HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202300038 Plan - Approved Final Site Plan and Comps. 2023-12-19LEGEND EXISTING 10 - -510- - 508 311.5 x 311.5 TC x 311.5 TW x 311.5 BW x E7777-21 X OHU UGU RD W wS O FHA FDC GAS NEW X -o- m OHU UGU OHE UGE FO OO cq i� RD OO S W - ws -- ® O ®V FHA FDC - GAS DESCRIPTION BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE SITE PROPERTY LINE TO BE VACATED (TBV) ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK PARKING COUNT INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION TOP OF CURB/BOTTOM OF CURB ELEVATION TOP OF WALL ELEVATION BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION STREAM STREAM BUFFER 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BUILDING RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL HATCH RAILING STAIRS EDGE OF PAVEMENT ROAD CENTERLINE FRONT OF CURB BACK OF CURB CG-12 TRUNCATED DOME SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE HANDICAP PARKING CROSSWALK CONCRETE ASPHALT RIPRAP EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING WETLAND TREELINE FENCE UTILITY POLE GUY WIRE OVERHEAD UTILITY UNDERGROUND UTILITY OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC FIBER OPTIC STORM STRUCTURE NOMENCLATURE STORM MANHOLE DROP INLET (CAST INPLACE/PRECAST) STORM SEWER PIPES ROOF DRAIN SANITARY STRUCTURE NOMENCLATURE SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MAIN SANITARY SEWER LATERAL WATER LINE WATER SERVICE LINE WATER METER (WM>1",WM<111) WATER METER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION GAS LINE EASEMENTS CONSTRUCTION/GRADING ACCESS SIGHT DISTANCE UTILITY STORMWATER DRAINAGE SANITARY SWM FACILITY GASLINE OWNER/DEVELOPER Cameron Property Cville LLC 6805 Morrison Boulevard Suite 250 Charlotte, NC 28211 DISTRICT Rio Magisterial District SOURCE OF TITLE Instrument #202300009839 (plat showing boundary line adjustment, special lot creation, and new easements). DB 2130 P25, P27, P28 (parcel 45-100 (0.78 acres)) DB 4509 P48, DB 1292 P131 (plat), DB 297 P544 (plat) (parcel 45-100A (0.77 acres)) DB 4356, P399 (plat) (Parcel 45-100B (0.76 acres)) DB 2130 P25, P27, P28 (plat), DB 996 P650 (plat) (parcel 45-101 (1.32 acres)) DB 2130 P30, DB 2130 P25, P27, P28 (plat) (parcel 45-101 B (0.44 acres)) SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary survey information was prepared by Old Dominion Map Company Land Surveying April 10, 2023 Topographic information compiled from an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Plat prepared by Roger W. Ray & Assoc., Inc. on August 13, 2018 and revised on February 26, 2019 & Old Dominion Map Company Land Surveying 10/28/2022 BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 1988 FLOODZONE FEMA flood insurance rate map (community panel 51003CO278D), effective date February 4, 2005 shows this property within zone "x" and no portion of the property within the 100-year flood plain. RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the South Fork Rivanna River Watershed. This site is not within a watershed of a public water supply. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES This project lies within the Albemarle County Service Authority Jurisdictional area for both water and sewer. An existing sanitary sewer line is located on the property and an existing waterline is located along Rio Road West. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transit (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontle:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization amt lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual rev. 2.1. 8. Unless othrewise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class 111. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. 12. Backflow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. ACSA GENERAL WATER & SEWER CONDITIONS 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) inspectors. the contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper ACSA officials at the start of the work. 2. The Albemarle County Service Authority shall have access to use the airspace above the locations of construction for the flight of unmanned aerial vehicles for the purpose of imagery collection. 3. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown are only approximately correct. the contractor shall, on his own initiative, locate all underground lines and structures, as necessary. 4. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications, as adopted by the ACSA. 5. Datum for all elevations shown in national geodetic survey. 6. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying miss utility (1-800-552-7001). 7. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. this includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 8. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 9. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provide adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 10. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 11. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (senate bill 3874 which amends the safe drinking water act). 12. The sewer lateral beyond the connection at the sewer main shall be private. the sewer lateral stub -out shall undergo the ACSA low-pressure air test to satisfy county testing requirements. visual inspection of the sewer lateral stub -out shall be witnessed by the county building inspections department. this inspection shall occur under an "other plumbing" permit which must be obtained by the contractor. 13. The sewer lateral beyond the connection at a manhole shall be private. visual inspection and pressure testing of the sewer lateral shall be witnessed by the county building inspections department. this inspection shall occur under an "other plumbing" permit which must be obtained by the contractor. 14. The fire sprinkler main downstream of the gate valve is private. visual inspection and testing of the fire sprinkler main downstream of the gate valve shall be witnessed by the county building inspections department. this inspection shall occur under an "other plumbing" permit which must be obtained by the contractor. 15. all flushing of fire sprinkler mains shall not occur until approval is given by the ACSA. VDOT NOTES VDOT's land development south staff (540-967-3715 or 540-967-3716) shall be notified 48 hours in advance of any anticipated road/shoulder closures", "The permittee or his or her designee shall report all work zones in the VDOT right of way on a daily basis at set up and take down to VDOT'S Smart Traffic Center (540-332-9500)", "Copies of all independent testing reports to be submitted to VDOT for verification", "A minimum 48 hours advance notification of a proof roll of both the subgrade and stone base is required by VDOT." "All areas excavated below existing pavement surface and within clear zone, at the conclusion of each workday, shall be backfilled to form an approximate 6:1 wedge, against the existing pavement surface for the safety and protection of vehicular traffic." And that "Traffic shall be maintained during construction of the tie-in and mill of the adjacent travel lanes." "water lines, sewer lines, etc. crossing future VDOT maintained roads have to be sleeved with ductile iron pipe "two (2) times diameter of the utility line)." And "A video (3 electronic copies to VDOT) of all stormwater systems carrying VDOT runoff or runoff under a future state road is required to be submitted to VDOT for review and approval prior to paving operations. ITE Trip Generation, 10th Edition AM PM WEEKDAY Use Description p ITE Qty. IV In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total Mini-Warehouseing 151 94 2;1 1,000 SF 5 3 8 7 7 14 68 69 137 Multifamily Housing (Mid -Rise) 221 86 D Units 6 20 26 21 13 34 182 182 364 i rip generation renects Hivi ana rive peaK nour traffic. VDOT DETAILS Contractor shall construct all improvements per applicable VDOT 7. VDOT CG-6: Combination 6" curb & gutter. construction standards Found in the VDOT Road & Bridge 8. VDOT CG-2: Standard 6" curb Standards. 9. VDOT MH-1: Manhole for 12" - 48" pipe culvert At a minimum, the following standards should be reviewed: 10. VDOT MH-1 Frame & cover: manhole for 12" - 48" pipe culverts 1. VDOT 315: WP-2 asphelt pavement widening 11. VDOT DI-3A, B, & C: Standard curb drop inlet 2. VDOT CG-12: Detectable warning surface (general notes) 12. VDOT IS-1: Standard method of shaping manholes & inlet inverts 3. VDOT CG-12: Detectable warning surface (method of installation) 13. VDOT CG-3: Standard 4" Curb 4. VDOT CG-12: Detectable warning surface (type a) 14. VDOT GR-MGS1 5. VDOT CG-12: Detectable warning surface (type b) 6. VDOT CG-11: Method of treatment connection for street intersections and commercial entrances BUILDING HEIGHTS Required: Per Sec. 20C.8 a Maximum allowable building height in core is 5 stories Provided: Residential Building: 4 stories + Basement Facing Rio Road W (51.71ft) 5 stories facing the parking lot (63.44ft) Self -Storage Building: 3 stories facing travel way (34.17 ft) EXISTING USE 5 stories facing civic space (54.50 ft) Single Family Residential and Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Permitted Use is proposed per Sec.20C.6: Total area occupied by residential building = 1.878 ac 5-Story 99,060 GSF Multi -Family building (Core) Total area occupied by Self -Storage Building = 1.205 ac Proposed Residential Units are as follow: Total Linear Park area (dedicated to county) = 0.396 ac 31 Studio Units, 44 -1 Bedroom Units, 11 - 2 Bedroom Total ROW area (dedicated to VDOT) = 0.091 ac Units Total Reserved area for future dedication to public use upon Total = 86 Units demand by County = 0.505 ac 5-Story 94,212 GSF Self -Storage building (Core) (Retail sale & service) 0.396 ac Linear Park (Flex) (Per regulating Plan) LAND USE SCHEDULE Existing SF AC % Proposed SF AC % Building 1,451 0.03 0.8% Building 40,867 0.94 23.0% Pavement/concrete 8,760 0.20 4.9% Concrete & pavement 63,359 1.45 35.7% Impervious 10,211 0.23 5.8% Impervious Turf 140,289 3.22 79.0% Open Space Woods 26,984 0.62 15.2% Total Site Area Including ROW Total 177,484 4.07 100.0% Total area of parking and & travelways not ROW = 45,115 sf = 1.04 ac 1.04 AC AC x 100 = 25.60% FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR): New parcel area: 134,631 SF = 3.09 AC Building GFA _ Multi -Family Building + Mini -Storage Building _ 99,060 GSF + 94,212 GSF = 1.44 Total Site Area - Total Site Area 134,631 SF GROSS RESIDENTIAL DENSITY: Number of Residential Units _ 86 units = 21.13 Total Site Area - 4.07 acres 104,226 2.39 58.7% 73,258 1.68 41.3% 177,484 4.07 100.0% CIVIC SPACE Sec.20C.11-A - Civic Space: Required a minimum 10% in Core Area & a minimum 15% in Flex Area Site Core Area: 127,498SF X 0.1 SF = 12,749.8SF Site Flex Area: 23,850SF X. 15 = 3,577.5 SF Total Civic Space Required = 12,749.8SF+3,577.5SF=16,326.5SF Total Civic Space Provided = 17,255.92 SF = 0.396 AC Total Civic Space Provided per site in % = 4.00.396 lac x 100 = 9.73% PARKING SCHEDULE REQUIRED PARKING: Spaces/Unit Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinance Sec.20C.9-A-2: Residential =1 Space Unit =1 Spap x 86 Units = 86 Spaces Required. 1 Unit Non -Residential (Excluding Hotels and Lodging) = 1 Space 1,000 SF of FA 1- Mini Self-Storage:19 parking spaces required per modification request approved by County Staff (provided on Sheet C3) 2- Commercial Space within Residential Building: 1,000 SF Space GSF * 3,460 SF GSF= 3.46 = 4 spaces required. Total Parking Spaces = 86 + 19 + 4 = 109 parking spaces required. PARKING PROVIDED: Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinances Sec20C.9-6-a(iii), a parking reduction(s) in minimum required spaces is requested in conjunction with this application. Residential = 97 spaces (including 4 HC space, 3 compact spaces, and 3 pick-up/drop-off zone) Mini Self -Storage = 19 spaces (including 1 HC space) (The modification request approved by County Staff is provided on Sheet C3.) Commercial Space within Residential Building = 4 spaces. Total = 120 parking spaces provided. Sec. 20C.9-A(5): PICK-UP OR DROP-OFF ZONES: Required: 1 space per 20 parking spaces provided = 20 = 6 spaces 20 Provided: 7 spaces MATERIALS NOTE All curb, gutter, pavement and stone applications, and drainage structures shall be in conformance with VDOT standards and specifications. LIGHTING All outdoor light fixtures shall not exceed 3000 lumens. No other luminaires are proposed. TURN AROUND DESIGN NOTES 1- All proposed streets have a turn around, the design for vehicular use allows residence and visitors to turn around easily. SIGNS All signs and pavement shall conform with the latest edition of the MUTCD Guidelines. A sign permit must be issued in accordance with the Albermale County Sign Regulations prior to placement of any signs on -site. Contractor shall provide handicap signs as shown on plan. STEEP SLOPES Preserved slopes are not present on the property. Managed slopes are shown on Sheet C3 with labels showing which slopes are to be disturbed. GENERAL NOTES 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data, for locating all underground utilities, for coordination of the work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. All of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior to the start of work. 2. When working adjacent to existing structures, poles, etc., the contractor shall use whatever methods that are necessary to protect structures from damage. Replacement of damaged structures shall be at the contractor's expense. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at least 72 hours prior to the start of construction. 6. Contractor shall immediately report any discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents to the owner and engineer. 7. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 8. All bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 9. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. 10. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 11. Retaining walls require separate building permits. 12. All water service lines, sanitary laterals, and sprinkler lines must be visually inspected by the Albemarle County Building Department from the main to the structure. 13. Accessible parking spaces, access isles, and accessible route shall be installed in accordance with ICC ANSI A117.1-09 and the 2018 Virginia Construction Code 14. Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve. 15.All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks. 16.Buildings or structures built before January 1, 1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to apply for a demolition permit. Asbestos removal permits are required if positive for such from Albemarle County and VDOLI. Contact VDOLI for their additional requirements and permits for demolition projects at 540-562-3580 x131. 17. All water, sewer and fire lines require NEW inspection and testing procedures. The ACSA performs any testing and inspections of the public sewer and water main(s). 18.The Albemarle County Building Inspections Department(ACBID) does a visual inspection and witnesses the testing of the building drain, water service pipe and the sprinkler lead-in connection. 19. The developer/contractor is responsible to retain a Special Inspector as outlined in the updated Albemarle County Policy for Site Utilities to perform the visual inspection and testing of all utilities 20.not covered by the ACSA or ACBID. This includes building sewers, water and fire line branches between the main and the meter(s)/building(s). 21.The Special Inspector's report must be submitted and approved by the Albemarle County Engineering Department prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued. It FINAL SITE PLAN 664 WEST Rio SDP202300038 TAX MAP 45 PARCELS 100B, and 101 B ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAPSCALE : 1"=1000' Map provided by Albemarle County GIS Map Services SHEET INDEX C1 COVER SHEET C2 EXISTING CONDITIONS C3 ZONING COMPLIANCE OVERVIEW C4 SITE LAYOUT C5 DETAILED GRADING PLAN C6 CG-12 GRADING PLAN C7 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN C8 LANDSCAPING PLAN C9 LIGHTING PLAN C10 FIRE & RESCUE COMPLIANCE PLAN C11 STORMWATER PROFILES C12 STORMWATER FACILITIES PROFILES & SECTIONS C13 STORMWATER STRUCTURES SECTIONS C14 WATER LINE PROFILES C15 TRAVELWAY SECTION & PROFILE C16 EXISTING ENTRANCE INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE PLAN & PROFILE C17 PROPOSED ENTRANCE INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE PLAN & PROFILE C18 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC & ROAD FUTURE CONNECTION C19 SITE SECTIONS PLAN AND PROFILE VIEWS C20 WARRANT ANALYSIS, PAVEMENT AND SITE DETAILS C21 SITE & ACSA DETAILS S100 RETAINING WALL PLAN WITH SECTIONS AND SCHEDULE S200 GENERAL NOTES S201 SPECIAL INSPECTION NOTES APPROVALS Department of Co unity velopment 11 A -UT Planninq Date Zoning Date Engineering Date Architectural Review Bo rd Date Building Official Date Department of Parks & Recreation (ACPR) Date V G,Pcll UIIC.1 Il VI I I II V I ilia lI Vl 1 ♦Jur Vl,Va,GJ 11) Department of Fire & Rescue vac SHIM ENGiNEER1N 3� LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM Aff- 00 LTH �� O �, v J US.�C 1. SHI P > DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. Date I COVER SHEET Albemarle County Service Au r ority Date Rivanna Water and Sewer ut ority Date Virginia Department of Transportation Date 18.030 C1 LINE TABLE LINE I BEARING DISTANCE L1 I N 24°00'30" E 11.13' L2 S 37°08'44" W 4.79' L3 N 41 "I 2'10" E 62.50' L4 S 48'47'50" E 29.12' L5 S 42°22'58" E 69.48' L6 N 77°33'43" E 15.03' L7 S 46'34'50" E 57.50' L8 S 66°48'29" E 38.44' L9 S 50°59'30" E 1 64.00' CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING DELTA ANGLE C1 20.00' 24.14' 22.70' N 10°33'55" W 69°08'50" C2 172.50' 45.16 45.03' N 31 °30 30 E 15°00'00' C3 20.00 28.74 26.33' S 04°01'11' E 82'1 950" C4 40.00' 41.93 40.03 S 72°24'38' E 60°03'20' C5 40,00 39.00 37.47' S 74°30'34" E 55°51 27' C6 50.00 17.65 17.56 S 56°41'40" E I 20°13 39 LOCATION OF EXISTING ROAD STRIPING EXISTING 1" WATER SERVICE LINE (TBR) EXISTING 8" DUCTILE IRON WATER LINE TO BE FIELD VERIFIED ROAD PAVEMENT TO BE REPLACED WITH A MEDIAN NOTE: SAW CUT EXISTING SIDEWALK AT JOINT AT BACK OF CURB EXISTING CG-12 WITH NO DETECTABLE DOME �L. \ I I ---- �- \ ' I C I� / — \ \ \-----�.— \ \ I \-- '\ \\ I / 1, g- , ­ \ I I SI 1 I 1 i I I 11 I Is I I I I I I II 1 1 III I I I I 1 I I \ I ON aI ;rye I I C I I \ ` J -\\ I I I --\ 1 II � % _ \ / . ; II G1 - I / ---. , I , I / N 39°DO 3Q / i / / cZ PUB IC J 15 POf?LAR \ 1 / "/ / 1:;I 1 - i I It I �I ' I 1 / 308.1 PROPiERTi / / - I �l i / I o \ (�BR) .• \ \ . % / I \ \ / // /(-! \ ;I U \ I I \ / / 1 1 I 1I \ C , / % EX INST / / TU�IAROUND_„�:... / OPLA I - ; \,\� I \> I \ / I I 1 r----I-"- I / / SINE/ / IUBL I 1 \ 1 V.W. 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V.WW\ PUB IC \ POPLAR \ '\ \ \ \ \ INST #20 - '•rP849- / / 4 I I ( PROPERTY LINE-- I t I I I � \ \ \ I \ , \ � 1 )\ I M \ \ \ \ � , -, / \ i INST I O / I \ \ \ �,� \ \ ACCES�\ESI� T \ \ I\ o \ (TBR d, '\ YI ,\I ) \ ' \ \ EX. f�F , RT / /� l - \ I \\ # 3`-9839I € _ / I �ci+�' \ y••� \ \\ I\ `� \ INS\#2023-9�339 \ I\ \ TBE PI�+1b\ \ ��o� \ \ I 1\ \ \ \ LINEI IBIS {.:/ ( ftQ D 519N (TBR) / I II \ \ , \ \� \ \I \ I \ T M 45-101B I APPROXIMATE # I I / \ \ \ ROW DI I TION 7- 7 _,`� ��,. /,5 GRA1(EL /� �, !' c `- \T.M. 45� OOB .`� \ \ QI \ I \ \ °'INST 2023-9839 \ \ \ L ATI N OF \\ 2CL2 11 I37 f� I�,. I \ I 0 DE 4 C ARE \ \ \ \ \ : ,. INST 2023 8AE 9 MUL PILE \ \ \ \ \ I 1 , EXISTING \ i �; \ AREA=O. 91 AC INST • ";1 c � } ' I, v` , t I , I ..• ( UT LITY TBR \ \ + / _ I I \ \ # 023' 1839 > + ? 4 , -' t . \'\ TBRi \ \ AREA 1.87 I \ AREA 1.710A\C I\ \ POLE GUY ) \ \ \ \ pWNER. AMERUON \ t SANITARY \ I I ( \ I 1 I , \ - - \ OWNB.:CA ERQ , y ,t ,tf " y � �t ''�, I " - , \ I \ \ I II \ ROPER Y CVILL� -I \ \ l /'. I f... I ``: \ 1 IUTILiTY PALE c°� I _I _ tiI`> j y ' s �__ \ &LINES \ \ PRQPE TY �\VILLE, \ \ 9 \ \ LL I 1 SEWER LATERAL I APPROXIMATE 1 >.,-c . , -," `.,� ` \ -'_ L. . \ \ SEWER _ TO BE REMOVED \ f( I 1 . I, f '/ I --LINES (TBR _ I ° >. , 7;1 c:� `a I (TBR) \ \ \ L -`\ i \ I \ I �I ` L, 1 I I\ EX. \ 'Spo VARY 9) __) } /. -. / \ l c I `. r \ \ o h. 1 E 701, 1 \ \ AND SCAPPRED A7� a -{\ i ) I C LOCATION OF �� r r > s'� I \ / `\ \ I \ •_• \ ' 1 > I o 1 ROPEFj \ -0 I I I + L + f,t, ",' , .,:N` , r3 '� \ % \ I \ cb I I� `o a� I I \ INE INST 1�70- II ,\ M � v ',� II I 1.. _\ I... \ DUCTILEE IRON 30„ 'T- I / > ) v \ I \ \ o �' \ 1 , D'B 704 PLAT N -A ° I / _--- .' \ \ I // /% 1 ° /// f f _ l_ 1\` I _'_, ZONING / / -" \ \ 1 STEEP SLOPES - / / ' -� / � C . `I TMP 45-1008, 45-101 B / / I \\ \ / / > / / `" / _ \ \ \\ \ \ \ Managed Slopes Overlay District (SS / \ \ / / A ` / I \ \ y_ - -\ . OVERLAY _�'> may/ `f 1` , / _ _ �,11 � - - - \--, \ I \ � , (Portion) NMD-Neighborhood Model District \ I (MANAGED � � /-',� S TgR Trp,_ _ \ J ' - \ ZMA201800013 (Rio Road W) was approved on July 17, 2019 y / / - f..., 2q - , SM / \ ` \t / - \\ / I / / /-- j '"�� �� ", . / _ 11 v 4. F � \� y\ \ -\ \\ \ ( ZMA201800013 includes application plan, proffers, and code of development I I / = //'�� � ,-- � /- / B � __-FLAJ/_/=,r / . - ` - � ~ - Rio29 FBC District - Core Area alongRio Road frontage and Flex Area behind Core. t %/ ! � f� %�.�. " ��Z `icy ./ ,� , / r J9 �53" E \ \\ \t '' \ / \ \ 1 �,� /f W_--- i' _t �� \ \ ��_ _` `; \ STEEP SLOPES \ AIA- AirportlmpactArea I \ \ I II / /� /� - \� } \ I ` \ I I I % - j / / f / / �:__ - % / - --- --- °" """ / �7 6 9 \\ f \\ \OVERLAY \ \ EC -Entrance Corridor \ _ ! J \ I I I \ ` �_ ,�, -/ �� �'�� i �<- ��� MH B t i °\ I \ Q T.I \(MANAGED) /� (Portion) C1 -Commercial I \ I 1 � �� ��i ,. / / TOP=40.77 i •j 1 I I i� \-- --\ \ \ ""` i / / INv- 479.09 � I'• / 1 �I 1 \ f \ \ Note: ZMA201800013, along with all application plans, proffers, and codes of development \ \ t / \ 1 \ \\ / \ will no longer be valid with a final site Ian approved under the Rio29 Form -Based 1 \ I i � i !� _, 211-1- Z F _ . 1... -/ / / / I I - - I. t ./ I ` ` : 9 P pP �, --� � F\ r / f 1 I EXISTING- I 1 1 \ 11 \ i ;' � -! 01506/_ RES ROE \ Code. LC)t �i1T HERS X -:_ / a , (TREELINE TO I I �5 I J I - - - "" GES`� ES . D\CANON / / `r rn E REMOVED / 1 I 1 __ ✓ SAN14 /;R / \ Note: The subject properties, being TMP 45-100B, TMP 45-101 B, are opting into the Ftio28 \ i AG E._D gY ( `� / .\ 1 I I I \ \ �- �\sMZ. 1 I- ---- J-----C"i / f / 1_ ,FEbR USERPO 1 DENYA3q 8391 I \\ y \\ 1 /. C� \ \ I \ \ � b- _ - C / _,...� g-, c T #2012 -p �0 _ OC \ / _ -- \ ! N\� :. I ,� p BED 7 71� \\ Form -Based Code District. \\ ���Y ,�f i I j i�TFYE coUN(Y IN I I I �` T.M. 145 ON I\ b �� I + �\\ \ II I \ \ '// \ \\\ 1 \\ I I ( I IDINrI 6 I �-14\F 1 :..\ / )/ ---- - , , / 1 I I I I I I I O\NNER,\ T � CO \ I ,) \ \ xI L / \ - - r - J I � I I h 1 6- \ 00 l- . \ � \- / � \ 1 \ / \ \ N / 1 co d I I g �65 4d Pt \T \ `� �\ \milSpE�\ L \ I IF / z z I ' \ I I D • _ 5 P \ � E ^.._,=P . ! \boo } I I I \ .J I \ I ) 1 / I I I ( \ \ o I 1 I D g. -�\ _ 2/5 PLAT I J \. D� \ oNo -\ r /--,- ),. HQt}LN� \ \\\ \ 1 r- 1 \ I I I o `" I o 1 I 1292 1 1 I ! I\\' �. 0 wi3O, \ TBR),: / I "'\ \\\ 1 1 \ �l �� / \ // / / I 1 I \ 1 I I � 1 0 g' O 7� ACES / / \\Vu + \N "`" �\` 1 4 - - \ \ / I I \ 1- \ / \ / 1 \ 1 \ o I <s I o i oT - \ / � \ \ \ _ j I / N o N I AI I V. , \ \' \ \ \ � � / / / { 0 \ \ \ � l I \ FAMILK RE IgE /I t \, ` ,- _._: t )\kP LY\(�8 )\ \ �11 I I I / / � I I I I I i SINGLE C� �. \� + .- � - , .� ) / '\ \\ \\ \ A \I \\ �+ \ I I l I l I I I I I \ I USE ZONED)C1%>AIA/ I r H-1 1 i" Et \ _:` ;I �1 \ \\ \ \ \ , T / > / /I I I \ I I \I \ 1 I I \ \ \ �-q.., , ` I17 S O TbP-4J7.n5 9 03 q I \ \ - \ \ I / I I I \-rtl��,. 01" E 8. 5 29:97� \ to -1\ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ + 1 // / 1 I ) 1 I I \ \ �� m °` I N 139°03' 7, I \ \ o z \ \ \ BiRGH (��\ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 345 \ `\I b \\- \ r + 1 \ I J I I- I .,�.� - �--- \ \ \ ' us I I 1 \ ' �' \( / , \ \ \ \ � \ \ / ( ( I '"," I \- u- - --! . �� -, _.� 1 � X. \.wI POINT I I \ I \1 'j ,�, ` ALLY (TqR) \ � \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \\ � \\ . _ I \ ' I �1 ' 'RE CK 1 1 \ NAGE ESMT 40 � \ 1 J \VM\ EX. SAIT. PI. \,l I (E�ISShN 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ w° c�,, ,, 67 SH - p3�1„ EI 1 1 PUB IC \DRAM 023-9 II I ` \ \ \ \ \ 5110 NiU�A\ I \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ `' �� ARAGE / 9439° EX. \.W• sr}7yVT \ #21 I ' I \ (SIZE TO `\ \ \ / ` ' '� \ \ 1 \ \ \ \\ \ \ i .. 1 GIS&LIDAR DAT�I ,,,..� - - '' \ G 75.94' 1 1 AG E \ , i-' \ \ \ 1 f A`CILVTIt \ I \\ \ \ � -I _ �.. _ _� r:F; 'c " c c \ 3 I DRAIN 3-gg� \ \ I _ I t I MELD VERt E`t1 \ \ I ` ') \ \\ \ \\ \ �� APPZOXIM�TE l ) I \ \- SURVEY DATA -� C_ �. ��' U INST # \ 1 \ I -- I I I' I '� \ \ \ \\ \ 1 2 LO ATIO OF EXISTING I , \ \L° QUAD. ( \ \ \ \ ) D.rs�r�x �. �T , / I I I I 1 - - I `(� I \ ` I \ iC� \ \ \ \ \ 45- C \ \ rI I SA ITAf�Y_5111ER " s Ii \ li \ \ , � `a` %7, �gt '�, 1 I I _ _ L TEfFi#L TO I BE \ I 1 `'\ \ 1 I T . ,A I N - �'� - I _ I I I \ I \ \ \. \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ ` RO�ERTIES, - -\ / ._ z �c. 4r `zscs� i ,' I 1 24.0 I I I I r- I REMOVED AND I I` I I \\ \ ��,,\ 1 \ M 6\ 1 _.c.E_., %' , r„ ��, , I I FUEL t _ \ \ I� ` \ .1, ,c STOOP 60 V I _ f -- } Ct�PPE AT HE I i I d \ �(\ \ \ /\ I V I OV�lf�l � \ \ \3 11 �\1 TI \ :� o� -- `- GU.� \:t t r #6 TANK � - I I I 4 T j U I \ ;\ I. f , I I \ �' 454 PEA \ ,- _ o�u- IF PD \ r Pr ,J I & STEPS ONE __4 I I Y �--" \- c / r TBR I I I I I SEWER M/j\IN. I I' 'I \ \ \ \ t ` \ i \ \ 13�8- / \ / \ \ , :/ / Hu WIRE I r fTE LANE) /(TBR) o STO_3Y_-� ( r� '2oF11 AG I I I I _ 1 T- I , ) I I \ 0'30� I. ,I \ M \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `CI•gl ZI 3� A\�RE ) / / 1__I / I I( /� CH 'N Y _ �` BLOCK r� E INST I I -{ VLIWC - I �� / I �! 0„ EyL- 3 405' I \\ \ \\ \ i AI / '/ICE / l l � TBR IVATE TRAVELWP /- - -- ,� I ESMTI-g- - I / I �\ , \ S SER FOR "" N 'G \ V \ \ � \ I / / I PR I \EDl ---r ON I I 02 I "- I PUB , ---I - N 3 "p0 . 3 W. IUL�Y SF - EX. \� �' \ o\ \ ��AIU1\o � _�owp� / /� // // / /� I HEREBY DEp ���0 { BASEMENT I#"- {_ -)-� I- I I I E ESMT I I ` � \� / r \ �N1A FgC / / / / TEEEP ONE - TU DEMAND I D�IAINA� M `"r IPOP 1, R\ I PUBU� \" \ Q / I -! 01 / �/ I I I ) I\: , ACCEs W \ \ I I l �G EP' p (�Io // // /'y / / � I FU gUSE UPON I / 24.0-_-"---r"-`r I I� I c 0 I I \ S�-\� \ i / , I 130 F 0-13E PUBLICI T INST _ I E i 2D 3-. I(TBR +\ ESMT IN\ .,c \ \ / / / / 39' I I II I \ \ d, l - \ 1 `R [�L �I I I \ / / / / I COON I - / /I / 0'30 # /b 1 \ ' \ 3-g83 Q d'd, \ C �/I \ \ \ \ I RELOCATED) BY I�H2O.4, 9 I RAT PIG f -" I �l N \ / # WALL TBR) COVERED I l / �03.8,7, I PnD I (T #�) II - I` ,- .I , ,\\ #202 6 l ' \OAK/ I J /) \ \\ I 11 \ 1 � 1/ / // - l �� / I'4 I I -I--"- / / PORCH i i / L� \ \ . \ \ 0 I> - / - ORAR� < <-T --{ I I I " �,, \ w� \ / I \ 1 \ / /�y /_ � I I - I I / / E / / TEM / o \ \ \ 1�" FECH I I \ / / i / / r �" / \\ , O EQ ! \ < {:. "I_ _ , �> 1 I �-,, \ \ `Q \ 1 I- \ y / Ik� < � I \ I -: WATER LINE \ \ \ r ' 023- 839 \ \ m ( / AIPPROXIMAT % . EX. TELL .,� `\ C r ' ; I i\ cv I ' �11 \ N \ 1 S \ / RIP RAP I.. r L. 1 �- I I / � \r Y ` � f ``\ 1 MULCH PILE \ , I 1 \ \ �- 1 \ \ ` ----- \ - '� 1\ � I I V� \ f \ \ LOCATION OF \ \ I o / BOX, TEL. `` \\ s� b� k �.� I (TBR\ ` �) 1 \I 1 I \ \ \ \ ,'' '4/ _ { r \ SANITAR \ DITCH TO I I { / '' \ EX.�POLE / PED, UTI'(TY ) I 1xt "I 1 \ 1 ­�- - \ \ 20 ERE \ REMAI 1) P , M J �- 1 _ 116 \\ \ \ I MANHOLE EX. EIN7 E {„`Vlzl )l , , �' I �' 1 1' \ I \ \ \ ` SE sM�1• I I, \ r r J I \ \ I / (TBR ` z ,n I \ 1 _ _.__1 \ I \ \ _711� ( a I > AF / \ \ I (TO RF��IAIN) / i / \ \ \ i \ D g• 1270 v f� \ \ }.. \ i` / " c\,�. cn 1 1 <> ` \ �\ \ I \ �\ \ \ \ \ �� �` FI l{. l r � I t I l l SMT T CENTRAL I 30 OAK I I 1 ,� 1 1714 PLAT\\ I I\ f 1 J / w >k' \ T L HONE cgmPANY �� / 1 I j - ! • \ \ t -1 \ \ \ \ I \ / �tR DEDICATED VIA �jF VI GIN!IA DBA I i (TBR) J � / �� 1 I 1 ,r --\ \ \ \ I I \ ASHEq LINE 1 \ p\ 11. r' € A URA-L �\ \ \ \l / � ,II I 1 \Ii I I REPRE ENTIN THE 1 ' 1 I + I +1`' ,y<_ IF IPUBLIG� �QC SESMT TOCE 1Tll RRYLINK / I1� - \ �, \ E V. `�� I I II 1 I I I 1 Xi' ZONI G DIV SIGN 1 I \ I I, " f IAL EMAIRLF fET NTY. INST I \ P BLI R)029 F C- FLEX 1 s1 , r #2923 "`a 3 D.B� 4I716-51 I EX �4AD �, / I STEEP SLOP�S�I 1 \ d II ' 1 1 m m 5I N TO,- / // 1 OVERL/AY I I 1 I II AMLc-_5 \ 1 1 I 1, I \. I J ': I 1 $ d I �E / / / I I 1 I ' 1 ESMT III ST' I I A EA ' I •� I \ r1 � \; , II I \FIAT�Uf�A1 IA 2E SHALL EXTEND _ I / 36 WHITE (MANAO�D) 1 I I RI0129 FBt - CORE I w L I-- TO 11H1r/FA�E PF THE 1 > E CATED J I 839 11 AREA APPRCfX. o I 7 S/- r� V— ' r7 I Q o OAK 7BR I I I 20237_ I \ I \ I _ } I E r TCI)R, BUILDING. � I I ,RED OAK �' ) I I I I i I I I I �1 1) 1 1 1 I c9 w s = I I /(TBR) 24 - / r--N I j I I I 1 ' 11 If I \ \ ri _, f I> I k a I I" I \ -- H n w 1 / _ _ . MULCH I I I I ;, r / / - ! / —/ ; I I I I I I 1 1 \ 1 , I ) / � U.::i I_ I \._ ( I --I I /� I/ a, co r I / I/ / / , PILE I I I I I I III I I I 1 I ' n, � PJ48�.I�. } _ ( I o r_ , c9 � - I / �X. V.W. ff ,*813 l I � I 1 I I / / S :; I l �j __ \ 11 M I 4 B \ _ Q rl) I U I ( / � SWM � l,rCI LI TY / / I J 1 I I I I i I I I 1 I / 11 V /474{ 71 I 1 Cr, o- j I / /� / `\, / / I I I I I I I I 1 � \ i / ;� / ! 0 }\}$R/ /� Al :PIR ERTIES, INC. < � �St�1T INST / i fn J/ m > I I I / i I V-477 95 D.B I 6 7,�31 PLAT ( I I Iw- o i 1 rN-� `o / 24" RED { / I I I I I I I I / ;� "U'. , INUT 77(.70 I I � \ 1 I in #20�3-9839 // / I I I I I I �;' / �+ Q- -1- -t I„ I / // / / I I I I I I I I 'I / / i �� r )D.{B 416P-L116�, 1 2 PLAT \ \ I IN I OAK TBR / / _ I I I I I ' / i . Wit-, � ,'. 4 - I- j / I \ 1 I-q 3 \AC,RE 1\ - - - - - / / I I I I I I EXISTit�IG I'' �'.. / 1 . I / m ' m . I I\ - /' / // I I I I / � 1 I USE}: '4 -SALES SERVICE � \ o a , I n o �/ / / / I I I, I I I TREELINE �O ;� I I L_ \\ I l \ SMjT FO CIMMONWEA TH - '�\\ \ /-- POLE _------_- ,�/ / / / \(\ I I I I I 1 I I I BE REMOVED /I / Z X\1�94=�00023/ 1 - - I \ I I�NIEE�, \ 1 / F VIRGI A I I _ (TBR _ �� �� / 1 I I I I I %.I " `. H- 1 9 N I; I \ 1 / / _ E . V.W. I'UBLIGI — �., \ / c�' s-ful/RIo29 1 I D B. 4592-4 5 , I i \I i / / / _ - - I II I / gM MT IN$TITY \ \ \ 11 / I \ - \ \ \ \ ` 11 \� I I I It� I II / / l // I I I I I / I / / ' \ \ % / \ �\ P �4 RIP RAf D11\- ,\- \ \ \ \ ' I I Y I \ / I I / / ( / 2023-9839 / \ �'"` / 7,// I j - \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ / \ l I I a I I I I I I I // // / / /T \ , //'I // �/, // # // SA�jITARY \\ \;/ \ / o / /I � % \\ =,� \\\\" \ \ \\ \\ \, \I \ / \ \ PRIM 1TE SIGN in I I / , 0' { \ \_ \ ! \ 5 I I I I I / / / -- / / I// / / I / / / 2SEWER ESMT• I \ /i� I � / Ii % � \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` `..\ \ I / I (TB) I I / / 1� , / �� // / / I / 1 g 127�7p6, \i \ / \ / /o / / \ \ \ .\ \ \ \ \-_ � \ ) I l i X. q' / I N I I I ' II i / \/ ( � / �-- ", / I // i ( \�' 709 PLAT I j" p� �a'� \\ I' / %� p, / �e % \\ \\\\\ �\\\\ \ \ \`\\��`ti�\ \ / \ , -s D I - I ' I 1 / \ / >= - i / / / \ \ 9� F- \- -- \ �. /l `� / \ � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ � ( / I TOP=527. / � i I \ \ \\ I \ \ ----- 0 / / / I l I \ \ \ \ ` / / \\ \ \ \ \ - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 11 L. ENC�IMARK: `) \ \ -- h / J G I , \ \ \. / \ ��2 TO OFI 1 RA7EI INLET II I I \ \ \ \ \ \ I /- - -� A 6 3: 7 FT / \ \ EXtFsT1NG / / 1--- - \ 9 \ I -1� /, \ ? \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ / 8 \ LEVA1101�= 27.78 1, I \ \ \ \ \ \ TREELINE TQ \ \ 10 FT /- _ �- � IIg \ JqG �' } l - I,, 1 I \\ \ \"\ \ \, JOG LZ 9 \ \, / \ \-. \ \ \.:. � / I I �B REMOVED - - - � SANITARY ESM / I \ \ \ \ \ \, - \ \ ,� II i \ \ \ \ \-\ \. \. \ \ d I \ �- L3�/ N - D.B� 063 59.9 T-- I �\ \\ \\\�\\ \ N -- \� I 1 / I I I \\ ma`s \ EX. V.W� S� o 0 0 0----------- i I I f� STEEP SLOPES \ \ \ \ \ \ \" \ \', LO -- \ ) ` 1 e � PUBLIC ACCE� / / - I I - - / %l - OVERLA \ `' \ \ \ \ \ I I \ �q---I _... \ I _\ \1NST / \ / i/ - " _ - - / / / I � �/ / � (M GED) \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ I s/ #2023- - - ---- �- - _ _/ _ -"j / / / 6 / l \ - \ \, \ / I I L ` \ / I! I \ I EXISTIIN� PAVED I CURB ('rBR 8\ \ - \S7 I\�\44fi;;,�­-L _ / _ _ / l / / i u //- _/ ./ % \ , ^ \ ' \ ._ ` \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ I ENfgANCE ) » , 1 \, - \ _ _ - ? - / .t / \\ \ \ \ \\\\I / I S 47 44 14 W 1. - S 47°44114 W i S .47.44 k4'` W ' �" / f�- �- r L, \\ \\ \ \ \ \ .\ \ \' / S 4 °44' :, 1 0 \ ' ._ -I `. ,-� -- -- -4t37r 4 -- - - - - 11 - _ N SU, VEY DATA / _ — W. 0f Lr 1� - I i + Is DATIA ! � / � =.Ar� � .�,. «�•' /� �-:- -` - ,-.- _ f _ • .� � :. � / � ,i l �\I , \ \ \ \ \\�\ \._j C5A'1 SMT i a i 'i _� ., / EX V W ( \ - \ / X. IC A S EMT I t— P VED ENTRANCE _-- / E?T'-4 1 d6��_!� � `F PUBLIC DRA ACE ��C \ \ _ \ \-\\ E PUBL CCE S — 1— -- ESM � 0_. 03 9/ Ix �/.W. I�BCIC - \ \ \\\ . _. / INST #2023-9839 I ) (TBR) ) E ! ,-�7T 61 - / T INST \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\! / l / S M FACtLti --= x - x G - - �= I -�X - - ` _ ,�' � `Cx i IF 1. 2023-9840 ee \ \ \ \ ( N TE. NEW PUBLIC ACCESS I / I \ I bf .1 f.-1.1 E-Sr tNsT i . -- _ �� s -_ / 52' 0 # � \ \ \ . \ . \ \ I \1.r / �- �. - E.X;-=AESA.,I=SILT :_ % '*\ -\ \ ESM FOLLOWS THE SAM LINE + 30 JO T ACCESS E t�T. \ I I � I ,1 3X - - - CORNER ) \ \ \ \� - �' �S THE EXISTING 30'�JOINT /+ I 1 D.B. 1037-52 I „ 1 If tU�5d3 46 /20?-98V I" -- -- f # _ J , \ \ \ \_ \ _ \. / D.Y.035-465 PL x EX. kl.W.- t T 203839-- \ \ \ \ -- / 1 \ \ \_ \ \ \ E� j I ( ✓�M. /4J-1 / GBLIC DR�4INAGE / / EX. ACSA ESMT % y \ \ �----- I ACCESSI ESMT �' \ \ \ I /OWNER/ BE/(R'( 9 / I `,\ I I I1 I 1 \ END OF EX. \ 20'AtV11TA I I;KJ 1 \ \�— ESMT INST/ �o� / INST #2023-9839 I \ \ :< \ \ \ + I T. 4 -102 PUBLIC ACCESS SEW R E �1 ` I)F:OPERTIS, L. L. C / / / #2Q23-984q i �\ I \ \ \ \ ESMT\ INST D.B. 127Q� I I \ ( / �^ / APPROXI TE% �\ l\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ I 1 I OWNER: KILM�R ASSET \ \ t I I 1 I D.E.�1870-119 \ � I / I / / ') EX ACSA ESMT \ \ \ / / / (1 I 1 I PRO CTION TRUST, #2023-9839 \ 714 PLA r r I:. D 05-225 PLA-f'' \ =� i _ _LOCATION F , \ \ \ \ \ \ -\ I 1 \ \ 1 I I ", \ � y % `' = INST #2023-983- 1 - / \ a - Y - % / EXIS FIND RNJSA 3 1+ I GEOF RE D. I<kMER AND \ 1 �1 I D\B. 2325-437, 441 \ / /� / /� � I C \ \ `I \- ( + \ \ 1 1 li \ � \ I 6 " / \ DUCTILE IRO % \ \ \ \;,. \ _::\ \ I ENISE I ` � 11� . \\ \ - T \ \ \ \ `__/ 7 ;��i / I WATER LIN % `\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I k� 1 \ I 1 .B. 4755- 49 \ I \ I �\ / \ \ � r\\ 1 - \ \ . I.. I I I 3.,01 A �S /I > > �I I D. . 1 86-91 LAT \ �/ �-I.:I I I `IU E\-SELF-S ORAGE \ \ \\ <, { E_ � , \-\ /� �\ \ �„ , \ \ \ \ L. \ \ o I / ,- \ \ % \ \ \ � I / D.B. 10 5 225 PL�T DATED ��s \ I I I _..-.,MN tVA199 (� 027 1 �} \ 1 �J I ( PR L 28, 20i6 \ \ `_t I l .\ \\\ P- ,/AIA/ C/ \ \\ \ � \ t ,,I _� . \ { ( / \ I \ ) \ / + I \ 0. 8 ACRES \ < \ \ � ' !� %Tfo PBC/S -M 1 \ I \ \..,� \ \ I � \ \ \ ,.\ \ )-/I \� / I / US :0 FICE RETAIL � STEEP SLOPES �- I I- I ` \ \ \ \ \ \ ) \� \ "h \ / I / / �� OVERLAY \ I }. l t `\. \ \ \ I \ �� \ \ \ \ \ \ / I \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ �, ZON -1 AIA EC/ s \ \'\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,, \ \\ \ -\ I I \ / / (MANAGED) \'-� \ �� .\ \ \ \ / / I \ ' \ \—I / I (> RI 29 FBC/SS-M \ \ 1 1I I \ \_ \ \ \ J \'` \ \`'� �/ \ \ I \ \ >/ I_ I l I \ \ �.. \ \ 1 j.. \ LL I� 1 I\ \ I t \ .: i i \\\ 1� \�""`N. 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1 "=30' NOTES FOR CONTRACTOR: 1. THE EXISTING TREES DEPICTED AS TO BE REMOVED, HAVE BEEN REMOVED WITH THE APPROVAL OF WP0202200017 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THE 1" WATER SERVICE LINE ONLY AFTER THE NEW 8" WATER LINE IS INSTALLED AS DEPICTED ON SHEET C7 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION OF THE SANITARY LATERALS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. ,s.._- "Nosompo' ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 434.227.6140 JUSTIN@SHIMP•ENGINEERING.COM v tU'" I.1)-1 Li 5 gg3 16 1 r 2 ©� �,�w �s-CONAL , � DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA ' SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. EXISTING CONDITIONS BUILDING STANDARDS Building Requirements in Core Character Area: Per Sec20C.8- A- & B: Building Height: 2 stories (min.) 5 stories (max.) Ground Floor Height: 15 feet min. Block Length: 200-350 feet Build -to Range: 0-10 feet, At least 66 percent of a site's street frontage must be built within the build -to range Avg. Pedestrian Entrance Separation: 60 ft max AVERAGE PEDISTRIAN ENTRANCE SEPARATION CALCULATIONS: RESIDENTIAL BUILDING FRONTAGE = 343.50 LF DOORS ALONG THE FRONT OF THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING =10 DOORS 1 = 34.35Dem 5 Story Multi Family Building & 5 Story Self -Storage Building 15 feet ground floor height Block Length averages 375 ft. Travelway is provided within 250 ft The residential building is within the 0-10 ft built -to range, where 69.42% of the building facade is within the build -to line. The self -storage building exceeds the 1 Oft max built to range. Built -to range is 39.95ft ft. this has been permitted by the zoning administrator due to existing site terrain per Sec.20C.8-C(3) of the Albemarle County Code of Ordinance. Avg. Pedestrian Entrance Separation: 34.35 ft. BICYCLE PARKING SCHEDULE Required bicycle parking per Sec.20C.9-B(3): Required Residential uses: Short Term: 0.1 spaces per bedroom Long Term: 0.5 spaces per bedroom Total Proposed Residential Bedrooms on site = 97 97 x.1 = 9.7 short term spaces required 97 x .5 = 48.5 long term spaces required Provided: 10 short term spaces for residential 49 long term spaces for residential Required Non-residential uses: Short Term: 1 space per 4,000 sf of GSF Long Term: 1 space per 10,000 sf of GSF 1- Required for the Commercial Space within the Residential Building: Short Term: 11 space x 3,460 = 0.87 4,000 sf Long Term: 1 space 10,000 sf x 3,460 = 0.35 Provided: 1 Short Term 1 Long Term 2- Required for the Self Storage Building: 2 Short Term per modification request approved by county staff 0 Long Term per modification request approved by county staff Provided: 2 Short Term 0 Long Term Total Site Bicycle Parking Provided: 13 short term spaces provided 50 long term spaces provided. County of Albemarle COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I 13101y B101 - - - i ---BICYCLE ROOM 007 PACKAGE ROOM D4 A315 1 A420 BICYCLE ROOM INSIDE 1 APARTMENT BUILDING C3 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1.0 ' NOTE REGARDING DETAIL 1 THIS SHEET: THE BICYCLE ROOM IS FROM THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A102 FOR THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LEA BRUMFIELD Senior Planner 11, Zoning Ibrurnfield@albemarle.org tel: 434-296-5832 ext. 3023 To: Justin Shimp, Shimp Engineering Date: December 14, 2022 Re: SDP202200018 664 West Rio - Initial Site Plan Parking Determination Study & Modification Request Mr. Shimp, In response to your request for a determination of the minimum number of required parking spaces for a. proposed 92,175 SF self-service storage facility on TMP 4-100, TMP 45-100A, TMP 45-1006, TMP 45-101, and TMP 45-101B, I have made the following determination. Per the Institute of Transportation Engineers, a "mini -warehouse" (ITE Code 151) generates 0.17 trips per 1,000 sf gross area per hour during peak PM hours, for a total of approximately 15.67 trips per hour. As PM peak hours are greater than AM peak hours, that will be the focus of this determination. ITE further estimates 7 inbound trips during peak PM hours and 9 outbound trips during peak PM hours. You have indicated that not more than 2 employees will be present on site during operating hours. The total number of parking spaces indicated by peak traffic demand and employees requires a total of 11 spaces. Per the initial site development plan SDP202200018 664 West Rio, dated 2022,10.18, you are providing 19 total parking spaces for the self-service storage facility. This meets the parking requirements for the projected parking demand for the facility, and is consistent with similar facilities in the County and neighboring municipalities, including: - Storage Sense on Rt. 250 - 83,095 sf with 10 parking spaces. Parking of 0.12 spaces per 1,000 sf gross area - Extra Space on Hydraulic Road - 97,125 sf with 9 parking spaces provided. Parking of .09 spaces per 1,000 sf gross area. Other nearby storage facilities are drive -up type storage facilities. As these facilities can be navigated by driving, parking demand for facilities such as Ruckersville Self -Storage on Seminole Trail is not comparable to a facility which requires parking to enter a centralized building, and this facility has been excluded from this comparison. Per these findings, your provision of 19 spaces for a 92,175 sf self-service storage facility is permitted, and your required parking modification is approved. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Lea Brumfield Senior Planner 11 Albemarle County WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, Suite 2281 Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 0 ^N cq �. wW ~ Qo o Eo� WQC p 75 ~ w4 m NLn STREET--__ IE SIGN ROW DEDICATION AREA=0.091AC INST #2023-9839 to w w�� 0 ory a ryoLo wry ~ o Q - I— � SELF STORAGE TRUCK ENTRANCE SIGN NOTE: SEC.20C.8(A) REQUIREMENTS ARE MET BY SEPARATING THE BLOCK WITH A TRAVELWAY NOTE: THERE ARE NO RETAINING WALLS PROPOSED IN THE MANAGED SLOPES OVERLAY rim 45-1000 I F"_ t 1 AC EX. PUBLIC EX. SPECIAL 0.506 T HER FB LOT BOUNDNST 1 AREA `ACCESS ESM FUTURE LINE t 9839 RESER�EToFPUBLIC USE #2023— N 3c UPO EDEMAND BY TH2O2 —983 INST # N 39°03'01" E 34 97' � 1 9 t 1 1 TM. 45-102 TM. 45-105 LEGEND CORE AREA: 127,498SF x 0.1 SF=12,749.8SF ROW DEDICATION INST / #2023-9839 FLEX AREA: 23,850SF x 0.15=3,577.5SF CIVIC SPACE (LINEAR PARK) TOTAL CIVIC SPACE REQUIRED=12,749.8SF + 3,577.5SF=16,326.5SF=0.375AC ` SPECIAL LOT DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC USE INST TOTAL CIVIC SPACE PROVIDED=17,255.92SF=0.396AC #2023-9839 NATURAL AREA DEDICATED 21,83 VIA PUBLIC ACCESS ESMT NATURAL AREA=21,830SF=43,560-0.501 AC TO ALBEMARLE COUNTY. INST #2023-9839. AFFORDABLE HOUSING PRIVATE OUTDOOR Required: Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinance, Sec. 20C.12, affordable housing in the FBC RECREATIONAL AREA is governed by the comprehensive plan and therefore the development shall provide a minimum 15% affordable housing of all units O AREA = 0.506 AC EX. PUBLIC Per the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan, the required rent per year (not including utilities) O O ACCESS ESMT HEREBY RESERVED shall be equal to 30% of 80% of the Area Median Household Income (AMI) ^ O FOR FUTURE DEDICATION TO PUBLIC USE UPON DEMAND BY Per HUD 2023 income limit documentations published in 2023, Charlottesville, VA MSA AMI = THE COUNTY INST #2023-9839 $123,300 'E �l 38°58' S3' , J 86 units x 0.15 = 12.9 units = 13 units required as affordable 123 300 x 0.80 AMI = $98.640 Year Year 98 640 29 592 1 Year 2 466 Year x 0.30 _ - Year x _ 12 Months - Month Therefore, affordable units rent shall not exceed 2 466 Month Provided: 13 units at a rental rate that does not exceed 2 466 Month Note: The owner of the property reserves the right to update the affordable housing units rental rate whenever HUD updates the AMI. TM- 45--133 NATURAL AREA A=0.501 AC i :;:;—CIVIC SPACE LINEAR PARK) SPECIAL LOT�DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC USE AREA=0.39�AC INST #202/-9839 NATURAL AREA DEDICATED VIA PUBLIC ACCESS ESMT TO ALBEMARLEE COUNTY. INST #2023-9839. NATURAfr AREA SHALL EXTEND TO THE/FACE OF THE SELF—VTORAGE BUILDING. r I 0 S 22°47'40" E 3.57 `-S 12°57'29" E 16.41' --X —X --X —X —X —X —X —X --X _A ---X � �. TM. 45-94B 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM TH p1, vJ Li I 11 SS 4� 61ONAL DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. ZONING COMPLIANCE OVERVIEW STREETSCAPE ELEMENTS NOTES: 1. RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE TRAVELWAY IDENTIFIED AS CHARLOTTE LANE, FURNITURE AND FIXTURES ON IT WOULD BE THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY UNTIL THE AREA IS DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE, THEN MAINTENANCE OF THE STREET, FURNITURE AND FIXTURES WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COUNTY. 2. THE PRIVATE TRAVELWAY IDENTIFIED AS CHARLOTTE LANE IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE DEDICATION TO PUBLIC USE UPON DEMAND BY THE COUNTY. 3. BENCH 1,2,3,4 & 5 SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER DETAILS 8,9 AND 10 ON SHEET C20 OF THIS PLAN SET. 4. THE PROPOSED BENCHES IN THE NATURAL AREA AND THE LINEAR PARK ARE TYPICAL DIY BENCH, MUST HAVE A BACK AND CONTRACTOR SHALL DECIDE EXACT TYPE/SHAPE 5. THE GAME BOARD MATERIAL IS A STAMPED CONCRETE WITH SLATE FINISH. CONTRACTOR SHALL DECIDE THE PATRON. SITE SAFETY RAILING NOTES: RETAINING WALL RAILING, STAIRWAY PATH RAILING AND SIDEWALK WHERE APPLICABLE SHALL BE PER INDEPENDENCE ALUMINUM FENCING DETAILS. FENCE STYLE: INDEPENDENCE PREMIUM 3�4" SQUARE PICKETS WITH 3 RAIL AND 4 FT IN HEIGHT DETAIL C DEPICTS THE SAFETY RAILING SPECIFIED ABOVE SITE SAFETY RAILING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE CONCRETE ISLAND 3 DIMENSIONS DETAIL C4 SCALE: 1 "=30' r. om .... , O . ., 9, 4 I G TIER TO PUBLIC LOT E STING CG- p•506 AC EX' VED SPECIAY LINE f AREA = Y RESER EX. I EXISTING G-9 ACCESS ESMT HERpEDICATION TO BOUNDAR INST t ENTRANCE FOR USE UPON DEMAN g83 #2023-9g39 RECON UGC . PUBLIC IC COUNTY INS, #2023 m , SEX �.W PUINST \ v z CG-9 TO MATCH �— y DRAINAGE SLOPE AT TIE IN ; -.. dam_" _. �. �w "" TRASH I LOCATION y, !' 4 w° "� t CONCRETE RECYCLING( ; o r I� 30' STOP BLOCK G ` I SIGN RAGE EX V.W. PUBLIC RETPIMAX (RECEPTACLES 1 1 I I L GISBcLIDAR DATA GA op AINAGE ES WALL 3T 4FT i _� . R D I SURVEY DAT NEIGH INST X.^�W UBTIC 20' SANITARY / SEWER 270-7ESMT. ' D.B. 11y 714 PLAT WOODEN FOOTBRIDGE 6' WIDE WITH RAILINGS EACH SIDE ONE (1) DIY BENCH IN THE LINEAR PARK � TM. 45-17 3 �j 9j ONE (1) DIY BENCH IN THE LINEAR PARK if LINE INST , #2023-983� l �CLAS�6 A -TYPE 2- LOWMAINTENANCE ISH RED USE PATH (2; ASPHALT OVER 4'YAGGREGATE BASE) ONE (1) DIY B 1 IN THE LINEAR r' l PARK TWO +\ 2 DIY BENCHES IN THE < NATURAL AREA �-HARDSCAPED p PRESENTATION/GAME SURFACE (STAMPED 1s yj TM. 4 -948,�s J CONCRETE SLATE FINISH) DASHED LINE REPRESENTING THE ®� ZONING DIVISION R1029 FBC - FLEX AREA i R1029 FBC - CORE AREA (APPROX.) k \ BUILDL'TO-� " - r�vv EXISTING MENt LINE =10� i � - URVEY DATA -, DATA �...... GIS&LIDAR EX. V.W 1 BUMPER / EX. VUBLIC. L—, — — \ETX.oACSA ESMT Y PUBLIC DRA A(ACCES ESMT 2023-9839 EX' V W PUBLIC BLOCK (TYP.) , ESMT INST ° I SM.T , SWM FACILITY x — x — x — x - x — x -- x — x — x x — x #2023-9840 \, I _30=JOII.T ACCESS ESMT. ESMT INST\ #2023�9839 2023-9839. NOTE( NEW D.B. 1037=527 # E V 4V INS ACSA ESMT , PUBLIC ACCESS D.B; 1035--465 PL. \° / PUBLIC DRAINAGE INST #2023-9839 ° q ESMT FOLLOWS END OF EX. TM. 45 105 ESMT INST \ \ THE SAM4 LINE PUBLIC ACCESS ` #2023-9840 A THE I T 45-102 ESMT INST \ EXISTINIG 30' , #2023-9839 \ A( INST JOINT A�aE S \ ESMT i \ I � ° I s 1 i \ I , e I \, NOTE: TRASH AND RECYCLING I \ RECEPTACLES MUST BE INSTALLED UPON DEMAND BY THE COUNTY ° , , , \ , \ , , CC4 SCALE: 1 "=10' THERMOPLASTIC (TYPE B, CLASS 1) STANDARD CROSSWALK FOR PAVEMENT MARKINGS (TYP.) 5.5' --� 2.0' r-4-- CROSSWALK MARKINGS �4SCALE: 1 "=20' S Im ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227-5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM TH Or v JU ' 1. SHI Li:VS�3 �a �� IONAL DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE N0. 18.030 N SITE LAYOUT 30 0 30 60 90 Lam■ ■ ®-t Scale: 1 "=30' EXISTING CG-12 WITH NO DETECTABLE DOME CG-12 DETAILED GRADING PLAN ,CG-12 DETAILED GRADING PLAN 10 Scale: 1"=10' dI v O Q 0 Cr 0 CG-12 DETAILED GRADING PLAN 10 0 10 20 30 Scale: 1 "=10' d ° I I 1 � I 11 l 10 0 10 20 30 Scale: 1"=10' TH Ol ll UJU I.SIll P� � Li 'I I��2�a3 � � � w ZONAL DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. 18.030 CG-12 DETAILED GRADING PLAN A,.,O %C6 \ l\ I I \ ) \\ - I I � �/ /J�� � j ��� �i 2,0''S�`,jT�� SMT✓ � _ _-�� _--\ \ \ \ \ \ I � \I � \ / \ � / � I � ,/ ✓ / _ -' // , / � i', �', �/ ,B� 127,� � SLAT / - �� � ` - � ''''\ � � \ \ APPR XIMATE I J \ I 1 I / , �� i j/�, ,�,i-y7/� MH I )\ s \\ LOCAT ON OF / �,"r. / / OP=4aT77 ✓' ` J \' Q �l \ \ EX. F A I \ \ I _�' ✓ i /,� w%.�,,- �'� ✓/ / / / INV 479.09 \ I \\ I --r 10 \ \\ � I \ l � -'�---'v--�-•"'�/ r/ / � // // / J � / � � �i I \\ // % II \ I � I I I11 ..... -- -^'' 20' S{\NITA EIN Y SER E MT. D.q.127�1 711, ,714 P I\T40 -1 OO 0 I I \\ I \ TM.\q5 I 1 I \\ \ I I y� .✓-- s I / I I I , I I I I I o IEX. V.W. PUBLIC 1 \ \ ::.� \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ CO/ I C° , I I\ I I DRAINAGE ESMT IINST I 1\ \ \ \ \ oI N I #2023-P840 I SEWATER I I o DETAIEL THIS SHEET - . { t-.- . -.. a • .6 .. EXISTING 1 �+ Ian p - ERVICE �'; S I I w DEPICTED 0 DI WI 3, \ F� a cu�CA C9 1 I 1 I \- / I i ^` ' � ,1;'' �— w.,'' C ^ / uGe �,` i ° �_�.��' ? i \ , •.' \. aI "N ---, N F * I�': �I I - I a I PLUG `t� ' GLHJp I /. BL4G ut��}nlr+u� I . run L4JCATuO TR SI (N TO 2" ` _;. / AN$ITION / 5/L DIP / , - ,'- W .. ? l 11=�76.66 \ \ WATER LINE DETAIL EXISTINq WATERLINE ASS POPE l i TR I �S�N T; IT�ST f i 0 SS I TO 2i FIRE LINE/ \ r #2029840_/o :'F IL F �I I :�\ \ \ \\ CONTRACITOR BRA . �' ;� ..� n �Cl I I DRAWAGEJJJ� , .; / I t ► !, ;1� I l/ \ \a 1 1 \ \ \ \ 1 (7 SCALE. 1 "=10' "-1" HDPE WSL `�-45' BEND 6" CLASS 52 DIP FIRE WL 1 I —'-----I-----t M t91 l NIdwirc iivad CN,,d, %tm pltil� of Albemarle Ctlarlulte% tte. VA_)9Q2"I$79 . ' Ct�lult' U1,111�Y f]>+VELOf IulEN1 DEPARTMENT iv1f=1*17 114'WV'dAl.F#EMARLE.: 1R.G Construction Record Drawitj;s (As -built) and Requited Docutnen(s for VSMP Then Following is. to Ike of deacumenLsf and Wormation required mi cous'iruction record druwitags far stormwater ftic ilitie (refcretaee Wat'a r Pratm(ioa Ordhia,0017-422). It is. prejemble that tlttp turn rttctlixrt t'ec ord druiving by prepwreel,kv someone wher there die, d i> sigpner. Ple a41., do not praitide devig11 dremin s as colmir°lieliore record drelavirtgs. Fee $ 315JAQ (fee includes tlae° 41/16'reclanology Fee), Record (as=huilt) draivinif requirements: 1) A timed iuid dated proCe3sio-aal wrlI of the preparing cogineer or surveyor. 2.) rFlie. name: midi ddre_ss at the firm :and individual preparing the drawings on the CRlo street. 3) Include "as-built.drtawing" or, "Mcord draw in ou the title sheet. l) Shj7w the constructed lo.cation nfali items associrAud with each lacility,.aad the i.nspeQ.tion records to verify proper dimemitaaas, m aterials atad iRSt: RU60ta. T'lie itetus include, but are not limited to tltefcallowiaa": a) Updated 1. ocatiou.-with reo•cubrdiai,ates (ttarthiiigleasting) of all ficilides: b) Verilfied Drainage ,4r as mules for the drainage area treated, and for drainage: to the fiiciliti es: c) Curreat.physicaal and topographic survey for all eattlietastructurea, Ponds should include a. survey of the, pond. bottom, Surveys should verify pond volmes are per desigai. Corrections may be required for deviBaons from tile deuigaa: d) Plants, lactation and type. e) Pliaaas and profilesfor all culverts, Pipes, fWers, Weirs and Drtiivage Structures - Display the installed type: of drailla.'re structures; culvert/pipe sirs; weirs, materials, inlets or and treatnio,m(s), inlet and outlet protection; alignment mid invert elevations compared to design, fj Ditch Lines <-- Display the constructed location of all ditch lines and chatuiels,.includinptypical sections and lininps. g) Cuurdrail, fences or other s;afetylaa`aavisigo, . Display tho constructed tocatioat. urtall satety provisions; renr:es, Q,14ardf all, including they type, lem,tli and applied.end treatments, compared to design. la) Access roads - show lowtiou of at:cess roa(L; surface treatment, dmiraage, eta•; as applkaable. i) kaasen eats -= Show all platted eascttimW with. deed book referemt+ es l,aathaled, Facilities rand draulag,e must be. wiihin platted ease.jimits. Provide copies of recorded dnciunents. Additioual Documentation Required with the As -built Submittal: 3) tlltateri"nl layers - biofiltermedia; stone layers, sand layers, keyways and cores art,.ast be verified ass to uaaleriail. typesand depths- Provide itl5lwttion reports, boring or test pit rzpttrU and mateflal:; certifications. fiiaafdter media tnust.be an approved state niLx- 6) Inspection Records. mud photographs .for pipe trenches and beddin;; including uraderdrains and filter fabric. 7) Video Pipe Inspection far any pipes wlaicla are not viewabla without the, neQd to witer a confined space. 8) Computations - For similf cant'deviations [mm devsigal, provide sealed comput .tuns verifying that the as-bullt.e:c,nditioat is.egtiivalent or exceeds design requirmeats. 9) C4nipaetiau rvpyrfs are required w rifyinp, fill compaction in.d=4. l0) N-1 iruftacturrr(s) eerti#wetation(s) for proprietary BM1''s-certifyimf pruper iiaatal>la6on and fuaictioaaintg. uu� ta�:tl�aa►"r= NOTE: ALL PROPOSED FIRE LINES ARE PRIVATE NOTE: ALL CONDUIT IS TO BE PLACED 30" BELOW PROPOSED GRADE AND PROVIDE 12" MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN UTILITY CROSSINGS SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434,227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM TH Of, O V J U '" 1. SH1 > Li 3 w� _ IONAL -- DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. 18.030 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN 30 0 30 60 90 err■-1�■- Scale: 1 "=30' Landscape Plan: Required: Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20C .7—Table 2, Street Landscape Separation = 6ft in the Boulevard standards. Provided: 8ft landscape strip separating the Boulevard Required: Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20C .7—Table 2, Street Landscape Separation = 6ft in the Local Streets (Core/Flex/Edge) standards. Provided: 6ft landscape strip separating the Boulevard Street Landscaping: Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20C .10—D: The minimum Planting Requirements are as follow: • Required: All trees must be planted parallel to the street in the landscaped separation zone, pursuant to section 20C.7.H.4. • Provided: All trees are planted parallel to the street in the landscape separation zone. Provided trees in the clear zone along Rio Road W: 6 Small Deciduous Trees (Yoshino Flowering Cherry) Provided trees in the landscape separation zone along proposed local street (Charlotte Lane): 13 Large Deciduous Trees (American Elm (Princeton)) Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20C .7—H-4—Table 4: • Required: Landscaping Requirements in the Boulevard Area: Large shade trees at least 2V22 inches caliper (measured 6 inches above the ground). The maximum average distance between trees must be 50 feet or less per block length • Provided: Per VDOT Planting guidelines, ,minor trees should be planted within clear zones in urban conditions. Yoshino Flowering Cherry (Akebono) trees are proposed at spacing of 30—ft on center where plantings do not block sight triangles. • Required: Landscaping Requirements in the Local Street Area: Large or medium 'trees at least 2 inches caliper (measured 6 inches above the ground). The maximum average distance between trees must be 50 feet or less per block length. • Provided: Thirteen (13) large trees (American Elm) provided at 2 inches caliper with an average distance of 25—ft. Parking Landscaping: Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20C .9—A-7: • Required: At least one tree must be planted in the interior of parking areas for every ten parking spaces provided. • Provided: 13 Large Deciduous Trees (Swamp White Oak) Civic Space Landscape Required: Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20C .11—C—Table 12: A. Required Elements in Linear Park: • Trees B. Additioal Elements in Linear Park: • Open Grass Lawn PROPOSED LANDSCAPE Minimum Height Total Plant Planting Common Area of Total Botanical Name Cal./Heig at Height in Quantity Symbol Type Name Canopy Canopy ht Planting 10 Years Large Deciduous Tree Quercus Bicolor Swamp White Oak 2Y2" Cal. 11 31 14 339 4,746 ' Large Deciduous Tree Ulmus americana & cvs. American Elm (Princeton) 2" Cal. 10 25 13 397 5,161 Large Deciduous Tree Platanus Occidentalis American Planetree (Sycamore) 3Y2" Cal. 16 51 7 1,475 10,325 C� Large Liriodendron tulipifera Tuliptree or Tulip Poplar 3Y2" 16 41 7 475 3,325 Deciduous Tree Large Deciduous Betula nigra "Heritage" "Heritage" River Birch 3Y2" Cal. 14 29 6 535 3,210 Trees Large ° Deciduous Nyssa Sylvatica Blackgum Tree 3Y2" Cal. 15 23 5 181 905 Trees Large Deciduous Carya Glabra Pignut Hickory 2" Cal. 11 16 6 61 366 Trees Small Deciduous Magnolia virginiana. Sweet Bay Magnolia (6'-7') 6 16 6 79 474 Trees Small Yoshino Flowering Deciduous Prunus yeodensis & cvs. Cherry (Akebono) (6'-7') 7 15 6 99 594 Trees Deciduous Syringo meyeri "Polibin" Compact Meyer Lilac (1'-1Y2') 1 2 20 44 880 shrubs Deciduous Caryopteris "Longwood Blue Mist Shrub (1'-11'2') 1 4 27 10 270 shrubs Blue" Deciduous shrubs Viburnum x "Juddii" Judd Viburnum (1'-1y2') 1 7 12 38 456 Open Grass Lawn Not To Scale Total 129 3,733 30,712 Civic Space Landscape Provided: I • 7 Large Deciduous Trees (American Planetree (Sycamore)) • 7 Large Deciduous Trees (Tuliptree or Tulip Poplar) • 0.43ac Civic Space Provided in which 0.33 ac is an Open Grass Lawn Tree Canopy Required: Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinance, Sec. 32-7.9.8, the minimum required tree canopy =10% Total Site Area = 177,484 * 0.1 = 17,748.4 sf tree canopy Provided: 30,712 sf tree canopy Landscape Notes: 1. Contractor to apply 4' diameter by 2-5" mulch bedding around all proposed trees, and mulch bedding around shrubs. 2. All other landscaped areas shall be sodded. 3. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 4. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. 5. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover. 6. Perimeter parking lot trees to be 2.5" caliper. 7. Contractor shall plant all landscaping by the first planting season following the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy within the development. 8. All site plantings of trees and shrubs must be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. shrubs and trees must be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. NOTES: 1. PROPOSED OR APPROVED LANDSCAPING LOCATED WITHIN THE V.W. PUBLIC SWM FACILITY ESMT MAY BE DAMAGED OR DESTROYED BY DETENTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE. APPROVED LANDSCAPING WITHIN PROPOSED V.W. PUBLIC SWM FACILITY ESMT MUST BE REPLACED IF DAMAGED OR DESTROYED UNLESS LATER PLAN APPROVAL ALLOWS REMOVAL OF (PARKING ISLAND) LANDSCAPING DEPICTED ON THIS SHEET. 2. ALL TREE TRUNKS MUST BE PLANTED WITH A MINIMUM OF 10-FT HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (AS SHOWN) FROM WATER LINES IN THE ROW 3. LANDSCAPING ALONG CHARLOTTE LANE IS PROVIDED WITH THE INTENT OF FUTURE DEDICATION OF LAND TO ALBEMARLE COUNTY UPON DEMAND. THUS, THE LANDSCAPE NOTES AND CALCULATIONS MENTION "LOCAL STREET" REQUIRED/PROVIDED. I I `tla IJVL LIIVG Vri a I I I . I I 1 4n, I l� It I I 41M} TREE T 7'`- I I WITOIN I SIGHT AIN E I I I I i / I ; \ r \i \ 3 I I \ LAf DSCAPE ST IPIWIDTH I 1 V RIES BETW�EI� 8.20' I \ �1 A� DI 8.30' I I \ 1-10 1 I I I SMT T CENTRAL TF\L HONE COMPANY I fpi. l I F CENGT'IPAY INK I I D.B� 4716-51 I' I t � w I ��� I���I L I 1\ 5 o l \ III - �� ►� I I I I $ I w \ I \ I IS�1T\T0 CIMIONWEA TH I � QF VIRGI( A D B. I4592-4 5 I I ( I >l I Q0 Ln \ Ln \ 1 NOTE: JSMALL T EES \ PROPOSED,IN THE ''DOT / ( I CLEAR 4QNE. VDOTI CLEAR 20NE, i R�QUIRESINO MORE THAN; I _ 1 4" CALIPER I I I I I I 0 � I Gl&LIDAR DATA s S RVEY DAT ` / I 1 I I _,6 �,� R , SAt`IIT Y < X 1 V-1�l\ \ \\ � YvEt`` \ 45_00c\ 6, I I 1 I Y \\ Y \ :� , Y L; I \` / � D �41L\ \TV 1 \\ \ \\\\ II I I I l \ o I I I \ \I Lo I I 01 I 1 I 1 I / I �\' \ . \.y y i Y .y ` / / / 1 1 \cb I I I I / I / j\\ O I I o \ I 1 / \' - LO -. I.-.. :a... ....,. ......\ '<.,�... ......, .y.wl .W..:. � ..., o...., .,..,.,, s i '� I 1 I ; I \ I \ •Y .y \y, \'Y .\----"'•-t�� \� y y \ Y \' �Y I (EX1SSPfl 1 \ 1 \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ y> NEB 'I A—VU M ��243/L�!"�:�/���'���.A�►®���'��i�l=1����119i5§�Al/l�uf�/,c�� Ati�lf�l®ri'.t�+!�j/v�l`1'<�\\�1 I�1���i>®!.'�I��\rfS�ii'r11�F\��tri�t��l���_ll�i�\�w����'�M!�I�� r��n:rm:u•�uac►•n■■a�cw�x�a�remu!-ymrmxy:m+ia�remraa�nreirn� V10i\1'AL 3 O It It 7�' FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO PXJBLI SWMI F*CILIT Nc T COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , 1 �, ;� m: I i •� s I I I\ /-------- ►: ,/ /1�. _ -\ �i I liI`,I. I ! I I -� ° ����� �/, \, ! II I I ! I. I \, \ VIRGINIA 18.030 URVEY DATA_ _ Ii l W.'w ,.) GIS IDAR DATA 1 ..\ I / /.r�� fil �_— —r i�� �� i�� EX.V.W. LANDSCAPING PLAN I 1--��— /XX t/AW�FAE}BL PUBLIC DRA ,I I 3O-_JOliI�1T ACCESS E MT �\ I I / / EssM'�INST I I D.B. 1037-52T " I I D.Y. 1035-465 �S, \ \ I I I (/ / /\ (� 9GBLIC DRf�INAST / I I I I I TPK. 45 ' I U- t- t--- E`�rMT IN / ', #2Q93-98401 PL 45 102 / \ ESMT INc,1 — x r -X x — r s —-#2023-9840 30 0 30 60 90 Col Scale: 1 "=30' W616i Schedule Symbol Label Quantity Manufacturer Catalog Number Description Number of Lamps Filename Wattage Light Loss Factor ❑ EcoForm Area LED ECF - Large, 80 LED's, (5) LEDGINE SLD LIGHT ecf-I-801-1 a-ww-g2-4-h A 14 SIGNIFY GARDCO ECF-L-80L-1A-WW-G2-4-HIS 3000K CCT, TYPE 4-HIS OPTIC, House -side ARRAY(S) DRIVEN AT 265.0 1.00 Internal Shielding 1050mA is.ies Gardco GeoForm block medium LED wall (2) LDGN66 Reduced Pixelated B 6 SIGNIFY GARDCO GBM-A14-840-T4M sconce, 40 LED's, 3000K CCT, TYPE T4M Array(s) DRIVEN AT 1215mA gbm-a14-840-t4m.ies 77.4 1.00 OPTIC, 80CRI ❑ C 10 SIGNIFY GARDCO GBM-A06-830-T2M Gardco GeoForm block medium LED wall sconce, 40 LED's, 3000K CCT, TYPE T2M (2) LDGN66 Reduced Pixelated gbm-a06-830-t2m.ies 16.3 1.00 Array(s) DRIVEN AT 526mA OPTIC, 80CRI ❑ D 1 SIGNIFY GARDCO GBM-A06-830-T4M Gardco GeoForm block medium LED wall sconce, 40 LED's, 3000K CCT, TYPE T4M (2) LDGN66 Reduced Pixelated gbm-a06-830-t4m.ies 16.3 1.00 Array(s) DRIVEN AT 526mA OPTIC, 80CRI PureForm Post Top, Comfort Optics, 196 O Street Light 8 GARDCO PPT-1 96L-1 675-WW-G2-1 LEDs, 1675mA (75W), Warm White, Type 1 8 75 Single (Poletop, Yolk, Bollard) Lighting Notes: 1. Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. 2. Pole lighting fixtures not to exceed a height of 20', including the pole base. 3. Wall -mounted lighting fixtures to be installed at a height of 10'. Note: Pole -mounted light fixtures STATISTICS: STREET (both the fixture and the Average: 1.8 fc LIGHT SEE pole) must be dark brown, Maximum: 18.1 fc NOTE THIS dark bronze, or black. SHEET Minimum: 0.0 fc NOTE: STREET LIGHTS SHALL BE POWERED FROM THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AND SHALL BE SET ON A PHOTOCELL CONTROL TO BE OPERATED AT NIGHT. Slie $r Area�f` MRDCO 4 EroFgr t ,r bysgnify'�� '>M��Tj�aYgx U yy �ll�,F �.. a;: F ''�,v,.:X�,>.fk"rq"v,•` p'a'�� Gardco EcoForm Gen-2 combines economy with performance in an LED area Prolacc. luminaire. Capable of delivering up to 52,600 lumens or more in a compact, low Location: profile LED luminaire, EcoForm offers a new level of customer value. EcoForm cat No features an innovative retrofit arm kit, simplifying site conversions to LED by eliminatingthe need to drill additional holes in most existing Type: g poles. Integral control systems available for further energy savings. Includes Service Tag, our Lamps Oty innovative way to provide assistance throughout the life of the product. Notes Ordering guide example: ECF-L-96L-tA-CW-AR-AFR-90-120-DD-PCB-FI-SPi-TB-RPA-HIS-BK H Gardco PureForm LED post top features a sleek, low profile design. Comfort optics are designed to enhance visual comfort by reducing glare. Type 1, 2, 3, and 5 optical distributions are available with lumen output up to 9000 lumens. A full range of control options provides additional energy savings. Optional integral emergency battery backup is available for path -of -egress illumination. Ordering guide Proiecc 664 West Rio LCcati 6U m° Ro°tl WCM1°a°neev,Xe, vx] n cat No Type Sueat Lights Lamp,Cty 8 example: PPT-196L-450-NW-G2-T3-1-UNV-DGY •PPT 196 650M WW-G2 1 = 120V PPT PureForm 196L 196LEDs 450 45OmA WW-02 Warm White 3000K. 80CRI T3 MountstoaWx4" 1 Comfort Typel Leave blank for no 120 120V posttop. 660 660mA Generation 2 Tenon (standard) 2 Comfort Type2 battery 208 208V comfort 1150 1150mA' NW-G2 Neutraleneation T2 a /8"x 3 ComfortT e3 EBPC Emergency 240 240V optics 1676 1676mA' 2 80CRI Generation2 (must 4" TenMountson (musto yp battery pack 277 277V 2100 2100nukl' ordered and ordered and shipped pp 6 Comfort Type 5 cold weather 347 347V CW-02 Cool White 5000K 70 CRI asaseparate z..sv 480 480V Generation 2 accessory) UNV 120-277V WY-G2 Warm Yellow EBP Emergency battery pack `!61 (50/60Hz) 2700R, 80 CRI HVU 347-480V Generation 2 ° (50/6OHz) BW-G2 Balanced White 3500K(80 CRI) Generation 2 ° 140L 140LEDs AM-G2 Amber Generation 2"' _-r wa•:1 .-r ,-•: q A r .i •1 tBronze LWMAN or Dar ray ECF-L 80L 1A W=2 4 DD 0-10V External dimming (by others) 4 FAWS Field Adjustable Wattage Selector 19 120 120V IMRI3 Integralwith #31ens" PCB Photocontrol Button 'B TLRD5 Twist Lock Receptacle 5 Pin°" Fusing Textured ECF-L EcoForm 80L 80 LEDs 900 9OOmA WW-G2 Warm White AR' Arm Mount 1y9e2 Ft Single (120, 277. 347VAC) BK Black site and (5 modules) to 105OmA 3000K, 70CRI (standard) 2 Type AFR Auto Front Row LLC integral wireless module!­1 208 208V BL Bi-level functionality 6° TLRD7 Twist Lock Receptacla7Pln °.,4 F2 Double (208, 240, 480VAC) a WH White area. large 12A 1200mA Generation AFR-90 Auto Front Row, 2-20 Rotated leftt 240 240V TLRPC Twist Lock Receptacle F3 Canadian Double Pull BZ Bronze DGY Dark Gray NW-G2 Neutral White The following 9 2-270 Rotated right 270° Rotated left 90° 27 277 277V DynaDimmer. Automatic Profile Dimming!' w/Photocell° n14 (208, 240.480VAC)° Medium Gray 96L 96 LEDs 800 BOO mA 4000K. 70CRI mountingkits AFR-270 Auto Front Row. 347 347V CS60 Security 50%Dimming. 7hours (6 modules) iq tO50mA Generation 2 must be ordered e 3 TyP Rotated right 270° 480 480V CM60 Median 60%Dimming,8hours Burge Protection (10kA standard) Customeropsspecified Customer -ea SP2 Increased 20kA RAL S ecif o banal p y p RAL RAL7024 1.2A 1200 mA CW-G2 Cool White 500era separately .(See accessories) 3 Type yP BLC Back Light Control CS30 Security 30% Dimming, 7hours UNV 120-277V y 9. CM30 Median 30% Dimming, 8hours .Al9 1400mA ion2 Generation 2 3-90 Rotated left 90° BLC-90 Back Light Control (50/60Nz) 9• color or ex: ( ) SF° Slip Fitter 3-270 Rotated right 2701 rotated at 90° HVU 347-480V EHS External house side shield CC Custom color Mount BLC-270 Back Light Control (50/60Hz) (factory installed) (Must supply color chip for (fits to 2°/8" TYpe 4 rotated at 2701 required factory quote) O.D. tenon) 4 Type 4 1. 1160. 1675, and 2100mA not available with emergency 5. Not available with motion sensor. 11. Not available in 2100mA. WS Wall mount 4-90 Rotated left 90° with surface 4-270 Rotated right 2701 battery backup(EBP). 6. Not available with photocontrol. 12. Not available with DD and FAWS dimming control conduit TYloe5 2. 2100mA not available with emergency battery backup 7. Not available in 347 or 480V. options. rear entry cold weather EBPC . 13. Must s ( ) 8. Must specify input voltage. pecify a motion sensor lens. permitted 5 Types 3. Extended lead times apply. Contact factory for 9, Dimming will not be connected to NEMA receptacle if 14. Cannot be combined with HVU and 8L-IMRI3. RAM' Retrofit arm 5W Type 5W details. ordering with other control options. mount kit 4. Not available with other control options. 10. Not available in 480V. DD"' 0-10V External dimming IMRIT5 Integral with PCB°•' Photocontrol Pusina Square Pole Adapter Texture (for controls by others) #3 lens Button F18 Single (120. 277, 347VAC) included in standard BK Black DCC4•5•8•14 Dual Circuit Control IMR1718 Integral with TLRD510•" Twist Lock F28 Double (208. 240, 48OVAC) product WH White FAWS4.5.18 Field Adjustable Wattage Selector #71ens Receptacle BZ Bronze LLC4•e.8-r Integral wireless module 5 Pin Pole Mount Fusing TW1 Terminal Block BL'•!'•1° Bf-level functionality TLRD71O-° Twist Lock FP78 Sin 91a (120, 277. 347VAC) RPA" Round Pole DGY Dark Gray SRDR1,1*80 SR driver connected to Zhaga socket Receptacle FP2° Double (208. 240, 48OVAC) Adapter MGY Medium Gray 7 Pin s FP3 Canadian Double Pull (fits to a" 3.9" O.D. pole) Customer specified DynaDimmer• Automatic Profile Dimming TLRPCB•t0•110 Twist Lock Receptacle (208, 240, 480VAC) HIS14 Internal House RAL Specify optional CS504•e Safety 50% Dimming, 7 hours w/Photocell Surge Protection (10kA standardl Side Shield color or RAL SP2 Increased 20kA CM5044 Median 50% Dimming, 8 hours (ex: RAL7024) CS301-e Safety 30% Dimming, 7 hours CC Custom color CM304•e Median 30% Dimming, 8 hours (Must supply color chip for required factory quote) 1. BL-IMR13/7 equipped with out -boarded sensor housing when 10. TLRD5. TLRD7 and TLRPC receptacle pins 4 & 6 are capped off socket must be SR compatible (See specifications for more voltage is HVU (347-48OV) when ordered with any of the Dimming controls DD or details). Consult factory for lead time. All 7 pins in NEMA 2. Mounts toa 4" round pole with adapter included for FAWS or LLC. receptacle are connected to SR driver. SRDR not available with square poles. 11. Not available in 48OV. Order photoce ll separately with TLRD5/7. TLRD5 or TLRPC. 3. Limited to a maximum of 45 degrees aiming above horizontal. 12. Not available with DCC. 18. 0-10V dimming driver standard. 4. Not available with other dimming control options. 13. Not available with SF and WS. RPAs provided with black 19. 120V or 277V only. not available with SRDR or any DynaDimmer S. Not available with motion senson finish standard. options (due to driver limitations). 6. Not available with photocontrol. 14. HIS not available with Type 5. 5W, BLC. BLC-90, or BLC-270. 7. Must specify a motion sensor lens. 15. Not available with DD.DCC. and FAWS; dimming control options. 8. Not available In 347 or 480V 16. Not available with DD, DCC, FAWS andl LLC dimming 9. Most specify Input voltage. control options. 17. When ordering SRDR. controller (by olthers) to be used on q�"'w""� aC �L US ECF-L_EcoForm area_large 04/22 page 1 of 9 (a %i Gardco GeoForm block medium LED wall sconce features a rectangular geometric shape that will complement a range of architectural styles. GeoForm block medium is available with two light engines: precision optics which feature type 2, 3, and 4 distributions, as well as light effects optics which offer wall wash, spot, and pencil beam distributions. GeoForm with light effects can be used in up, down, or up and down configurations. Emergency battery backup option provides path -of -egress illumination, and multiple control options further enhance energy savings. Ordering guide GBM Ab/14 GBM GeoForm Block Medium A06 2.500lumens A07 4,000lumens A08 5.000 lumens A09 6.000lumens A10' 7.600 lumens All' 8,500 [omens A121 9,500 lumens A13' 11.000 lumens A141 12.500 lumens 830 80CRI 3000K T21A Type 2 down only None Leave blank for 840 BOCRI 4000K T3M Type 3 down only down only 740 7( 4000K T4M Type 4 down only 760 71 5000K BOt' 700 [omens 830 80CRI 3000K WAW Well Wash 802' 1,000lumens 840 80CRI 4000K SPT Spot B03' 2,200lumens PEN Pencil Beam 8041 1.400 lumens 830 80CRI 3000K WAW Wall Wash B061 2,000lumens 840 80CRI 4000K SPT Spot B061 4,400lumens PEN Pencil Beam none Leave blank(lOkV kA dimming none Leave blank(10kV kA surge driver standard) protection standard) DLEM Dimming Leads Externally SP2 Surge Protector 20kV/IOkA (option) Accessible (controls by others) FS1 Single Fuse (120. 277. or 347VAC) DUCC11.1 Dual Circuit Control F52 Double Fuse (208V. 240V. or 480V) FS3 Double fuse Canadian double pull FAWS' Field Adjustable Wattage (208V, 240V, or 48OV) Selector PCB° Photocontrol Button (120-277V only) MW30,.'".e Microwave motion sensor factory set at 30% dimming DynaDimmer: Automatic Profile Dimming Only offered with AO8-A73 CS50'•'•!e Safety 50% dimming, 7 hours CM601•2.4•e Median 50% dimming, 8 hours CS30"' . Safety 30%dimming. 7 hours CM30'•°•4•e Median 30% dimming, 8 hours example: G8M-A06-840-T3M-UNV-FAWS-MG 120 120V None Leave blank for 208 208V down only 240 240V 277 277V 347 347V 480 480V UNV 120-277V (50/60Hz) HVU 347-480V (50/6OHz) None Leave blank for I None Leave blank for down only down only U Uptight configuration i WAW Wall Wash to match downlight SPT Spot configuration PEN Pencil Beam none Leave blank Textured ECB•° Emergency Battery BK Black Pack, Cold rated WH White (-20°C to 40°C). BZ Bronze 120 or 277V only. DG Dark Gray MG Medium Gray Customer specified RAL Specify optional color or RAL. (ex: OC-LGP or OC-RAL7024) CC Custom Color (must supply color chip, requires factory quote) 1. Emergency Battery Pack not available. 6. 120-277V only. Luminaire must be ordered with DLEA option if using WAR 2. Only one option can be selected from Dimming Controls column. 7. Dual circuit control only available with A06. A07, ADS, and A09. 3. Not available in 480V. 8. Not Available with "Light Effects" BOt - 806. 4. Only available in 120- 277V or UNV. 9. EC option requires 120 OR 277V. 5. Only available in 120-277, must specify voltage. GBM_GeoForm_Block-Medium 01/23 page 1 of 6 i�ii' DLC LIS78D PgEMIUM PPT_PureForm-post_top 04/22 pagelof 5 R cV�� x,idaL .0 us SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT C 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN tr SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM TH Ol, v J UAL SHI P > Li .� .I i4 SS �� ASS foNAL DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. LIGHTING PLAN 13.030 1 1 30 61 91 Scale: I 1 664 West Rio Fire Flow Water Pressure Calculation to Hydrant Pressure at Test Hydrant M386 psi Pressure at New Fire Hydrant 1 psi (min. 20 req.) Frictional Loss Hazen -Williams Equation Hlose = (4.73*L*Q1.as)/(C1.85*d4.87) 50 ](conservative estimate for DIP Pipe) c = F d L Q Pd Waterline Reach (in) (ft) (gpm) (psig) From Existing 8" Water Line to 8 163 1500 2.18 8x6 Tee From 8x6 Tee to New Fire 6 8 1500 0.43 Hydrant 1 Total 2.62 psi psi psi Elevation Head Loss ft New Fire Hydrant Elevaion 529 ft Ex. Fire Hydrant Elevaion at Test 534 psi Head loss per foot 0.433 psi Total head loss -2.2 Minor Loss (fittings) 8" Hminor=K(V2/2g) V= 9.588 fps 6" Hminc, = K(V2/2g) V= 17.04 fps base Ka;n # psi Tee (lineflow) 0.30 0.36 1 0.52 psi Tee (branch flow) 0.75 0.91 1 1.30 psi Cross (line flow) 0.50 0.61 0 0.00 psi Cross (branch flow) 0.75 0.91 0 0.00 psi 90deg bend (8") 0.25 0.30 0 0.00 psi 90deg bend (6") 0.25 0.30 0 0.00 psi 45deg bend (6") 0.20 0.24 0 0.00 psi 22.5 deg. Bend 0.08 0.09 0 0.00 psi Gate Valve 0.10 0.12 0 0.00 Total minor loss 1.8 psi TOTAL SYSTEM LOSS 2.3 psi Location RIO RD W Pressure Zone Urban Ring Date and Time of Test 1/12/2023 9:19 00 AM! Minutes of Flow 21 Pipe Size (Inches) 81 Pressure Hydrant 105511 Static Pressure (psi) 51.5 Residual Pressure (psi) 40.4, W Q20 Looped ❑ Q20 Multiple Inline Hydrants ❑ Q20 Single Flow ❑ Sprinkler Test Single Flow Pitot Pressure #1 (psi) Flow Hydrant #1 � 10664 30.71 Yellow 1 Z Test Flow 1 9301 �. Flow Hydrant #2 12673; Pitot Pressure #2 (psi) 36: Yellow 2 Test Flow 2 838 Flow Hydrant #3 Pitot Pressure #3 (psi) Yellow 3 Test Flow 3 0 Total Estimated Flow (gpm) �_- 17681 AWWA Q20 Calculation (gpm) 31831 (No value in Q20 Indicates insufficient pressure drop for Q20 OR a sole sprinkler test.) Comments :Hydrants opened all the way. For method of calculating pitot flow with a red Pollard diffuser: see eq.13, Walski and Lutes article 1990 Journal Management and Operations AWWA. For yellow Pollard diffusers, a best fit third order polynomial equation of the Pollard flow vs. pitot pressure gauge is used. Estimated Consumption (gal) - 3536' ❑Modeling Purposes Only For use for water audit Signature: ¢,ram U, Signature: y. 52 632 ,y s3a s2s s2s � saa � ^°� 622 620 6,n / 690 660 a . 654 . 0551 a s644 671 ; q 1 1 0 AUA Water Tank ACSA,,Nydrant 4� Utilities, structures, lot lines, and all appurtenances indicated on this reap are intended for general 3060 120 180 240 tmag County layout and reference location only. This printout is not intended for any other use than for preliminary b Feet planning and general location purposes. The utilities shown on this map are believed to be accurate, yN however, recent utility improvements and/or systern changes may have been updated since the time of this printout. Any determination of topography or contours, or any depiction of physical Sev1v1C=4-- improvements, property lines or boundaries is for general information only and shall not be used for the design, modification, or construction of improvements to real property or for flood plain determination.���� Cf~i1t� Contact ACSA directly for specific utility locations. Aerial Imagery © Commonwealth of Virginia Planimetric Data Property of County of Albemarle ACSA Staff MM/DD/20YY FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS The self -storage building has 94,212 gsf and is type IIA construction Residential building has10,960 gsf which is type IA construction and 88,100 which is type V-A Per Table B105.1(2) of the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code: The self -storage building has a minimum required fire flow of 4,500 gpm with a 4 hr flow duration The residential building has a minimum required fire flow of 5,250 gmp with a 4 hr flow duration Since both, the self storage building and the residential building, will incorporate an automatic sprinkler system, the requirements in Table B105.2 of the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code will apply for the proposed design. Per Table B105.2 of the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code: Section 903.3.1.2 of the International Fire Code, 25% of the value in Table B105.1 where the reduced fire -flow shall be not less than 1,500 gallons per minute. Required Fire Flow: Self -Storage: 4,500 x 0.25 = 1,125 gpm = 1,500 gpm Required Residential: 5,250 .* 0.25 = 1,312.5 gpm = 1,500 gpm Required Available Fire Flow: Per a fire flow test performed by Albemarle County Service Authority on the closest fire hydrant to the site, the calculated available fire flow Q20 is 3,183 gpm. Conclusion: The fire flow requirements are met since available fire flow is greater than the required fire flow. Required Fire Hydrants: Per Table C102.1 of the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, one (1) fire hydrant required if 1,750 gpm or less required fire flow. Provided: Two (2) fire hydrants for each site. One (1) fire hydrant for each building. 4 I APP OXIMAT LOC TION OF E FHA I I' 44 �I l 1 1 II FIRE PREVENTION Two existing ACSA fire hydrants are located on Rio Road West. One is located approximately 300 ft. east of the site and the other is located approximately 260 ft. west of the site. Both are on the south side of Rio Road West. Two new fire hydrants on site. FIRE RESCUE NOTES During construction, the following fire prevention steps are required, so please note them on the plan: 1. Smoking shall be prohibited in areas where smoking makes conditions such as to make smoking a hazard and these areas shall be designated with no smoking signs per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. 2. Areas where smoking can occur, shall have appropriate receptacles for discarded smoking materials per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. 3. Per the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, vehicular access for firefighting shall be provided at all construction and demolition sites, provide access to within 100 ft. of temporary or permanent fire department connections, and have no overhead wiring or other overhead obstructions lower than 13 ft. 6 inches; this access may be via permanent or temporary road, but shall be capable of supporting fire apparatus in all weather 20' SANITARY conditions. /f D BER270 �� 4. Contractor shall ensure the street numbers are always plainly visible from / 114 PLAT the frontage street during construction per the Virginia Statewide Fire Code 5. An approved water supply for firefighting operations shall be in place and / available as soon as combustible materials arrive on site. ( 6. Waste and combustible debris shall be removed from the building at the I end of each day and disposed of in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Code. 7. Fire extinguishers shall be provided, with not less than one approved fire extinguisher at each stairwell, on all floor levels where combustible materials have accumulated, in every storage and construction shed and in areas of special hazards, such as where flammable and combustible liquids are stored or used, in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Code. 8. Operations involving the use of cutting and welding shall comply with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and shall require a permit from the Albemarle County Fire Marshal's Office.' S A. � x 664 West Rio Fite Flow Water Pressure Calculation to Hydrant Pressure at Test Hydrant 40.9 psi 0110101, Pressure at New Fire Hydrant 2 46.1 psi (min. 20 req.) Frictional Loss Hazen -Williams Equation Hloss = (4.73*L*Q1.85WC1.85*d4.87) 40 0 40 80 120 C= 150 ((conservative estimate for DIP Pipe) 1) ARKIN OR NO PARKING OR STANDING - ERE LANE SIGN NOT TO SCALE d L Q Pd Waterline Reach (in) (ft) (gpm) (psig) From Existing 8" Water Line to 8 368 1500 4.93 8x6Tee From 8x6Tee to New Fire 6 8 1500 0.43 Hydrant 2 Total 5.36 Elevation Head Loss New Fire Hydrant 2 Elevaion Ex. Fire Hydrant Elevaion at Test Head loss per foot CD Total head loss r Minor Loss (fittings) 8" Hminor = K(Vz/2g) 6" Hminor = K(VZ/2g) Tee (line flow) Tee (branch flow) Cross (line flow) Cross (branch flow) 90deg bend (8") 90deg bend (6") 45deg bend (6") 22.5 deg. Bend Gate Valve Total minor loss TOTAL SYSTEM LOSS V= 9,588 fps NOTE: ALL PROPOSED FIRE LINES ARE PRIVATE LTH Ol, U J U SHI Li . 3 I (� SS w� s /ONAL DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 V= 17.04 fps base Kai, ,# psi FILE NO. 0.30 0.36 3 1.56 psi 18.030 0.75 0.91 1 1.30 psi 0.50 0.61 0 0.00 psi 0.5 0.0 0.00 psi FIRE & RESCUE 0.225 0.3030 0. 0 0.00 psi 0.25 0.D 0.00 psi COMPLIANCE PLAN 0.20 0.24 24 0 0.00 psi 0.08 0.09 0 0.00 psi 0.10 0.12 0 0.00 2.9 psi hC10 -5.2 psi � NOTES: 1. 95% COMPACTION REQUIRED FOR ALL FILL BENEATH STORMWATER PIPES 2. RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROVIDES ADEQUATE FOOTERS TO ACCOMMODATE EXCAVATING AND REPLACEMENT OF PIPES WHERE APPLICABLE. RETAINING WALL DRAWING SET PROVIDED BY FITZPATRICK ENGINEERING GROUP PLLC 3. SEE SWM FACILITY DESIGN AT WP0202200017 AMENDMENT #1.' WP0202200017 AMENDMENT #1 IS APPROVED AS OF 05/09 /2023 09+50 10+00 10+50 11 +00 11 +50 12+00 Al -A4 PROFILE HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' 4 A8-AK PROFILE C11 HORZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' - 520 --- 515 470 470 11+50 A4-E1 PROFILE HORZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' A D1 D2 D3 520 ---- - (. — 520 - 8 - -PVC _ SCH-40 u3 o o- couo o COrn � m--N 515 ROOF DRAIN --z o- o- F- T_a cmv + _ Q - F a� - j am_. 515 INV_ lI 1=500 OQ --_- -o a� o f - -�- a �c3 � - - - --- 24"-PAR_T121� C_UI_ `� a o _ 0 _ - Q CO 0 `� 0 r- 0 END CAP, --PART# ¢ ___. �. vi � ¢ . <* , a. 510 MC-3500tEPP24BC-OR w z-s cn yr-z I- v�0 1R w I- UT_ I- w cn ---z I- vr- 510 MG3..5001EP_P24EW _ LINE- - 2" MIN. - -TYP-OF ALL-- NEW; COVER 505 -_MC=3500 24�.-.- -- —-- - - — — G A'. €- -- - STA 10+ 9-_ 505 - BOTTOM_ 2" .PVC - - CONNECTIONS AND- - 7fi3/4"-- - CONDUI ISOLATOR=_ PLUS-_=- _- _WS 500 P,0_WS K\/ 49-4 50 -' 500 - - -- - 495 -- --- -STORMTECH-� 495 _ -- ---- 22.13 - F----J 5' ._. MC=3500 - .._.. --- 18.1, LF 32.04Li _ HDPE 1:08% CHAMBER - - - 15" 1 -_ " HDPE-- _12" MIN 490 DETENTION H PE _ -_s€P-AR-A t0 1 490 SYSTEM 2- @ .26%.. 18" SUMP --- - STA. 10-+ 443- - - -o - _ 2" -P-U 485 485 Ln v, _. -m� emu; FXcvQ�fi °' GRADE ��t 480 o z- —o z zo z� -(--) 480 - _- o z -Q>_ > - 475 475 ---- 09+50 10+00 10+50 11 +00 A413-D3 PROFILE HORZ: 1 "=30" VERT: 1 "=10' 520 C1 C2 i I (/) O S -- �- �t o ,n -------- o Lo- co - -- o oo d- > m n w- o F- w p 1-- .-z ------- -- �-NE-W GRADE 2-4 PARTIAL CT - - 1?" M1N END CAP, -PART# - COVER MC35001EPP24BC - - - OR -MC3-500I€PP24BN/ ---- - TYP -OF ALL - 14.40LF MC 35-00 24" HDPE _ - BOTTOM @ -3.47% --- CONNECTIONS-AND ' ISOLATOR PLUS .Lx- ROWS INV. =494-50 GRADE _SUMP_ Ya . STEEL PEA E_ - -- T8 - _ IE AT. _ - THE- BOTTOM OF THE (D- _ _© __-MANHOLE TOP; OF - P_LAIE_=BOTTOM OF - Ln. O z - -Q 475 - 09+50 10+00 CI-C2 PROFILE HORZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' 10+50 525 525 525-18"_AQS N-_12 TOP T o - - 525 MANIFOLD - No m N INVERT 20.03" _ ABOVE o 6 co �r�520 520 -----CHAMBER-BASE-=co - o -- Q STORMTECH_ r7 NEW - ^o MC 3500- CHAMBER w a GRADE _ DETENTION -SYSTEM- 1 �, - w O �Q -- z I -;car-- - - - 515 515 111STALL_FLAMP ON. 24 ACCESS -PIPE EXGRADE PART# 510--MC35002_4RAMP- - - - 510 - --vop-E 0 2.74% ' - 505 505 - 24" PARTIAL CUT END - - CAP, PART# MANHOLE SUMP 500-MC-35001EPP24BC OR--o o @50-..00 ---"' -- ------ 500 MC35041EPP2.4B4V TYP co- . •OF ALL MC-3500 24"Lo _ - o `�' 495 BOTTOM -CONNECTIONS — -- AND ISOLATOR PLUS z z om - --- 495 ROWS -INV.- =505.50 > > 490 -- 490 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 E3-E3A PROFILE HORZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' 520 515 510 505 500 495 - 490 485 480 475 11 +00 520 --- --------� -- -- - =Jv1 I I o O . _ 0 O)- 515 ----------- -- z c) n r- O F Ln - - �o �`o C]0 >�� CO Ln - 510 - - - - ------- wOF 8" PVC z s w0E- F- yr - z F- cn SCH-40 GRADE ROOFDRAfN 505-IFIV.--TN-= 500 60 _-- -� - - -_ -- - -- -12" MIN. 24" PARTIAL CUT f -� COVER END CAP; PART# - 500 MC-35001EPP248U - -EX. --- -- - OR [ GRADE - - MC35001EPP24BW 4 --TYP OF ALL 495 MC-3500 24" 13.90LF BOTTOM - 15' HDPE CONNECTIONS AND _ ... @ 3.60� 490--fSOLATOR-P-LUS----- ---- ------------�-_-- ROWS INV.=494.50 STEELPLATEAT 485 SUMP -� TH F THE EBOTTOM -- MANHOLE TOP OF 6 PLATE =BOTTOM -OF F- rr' -F SUMP 480------� o- Z Q -- 475 - - . - - - -- --- - -- ---=-- 09+50 10+00 10+50 131-132 PROFILE HORZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' 545 545 cn o- 0 � I- O 0- ca-�-p--- in N � f------ 540 CO ZZ Ln� - QO 535 - oI_- -co 535 --Q-- z F= yr - m F cn --- NEW - GRADE 530 - 530 ---EX---- Y - - GRADE 525 - ------ 2-2-.3-7LE= ------ -- 525 - - 6--HDPE @ 2,01-% 520 ----- - ---- - � � -o - -------- 520 Q0n r ,r) N Ln Lo 515 - o Z -0 515 510 ---- J 510 --- ----- 10+ 50 10+ 00 10+ 50 8 F1-F2 PROFILE C11 HORZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' EC-3 3.0= MATTING 3• / 3.1 SIpF S�O� E o-10-YR DEPTH=0.83' 2-YR DEPTH=0.26' 520 - { 515 -- 510 505 500 495 -- 490 485 480 i - -i 475 11 +00 SHIM ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ��'LTFI OP O ~� U J U ' SHI Y Li � o �fiS TONAL ECG DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. 13.030 STORMWATER PROFILES CONVEYANCE CHANNEL 1 9 SECTIOON v!K'"� C11 SCALE: 1 "=5' cil EARTH FILL NOTES 1. Material - Fill material should be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. It should be free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, stones greater than 6 inches, and frozen or other objectionable materials. Fill material for the center of the embankment and the cutoff trench should conform to Unified Soil Classification GC, SC, or CL, Consideration may be given to the use of other materials in the embankment based on the recommendations of a geotechnical engineer supervises the design and construction. 2. Placement - Areas on which fill is to be placed should be scarified before its placement. Fill material should be placed in layers a maximum of 8 inches thick (before compaction), which should be continuous over the entire length of the fill. The most permeable borrow material should be placed in the downstream portions of the embankment. The principal spillway must be installed concurrently with fill placement and not excavated into the embankment. 3. Compaction - Fill material should be compacted with appropriate compaction equipment such as a sheepsfoot, rubber -tired or vibratory roller. The number of required passes by the compaction equipment over the fill material may vary with soil conditions. Fill material should contain sufficient moisture such that the required degree of compaction will be obtained with the equipment used. The minimum required density is 95% of maximum dry density with a moisture content within ❑ 2% of the optimum, unless otherwise specified by the engineer. Each layer of the fill should be compacted as necessary to obtain minimum density and the engineer should certify, at the time of construction, that each fill layer meets the minimum density requirement. All compaction is to be determined by either Standard Proctor Test (ASTM D698) or the Modified Proctor Test (ASTM D1557) as directed by the geotechnical engineer based on site and soil conditions and the size and type of structure being built. 4. Cutoff Trench - The cutoff trench should be excavated into impervious material along or parallel to the centerline of the embankment as shown on the plans. The equipment used for excavation should govern the bottom width of the trench, with the minimum width being 4 The depth should be at least 4 feet below existing grade or as shown on the plans. The side slopes of the trench should be 1 H:1 V or flatter. The backfill should be compacted with construction equipment, rollers, or hand tampers to assure maximum density and minimum permeability. 5. Top Soil - The surface layer of compacted fill should be scarified prior to placement of at least 6 inches of topsoil. The topsoil shall be stabilized with in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, latest edition. NOTES 1. ALL DETENTION SYSTEM CHAMBERS, CAPS AND UNDERDRAINS ARE TO BE PLACED AT 0.00% SLOPES. 2. UNDERDRAIN POPE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH FABRIC 3. DETENTION SYSTEM 1 STONE AREA =7,506 SF 4. DETENTION SYSTEM 2 STONE AREA =2,820 SF DETENTION SYSTEM 1 STORM TECH - 3500 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' TOP_ OF S-TONE_ -�— -- 515 @501 00 � T 24 . P._ARIlAL CUL_- 510 END-SAP—,PAR-T' — NEW 510 MC35001EPP24BO OR --- GRAZHSTORMTEOR VDQT _#:3_ STONE ABQ__E IM. ,35001EPP248WY TYP __ &- AROUNp CHAMB€RS OF --ALL MC-3500 24- - - I 505 lOTTOM-CONNECTIONS- - 505 AND ISOLATOR -PLUS -_ _- ---CHAMBER TYP:-- - I -ROWS INV.- _505 50 - - _ - ---- - - - 500 c _-._ c - - 500 500WSE4rJ978— - ___C,RADE - - - - 10-YR WSE=4=99.03` r! 1 WSE=_49Z2T= - _-YR - - -BQTTQM - - -CHAMBER -- - ----- - - -- -- 495 - 495 VDQT #5] STO�I_E- � 6 ,' 6' AD-S_.N1 12-DUAL_WALL . BELOW -CHAMBERS- --- --- ,f;-, - --PERFORATED -HDPE-- 490 COMPACTED C --UNDERDRAIht-PIPE ---- -- --- 490 -CORE- PER- EARTHEN- �� -EMBANKMENT NOTES _.BQTTQMF - 492.25 - 485 485 09+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 DETENTION SYSTEM 2 SECTION 5 VIEW - STORMTECH-3500 ��2 HORZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' J ° °oSo°gg000° oo C°y JJ� lauuu•t.r i� 1011" 'I'lt:ltill It:1Ch PROFILE VIEW - NONE 1111111101161 ORIFICE TRASH 4 RACK DETAIL C 1 2 NOT TO SCALE New Trash Rack 1" Holes 30% Opening Area O O 0 O O 000000 000000 12" 000000 000000 000000 000000 O O O 6" Typ. Front Section 00 O 12" 000 O�ODO 000000 i - 6" -1 (A) Bottom Rack Side Section Scale: 1 "=30' 525 520 515 510 505 500 495 490 STORMTECH.. _ #3 STONE MG-3500 24" PARTIAL CUT END CUT -ABOVE & AROUND CHAMBER TYP. CAP, -PART# - CHAMBERS MC35001EPP24BC OR TOP -OF -STONE - NEW - GRAD€ -MC3500IF-PP24BW TYP OF ALL MC-3500 24" @510:50 BOTTOM CONNECTIONS 1 �LZS N-12 TOP - -` -- -- _ .. _. --AND--ISOLATOR-._PLUS—_- MANIFOLD GRADE - ROWS- INV.=505.50 INVERT- 20 03"-ABOVE CHAMBER -BASE 24"-PARTFAC= CUT— •� � -� s � , -tOO=YR WS€a5010.2 END--CAP;_PART# WSE=508.61 MC35001EPP248G OR -MC35001EPP248W ,� -1.-YR WSE=5.07.46 - TYP OF ALL -MC-3500..24^ rt . _ - - y BOTTOM CONNECTIONS AND 1SOLATOR_PLUS 6"-,A DS_ N-12 .DUAL ROWS IFIV --SE}5 50 -----WAa_I-PERFORA-TED - -- _ HDPE UNDERDRAIN _ ONE LAYER of IN-V.=504.50 ADSPLUS175-WOVEN - - GEF_9O-TUENX-TILE BE-_TWEEN--_— ---- -�OF - - BTTOSTON€ NE LA-YER­-0OF _ _QATIONSTONE ADSPLUS175 WOVEN AND -CHAMBERS--8:25' -- -- @503.25 GEOTEXTILE BETWEEN MIN WIDE- CONTINUOUS FOUNDATION _STONE - FABRIC WI -TROUT - -- -- VDOT #a7 STONE._ . AND-eHAMBERS-8 25— SEAMS -BELOW CHAMBERS - MIN_ WIDE CONTINUOUS -- - -- -- __ FABRIC WITHOUT SEAMS 525 520 515 2 510 505 500 495 490 485 -- -- 485 09+50 10+00 10+50 11 +00 DETENTION SYSTEM 1 SECTION 3 VIEW - STORM TECH - 3500 HORZ: 1 "=30 VERT: 1 "=10' ^ _ 7 DETENTION SYSTEM 2 PLAN VIEW - 30 0 30 30 90 Scale: 1 "=30' STORM TECH NOTE: 95% COMPACTION REQUIRED FOR ALL FILL BENEATH STORMWATER PIPES SEE SWM FACILITY DESIGN AT WP0202200017 AMENDMENT #1.' WP0202200017 AMENDMENT #1 IS APPROVED AS OF 05/09/2023 SHIM ENGINEERINGY LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434,227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM �''LTH Ol, U JUST SHJ P Li �S_ IONAL I �A DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. STORMWATER FACILITIES PROFILES & SECTIONS 2 P MCA C( /13 5 0 5 10 15 Scale: 1 "=5' STRUCTURE A4 PLAN VIEW FOR 11 SECTION 2 INSTALL 6':THREADED GAP „ON E�OWNSTREAM WALL, •,PERFORATED FACE'DF.WEIR WALL HDPE UNDERD,RAI (: WITH I 5_.THREADED ;1 NIPPLE INSTALLED IN CAP, "AT INVERT rF ELEVATION NA PRECAST FLATTOP PE VDOT STANDARD FL) SLAB TOP UNIT DETA 24" HDPE TO STR. � INV. IN=498.50 06.0E WEIR TOP 0499.: 12"X12" ORIFI( INVERT ®497.! 24" HDPE Ol, TO STR. A3 REFER TO PLAN VIEW INV. OUT 494.00 FOR PIPE ANGLES AND ® 3.02% MANHOLE STRUCTURE ACCESS ORIENTATION STRUCTURE A4 SECTION 1 Cal A4 MH ACCESS PER VDOT FRAM &COVER DETAIL TOP @505.95 STANDARD STEP PER - SPACER UNIT(4" VDOT ST-1 DETAIL MIN. 12" MAX) ON THE FRONT OF WEIR WALL -- PRECAST FLATTOP PER 24" HDPE TO STR. A4 VDOT STANDARD FLAT INV. IN=498.50 ®6.06% SLAB TOP UNIT DETAIL STANDARD STEP WEIR TOP @499.30 PER VDOT ST-1 DETAIL ON THE BACK OF WEIR WALL 12 x12" ORIFICE @497.50 y 24" HDPE OUT 24' HDPE FROM STR. A4A "INV. TO STR. A3 IN=494.50 00.00% INV. OUT 494.00 r ® 3.02% INSTALL 6" THREADED " CAP ON DOWNSTREAM MANHOLE BOTTOM FACE OF WEIR WALL WITH 0494.00 1.5" THREADED NIPPLE REFER TO PLAN VIEW INSTALLED IN CAP AT FOR PIPE ANGLES AND INVERT ELEVATION MANHOLE STRUCTURE ACCESS ORIENTATION STRUCTURE A4 SECTION 2 SCALE: 1 "=5' E N 0 N (2) MH ACCESS PER VDOT FRAM &COVER DETAIL TOP 0505.95 SPACER UNIT(4" MIN. 12" MAX) STANDARD STEP PER VDOT ST-1 DETAIL 72" MH 24" HDPE FROM STR. A4A INV. IN=494.50 00.00% INSTALL 6" THREADED CAP ON DOWNSTREAM FACE OF WEIR WALL WITH 1.5" THREADED NIPPLE INSTALLED IN CAP AT INVERT ELEVATION MANHOLE BOTTOM @494.00 MH ACCESS PER VDOT FRAM E1 &COVER DETAIL TOP=517.25 SPACER UNIT (4" MIN./12" MAX.) MH ACCESS 59.30 LF - 8" AS PER VDOT FRAM SCH.40 PVC ORAa. SPACER UNIT(4 DI ACCESS TOP ®511.85 PER &COVER DETAIL DUAL WALL HDPE MIN. 12" MAX)ROOFDRAIN VDOT INLET & FRAME COVER TOP©511.35 18" RCP WATERTIGHT TRAVELWAY 011.35% INV.PRECAST CONCRETE FROM STR. A6 GRADE @510.00 FTAPER UNIT PER VDOT INV. IN=505.50 00.00% --- o STANDARD MANHOLE VDOT SL-1 G' TOP UNITS PRECAST FLATTOP PER VDOT STANDARD FLAT-� �"'. nu STANDARD STEP PER SLAB TOP UNIT DETAIL F VDOT ST-1 DETAIL STANDARD STEP PER 24" PARTIAL CUT 48" MH-1 VDOT ST-1 DETAIL ON THE FRONT OF WEIR END CAP, PART# _ 18' ADS N-12 TOP WALL MC35001EPP248C OR / MANIFOLD � MC35001EPP24BW TYP INVERT 20.03" 15 x6 ORIFICE _.,) INVERT®507.60 OF ALL MC-3500 24" '-, ABOVE CHAMBER " .A _.-STANDARD STEP PER VDOT ST-1 DETAIL ON THE BACK OF WEIR WALL WEIR WALL TOP@508.68 MANHOLE BOTTOM @505 00 BOTTOM CONNECTIONS AND ISOLATOR PLUS c � ( j O BASE ®0.00% 24 HDPE TO STR. A4 INV. OUT=505.00 @6.06% REFER TO PLAN VIEW ROWS INV.=505.50 '� ""' " �' PIPE INVERTS @505.50 72" MH 65.62LF - 18" RCP -' MANHOLE SUMP FOR PIPE ANGLES INSTALL 6" THREADED AND STRUCTURE WATER TIGHT @ ZREFER "'� BOTTOM @504.00 CAP ON DOWNSTREAM ACCESS ORIENTATION FACE OF WEIR WALL 0.00% 18" SUMP TO PLAN VIEW WITH 1.2" THREADED FOR PIPE ANGLES AND NIPPLE INSTALLED IN MANHOLE STRUCTURE CAP AT INVERT ACCESS ORIENTATION ELEVATION STRUCTURE E1 SECTION 8 STRUCTURE A5 SECTION 2 SCALE: 1 "=5' ('1-, SCALE: 1 "=5' 13 '�S TE LAYOUT PLAN VIEW FOR STORM SECTION 531.20 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING NEW GRADE SITE STORM SECTION SCALE: 1 "=20 I EX. IV. W. PUBLIC SWM EX. V.W. PUBLIC SWM FACILI* ESMT-FACILITY ESMT )-` INST. #2023-9839 1 IN$T. #2023- 9839 s1 <I <1 J J J J J J Ru Ru >I� a a a olz p-C Ul0 }� o> (Qo 0-< Z� RAILING-\\ r 1 0 (GR-MGS1! .p m M 5 0 5 10 15 J'v� Scale: 1 "=5' STRUCTURE A5 PLAN VIEW FOR g SECTION 1 C13 A5 TRAVELWAY DI ACCESS TOP @511.85 PER GRADE VDOT INLET & FRAME COVER MH ACCESS PER VDOT FRAM &COVER DETAIL 6' DI-36 PRECAST PER TOP 0511.35SPACER VDOT STANDARDS SPACER UNIT(4" PRECAST FLATTOP PER MIN. MAX) VDOT STANDARD FLAT ---- -- STANDARD STEP SLAB TOP UNIT DETAIL - PER VDOT ST-1 STANDARD STEP PER DETAIL VDOT ST-1 DETAIL WEIR TOP0508.68 WEIR WALL '. 15"x6" ORIFICE 15"x6" ORIFICE _ _ _F -' _ -- INVERT@507.60 18" RCP WATERTIGHT r FROM STR. A6 INV. IN=505.50 @0.00% " ' MANHOLE BOTTOM (9505.00 72" MH INSTALL 6" THREADED REFER TO PLAN VIEW FOR PIPE ANGLES 24" HDPE TO STR. A4 CAP ON DOWNSTREAM AND STRUCTURE INV. OUT=505.00 06.06% FACE OF WEIR WALL ACCESS ORIENTATION WITH 1.2 THREADED NIPPLE INSTALLED IN CAP AT INVERT ELEVATION STRUCTURE (-I-o A5 SECTION 1 C13 SCALE: 1 "=5' \ 20 0 20 40 60 Scale: 1 "=20' NOTE: 95% COMPACTION REQUIRED FOR ALL FILL BENEATH STORMWATER PIPES SEE SWM FACILITY DESIGN AT WP0202200017 AMENDMENT #1.' WP0202200017 AMENDMENT #1 IS APPROVED AS OF 05/09/2023 SELF -STORAGE BUILDING A CONC.1 RETAINING WALL - TOP OF STONE51).50'-- --_ - 100-YR 10-YR WSE= WSE- 510.22 508.61 �T ( J � _ `,-a� { „ U11506.50 1-YR 4�SE=507.46 ? . = ..._. ,; rris , . ,; •:' , .. ,i,.>, .`, „ r . P _ _ TOP OF STON�=5w.Q0'-\ 100-YR WSE=499 78 ' EX.'BOTTOM 1 WSE=499 04 '{{'-�� OF BOTTOM OR' 1-YR -YR WSE=497 29 CHAMBERS=505.50' STONE=503.25� BOTT M OF "' - 8-0! CHAMBERS=, 94.50' MIN BOT1OM OF STONE=492.25' 585.50 COMPACT' CLAY PER E'LTHEN (CORE EMBANKMENT INOTES TH of U J U 1`. SSHI P D Li .I 14 i Ss 3 � � w o� �w S TONAL DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. 1 8r030 STORMWATER STRUCTURES SECTIONS C13 NOTE: ALL PROPOSED FIRE LINES ARE PRIVATE 550 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 500 495 490 485 480 475 --- -I I-- --- - - , 475 9+ 50 10+00 10+50 11 +00 11 +50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 1 MAIN WATER LINE C19 HORZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' J za O O m F= 0 O 535 535 ---- -- - O - O N r0 530 530 - 36" MIN - - - - COVER -- 525 525 - - - GRADE _ - -- 520 GRAD E — 520 10+14.96 --2 PVC-CONDUIT- c� 515 FELEV-A­TIONQ52-4.59- 515 - - -z t2' - - _MJN. -- -SEPARATION - -- - -- - - -m � ---- - 510 -- ' _ r— O 510 3249 LF 6 _ >._ CLASS 52 -DIP - - o - - - -, -_ ..- -- - c° CK ` 505 505 9+50 104-00 10+50 6" ERE LINE TO 2�RESIDENT AL BUILDING HORZ: 1 "=30 VERT: 1 "=10' 520 -- z r. . ...--._ _ _........_.... .. ... 520 ---._.. _._ ___.i - zo o . *_ - 515 nc� W+ 00 510 L r� 510 - - _ . 505 -' 505 _3.5-FT MIFL --COVER-, - 500 - ------ - - - -- { 500 _- NEW - _ GRADE-- 495 -- - t2.20-LF_- 6"-. 495 -CLASS 52 DIP _EX - _ GRADE-- 490 - - 490 485 - - 485 480 - - `° -- 480 9+50 10+00 10+50 6" GLASS 52 DIP TO FHA NEAR 5 SELF -STORAGE BUILDING C19 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' 540 -- -zQ -- - Dom+ + __�---OO-. 535 -�-: -- xW¢ F- -CO Ln -- ¢_. 530 I - 525 - _ -- 520 - - - T1 515 -- --- - - 510 - --- - 9+50 10+00 w I_ I- W In N S 10+50 4" WL TO RESIDENTIAL BUILDING - 1 HORZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' -- 540 535 530 E- 525 520 515 -- 510 11 +00 J R�:O O O 540 _... --- zb -_ --- - 535 _._.. -- - JQO O Jam+ + C -- �- XLLI a a. 530 - _ - ---- - 7 _- 525 — 520 - - 515 -- -- T ---- 510 - - --- � 9+50 10+00 ,,I- T- r, CD r') 10+50 4" WL TO RESIDENTIAL �13UILDING - 2 C19 HORZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' 540 535 -- 530 )E --I 525 520 515 -- 510 11 +00 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM TFj Op AL DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. I FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO J zo O o � � COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , 1=0 o L 515 J o o -C11 ----- �9 - 515 515 -- - - - -- -- --- - -- - 515 _ o0 o - o Lf),� VIRGINIA �P-o 510 4 4- —4 - 510 510 - o o N - -I 510 SUBMISSION: 00 F__ Ln (n (n. _ - _. - (n - _ .. - _ - .. - COW _ - w + + + OF- _ � � `� 2 2023.05.26 Ea ERI�I .� 505 ------ -- -- - - - ---- - - -- 505 505 ---- -- -J - ---- -y _ -----� 505 REVISION: - F U 1) 2023 10 02 36" MIN. - - NEW SIA .1.0+21.42 COVER _ .. GRADE 2) 2023.12.18 2"- PVC CONDUIT 500 - -- - -- 79.82-LF T------ --- ---- 500 500 EEVATfON-C�4gJ::6T--- .'�-�..--- GRADE— 500 TO+16.99. 6" CLASS 48:03-LF EX. -2" PVC GONDUIT _ _5.2 DIP .. 12" MIN. 1' su GRADE -- 495 --ELEVATION-0501.00 -----= v = ------- --- - GRADE 495 495----SERAR-A-TfOP}-- - ----ws-- 495 12' MIN. _ 8.83 LF . o _ . .. SEPARATION a-_ _ . 1.. -- - ------==- ---- 490 - -- - -- -- 490 490 COPPER — -- -' - - -- -- 490 z _ TYPE K s 485 - s ---[ O 485 485 - - -- -- 485 FILE N0. a Q - F -a z _ z- - - --- - 480 - -- ---- - — 480 480 -- - - -- - - ----- -- 480 18.030 9+50 10+00 10+50 11 +00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11 +00 99 99 6 ERE LINE TO 1 WSL LINE TO WATER LINE PROFILES 6 SELF -STORAGE BUILDING 7 SELF- STORAGE BUILDING -9 HORZ: 1 "=30' C1 9 HORZ: 1 "=30' VERT: 1 "=10' VERT: 1 "=10'C,,14 V`ti�h 0.)HIL ROUTE 631 (RIO ROAD W) ---- _ —__ 75 R/W �CHARLOTT LANE- PLAN W Z J C;= EL W 0 Of 0- FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF NEXT PARCEL TO ADD 6' LANDSCAPE STRIP AND 8' SIDEWALK CHARLOTTE LANE SECTION A —A 64.2' PUBLIC ACCESS ESMT HEREBY RESERVED FOR r. FUTURE DEDICATION TOU\s?�r� a PUBLIC USE UPON DEMAND BY THE COUNTY INST _ #2023-9839 f,�t �x�>+^�?iz'.:y Z m es°' o fir F '2 W d O� 2% 2% 4"— 3,000 PSI 1;5" SM 9.5A CONCRETE SUPEF PAVE '(TYP.) 1 4"— VDOT #21 A 3.0" B� —25 i(TYP.) BASESTONE 6" VDOT #21A !BASE i(TYP.) COMPACTED ! COMPACTEb SUBGRADE SUBGRADE MIN. CBR=6.0 TO Bt� FIELD VERIFIED i(TYP.) W D- � w I� W (,9 U CO (n Y W OI ! W Q O I Q 0_ � Z QI Z (.9 ! ZQ Q OJ ! Q 1 I J— W 0 1 CHARLOTTE LANE SECTION C15 COUNTY Or ALBEMARLE C� I I ! \ \ i� " 1 Department of Community Development -�� Construction Record Drawings (As -built) for Streets J The following is a list of information required on as -built road drawings. It is preferable that \ 1 \ \ the construction record drawingbe prepared b someone other than the designer. Please Flo I�ERKMAR DR: notprovide design drawings yes construction record drawings. A. A signed and dated professional seal of the preparing engineer or surveyor. B. The name and address of the firm and individual preparing the drawings on the title sheet. C. The constructed location of all items associated with the road construction must be shown. The items include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Horizontal Alignment — Show and label measurement points, and an interpreted line between r' / / measurements. Show the as -built centerline over the design centerline. Distinguish between the design and as -built by labels and line type. Measurements shall be at frequent enough intervals to "tccurnttel ortrl the fts-built centerline tnd the osition of the rogdwa within the ri ht-of-wnt or ON v b� easement. Any portions outside the right-of-way or easement must be corrected by plat or construction. 2. Vertical Alignment — Show and label measurement points, and an interpreted line between measurements. Show the as -built centerline over the design centerline. Distinguish between them by labels and line type. Write the constructed vertical elevations and compare to the design elevations where necessary. Measurements shall be at frequent enough intervals to accurately portray the as - built centerline. For alignments which deviate significantly from the design, provide curvature and sight -distances. Corrections may be required for alterations from the design alignment. 3. Edge of Pavement - Display the constructed edges of pavement and width measurements at every �' station, or more frequently if necessary to accurately portray the as -built edges. Shaw the as -built _�-----7' edges over the design edges for comparison. Show and label constructed edge of pavement radii for /r i �/ // all intersections and cul-de-sacs. Edges for sidewalk, as well as ramps and curb cuts must be included. \ ` o ���/ /1 4. Culverts, Pipes and Drainage Structures - Display the installed type of drainage structure, o �h �' / I / l 1 ! 1 1 / / I I / I 1 culvert/pipe size, material, inlets or end treatment(s), inlet and outlet protection, alignment and invert I I I / n/ I I/ I! I �\\ or inverts allowero elevations com ared to desi n. Com utations: For slo es fatter than design, than design, provide computations verifying design standards. 1 CHARLOTTE LANE co I 0 PRIVATE TRAVELWAY �; // N/ I ( 0 1 0co 1 / O / TM.\ 45-1100CI 5. Ditch Lines - Display the constructed location of all ditch lines, including typical section, direction of LO I I 1 I I ) HEREBY RESERVED / / 10 I I\ 1 LP I I I `�' I I I IN i flow, and linings. FOR FUTURE I / ,� I I o I I I o 0 ¢ 6. Drainage Easements - Show all platted easements with dead book references labeled. Drainage DEDICATION TO/ 0 PARK14G — I 1 1 I I ,n I N I I d v I I I ) I ( PUBLIC USE UPON/ FIRE LANE SIGN / I I I I I 1 0, o0 l I I I must be within platted right-of-way or drainage easements. Provide copies of recorded documents. I f \ DEMAND BY /rHE 1 SP11ED LIMIT SIGN BE I 1 1 �, / / ' l / 7. Guardrail - Displaythe constructed location of guardrail, including the guardrail type, length and 30" STOP I COUNTY INST I / CONFIRMED BY VD0 INSPECTOR / / I ( I I g g g YP g SIGN / T I I 1 I applied end treatments, compared to design. #2023-9839 I PRIER TO INSTA�L�ON I I / I I VPOTI CD-j-1 I / 1 / l / I pp p, 8. Right of way and associated easements — Label deed book and page numbers for all dedicated 1 ► / �i I / I I l \ i , I / right-of-ways, sight easements, slope easements, etc., and provide copies of recorded documents. I I I 1 I o // 9. Pavement Designs — Label the as -built pavement and base layers. Indicate the measured pavement I I.. v I .N ,-,-T _ e / b-1. 1 1 1 1 I / / / / thicknesses based on inspections or cores as referenced and included. Inspection reports are required r 1 I ,,,'>,� Q for fill compaction, CBR's, and pavement applications. ll I 4; I o IQ ::y/� 4 / / / I / 10. Street Trees — Provide design and as -built locations ands species. Compare to design. � • .° \ M ORAFt i o P P' g I \ �.Qy J/;ti,rr ,` •. / / / I ARO T i I I 11. Signs — Show all installed signs and pavement markings. Include any pedestals or other features. I :.r y'; 0 0, I I / 1 ST ##202 — I \ ¢ .g I pc \ I I I I I t. V _ l ./ 24.0 1 1 1k 00 11 (1�+0 10+00 +5 2+50+5 1..45 # 0, �839 ®. VDO CG-1130 1 1 PUBLIC STREET \ / o I I NTANCE a 1ll , \ ENGINEERING I I 'I LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT \ �TR EE NYj SI(�Nf1T I �=.< r, �I I lr �, � I ;�-�-:.• \ \ \ + I . T I / ^ / _ /. /y. I + I \ I, I \' �; .:.. \ 912 E. HIGH ST. 4c CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEE I PACCQP ST f I } l / I FLLI° I / / / / Imo. VDOT CG-11 i 4. ° XOMMERCIALi ENTRANCE, CHARLOTTE LANE PRIVATE TRAVELWAY HEREBY RESERVED FOR FUTUR E DEDICATION T LTx°r 0 0 PUBLIC USE UPON DEMAND BY � (a:)THE COUNTY INST #2023-9839 — PLAN VIEW p C15 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1 "=30' 0 NOTE: CHARLOTTE LANE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET THE VDOT AND THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY STANDARDS WITH THE INTENT OF DEDICATING THE TRAVELWAY TO THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY UPON DEMAN. SEE LANGUAGE BELOW: CHARLOTTE LANE PRIVATE TRAVELWAY HEREBY RESERVED FOR FUTURE DEDICATION TO PUBLIC USE UPON DEMAND BY THE COUNTY. INST #2023-9839 10 0 10 20 30 Scale: 1 "=10' W Z J O Oly W 0- TO oft� D_ Q V)� O O � N N + I� o In �W (n W PVI STA. 1 1 +02.00 O O 00 00 rnr O)I, n W (n W N C.EL0.Q_ PVI STA. 12+48.50 W U Z Q O Z O W N J 0)i¢ v N 0 W goo O O 6) 60 N + O 2in (n W 55 O 1- v J US C SH > Li.. 3 I I� 2s w� 0 �Ilks- IONAL V1_ DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. TRAVELWAY SECTION & PROFILE HORZ: 1 "=10 VERT: 1 "=30' N'— / - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - z — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - 7 � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QQF HT - - - - - - - - - - - - EXISTING PROPERTY LINE - - - - - - - - - - 41 520- LINE DEPICTING - 1 \ , / EXISTING EDGE / OF PAVEMENT VS. NEW EDGE OF PAVEMENT EXISTING ENTRANCE INTERSECTION :)SIGHT DISTANCE (SDR) PLAN VIEW 540 535 530 525 (RIO ROAD WEST) ---75-R/W -------- ----440 0 0 0 -7- X\ 2 A 24-F\- - L 0- rr r r IT 0 Ur 526- r ok J, 0 -1 11,\ I I it 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: I "=30' 520"" 1) U) ui U J; UJI — U) Ln LOI 10+00 10+50 11+00 EXISTING ENTRANCE INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE (SDR) PROFILE VIEW HORZ: I"=10' VERT: I"=30' 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 STATE ROUTE 631 (RIO ROAD W) 75 R/W 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J L0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- ----------- EXISTING ENTRANCE INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE (SDL) PLAN VIEW 535 530 525 520 ------- GRADE 00 Ln Ln� It 4 0 c1q Cq— N CA Ln Ln 520- 540 535 530 525 - DZU 14+50 El 4 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: I"=30' 535 530 525 520 515 --- i - -- 515 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 EXISTING ENTRANCE — INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE (SDL) PROFILE VIEW HORZ: 1"=10' VERT: 1"=30' SHIMP' ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM Th Uj U sm Li �15� 3 O A Ao -10NAL V�mdlo), DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. 18.030 1 EXISTING ENTRANCE INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE PLAN & PROFILE C 16 NOTE: VDOT CG-11 COMMERCIAL ENTRANCES SIGHT DISTANCE LIES WITHIN THE ROW, NO SIGHT EASEMENT NECESSARY — \\ / ~� —Ire —w v/ —w —w —w —w —w —w —w —w —w —w —w —w —w w —w —w w —w —w —IN —w —w —w —w --%l —Iv —w —w —w W WITHIN SloWtJ AINGLE-- - --- - ------ ( - _-\\\ _ -- (RI0 ROAD WEST) \-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- \ 415 — — - - - --- —� �� _ --- - _ ---- --- -- —� f -2 4— �t 520 - — / i / \ \ \ \ I\ \\ 526- PROPOSED ENTRANCE - INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE (SDL) PLAN VIEW 540 535 530 525 0 000I --- --- — - ----- -- Im to- Co Lq Sri +t� cfli� r, ro - - -GRADE r� r. o - - _...._ _. r o co LNr, CIA-- SJ,N- . - - _ _ - cli N t :uN7 _ - - _ - r J._ - _ r 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1"=30' 520 �r,,in 10-t-00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 2 PROPOSED ENTRANCE - INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE (SDQ PROFILE VIEW 14+00 540 535 530 525 520 14+50 C1 7 HORZ: 1 "=10' VERT: 1 "=30' / / / I \ I I ' \ 1 I I I I I I \ \ ) \\ '• \ Y � \; ':: I I — � v1' \ ( I � \ \ , I I 1 I I I I I 1 I l I \• \ \.y .a,. _ .y , 280 � SDR U E OF .SIGHT l 1 \\ Y \.Y :` \. -_�' I \\ \ t — \ I / I \ \ \\ — / C I _1 � I � I\ \ � ' I 1 1 11 1 ` I 6 � 1 I '\I \��'\Y y y\�w �\•:\ \�-y,�� _" 1 I I ��\� \ \� i \ � \ \ \ \\\\ \ \\ (4)VDOT CG-11 INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE SHIM ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM Li -541 ,, I• �I Y .`.: w \ �\ I I / ,1 \ \ \ \ 5�.173\ I \ ,--\ \ �'p� ��w jONE1L DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul 1 �X CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, RE. a FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. ffox 1 t PROPOSED ENTRANCE INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE PLAN & PROFILE r �I V r i'arl;w 4t1.-�� etllrl fit} l5 SepierYalatsr dltl J Septt:inber01'9 611-51 NOTE: A TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN (TTC) IS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO WORK WITHIN VDOT RIGHT OF WAY. THE TTC SHALL BE PREPARED BY AN ADVANCED WORK ZONE CERTIFIED PERSON, CERTIFICATION CARD AND VERIFICATION NUMBER IS REQUIRED ON THE TTC SUBMITTAL NOTE: STEEL POST SPACING=6'-3" CL—CL PER VDOT !o GR—MGS1 DETAIL O1O O'j O W6X9 i� N STEEL POST GR-MGS1 POST SPACING AND BOLTS DETAIL PER VDOT GR—MGS1 DETAIL SURFA( ELEVAi C RETAINI 3�4 W, 1'ypicstl'la•offir Ciytitriil Outside Laut.* Closore Qjjt?rallvn on a Four -Lane Rtradivily (;<igure'17C46.1) �tituditrtfi M 1. Ondivided highwaysltiivin- a tiitdlitit SvidLr thatii 8, right sivaf felt aagu aa.+stinL[ies 31iai1l he r�qulri�tl. tsitddurit;,A: ?, ,%q ,vpeje fiv . lh4 d fiat 13011'-1. 00, fur• LhIlArd Acef sti IiI Ir:aY{ys. For uf1 rJdlrer iuiltlicats`, 11w sfgit slattefii ahr'tulti G IJiJ'-igfJ, 1v��rK`dlit ittvd€rt .ti et f fbirk 6- ryfelffi r tlruii 45 rplf, witf 35I?"400' where dli�; puxta"rcl.v{is;etf firrrIt fit �3 rirlrli trt^ l�°,Ys. 3. C'aq s°liuulrl he r:=r�rcisfrd dltr lfiirit.s uf'dig work atre:_tet irtvttae.atrdxirratrirr frus3iitle .v ghl u'Muriere Jul' tWtirr -V q 4l 1 drrutvPtacr;I, Ittu•cel tail the J#Ached di et€ lfrrltl wid, 01 faun+ ? rjiitte dta or '-pie"forIfrwl the ixtlitet bf rabl~ W4. For -.unit tfAccexsbiyllsitiys 0mininiain u}`•:f080'is rf��sdtetf: 4_. >-1ff irfris(t a'; a'rlufjxrt itt, irur'ke'r:>; tirrci dlrafrrriR'deirr!!es Itrjilfil fig reTb4cfed tit urte _5iift .uf tit' pft5r:irierir. 'a' f it udiitaC* 5. 'raper Ltaigth (L) wid C:hanikelfiting DevfeeSliachil'i"Sliall lit, Tapar Longth (L) apood Limit (tii(ih) Lana L1!ldth (Foot) ti 10 . -I- i 12 bra 6 ltl 115 l? ;. gfl 18 '1511 18a 00 5405 450: 5il 4510 .000: 55h , e 006 og 546 sop. 56t1 n-,q 6- lei 650 it �6t7; 70 6 6 7 6. 170 140 �lewwunn taliIt Irisis 0j.s for AG,cggs ". h%glitivayas hail W-tCoo foot_ Shoulder Taper =-% L 6riiitln'turn ChannolUing Devico, O•pachig. Location Sponrl Until (nipli) t7 = 3$ 1 3B Ti�J64itiQlt,Sip irx,). 20 4V Tm+fejwdy 8paeirt =10' aw f�iartsirai�li�n,Aca�as^ ��" •fop' * Spacing may be incr ` O td this dlstan % but shall 'not exceed one £kcal, per,V rlilfe: On roadways, with pavod showidars having ;a. w1fith of t3 felt of tn&6, Ghai)ilallilttis „ it vlp¢s s.iiall. 1Yi used to clusa tflu sfloulda�r "[ti d,lv.4rtr-i of tiff) ntprging tabor to' d1raet:. vatilcufar traffic to rantalit within tbo travelad w4iy, 6. Aii-orravv hoard shall be- used v5'heti it I,ane is Chile+. Whelk tnflong than chic taint is elosed, a separate arrarty bo ard'.J11iill.Eye iir tl flit eae;h cictseat lsiiia! (ate Jrf�ura '1 1'C -111). 7. 'Clit he-5huvtiu ill I'a4l 611-3 oil Page 611.-5 for the liiiria tl Klitetl liaktif... 8. A ;sitaduiv vehieIr with either u l:ype tl or C` turrove board operatiog lii the rautliitz utodr, qr ut leaist tine fiilall lnteissltjt atulacr rU(ta lita, !0.#! osi illating iight'1[iall tic parked 8tl'-:1Zt)' Ile advolleei of, fife lust work Crew.Men (tale pirated Slli ed lititit ix 45 .iopli or greater, ,a truck- utuuitteat httcutitator sl,stft be used. 9. Wilkie h5l?lard Stair tihig Agiutls doill out he mitii iiista'sid ,uf the voild :'s lift tt-iaitt tt�itr igtnliu rubbing,, flaishing.lar .uselll itiii fig -It" s hot Old lit: used to ILill pletncal ti►e iitithrr rtilattrtl� tlaslilog, i � li-°itilla troll, lt�,lit�. 10, Whett a.$Tae road # itars ttj the bigitivuy iyirhin the'ryc [-tjw, 4altlitIonat ri-c deigets shiall tie planed res auvda:d. i i fti 1't3llli1l 1 -- =td td y nil :L SURFACE ELEVATION i 1 0 1 2 3 Scale: 1 "=2' FUTURE ROAD CONNECTION 0 PTREE N SIG UIMA I -TO- "L R =10' Apr!l1015 Page 61WU paw--611-50 'fyl)kal'1'rarric. Coittrul Outs:i a Lane Clasure.Cilteratiou uu it Four -Lane Roadivtay CialfifcwI arl!,LwteCiosure 01je'atio, (Fhaure'17C_`-16.1ft ') +' +, •'. 31-iAPC) I VEHIC LE { If NIA liiat Jt lit{ Efvl C:f`1 [ SEE t+ lQ _ T _ 8 In l SEE - NOTE 7 SEE - NOTE 5 l'uzu 01-10 ILLUMNAnD FLAsl-► Nij (Atw1 Ek CAUTION MOUE) TyPF- 5 OR C- Girfttai,rw�: �.if1��,t1t1' tv'li�=;�tf 11i� jfQslaatl �r},�'�+� fdrt;d�:�;,�,� i2ittlt:°err? Cava; ;.�Fitr rllrtttiir� �,/`thca fr�tiuYiri,�'r}f cdtrttur�lf�drt,� device drairsldirrrt.sfruulcl be. rt irairibii,unt.u150'uacf u rnarrlvn;irrt tij`306', ?. 1?°ray.Fittffr:r.s;Yxic�^ fcrr�tlr sltrttitltf Gc? us slatimrt iir 7'tcbfar-�}C-',1 u�r €ire�_� t5}!-.F,lur lfr� j.iridc�i sfe>netf �iiiaid. or frcxitr,itli t id�iGtrshfLl'ICJI1r (1 -2) f ffztiefrEtf�t1C is xltatild he vyd ir0libi 1110 cla+ed huie E_ il: �. 11%:.re 1&!IIt-U -%VriV fir }?:t}itlUlEf6 1 VYiilkllrJilS nruwLiA us,. tit ^18" x -l8 _a StYr3. 7j f}'' ti �t}" $I'd[Lti [YYit vL 11 aL'tl. �r4liaalitrd: 5. '1711 pre.veut v'uldOes trout voterbig Into tilt; morlC xutw, +:hailavlwag device sp:atiug,shall he it filth€filuati (If -701 oft defiler: G, A xhiialaasV itsaldtie ititlt -1ther 1t l,isle 0 or C" urrcivv board opiyrating lot the euutfoit 113ode, or tit le)[St orit raitutitil;:;ii,ihCP 1161kt or high.liitiiarlir a,lili r f1a-shing.q oNvilliathtg' 11 lit ,train lit pierke:tl 01- 120' lit advi uvL of the trork crm lit laaltit dh•t hoos.of travel, If itiiiltllila` Lines are prt-seilt.(fuor or tttort lanes, wvcludlng the cett(er turn' 11tue) arts the tonal Ipeval Built N 45 nipli or greater, tho. v'eliicles hail be tqulli{ettl vvItli st" lru lc-itiititnti it tti%iiYti►taar ('liNIA) 7. 11 hot .l Sidi: rtt;til [uti r.ScctS the lil'abw"q switlilittile teni fuoniry tritfile eoutrnl £riot, addid"ual traffic W111trol alti'la:c� Shall be plkcd U-4 heeded. l: Res.bd7ra I - 111t101S I: lies txG"u 1-'i, V?U 19 ry'lti al '1'raflic. Control Aptil 7015 :April lots frasieitAL4 ai! Claxt-we Operrdtitrtt on tt.Fdur-Lttrw Roatltcti,)' Nam Standardl 1. Of$ divided hiollways having at lacdlau 5 ider tutus 81, riglit will left sign wiscuiblioi shalt be reilatiYetl. Gitidartr�.` '. Sign 4paGitig shvold ire€ 130W-I jt 0' for Gfmlted :tc.a:•=sx hig1tivays. F-ar ,u11 other readii-ti .'s, the xi�rr Slxrrlie� tlttitil f fie 3f1ii"400' I VIwev 11w yualue f -v peed Mail 6-giettter'dlton ;j nqt h; tared 3Tf1=5(;0' W1erL lfieliriueif-yp,-ed 111rdi 1.7.45l11jrl16r" 1e.V.a'. 3" Cor,? sfrouftl fie Lrercl.Y d ivfigr, tjW0b14v1?fitr,* 111.0 fflIP' Of lift! work -aria to fristtre tririxiriitrnr possible sight cllsdtt114no In tttfmice- f Ore lrarts111010,- bavgdl an lire pax leas .vpvvd lfrtrdt and of 1s:ttsd eY(Inal t4r al - Me ietfrrvx fit lilh/0 6H-3. for• l.i W6t '°dilacets highsi-tkvr a trtrrrti;rtiva of I1300`4 leslivi1 4. All ve iieles, equipment, i°vtdrkers, wra 11reti-dvivf}f-s sflaldd be rt-strirtcd lu 0(w side tip lire' jigt'�t;rc art St:tritl'ard« 5. 'Iiilier ltuath (L) a tid OcanottiDing device spactog'Shap hi:, Tapar l.ettgtit.(L}' Stteaial Ltittit 0100) 11 Lana *dtii (Foot) g. 1 10. 1 i 1 12 ' 85 161 115 125, :0 1=10: iPi1 105 w 40 9401 227Q 295 320 a 05' .4$.r -5 540 ; 450 $00 550 6,W 65 495 . 550 505, 540 600 660 7'-Xl &5 585 5540 71s: 70, fit 5.0 160 710 . 8 tylitilmum la f lottgtiis fqt LI(nf0d Accoss. lli[lMvis ,£tall lit} 1000 (e L SfiOWder'[appr -1, L mininiurn chaiinolfxiiig.Iaa�rlcri 6lr�eiiig Location $94ad Unlit ((ilph) U - 3v 36+ Tr-rtsilltirr pal irk 2'0' TraysPdaalr pacing By gOno iUQll4,11 t'° 43a�-* ' Spacing may bo lncro-as0 to this, dlstanc% but -shall got exceod onrt accesss*•1,,4 mile.. pit roa"0ways 4 101 Parlatl illatilders liavIllo a wldth of ll fo'4t or more, chartnaalizfng 461693 shall li"al• ti"d to closo tiff, sfiouldor. In advan6d of therne'rq'Ing taper to defect vehicular traffic to.runla[n'Nlthin bill travolad way. 6: Au arruvy^ board slisitl be aixi;al. 5viaett it ltttie iS tlused. 1'licu nsorr t[tuu out lace Is: a:lit'Std, at s paratt arrow b ?aril slpall be aced for vuh elwscd hrii (six NOare'1"Tc-tl3), 7. The bafTer sli,lee le,igtla sli:ali he shavyvi iit'1' iti:It 611- l tilt I%il g 01-5 for title trusted speed lialit. 8. ii stisialays v'.clile€a stint Oilive.a rylio 11 or C, arrow board o1wrathig Ali tileeautfoi3 niflilt, or at leOt one Itif,li fo(etkitV author ruliatftim, lj if attcitfaitittl (ig+ht:3ltttff tip parked S01'-120' lit dvatice of thv fitst s.vorlt,crevi. Men the,piiststi .sherd litt►tt fs, 5 oph or grcittcr, atrutk- rttouu{a:d titiciu,atiirslittil lit issed; 9. Veld0e* hat and sv;arobih 4911 il'x 111all tint lie tuctl instead or -the .VeljieleN high-iuteusi(v milker rutilting, llalShlitg, or r scillaitllig lightlint £Clair be USeti ter lttplila ttti itt'th; Wilber rYitatttig, 03.0i€o", 9i` useill iting l.ighil.. to. Melt it side road lottrsects fist-111g,Ilway 5v'itlaiu the °171,c joule, addiiiliiiatl "ITC' deviv4m shall he lilaectl "iiecded. li Reddua t-Vltt0i5 C;1'ttler 1Yuro l..aue C'.Josure Operalifin Page 611-41 1itside L.uie C°lustire Opet'atia)u oil it 1'our�L aav lttrstdway (Fia,ttre 11C'A 73) ark tt-LClpriwwrro ri-Asi iiw.,2 MlBeR ARR44'rr TYPE 0 SEE NOTES 1 &.6 SHOULDER TAPInk; SEE NOTE -h Y19.-2R G29-2 (V) SI~IADOW VEHICLE REQUIRED rtL A REQUIREM NT SEE NOTE 8 ILLO iIN)XTECI I�LASl IIN ) (A1ut[31=r-t VAI-rribN' 1utmr) I'' P E Ei oar r SEE P1 ,rr t 88E NOTES 2' S W4.2L R447R W20-1 Eti V Aw 60 90 CHAT"!N51-lZiNG 05V10ES 2.(y MAX1h,iO SPACING S1-111DOW VEHICLE �ii:Crl�IIRECt FMA AEOUlREMENT SI~fr i`iOTE �a SEE NOTE 2 - (OPTIONAL) iA���a Elm M P ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM TH pl, u J US` SHJ P Li 3 .� F14ISS ;qr 70NAL DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RiO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. ■ f 550 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 500 495 490 485 480 475 470 465 460 STATE ROUTE 29 EX. NIEW --STOR-14 FIVE (5) TOR SELF E B ILD1N SEMINOLE TRAIL tJUILUII\Jb PAPKIN-G— LOT -StDEWALK EX. PARKING A440- - ��;i�w p4 A- /-EX. z BUILDINGS I ------- ---- --1- - -- - - -, - - -- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 — - - - - - - - - - - - - - E-X-.- LANDSCAPE - -S-TRIP EX. LANPSCAPE 09+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 SI TE SECTION A -A SITE DEVELOPMENT RELATIONSHIP TO (�=1)STATE ROUTE 29 30 0 30 60 90 - — - - I Scale: 1"=30' 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 600 595 590 585 580 575 570 565 560 555 550 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 500 495 490 485 480 475 470 17+50 18+00 - - — - -------- EX. PROPERTY EX. PROF qn9.-mnnnqR.-iq E RTY- F— PUBLIC -F-- NEW FIVE (5) M[UETF=FAMl[1( L-=AP--T�F-B EX. PROPERTY —*20-2-3000098-39-1 LINE CCEI S-E ASEMEN-TINS-T-- —CI-V[G-Sq-ACE-(-LlNE-AR-� F20-2f 000G!9&-39— NEW FIVE —SMRY-SELF DEDICATE)) FOR PUBLIC: USE —R 6-� AEA-3 NG o S-TOR-ACE-BUI-LDJ-NC�- STATE CUTE 63' -----I-N-S-T-�,2&Z3E) 009&39' F-RAILING I —10.001 ITRAILI TRAVELWAY 24.00' 1 26 ITRAVELWAY1 I TRAVELWAY 00' 1 I T4 IF —LLOADING AREA— LLANDSCAPE —STRIP 09+50 10+00 10+50 (2 �SITE SECTION 13-13 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1 "=30' 14+00 14+50 15+00 600 595 590 585 580 575 570 565 560 555 550 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 500 495 490 485 480 475 470 r) 15+50 18+50 550 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 505 500 49 490 485 480 475 0 465 -- 460 19+00 SHIM ENGINEERING - LAND 3 � LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM LTi-i - 0/1, �*7Li ( - s10NAL DESIGNED BY Stephanie Paul CHECKED BY Justin Shimp, P.E. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 2) 2023.12.18 FILE NO. SITE SECTIONS PLAN AND PROFILE VIEWS C19 c 3. Warrant Analysis Exhibit Entrance 1 Eastern Entrance western direction. Due to the proximity of Route 29, it is assumed that the slightly higher volume of SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. 1. VDOT 2019 Traffic Data Y � ( ) traffic would flow in the eastern direction in the morning, and in the western direction in the evening. Design Focused Engineering The following table provides VDOT 2019 traffic data on the 1.14-mile segment of Route 631 Rio Given the existing background traffic on Rio Road W, a right turn lane is not warranted with this Appendix IV Based on the data above, potential turning movements are highest in the evening with 11 right turns PA Road West from US 29 Seminole Trail to Route 743 Hydraulic Road. The speed limit on Rio Road development. May 24 2023 into western entrance. The evening scenario was analyzed, when the highest number of right turns Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets Y West is 35-mph. would occur. This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT' s Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements John Wilson, P.E. Route 631 Rio Road West County Albemarle County Date: 08/02/2023 Virginia Department of Transportation 4-lane highway 120 701 Vdot Way 1.14-mile segment 'Turns In Advancing Subdivision Charlottesville, 22911 Virginia g� 35-m h Nlornin Ri lit 3 749 Street Name Charlotte Lane too AADT16000 FULL-YIIDTH TURN t ANE AND TAPER REQUIRED fi e 5 Design Engineer Justin Shimp Phone: (434) 227-5140 RE: 664 West Rio - Initial Site Plan Fes. K O.U96 Turn Lan Warrant Analysis W e a 'is defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements. D 0.514 ao AADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered, c de c ) , I BR Design CBR = Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide. Peale Hour Total 1536 5. Warrant Analysis Exhibit Entrance 2 (Western Entrance) C o g g Y g _ D •r 1 ea N r. Wilson Peak Hour Direction A 90 'n Pavement Desi n Guide e of ec on 7 1 e n tested asspecified 1 the CBR CBR value of the subgrade sample, taken and r �' P � �' 60 ' :�'TAPER•REQUIRED�it'>`i•`:=>S�i'i�C�'i� k Direction vi DME VDOT District Materials Engineer Ple•lse find lttached warm nt anal sis for 664 West Rio. The site lan ro oses the develo ment of Peel Hour ection B 746 < a a g Y P P P p EPTEquivalentprojected trapcMultifamily itY apartment building and cself-storageageb building on tax mcPP1rc is 0450U-00-00- ti 1 000 4 c0 0 HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles (e.g. trucksbuses etc, with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires). 04500-00-00-100A0 0-1500-00-00-100B0 04500-00-00-10100 and 04500-UO-00-1O1B0. Two entrances - tzo ' 2. I'TE TripGeneration Summary Entrance 1 (Eastern Entrance) > 0 Vehicles. Y ) • traffic lu e c m osed of Commercialv e Th ea •ern entrance isproposed t be shy red with the adjacent /oHCV Percentage of the total Volume oare proposed with this development. m nt. e eastern o •t gP YP P p J a - loading. - - - f- n d soil's ability t withstand nd repeated o� d n property, tax parcel 4 0 1 2 The eastern entrance would serve the self -storage story e use i the RF ResiliencyFactor -Relative value of the subgrade e so s o s •t o e t a ma a c, 0 500 00 0 0 00. s a e l s 2 ITE Independent 1V o g nc a endent A I Y1V1 g Y P g P P Y PP P NO •ruxv L.VNrP utt• •••.:• SSV Soil support value of sub rade SSV = CBR x RF rear. The western entrance is proposed as a ri ht-in/ri ht-out configuration, with the installation of a 100 FULL-VdIDTH TURN tANE ANO TAPER REQUIRED PP g ( D ) P P g g g Code Variable rar> ttS 14EQUIREDcc In Out Total Ili Out Total _ DP Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method median, and would serve the multifamily use. The left turn warrant was not analyzed as an existing center I 8" x Mini- Warehouse 151 94,212 SF 5 3 8 7 7 14' Thickness index required, based on Design AADT and SSV determined b Appendix II. left turn lane is resent on Rio Road W. ' 200 400 aco --- a o tnoo lzoo tao° Da e q g Y PP A 1754 $ < Small Office 712 8,800 SF 12 3 15 6 13 19 I ao >::::::::: s::: ss: •::.. PHV APPROACH TOTAL; -VEHICLES PER HOUR •Y:;}:::�:::::•:::.........:::..:........-; ! � ., e 1i i r. Ste 2. D,etermine;Dsi n Values , : ,.. Th following items are melded with this report: t Building P �, g ' t r t e est I FIGURE 3-27 WARRANTS FOR RIGHT TURN TREATMENT (4-LANE HIGHWAY) t, S e J D.ete m n D n AAD_ ,.. . and `'r Appropriate Radius r u red at all In ens cUon and nuances Cornme[cial or Private). CB�2 RF SSV.. ,: I t e S E> �. - ota 7 3 ( • iso '•: ::::•:... rAPER REQUIRED _ .. VDOT -019 Traffic Data• :•:: ,. >= ! ` LEGEND Z '::•:t•::•:: •::::. .................... . AADT 433 Sample No. CBR Resilient Factor RF • ITE Trip Generation Summary ¢ i'' i..*=-.'.� '. P r Y O p y ' s? PHV-- Peak Hour Volunne (also Design Hourly Volume equivalent) %HCV 100 HCV AADT) source value . Warrant Analysis Exhibits The eastern entrance is proposed to be shared with the adjacent property,erty,TMP 45-102. tz- . ..........:::5:'`:2:::::s•• 0 1 :sic? .M•"`*�t ,r'..:i ,.,�a�'�',;�property.- :.•..•:::•:::::.:�.�. o ;.. �^ �.1�w ,-z_V... f .T�.. PhotoWorksGrou is located on the adjacent PhotoWorksGrou is a ra hie Adiustment for Right Turns �-�:::_<:•::•:;:•:;-:.::::'=:;:•::.:;':•: �::•::.>::••:::•:::.:•;::•:::::::................ p P J P g P �:............................:..........,......:: Ur 8.1 �0 2 'r4�. ��� Table 1 'j.v',". '`'`,.�::::.•.•:::::::::::::v:::::r:.�:-�:.::•.•..;.;:.:::::.�:.� :....,.5:�:r.. The attached analysis shows that a right turn lane is not warranted with this - EPT = 20 x HCV Asa. -Fdesign company, that focuses on large format printing, tabrication, displays, exhibits, and installation. _ r x = ;,,_ ., •, If PHV Is not known use formula: PHV AD K x D a Note: For 3 �k.....� A endix I , P ; N t / r:.;J.J•�t::;•;•':'.•;';'.'::'.';•;.;: .;.;:.::•ii:•:':':•:::':• In addition to the existing PhotoWorksGrou 1,212 GSF of self -storage use is proposed to utilize K = the r t occurring I, e peak hour ::::�:•::-:••::: •::••• ° > ° «t: r - F If You have n questions, a may contact m at 'ustin c shim -en ineerin .c m 4 4- g P g P P pe Gen ornaDr y r tit pea 24 o a /°HCV 5 /° .>..,:,� -t . •l l o o c � e nr, o or hone at 3 �:`:�•::�:<:::,.:::��.:•;;::•:•:::.•.;::::.::. Note: For /oHCV < 5 /o, use AADT � DNIE a roved RF ;�;��- ,,��;�:�,;�>� Y Y q Y Y J p �- �- Y P __. hU •ruxiv 1..4YB5 Uit •::•:. r::::•>r::. PP this entrance. With the proposed use, there could be up to 17 trips into this eastern entrance during the D lire percent of traffic In the peak direction of flow r_ _ EPT>AAD'f 227-5140. ,ii,... .. ...::: �..�.... For preliminary designs, use the morning Bak hour and 13 tri s occurring in the evening Bak hour. Based on the directional factor Note: An average of 11% for K x D will suffice. In � Note: Auume half traffic generated by g P P g g P lowest RF value in the equation given b the VDOT 2019 AADT right and left turns are split almost evenly in the eastern and 1Nhsfi_rlghl ti n (ar, _U, �c , jr�rjt dx a ure 3.1 fg : esigr„g 0414 t r Self -Storage Building Use the Charlotte g Y g p Y 200 400 600 800 loon 1200 1400 Lane, 137 is the total AADT generated western direction. Due to the proximity of Route 29, it is assumed that the slightly higher volume of (-- - Regards, traffic would flow in the eastern direction in the morning,and in the western direction in the evening.'Rev. 1/15 PHV APPROACH TOTAL, VEHICLES PER HOUR by Self -Storage Building. Assume half Justin Shimp FIGURE 3-27 WARRANTS FOR RIGHT TURN TREATMENT (4-LANE HIGHWAY) is HCV (69/2=35) Shimp Engineering, P.C. Based on the data above, potential turning movements are highest in the morning with 8 right turns Appropriate Radius re quired at all Intersections and Entrances (Commercial or Private). into eastern entrance. The morning scenario was analyzed, when the highest number of right turns TH would occur. 4. ITE Trip Generation Summary I Entrance 2 (Western Entrance) LEGEND EPT=(35)* 20 700 CBRD x RF = SSV. rGA �` PHV-- Peak Hour Volume (also Design Hourly Volume equivalent) ITEIndependent A1YI PM �) � 1.0� = 4.0 Turns In Advancing -.r - � �' •., •�' � 3`: . �, ^• �"� � �'� '-.� Code Variable Adjustment for Right Turns to c'P me t Des1 Ch'ci "a o riate box'and shoSv "r `osed aver" ent design below. M. err=s � °'' 1n Out Total In Out Total S. p 3.. aye n gn: e c r a 1 .a to .1 . ��� ,..; .. 4 a< u r o ( PP P P..P P g ) . 4 If PHV Is not known use formula: PHV = ADT x K x D luo J p MP Evenin Ri lit 7 797 Multifamily 221 86 Units 6 20 26 21 13 34 K =the percent of AADT occurring in the peak hour ❑ (A) Limited to Design AADT S 400 - Show pavement material notations and thickness from Appendix iv •rabies A and if. Lit 45183 Residential ----�----(--)------ .--------------------------p---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- I , p Ua(ficlnthe peak direction of flow , 1 D -the percent o _ (Mid -Rise) Note: An average of 11°% for Kx D will suffice. ❑ B Show pavement section as developed inthe Pavement Design Guide. DR - 13•5 See Appendix Ill for material notations and thickness equivalency values d from Appendix II �`ss ��G 2 3' 1 Orr hpn �10h3..1yn ;tRgi iN iiIi4to.W r �ata�i`:se ;F urea-1 f4k gfg6� 'ilefia 3 ( pp q Y O) pp +10 , „ With the addition of 86 units, there could be up to 6 trips through the western entrance during the Description of Proposed Pavement Section 2 2 10 morning peak hour and 21 trips occurring in the evening peals hour. Based on the directional factor Rev. 1/15 Material Notation Thickness, h a (a x h) given by the VDOT 2021 AADT, right and left turns are split almost evenly in the eastern and Surface SM-9.5A 1.5 2.25 3.4 0 0"_ Intermediate -,- T � - � T SHIM Base BM-25.OA 3 2.25 6.8 -- Subbase VDOT #21A 6 0.6 3.6 0 E At G I N E e R I N G 4,j - LAND' PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT a: CONCRETE 0 1.5" OF SM-9.5A - - �p 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 SUPERPAVE (TYP.) I JO I v I -- 10 8 L I N (( (2) 1%6%60" CHARLOTTESVILLEVA,22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 3" BM-25 (TYP.) 1 P f WOODEN BOARD p0p0Q0 0p0p0p0p0 6" - VDOT #21A I I I 1 I I i - -7 -,7-[ - � _ _ - BASE STONE (TYP.) I ( 7.5' / I I T _ 2%2"x24„ III I II I II I III III III j lII I I j COMPACTED SUBGRADE I I I r MIN. CBR=6.0 I I I I WOOD SLAT TO BE FIELD VERIFIED I I 1 1 2.0" 1.0" r8_�SIDEWALK BENCH - PLAN VIEWTYP CAL PAVEMENT SECTION 1 1 I iLax or 1 I O O I 1 C2o SCALE: 1 =1 FOR CHARLOTTE LANE AND I-_-----------------------1 I I 6" - 3,000 PSI CONCRETE TRAVELWAY I I AT 28 DAYS OR STRONGER. O C2o Not To Scale -------------------------------i UJU,.. LSHI P> �,--- p Li 3 DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE- =co z ►i �C w a z 5 PLAN VIEW > o WIRE REINFORCING OR z o #4 BARS AT 12" O.C. FS, �G „ �w ��� �yONAL 4" - 3,000 PSI C20 SCALE: 1 =5 Ld 4a a ,. CONCRETE _ ° w q a °„ Z O Oa O O O O O O 4" - VDOT #21A HEIGHT TO BENCH TOP 000000000000000 BASESTONE nC 17" MID -POINT OF ((III -III -I I II (IIII III- TREATED WOOD GATES BENCH COMPACTED SUBGRADE FINISH TO MATCH 9 SIDEWALK BENCH CONCRETE DETAIL - SECTION VIEW DESIGNED BY -_-_ _- _�,. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Stephanie Paul FJ :. rL'_-s;� _ �r T SCALE: 1 "=1' CHECKED BY 12" BRICK -- ,-�-- TREATED WOOD GATES C2o 1 FINISH TO MATCH -- VENEER 2 TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION VENEER C �T BRICK JustnShimp,P.E. �I 1. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Zr _�.1 icy' SIDE T.. LrLLr.C('T TT' - I I I - �� .'t" 't a:J, 'f 1; �.tins •7> Y }s :(af` -;h Not To Scale ' DOOR �2O - I L _ rI TL L - - --- -,--� L CONCRETE I � T: �-��, . . SLAB _I_ i i I I I I I I � j -- ki' !' ,r zr �s� / �' FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1 e l g .._T E;9F _ _,�':• *C, e�' "'f' o - I I I I I I f a'" ::, � i � I � ,�:z / 1.0" OF SM 9.5A -- ,- i I I r. -,� •'�� e„� ,N' a �+�+ .r 1 � ri 'r�Y � "s s ,:arv`': (^ SUP RPAVE TYP. r-� � �-' I � I � i I � I i ^=�' - -x VV4 WET RI® E _ ,� (TYP.) i I. I; :--� ,--r-,- FOUNDATION --I- I I I I I � I I I CONCRETE %�- ,_ t � � ;, • „ � r� _ I I ; I I , ; 1 i , ; I i _ I ° � � . k •I • 2 IM-19A TYP. L:- ,�-ram- _ ' ' I ' I I I I i I I I I , � I I ' ' I i I Ni'' 1( ) r SLABO O O O O O O I.� r I l i I I I 11 ,i�/3��,R _€ a.• O O O O O 0 0 6- VDOT 21A i \- :,A ?.r iF' -� E ar �rOOOOO # - i 1.0"�, f f-- 2"x2"x24„ �" ( I I III' r -_-_ _ _ - BASESTONE (TYP.) -r - ntlu,'Innl,unll Innul a ITi I un TIS IMill l u I *sill r I ,T71 , IIII nl'It41 ,,rlli7l r In ni 1 11 1 :I; Ill WOOD SLAT -I -III-I COMPACTED SUBGRADELU r7- -' FOUNDATION 2 0 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE , -III III III -III III- MIN. CBR=6.0 �• / I i TO BE FIELD VERIFIED q�` o 0 0 0 (2) 1"x6"x60" VIRGINIA TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE- >,of:< N r >¢z WOODEN BOARD FOR PARKING LOT 6 SECTION VIEW 40'- LdIz SUBMISSION: 3 /.'' nW _ a_ .'' CONCRETE 2023.05.26 C2o Nat Ta Scale C20 SCALE: 1"=5' DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE- ELEVATION VIEW °'°" BASE REVISION: C2o SCALE: 1"=5' HEIGHT TO BENCH TOP 1) 2023.10.02 17" © MID -POINT OF 2) 2023.12.18 BENCH rrs Bag ri-o- SIDEWALK BENCH - AXONOMETRIC VIEW F`°v�darCoat �< Donreud Kyaf1 I'rnsh Bays in Place 6" - 3,000 PSI CONCRETE Flmsh Lid �� � PrvtacI% AT 28 DAYS OR STRONGER. C°ntainer Rorn Ilia Elements Lin,) RetlloV&S security Cable C 20 SCALE: 1 "=1' F and Keeps For Ease 't'rnsh WIRE REINFORCING OR rrasf+oul V 0000000000000000..• #4 BARS AT 12" O.C. u'I,�tRIttaY�; NOTES REGARDING TRASH 8c RECYCLING RECEPTACLES: of slz/t,t 4" COMPACTED CONTRACTOR MUST PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING TRASH BC RECYCLING -I I) I I I) II III I I III COMPACTED SUBGRADE RECEPTACLES t1 Gauge --SaifCtoslny Ptlsf,CJoOr FILE N0. • GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL TM OUTDOOR STEEL DIAMOND TRASH CAN WITH DOME 18.030 4 D U M P S TE R PAD DETAIL LID, 36 GALLON --rineting ayis • THE TRASH RECEPTACLE COLOR MUST BE BLACK C2o Not To Sale Capacity FadinyRuld WARRANT ANALYSIS, dn'tVndastn • THE RECYCLING RECEPTACLE COLOR MUST BE GREEN 'J4'Masl, • RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE CHARLOTTE LANE TRAVELWAY V,ti� PAVEMENT AND SITE p TRASH 8c RECYCLING AND FURNITURE AND FIXTURES ON IT WOULD BE THE OWNERS`DETAILS 5 RECEPTACLES RESPONSIBILITY UNTIL THE PUBLIC EASEMENT AREA OVER THE TRAVELWAY a. IS DEDICATED TO THE COUNTY THEN MAINTENANCE OF STREET FURNITURE C20 fianlnYahlyl�tas4i.Ulaer C2o NOT TO SCALE WILL BE THE COUNTY'S FES DEPARTMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY 1' [QMFFe WON - 3/V MALE FF: E COU%LINO FRAME & COVER ➢R A.=PRo•,W MLIAL E (SEE FIG. S-I-D,E)` _ SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION NOTES: ` ri I a) `=E 1. WHERE A SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTS TO A MANHOLE STREET SURFACE OR I' T,�E •K--_ L F- SCFT COPFEN Ln o AND NO INVERT ELEVATION FOR THE SERVICE LATERAL IS w NON -PAVED AREA �'� FCRusealAnxcH 1NCLeFxklLr C4 E u� ➢D INDICATED , THE TOP CROWN ELEVATION OF THE SERVICE REMAINING BACKFILL SHALL -J ''.Ecu:ENRAL sExdcEa CH Wu L FE;ICINFIAL w E rs e (CROWN) z �/ - - ANR IHFWATICN eE .iCEs Ma r� 3 �- �- LATERAL PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST 0.2' HIGHER THAN THE NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL - SLOPED AREA _ Bo I TOP CROWN ELEVATION OF THE THE LOWEST PIPE CONNECTED :;p;.:,:;E':rG , I .,`,r TEE TO THE MANHOLE. 36"MIN LARGER THAN 5' IN ANY .., ,, •. w s a1+� ) 24"MI DIMENSION f '" �ry� 1'-0° MAX 1\~� E W ~ 0 E; INTIAL BACKFILL* 1�- vF3 �-.� 2. SEWER LATERALS TAPPED INTO AN EXISTING SEWER MAIN SHALL 2'-0" ' _ 7ro. Eo �� w BE CONNECTED USING A PIPE SADDLE. 8"MIN (6" LIFTS) LBE PSI CONC. BASE .-I NOTE j EMBEDMENT ND SaEATE9 FlrnNcs +- * THOROUGHLY COMPACTED _r- �-�%�- 2' 3. MINIMUM GRADE FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION SHALL BE 2% 1 BY HAND OR APPROVED NCH SLOPED TO FLOW `� 1 •Q SPRING LINE MECHANICAL TAMPER ANNEL 1 4" 1' MINDUAL- o E 3 a E (1/4" PER FOOT ) / RUBBER COATED STEEL SEl:vl(:E �. OF PIPE O HAUNCHING STEPS CAST IN PLACE S-O" MINL %O ' r cE6aaN.3/iMdLEcwruNcS =, = 4. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER 2' MIN NO. 68 STONE - - PRECAST REINFORCEDxhra➢ ED ecAL 3 v6 DIAMETER OF 4". BEDDING 6" max > '' 4" (in I ��� CONCRETE SECTIONS 12 MIN 1• 7COPF !�A� 0" RING SEALS ° 16" MAX xFroorPpx l/'j� �" a 5. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER FOUNDATION SHALL BE 1� OF 3 FEET. REQUIRED WHEN SOIL 12" BRANCH MINIMUM ELEVATION IITr(�D, CONDITIONS ARE UNSTABLE ! ( DIFFERENCE ACROSS M.H. 5'-' 4'-0° 5' Fri Sn�i E�A" HeE FAMILe n z SALT ALL PIPE) R l� / // FROM INLET TO OUTLET _ IeETER 15 r+aT re➢,IEm. �I 4• TREATED -. e SHALL BE 0,20 FEET. 2 x 4 -�� CONCRETE VARIES rl N E m e FINISHED GROUND MARKER p DEPTH OF FLOW FILLETS SINGLE SERVICE E ny 2 CHANNEL TO E Note Q zo Q 3/4 DIAMETER OF i) �.ncLEs :BALL aE uaTD> o+ P,c F1�E =TH - CAST IRON UD I , CONTRIBUTING NOTE SEWER. _ Fl1,2KED CRAZe 1.OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMO.d ' •• 12OBACKFILLED ENTIRELY WITH NO. 21A STONE. NOTE; TRANSITION OF FLOW BETWEEN -FLEXIBLE CONNECTION Lor:Ker;c2. FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED INLET &OUTLET PIPE SHALL BuAu I 1 Box WITH STAINLESS STEEL ALL CONNECTIONS TO V•L'�E AND COMPACTED, AND ALL STONES REMOVED OR A 4" BEDDING OF NO. 68 PROVIDED. MIN, 6" BEDDING 0'o E r STONE SHALL BE PROVIDED BAND EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL 36• Y11, CsrFQtLErTD: BE CORED AND A FLEXIBLE NOTE W/ N0. 08 STONE 1 J z PLUG ENO OF 3. WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A MINIMUM 6" r a nE+o ;a�PUNc $ � CONNECTION "BOOT 1. BEDDING THICKNESS REQUIREMENT SHOWN IS MINIMUM AND SHALL BE �, 'U; `� `�, �"' "'-` fl E � MAIN LINEC45V SERVICE LATERAL BEDDING OF N0. 68 STONE ' =o INSTALLED SPECIFICALLY DETERMINED BY THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SOIL CONDITIONS. aE{ ` (3 1 `" TI ON -vErEa - .,:gym: r. `r iU 2. THE CONSULTANT WILL DETERMINE WHETHER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE // €•..,".r. EXTENDED OR NON -EXTENDED BASES. {\\ ILI '' :'' i 3. ALL JOINTS, LIFT HOLES, INLETS, OUTLETS TO BE SEALED & GROUTED EG PORxnvl sraP ae: :; I ;,„l'`•, -aICK As wi!•=��. ::,, ••L.=J�' NECE53ANi TYPICAL MANHOLE PLAN INSIDE AND OUT. Ci��i'• :o� ,0 TYPICAL SEWER PIPE U0A UKDUST,(2-I UNCZ.R ` ,;: �, .:.. r� - IavOeN CAI+PP�12 TYPICAL MANHOLE SECTION UOR XIU :ETIE� (4-U+CH LYIC STCAE 95CkET. CDT S!.: NIEC. 2U1 Na. T,r AG:+E. "IE SHOWING BRANCH TIE - IN YIf.1ALN 1H ,,ESS, :::,::.,•....x 'o INSTALLATION IN TRENCH SHOWING BRANCH TIE-IN A ;4 TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL TERAL INSTALLATION NTS NTS N.T.S (5/8" & ) METERS) IN LINE WYE-TEE FIG. S-3 FIG. S-I-B FIG. S-I-A TYPICAL MANHOLE FRAME & COVER PLAN NTS N. r.8 TD-34 TD-27 TD-25 FIG. W-GA FIG$4-D VARIES TD-10 TD-31 R ACSA: SEWER PIPE ACSA: TYP. M H TIE IN ACSA: TYP. MANHOLE ACSA: TYP. SERVICE ACSA: M H FRAME BC SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION 1 INSTALLATION (TYP.)(__2�PLAN VIEW 3 SECTION BRANCH TIE-IN(�_4LATERAL INSTALLATION 5 COVER N,T,S, FIG. S-2 C21 NOT TO SCALE C21 NOT TO SCALE C21 NOT TO SCALE C21 NOT TO SCALE C21 NOT TO SCALE TD-33 ACSA: SEWER LATERAL 45' 6 CONNECTION max L = 1 V T, 01 2 PLACE 5' GALVANIZED " WITNESS " POST WITH GOOD FOUNDATION MATERIAL ROCKY FOUNDATION MATERIAL T ` ! CAPPED ELANDS PAINTED BLUE IN REMOTE AREAS AS DIRECTED, NIARKEa LOCATION MAY eE � UBjEGT C 21 NOT TO SCALE ° I I45* 45' ,t TO HIGHWAY DEPARTMENIT APPROVAL. NOTE, MIN. 60' DIAMETER MANHOLE REMAINING BACKFILL SHALL I ma REQUIRED. NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL a, . I ° v PLUG o q 4 ( j FINISHED GRADE -� K.H. STEP 35"MIN LARGER THAN 5" IN ANY a I. l - cTrPi DROP MANHOLE PVC CROSS o� 24• IN 24 IN DIMENSION 4 z i je" 8" INITIAL BACKFILL 24"�A1P I 2' USE APPROVED FLEXIBLE RUBBER o�c7 MIN MIN. MIN. MIN. IN TIAL UACKFILLf T ! a , .: ° v BOOT, 2 r 8"MIN t 1, . 0 0 ,tI,6° BEDDING (6" LIFTS) cD > .../=-_ :'` 68 STONE SHIM EidBEDMEPIT " # * rIIrJROIJCHIY COMPACTED I I ADJUSTALLE Tf?AFFIC RATED Q 022 BY NAND OR APPROVED FOR ALL SENDS FOR TEE OR WYE FITTINGS 11 VALVE BOX lr/ LID oG *STABLE SOIL ROCK ENGINEERING SPRING LINE MECHANICAL TA,VIPER It 6' I{- GASKETOU 2 OF PIPE - (� WIDEN TRENCH TO U " I STOP COUPLING o� NOTE: HYDRANT MUST BE HAUNCHING ACCOMMODATE o - 27' - * SCRAPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. REMOVE ALL EQUIPPED WITH CHARLOTTES - ND. 68 STONES - - - ` ANCHOR IF DROP PIPE VILLE THREADS WHICH IS LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT BEDDIPIO "o' max REQUIRED. STONES TO INSURE THE PIPE DOESN'T REST ON ROCK AND • • PIPE STRAPS THE LOCAL STANDARD. L" rrlin 45' - 'STAINLESS STEEI > THEN COMPACT THE SOIL OR PROVIDE A 4" BEDDING OF A min M r o SPACED EVERY #68 STONE. LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES FOUNDATION (SHALL BE BEDDING AS 2' VERTICALLY (' REQUIRED p' cv a a ,`` 6' MIN T�7 REQUIRED 1lHU4 SOIL � I 90' RESTRAINED BEND � 2' TO 10' 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CONDITIONS ARE UNSTABLE _ ` (270') PIPE) ` I SEWER INFLUENT FOUNDATION IN POOR SOIL UNDER -CUT CONDITION I 18"-22• CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ` PLUG -- - q • . q . , PIPE 7 CU. FT. VALVE BOX 45' 4 ° <' 68 STONE MIN MI hLJ. GATE VALVE e q • o a , MAW T T �- < SEWER l ' a PIPE INITIAL BACKFILL SECTION 1-1 SECTION 2-2 PLAN UNSTABLE 8" 4'MI 8 8" 4 MI 6" 42"MIN I; ,:I •>�•� VALVE NO rE � J I. OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PIPE DEGREE BEND DIMENSIONS VOL. TEE AND PLUGS VOL SOIL MIN. MIN. _� MIN MIN. #68 STONE °?+; \ 8"X6" (FEET) CU.YD. PROFILE \fir,., , TEE BACKFILED ENTIRELY WITH NO. 21A STONE. SIZE OF (FEET) CU.YD. :- _GRANULAR FILL AS BEND YlATE c LINE MIN. 6' BEDDING WITH NO, 68 STONE =_ r'<?ic;":-,' ;'�.;. _ APPROVED BY ACSA ° rf 2, FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED L H T L H T - ':`,- 250E P.S.I. CONCRETE •.� .. STONES 90 2.5E 2.5E 3.01 0.24 It 1 �BASE AND THRUST AND COMPACTED, AND ALL STONES REMOVED OR A 4' BEDDING OF NO, 68 S 6 1. HEIGHT OF THE VERTICAL DROP PIPE WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE ACSA, BUT SHALL NOT BE LE55 THAN TWO �AB E 501 ' OR ROCIt� z STABLE SOIL OR ROC BLOCK AGAINST 4" & 6' 45 1.50 2.00 2.6E 0.15 1 , 2 UNDISTURBED STABLE LT� f f sTOraE SHALL BE PROVIDED' 22 1/2 L50 2.0E 2.52 0.1E 2.0E 2.25 2.5E 0.15 1 J OFEET. O, J, WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED 001 A MINIMUM 6" SOIL. STEEL PILE w 11 1 /4 1.5E 2.0E 2.5E 0.1E - 2. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE SDR 26 P.V.C, SIZED THE SAME AS THE INCOMING PIPE AND CONNECTED TO -� BET) 71NC OF NO. Fib STONE 90 3.66 3.16 3.21 0.48 250E N.S.I_ THE DROP FITTING WITH STANDARD GASKET JOINT. NOTE 7 RESTRAINED JOINT FITTINGS � 1 45 2.66 2.66 2.77 0.26 CONCRETE WHEN THE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR WHEN �r�• 22 1/2 1.66 2.16 2.69 0.13 s 2'a 2' LIEARING AREA. A HYDRANT IS LOCATED IN A FILL, IN ADDITION 8 3.16 2.91 2.66 0.32 THRUST BLOCK - _ 3. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE STRAPPED TO THE MANHOLE AT PIPE JOINTS. STRAPS SHALL BE MADE OF 1. NO ROCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE WATER LINES. 11 1/4 1.66 2.16 2.67 0.13 ` d a, STAINLESS STEEL. TO POURING CONCRETE, A STEEL PILE SHALL 2. NO ROCKS LARGER THAN 6" IN ANY DIMENSION SHALL BE ALLOWED BE USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT. 0 �` 90 4.83 3.83 3.42 0.83 �. 4. SHAPE INVERT ASNEEDED TOPROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION FROM DROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE POINT ABOVE THE INITIAL BACKFILL. U JU •" 1. SHI 10" & 12' 45 3.33 3.58 2.95 0.43 3.83 4.00 2.83 0.52 ,d ` n TO SPRING LINE OF MANHOLE INVERT. 3.THE INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED AND, COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS. 22 1/2 2.33 2.58 2.86 0.24 LT 3 _ 11 1/4 1.83 2.33 2.84 0.18 ° v S. DROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE FITTING SHALL BEORIENTED AT45DEGREES,INTO THE FLOW. 4.IN ORGANIC OR FROZEN MATERIAL OR DEBRIS SHALL BE ALLOWED n ¢¢ TYPICAL SEWER PIPE IN THE TRENCH. NOTE : d ( I'0 1. THRUST BLOCKS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER THE PIPELINE CHANGES DIRECTION, CHANGES 6. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT 90 DEGREES FROM THE ACCESS STEPS. rt'y + ti SIZE, DEAD ENDS AND AT VALVES. 5. BELL HOLES SHALL BE DUG OUT IN ALL CASES. 1. SURROUND WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF CONCRETE, INSTALLATION I N TRENCH 2. USE 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE. NOTE ; IN REMOTE AREAS. VAL1iE BOXES SHALL EXTEND SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE GRADE 7. MINIMUM 72" DIAMETER MANHOLE REQUIRED FOR A SINGLE 10" OR 12" DIAMETER DROP CONNECTION, OR 2. MAINTAIN A 3 1/2' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT 4. THIECCONSULTING ENGINEERSHALL BE OURED ON ANY PART OF THE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO THE VERIFY THE TYPE & SIZE OF TWO 8" DIAMETER DROP CONNECTIONS. 3. (FINISHEDINCLUDING GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT AND �S IONAL ALL THRUST BLOCKS. DUCTILE IRON WATER VALVE BOX. NTS TYPICAL GATE VALE/E STANDARD INTERNAL DROP CONNECTION 4. THE GATE VALVE IS ALLOWED IN SHOULDER OR BEHIND THE DITCH. 46 FIC. S-3 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS PIPE INSTALLATION & BEDDING IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DITCH. NTS NTS N.T.S. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LOCATIONS WHERE WEEP FIG. W-3 FIG. SV-5 FIG. S-1-C2 NTS HOLES ARE ABOVE THE PREVAILING GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. IF TD-34 TD-3 FIG, W-2 REQUIRED TO BE IN WET AREAS, THE WEEP HOLES SHALL BE PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT SHALL BE PUMPED DRY. TD-30 TD-2 ACSA: TYP. SEWER PIPE ACSA: CONCRETE ACSA: GATE VALVE ACSA: INTERNAL DROP TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL DESIGNED INSTALLATION IN TRENCH TYP. 11 ACSA. DIP INSTALLATION N.T.S. 8 THRUST BLOCKS g ( ) 10 CONNECTION �21NOT TO SCALE FIG' w-4 CHECKED BY C21 NOT TO SCALE dusen Shimp, P.E. C21 NOT TO SCALE C21 NOT TO SCALE C21 NOT TO SCALE TD-8 "3j5375 15 D D ACSA: FIRE HYDRANT 627AmersaleDrive _ !-L FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Naperville, IL 60563 r A a„ 12 A S S E M B L Y Phone: (800) 323-5664 I, 2 (' `� - NOT TO SCALE sales@belson.com - J INVERTED U WITH O U T D ��b�R S I 1•e �� - C21 664 WEST RIO VAN r FLAT TOP BIKE 5 2C _ Model # 510E Dlmenlsrat� Sheei RESERVE.- _ D I K -I- RACK K G NOTES: f--�-- - (` 4,25 4•2a 1-EIBL „ 0 1. SIGN TO BE PLACED ON BUILDING, OR ON A --- ��+� ' _,. 0 ® 4q MI". U-CHANNEL SIGN POST OR EQUIVALENT DOUBLEUP WALL MOUNTED BIKE RACK P� 2c I -'{ 2. SIGN BACKGROUND COLORS AS FOLLOWS: COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE WITH LOCKING BAR 7 114 Iflr �h -1 1- - E d. 6' MIN. I-17.5•-I 6• MIN. q 1 32.375" (225•FOR COMPOUND METER) 2.1. UPPER HALF: GREEN BACKGROUND/WHITE LETTERS VIRGINIA 16 r- _ _ � 2.2. LOWER HALF: WHITE BACKGROUND/GREEN LETTERS $ 7/8 "'�'� 12.0" SUBMISSION: . c vro+AccEssA➢LE IL. 80• ,,,� 6 �- 36" 2023.05.26 REVISION: 1) 2023.10.02 3V' 16MIN. (225' FOR COMPOUND METER) 2) 2023.12.18 !i ,� � 3T MIN. BIKE RACK DETAIL I kkk r %J 2•5 I1N. PoNGNUT LOCKING ASSEMBLY . 45-118" 13 (SHORT TERM) �12 T7Jib >j VANACCFSSN LE C 21 I� BYPASS 1 8 O Q �7-$ .NO PfIfiKING �j A B C 0 E F G 11 J S L LEGEND - GREEN (RETROREFL), WHITE SYMBOL ON BLUE (RETROREFL) 12 a_ - jis tau 1.5 15U .s 1 u L611 am 15 NOTES: El 18 1 15 _d3u 2.25 2U I 15D 24'JG 571W 1.5 FILE N0. P I CK-UP/ BACKGROUND--WHITE(RETROREFL) 1. PROVIDE A 6" THICK GRAVEL BED BENEATH THE METER VAULT. -'Reduce o PAIDUNGAPr1.ICAI;V GWEMIONALAPPLCMIGN 2. MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR PRECAST OR POUR -IN -PLACE VAULTS SHALL BE 4". spacing 50 /a. MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR VAULTS CONSTRUCTED OF MASONARY BLOCK SHALL BE 8". 18.030 � ®A A ** COLORS LEGEND -GREEN (BEiRGREFLECTIVE)GRIfLAGK COLOR& LEGEND -WHITE 3. THE OUTSIDE OF THE VAULT BELOW GRADE SHALL BE COATED WITH AN APPROVEDDROP UN F `}�j �{jU Seepage 6-3I. ) WATER PROOFING COMPOUND. ■ fL1GK(D1GUr1U-YIIIIIE (REiRGNEFLECIIYE) BACKGHD(kV0-BLIiE (KEIRUREFLECTNE) `k `See page 6-2 for arrow design. J. 15 HC PARKING SIGNAGE TYPICAL METER NTsVAULT (2" METER) 1A SITE & ACSA DETAILS Z U^ N E C21 NOT TO SCALE FIG. W-7C BIKE RACK DETAIL TD-76 ACSA: TYP, METER PICK-UP/DROP OFF LONG TERM 14ri17 ZONE PARKING SIGN 6VAULT (2" METER) C21 C21 NOT TO SCALE �21NOT TO SCALE C21 1 2 4 5 A C v 1 SECTION 5100 1"=20' B SEE DETAIL 6/5100 FOR GUARDRAILL ATTACHMENT AT WALL "W5" ONLY J U (`I h e 12' GLR. 2" GLR. z —A O" O" 9 d W _Z . Q .t W :::; :::::.:. : t..:.:` b EXTEND "9" BARS INTO KEY INSTEAD OF HOOK FOR WALL "W5" A B crl C 2 RETAINING WALL SEGTION 5100 NO SCALE 3" GLR. y- CV i r O M . -rn Ar-(-'nI-- O IMnrs RETAINING WALL SCHEDULE MARK Wl W2 H1 10-O" 8'-ro" 5-0" 5-0" 10-0" H2 11'-0" 9'-0, 0-0" 0-O" 11'-0" A 1'--0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-ro" B 1'-0" 1'-0" 0-8" 1'-0" 1'-0" G 5-0" 5-0° 2-0' 2-6 7-0 E 1'-9" 1'-2" 2-3" F 3'-0" 3'-0" 2-0" 2-0" a #5 AT 11" O.G. #5 AT 10" O.G. #4 AT 12" O.G. #4 AT 12" O.G. #7 AT 12" O.G. b #5 AT 11" O.G. #4 AT 10" O.G. #4 AT 12" O.G. #4 AT 12" O.G. #5 AT 12" O.G. c #5 AT 1ro" O.G. #5 AT 1ro" O.G. #4 AT 12" O.G. #4 AT 12" O.G. #5 AT 16" O.G. d #G AT 11" O.G. #5 AT 10" O.G. #4 AT 12" O.G. #4 AT 12" O.G. #7 AT ro" O.G. e #0 AT 22" O.G. #5 AT 20" O.G. #4 AT 24" O.G. #4 AT 24" O.G. #7 AT 12" O.G. T #4 AT 1ro" O.G. #4 AT 16 O.G. #4 AT 12" O.G. #4 AT 1ro" O.G. #4 AT 16 O.G. 9 #4 AT 11" O.G. #4 AT 10" O.G. (-) #4 AT 12" O.G. #4 AT 12" O.G. h #4 AT 11" O.G. #4 AT 10" O.G. (-) #4 AT 12" O.G. #4 AT 12" O.G. z #4 AT 1ro" O.G. #4 AT 16 O.G. (-) #4 AT Ira" O.G. #4 AT fro" O.G. 01 3 RETAINING WALL SCHEDULE 510 NO SCALE THIGKNF-55 VARIES, (SEE PLAN) 4 TYPICAL GONGR 5100 NO SCALE ELEVATION SEE PLAN crl SEE ARCH, DWG5. FOR TREAD �-: R15ER DIMENSIONS /— #4 NOSING BARS CONTINUOUS (TYP.) z a #4 AT 12" O.G. W W 111 THICKNESS VARIES, (SEE PLAN) 'E STAIR ON GRADE 2-0" LAP 2" GLR. (TYPICAL) 1 - #5 BENT BARS ' TYPICAL FOOTING STEP Wrox9 AT 0-3" O.G. COORDINATE START AND END WITH CIVIL. P05T TO BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY. RAIL TO SLOPE TO FOLLOW T.O.W. ATTACH TO BACK SIDE OF WALL. TOP OF WALL ELEVATION SEE PLAN/CIVIL DWGS. h «O CAST -IN ANCHORS ARE mlt 3/4" DIA. x 8" LONG BOLT WITH WASHER AND NUT PER CIVIL DRAWINGS. 2 1/4' GAGE. RETAINING WALL, m REINFORCING NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY SEE SCHEDULE K `v 6 GUARDRAIL POST ATTAGHI" 1ENT 5100 3/4"=1'-O" TO F-,ETAININO WALL 2459 Wilkinson Blvd, Suite 120 Charlotte, NC 28208 p 704.332.5668 www.sganwdesign.com THESE DOCUMENTS PROVIDED BY SGA I NW a GF Design Company ARE SUBJECT TO THE ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT AS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. SIMILAR PROTECTION IS ALSO APPLICABLE TO ELECTRONIC INFORMATION IN ANY FORM. THE USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS OR THE ELECTRONIC INFORMATION THAT PRODUCED THEM IS PROHIBITED UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN WRITING BY AND COMPENSATION TO THE ARCHITECT. Copyright © 2022 SGA l NW, a GF Design Company Fitzpatrick ENGINEERING GROUP PLLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 19620 W. Catawba Ave. Suite 311 Comellus, NC 28031 P 704-987-9114 NC LICENSE NO. P-0366 FEG JOB# 235538.000 tiTH OF P1�� OBA5123 r,L C� DOUGLAS G FITZPATRICK Lic. No q 9� �%NAL E� 664 West IRio INLET PROPERTIES Charlottesville, VA REVISION SCHEDULE # DESCRIPTION I DATE 1 REVIEW COMMENTS 08/15/23 CD SET SGA I NW DESIGN PROJECT NUMBER: 20225443.0 DESIGNED BY: DGF DRAWN BY: SRG CHECKED BY: DGF ISSUE DATE: 5/31/2023 RETAINING WALL PLAN WITH SECTIONS AND SCHEDULE 8/15/2023 5:50:08 PM P:\5538 Rio Road West Apartments\5heets\S100.dgn user= project workspace= 2 GENERAL NOTES 3 M 5 0 C 11103 1. THE CONTRACT STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENT THE FINISHED STRUCTURE, AND DO NOT INDICATE THE METHOD OR MEANS OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPERVISE AND DIRECT THE WORK AND SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, PROCEDURES, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCE AND SAFETY. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL REQUIRED TEMPORARY BRACING AND SHORING DURING CONSTRUCTION TO MAINTAIN GONGRETE NOTES THE STABILITY OF THE STRUCTURE. CONSTRUCTION LOADS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE CAPACITY OF THE 1. CONCRETE: INSTALLED STRUCTURE AT ANYTIME. a. ALL CONCRETE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE 'SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE', (AGI 301) AND 'BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, 2. THE ENGINEER DOES NOT HAVE CONTROL OR CHARGE OF, AND SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR (AGI 318). CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES OR PROCEDURES, FOR SAFETY PRECAUTIONS b. ALL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE 'SPECIFICATIONS FOR TOLERANCES FOR AND PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK. FOR THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR, CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS, (AGI 117) SUBCONTRACTOR, OR ANY OTHER PERSONS PERFORMING ANY OF THE WORK, OR THE FAILURE OF ANY OF c. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE READY -MIXED MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF A5TM G-04, "SPECIFICATION THEM TO CARRY OUT THE WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. FOR READY -MIXED CONCRETE". MAXIMUM SLUMP IS 5 INCHES, PLUS OR MINUS] INCH, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE IN SPECIFICATION- 3. STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ARE TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH CIVIL AND OTHER CONTRACT DRAWINGS. d. CEMENTITIOUS MATERIAL MADE WITH TYPE 1 PORTLAND CEMENT CONFORMING TO A5TM C150 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF THE MOST CURRENT SET OF DRAWINGS. SPECIFICATION, "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR PORTLAND CEMENT". DISCREPANCIES, INCLUDING DIMENSIONS, SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT OR e. GLASS F FLYASH IS PERMITTED TO BE USED IN CONCRETE MIXES EXCEPT EXPOSED INTERIOR FLOOR DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION. SLABS. FLYASH IS TO BE LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM OF 205vo OF TOTAL GEMENTITIOUS MATERIAL WEIGHT. 4. ALL THINGS WHICH, IN THE OPINION OF THE CONTRACTOR, APPEAR TO BE CONTRADICTIONS OR AMBIGUITIES £ CONCRETE AGGREGATE GRADATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C33 SPECIFICATION. IN THE DESIGN DRAWINGS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO "SPECIFICATION FOR CONCRETE AGGREGATE". FINE AGGREGATE SHALL CONSIST OF NATURAL SAND OR A COMBINATION THEREOF, WITH A FINENESS MODULUS BETWEEN 2.3 AND 3.1. COURSE AGGREGATE ORDERING, FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION. GRADATION SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM SIZE #57 STONE MIX PER ASTM G33. FINE AGGREGATE CONTENT IS 5. DETAILS / SECTIONS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS ARE TYPICAL AND MAY APPLY TO LOCATIONS OTHER THAN TO BE BETWEEN 35%AND 4596 BY WEIGHT OR VOLUME OF THE TOTAL AGGREGATE CONTENT. FOR 0" WHERE SPECIFICALLY MARKED ON THE PLANS. IF SECTIONS OR DETAILS DO NOT REPRESENT ALL REQUIRED SLABS OR GREATER, LARGER COURSE AGGREGATE MIXS UP TO #407 ARE ACCEPTABLE FOR FLOOR CONDITIONS, THE ENGINEER SHALL BE CONTACTED FOR CLARIFICATION BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SLAB CONCRETE TO MINIMIZE SHRINKAGE CRACKING. ro. IF EXISTING CONDITIONS MAKE IT NECESSARY TO REVISE STRUCTURAL DETAILS, NOTIFY DESIGN ENGINEER g. A MID RANGE WATER REDUCING ADMIXTURE IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM G404 TYPE A IS TO BE USED BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY CHANGES. TO REDUCE WATER REQUIREMENTS. DOSAGE AMOUNT IS NOT TO EXCEED ro OZ. PER 100 POUNDS OF GEMENTITIOUS MATERIAL. 7. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND h. CONCRETE MIX DESIGNS ARE TO BE PREPARED BY CONCRETE SUPPLIER AND SUBMITTED TO ENGINEER LATEST ADDENDA AND SUBMITTING THESE DOCUMENTS TO SUBCONTRACTORS AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS FOR APPROVAL A MINIMUM OF 14 DAYS PRIOR TO CONCRETE WORK COMMENCING. CONCRETE MIX PRIOR TO THE SUBMITTAL OF SHOP DRAWINGS, FABRICATION OF ANY STRUCTURAL MEMBER AND ERECTION DESIGNS ARE TO BE PROPORTIONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 301. IN THE FIELD. I. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (f'c) AT 28 DAYS AND DENSITIES AS FOLLOWS: 8. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING STRUCTURES AND UTILITY LINES FROM ALL DAMAGE. WALLS AND WALL FOOTINGS: f 'c = 4000 P51 -150 PCF J. NO WATER SHALL BE ADDED TO THE CONCRETE AT THE JOB SITE. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF 9. IF ANY CONFLICTS OCCUR BETWEEN THE NOTES, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS, THE M05T STRINGENT THE CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH THE CONCRETE SUPPLIER TO ENSURE A PUMPABLE AND REQUIREMENT SHALL GOVERN. WORKABLE MIX WITHOUT THE ADDITION OF WATER AT THE JOB SITE. 10. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSHA AND OWNER'S REGULATIONS. k. MEMBERS NOT TO BE LOADED UNTIL CONCRETE HAS REACHED ITS REQUIRED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. 11. ALL INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ACCORDING TO THE REFERENCED CODE OR INSPECTION PLAN PROVIDED. 1. CONCRETE PLACEMENT IS TO CONFORM WITH AGI 305R HOT WEATHER CONCRETING AND ACI 3OGR 12. FITZPATRICK ENGINEERING GROUP WELCOMES QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS REGARDING FRAMING OR DETAILS COLD WEATHER CONCRETING. MINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF CONCRETE AT TIME OF PLACEMENT AND SHOWN IN THESE DOCUMENTS. PLEASE CALL DOUG FITZPATRICK, P.E. AT 704-987-9114 FOR ASSISTANCE. IF MAINTAINED DURING CURING 15 55 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. "GUIDE m. FORMWORK SHALL BE DESIGNED AND CON5TZUGTEDAN5TALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AGI 347, THE PROJECT ENGINEER IS NOT AVAILABLE, PLEASE PROVIDE FEG JOB NUMBER 235538.001 TO ANOTHER TO FORMWORK FOR CONCRETE" ENGINEER TO HELP ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS. n. CONCRETE SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM 072. QUALIFIED FIELD TESTING TECHNICIANS SHALL PERFORM TESTS ON FRESH CONCRETE AT THE JOB SITE, PREPARE SPECIMENS REQUIRED FOR CURING UNDER FIELD CONDITIONS, PREPARE SPECIMENS REQUIRED FOR TESTING IN THE LABORATORY, AND RECORD THE TEMPERATURE OF THE FRESH CONCRETE WHEN PREPARING SPECIMENS FOR DESIGN GRITERIA STRENGTH TESTS. QUALIFIED LABORATORY TECHNICIANS SHALL PERFORM ALL REQUIRED LABORATORY 1. BUILDING DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA BUILDING CODE 2018 (2018 INTERNATIONAL TESTS. SAMPLES FOR STRENGTH TESTS OF EACH CLA55 OF CONCRETE PLACED EACH DAY SHALL BE BUILDING CODE WITH AMENDMENTS). TAKEN NOT LESS THAN ONCE FOR EACH 150 CUBIC, YARDS OF CONCRETE, NOR LESS THAN ONCE FOR EACH 5000 SQUARE FEET OF SURFACE AREA FOR SLABS OR WALLS. a. MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES - ASCE 7-16 o. ALL CONCRETE DEFECTS, INCLUDING JOINT DAMAGE, HONEYCOMBS, TIE HOLES, SPALL5, AND OTHER b. CONCRETE DESIGN - AGI 318-14 DEFECTS SHALL BE PROPERLY REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE 2. ROOF LOADS REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 5 OF AGI 301. a. LIVE - 20 PSF (REDUCIBLE), OR 300 LB POINT LOAD 2. REINFORCEMENT.- 3. ROOF SNOW LOAD a. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE HIGH STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO A5TM A015, GRADE a. GROUND SNOW LOAD Pg = 30 PSF 60. b. REINFORCING STEEL DESIGN, DETAILING, FABRICATION AND ERECTION SHALL CONFORM TO G.R.5.1. 4. WIND LOADS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AND A5GE 7-16. "MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE", AGI 318 "BUILDING GODS REQUIREMENTS, AND AGI 301, SECTION 3 a. BASIC WIND SPEED VuL.-r: = 110 MPH "REINFORCEMENT AND REINFORCEMENT SUPPORT, FOR STRUCTURAL GONGRETE", AGI 515, "DETAILS AND b. RISK CATEGORY = II DETAILING OF CONCRETE REINFORCING". c. WIND EXPOSURE: C c. UNLE55 OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS, LAP SPLICES SHALL BE A GLASS B SPLICE. 5. EARTHQUAKE DESIGN DATA d. SPLICED BARS SHALL NOT BE SPACED TRANSVERSELY FARTHER APART THAN ONE -FIFTH THE REQUIRED a. RISK CATEGORY. II LAP SPLICE LENGTH, NOR ro". e. REINFORCEMENT PROTECTION SHALL BE: b. IMPORTANCE FACTOR: IF-- 1.0 - CONCRETE POURED AGAINST EARTH 3" c. MAPPED SPECTRAL RESPONSE ACCELERATIONS: Ss = 0.211, SI = 0.058 CONCRETE POURED IN FORMS EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH 2" d. SITE CLASS: D (PER SOILS REPORT) COLUMNS AND BEAMS (TIE BARS) 1 1/2" e. DESIGN SPECTRAL RESPONSE COEFFICIENTS: Sos = 0.225, Sot = 0.092 SLABS AND WALLS NOT EXPOSED TO WEATHER 3/4" f. SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY: B f. REINFORCING BARS MAY NOT BE WELDED WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. 6. GUARDRAIL a. WALL "W5" HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE ASGF-7-16 4.5.3 GUARDRAIL LOADING OF 0000 LB. AT 2-3" FROM TOP OF WALL. FOUNDATION NOTES 1. ALL FOUNDATION AND SLAB ON GRADE EXCAVATIONS ARE TO FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS STATED IN THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION TO BE PROVIDED BY OWNER. SHOP DRAWINGS 2. FOOTINGS SHOULD BE POURED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER EXCAVATION. THE FOUNDATION BEARING 1. ALL SHOP DRAWINGS MUST BE REVIEWED AND STAMPED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO AREA SHOULD BE LEVEL AND BE FREE OF LOOSE SOIL, PONDED WATER, AND DEBRIS. FOUNDATION SUBMITTAL. CONCRETE SHOULD NOT BE PLACED ON SOILS THAT HAVE BEEN DISTURBED BY SEEPAGE. IF BEARING SOILS 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO ENGINEER FOR REVIEW OF THE FOLLOWING ARE SOFTENED BY SURFACE WATER INTRUSION OR EXPOSURE, THE SOFTENED SOILS MUST BE REMOVED APPLICABLE ITEMS: a. REINFORCING STEEL. FROM THE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION BOTTOM IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. b. CONCRETE MIX DESIGNS. 3. MINIMUM FOUNDATION NET SOIL BEARING PRESSURE 3000 PSF AS NOTED IN GEOTECHNICAL STUDY c. CONCRETE DURING MATERIALS. PREPARED BY CTI CONSULTANTS (PROJECT #70-135), DATED FEBRUARY 21, 2019. 4. RETAINING WALLS DO NOT REQUIRE SHORING PRIOR TO BACK FILLING. S. CONTRACTOR SHALL FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS BEFORE COMMENCING EXCAVATION WHICH SHALL NOT BE LIMITED TO DEWATERING. U� ^0 `IV 2459 Wilkinson Blvd, Suite 120 Charlotte, NC 28208 p 704.332.5668 www.sganwdesign.com THESE DOCUMENTS PROVIDED BY SGA I NW a GF Design Company ARE SUBJECT TO THE ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT AS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. SIMILAR PROTECTION IS ALSO APPLICABLE TO ELECTRONIC INFORMATION IN ANY FORM. THE USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS OR THE ELECTRONIC INFORMATION THAT PRODUCED THEM IS PROHIBITED UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN WRITING BY AND COMPENSATION TO THE ARCHITECT. Copyright © 2022 SGA I NW, a GF Design Company 7 Fitzpatrick ENGINEERING GROUP PLLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 19520 W. Catawba Ave. Suite 311 Comelius, NC 28031 P 704-987-9114 NC LICENSE NO. P-0366 FEG JOB# 235538.000 ,LTH OF � j�� 08/15/23 r� U DOUGLAS G 9 FITZPATRICK No rrl 9�- 11 <�ILSIIONAL 4 664 West Rio INLET PROPERTIES Charlottesville, VA REVISION SCHEDULE # DESCRIPTION DATE 1 REVIEW COMMENTS 08/15/23 CD SET SGA I NW DESIGN PROJECT NUMBER: 20225443.0 DESIGNED BY: DGF DRAWN BY: SRG CHECKED BY: DGF ISSUE DATE: 5/31/2023 GENERAL NOTES GENERgL. NOTES NO SCALE 8/15/2023 5:50:18 PM P:\5538 Rio toad West Apartments\5heets\5200.dgn user= project workspace= 104 M SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS 5 Appendix A ALBEMARLE COUNTY STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS PROJECT Rio Road West Apartments Charlottesville. VA PRIMARY RDP OF RECORD Douglas G. Fitzpatrick, P.E. Fitzpatrick Engineering Group 9115 Harris Corners Parkway, Ste 440, Charlotte, NC PERMIT APPLICANT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OF RECORD Douglas G. Fitzpatrick, P.E. Fitzpatrick Engineering Group 9115 Harris Corners Parkway, Ste 440, Charlotte, NC This Statement of Special Inspections is submitted as a condition for permit issuance in accordance with the International Building Code (IBC) as stated in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC). It includes a Schedule of Special Inspections applicable to this project as well as the name of the Special Inspector, and the identity of other testing laboratories or agencies intended to be retained for conducting these inspections or tests. The Special Inspector shall keep records of all inspections, and shall furnish inspection reports to the Building Official, appropriate RDP(s), Owner and Contractor. All discrepancies shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Contractor for correction. If the discrepancies are not corrected, the discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Building Official and appropriate registered design professional(s). Interim reports shall be submitted to the Building Official, Owner, Contractor and the appropriate RDP(s) according to the Albemarle County Special Inspection Guidelines and Procedures. Jobsite safety is solely the responsibility of the contractor. Materials and activities to be Inspected are not to include the contractor's equipment and methods used to erect or install the materials listed. All fees/costs related to the performance of Special Inspections shall b e the responsibility of the Owner. Additionally, the undersigned (RDP or SER) are only acknowledging that the items enumerated on the Schedule of Special Inspections are consistent with the required design elements, the applicable sections of the Uniform Statewide Building Code and their area of expertise. REVIEW, AUTHORIZATION & ACCEPTANCE Permit Applicant (If not Owner): Signature / Date: Printed Name Owner's Authorization (If other than Applicant): Signature / Date: Printed Name Primary RDP of Record: (Review and Accep nce f S d f) ) Signature/Date: ✓ Printed Name Douglas G. Fitzpatrick, P.E. SER of Record: (Review and Acceilce of IeTdw� Signature / Date: Printed Name Doug as G. Fitzpatnc , P.E. Building Official's Acceptance: Signature / Date: Printed Name Special Inspection Guidelines and Procedures (Revised 2012) N SCHEDULE OF SI PREPARED BY: r U �Y DOUGLAS GORDO FrFZPATRI K Lic, No. 0092 V& parer Douglas G. Fitzpatrick, P.E. Printed Name of the Preparer of the Schedule Special Inspector: Signature/Date: Printed Name: SI Company Name: Page 13 SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS MATERIAL ACTIVITY TYPE OF INSPECTION APPLICABLE TO THIS PROJECT Y/N EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED GENERAL Pre -Construction conference Meeting with parties listed in Section 6 of HRRSIGP to discuss Special Inspection procedures Y Scheduled by SI with the Contractor prior to commencement of work EARTHWORK Y Site Preparation (building) Field testing and inspection Y Field Review, IBC 1704.7 / Chapter 17 Fill Placement (building) Review submittals, field testing and inspection Y Field Review, IBC 17043 / Chapter 17 Fill Compaction (building) In -place density tests Y Field Review, IBC 1704.7 / Chapter 17 Foundation Sub -Grade Field inspection of foundation subgrade prior to placement of concrete Y Field Review, IBC 1704.7 / Chapter 17 PILE FOUNDATIONS N Test Piles Monitor driving of test piles IBC 1704.8 / Chapter 17 Pile Installation Monitor driving of piles, including cutoff & tip elevation IBC 1704.8 / Chapter 17 Pile Load Test Monitor pile load test IBC 1704.8 / Chapter 17 Pile Survey Review as -driven survey IBC 1704.8 / Chapter 17 CONCRETE Y Materials Review product supplied versus certificates of compliance and mix design Y Chapter 17, ACI 318, Chapter 19 Reinforcing Steel Field inspection of placement Y Chapter 17, ACI 318, Chapter 19 Formwork Installation Field inspection Y Chapter 17, ACI 318, Chapter 19 Concreting Operations & Placement Field inspection of placement Y Chapter 17, ACI 318, Chapter 19 Concrete Curing Field inspection of curing process Y Chapter 17, ACI 318, Chapter 19 Concrete Strength Evaluation of concrete strength Y Chapter 17, ACI 318, Chapter 19 MATERIAL ACTIVITY TYPE OF INSPECTION APPLICABLE TO THIS PROJECT Y/N EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED PRECAST CONCRETE N Quality Control In -plant review Chapter 17 ACI 318 Erection and installation Field inspection of in -place precast Chapter 17 ACI 318 MASONRY N Materials Review of products supplied versus certificate of compliance and material submitted Chapter 17 ACI 530 Strength Testing / review of strength Chapter 17 ACI 530 Mortar and Grout Inspection of proportioning and mixing Chapter 17 ACI 530 Reinforcement Inspect condition, size, location, and spacing Chapter 17 ACI 530 Protection Inspect procedures for protection during cold and hot weather Chapter 17 ACI 530 Anchorage Inspection of anchorages Chapter 17 ACI 530 Masonry operations & installations Inspection of application and installation Chapter 17 ACI 530 STRUCTURAL STEEL N Quality Control In -plant inspection of quality control procedures" Chapter 17 AISC LRFD ASTM AWS Bolts, nuts, and washers - materials Material identification markings, Review of certificate of compliance Chapter 17 AISC LRFD ASTM AWS Bolts, nuts, and washers - installation Inspection of in -place high -strength bolts, bearing type and slip critical connections Chapter 17 AISC LRFD ASTM AWS Structural steel - materials Material identification markings and review of certificate of compliance Chapter 17 AISC LRFD ASTM AWS Structural steel - insulation Inspection of member locations, structural details for bracing, connections, stiffening Chapter 17 AISC LRFD ASTM AWS Weld filler materials & welder certification Review of identification markings, certificate of compliance, and welder certifications Chapter 17 AISC LRFD ASTM AWS Welds Inspection and testing of welds Chapter 17 AISC LRFD ASTM AWS Structural details Inspection of Structural details Chapter 17 AISC LRFD ASTM AWS WOOD N Verify fabrication / quality control procedures Review submittal and installation Chapter 17 High Load Diaphragms - Installation Inspection of sheathing, framing size, nail and staple diameter and length, number of fastener lines and fastener spacing Chapter 17 *The qualifications of the Special Inspector and Testing Laboratories are subject to the approval of the Building Official "Inspection of quality control procedures required only if fabricator is not regularly inspected by and independent inspection agency. Special fnspection Guidelines and Procedures (Revised 2012) Page 14 Special Inspection Guidelines and Procedures (Revised 2012) Page 15 SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS MATERIAL ACTIVITY TYPE OF INSPECTION APPLICABLE TO THIS PROJECT Y/N I EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED SPRAYED CEMENTITIOUS AND MINERAL FIBER FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS N Structural member surface conditions Field review of surface conditions prior to application Chapter 17 Application Field review of application operations Chapter 17 Thickness Field review of applied thickness Chapter 17 EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEMS N Application Field review of application / installation Chapter 17 SPECIAL CASES N Alternative materials and systems As requested by Building Official, review system and installation Chapter 17 WIND AND SEISMIC QUALITY ASSURANCE PLANS N Wind and/or seismic requirements Review of the quality assurance plan and performance of the special inspections required Chapter 17 SMOKE CONTROL N Special inspection of smoke control systems Leakage testing and recording of device location, Pressure difference testing, detection, and control verification Chapter 17 *The qualifications of the Special Inspector and Testing Laboratories are subject to the approval of the Building Official "Inspection of quality control procedures required only if fabricator is not regularly inspected by and independent inspection agency. INSPECTION AGENTS FIRM ADDRESS TELEPHONE # 1, Special Inspector Agent 1 2, Special Inspector 3. Special Inspector 4, Special Inspector 5, Testing Laboratory 6, Testing Laboratory 2459 Wilkinson Blvd, Suite 120 Charlotte, NC 28208 p 704.332.5668 www.sganwdesign.com THESE DOCUMENTS PROVIDED BY SGA I NW a GF Design Company ARE SUBJECT TO THE ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT AS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. SIMILAR PROTECTION IS ALSO APPLICABLE TO ELECTRONIC INFORMATION IN ANY FORM. THE USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS OR THE ELECTRONIC INFORMATION THAT PRODUCED THEM IS PROHIBITED UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN WRITING BY AND COMPENSATION TO THE ARCHITECT. Copyright © 2022 SGA I NW, a GF Design Company 1: a79 Fitzpatrick ENGINEERING GROUP PLLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 19520 W. Catawba Ave. Suite 311 Comellus, NC 28031 P 704-987-9114 NC LICENSE NO. P-0366 FEG JOB# 235538.000 �j,TH OF �I OBA5123 f� U DOUGLAS G FITZPATRICK Lic. NO?4419� . DNAL 664 West Rio INLET PROPERTIES Charlottesville, VA REVISION SCHEDULE # DESCRIPTION I DATE 1 REVIEW COMMENTS 08/15/23 CD SET SGA ( NW DESIGN PROJECT NUMBER: 20225443.0 DESIGNED BY: DGF DRAWN BY: SRG CHECKED BY: DGF ISSUE DATE: 5/3,1 /2023 SPECIAL INSPECTION NOTES 8/15/2023 5:50:45 PM P:\5538 Rio Road West Apartments\5heets\5201.d9n user= project workspace= Special Inspection Guidelines and Procedures (Revised 2012) Page 16