HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200800287 Review Comments Preliminary Plat 2010-08-13*-&A
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Summer Frederick, Current Development Project Planner
From: Phil Custer, Current Development engineering review
Date: 13 August 2010
Subject: Fontana Phase 4C, Section 1 Preliminary Plat (SUB -2008- 00287)
The third submittal of the preliminary plat for Fontana Phase 4c, Section 1, received on 22 June 2010, has
been reviewed. Engineering can recommend approval to the plan after the following comments are
1. The applicant should clarify what exactly this application is. It appears to be a preliminary plat for
Sections 1, 2, and 3, but the title says the plan is just for Section 1.
(Rev. 1) The applicant has clarified that this application is intended to be a preliminary plat for
Section 1. However, I strongly recommend that this submittal become a preliminary plat for all
three sections because, in order to receive a grading permit, the ESC plan must match the grading
plan. And, a grading permit can only be granted when a preliminary plat (or final site plan) is
approved for the land to be disturbed. In other words, an ESC plan cannot be approved unless
the preliminary plats for all three sections are valid.
(Rev. 2) The applicant has amended the application to be a preliminary plat for all three
2. A critical slope waiver appears to be necessary. The applicant should provide a request for a
waiver to the agent before the next submittal.
(Rev. 1) Comment has not been addressed. Once the county has received the critical slope waiver
request, we will need to schedule the application for new Site Review Committee and Planning
Commission meeting dates.
(Rev. 2) Waiver request has been received. Engineering review will provide an analysis of the
critical slope disturbance to the planner in a separate document.
If this plan is intended to be a preliminary plat for section 2, a curb and gutter waiver is required
for Cortina Way and Belluno Lane. The applicant should provide a request for a waiver of these
standards to the agent before the next submittal. A waiver of sidewalks is also required for these
roads as well.
(Rev. 1) A waiver is not needed for the lack of curb, gutter, and sidewalk on Cortina Way and
Belluno Lane because the sections were approved by the Board of Supervisors as part of the
rezoning plan. However, the width of Brunello Court must be increased to the current VDOT
standard of 29ft if parking on both sides of the street is desired.
(Rev. 2) A waiver is not needed for lack of curb, gutter, and sidewalk for Cortina Way and
Belluno Lane because the sections were approved by the Board of Supervisors as part of the
rezoning plan. If parking on both sides of the street is not desired, please show "No Parking"
signs on the road plans when they are submitted for review with the ESC and SWM plans.
4. Please remove sheets 8.0 and 8.1 from the set. These erosion and sediment control sheets will not
be reviewed with the preliminary plat. The erosion and sediment control plan will be reviewed
once a WPO application and fee is submitted. For this project, an application cannot be submitted
until all off -site improvements have been completed to the County Engineer's satisfaction. (Proffer
(Rev. 1) Comment has been addressed.
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5. Please provide the date of the topographic survey on the plan. The survey does not appear to be
accurate. Lots from previous phases, which have been built out, appear to show before -
development grades. The grades on Via Florence appear to be from design drawings from a
previous plan. Please show accurate topography.
(Rev. I) Comment has been addressed.
6. The plan is lacking analysis of SWM solutions for quality and quantity of runoff. On the next
submittal, please supply the County's Modified Simple spreadsheet for each drainage area. SWM
facilities should be sited to capture as much runoff as practicable. All lots should be captured.
(Rev. 1) The applicant has responded to this comment by stating that half of the new runoff from
this development will drain to a private regional pond.
After checking the design file for these ponds, I discovered that the impervious area in the
Fontana development is likely underestimated. The previous plan (WPO- 2007 - 00087) assumed
that Fontana would be developed with 112 lots with an average impervious area of 25 %. After
examining the maps of the previous Fontana phases draining to the facility, it is clear Fontana is
an R -4 development with a much higher impervious area. To rectify this likely shortfall,
engineering review sees three options the applicant may pursue:
- Provide complete stormwater management for the new development on site;
- Supply an agreement that demonstrates the owner of TMP 78F -A permits the pond to serve this
development's stormwater management requirements AND provide updated calculations for the
pond showing that it is large enough to accommodate the Fontana development; or,
- Supply an agreement that demonstrates the owner of TMP 78F -A permits the pond to serve this
development's stormwater management requirements AND provide supplemental stormwater
management on site to account for the SWM shortfall to the satisfaction of engineering review
Also, the rear half of the Section I Lots are not shown as draining to a SWM facility. If this plan
became a preliminary plat for all three sections, the SWM facility on the open space parcel could
serve all of the development that drains to the north and east.
(Rev. 2) The response regarding the SWM aspects of the plan are not sufficient. For the on -site
facility adjacent to lot 34, the county's modified simple spreadsheet was not provided so it's
impossible to know what removal rate this facility is required to be. Also, the facility is
described as a pond, but it appears to be much too small for the drainage area to it and the
areas of the contours on Sheet 4.0 do not match the Hydrafiow printout on page 5. Please
update the page 5 of the comps and compare the volume to the Water Quality Volume that is an
output of the county's modified simple spreadsheet.
The applicant's response stated that an agreement with the downstream pond owner was
provided with the resubmittal but I was notable to find it. The applicant's response also
indicated it would supplement the watershed draining to the suspected undersized facility with
onsite measures but none were proposed other than the SWM facility adjacent to lot 34, which
does not treat any water draining towards the undersized pond. I recommend providing a water
quality swale along Via Florrence and converting a sediment trap to a biofilter in Lot 1.
The grading plan is not adequate. Please address the following items regarding the grading plan:
a. The retaining walls are steeper than the maximum allowed grade of 2:1.
(Rev. 1) A low maintenance, non -grass groundcover is required on all slopes steeper than
3:1. Please show this groundcover in all required locations on the landscape plan and
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identify the quantity needed in the Landscape Schedule.
(Rev. 2) With the current grading, a retaining wall is necessary in the back of Lot 30.
Retaining walls are not permitted per the Grading Plan Proffer. Please revise the
grading plan to eliminate the need for a retaining wall. The roadway should be
lowered as much as possible to provide some relief in this area, which will also be
difficult to provide adequate ESC protection for.
The downstream site of the embankment for the SWM facility cannot be steeper than
3:1. [VSMH 3.01]
The landscape plan is missing the low maintenance groundcover on the slope between
the houses for lots 5 and 6.
b. The building sizes are not representative of what will be constructed. After looking at the
aerial photographs for the existing Fontana neighborhood, only about 20% have footprints
the size shown in the plan. The grading plan should be representative of what the final
buildout of the subdivision will be. Please include walkways, house entrances, wider
driveways (show side loaded garages if desired), porches, attached garages, and decks on
the grading plan for each building site. (Proffer #2A and #2G)
(Rev. 1) The building sizes shown in this latest plan have been designed to match typical
units of the Fontana development. However, the applicant has not provided walkways,
located house entrances, or specified any small stairway needed for access to homes.
Until this is provided, engineering review cannot confirm or comment on the plan's
compliance with Proffer 2.G. Preliminarily, it appears as though lots 2, 3, 4, 11, 26, 28,
and 29 do not comply with proffer 2G.
(Rev. 2) The grading plan shows grades slightly steeper than 10% in front of houses in
many lots. But, overall, the grading concept is sufficient so that the contractors will be
able to adjust grades in the field to provide reasonable entrances. No adjustment to the
plan is necessary.
c. It does not appear that Proffer #2E has been met. Storm sewers through some of the lots
south of Brunello Court are required. For instance, it appears a storm sewer is needed
between lots 25 and 26.
(Rev. 1) Comment has not been addressed. Swales, at least two feet deeper than the
elevations adjacent to the houses, are needed between the property lines of lots 19 -27. At
the end of each swale, 5-1 Oft off of the Brunello Court ROW, provide yard drains and a
pipe system that runs parallel to Brunello Court until it reaches the inlet at the
intersection with Fontana Drive. Where necessary, the swales should be riprapped. A
IOft private drainage easement will be needed over each swale and drainage pipe.
(Rev. 2) After further review, it appears as Proffer 2E has been met.
This grading plan must match exactly what will be constructed. Deviations from the approved
grading plan will not be granted by the county.
(Rev. 1) Deviations will be allowed but each revision to the final grading plan will require an
amendment to the ESC plan (with review fee) and will be given no precedence over other
applications in the workload of the engineers.
The first revision of grading plan requires the following corrections:
d. A yard inlet appears to be needed on Lot 19 to pick up the swale adjacent to the Fontana
Drive Extension.
(Rev. 2) Comment has been addressed.
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e. The grading of lot 18 must be corrected. It does not look like a 596 contour should be
(Rev. 2) Comment has been addressed.
f. Driveways cannot be sloped greater than 10% per Proffer 2G.
(Rev. 2) Comment has not been addressed. After a quick review, the driveways to lots 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, and 19 -27 are above 10% in some areas. Please review all driveway slopes
again. There may be other instances where a driveway is above 10 %.
g. Please provide spot elevations between lots 13 -18 to assure positive drainage into the Via
Florence roadside ditch and to the rear of the lots.
(Rev. 2) Comment has been addressed.
h. Please provide spot elevations in the roadside ditch of Via Florence to assure positive
(Rev. 2) Comment has been addressed.
i. The house on Lot 9 should be moved so that it matches the grading.
(Rev. 2) Comment has been addressed.
j. Please show the trail and all necessary grading for the trail in Sections H and III.
(Rev. 2) Comment has not been addressed. The construction of the path is not shown
throughout sections 1, 2, and 3 as graphically shown in Attachment IIB of the ZMA
application. Also, culverts for the crossing of roadside ditches and the ditches adjacent
to the path as shown in the detail on Attachment IIB of the ZMA application are
k. The grading of the roundabouts in Section 2 must be redone to establish a crown and to
flatten the slope to no steeper than 6 %.
(Rev. 2) Comment has been addressed. This item will be check again when the road,
ESC, and SWM plans are submitted for review.
1. Extend the ditch from Lot I to the northern corner of Lot 5. This ditch will require a
private easement.
(Rev. 2) Comment has not been addressed. This ditch is needed for ESC and SWM
purposes to collect water at the rear of the lots.
m. The grading plan does not assure positive drainage away from each structure which is
good, common practice among builders. For instance, the houses on lots 19 -27 all have
the proposed topography directing water to their south walls. Please correct the grading
plan so that every lot meets R401.3 of the Virginia Residential Building Code.
(Rev. 2) Comment has not been addressed. Water is flowing directly against the houses
of lots 19 -28. Clearly defined swales are needed to bring water from behind these units
around the sides. In addition, the grading at the sides of many houses direct water into
the foundation. Water must slope away from the house.
n. The grading plan does not show the house on Lot 34 or the grading needed for the SWM
facility. Both of these features must be accurately depicted on the final grading plan.
Preliminary SWM calculations are needed to confirm the schematic size of the facility. It
appears that the open space parcel may need to be increased to accommodate the SWM
facility for this development.
(Rev. 2) The house has been shown. Please refer to the SWM comment for a response
to the grading shown around the facility.
o. Please designate the garage FFEs if they differ from the rest of the house.
(Rev. 2) Please see comment 7f.
p. Please show all necessary road and driveway culverts with inverts and sizes labeled.
(Rev. 2) Comment has been addressed. Though, when the road plans are submitted,
the engineer will need to provide hydraulic calculations showing that the culverts as
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proposed are sized correctly.
q. It appears more walkout basements could be offered than shown in the design. No
revision to the plan is currently needed though. However, if a builder wishes to provide a
walkout basement in the future on a lot where one was not shown, an amendment to the
plan will be needed.
r. (Rev. 2) Please show revised grading at the rear of lot 11 because the house appears to
be shown on a waste /stockpile area with unsuitable slopes.
8. The new pedestrian paths must be Class A Type I according to proffer #5. Please update the detail
and the plan to show a path 5ft in width with a section of 2" of asphalt overlayed on 4" of gravel.
Please also note on the detail that the path is not to have a cross slope of greater than 2 %. The
path also appears to be placed on grades steeper than 10 %.
(Rev. 1) In detail 7 on sheet 6 1, please remove the following text: Trail material to be gravel or
other approved material. In its place, please specify the following standard: 2 inches of asphalt
over a 4" aggregate base at a cross slope no greater than 2 %.
(Rev. 1) Comment has been addressed.
9. The path east of lot 12 must be shown in a loft wide easement. This path also appears to violate
the 10% maximum grade requirement of a Class A Type I trail.
(Rev. 1) Comment has not been addressed. The path must be contained within a IOft easement.
The easement should be Ift off the edge of the trail and Ift off the edge of the ditch. The grading
of the ditch must be shown on the plan.
Please also show the location of the stairway on the plan with spot elevations at the top and
bottom of the stairs. A detail of the stairway is also needed.
(Rev. 2) Comment has not been addressed, though an acceptable detail for the stairs has been
provided. The grading for the path and ditch adjacent to the path is not shown. Also, the
construction of the path is not shown throughout sections 1, 2, and 3 as graphically shown in
Attachment IIB.
10. Please dimension the horizontal roadway alignment to check for compliance with VDOT
(Rev. 1) A review of the horizontal road alignment has not been performed because it has not
been dimensioned by the applicant. The horizontal dimensions are necessary in order for a
preliminary plat to be approved for sections 2 and 3.
(Rev. 2) The horizontal alignment for Brunello Court is acceptable. However, the horizontal
alignment of Belluno Lane must be adjusted. This can be done during the review of the road
plans, if necessary.
11. On the landscape plan please show non - grassed, low maintenance groundcover over all slopes
steeper than 3:1.
(Rev. 1) The applicant must graphically designate these 2:1 areas on the plan and specify species.
Examples of acceptable low maintenance, non - grassed groundcovers can be found in Table
3.37C of the VESCH. The number of plantings needed must also be included in the Landscape
Schedule on Sheet C4.4.
(Rev. 2) The landscape plan is missing the low maintenance groundcover on the slope between
the houses for lots 5 and 6.
12. (Rev. 1) It appears that the future WPO plan will have problems addressing state adequate
channel requirements. The construction of a channel from the outlet of the SWM facility to the
existing stream may be necessary. This will require a drainage easement if one does not
already exist. This is simply an advisory comment.
13. (Rev. 1) Please show the existing inlets along Fontana Drive correctly. If there is not an inlet
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placed just above the entrance of Brunello Court, one will likely need to be provided to prevent
discharge across the entrance when the street plans are reviewed. This is simply an advisory
File: E3_ppt_PBC_sub200800287.doc