HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200900035 Review Comments Special Use Permit 2010-02-02COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4012
February 5, 2010
Richard E. Carter
Zunka, Milnor, Carter & Inigo, Ltd.
414 Park Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SP2009 -00035
Parking Lot Paving Waiver Request
Dear Mr. Carter:
Thank you for your recent submittal of an application to amend special use permit SP 2007-
00053, St. Anne's - Belfield New Academic Buildings (approved 8/13/2008) to locate a
playing field, spectator area, and overflow parking on a 13.5 acre portion of TMP 60 -24 that
fronts on Faulconer Drive and is to be leased from the University of Virginia Foundation.
The information provided with your initial application to amend the Special Use Permit has
been reviewed by the Department of Community Development, including the Planning
Division and the Zoning and Current Development Division. The County Engineer, Albemarle
County Service Authority, Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority, Fire /Rescue Department, and
the Virginia Dept. of Transportation have also reviewed the project. Comments from all
reviewers are summarized below, following the Neighborhood Model analysis.
First, please note that staff still needs an appropriately worded letter from the University of
Virginia Foundation giving permission for St. Anne's - Belfield to proceed with the amendment
to special use permit SP 2007 - 00053. Staff has forwarded draft language to you via e -mail.
Conformity with the Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan designates the portion of TMP 60 -24 on which the field and related
facilities are to be located as Neighborhood Density Residential, which includes residential
(3 -6 units /acre) and supporting uses, such as religious institutions and schools and other
small -scale non - residential uses, in Neighborhood Seven. The requested Special Use Permit
is consistent with this designation.
Neighborhood Model
This special use permit application amendment would allow construction of a playing field
with spectator area and an overflow parking lot. SP 2007 - 00053. A Neighborhood Model
analysis was conducted as part of the approval process for SP 2007 - 00053, St. Anne's -
Belfield New Academic Buildings, which allowed construction of new buildings and other
facilities on the main school campus. Staff has determined that this new application would
only change the location of one athletic field, so a complete Neighborhood Model analysis is
not necessary for this amendment. The only principle that is relevant to the changes in the
SP2009- 00035, St. Anne's Playing Field, Richard E. Carter, February 5, 2010
amendment is Pedestrian Orientation. Staff's analysis of this principle are given below under
Staff Comments.
Staff Comments
Location of Main Campus Parking Lot: It is not clear from the concept plan dated
January 4, 2010 exactly where the main campus parking lot that will serve the new field is
located. During discussions with the applicant, the parking lot appeared to be the one
adjacent to the former field location. However, staff notes that, on the January 4 concept
plan, there is a especial gravel path and steps" located on the opposite side of the new field
location —and on the other side of the new field from the main campus parking lot. On the
resubmitted concept plan, please show the location of the main campus parking lot that will
serve the new field. The parking lot needs to be shown in its entirety, including the driveway
entrance. The entrance to this parking lot and to the new field should either be directly
across Faulconer Drive from each other or they should be offset sufficiently that there is no
conflict between cars driving in and out of each entrance.
Pedestrian Orientation: Those attending games at the new field will drive in on Faulconer
Drive, a public road, and park on the main campus. Then, they will walk back across
Faulconer Drive to the field. This situation — pedestrians crossing the street as other
attendees are driving in— creates a potential conflict. No pedestrian facilities connecting the
parking lot on the main campus and the new field area are shown on the concept plan.
Pedestrians need a clearly marked path from the parking lot to the new field, including a
clearly delineated crosswalk on Faulconer Drive so they are not dodging cars all along
Faulconer Drive, and so drivers will know where to expect pedestrians. Please show the
location of the pedestrian path and crosswalk on the resubmitted concept plan. Faulconer
Drive is a public road, so please coordinate the location of the crosswalk with VDOT. Also,
please indicate whether the handicapped parking spaces will be in the main campus lot or in
the new overflow parking area.
Architectural Review Board (ARB): It is anticipated that the proposed playing field and
overflow parking can be treated in a way that will produce an appropriate appearance for
the Entrance Corridor. The landscaping and fencing shown on the concept plan may require
revisions to achieve this appearance. If the amendment to the special use permit is
approved, conditions of approval should allow for such changes. Landscaping, fencing, and
other Entrance Corridor design issues can be handled with an ARB application at the site
plan review stage.
Special Use Permit Conditions. St. Anne's - Belfield currently operates under the following
conditions approved as part of SP 2007 -00053 (approved August 13, 2008). Please be
advised that these conditions remain in effect:
1. The site shall be developed in substantial accord with the concept plan entitled "St.
Anne's - Belfield Proposed Lower /Middle School Preliminary Site Plan," dated June 6,
2008, except that changes may be made provided the Zoning Administrator finds that all
other special use conditions are met;
2. The maximum enrollment shall be 550 students;
3. Arrival and dismissal times for Lower and Middle school students shall be staggered at a
minimum twenty (20)- minute interval so that all students do not arrive at /depart from
the campus at the same time;
4. The Owner shall design and construct all improvements at the Belfield campus to meet
the minimum standards for LEED certification under the LEED for Schools Rating System
SP2009- 00035, St. Anne's Playing Field, Richard E. Carter, February 5, 2010
and shall seek to obtain such certification at the minimum level or better within two (2)
years from the date of the Certificate of Occupancy;
5. Stormwater management shall be provided in the form of biofilters for any new
impervious surfaces. In addition to the requirements of the County's Water Protection
Ordinance, the majority of roof runoff shall be captured in a rainwater collection and
reuse system;
6. Erosion control shall be provided within the property by the use of sediment trapping
measures and diversions. Off -site easements or work, or variations from the standards,
shall not be used;
7. In order to address off -site transportation impacts caused by this project, the Owner
shall contribute cash in the amount of forty -nine thousand two hundred forty six dollars
($49,246.00) to the County for the purpose of funding road safety improvements, traffic
signalization improvements, or other transportation improvements located within the
boundaries of Neighborhoods 6 or 7 as delineated in the County Comprehensive Plan's
Land Use Plan adopted June 5, 1996. The cash contribution shall be made prior to
issuance by the County of the first building permit for the project;
8. A row of two and one -half inch (2 1 /2") caliper shade trees spaced forty (40) feet on
center shall be provided along the east side of the relocated portion of SR 855;
9. A minimum of twenty (20) -foot deep landscape buffers shall be provided, free of
utilities, to screen the parking lot located southeast of the existing football field from the
US 29/250 Bypass; and
10. Landscaping may be required to be in excess of the minimum requirements of ARB
guidelines or the Zoning Ordinance to compensate for the negative visual impact of the
playing fields and parking on the Entrance Corridor.
Staff will recommend that the following additional conditions be applied to the SP 2009-
00035, the amendment to Special Use Permit SP 2007 = 00053:
11. Development of the use on the 13.5 acre portion of TMP 60 -24 shall be in substantial
accord with the concept plan entitled "UREF Property /Plan (Leased)," prepared by
Gloeckner Engineering /Surveying, Inc., and dated January 4, 2010 (hereinafter the
"Concept Plan "), as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning
Administrator. To be in accord with the Concept Plan, the development shall reflect the
following major elements within the development essential to the design of the
• The location and construction of the overflow parking area
• The relation of buildings and parking to the street
as shown on the Concept Plan. Minor modifications to the Plan that do not conflict with
the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
12. The field shall not be lit.
At the time of resubmission, please inform staff as to whether these conditions are
acceptable to the applicant.
Concept Plan: The following changes need to be made to the concept plan:
1. Show the portion of the main campus where the parking lot is located so that the
relationship between the proposed new field and the main campus parking lot is clear.
2. Show pedestrian paths to /from the parking lot and the proposed field. Show a crosswalk
across Faulconer Drive.
3. Indicate which parking spaces will be for the handicapped.
4. On the vicinity map, change the arrow that indicates the site so that it points to the
SP2009- 00035, St. Anne's Playing Field, Richard E. Carter, February 5, 2010 4
correct area.
5. Please include a revision date on the resubmitted concept plan.
Parking Lot Paving Waiver: The County Engineer notes that the waiver for stone base
and surface parking is approvable. Details will be processed with the site plan.
Resubmittal. When you are ready to resubmit, please provide that resubmittal on a
resubmittal Monday (see attached schedule). Make sure to put my name on the cover page
of your resubmittal. After you have resubmitted, staff will provide a set of written comments
for your review prior to setting a public hearing. In those comments, we will advise you as
to whether all substantive issues have been resolved or if additional resolution is needed.
A public hearing with the Planning Commission will not be advertised until you advise us
that the project is ready to proceed to a public hearing. At that time, the legal
advertisement will be run in the newspaper and a staff report will be prepared to go to the
Planning Commission.
Please be advised that, once a public hearing has been advertised, only one deferral prior to
the Planning Commission's public hearing will be allowed during the life of the application.
The only exception to this rule will be extraordinary circumstances, such as a major change
in the project proposal by the applicant or more issues identified by staff, that have not
previously been brought to the applicant's attention. As always, an applicant may request
deferral at the Planning Commission meeting.
If you have any questions or would like any additional information, please contact me at
(434) 296 -5832, X. 3438, or e-mail me at: jwiegand @albemarle.org
Judith C. Wiegand, AICP
Senior Planner
A. Resubmittal Schedule
B. Comment Letter from VDOT, dated
C. Comment Memo from Albemarle County Service Authority, dated January 8, 2010
D. Comment Message from Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority, dated January 14,
Cc: Ron Higgins, Zoning
Glenn Brooks, Engineering
Summer Frederick, Current Development
Margaret Maliszewski, Design Planner
Gary Whelan, Albemarle County Service Authority
Joel DeNunzio, VDOT
Michael E. Waylett
St. Anne's - Belfield, Inc.
2132 Ivy Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
SP2009- 00035, St. Anne's Playing Field, Richard E. Carter, February 5, 2010
Kurt Gloeckner
Gloeckner Engineering /Surveying, Inc.
508 Dale Avenue, Suite A
Charlottesville, VA 22903
William E. Cromwell
University of Virginia Foundation
P.O. Box 400218
Charlottesville, VA 22904
SP2009- 00035, St. Anne's Playing Field, Richard E. Carter, February 5, 2010
2010 Submittal and Review Schedule
Special Use Permits and Zoning Map Amendments
Resubmittal Schedule
Written Comments and Earliest Planning Commission Public Hearing*
Resubmittal Dates
Comments to
applicant for decision
on whether to
proceed to Public
Legal Ad Deadline
and Decision for
Pubffc Hearing **
Commission Public
No soanerthan*
Tue Jan 19
Feb 17
Feb 22
Mar 16
Feb 1
Mar 15
Apr 6
Tug Feb 16
Mar 17
Mar 29
Apr 20
Mar 1
Mar 31
Apf 12
Ma y4
Mar 15
Apr 14
Apr 26
May 18
Apr 5
may 5
Ma 17
Jun 8
Apr 19
May 19
May 31
Jun 22
May 3
Jun 2
Jun 21
Jul 13
May 17
Jun 16
Jul 5
Jul 27
Jun 7
Jul 7
Jul 19
Aug 10
Jun 21
Jul 21
Aug 2
Aug 24
Jul 5
Aug 4
Aug 16
Sep 7
Jul 19
Aug 18
Auq 30
Sep 21
Aug 2
Sep 1
Sep 13
Oct 15
Auq 16
Sep 15
Sep 27
Oct 19
Tyre Sep 7
Oct 6
Oct 1a
Nov 9
Sep 24
Oct 20
Oct 25
Nov 16
Oct 4
Nov 3
Nov 15
Dec 7
Oct 18
Nov 17
Nov 29
Dec 21
Nov 1
Dec 1
Dec 20
Jan 11 2011
Nov 15
Dec 15
Jan 3 2011
Jan 25 2011
Dec 6
Jan 52011
Tue ,Jett 18 2011
Feb S 2011
Dec 20
Jan 19 2011
Tue Feb 1 2011
Feb 22 2011
Jan 3 2011
Feb 2 2011
Feb 7 2011
Marl 2011
Dates shower in italics are changes due to a County hGfklay
' The revi -ewing plannerwill contact applicant to discuss ocmmems of reviewers and adviisethat
changes that are needed are significant enough to warrant an additional submrtal or advise that the
the project is ready for a public hearing_ If changes needed are minor, he planner will advise that
the project go to public hearing.
The legal ad deadline is the last date atwhidi an appiicarrt can decide whether to resubmit or go
to public hearing. If an applicant decides to go to public hearing against the advice of the reviewing
planner, a recommendation for denial will likely result. Generally, the applicant W II will have only one
oppotunityto defer the PC public hearing far the project ance it has been advertised for public
hearing_ Additional deferrals will not be alkywed excempt in extraordinary circumstances such as a
major change in the project proposal by the applicant or more issues identiRed by staff that have not
previously been brought to the applicant's attention.
SP2009- 00035, St. Anne's Playing Field, Richard E. Carter, February 5, 2010
C44ARLCrrne9VffJJE, VA22911
January 22, 2010
Mr. Bill Fritz
DepL of Plamung, & Communily Developmern
40L MclotireRaad
ChwiDwsville, VA 22902
RFs Special Use Pprmils and Rezouing Submittals
DesTMT Fritz:
Below am VDGT's ommorents tar the fanueoy, 2DIL1 Reaaniog acrd Special Uae Permit appLicatioos:
SP-29D9 OKM a Sheet PL ma (Judith Wiegand)
+ The ap it mtian indicates that a separaw exit will be povrided to 5" Steel but Lt is not clear
wheOrer it is aoostrKdog am additianal exit lane at ON existigg cuub cut or if thele will be an
mMitiomal cuub cut prop cmd ao 5ih Scree t to the north of the exialiog, please clarify.
SP-20094MCU Cotemn 4io[ris Deve lopme nt Rights (Joan McDowell)
+ Sight distance trimgles reed to he within a dedicated sighs easement wlwm outside of the rigid of
way au poescrip&e easement of the road
+ Sight Imes need tD he shown to Ore dente r of the appraaoh ]sore in both dimetiom. It appears that
the sight hoe may fall anlside of the right of way an the inside of the horizanlel cone lathe south
of the elaame.
SP- 20094KNILM Re- Skweii Statiom (Summer Frederick)
• No comments
SP- 2Ud9-O003T.I' SL Anne's P"irg Field (Judith Wiegamd)
+ Nil coomreoNs
If you have any questmnr� Please canta¢t roe.
]cel DeNm2ick P.Fi
Staff' Fnviroer
VDDTChadottesvdh Residency
V irginiaDGT.€xg
SP2009- 00035, St. Anne's Playing Field, Richard E. Carter, February 5, 2010
Service Providers
SP200900035 St. Anne's Playing Field
To be filled out by ACSA for ZMA's and SP's
Site is in jurisdictional area for water and sewer service.
Distance to the closest water line if in the development
area is 50 feet.
Water pressure is with _n /a gallons per
minute at psi.
Distance to the closest sewer line if in the development
area is n/a
Capacity issues for sewer that may affect this proposal:
Requires Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority capacity
certification Yes —X —No
Water flow or pressure issues that may affect this
proposal: none
Red flags" regarding service provision (Use attachments if
necessary): none
SP2009- 00035, St. Anne's Playing Field, Richard E. Carter, February 5, 2010
From: Justin Weiler [jweiler@rivanna.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 2:08 PM
To: Judith Wiegand
Cc: Michelle S. Simpson, PE
Subject: SP200900035 St. Anne's Playing Field
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
RWSA has reviewed the application for SP200900035 St. Anne's Playing Field. Below is a completed
copy of the form that was provided to us by Elaine Echols for SP applications. Please let me know if you
have any questions or concerns. Thanks.
To be filled out by RWSA for ZMA's and SP's
1. Capacity issues for sewer that may affect this proposal
None Known
2. Requires Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority capacity
certification Yes X No
3. Water flow or pressure issues that may affect this proposal
None Known
4. "Red flags" regarding service provision (Use attachments if
None Known
Justin Sterling Weiler, E.I.T.
Civil Engineer
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
695 Moores Creek Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Phone: 434.977.2970 ext.206
Fax: 434.295.1146