HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201000045 Review Comments Erosion Control Plan 2010-09-10� OF AL
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Project: Briarwood; Phases 5 and 6
Plan preparer: Mr. John Matusik, PE; The Engineering Groupe, Inc.
Owner or rep.:
Plan received date:
Date of comments:
Woodbriar Associates
27 July 2010
10 September 2010
Phil Custer
The WPO plans (ESC and SWM) for Briarwood Phases 5 and 6, received 27 July 2010, have been
reviewed by county engineering. The review of the road, drainage calculations, and subdivision will be
performed when a SUB application is received by the county. Please note that there will be an additional
$250 fee for a public road plan review that must be submitted with the SUB application. Engineering
review can approve the WPO plan after the following comments have been addressed.
A. General Review
1. A grading permit cannot be given by the county until the applicant has an approved subdivision
(preliminary or final) or final site plan for these phases. If a final- before - preliminary subdivision
plat is submitted, the applicant will need to bond the road and WPO plan prior to the county
signing the subdivision plat. I recommend submitting the preliminary subdivision application.
2. This set is not a site plan. Please modify the title on the cover sheet to refer to a construction set or
similar name.
3. Please provide confirmation from the Army Corps of Engineers that the proposed work
through the floodplain (construction of the jogging path and grading to establish an
adequate channel) does not require a nationwide permit. Please forward communication
from the Army Corps representative that references the latest plan's limits of disturbance.
4. The channel on the north side of Dickerson Road appears to be an intermittent stream and
possesses a 100ft buffer on both sides of the stream bank. Please show this on all
applicable sheets. Please also show where this stream terminates and whether or not the
branch of the channel behind lots 20 and 21 is an intermittent stream.
5. Please provide an existing conditions sheet. On the existing conditions sheet, please also
clearly indicate the approved the grading of the previous site plan, referring to SDP -2006-
6. On the existing conditions sheet, please include the date and source of topography. Please
also show the benchmark elevation and note the datum. Because there is FEMA
floodplain on the property, the datum must be the same one used to generate the base
flood elevations specified on the maps. Also, when I visited the site, I noticed a few
discrepancies between the site conditions and the topography shown on the plan.
7. On the existing conditions, grading, and ESC sheets, please lightly hatch or shade all
slopes of 25% or steeper. Only disturbance to these critical slopes necessary to construct
the roads may be authorized by the county engineer administratively. All other critical
slope disturbance must be approved by the Planning Commission. Since there is
significant disturbance to critical slopes that may or may not be approved, County
Engineering will not review another revision to this WPO plan until the slope disturbance
has at least been authorized by the Planning Commission.
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8. In the set, please reference the FEMA map number and date of the map.
9. Please remove fill from the floodplain to construct the emergency spillway for Pond 5.
This channel should either be in cut or on existing grade.
10. The grading plan shows both filling and cutting onto Dickerson Road. Please correct the
proposed contours to show the limits of work stopping at the edge of the roadway.
B. Stormwater Management
1. Please submit a stormwater management facility maintenance agreement for all properties where a
stormwater facility is proposed.
2. On the cover sheet, please specify that this development is within a Water Supply Protection Area.
3. The pre and post development maps must have the hydrologic coefficient and time of
concentrations indicated for each drainage area.
4. The SWM plan does not treat as much of the development as practicable which is required by 17-
315.A. Additional smaller facilities are necessary to capture the rear of lots. The grassed swale
and vegetative buffer do not provide anywhere close to the required removal rate for these two
drainage areas (77% and 82%). The grading of the lots may need to be modified to provide area
for these facilities to be constructed. The SWM plan also appears to rely on the front of every
house to drain into the roadway, which is impractical in many cases and likely not to be
constructed in this manner. Please revise the conceptual SWM plan to capture more of the
development. Engineering review recommends this concept be submitted with the preliminary
application before providing a resubmittal of the full SWM plan with all of the necessary
5. The modified simple spreadsheet for Pond 5 must be updated to include the entire drainage area to
the facility. The total area at the top of the spreadsheet should be 10.48 acres. The pre - developed
condition should include existing impervious areas in the left column, which will lower the
required removal rate but increase the Water Quality Volume.
6. The embankment must have a 3:1 downstream slope, impervious core, and cutoff trench that is a
minimum 4ft wide and 4ft deep with 1:1 side slopes.
7. The drainage area to Pond 5 is below the typical acreage needed to maintain a sustainable water
quality wet pond. Please provide a water balance calculation to determine whether the wet pond
will be drawn down after a 30 -day summer drought by an acceptable amount. Section 6.2 of the
new proposed SWM pond standards (available online) explains this calculation in detail.
8. A sediment forebay is needed for the southern inflow point.
9. The emergency spillway in the detail does not match the plan.
10. It appears a detention pond west of Hummingbird lane was constructed to meet detention
requirements when Phase IA (subphases I and H) was built. Therefore, the pre - development rates
that must be met for Pond 5 must use the pre - development drainage area as if Phase IA (subphases
I and H) were not built. Please clearly show the 2 and 10 year pre - development rates that Pond 5
will need to meet. Assuming a 10.48 drainage area, a time of concentration of 25min, and rational
coefficient of 0.3, I computed the 2 and 10 year pre - development rates as 8.17cfs and 11.00cfs,
11. The HEC -1 detention routing output on Sheet 29 is very confusing. I could not find any place
where inputs for the pond geometry, riser characteristics, or the drainage area coefficient were
entered. If more output options are available, please provide a full printout with the next submittal
so the detention calculations can be reviewed in detail. An independent analysis that I performed
shows that detention requirements are not met.
12. Please provide the weighted hydrologic coefficient computation that will be used for each of the
drainage areas. If the SCS method is used, please use the values from Table 4 -6a and b of the
VSMH in the calculation.
13. The tables to the right of Sheet 29 appear to be related to the Modified Rational Method. If the
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Modified Rational Method is used to check detention compliance, the critical storm must be used.
14. The SWM bond will be computed at the time of plan approval.
C. Erosion and Sediment Control
1. Please provide the updated County General ESC notes from the latest edition of the Design
Manual, available online.
2. This ESC plan is reliant on the ESC plan of Phases 1A, 1B, 8, and 4 of Briarwood (WPO -2006-
00066). A grading permit associated with the Phase 5 and 6 project cannot be issued until Sunset
Drive is sufficiently constructed. Throughout the plan set (cover sheet, ESC plan view sheets, and
the construction sequence), please refer to the chronological relationship of the two plans
especially in reference to Sediment Basin 5 of Phase 4.
3. The general concept of the ESC plan in Phase 2 relies too heavily on silt fence. Silt fence only
works well when the fence is placed parallel to contour lines with only a drainage area 100ft wide
( -1/4 acre drainage area for a silt fence of 100ft length). This standard appears to be violated
consistently throughout the phase 2 plan as traps and diversions are removed to be replaced with
silt fence when the fill operations begin. Sediment traps must be located so that they can remain in
place during both phases. I recommend that the applicant set up a meeting with engineering
review to agree upon sediment trap locations and grading limits before the next submittal. To
start, the following modifications should be made:
-A trap is needed just above the flood plain limit behind lot 5. The retaining walls and grading of
lots 3 -6 will need to be modified to accommodate this trap. A fill diversion will be required on
these lots to direct runoff to this trap (or SB 5 from Phase 4). The diversion from lot 15 must
-In phase 2, show a diversion over the storm system from 616 to 614.
- Provide a trap north of lot 20 with a diversion to the east and a fill diversion to the west. The
outfall of this facility will be directed to the culvert underneath Dickerson Road, which must be
cleaned out prior to construction. This trap can be converted to a SWM facility if needed.
-In phase 2, show a fill diversion to the north of Sediment Basin 5 as far as possible.
-Place a trap in the back half of lot 11 and move the adjacent retaining walls south so that a
diversion can be placed to direct this runoff to the trap above the Dickerson Road cut. Add a fill
diversion south of the trap to meet the fill diversion from Sediment Basin 5.
-In phase H, show a fill diversion to Sediment Basin 5 of the Phase 4.
Additional comments may be required based upon the amount of required changes.
4. Minimum Standard 19 has not been met for this site. The narrative on sheet 30 mentions the 1%
rule and compares the acreage of the development to the total watershed of the North Fork of the
Rivanna River. However, I have concerns about the lack of an adequate channel up to the river
At the very least, a channel from Pond 5 to the river will be needed to convey the 2 year storm
without erosion and the 10 -year storm without overtopping. An analysis of the pre and post
development runoff discharge and volumes of the 1.45 acre and 2.12 acre drainage areas must be
performed to determine whether an adequate channel analysis is needed from these sectors of the
development to the river. If either the peak discharge or the volume of runoff from these
watersheds is increased, Minimum Standard 19 is applicable. Enlarging the roadside ditch on
Dickerson Road is impractical given the topography.
The drainage area to Sediment Basin 5 in Phase 2 is greater than 4.3 acres. If the stormsewer
system from existing Phase 1A is routed to the facility as shown, 10.48 acres must be used. If this
stormsewer system will be diverted until the final conversion to SWM facility 5, then 5.18 acres
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must be used.
If this is the applicant's intention, the stormsewer system from structure 619 to structure 614 and
the downstream channel (required by the MS -19 comment) must be constructed at the same time
as the sediment basin is installed and before any other clearing and grubbing on the site. Please
show this storm sewer system in the Phase I ESC plan and clearly indicate its construction in the
sequence. At structure 615, a temporary pipe will need to be installed to divert the discharge into
the spillway. The pipe from 615 to 614 must be temporarily sealed until the SWM pond is
converted. This should also clearly be specified in the plan. In this case, the TSD can be
6. In notes 31, 32, and 33, please include Albemarle County personnel as having the authority to
require more measures in the field and allow the removal of unnecessary measures after
7. Please include in ESC note #22 that signs will be posted around each basin and trap stating:
"Danger. Quicksand. Do not enter."
8. Step 6 of the Phase H construction sequence should be included in step 8. The site must be
stabilized in the opinion of the county erosion and sediment control inspector before the basin can
be converted to a SWM facility. In this step, please also state that structure 615 should be diverted
into the pond if the sediment basin was not designed for 10.48 acres.
9. Please provide calculations for the dewatering orifice. A dewatering orifice of 6 inches appears to
be too large for a watershed of only 5 acres. In the calculation, please also be aware that when
additional dry storage is provided in a sediment basin the dewatering orifice should be calculated
from the height to the required volume, not provided volume.
10. All slopes steeper than 3:1 must have a low maintenance, non - grassed groundcover specified.
11. "Super Silt Fence" is not a state approved standard. Please either remove this item from the plan
or submit a variance request to the County Engineer, Glenn Brooks.
12. All traps must have embankments no steeper than 5ft or a variation must be requested to the
County Engineer, Glenn Brooks. The sediment trap sizing will not be checked until this geometric
issue is resolved.
13. Please provide spot elevations on diversions flatter than 2% to assure positive drainage.
14. An anti -vortex device for the riser structure must be provided. It does not appear that the proposed
trash rack will act as an anti -vortex device.
15. A baffle will be needed on Sediment Basin 5 for the flow from the south if the facility will be
designed for the full 10.48 acres.
16. An erosion and sediment narrative is required. The ESC narrative must contain all sections
required by the VESCH. The narrative must mention that any offsite borrow site must be
operating under a county grading permit.
17. A soil map is required.
18. A second construction entrance is required on the north end of existing Sunset Dr.
19. Please provide Dust Control symbols throughout the phase 1 sheets.
20. Please show areas for soil stockpiles.
21. Please show areas for staging and parking.
22. Please refer to the sediment basin proposed in this plan as sediment basin 7 to avoid any confusion
with the basin in Phase 4.
23. Please remove the silt fence from the centerline of Dickerson Road.
24. Please include the jogging /walking path within the limits of disturbance. The review of this path
will be performed with the subdivision or site plan application.
25. The ESC bond will be computed at the time of plan approval.