HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-03-14 adjMarch 1~1~ (Afternoon Meeti~g--A~rned from March ~.~83_1 An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on March 14, 1983, at 1:00 P.M. in Meeting Room 7, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia; said meeting adjourned from March 9, 1983. Present: Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr. (Arrived at 1:25 P.M.), C. Timothy Lindstrom and Miss Ellen V. Nash. Absent: Mr. James R. Butler. Officer Present: County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr. Agenda Item No. 1. Mr. Fisher. The meeting was called to order at 1:11 P.M. by the Chairman, Agenda Item No. 2. Work Session: 1983-84 County Budget. Agenda Item No. 2a. Joint Security ComPlex. Mr. Mike McMahan, Jail Administrator, was present. Mr. Ray Jones, Director of Finance, was present and summarized the budget for the JOint Security Complex by noting changes in various line items of the budget. The Jail Board requested amount was for $78,360 and the recommended amount is for $66,800. Mr. Jones then noted that he had reviewed this revision with Mr. McMahan and two of the Jail Board members. Mr. Fisher asked if the entire Jail Board had reviewed this with the revisions. Mr. Mannie Norford, Jail Board member, was present and said the committee assigned by the Jail Board to work on this budget had reviewed this information and he felt the Board in its entirety would support the revision. However, a meeting of the Jail Board is to be held on March 17, 1983 and this will be presented to them at that time. Agenda Item No. 2b. Building Inspections. The request was for $383,195 and the recommended amount is $382,020. Mr. Robert Vaughn, Director of Inspections, was present. Mr. Agnor said the personnel section of this budget shows a part-time employee that should be carried in the Zoning Department. Therefore, this change will be presented to the Board on March 16, 1983. Mr. Agnor noted the operational costs for the department for the coming year have decreased 8.9% due to a decline in construction activities. Mr. Agnor said he recommended that the $34,245 for the operational functions of this department be advertised for the public hearing. Agenda Item No. 2c. Zoning. The request was for $124,930 and the recommended amount is $124,955. Mr. Robert Vaughn, Zoning Administrator, was present. Mr. Agnor said the personnel line item should contain the part-time position which was included in the Building Inspections budget and he is recommending this position be changed to a fu/~time position. Activities have increased for this clerical position in the zoning department. The figures for this change will be presented to the Board on March 16, 1983. He then noted that there is a decrease in the personnel line item due to the transfer Of the soil erosion inspector to the engineering department. The operations part of the budget has decreased 2.8% primarily due to vehicle usage. Agenda Item No. 2d. Animal Control. The requested and recommended amount is $55,473. Mr. Agnor said the operational part of this budget increases 64.24% due to the replacement of a vehicle. Agenda Item No. 2e. Emergency Services. The requested amount was for $6,704. Mr. Agnor said the recommended amount is $6,280 which is a 6.12% increase over the current level of funding and the reason is the merit increase and cost of living. Agenda Item No. 2f. Thomas Jefferson Health District. The requested amount was for $376,475 and the recommended amount is $321,700. Dr. Richard Prindle, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said the County and City have been reviewing budget requests for joint agencies for a number of years and the timetable for submission of these requests differ. Therefore, he is recommending that these type of budget requests be separated next year due to the dramatic revisions which have occurred since the submittal of this budget request. Mr. Agnor said the Health Department had originally requested $376,475 and he had recommended $321,700 which was a 4% increase over the current year's level of funding, however, the requested figure has been reduced to $340,480 which is a result of the General Assembly's action on the State budget. One primary reason for the reduction is that the State will fund the employee's share of the retirement contribution which is 5% of the salary and there being no merit increases. Ail other state revenues are assumed to be at the same level as the current year. The appropriation for the current year is $309,326 and the revised request is an increase of 10% over the current level. Mr. Agnor then summarized the programs provided by the Health Department. He noted that the information on the amount of people served is not in a format useful to the County without a breakdown of the cost involved for the services rendered. The ratio of 45% local and 55% state costs has been used for many years but through research of files the basis for the County March 14, 1983 (Afternoon Meeting--Adjourned from March 9, 1983) share and the City share of the 45% local costs cannot be found. Dr. Prindle is recommending that this ratio be changed and costs done according to the population for the City and County. Mr. Agnor said if any services have to be cut in this budget, indications are that the services provided to County schools will be the area affected. Mr. Agnor then noted his proposal in the budget message to collect fees for septic tank inspection. However, a County ordinance would have to be adopted for this to be imposed. This inspection could either be done by County employees or Health Department employees. However, he preferred the fee be collected at the Health Department since this is where the septic tank permit is issued. Dr. Prindle has indicated that if the Health Department collects the fee the State will keep 55% and the County will only receive 45% of the fee. Therefore, Mr. Agnor said the only way funds could be generated to the County would be for the County to collect the fees. Mr. Agnor then continued with the comments and recommendations of the staff committee. The committee had recommended that the Health Department make greater use of the volunteers and Dr. Prindle has indicated that would be difficult due to the confidentiality of records involved in the department. Dr. Prindle has indicated that evidence of need would be necessary before the suggestion of the staff committee for the hours of operation to be extended after 5:00 P.M. and on Saturday mornings could be implemented. Mr. Agnor then concluded by saying that some method needs to be established with the Health Department to have some basis to determine County costs. Since this information is not available at this time nor is the information on State revenues, he recommended the $321,700 figure be advertised for public hearing as recommended. A brief discussion then followed on the fee arrangement for the septic tank inspection. Mr. Fisher said that more information is necessary regarding the septic tank inspection fee. Mr. Agnor said that can be presented at the budget public hearing. Hearing no suggestions by the Board to change the recommended amount, the recommendation of $321,700 remained. Agenda Item No 2g. Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. The original requested amount was for $439~833 and the recommended amount was for ~4'32,640. Mrs. Betty Kohler, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said the budget request was prepared before the revised library contract which was just approved by the Board, therefore, the request and recommendations have changed. The revised request is for $491,188, an 18.1% increase over the current level of funding. The staff committee suggested that the salary adjustment be changed from 5% plus merit to 3% plus merit making the revised request for Albemarle County to be $4.79,502. City and County officials then met and reviewed the request under the revised contract and considered the various proposals from the library. The committee did not support funding the bookmobile at Albemarle Square or to fill the vacant position at the Gordon Avenue branch but did recommend to restore the Sunday hours at the Central library, extend the hours at the Scottsvi!le and Crozet branches and to allow for the expansion of the Crozet Library once its in its new building. Mr. Agnor said after all these changes, he r~comme~ds $455~,040 which is a 9.~% i~crease over the curren~ level of funding. Motion was then offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Henley, to accept the recommendation of Mr. Agnor for $455,040 to be advertised for the public hearing. Roll was then called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Butler. Age~g' item No. 2h. Region Ten Community Services. Mr. Jim Peterson, Executive Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said the request from Region Ten was for $93,277 and the recommendation is for $90,660, a 4% increase over the current level of funding. The budget is funded by 10% local costs and 90% state. Mr. Agnor said over the past years, Region Ten has been the recipient of federal grants. One grant terminated last year and the other is expected to terminate this year. Therefore, combined with other federal reductions, Region Ten is facing a deficit of $352,727 this year. Region Ten presented two budget requests known as Plan A and Plan B, because of this deficit. Plan A calls for a 7% increase in state and all local contributions. An additional request is being made to the state for $130,000 and $50,185 from both Charlottesville and Albemarle but no additional request to the other participating localities. Plan B calls for a 7% increase in state funding matched by a 7% increase from all localities. The committee recommended Plan B because Plan A would be subsidizing service provisions outside of Albemarle and Charlottesville. Mr. Peterson then noted the formula used to prepare budget requests. He said that Charlottesville and Albemarle are overfunding and the four rural localities are underfunding. Mr. Peterson said request was made to the State to continue the federal block grant f~unding at 75% of the current level which would have been $130,000. Information has just been received from the State that the funding will be continuedi~f~the amount of $178,000. Mr. Peterson said with the release of billing and accounting reports the fees collected for this year are in excess of the budgeted amounts. If this trend continues into next year and with the increased State participation, the additional amount of $50,185 requested from both Albemarle and Charlottesville under Plan A will be offset. He noted disappointment that the staff did not recommend Plan A because of possible decline in employees, under Plan B. Mr. Peterson then concluded that based on the projections for FY 82-83, it is possible that some funds will be returned to the localities and to the state. Mr. Fisher then asked if the information received today changed Mr. Agnor's recommendatio Mr. ~gnor said no. There were no recommendations received to change the $90,660 recommend- ed. Agenda Item No. 2i. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission. Mrs. Wayne Harbaugh, Executive Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said the recommendation is for $18,142 which is a 1.8% increase over the current level of funding. The per capita cost will remain the same, a salary freeze is in effect but depending upon the results of the State budget, state funding could decrease as much as 6%. Mr. Agnor said the request from the Planning District Commission was for $17,892 but the recommendation includes the compensation for the one County citizen appointee to the Commission. Mrs. Harbaugh noted that the Commission is currently operating with a reduced work week pending approval of Community Development Block Grant. Even with those funds, a salary freeze will still be in effect. At 3:22 P.M., the Board recessed and reconvened at 3:30 P.M. Agenda Item No. 2j. Visitors Bureau. Mrs. Betty McLemore, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor reminded the Board that starting in January 1984, the Bicentennial Center and the Visitors Bureau will be combined and this operation will only be from local funds according to an existing contract. The Bicentennial Center is funded by state funds through December 1983 and this budget represents the County's share of the total operation starting in January 1984. The request is for $33,369 and the recommendation is the same which is a 95% increase over the current level of funding. Mr. Agnor also noted that the Visitors Bureau plans to generate some of its own revenue and if successful, some funds may be returned to the localities. Mrs. McLemore was present and noted the revenue generated during the fall was $10,000 and with the upcoming tourist season, revenue should be even greater. Agenda Item No. 2k. Route 29 North Bus Service. Mr. Agnor said the request was for $22,121 and the recommended amount is $18,243. The request represents a proposal from the City to change the one hour headways to thir~y~minu~.e~.~eadways due to t~¥i~creased~rid~r- ship. Mr. Agnor said he does not agree with that request but rather examine the ridership figures and modify the routes by some other method to alleviate the crowded conditions. Mr. Agnor said there has been no indication as to the federal subsidy but should the amount exceed the amount anticipated, then this budget request could be reduced. However, he does recommend retaining the current level of funding. Mr. Fisher noted interest in receiving information regarding the utilization of the buses. Agenda Item No. 2L. Piedmont Virginia Community College. Mr. Joe Jenkins, Financial Officer, was present. Mr. Agnor said the request and recommendation is for $4,115 which is a 14.8% decrease over the current level of funding. He then explained how the County's share of the college board budget is calculated. Mr. Agnor then requested that $500.00 be included in the recommended amount because the compensation for the County representatives on the Community College Board of Directors had not been included. Therefore, the recommended amount should be $4,615. Motion was then offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mr. Henley, to accept the recommendation of Mr. Agnor. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Butler. Agenda Item No. 2m. District Home. Mr. Agnor said the amount of $9,500 budgeted for the current year is insufficient. Costs are projected to be $13,000. Therefore, the amount recommended for FY 83-84 is $13,500. Mr. Agnor said the reason for the increase in funding is due to reductions in medicaid funding for those persons already in the District Home. Mr. Agnor said he and Mr. Jones have discussed including this amount in the Social Services budget since the applicants for admittance into the District Home are reviewed by the Social Services Department. Agenda Item No. 2n. Albemarle Housing Improvement Program. Mr. Gary 01iveria, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said the requested amount was for $141,950 and the recommended amount is for $132,500 which is a 5.99% increase over the current level of funding. Mr. Agnor said the request included $9,000 for costs ineligible for funding under a Community Development Block Grant which was recently submitted by AHIP. The costs are basically for transporting the workers back and forth from the various job sites. Since the grant has not yet been approved, Mr. Agnor felt it more appropriate to review the additional costs at the time the grant is approved. No changes were suggested so the recommended amount of $132,500 remained. March 14~ 1983~(Afternoon Meeting--Adjourned from March 9, 1983) Agenda Item No 2o. Jefferson Area Board for Aging. Mr. Gordon Walker, Executive Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said both the request and recommended amount is $5,057 which is a 7% increase over the current level of funding. Mr. Agnor said the staff committee recommended $4,726 and he recommended the requested amount because JABA was undergoing administrative changes when the staff evaluated the request and all the necessary data was not available at that time. Mr. Agnor felt the request and recommendation was reasonable. Mr. Fisher then welcomed Mr. Walker, the recently appointed Executive Director. Agenda Item No. 2p. JAUNT. Mrs. Linda Wilson, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said both the request and recommended amount is $12,391 which is a 4.23% reduction over the current level of funding. Mr. Agnor then summarized the program synopsis of JAUNT and the comments and recommendations of the staff review committee. He said Mrs. Wilson had submitted memorandum in response to the recommendations of the staff committee. One particular recommendation of the staff was to provide some service to the handicapped in the evenings and on weekends° Mr. Agnor said Mrs. Wilson had indicated that there is a study being conducted to service areas south and west of the City. As to extension of hours, local taxi companies have objected and feel that this would be encroaching on private enterprise. The staff committee had also recommended that the capital funds included in the 1982-83 budget are not totally spent for the construction of JAUNT's new office building, that-those funds might be applied to JAUNT's expanded service areas. However, Mrs. Wilson has stated that if the building is not built or purchased then no federal or state funds will be received and the local share will be returned to the localities. Mr. Agnor agreed to the recommendation by the staff that since JAUNT is now a public service corporation, it should not be part of the social service budget review process next year. Agenda Item No. 2q. Offender Aid and Restoration. Ms. Pat Smith, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said the request was for $17,567 and the recommendation is $15,970 which is the same level of funding as the current year. Mr. Agnor said the formula for budget requests is based on the number of clients served per jurisdiction. The staff has noted that the service has primarily been for City residents. Mr. Agnor said the staff had recommended last year that the funding formula be adjusted to reflect more accurately the distribution of services to each locality; that has not been done. The staff committee recommends that either the local share formula be reworked or that OAR make an effort to serve more County residents. The committee has suggested that funding for FY 1983-84 be conditioned upon some improvement in the number of County residents served. The committee also noted that 7% of OAR's services are for other localities but no funding was requested from those localities. Therefore, the staff committee recommended to either request funding from those localities or delete the services to them. The committee also recommended that the supporting data for this budget request be improved for next year. Ms. Smith said many of the comments made by the staff committee are not under the control of OAR. Offender Aid & Restoration works with persons in the jail and at this time the majority are city residents. Ms. Smith said OAR is now an agency of the United Way so a certain percentage of clients must be served from other localities.~ Ms. Smith said she was interested in any suggestions that the Board can offer on how to work some of the problems out. Ms. Smith said the staff comment that the Community Service Restitution Program was funded from a Community Diversion Grant was not true. Community Diversion contracted with OAR for payment of one part-time staff person only. Ms. Smith then noted that one full time and one part-time employee will be deleted as of june 30, 1983 because the funding will be lost for the Employment Program which was designed to help ex-offenders learn job skills to enable them to find employment. Ms. Smith'said there will not be any CETA funds after September 30, 1983. Ms. Smith concluded by urging the Board to restore a small portion of the OAR request. She noted that the University is currently conducting a study to determine the effectiveness of OAR and upon receipt of same, she will distribute copies to the Board. No recommendation was offered to change the staff's recommendation for $15,970. Agenda Item No. 2r. Madison House. Ms. Wanda Jennings was present. Mr. Agnor said the request and staff committee recommendation was for $4,050. However, he recommended $4,000 which is the current level of funding because since this is a privately endowed organization,~i~!ii~he~'~!i~ felt that this amount was a sufficient contribution since neighboring Jurisdictions do not contribute at all. Mr. Agnor noted that the staff committee felt that Madison House is serving more County residents this year and that was a concern last year. Mrs. Cooke then asked how many months of the year the volUnteer services are offered. Ms. Jennings said the house is open year round but the services are basically offered during the University's school year. Ms. Jennings said the biggest program last year was the Christmas program and 57 out of the 61 families served were County residents. She also noted that the tutoring program at Albemarle High School has increased ~and~i~hen~ber of volunteer workers to AHIP has doubled. I~ Mr. Fisher then disclosed to the Board that his daughter has been working with Madison House this year and did not feel such was a conflict. Mr. Lindstrom said since Madison House has offered more services to the County this year and that was a concern of his last year, he would support the amount requested. He then offered motion to approve $4,050 for Madison House. Miss Nash seconded the motion. Mrs. Cooke said she would not have any problem with the request if the program was for twelve months but since that is not the case, she agreed with Mr. Agnor. Roll was then called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Fisher, Henley (irked because the City does not contribute anything but would support the motion since a lot of the volunteers work with AHIP), Lindstrom and Miss Nash. NAYS: Mrs. Cooke. ABSENT: Mr. Butler. Agenda Item No. 2s. United Way Child Care Scholarship Program.- Chairman of the Committee, was present. Mr. Lane Kneedler, Mr. Agnor said this program has never been funded by the County.. The request is for $14,887 and he does not recommend any funding. Mr. Agnor said this program provides fee- subsidies for low-income families in the planning district. This prog. ram allows parents to work who would otherwise need welfare assistance. There are certain criteria which must be met and the highests~holarship awarded is $24/week and the lowest is $7.50/week. The amount of the scholarship is determined on a sliding scale which takes into account the family's gross income and the total number of children in the family. Last year the total budget for this program was $54,670.00 and an average of twenty-six County children were granted scholarships. The projected budget for next year is $140,349[.]50 with funds to come from all the jurisdictions and an increase from United Way. Mr. Agno~ said localities are being requested for funding due to the removal of families rrom,~:~the Aid to Dependent Children rolls since there have been changes in the state welfare pr'~gram. Mr. Agnor said the request to Albemarle County is based on a three year usage and seventeen percent was determined to have been for Albemarle County children. The staff ~committee did not recommend funding for several reasons. Given the scarcity of funds arid the competitio for funds, the Committee did not feel it could support any new programs. The Committee was also concerned that this organization was previously funded by private sources and now requesting governmental support and was curious if other fund raising avenues had been explored. In conclusion, the Committee felt that if a fee-subsidy program for child care is supported, that the funding be provided through the County's general fund and the program be administered by the County. Mr. Lane Kneedler said the goals of the program are to provide quality child care to the children involved in the program and to assist parents who are working and would l'ike to continue doing so. He emphasized that the persons involved in this program are not now on welfare. He explained that this program began in the late 1960's as the Barrett Day Care Center and in the mid 1970'~s, shifted from that idea to establishing this program. Mr. Kneedler said this program has been a top priority of the United Way during the last three years. However, due to a decrease in funding, United Way cannot provide as much support as in the past. He also noted that the highest scholarship is $25/week and the lowest is $15.00/week. Mr. Kneedler then summarized how the program operates and the number of children involved. Mr. Kneed~er said this pro~ram is not a part of the State's Aid to Dependent Children Program but is for low-income families. Mr. Kneedler explained that the $14,887 requested from the County was determined by the amount of County children using the program in the last three years plus other factors. Mr. Kneedler said as for fund raising activities, the United Way prohibits separate fund raising events for fear that this would hurt the United Way campaign. Mr. Kneedler felt that this existing organizati was the best approach to conduct the program instead of a different program being started by the County. Mr. Kneedler concluded by stating that the City Manager has included $40,344 in the City budget for the program but responses have not been received from the other localities. Mr. Lindstrom said he too had difficulty in supporting a new program when there is a School Budget which cannot be fully funded. Miss Nash felt this program is similar to the after school program at Stone Robinson School and with Federal cuts, some agency will have to fund these programs or more people will be on welfare. She then offered motion to approve the request for $14,887 for the United Way Child Care Scholarship Program. No second was received and the motion died. Mr. Henley and Mrs. Cooke both agreed with Mr. Lindstrom's statement. Agenda Item No. 3. Discussion: re: Seminole Trail Request. Mr. Fisher said this matter was presented by letter dated February 23, 1983, from Dr. F. A. Iachetta, President of the Seminole Trail Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. and was deferred to this date in order that the Director of Planning and the Deputy County Attorney could review the request concerning a site plan condition requiring that a connector road be constructed between Commonwealth Drive and Berkmar Drive. Mr. Fisher-then referred to the following memorandum dated March 11, 1983, from Mr. Tucker: "At it's meeting on March 9, 1983, the Board of Supervisors directed Fred Payne and me to submit recommendations concerning the request made by Dr. Iachetta with regard to the public road connector proposed between Commonwealth Drive and Berkmar Drive. As you recall, Dr. Iachetta, on behalf of the Seminole Trail Volunteer Fire Department, requested that the Board of Supervisors decide whether public access between the streets referred to above is warranted. March 16, 1983 (Afternoon Meeting--AdjoUrned from March 14, 1~83) ___K~j~noon Meetin_gr_~purned from March _~_,_ __1~ ~ ) Mr. Payne and I agree that the.appropriate action for the Board of Supervisors to follow in order to decide this matter is to: - Adopt a Resolution of Intent to amend the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan with regard to the proposed connector road between Berkmar Drive and Commonwealth Drive specifying that the connector road is to be for emergency use only; and - Request the Planning Commission to review the Seminole Trail Volunteer Fire Department's and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad's Site Plan condition relating to the proposed connector road, with recommendation to the Board of Supervisors." Mr. Fisher asked the purpose of the words "emergency use only" instead of saying a public road. Mr. Tucker explained that the condition in the special use permit refers to the use of the road as being for emergency use only until such time as this Board determines that public access or a~road is necessary. Mr. Tucker said according to the statement of Dr. Iachetta at the March 9, 1983 meeting, the Fire Department is not contesting the emergency use of that access road, but rather whether or not the road should be a public road. Mr. Tucker said if no action is taken on the request, this would remain as a public right-of-way and noted that it is shown in the Comprehensive Plan as-a public right-of- way. Mr. Lindstrom said he understands that the fire department does not have the funds to construct the road and their basic concern is being able to obtain their certificate of occupancy in order to use the building for bingo games. A lengthy discussion followed on what could be done to alleviate this problem. The entire Board was not familiar enough with this matter to make any decision. Therefore, the Board requested that the minutes of meetings on the site plan and the special use permit, as well as a recommendation from the Planning Department on the future needs for the road, be received for further discussion on April 6, 1983, at 4:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 4. Other Matters Not on the Agenda. There were none offered. Agenda Item No. 5. At 5:24 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mrs. Cooke, to adjourn to March 16, 1983, at 1:00 P.M. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. None. Mr. Butler. March 16, 1983 (Afternoon Meeting) (Adjourned from March 14, 1983) An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on March 16, 1983, at 1:00 P.M., in Meeting Room #7 of the Albemarle County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia. This meeting was adjourned from March 14, 1983. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. James R. Butler (arrived at 3:30 P.M.), Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr. (arrived at 1:15 P.M.), C. Timothy Lindstrom (arrived at 1:10 P.M.), and Miss Ellen V. Nash. OFFICERS PRESENT: of Finance. Messrs. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive, and Ray B. Jones, Director Agenda Item No. 1. Call To Order. the Chairman, Mr. Fisher. The meeting was called to order at 1:15 P.M., by Agenda Item No. 2. 1983-84 Budget Work Session. Agenda Item No. 2a. Youth Service Center. Ms. Theresa Rey was present, representing the Youth Service Center. Mr. Agnor said the primary goal of the Center is to "provide community activities which will prevent delinquency and enhance healthy youth development in an effective and efficient manner." He noted that the Center has requested $6,950 and that he is only recommending funding in the amount of $6,242, the same amount as that for the current fiscal year. Mr. Agnor noted that the staff committee has recommended that County funding of the Youth Service Center be conditional upon the City of Charlottesville also funding the Center for the same amount. Ms. Rey spoke next, describing in detail the exact services provided by the Youth Service Center and how dollars received from Albemarle County reflect the amount of funding received from the Commonwealth of Virginia. There was no motion from any Board member to change the recommended amount of $6,242, as stated by the County Executive.