HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202300019 Narrative Special Use Permit 2023-12-07STONEFIELD
Special Use Permit Application Narrative - Entrance Corridor Outdoor Display
Original Submission: November 9, 2023
Project Proposal
The Applicant, OCT Stonefield Property Owner, LLC is the owner of The Shops at Stonefield and
is the successor declarant or "Developer" under that certain Master Declaration of Easements,
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Stonefield, dated as of February 17, 2012, and recorded
in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle in Deed Book 4135 at page
260. The Applicant has managed and operated Stonefield since its purchase in 2016. Under its
management and operations, Stonefield has emerged as the area's premier shopping center and
destination for fine dining and entertainment.
Description of Proposed Use
The Applicant has submitted a separate ZMA Application to affect a minor amendment to the
Code of Development to allow motor vehicle sales and service in certain portions of the Center.
The request was prompted by interest from Tesla Inc. to locate a vehicle sales office at 1951
Swanson Drive, in the former Pier One building. Proposed elevations completed for Tesla are
attached to the Application as Exhibit 1. It was determined at Tesla's pre -application conference
that the existing Code of Development allows a motor vehicle sales and service use but only by
special use permit. Tesla's anticipated sales showroom was only to occupy approximately 2,500
square feet in an existing retail building. The outdoor display of Tesla models was to involve no
more than four (4) existing parking spaces. Furthermore, Tesla also was informed that because at
least one of the four (4) parking spaces that would be used for vehicle display was visible from
Hydraulic Road, an additional special use permit would be required for outdoor displays within
the Entrance Corridor. Hence the reason for this Application.
The Applicant understands that Tesla is seeking another location in the area for a Regional Service
Center which are typically a much larger footprint. Under Tesla's sales and service model, these
regional service centers provide repair and maintenance while smaller, sales offices like the one
that was proposed at Stonefield concentrate on sales only. There are currently only five Tesla
service centers throughout Virginia.
The Applicant maintains that motor vehicle sales and service operations have evolved and the
model that is being deployed by manufacturers like Tesla was not contemplated when the Code of
Development was written. At that time, the convention was exemplified by commercial corridor -
oriented, automobile dealerships offering multiple models and maintaining entire inventories on
display in large parking lots. Because Stonefield's footprint is nearly fully built out, there is no
realistic prospect for a conventional automobile dealership and in any event such a use would not
fit with the character of the upscale retail uses that are attracted to Stonefield's location. The
proposed change would only allow this use in Blocks A, B, C, and G.
13065994-1, 125219-00001-03)
Surrounding Properties:
The Property abuts Hydraulic Road and Route 29 N. The properties to the west of this Property
are characterized by a Hyatt Hotel, Costco, multi -family apartments and condominiums, all of
which were contemplated in the zoning for Albemarle Place in 2003.
The Project provides a public need for retail sales operations for electric vehicles.
Currently there are no retail sales outlets for electric vehicle manufacturers other than at the
traditional car dealership locations along Route 29 and at Pantops. The retail sales tax would
generate an average of $400 to Albemarle County for each vehicle sold.
The Project will not be a substantial detriment to adjacent properties.
As stated above, the adjacent properties are characterized by a Hyatt Hotel, Costco, multi -family
apartments and condominiums, all of which were contemplated in the zoning for Albemarle Place
in 2003.
The character of the Neighborhood Model (NMD) zoning district will not be
changed by the proposed special use.
The proposed use would be located within a building contemplated in the existing Code of
Development and Application Plan and is therefore consistent with the Neighborhood Model
Zoning district.
The Project will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance.
The proposed use is consistent with the commercial uses contemplated in the Neighborhood Model
Zoning district and therefore in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance.
The Project will be in harmony with the uses permitted by right in the Neighborhood
Model (NMD) Zoning District.
The proposed use is presently allowed by special use permit in the applicable Code of
Development, so therefore it is in harmony with the uses permitted by right in the Neighborhood
Model District.
The Project will be in harmony with the public health, safety and general welfare.
The proposed use is presently allowed by special use permit in the applicable Code of
Development, so therefore it is in harmony with the public health, safety and general welfare.
The Project is Consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan
(3065994-1, 125219-00001-03) 2
The Places29 Master Plan (the "Master Plan") designates the Property for Urban Mixed Use (in
Centers). Stonefield is the only, large scale, genuinely mixed -use development in the County that
exhibits all the attributes of the Neighborhood Model. The proposal would be located within a
building contemplated in the existing Code of Development and Application Plan.
The Project provides public benefits in the form of public revenues from retail sales tax on
vehicle sales and by providing consumers with choices for electric vehicles favored by
government climate -related policies.
Impacts on Public Facilities & Public Infrastructure; Environmental Features
The Proposal has no negative impact on public facilities and public infrastructure. As indicated, any
use arising from this proposal would be located only within a building contemplated in the Code
of Development and Application Plan. The proposed use is a form of retail use and will be served
by the public water and sewer system. Electric vehicles are favored by various federal and state
policies to reduce climate change.
Fire Rescue: The layout for Stonefiled has been carefully designed to meet the standards for
emergency vehicle access, and other fire and rescue standards. Adding this use will have no impact
on that overall safety designs.
Suggested Conditions to Address Impacts
The Applicant proposes the following conditions:
1. The Project shall be developed consistent with the Conceptual Plans, attached.
13065994-1, 125219-00001-03) 3
Kevin McCollum
Bill Fritz
Tuesday, August 8, 2023 11:24 AM
Kevin McCollum; Shawn Day; Usbeck, Matthew; Nancy Luo; Aakanksha Bishnoi; Mo Tawil
Bart Svoboda
RE: PREAPP202300068 Tesla at Stonefield - SP Checklist and Resources
I visited the site today. The proposed location for the vehicles being purchased is visible from Hydraulic Road which is an
Entrance Corridor.
An additional special use permit is needed for the storage of the vehicles. The two applications will be reviewed
William D. Fritz, AICP
Development Process Manager
Albemarle County
434-296-5823 ext.3242
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902
From: Kevin McCollum <kmccollum@albemarle.org>
Sent: Monday, August 7, 2023 5:16 PM
To: Shawn Day <shawn@capresults.net>; Usbeck, Matthew <matthew.usbeck@arcadis.com>; Nancy Luo
<naluo@tesla.com>; Aakanksha Bishnoi <abishnoi@tesla.com>; Mo Tawil <mtawil@tesla.com>
Cc: Bart Svoboda <bsvoboda@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>
Subject: PREAPP202300068 Tesla at Stonefield - SP Checklist and Resources
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for meeting with us on Monday, August 7, 2023 regarding a possible special use permit for motor vehicle
sales and storage at Stonefield. Attached is the mandatory special use permit application checklist from the meeting.
Below are some additional resources.
Special Use Permit Application
New Special Use Permit Submittal Schedule
Submit a New Application Online Here
County Code 18-33: Special Use Permits
• Special Use Permits (starting at 33.40)
• This describes the entire SP process and includes information on what is required in the application
• Includes the 'four factors' used to analyze SP's
• Allows for conditions to be written for SP's to mitigate effects of the use (e.g. noise, lighting)
Comprehensive Plan
• Legislative review applications (Special Use Permits and Rezonings) are reviewed against consistency with the
Comprehensive Plan
• The Comp Plan is a guiding policy document with the long-range vision for the County
• The Comp Plan designation for this property is Urban Mixed Use (in centers) and is within the Places 29 Master
Please review the adopted Places 29 Master Plan:
httos://www.albemarle.ore/home/showpublisheddocument/2973/637575270788200000 and provide a
detailed description of the project's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Please site any relevant
objectives or strategies.
Summary of SP process and steps:
• Submit application (V Monday of each month)
• Resubmit (if needed) to address review comments
• Planning Commission Public Hearing (PC makes a recommendation)
• Board of Supervisors Public Hearing (votes to approve or deny)
Bill will be followin up separately about whether a separate special use permit is needed for display within the entrance
Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Kevin McCollum, AICP, C2D
Senior Planner I
Albemarle County
Community Development Department
Planning Division
(434) 296-5832 ext. 3141
401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville VA 22902