HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201000132 Review Comments Special Use Permit 2011-01-31ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #/Name
ARB- 2010 -132: Charlottesville Power Equipment — Outdoor Sales/Storage/Display
Review Type
Advisory Review for a Special Use Permit, Preliminary Review of a Site Plan Amendment
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 61, Parcel 124F
1510 Putt Putt Place, at the northwest corner of the intersection of Putt Putt Place with Rio Road
Highway Commercial (HC), Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
L. F. Wood, Jr. and Patricia E. Wood/Charlottesville Power Equipment (Kevin Carson)
Magisterial District
To establish outdoor sales, storage and display of equipment in the Entrance Corridor
The development of this site predates the establishment of Rio Road as an Entrance Corridor. The barn style
building has been used in the past as a restaurant. An open field is situated to the west. A bank, mini -golf and
storage units are located to the east. The Fashion Square Mall and Aldersgate Church are located across Rio Road
to the south. The Arden Place development was recently approved for a location to the north. The Albemarle
S uare sho ping center is located to the northwest.
The site is clearly visible from the Rio Road Entrance Corridor. Parking areas are located on the east side of the
building (between the building and Putt Putt Place) and to the north (back) of the building. The parking lot is
clearly visible to westbound traffic for approximately 300' along the EC, from the bank at the southeast corner of
Rio and Putt Putt Place to the Charlottesville Power Equipment building. The parking lot is visible to westbound
traffic, but it has less noticeability given that the view is across several lanes of traffic.
ARB Meeting Date
February 7, 2011
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
Project History
11 -2 -2005
Rio Road was established as an Entrance Corridor.
12 -17 -2010
SDP - 2010 -92, ARB -2010-
132, SP2010 -58
Minor site plan amendment, ARB application, and Special Use Permit application for
Charlottesville Power Equipment outdoor display submitted for review.
Relevant Guidelines
The goal of the regulation of the design of development within the designated
The existing development on this site predates the
Entrance Corridors is to insure that new development within the corridors
establishment of Rio Road as an Entrance Corridor. The
reflects the traditional architecture of the area. Therefore, it is the purpose of
main building on site has a barn-like roof, but overall it is
ARB review and of these Guidelines, that proposed development within the
not reflective of the historic architecture of Albemarle
designated Entrance Corridors reflect elements of design characteristic of the
County. The addition of equipment on display is not
significant historical landmarks, buildings, and structures of the Charlottesville
expected to increase the historic compatibility. With this
and Albemarle area, and to promote orderly and attractive development within
proposal, promoting orderly and attractive development
these corridors.
may be best achieved by not increasing negative visual
Compatibility with the character of the EC
It is also an important objective of the Guidelines to establish a pattern of
Most of the buildings in this commercial area predate the
compatible architectural characteristics throughout the Entrance Corridor in
establishment of the EC and are, therefore, not reflective
order to achieve unity and coherence. Building designs should demonstrate
of the historic architecture of the county. The corridor is
sensitivity to other nearby structures within the Entrance Corridor. Where a
substantially developed, with the exception of the large lot
designated corridor is substantially developed, these Guidelines require striking
to the west of the site in question. The balance that is a
a careful balance between harmonizing new development with the existing
goal of the EC Guidelines may be best achieved here by
character of the corridor and achieving compatibility with the significant
minimizing additional negative impacts and using
historic sites in the area.
landscaping to help coordinate the non - conforming site
with the overall corridor.
Accessory structures and equipment
Accessory structures and equipment should be integrated into the overall plan
No screening is proposed for display Areas B, C, D or E.
of development and shall, to the extent possible, be compatible with the
Additional landscaping could help integrate the display
building designs used on the site.
into the site and the corridor. The storage area behind the
building will be screened by an 8' -tall board fence. The
The following should be screened to eliminate visibility from the Entrance
Corridor street: a. Loading areas, b. Service areas, c. Refuse areas, d. Storage
screening fence is not expected to have a negative impact
areas, e. Mechanical equipment, f. Above - ground utilities, and g. Chain link
on the EC.
fence, barbed wire, razor wire, and similar security fencing devices.
Screening devices should be compatible with the design of the buildings and
surrounding natural vegetation and may consist of: a. Walls, b. Plantings, and c.
Landscaping should promote visual order within the Entrance Corridor and help
Adding trees and shrubs in the existing planting areas
to integrate buildings into the existing environment of the corridor.
could help integrate the site within the overall corridor.
Continuity within the Entrance Corridor should be obtained by planting
different types of plant materials that share similar characteristics. Such
common elements allow for more flexibility in the design of structures because
common landscape features will help to harmonize the appearance of
development as seen from the street upon which the Corridor is centered.
Landscaping along the frontage of Entrance Corridor streets should include the
This standard EC planting does not exist at this site. The
area between the patio (Display Area A) and the EC is
a. Large shade trees should be planted parallel to the Entrance Corridor Street.
landscaped with ornamental grasses, a few trees, and a
Such trees should be at least 31/2 inches caliper and should be of a plant species
pond. An overhead electric line is located near the Rio
common to the area. Such trees should be located at least every 35 feet on
Road property line, as is a rail fence. The addition of
plants in the existing planting area along the EC is not
b. Flowering ornamental trees of a species common to the area should be
interspersed among the trees required by the preceding paragraph.
d. An area of sufficient width to accommodate the foregoing plantings and
fencing should be reserved parallel to the Entrance Corridor street, and
exclusive of road right -of -way and utility easements.
Landscaping of parking areas:
The site includes no interior parking lot trees and five
a. Trees should align the perimeter of parking areas, located 40 feet on center.
perimeter trees spaced at approximately 50' apart. There
Trees should be planted in the interior of parking areas at the rate of one tree for
appears to be space to add two trees south of the southern
every 10 parking spaces provided and should be evenly distributed throughout
entrance into the site, although the species would have to
the interior of the parking area.
be chosen to accommodate the overhead electric lines that
b. Trees required by the preceding paragraph should measure 21/2 inches caliper,
exist in the vicinity. Small trees or large shrubs might be
should be evenly spaced; and should be of a species common to the area. Such
added between the existing trees along Display Area D.
trees should be planted in planters or medians sufficiently large to maintain the
health of the tree and shall be protected by curbing.
There are ornamental grasses between the patio and Rio
c. Shrubs should be provided as necessary to minimize the parking area's
Road; otherwise, no shrubs exist on site. Shrubs could be
impact on Entrance Corridor streets. Shrubs should measure 24 inches in height.
added in the planting strips along Putt Putt Place to help
mitigate the impacts of the proposed display.
b. Shrubs should be used to integrate the site, buildings, and other structures;
dumpsters, accessory buildings and structures; "drive thru" windows; service
areas; and signs. Shrubs should measure at least 24 inches in height.
Details of Proposed Display with Comments on Visibility
Items for
Location and Anticipated Visibility
Lawn mowers
1329 sf
This area is located on the depressed
The landscaping and location below the
patio that exists on the EC side of the
grade of the road are expected to sufficiently
building. Plants in the landscaped area
limit the impacts of the small lawnmowers to
between the patio and Rio Road screen
be displayed in this area.
the area from view fairly well. Small
lawn mowers in this area are not
expected to be noticed from the EC.
Golf carts,
602 sf
Area B is located closest to the EC. It is
Display this close to the EC is not
Reserve these areas for
large mowers
5'from the property line and 12 -15'
appropriate. Area B does sit slightly lower
parking. Compensate
from the paved road. The area is
than the elevation of the EC, but this
for the loss of this
slightly depressed as viewed from the
depression is not sufficient to mitigate its
display area by
EC. Golf carts in this area will be
visual impacts. Planting beyond the
increasing the display in
visible from the EC. Large mowers,
minimum standards is one method for
the vicinity of area E, to
depending on their size, will also likely
helping to mitigate the visual impacts of this
the north (back) end of
be visible.
type of use, but this site does not provide the
minimum trees and shrubs required along the
the parking row along
the building and along
Golf carts
1268 sf
Area C occupies the row of parking
spaces that runs parallel to Putt Putt
corridor and on -site planting area along Area
the fenced storage area.
Place, between the EC and the first
B is limited by overhead electric lines, the
Add shrubs and trees in
entrance into the site. Golf carts in this
location of the existing rail fence, and
the grass area at the
area will be clearly visible.
minimal available distance between the
Rio/Putt Putt corner and
parking lot and the property line. Planting
in the planting strip
area at Area C is limited by an overhead
along the parking row
electric line.
labeled Area C.
Golf carts,
3255 sf
This area occupies the 180' long
This display area will be visible from the EC,
Add two small trees or
truck trailers,
parking row that runs parallel to Putt
but its distance from the EC helps reduce
large shrubs between
Putt Place, between the two entrances
impacts. Bringing the perimeter planting at
the existing trees in the
into the site. It will be visible from the
least up to minimum standards would help
planting strip along Putt
minimize impacts and would help integrate
Putt Place between the
the display with the site and corridor.
entrances into the site.
However, the 50' spacing of the four trees
Plant shrubs to form a
that already exist in the planting area makes
hedge the length of the
it difficult to achieve the standard planting
planting strip. Plant
pattern (40' on center).
shrubs at 30" high.
137 sf
Located along the side of the building addition, the size of this area and the distance
between it and the EC are expected to help limit impacts.
Summary of Recommendations:
To mitigate the visual impacts of the proposed sales /storage /display areas, staff recommends the following changes to the plan:
1. Eliminate display Areas B and C.
2. Additional display area may be shown extending from Area E along the building addition and the east side of the fenced loading dock/storage area.
3. Add one tree in the planting strip between Putt Putt Place and the parking row labeled "Area C" and one tree in the planting area between the rows
labeled "Area B" and "Area C ". These trees should be a species whose mature height is coordinated with the overhead electric lines and should be
planted at a minimum of 31/2" caliper (if reasonable for the species). Provide the height of the overhead lines.
4. Add three small trees or large shrubs between the existing trees in the planting strip along Display Area D.
5. Add shrubs in the planting strips between the parking lot and Putt Putt Place, including the corner at the intersection with Rio Road. The shrubs
should be a mix of species and should include evergreen shrubs, but may also include deciduous species. The shrubs should be a minimum of 30"
high at planting and should be spaced to form a hedge at maturity.
6. Add this note to the plan: All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is
prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant.
When a revised plan satisfactorily illustrating these changes is received, staff can recommend approval of the Special Use Permit, with the following
1. Equipment shall be displayed only in Areas A, D and E shown on the plan entitled "Proposed Conditions Tax Map 61 Parcel 12417" prepared by
Roudabush, Gale & Associates, Inc., revised date XXXX.
2. The site shall be landscaped as illustrated on the same plan.
3. Display items shall not be elevated anywhere on site.
4. Balloons, banners, signs and/or other similar items shall not be placed on, around or near equipment on display.
5. Items stored in the fenced storage area shall not rise above the height of the fence.