HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200900028 Review Comments No Submittal Type Selected 2009-05-05I'
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia .22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
DATE: May 5"', 2009
Brian K. Bradner P.E. [Dewberry]
551 Piney Forest Road
Danville, VA, 24540.
RE: SDP - 2009 -00028 Mal -Mart Stores Major Amendment
Dear Sir,
The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above. Preliminary
comments for the following divisions of the Department of Community Development and other agencies,
as applicable, are attached:
Albemarle County Division of Zoning & Current Development (Planner)
Albemarle County Division of Zoning & Current Development (Engineer)
Albemarle County Division of Planning (ARB Planner)
Albemarle County Division of Planning (Development Area Planner)
Albemarle County Division of Inspections (Building Official)
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA).
Albemarle County Geographic and Data Services (GDS)
Albemarle County Fire and Rescue
Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed, and should
not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all issues that
could affect approval of the proposed project.
Please make the revisions that have been identified as necessary for preliminary approval by the Site
Review Committee. If you choose not to make the requested revisions, please submit in writing
justification for not incorporating such revisions. Submit eight (8) full size copies and one (1) 11" x 17"
copy to the Department of Community Development including responses to each of the attached
comments of the Site Review Committee by Monday May 181h, 2009. Failure to submit this information
by this. date will result in suspension of the review schedule. Review will resume when revisions are
submitted along with a reinstatement fee of $65. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you
have questions or require additional information.
Gerald Gatobu, Principal Planner
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
Current Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902 -4596
Phone: (434)296 -5832 Ext 3385
Fax: (434)972 -41.26
�pF AL
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Brian K Bradner
From: Gerald Gatobu, Principal Planner
Division: Zoning and Current Development
Date: May 4, 2009
Subject: SDP2009 -00028 Wal -Mart Store Expansion [Major Amendment]
The County of Albemarle Division of Zoning and Current Development will grant or recommend approval of
the major site plan amendment referred to above once the following comments have been addressed: [Each
comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless
otherwise specified.]
0 32:5:6 The preliminary site plan shall contain the following information:
Please add the site plan number SDP200900028 to the site plan for easy reference now, and in
the future.
Zoning; descriptions of all variances, zoning proffers and bonus factors applicable to the site; this
parcel has approved special use permit(s) for outdoor display. Please scan onto the site plan the
special use permit number and the associated special use permit conditions
■ Minimum setback lines, Please add the 30 foot minimum front setback line to the site plan page f
sheet C3
0 b. Written schedules or data as necessary to demonstrate that the site can accommodate the proposed use,
Schedule of parking including maximum amount required and amount provided; parking figures
shown on the site plan (proposed site analysis table on sheet C3) do not match what is shown on
the site plan. I counted 616 spaces which includes 14 cart corral spaces-The parking spaces do not
match what is outlined in -the approved parking waiver. Please revise or explain how the figures
on the site plan were derived.
If a landscape plan is required, maximum amount of paved parking and vehicular circulation areas.
Please indicate-the amount of pavedparking and circulation area in square -feet on the site plan.
This figure will be use to calculate require interior landscaping.
.❑ n. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements including:
y■ Sidewalks: [Albemarle County Code] Please consider providing sidewalk that would
extend from the proposed bus stop location to State Route 29.
Safe and Convenient Access: Albemarle County Code 32.7.2:7 Provide the necessary internal stop
sign(s) by the right turn entrance off Route 29 South
Loading Areas: Loading spaces shall be provided in addition to and exclusive of any parking
requirement on the basis of: (1) one (1) space for the first eight thousand (8,000) square feet of
retail gross leasable area, plus one (1) space for each additional twenty- thousand (20,000) square
feet of retail gross leasable area;
Lumen level (3000 or more must be full cutoff)
Please provide cut sheets for all fixtures that emit more than 3000 lumens. Cut
sheets should provide proof that all fixtures that emit more than 3000 lumens are
full cutoff.
Bulb /lamp location (must be totally within house to be full cutoff)
Luniinaire schedule
Catalog* coordinated with cut sheets
Please provide cut sheets. Cut sheets and the catalog numbers on the luminaire
schedule must match.
Fixture quantity /types coordinated with quantity /types on lighting plan
I could not find/count a lot of the fixtures on the site plan. Please consider making
the fixture size bi er and/or easier to locate.
Pole height/mounting height (ARB)
Colors /finishes (ARB)
Tilt (must be 0 for full cutoff)
Ensure that tilt is 0 or full cutoff
Fixture locations
Location conflicts with trees, utilities, etc.
Please make sure that fixture locations do not conflict with trees and utility
Coordination with other site plan sheets
Thank you, this has been adequately addressed.
Shielding issues (freestanding signs, wall fixtures, etc.)
All wall fixtures must be shielded.
Photometric plan
Adjacent zoning
Thank you, this has been adequately addressed.
Property lines
Thank you, this has been adequately addressed.
Excessive spillover: There is excessive spillover (more than 0.5 foot candles) onto
public roads. Please revise or relocate the fixtures.
Excessive lighting levels (ARB)
Maintenance factor = 1.0
Thank you, this has been adequately addressed.
Standard lighting notes: Add the standard lighting note to the site plan as follows:
"Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more
initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire. The spillover of lighting
from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural
areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle."
Landscape plan in conformance with section 32.7.9.
❑ (a) Street trees shall be required along existing or proposed public streets in any development which is
subject -to site development plan approval in all commercial and industrial districts and residential
development of a density of four (4) dwelling units per acre or greater. The agent may waiver this
requirement in certain cases where site conditions warrant an alternate solution.
❑ (b) Street trees shall be selected from a current list of recommended large shade trees approved by the agent.
Medium shade trees may be substituted, subject to the approval of the agent when site conditions warrant
smaller trees. The agent may approve substitutions of species of large or medium shade trees.
❑ (c) Street trees shall be planted with even spacing in a row adjacent to the public street right -of -way.
❑ (c) One (1) large street tree shall be required for every fifty (50) feet of road frontage, or portion thereof, if
twenty -five (25) feet or more. -
.❑ (c) Where permitted, one (1) medium shade tree shall be required for every forty (40) feet of road front -age,
or portion thereof, if twenty (20) feet or more.
.❑ (c) The agent may approve minor variations in spacing.
❑ (d) In the case of development with units for sale, the trees shall be protected through an open space or
easement arrangement and shall be maintained by a property owner's association.
COMMENT: Please indicate on the landscape plan 'the number of street trees
existing and -the ones provided with this site plan.
❑All development subject to site development plan review shall include the following required landscaping for
parking lots consisting of five (5) spaces or more:
❑ (a) Street trees: Street trees shall be planted in accordance with section along the public street
frontage which abuts a parking lot.
❑ (a) The trees shall be planted between the street right -of -way and the parking area, within the parking
❑ (a) If required street trees cannot be planted within the parking setback or within ten (10) feet of the street
right -of -way due to sight distance, utility easement or other conflicting requirements, then the planting strip
shall be enlarged to accommodate the trees.
❑ (a) If this requirement creates a hardship by causing the relocation of required parking spaces, then the
additional planting area may be counted toward the interior landscaping requirement;
❑ (b) Interior landscaping: Exclusive of the requirements of section 32:7.9:7 (a) and (c), an area equal to
five (5) percent of the paved parking and vehicular circulation area shall be landscaped with -trees or
❑ (b) This shall include one (1) large or medium shade tree per ten (10) parking spaces or portion
thereof, if five (5) spaces or more.
❑ (b) Interior landscaping shall be located in reasonably dispersed planting islands or perimeter areas. Shrub
plantings adjacent to a building shall not be counted as interior landscaping;
❑ (c) Additional plantings along public streets: When a parking lot is located such that the parked cars will be
visible from a public street, then additional landscaping of low street shrubs shall be required between the street
and the parking lot.
❑ (c) .Shrubs shall be in a single row planted five (5) feet on center.
❑ (c) Alternate methods of landscaping designed to minimize the visual impact of the parking lot may be
approved by the agent.
COMMENT: Please indicate the number of interior landscape -trees provided.
Section 32:7.9.9: TREE CANOPY
- ❑a. The foregoing notwithstanding, a minimum tree canopy shall be provided in accordance with this section.
"Tree canopy" or "tree cover" shall include all areas of coverage by plant material exceeding five (5) feet in
height at a maturity of ten (10) years after planting. Selection of species for planting shall be in accord with
• (a) Specifications for plantings shall be in accord with section
• (b) Existing trees to be preserved in accordance with section together with trees required
under sections, and shall count toward satisfaction of the minimum tree
❑b. The following minimum requirements shall apply:
❑1. Ten (10) percent tree canopy for a site to be developed with commercial, office or industrial
uses; .
Oc. In the calculation of land area subject to this section, the following areas may be deducted at the
option of the developer:
❑ -Farm land or other areas devoid of woody materials at the time of adoption of this section;
❑- Recreation areas as required under section 4.16;
❑ -Open space areas as required under section 4.7;
❑ -Land dedicated to public use;
❑- Playing fields and recreation areas attendant to schools, day care and the like;
❑ -Ponds or lakes deemed by the agent to constitute a desirable open space amenity;
❑ -Areas required for the preservation of wetlands, flood plain or other areas required to be maintained
in natural state by this chapter or other applicable law;
❑ -Areas approved by the agent in accord with section
❑Deductions provided above shall be cumulative but shall not be duplicative.
❑d. Where existing trees are maintained, a canopy bonus shall be granted as follows:
❑ 1. The area of canopy shall be calculated at ten (10) years of additional maturity;
❑2. The resultant area shall be multiplied by a factor of 1.25.
Please Provide Tree Canopy Calculations to -show how the required (10) percent
tree canopy will/is achieved.
Please contact Gerald Gatobu at the Division of Zoning and Current Development at 296 =5832 ext.3385 for
further information.
�oF A�i
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 1 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Project: Wal -Mart Major Amendment [SDP- 2008 - 00028, WPO- 2008 - 00017]
Plan preparer: Dewberry & Davis, Inc.
Owner or rep.: Wal -Mart Real Estate Business
Plan received date: 14 April 2009
Date of comments: 5 May .2009
Reviewer: Phil Custer
The site plan amendment, ESC, and SWM plans for the Wal -Mart Expansion Project, received on 14 April
2009, has been reviewed. Comments for all three plans are provided in this letter. Engineering review
recommends the applicant request deferral of the site plan amendment so that the comments regarding the
ESC and SWM plans can be addressed.
A. Final Site Plan [SDP- 2009 - 00028]
1. On sheet C2, please note the date and source of the topography.
.2. On sheet C2, please shade all critical slopes. A waiver is needed for critical slope disturbance.
Engineering review of the critical slope waiver request is provided in a separate document.
3. The steepest slope allowed in the County is .2:1. All slopes steeper than 3:1 must have a low
maintenance, non -grass groundcover. Though there are no slopes shown with proposed contours
that fall into these categories, it is safe to assume that the steep slopes uphill of new walls will be
disturbed. When the slopes are restored, show the proposed grading and make sure all slopes
steeper than 3:1 have a low maintenance, non -grass groundcover.
4. Please show topography (existing and proposed, if necessary) and top of wall spot elevations on
the wall detail on sheet C4.1. All segments of the wall taller than 4ft will require a safety railing.
Please show this on the wall section detail and plan view.
-5. On sheet C4.1, please show a dashed line on the plan where the back base of all walls will
approximately be located.
6. VDOT approval is required. At this time, VDOT approval has not yet been received.
7. Engineering has reviewed the traffic study prepared by Ramsey Kemp and has some concerns with
the calculations and findings. The appendix showed several movements within the study area with
a level of service of E. The applicant should investigate possible improvements to bring those
movements up to a level of service of at least D. The County's review of the study also questions
whether a bypass reduction should be used for traffic on Hilton Heights Rd. In addition, the
county believes the increase in peak hour traffic is underestimated because the ITE estimate for
PM peak hour generation (370, considering bypass reduction) is well below the existing traffic
counts for peak hour trips into and out of the site (607 4PM -5PM and 597 5PM -6PM).
8. Is this plan proposing to close the garden entrance? After visiting the site and watching traffic
enter from Hilton Heights Road for a few cycles, I am concerned that pedestrians utilizing this
northern entrance results in longer.queues at the traffic light. Cars turning left into the parking lot
may be forced to wait in the intersection as pedestrians enter and exit the building. Can this
entrance be closed or can foot - traffic in this area be controlled?
9. All parking rows must be protected by a curb island of a 3ft minimum width. Exceptions can be
. made in the area of the handicap spaces as long as bollards are located at the corners of the
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
Page 2 of 4
pavement hatching. Other than the handicap parking area, there are two instances where a curb
island is required.
10. Because of the bollards at the end of the spaces in the parking area north of the building, the 18ft
minimum depth is not provided. It appears as though the spaces are only 16ft long. Please
provide 18ft long parking spaces in this area or request a waiver from the Zoning Administrator.
Engineering review will not recommend approval of this waiver.
11. Please provide a sidewalk on the southern side of the parking lot from the bus stop to the sidewalk
along Route 29. [18-] The sidewalk must be a minimum of 5ft. If bumper blocks are not
used when sidewalk is adjacent to perpendicular parking, the width must be 6ft.
12. With the current grading, the truck entrance will intercept most of the drainage area to the VDOT
inlet and direct it into the site. Please provide a new curb inlet uphill of the entrance or modify the
grading so a 4in/hr storm will continue draining to the existing DI -3 inlet.
13. Please reduce the truck exit travelway grade to 10% or flatter.
14. Please provide at least four spot elevations on the compactor pad showing that water does not run
across it.
15. Please provide pavement sections for all new or replaced pavement.
16. Please provide typical sections for sidewalks and the compactor pad. These sections must be at
least as strong as the sections described in the checklist of the County's Design Manual.
17. Please provide the Albemarle County General Construction notes in the plan set.
18. The modified inlet between the northern entrance and the truck exit must be a VDOT standard
inlet. It appears that a DI -1 is best suited for this retrofit.
19. Please show the proposed grade in the drainage profiles.
20. Please show the depth of MH -1 in the drainage profile.
21. There is a discrepancy in the label of MH -2 between the profile and sheet C4.
22. In a parking lot drainage system, all changes in direction or slope require a VDOT standard
manhole or inlet.
23. Please label the material and strength class for each pipe in the drainage system.
24. The minimum diameter of a private drainage system is 12 ". Engineering review recommends a
minimum pipe diameter of 15 ".
25. All flow drops of 4ft or greater (surface to Inv Out or Inv In to Inv Out) require inlet shaping
(VDOT Standard IS -1). Please specify IS -1 on all necessary structures in the drainage profiles.
26. All new structures taller than 12ft require VDOT Standard SL -1.
27. A drainage area map has been excluded from this submittal. Please submit an inlet drainage area
map which includes: drainage area lines to proposed structures and channels, acreages for each
drainage area, hydrologic. coefficients matching calculations, time of concentration for each
drainage area, and the structure label.
28. Please specify the dimensions of the concrete ditch and provide capacity calculations.
29. Please provide headwater analyses for all new grate inlets. Please show spot elevations around DI-
5 showing that sufficient headwater is provided without backing water up into the walkway.
B. - Stormwater Management Plan [WP0- 2009 - 00017]
1. Before the plan can be approved, the applicant must submit a completed, signed Stormwater
Facility Maintenance agreement and fee. This document is available online document and
procedures . For any questions regarding this process, please contact Pam Shifflett at 434 -296-
5832 x3246.
2. Please submit an approval letter from Filterra.
3. Please provide drainage area maps of the existing and proposed condition to confirm detention
compliance. Each map should include: the drainage area from the point of analysis, acreage of the
drainage area, average hydrologic coefficient, and time of concentration used. Without these
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
Page 3 of 4
maps, it is difficult to verify that the calculations are accurate.
4. It appears as though the new impervious area is not being treated. Instead, the applicant is
proposing to treat existing impervious areas within the parking lot. Please provide a separate
exhibit showing that the drainage areas treated by the Filterras are equal to or greater than the new
impervious area.
5. Please provide the County's General Construction Notes for Stormwater Management Plans in the
6. The detention pipes must be accessible at each end of the facility. The control orifice should be
easily accessible.
7. Trash racks are required on all orifices.
8. The detention calculations are unclear and will require modifications.
a. There are a few pages that analyze runoff from the entire site. The analysis should be
restricted to the watershed of the detention facility.
b. It does not appear the 2 -year storm was routed.
c. The input data for on sheet 1 of 16 does not appear to match the characteristics of the
proposed detention facility.
d. Included in the calculation packet is a stage- storage table that appears to compute the
volume of a singular 5ft diameter pipe that has no slope when the proposed system is two
4ft pipes at a 0.5% slope. I recommend using a routing program that can route pipe
detention systems more easily. If requested, I can also provide you with a stage- storage
table computed by the program the County uses.
e. The program states that the storm being routed is the 24 hour storm, which usually has a
peak of around 12 hours, but the routing results looks as if the Modified Rational Method
was used. If the Modified Ration Method is used, the applicant must show that the critical
storm was routed.
f. The precipitation depth (P) for the 2 and 10 year storms in Albemarle County are 3.7in.
and 5.6in.
9. Please clarify how rainwater from the new roof is directed to the detention system.
10. The SWM portion of the WPO bond will be calculated at the time of plan approval. -
C. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan [WPO- 2009 - 00017]
1. Please provide more detail as to how the 30ft wall is to be constructed. It appears that a
grading /construction easement will be needed onto the adjacent property unless pilings are used.
The smaller wall between Sta. 0 +00 and 0 +90 may also require a temporary construction easement
on the adjacent property.
2. Please include in the set the County's General Construction Notes for Erosion and Sediment
Control Plans.
3. Please reduce the limits of construction to only the area being disturbed. For instance, the western
slope does not need to be included in the limits of disturbance. Also, since no earthwork is being
done in the majority of the parking lot, show limits of disturbance only around the islands and
curbing that will be replaced.
4. Please provide a construction entrance on the plan.
5. Please show a realistic staging and parking area on the plan. The size of this area should be
coordinated with zoning /planning to make sure adequate parking is maintained during
construction. This staging /contractor parking area must be fenced off from the public parking lot
during construction. The temporary fencing should also be provided around the top of the cut
behind all walls.
6. Please provide ESC symbols PS, TS, and DC on the plan where applicable.
7. Please. show all trees to be saved on the ESC plan with tree protection fencing at the drip line.
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review Comments
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8. Please provide a detail showing the existing soil boundaries. The plan appears to group several
soil types in the same area.
9. The maximum drainage area for inlet protection is 1 acre. This comment will be confirmed once
an inlet drainage map is submitted.
10. Please provide an adequate channel analysis meeting all of the requirements specified in the
County's Design Standard Manual. Alternatively, the applicant may overdetain with the facility as
sited by routing the 2 and the 10 year flows through a 3inch orifice.
11. The ESC portion of the WPO bond will be calculated at the time of plan approval.
oC ALB��
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Gerald Gatobu, Current Development planning
From: Phil Custer, Current Development engineering review
Date: 5 May 2009
Subject: Wal -Mart Amendment critical slope waiver request (SDP- 2009 - 00028)
The critical slope waiver request has been reviewed. The engineering analysis of the request follows:
Description of critical slope area and proposed disturbance:
The critical slope disturbance on parcel 45 -68D5 is necessary for a 35,000sf expansion of the existing
store. The construction will extend the building about 95ft towards the south into an area that is shown on
the plan as a parking aisle with spaces on both sides, though this area is currently used for storage. At the
southwest corner of the expansion, the footprint encroaches on critical slopes. This area is the majority of
the critical slopes disturbance on site. The slopes in this area are often at a grade steeper than 50 %.
Secondary areas of critical slope disturbance must occur to construct a few parking spaces along the
southern travelway to the entrance onto Route 29 and for some site work at the rear of the building. These
slopes are graded at approximately 2:1.
The analysis provided in this report is based on the drawing dated 13 April 2009.
Total site
13.28 acres
Critical slopes
14.2% of site
Critical slopes disturbed
30.0% of critical slopes
Exemptions to critical slopes waivers for driveways, roads and utilities without reasonable
alternative .locations:
There are no exemptions for the proposed disturbance.
Compliance with ,Zoning Ordinance 18- 4.2.5.b:
Below is the section of the Zoning Ordinance that specifies instances where the Director of Current
Development may grant a waiver to allow critical slope disturbance. The engineering commentary
regarding the ordinance text is written in bold italics.
Waiver by the agent. In accordance with the procedures stated in section 2.5 of this chapter, the
agent may waive the prohibition of disturbing critical slopes on any parcel not within the Rural
Areas (RA), Monticello Historic District (MHD) or Village Residential (VR) zoning districts in the
following circumstances: (i) the critical slopes were created during the development of the
property pursuant to a site plan approved by the county; or (ii) the critical slopes will be disturbed
to replace an existing structure located on the critical slopes and the extent of the disturbance is
the minimum necessary to replace the existing structure with a new structure whose footprint
Albemarle County Community Development
Engineering Review comments
Page 2 of 2
does not exceed the footprint of the existing structure. The agent may grant a waiver if he or she
(This parcel is located in the Development Area and is zoned Highway Commercial. The critical slopes
on site were created with the construction of site plan SDP - 1991 - 00060.)
1. The property is not identified in the open space plan as one having any protected resources
and a field inspection has confirmed that there are no significant or critical features on the
property identified for protection in the open space plan;
(The planner will determine whether these slopes are protected on the County's Open Space Plan.)
2. There is no reasonable alternative that would eliminate or reduce the disturbance of critical
(Any expansion of this magnitude to the existing building would necessitate the disturbance of critical
3. The developer or subdivider submitted and obtained approval from the program authority of
an erosion and sediment control plan, regardless of whether the area disturbed is less than ten
thousand (10,000) square feet; and
(The applicant has submitted an application for an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and a review of
the plan is currently being performed. Engineering review recommends that any administrative waiver
_for critical slope disturbance be given with a condition requiring approval of an ESC plan.)
4. The developer or subdivider submitted and obtained approval from the county engineer of a
plan that describes how the movement of soil and rock, stormwater runoff, siltation of natural
and man -made bodies of water, the loss of aesthetic resources identified in the open space
element of the comprehensive plan and, in the event of the failure of a treatment works and
subsurface drainfield, a greater travel distance of septic effluent, will be mitigated through
design, construction techniques, revegetation, stormwater management and other best
management practices.
(The Water Protection Ordinance Plan will address all concerns regarding siltation of waterbodies,
stormwater runoff, and the movement of soil and rock. This site is served by public sewer. All slopes
will be revegetated.)
To conclude, it appears that the plan meets all of the standard requirements necessary for granting of an
administrative critical slope waiver with the exception of the site plan having approval for Erosion and
Sediment Control. Engineering review recommends approval of this critical slope waiver with the
condition that the applicant obtain approval of an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
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Albemarle County
,Service Auth*dty
TO: Gerald Gatobu
FROM: Gary Whelan, Civil.Engineer
DATE: May 4, .2009
RE: Site Plan Technical Review for: Wal -Mart Store Expansion
TM 45 -68D5
The below checked items apply to this site.
X -1. This site plan is within the Authority's jurisdictional area for:
A. Water and sewer
B. Water only
C. Water only to existing structure
D. Limited service
A 6 inch water line is located on site.
Fire flow from, nearest public hydrant, located distant from this site plan, is
Gpm + at 20 psi residual.
An 8 inch sewer line is located on site.
An Industrial Waste Ordinance survey form must be completed.
No improvements or obstructions shall be placed within existing or future
and plans are currently under review.
and plans have been received and approved.
No plans are required.
Final and plans are required for our review and approval prior to
granting tentative approval.
Final site plan may /may not be signed.
RWSA approval for water and /or sewer connections.
City of Charlottesville approval for sewer.
Comments: The two fire hydrants and laterals on site are private. Provide a-total
plumbing fixture count to size the meter.
The site plan does not show or incorrectly shows:
meter locations water line size
waterline locations sewer line size
sewer line locations expected wastewater flows
easements expected water demands
168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville • VA 22911 Tel (434) 977 -4511 Fax (434) 979 -0698
May 0, 2009
Mr. Glenn Brooks
Department of Engineering and Development
401 McIntire Rd.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Subject: Site Review Meeting Comments May 7, 2009 site review meeting
Dear Mr. Brooks:
Below are VDOT's comments on the Site Plans for the May 7h, 2009 Site Review Committee Meeting:
SDP -2009 -00028 Walmart Store Expansion -Maior (Gerald Gatobu)
1. A TIA was previously submitted for this expansion to ensure there were not significant impacts to the
surrounding intersection.
2. An internal circulation should be shown to get the trucks into the loading/unloading docks. The right
turn one way exit can be permitted but without proper internal circulation, trucks may attempt to use the
exit ramp for backing into the docks. Please show how truck traffic will flow.
3. A permit will be needed for any construction on the existing state maintained route.
SUB- 2009 -00051 Faulkner Falls (Summer Frederick)
1. The plat appears to match the approved site plan.
SUB- 2009 -00062 Wickam Pond -Phase U -Block I- Preliminary (Summer Frederick)
1. The preliminary plat appears to be consistent with the approved plan.
2. Final plat needs to have items listed in VDOT's subdivision plat checklist included.
Please request the applicants provide a written description of revisions with re- submissions. If you have any
questions or comments, please contact me prior to sharing these comments with the applicants.
Joel DeNunzio, P.E.
Staff Engineer
VDOT Charlottesville Residency
434- 293 -0011
Department of Community -Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832. Fax (434) 972 -4126
April 27, 2009
Brian Bradner
Dewberry & Davis, Inc.
551 Piney Forest Road
Danville, VA .24540
RE: ARB -2008 -163: Walmart; Tax Map 45, Parcel 68D 5
Dear Mr. Bradner:
I have reviewed your submittal for the above - referenced project, which included the following drawings.
• Sheet ARB -0 -5, -8 dated 3/25/09.
• Sheet ARB -6 and 8 dated 10/31/08.
• Sheet ARB -9 -11 dated 1/22/09.
• Architectural Drawing Sheets 1 -11 dated 3/27/09.
I have the following comments:
1. All of the exterior wall light information has been included in the site plan; however, several
of the proposed light fixtures exceed 3,000 lumens and are not full cutoff. Light Fixture L is a
wall sconce located on the side and rear elevations. The 5200 lumen light fixture is the
HIWSU style, which is an uplight, and is therefore not full cutoff. Light fixture F is a ground -
mounted light fixture, and is therefore not full cutoff, and exceeds 3,000 lumens. Although
the F light fixture illuminating the flag pole is acceptable, the five other F light fixtures do not
meet the County code regarding full cutoff light fixtures. Light Fixture J also exceeds 3,000
lumens and is not full cutoff.
.2. Footcandle readings beyond the east property line show light levels ranging from 0.6 to 1.7.
Lighting in the public right -of -way may not exceed one half footcandles.
3. The monument sign drawing states that existing external lighting for the sign is to remain, but
this note has not been included on the lighting plan.
4. The action letter dated March 6, 2009 stated, "Revise the color of the non - illuminated
bollards, benches, and trash cans to one that is more coordinated with the color palette of the
building and signage. Bronze or black would be appropriate for the benches and trash cans."
The elevation drawings show that all the bollards, benches, and trash cans are black;
however, there is no note on the plan indicating this.
Revisions Needed:
1. Revise Light Fixtures L, F, and J to meet the County's definition of full cutoff.
2. Revise the lighting plan to show that no light levels will exceed one half footcandle on the
public right -of -way. Add the following note to the lighting plan: "Each outdoor luminaire
equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire.
The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural
areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle."
3. Include a note on the lighting plan stating that the existing external illumination for the
monument sign is to remain.
4. Include a note in the site plan indicating that the trash cans and benches will be black.
2. Comment: Changes to the Southeast Corner
Changes to the site plan since the previous submittal include a reconfiguration of the southeast corner
of the building, which eliminated four of the proposed Lagerstroemia trees and relocated the set of
windows from north of the Market and Pharmacy entrance bay to south of the entrance bay. The area
where the windows were previously located north of the entrance bay is now shown as rectangular
openings filled with beige split -face CMU. At the ARB meeting on April 20, 2009, the board
commented on the revisions as an Other Business item. The ARB provided the following comments:
It was the consensus of the ARB that the panels filled with painted cmu should be revised to panels of
the darker brick [used in the double - height soldier course circumscribing the exterior facades of the
building] and trees should be added back to the southeast corner of the building.
Revisions Needed: Revise the architectural drawings and site plan to add at least two trees in the
southeast corner of the site near the large planter. Revise the architectural drawings to show the
proposed painted CMU in the panels north of the Market and Pharmacy entrance bay changed to a
darker brick matching the double- height soldier course on the building.
Please provide one set of revised drawings addressing the above issues and a memo outlining how you've
addressed each issue. Submit the attached "Revised Application Submittal" form with your revisions to
ensure proper tracking and distribution. When staff's review of this information indicates that all
conditions of approval have been met, a Certificate of Appropriateness may be issued. If you have
questions, feel free to contact me.
Eryn Brennan
Senior Planner
Cc: ARB File
Application#: SDP200900028 Short Review Comments
Project Name:lWal -Mart Store-Expansion— Major I IlMaior Amendment
Date Completed: 04/20/2009
Reviewer: Andrew.Slack E911
Review Status: No Objection
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:
Review Status:
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:
Review Status:
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:
Review Status:
Reviews Comments:
Eryn Brennan ARB
Requested Changes
This application went before the ARB for general comments as an "Other Business" item on April 20,
2009 regarding a revised application submitted on April 10,2009. ARB comments were provided and
are included in the action letter.
James Barber Fire Rescue
No Objection
\lust comply with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. Approval is subject to field inspection
and verification.
Jay Schlothauer Inspections
No Objection
Based on plans dated April 13, 2009.
No comments or conditions.
Date Completed: 04/28/2009
Reviewer: Judith Wiegand Planning
Review Status: No Objection
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:
Review Status:
Reviews Comments:
Staff has reviewed this site plan for compliance with the current Comprehensive Plan and with the
draft Places29 Master Plan. The proposed,expansion complies with the Comp Plan's regional service
designation on this parcel. The expansion also complies with the draft Places29 Master Plan's
commercial mixed use designation.
Staff supports the expansion of an existing retail outlet that is located near transit access and closer
to many of the users. The changes to the building's facade and landscaping will also be a great
Philip Custer Engineer:Z &CD
No Objection
=SC plan must be approved before the critical slope waiver can be granted.
Page: 1.00 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: Tuesday, May 05, 2009