HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB200900056 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2009-08-05ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #: Name
ARB- 2009 -56: Holiday Inn Express
Review Type
Final Review of a Site Development Plan
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 78, Parcel 9D
Located north of Route 250 East, at the southeast corner of the intersection
of Olympia Drive and Town and Country Lane.
Highway Commercial (HC), Entrance Corridor (EC)
Albemarle Hotel LLC
NBJ Architecture, Neil Bhatt
Magisterial District
To construct a 5 -story hotel with associated site improvements.
ARB Meeting Date
August 17, 2009
Staff Contact
Brent Nelson
• April 6, 2009: ARB 09 -12, Holiday Inn Express, Preliminary Site Plan. Comments were provided for the
benefit of the applicant's next submission (Attachment A).
• A Site Development Plan has not been submitted to Current Development at this time. The applicant
should be aware that additional ARB review may be required if changes are made to the plan following the
SDP submission and review.
The hotel is proposed for a site in the Town and Country Commercial Development, immediately northeast of
the recently completed Guadalajara Restaurant. The existing site has been completely graded and stripped of
all vegetation.
The applicant is proposing to construct a 5- story, 120 room hotel with a flat roof. Site improvements include a
surface parking lot with 135 parking spaces. Vehicular connections are proposed to Town and Country Lane
and Olympia Drive. A 650' long retaining wall, maximum height 4' to 5', is proposed in the northwest corner
of the site.
The proposed building is located 280' northeast of and approximately 13' feet lower than the Route 250E
Entrance Corridor. Despite the location of the existing 1 -story Guadalajara restaurant building between the
proposed hotel and the Corridor, the 5 -story hotel, with its approximately 20,000 s.f. footprint, will be highly
visible from multiple points along this steeply inclined and densely developed commercial corridor.
ARB 8/17/2009 Holiday Inn Express, Final - Page 1
The majority of the changes have been in response to comments provided during the previous review.
Changes beyond that requested include:
• The addition of HVAC grates in the walls and below the windows of the south (front) and west
(side) elevations.
• The addition of the sign/logo box at the east end of the front elevation and the removal of the
sign/logo box in the east (side) elevation.
• The placement of the sign/logo boxes, previously shown 24' from the ground, at 34' from the
ANALYSIS based on drawings submitted:
Site plan drawings submitted:
Sheet A -100: Cover Sheet, date 2/17/09
Sheet 1 of 6: General Notes and Details, date 6/15/09
Sheet 2 of 6: Overall Layout Plan, date 6/15/09
Sheet 3 of 6: Layout Plan, date 6/15/09
Sheet 4 of 6: Utility Plan, date 6/15/09
Sheet 5 of 6: Grading & Drainage Plan, date 6/15/09
Sheet 6 of 6: Landscape Plan, date 6/15/09
Sheet 1 of 2: Photometric Plan, date 6/11/09
Sheet 2 of 2: Lighting Cut Sheets, date 6/11/09
Architectural drawings submitted:
Sheet A -401: First Floor Plan, date 6/1/09
Sheet A -402: Typical Floor Plan, date 6/1/09
Sheet A -403: Roof Plan, date 6/1/09
Sheet A -501: Building Elevations, date 6/1/09
Sheet A -502: Building Section, date 6/1/09
Sheet A -510: Site Section, date 6/1/09
Sheet A -515: Details, date 6/1/09
Rendered Elevations, Front and Side Views, received 6/17/09
Front Elevation, Sign Logo Colors, received 6/17/09
Materials Submitted (received 6/17/09):
• Retaining Wall: Keystone Collection. Shannon Tan
• Channel Letter: Acrylite. GP WM12
Photos submitted (received 6/17/09):
Photo: View I from US Route 250 Looking Left towards Site
Photo: View 2 from US Route 250 Looking Left towards Site
Photo: View 3 from US Route 250 Looking Left towards Site
Photo: View 4 from US Route 250 Looking Straight towards Site
Building Design
ARB 8/17/2009 Holiday Inn Express, Final - Page 2
Issue: HVAC Grates /Glazing/Materials & Colors
Comments: The Color/Material Key on Sheet A -501 Building Elevations does not include the proposed
window glazing. A sample of the window glazing was not provided with this application. A 7% maximum
reflectance is recommended. The proposed color for the HVAC wall and window grates shown in the south
(front) and east/west (side) elevations is not indicated on the drawing. The key indicates that the window
frames are to be white. To mitigate views of the HVAC window grates, a medium bronze color for the window
frame and HVAC grate would be appropriate. Painting the wall grates to match the brick wall in which they are
located would help in mitigating their appearance. The Color/Material Key contains the note: Materials to be
as listed or similar. ARB approval of a proposal is based upon the materials and colors as presented and
approved during the review. Any change, including manufacturer's name and product ID, would require
additional review.
Recommendations: Revise the Material /Color Key on Sheet A -501 Building Elevations to include the
manufacturer and product ID for the window glazing and provide a sample of the glazing. Revise the drawing
to indicate the color of the proposed HVAC wall and window grates; a medium bronze color for the window
grates would be appropriate. Revise the Material/Color Key to indicate the same bronze color for the window
frames. Revise the drawing to indicate the wall HVAC units are to be painted to match the brick wall in which
they are located and remove the note Materials to be as listed or similar.
Issue: Mechanical Equipment/Location/Visibility
Comments: In the previous review of this proposal, the applicant was asked Revise all applicable drawings to
indicate the proposed location of all outside mechanical equipment. Provide details of the method and type of
screen proposed. Provide drawings, including site sections, demonstrating the lack of visibility for any rooftop
equipment that is proposed. These drawings should demonstrate that it is completely screenedfrom allpoints
along the Corridor, including the highest elevation. Provide site sections andphotographs to clarify visibility
of rooftop equipment. Begin at the top of the hill at CarMax and move westward along Rt. 250. Ensure that
rooftop equipment won't be visible. Sheet A -502 Building Section shows the location of the rooftop equipment
at the east and west ends of the building. The drawing indicates the top of the equipment is approximately 4'
below the parapet wall on the front and sides of the building. Each of the 4 photo simulations of the proposal,
as viewed from the Corridor, demonstrates that the rooftop equipment is not expected to be visible. Sheet 2 of
6 ARB Overall Layout Plan shows ground- mounted mechanical equipment in 2 locations along the north (rear)
elevation and 1 location along the west (side) elevation. The hotel structure is expected to eliminate views of
the units along the rear elevation. The ground- mounted equipment in the west (side) would require screening to
eliminate its visibility. A note on the drawing indicates that the equipment in all 3 locations is to be screened
with a wall enclosure to match the brick in the building. The note does not indicate which brick, and it does not
give the height of the enclosure and the units inside.
Recommendations: Revise Sheet 2 of 6 ARB Overall Layout Plan to note the name of the brick proposed for
the enclosures around the ground- mounted equipment, and to include the height of the enclosure and the
maximum height of the units within.
Issue: East & West (Side) Elevations /Appearance of Blankness
Comments: In the previous review of the proposal, the applicant was asked Eliminate the blankness of the end
elevations using architectural detailing and/or an additional brick color. Sheet A -501 Building Elevations
shows the addition of a single, decorative, vertical brick band to the left and right of the center bay in the east
and west (side) elevations. The vertical brick band at the south end of the west (side) elevation is interrupted
(bisected) by the decorative brick band framing the signage. This creates an awkward and unfinished
appearance for both the sign and overall elevation. This additional brick detailing is not expected to be
ARB 8/17/2009 Holiday Inn Express, Final - Page 3
discernible from the Corridor and therefore does not relieve the blank appearance in the side elevations. The
use of additional contrasting brick colors, as suggested in the previous review, was not shown in this
Recommendations: Revise Sheet A -501 Building Elevations by removing the decorative vertical brick bands in
the east and west (side) elevations and the decorative brick band framing the signage in the east elevation.
Eliminate the blankness of the side elevations using alternate architectural detailing and/or an additional brick
Issue: South (Front) Elevation/Windows/Porte Cochere/Cornice
Comments: In the previous review, it was suggested The architectural design could benefitfrom the following
• Increase the height of the ground story openings.
• Revise the proportions of the porte cocheres (double columns may be necessary).
• At the porte cochere, increase the depth of the entablature to be larger than the width of the columns.
• Revise the top story windows to accentuate the cap of the building.
• Revise the design of the smallest cornice to remove the overhang and accentuate the difference between
the cornices.
On Sheet A -501 Building Elevations, the applicant has:
• Increased the height of ground story windows by 1' and the width by 1' /2'.
• Revised the design of the porte cochere by replacing the arched roof with a flat roof, doubled the
width of the columns, and increased the depth of the entablature to almost twice that of the column
• Revised the top story windows by reducing the height by 1', except for the arched window directly
above the main entrance. That window was reduced by 2' in height.
• Revised the design of the smallest cornice by removing the overhang.
The above -noted revisions have resulted in an improvement to the overall design with the exception of the
reduced window height at the top story. The reduced height appears disproportionate to the windows below
and the overall elevation, creating an awkward and squatty appearance across the top story.
Recommendations: Revise Sheet A -501 Building Elevations by replacing the current window design
(dimensions) across the top story with the design shown in the previous submission.
Site/Landscape Design
Issue: Retaining Wall/Materials & Colors
Comments: In the previous review, the applicant was asked Revise the applicable drawings by including a
detail of the wall proposed in the northwest corner of the site. The detail should reference the manufacturer,
product ID, and color of the wall material. Provide a sample of the wall material. Sheet 1 of 6 General Notes
and Details contains a detail of the Keystone Collection Shannon Tan block wall. A sample of the wall
material was included with this submission and has an appropriate earth tone color and appearance that
compliments the building materials.
Recommendations: None.
Issue: Street Trees /Species
Comments: In the previous review, the applicant was asked Revise Sheet 5 Landscape Plan by showing
additional street trees, 2 112 " caliper min, 40' on center, in the following locations: 1 additional tree where 1
tree is currently shown adjacent to the intersection of Town & Country Lane and Olympia Drive, 3 additional
trees where 2 are currently shown along the Olympia Drive frontage immediately east of the intersection with
ARB 8/17/2009 Holiday Inn Express, Final - Page 4
Town & Country Lane, and 2 additional trees at the opposite end of that frontage in the northeast corner of
the site. Sheet 6 of 6 Landscape Plan shows the additional trees in the locations requested; however, the
applicant is proposing a Shadblow Serviceberry and a Crape Myrtle in the requested locations at the northeast
corner of the site. These are small to medium ornamental trees and not large street trees as proposed along
Town & Country Lane. The Plant List on the same drawing incorrectly notes the planting height of the
Heritage River Birch as 14" to 16" and does not show a caliper at planting. All street trees at this site are
required to have a minimum caliper, at planting, of 21/2 ".
Recommendations: Revise Sheet 6 of 6 Landscape Plan by replacing the Shadblow Serviceberry and Crape
Myrtle trees, proposed along the frontage in the northeast corner of the site, with species that are medium to
large deciduous trees from the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List.
Issue: Parking Lot Shrubs
Comments: In the previous review, the applicant was asked Revise Sheet 5 Landscape Plan to include shrubs,
24 " tall min., located at the head of the parking spaces facing Town & Country Drive and the vehicular access
easement shared with the Guadalajara restaurant, southwest of the proposal. In the current submission, the
applicant is showing Shamrock Holly shrubs, 12' on center, at the head of parking spaces facing Town and
Country Drive. Otto Luyken Laurels are shown, at a variable spacing between 18' and 60', near the head of
parking spaces facing the vehicular access easement with the Guadalajara restaurant. Shamrock Hollies have a
mature spread of 3' to 5' and Otto Luyken Laurels have a mature spread of 6' to 8'; therefore, their proposed
layout would not meet the intent of the guideline which is to mitigate views of the parked vehicles.
Recommendations: Revise Sheet 6 of 6 Landscape Plan by reducing the spacing of the Shamrock Hollies, at
the head of parking spaces facing Town and Country Drive, to 4'. Revise the spacing of the Otto Luyken
Laurels, shown near the head of spaces facing the vehicular access easement with the Guadalajara restaurant, to
Issue: Lighting
Comments: In the previous review, the applicant was asked Revise the lighting photometric plan to include:
proposed colors for the exterior light fixtures and poles. A bronze matte finish would be appropriate. A note
has been added to Sheet 1 of 1 Photometric Plan stating Fixture used should be bronze matt finish. The
proposed color and finish of the site lighting poles was not included in this submission. The photometric plan
is too light and therefore not readable.
Recommendations: Revise Sheet 1 of 1 Photometric Plan to include the color and finish of all light poles; a
bronze matte finish would be appropriate. Revise the note Fixture used should be bronze matt finish to read All
proposed fixtures shall be a bronze matt finish. Provide a revised photometric plan with print that is readable.
Issue: Wall Signage
Comments: The applicant was asked to provide complete details on the proposed building wall signs. Sheet A-
501 Building Elevations shows the 3 wall signs on the building elevations. Sheet A -515 Details contains details
of the proposed signage.
Sign Proposal
Type: Channel Letter w/logo box
Channel Letter: Aluminum & acrylic
ARB 8/17/2009 Holiday Inn Express, Final - Page 5
Logo Box: Not provided
Text: Holiday Inn
& Suites
Overall Sign Size: 12' - 10" (w) x 5' — 2' /a" (h)
Text Size:
Holiday Inn: 5 1 /2' (w) x 1' — 2- 7/16" (h)
Express: 5 1/2" (w) x 1' — 8- 9/16" (h)
& Suites: 5 1/2" (w) x 1' — 0 -3/8" (h)
Logo Box Size: 5' — 2- 5/16" (w) x 5' — 2 1 /a" (h)
Graphic: Holiday Inn logo H
Channel Letter: White
Logo Box:
Background: Green (gradated)
Text: White (H)
Channel Letter: Internal (bulb type not provided)
Logo Box: Not provided
Locations: East and west ends of the south (front) elevation, south end of the west (side) elevation
The following issues have been identified with this signage:
• The bottom of all 3 signs, at 34' from the ground below, exceeds the Zoning Ordinance permitted height of
• In the south (front) elevation, both signs are too wide for the area they occupy, appearing to overcrowd the
wall. The location of the sign has an awkward appearance in that neither the top nor the bottom aligns with
the top or bottom of the adjacent window.
• As previously mentioned, the decorative brick band acting as a border for the sign/logo in the west (side)
elevation bisects the vertical brick band, creating an awkward appearance for both the sign and elevation.
Revised architectural detailing to relieve the blankness of the elevation, without being fully coordinated
with the sign, is recommended.
• The proposed color for the channel letter trim caps and returns was not included in this submission; bronze
would be appropriate.
• A channel letter detail, showing the method of construction and light source (bulb type) was not included
with this submission. Such a detail should clearly show that no light will spill outward from the top,
bottom, sides or back. Logo box details, including the method of construction and illumination, were not
included with this submission. The applicant has verbally indicated that the logo box is to be internally
illuminated. Entrance Corridor Guidelines suggest that the logo box should have a non - illuminated
background, or an opaque (zero light transmission) background, with only the text (H) illuminating. The
cabinet should be constructed such that no light spills outward from the top, bottom, sides or back. A
sample of the proposed green color for the logo box was not included with this submission.
Recommendations: Revise the wall signage proposal by:
• Reducing the height, from the ground to the top of the sign/logo box, to 30' maximum.
• Reducing the width of the signage in the south (front) elevation so as not to overcrowd the space.
• Reposition the sign/logo box so the top or bottom aligns with the top or bottom of the adjacent window.
• Redesign the decorative brick banding in the west (side) elevation to allow for the sign without acting as a
border (frame) for it.
ARB 8/17/2009 Holiday Inn Express, Final - Page 6
Provide a channel letter detail, showing the method of construction and light source (bulb type), clearly
showing that no light will spill outward from the top, bottom, sides or back. Indicate the trim cap and
return color; bronze would be appropriate.
Provide a logo box detail, including the method of construction and illumination, demonstrating the use of
a non - illuminated background, or an opaque (zero light transmission) background, with only the text (H)
illuminating. Provide a sample of the green color proposed for the logo box.
Issue: Drafting Issues
Comments: In the previous review, the applicant was asked Revise Sheet 5 Landscape Plan to identify, for type
and caliper size, the 5 existing trees currently proposed for relocation on -site. Show the proposed locations of
the relocated trees. Sheet 6 of 6 Landscape Plan shows that the trees are Crapemyrtle Lagerstroemia indica
(LI). The new locations for the 5 trees are shown around the edge of the building footprint; however, the tree
symbols are mislabeled "Revise LI" instead of "Revised LI ".
Recommendations: Revise Sheet 6 of 6 Landscape Plan by revising the labels "Revise LI" to read "Revised
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. The revised front and side building elevations.
2. Visibility of the rooftop and ground- mounted equipment.
3. The appearance of the HVAC grates in the window units and walls.
4. The 3 proposed wall signs.
Staff recommends approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness, pending staff administrative approval of the
following conditions:
1. Revise the Material /Color Key on Sheet A -501 Building Elevations to include the manufacturer and
product ID for the window glazing and provide a sample of the glazing. Revise the drawing to indicate the
color of the proposed HVAC wall and window grates; a medium bronze color for the window grates would
be appropriate. Revise the Material /Color Key to indicate the same bronze color for the window frames.
Revise the drawing to indicate the wall HVAC units are to be painted to match the brick wall in which
they are located and remove the note Materials to be as listed or similar. Revise Sheet 2 of 6 ARB Overall
Layout Plan to note the name of the brick proposed for the enclosures around the ground- mounted
equipment, and to include the height of the enclosure and the maximum height of the units within.
2. Revise Sheet A -501 Building Elevations by removing the decorative vertical brick bands in the east and
west (side) elevations and the decorative brick band framing the signage in the east elevation. Eliminate
the blankness of the side elevations using alternate architectural detailing and/or an additional brick color.
3. Revise Sheet A -501 Building Elevations by replacing the current window design (dimensions) across the
top story with the design shown in the previous submission. Revise Sheet 6 of 6 Landscape Plan by
replacing the Shadblow Serviceberry and Crape Myrtle trees, proposed along the frontage in the northeast
corner of the site, with species that are medium to large deciduous trees from the Albemarle County
Recommended Plants List.
4. Revise Sheet 6 of 6 Landscape Plan by reducing the spacing of the Shamrock Hollies, at the head of
parking spaces facing Town and Country Drive, to 4'. Revise the spacing of the Otto Luyken Laurels,
shown near the head of spaces facing the vehicular access easement with the Guadalajara restaurant, to 6'.
5. Revise Sheet 1 of 1 Photometric Plan to include the color and finish of all light poles; a bronze matte
ARB 8/17/2009 Holiday Inn Express, Final - Page 7
finish would be appropriate. Revise the note Fixture used should be bronze matt finish to read All
proposed fixtures shall be a bronze matt finish. Provide a revised photometric plan with print that is
6. Revise the wall signage proposal by:
o Reducing the height, from the ground to the top of the sign/logo box, to 30' maximum.
o Reducing the width of the signage in the south (front) elevation so as not to overcrowd the space.
o Reposition the sign/logo box so the top or bottom aligns with the top or bottom of the adjacent
o Revising the architectural detailing in the west (side) elevation to relieve the blankness of the
elevation without being fully coordinated with the sign.
o Provide a channel letter detail, showing the method of construction and light source (bulb type),
clearly showing that no light will spill outward from the top, bottom, sides or back. Indicate the
trim cap and return color; bronze would be appropriate.
o Provide a logo box detail, including the method of construction and illumination, demonstrating
the use of a non - illuminated background, or an opaque (zero light transmission) background, with
only the text (I) illuminating. Provide a sample of the green color proposed for the logo box.
7. Revise Sheet 6 of 6 Landscape Plan by revising the labels "Revise LI" to read "Revised LI. '
ARB 8/17/2009 Holiday Inn Express, Final - Page 8
Attachment A
of ar,8�
r'IRGI �e
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
April 9, 2009
Neil Bhatt
c/o NBJ Architects
11537 -B Nuckols Road
Glen Allen VA 23059
RE: ARB2009 -00012 Holiday Inn Express
Tax Map 78, Parcel 9
Dear Mr. Bhatt:
The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on April 6, 2009, completed a preliminary
review of the above -noted request to construct a 5 -story hotel with associated site improvements. The Board
offered the following comments for the benefit of the applicant's next submittal. Please note that the following
comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments may be added or eliminated
based on further review and changes to the plan.
1. Revise the building material /color key on Sheet A -501 Building Elevations to indicate the proposed
materials and colors for the building cornice, and the trim, gable and columns of the porte - cochere.
2. Revise all applicable drawings to indicate the proposed location of all outside mechanical equipment.
Provide details of the method and type of screen proposed. Provide drawings, including site sections,
demonstrating the lack of visibility for any rooftop equipment that is proposed. These drawings should
demonstrate that it is completely screened from all points along the Corridor, including the highest
elevation. Provide site sections and photographs to clarify visibility of rooftop equipment. Begin at the top
of the hill at CarMax and move westward along Rt. 250. Ensure that rooftop equipment won't be visible.
3. Revise the applicable drawings by including a detail of the wall proposed in the northwest corner of the
site. The detail should reference the manufacturer, product ID, and color of the wall material. Provide a
sample of the wall material.
4. Revise all applicable drawings to include a detail illustrating the method of construction, materials, and
colors for the dumpster enclosure. The detail should reference the manufacturer, product ID, and color of
the enclosure material. A brick enclosure, using the same terrra cotta color brick Baystone proposed for
the hotel, would be appropriate.
5. Revise Sheet 4 Grading & Drainage Plan by rounding the proposed off -site grading, shown along the
southeast edge of the 30' access easement, to meet the existing condition. A 10' minimum radius is
considered appropriate. Provide evidence that the off -site grading is permitted.
ARB 8/17/2009 Holiday Inn Express, Final, Attachment A - Page 9
Attachment A
6. Revise Sheet 5 Landscape Plan by showing additional street trees, 2'/2" caliper min, 40' on center, in the
following locations: 1 additional tree where 1 tree is currently shown adjacent to the intersection of Town &
Country Lane and Olympia Drive, 3 additional trees where 2 are currently shown along the Olympia Drive
frontage immediately east of the intersection with Town & Country Lane, and 2 additional trees at the
opposite end of that frontage in the northeast corner of the site.
7. Revise Sheet 5 Landscape Plan to include shrubs, 24" tall min., located at the head of the parking spaces
facing Town & Country Drive and the vehicular access easement shared with the Guadalajara Restaurant,
southwest of the proposal. Revise the drawing to also show landscaping at the head of the 10 parking
spaces proposed at the east end of the hotel, facing the Route 250 Corridor, to buffer that view from the
8. Revise the landscape proposal by limiting the number of proposed plants for any one species to 25% of
the total proposed for that plant type (tree, shrub).
9. Revise Sheet 5 Landscape Plan to identify, for type and caliper size, the 5 existing trees currently
proposed for relocation on -site. Show the proposed locations of the relocated trees.
10. Revise Sheet 5 Landscape Plan to show the location of all proposed site lighting and existing and
proposed utilities with their easements. Include the following note on the drawing: All site plantings of trees
and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is
prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant.
11. Revise the lighting photometric plan to include:
• Proposed colors for the exterior light fixtures and poles. A bronze matte finish would be appropriate.
• The standard lighting note: Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more
initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads
and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one -half footcand/e.
• The location of all proposed wall -mount building light fixtures. Revise Sheet 2 of 2 Lighting Cutsheets
to include cutsheets of all such fixtures and revise the luminaire schedule to indicate all options
12. For all proposed signage, provide a complete sign package addressing all of the criteria outlined in the
ARB Sign Review Checklist. Consider a revised sign type for the gable of the porte - cochere with a design
and size that is more in keeping with the context of its location. Non - illumination of that sign would be
13. Provide Photoshop illustrations showing the proposed building on site to clarify size and height and
visibility from the EC.
14. The architectural design could benefit from the following changes: increase the height of the ground story
openings, revise the proportions of the porte cocheres (double columns may be necessary), at the porte
cochere increase the depth of the entablature to be larger than the width of the columns, revise the top
story windows to accentuate the cap of the building, and revise the design of the smallest cornice to
remove the overhang and accentuate the difference between the cornices.
15. Eliminate the blankness of the end elevations using architectural detailing and /or an additional brick color.
You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms,
checklists and schedules are available on -line at www.albemarle.org /planning.
Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are required. Include updated ARB revision dates on
each drawing and an ARB approval signature panel. Please provide a memo including detailed responses
indicating how each comment has been addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made,
identify those changes in the memo also. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with "clouding" or by other
means will facilitate review and approval.
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me.
ARB 8/17/2009 Holiday Inn Express, Final, Attachment A - Page 10
Attachment A
Brent Nelson
Landscape Planner
Cc: Pantops Hotel LLC
P O Box 3535
Williamsburg Va 23185
ARB 8/17/2009 Holiday Inn Express, Final, Attachment A - Page 11