount requested by
the three rescue squad companies is $36,450 and that he would recommend approval of that
amount by the Board of Supervisors. ~ ~ ~¥~j~
Mr. Fisher asked about the
s~a~ and stated his concern about the lengthy training requirements.
At the conclusion of the discussion regarding Certification of technicians, the Board
reached a concensus to accept the recommendation of the County Executive and go to public
hearing with the suggested funding in the amount of $36,450.
Agenda Item No. 3.
Other Matters Not listed on the agenda. There no other matters
Agenda Item No. 4. Adjourn. At 5:17 P.M., Mr. Fisher declared the meeting adjourned.
March 9, 1983 (Regular Day Meeting)
A regular meeting of~ the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, was held on March 9,
1983, at 9:00 A.M., in Meeting Room #7 of the Albemarle County Office Building, Charlot-
tesville, Virginia.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. James R. Butler, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. Gerald E.
Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., C. Timothy Lindstrom and Miss Ellen V. Nash.
OFFICERS PRESENT: Messrs. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; Frederick W. Payne, Deputy
County Attorney; and Robert W. Tucker, Jr., Director of Planning.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call To Order.
the Chairman, Mr. Fisher.
The meeting was called to order at 9:04 A.M., by
Agenda Item No. 2. Consent Agenda. Motion was offered by Mrs. Cooke, seconded by
Mr. Henley, to approve the consent agenda consisting of one item for approval and seven
items as information. Roll was called on the motion and same carried by the following
recorded vote:
Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash.
Item No. 2.1. Statements of Expenses for the Department of Finance, Sheriff, Common-
wealth's Attorney and Regional Jail for the month of February, 1983, were presented; said
statements were approved as presented.
Item No. 2.2. Report of the Department of Social Services for the month of January,
1983, was presented in accordance with Virginia Code Section 63.1-52.
Item No. 2.3. Report of the County Executive for the month of February, 1983, was
presented as information in accordance with Virginia Code Section 15.1-602.
Claims against the County which had been examined, allowed and certified for payment
by the Director of Finance, and charged to the following funds for the month of February,
1983, were also presented as information:
Commonwealth of Virginia Current Credit Account
General Fund
School Fund
Cafeteria Fund
Textbook Fund
McIntire Trust Fund
Joint Security Complex Fund
Federal Revenue Sharing Fund
Grant Project Fund
Capital Improvements Fund
Town of Scottsville 1% Local Sales Tax
Mental Health Fund
$ 224.94
2 161,505.45
' 25,89~.95
~ 62 56
382 08
· 2~9,856.78