HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201000024 Review Comments Preliminary Site Plan 2010-05-27�OF
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County of Albemarle
Department of-Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA, :22902
(Phone) 434- 296 -5832 (Fax) 434- 972 -4126
May 27, 2010
Scott Collins
800 East Jefferson Street
Charlottesville, VA, 22902.
RE: SDP2010- 00024: Avinity Preliminary Site Plan [Preliminary Site-Plan Approval].
Dear Mr. Collins:
The Department of Planning and Community Development hereby grants administrative approval to the
above - referenced preliminary site plan.
The approval of the preliminary site plan is valid for (1) one year in accordance with Zoning Ordinance
Section Therefore, the preliminary approval shall expire May27,2011. If the preliminary site plan
approval expires, a new application must be filed and processed.
Please address all of the requirements and conditions listed below and submit eight (8) tentative plan copies to
the Department of Planning and Community Development. This letter must be submitted with the tentative
plans, as a checklist, to document that you have addressed all requirements or conditions, or the tentative plan
will be denied. A submission and review schedule is attached for your information.
The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and the BMP Stormwater Management Plan, with the associated
applications and fees, may also be submitted with the eight (8) tentative Plans. Failure to do so will result in a
separate application to be filed at a later date. (Note — some of these plans-for this project may have been
submitted previously).
After the initial tentative plan submittal, each department/agency will contact you to discuss any remaining
conditions. After all aforementioned department /agencies have granted a tentative approval, you may submit
the final-four paper copies, final site plan application, final site plan -fee, and a copy of all written tentative
approvals to the Department of Planning and Community Development. Assuming that the final site plan
paper copies reflect all tentative approvals, signing of the plans will occur within one week.
The final site plan will be subject-to all final site plan requirements (Zoning Ordinance Section 32.6), in
addition to-the following conditions.
The Community Development Department shall not accept submittal of the final site plan for signature until
tentative approvals for the following conditions have been obtained. The final site plan shall not be signed
until the following conditions are met:
Zoninz & Current Development approval to include:
■ The final site plan must meet all conditions of section 18 -32.6 of the zoning ordinance. A landscape
plan is required with the final site plan. If outdoor lighting is proposed, include a lighting plan in the
final site plan.
Contact me at 434- 296 -5832 x 3385 if you have questions or require additional information.
Engineering approval to include:
VDOT approval must be obtained for plans that affect right -of -way prior to final site plan approval.
■ The final site plan is subject to County Code Chapter 17 Water Protection Ordinance. Approval of a
Water Protection Ordinance Application including Erosion and Sediment Control Plans per Article II
will be required. To ensure that Stormwater Management. and Water Quality was accounted for with
the design of the Luxor Pond, please submit the allowable impervious area (or C- value) of the site,
based on the Luxor Pond plans, and the actual proposed impervious area.
■ Please provide a detail of the dumpster pad.
Contact John Diez at 434 - 296 -5832 x 3025 if you have questions or require additional information.
Albemarle County Service Authority approval to include:
The onsite water and offsite sewer dedications must be completed. before final site plan approval is
granted. The ACSA comments dated March 22, 2010 are still valid.
Contact Gary Whelan at 434 - 977 -4511 if you have questions or require additional information.
Fire & Rescue approval to include:
Verify adequate fire flow is available.
in Please ensure all lot frontages are within 400 feet of a hydrant by way of a prepared travel way.
on Must comply with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code.
Contact James Barber at 434 - 296 =5833 if you have questions or require additional information.
'VDOT approval to include:
Please submit a warrant analysis for a right turn lane in accordance with the - requirements on page F-
72 of the VDOT Road Design Manual.
The taper into the site and the right turn into the site to the north need to be separated.
■ There are a couple culverts that will need to be extended on both sides of the entrance.
The gas line needs to be moved out from under the pavement.
All proposed widening for the accommodation of the left turn lane needs to be in accordance with
figure 3 -4 of Appendix F of The Road Design Manual. The plan needs to show-all transition tapers
and dimensions that are shown in the chart. A separate traffic plan showing all proposed striping and
signs need to be submitted.
All pavement widening needs to be in accordance with the WP -2 VDOT standard. The crown line of
the road must remain in between travel lanes.
Maintenance of traffic plans will be needed with the final site plan.
`■ Typical sections need to be shown for the route 742 widening. Either curbing or a ditch will be
needed along the entire length of widening.
Drainage calculations are required with the final site plan.
Contact Joel DeNunzio at 434 - 293 -0014 if you have questions or require additional information.
■ Albemarle County Division of Planning: ARE Comment from Margaret Maliszewski. This
development falls within the Avon Street Extended Entrance Corridor. ARB review and approval are
required prior to final site plan approval. ARB applications, checklists, and guidelines are available
on -line at www.albemarle.org.
■ Albemarle County Division of Planning: Comment from Elaine Echols: Address all final site plan
requirements listed ;in Elaine Echols letter dated May 246120 10 (Attached to this preliminary approval
I A001"
Gerald Gatobu
Principal Planner
Zoning & Current Development
File: SDP :2010 -024
:Department of <CommunityDevelopment .
401'MclntireRoad, Room 227
-Charlottesville, Wirgiinia :22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 .7ax- (434) 972 -4126
'May.24, 2010
'Mr. Scott Collins
800 E..Jefferson :St.
Charlottesville, VA .22902
-RE: Final Site-Plan requirements-for SDP.201024 andZMA.2006 -005 Avinity
The County has - granted approval-for variations in a letter dated'March26,.2010. This letter identifies the items
-that are necessary- before •the-final.site-plan can be approved. Please-note-that-the variations relate.specifi Cal ly
-to the:site-plan elements-shown on'SDP2010 -024:
1. "Retaining walls shall not .be•taller than -four feet in height.
:2. 'The-townhouses on-the perimeter-road of the site -shall have architectural-features-that serve-to
relegate tlie:parking and-create a-face-to the street. Ways to relegatethe parking include variation in
setback, _use :of roof. pitch, and use of porches and potentially.balconies-to deemphasize the parking in .
_the front.of -the townhouses. The.goal is-to prevent the - appearance of_a continuous parking lot.
"3. The`backs of units of Lots 39 -- 44 and 69 -74 which-face the loop street must`have architectural
.features-such.as projections and porches as indicated on'the Avinity'Exhibit dated 1z;I7 -09
(Attachment C). TheXenridge-townhouses, referenced in Attachment .B are shown'in Attachment C -for
-reference. Approval is-not given-for'the architecture shown -in View B on Attachment. C.
4. - .The.sidewalks on Avinity.Loop should be.adjacent-to the'pavement instead of crossing-the middle:of
the driveways on .Lots:39 -44 and 69--74. These sidewalks, when provided adjacent to-the pavement,
will satisfy the need-to-provide sidewalks on-the:perimeter�road.of-the development, which was
identified in *the variation letter dated :326 =10.
'Please 9address -the issues .above and include - elevations -For:the-buildings in Avinity -when .you °submit -for-finai
:site :plan:approval. Also,:be_sure'to provide :a signature. block - for:: the -Plannirg:Division-on-the-final site plan.
Ifyou have= any:questions or need-additional information, .-please:contact me at.296-5823 extension 3252.
Sincerely, Q
Elaine K. 'Echols, AICP .
Principal Planner
C: - Gerald Gatobu, Principal Planner