HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201000008 Review Comments Special Use Permit 2010-05-26�� OF ALg�
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County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Eryn Brennan, Senior Planner
From: Amelia McCulley, Zoning Administrator
Division: Zoning
Date: May 26, 2010
Subject: S.P. 2010 — 08 Canine Dog Clipper
In March, we received an anonymous complaint that this business was operating illegally at this
location with up to two employees. We made contact with the owner and informed her that she
needed zoning approval. At some point in the past, at least a portion of this business operated on Rio
I am assuming that the buildings are not soundproofed, unless the County Engineer informs us
otherwise or the applicant provides supporting information to the contrary. The application states that
it is "not sound proof more so than average home." This application involves several different waivers/
modifications. As I understand them, they are:
(Section 5.1.11 a) — For non - soundproofed animal confinements, an external solid fence not
less than six (6) feet in height shall be located within fifty (50) feet of the animal confinement
and shall be composed of concrete block, brick or other material approved by the zoning
The applicant notes that the current fence is 5 feet high consisting of woven wire with wood
posts. Therefore, this is a waiver of height (by one foot) and fencing material.
2. (Section 5.1.11 a) — Except where animals are confined in soundproofed, air - conditioned
buildings, no structure of area occupied by animals shall be closer than five hundred (500) feet
to any agricultural or residential lot line.
The fenced area is very close to the adjoining property lines, some places as close as 15 or 38
feet. While we have not received complaints about noise and other impacts from the use on
adjoining property, allowing a wire fence so close to neighboring properties may not be
advisable. Without submittal of either letters of support from those closest adjoining property
owners or actual sound study data, there is no reasonable way to determine that the use will
not cause negative impacts on the neighbors. If there are noise impacts of concern, it is
possible that the portions of fencing that is closest to the other properties would have to be
moved internal to this property and changed to a solid screening fence.
Based on the submittal information, it appears that the remainder of the operation complies with the
supplementary regulations. I suggest that the numbers of dogs be a condition of approval. I also
suggest that the grooming be another limitation since the day the groomer is there, the boarded dogs
are let out to run in the fenced area.
We should confirm that they can obtain a commercial entrance onto the public road. We should also
have the County Engineer confirm that the road construction and design is adequate to accommodate
this commercial traffic.