HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201100063 Review Comments Preliminary Site Plan 2011-06-27ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project # /Name
ARB- 2011 -63: Hyatt Place at Stonefield
Review Type
Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 61W, Section 3, Parcel 19B
In the Stonefield development located at the northwest corner of Route 29 North and Hydraulic Road,
bounded by Main Street on the south, Inglewood Drive on the west, and Stonefield Blvd. on the east.
Neighborhood Model District (NMD); Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
Albemarle Place EAAP LLC/Macfarlane Stonefield, LLC (Charles Macfarlane)
Magisterial District
Jack Jouett
To construct a 136 -room, 6 -story hotel with associated parking and site improvements as part of the
Stonefield (previously Albemarle Place) development.
The Hyatt is proposed to be located approximately 500' north of the Hydraulic Road Entrance Corridor. In
the initial phase of development, a parking lot will be located between the hotel and the EC, so the hotel
will be clearly visible from Hydraulic Road, but at a distance. A future phase of development will replace
the parking lot with structures and it is anticipated that the upper part of the hotel will be visible above those
structures for viewers on Hydraulic. Given the height of the proposed hotel, it will also be visible from the
Route 29 North Entrance Corridor, and it is likely that visibility will be for a great distance on the corridor
north of the site.
ARB Meeting Date
July 5, 2011
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
Work session
General re- introduction of project
Work session
Overview of Stonefield design guidelines and Hyatt Place elevations
The goal of the regulation of the design
The proposed hotel does not have a
Provide perspective sketches of the
of development within the designated
strong tie to the traditional architecture
hotel as viewed from the ECs.
Entrance Corridors is to insure that new
of the area. It does, however, use some
development within the corridors reflects
forms and features that are found in the
Provide a roof plan for review.
the traditional architecture of the area.
area's historic buildings. The building is
Therefore, it is the purpose of ARB
divided into a base, middle and top,
Indicate on the drawings the
review and of these Guidelines, that
which is a traditional system of
material for the roof of the copper
proposed development within the
architectural division. The hotel is faced
designated Entrance Corridors reflect
in brick and stone, which are common
elements of design characteristic of the
building materials in the region
Provide additional information to
significant historical landmarks,
(although visibility of the stone from the
clarify the extent of reflectivity of
buildings, and structures of the
EC will eventually be lost due to its
the copper panels.
Charlottesville and Albemarle area, and
location at the building's base and
to promote orderly and attractive
lowest floor level). There is a hierarchy
development within these corridors.
of building forms, and there is a central
Applicants should note that replication of
entrance and end pieces that provide a
historic structures is neither required nor
balanced, unified design.
The copper block with the single -
New structures and substantial additions
to existing structures should respect the
pitched roof is the primary form of the
traditions of the architecture of
hotel design. It has a decidedly modern
historically significant buildings in the
appearance, but its warm earth tone
Charlottesville and Albemarle area.
color and its position help anchor and
balance the building as viewed from
Building forms and features, including
roofs, windows, doors, materials, colors
Hydraulic. As viewed on the east
and textures should be compatible with
elevation, the copper block is a
the forms and features of the significant
relatively "thin" (10' wide) element. On
historic buildings in the area, exemplified
the north elevation, it is faced in stucco
by (but not limited to) the buildings
(or synthetic stucco). Perspective
described in Appendix A [of the design
sketches of the building from the ECs
guidelines]. The standard of
would be useful to understand the 3-
compatibility can be met through scale,
dimensional form of the copper block as
materials, and forms which may be
it relates to the overall building. A roof
embodied in architecture which is
plan and identification of the roof
contemporary as well as traditional. The
material for the copper block would also
replication of important historic sites in
help in understanding the impacts of the
Albemarle County is not the objective of
form and the building. The ARB
these guidelines.
previously indicated that a highly
reflective surface would not be
appropriate for the EC. A small sample
of the copper panel has been submitted
for review.
Most of the Hydraulic elevation is faced
in brick. Stucco (or synthetic stucco) is
proposed for the hotel, but it would be
used above the second story, it
constitutes less than 50% of the facing
material, and it will be viewed at a
substantial distance from the EC.
The south elevation closely follows the
elevation shown at the 4/18/11 work
It is also an important objective of the
The scale and character of the hotel do
Guidelines to establish a pattern of
not demonstrate a high level of
compatible architectural characteristics
sensitivity to nearby buildings on
throughout the Entrance Corridor in
Hydraulic Road. The hotel is 6 stories
order to achieve unity and coherence.
tall, which exceeds most of the
Building designs should demonstrate
Hydraulic Road buildings by 4 -5 stories.
sensitivity to other nearby structures
However, as viewed from Hydraulic, the
within the Entrance Corridor. Where a
mass of the building is broken down
designated corridor is substantially
into multiple parts with varying heights
developed, these Guidelines require
and setbacks, and this helps mitigate the
striking a careful balance between
scale. The scale of the hotel will
harmonizing new development with the
eventually be further mitigated by the
existing character of the corridor and
construction of the surrounding town
achieving compatibility with the
center buildings.
significant historic sites in the area.
Much of the hotel is to be faced in brick,
Buildings should relate to their site and
the surrounding context of buildings.
which is a material found in many of the
existing Hydraulic Road buildings,
though it is not the traditional red brick
that is typical of the County. The
proposed materials are consistent with
the town center's material palette and
some of the materials represent the
darker earth tones of that palette, which
are compatible with historic sites in the
Trademark buildings and related features
The standard hotel design was
should be modified to meet the
previously presented to staff and to the
requirements of the Guidelines.
ARB. The standard design was modified
to more closely address EC Guidelines.
Window glass in the Entrance Corridors
Information on the proposed window
Provide specs on the proposed
should not be highly tinted or highly
glass was not provided.
window glass. Ensure that the
reflective. Reflectance off the outside pane
reflectance off the outside pane is
of glass should be kept below 7%.
kept below 7%. If the glass is to be
Specifications on the proposed window
tinted, provide a sample for review.
glass and samples of tinted window glass
Note that only minimal tints have
should be submitted with the application
been approved in the past.
for final review.
Accessory structures and equipment
Accessory structures and equipment
Some equipment is located on the north
Provide information on the plan to
should be integrated into the overall plan
side of the hotel. Equipment in that
confirm that rooftop equipment will
of development and shall, to the extent
location is not expected to be visible
not be visible. Provide roof plan,
possible, be compatible with the building
from the ECs. Information has not been
equipment locations, equipment
designs used on the site.
provided regarding rooftop equipment.
It is assumed that parapet walls will
heights, parapet wall heights,
and/or other details /documentation.
The following should be located to
eliminate visibility from the Entrance
screen that equipment, but confirmation
Corridor street. If, after appropriate siting,
is needed.
Consider alternate treatments or
these features will still have a negative
locations to reduce the visual
visual impact on the Entrance Corridor
Louvers are provided on the exterior
impact of the a/c louvers on the
street, screening should be provided to
elevations at the locations of room air
exterior of the building. Provide a
eliminate visibility.
conditioners. The louvers are dark in
color sample for the louvers.
a. Loading areas,
color and stand against the lighter colors
b. Service areas,
of the brick and stucco walls. As
c. Refuse areas,
illustrated in the color renderings, they
d. Storage areas,
have a definite visual impact.
e. Mechanical equipment,
f. Above - ground utilities, and
g. Chain link fence, barbed wire, razor
wire, and similar security fencing
The following note should be added to the
The note does not appear on the plans.
Add the following note to the site
site plan and the architectural plan:
and architectural plans: "Visibility
"Visibility of all mechanical equipment
of all mechanical equipment from
from the Entrance Corridor shall be
the Entrance Corridor shall be
Landscaping and Lighting
The landscape plan included in the
Provide landscape and lighting
Hyatt Place submission shows
plans for the hotel project. Ensure
landscaping in the parking lot located
that landscaping and lighting meet
south of the hotel and west of the
EC requirements. Landscaping
cinema and Stonefield Blvd. It is the
should include planting in/around
same landscaped lot that is included in
the parking lot on the north side of
the cinema submittal. Landscaping is
the hotel and planting around the
needed in this lot to offset the impacts of
hotel. The lighting plan should
the hotel and the parking lot itself on the
include all site and exterior building
EC. See the Regal cinema staff report
lighting. Ensure that all fixtures
(ARB- 2011 -62) for recommendations
meet EC guidelines and ordinance
related to this southern parking lot and
requirements. Calculate
its landscaping.
photometrics using an LLF of 1.0.
The parking lot located to the north of
Add the following note to the plan:
the hotel provides parking for the hotel,
"All site plantings of trees and
but no landscaping or lighting are shown
shrubs shall be allowed to reach,
in that lot. Although the lot is located at
and be maintained at, mature
a distance from the ECs, large trees in
height; the topping of trees is
this lot will eventually be visible from
prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall
the ECs, as will nighttime illumination
be pruned minimally and only to
of the parking lot.
support the overall health of the
Nine trees are shown near the hotel on
the main entrance (south) side. Large
trees near the building can help mitigate
the scale of the large structure. The
planting plan does not specify the
species of each tree on the plan, but the
identification is needed to understand
the relationship of the landscaping to the
building and the overall development.
Although details have not been
Provide complete information on
provided, wall signs consisting of
the wall signs proposed for the
channel letters and a multicolor logo are
hotel. (Use the sign checklist for
shown on the north, south, and east
submittal requirements.) Note that
elevations of the hotel. They are shown
the 63' wall sign height is not
installed at 63' high. Currently,
allowed by ordinance at this time.
maximum allowable height is 30'.
Also note that internal illumination
However, a ZTA is currently under
of the logo and the number of
review, which includes a proposed
colors proposed for the logo exceed
change that would allow an increase in
the EC guidelines
wall sign height not to exceed the height
of the cornice line. The multicolor logo
includes more colors than the sign
guidelines recommend. The sign
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. General selection and distribution of building materials
2. Copper -faced building block
3. Reflectivity of the copper panels
4. Room a/c vents — color /coordination
5. Multicolor logo, logo illumination
Staff offers the following comments on the preliminary plan:
1. Provide perspective sketches of the hotel as viewed from the ECs.
2. Provide a roof plan for review.
3. Indicate on the drawings the material for the roof of the copper block.
4. Provide additional information to clarify the extent of reflectivity of the copper panels.
5. Provide specs on the proposed window glass. Ensure that the reflectance off the outside pane is kept below 7%. If the glass is to be
tinted, provide a sample for review. Note that only minimal tints have been approved in the past.
6. Provide information on the plan to confirm that rooftop equipment will not be visible. Provide roof plan, equipment locations, equipment
heights, parapet wall heights, and/or other details /documentation.
7. Consider alternate treatments or locations to reduce the visual impact of the louvers on the exterior of the building. Provide a color
sample for the louvers.
8. Add the following note to the site and architectural plans: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be
9. Provide landscape and lighting plans for the hotel project. Ensure that landscaping and lighting meet EC requirements. Landscaping
should include planting in/around the parking lot on the north side of the hotel and planting around the hotel. The lighting plan should
include all site and exterior building lighting. Ensure that all fixtures meet EC guidelines and ordinance requirements. Calculate
photometrics using an LLF of 1.0.
10. Add the following note to the plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height;
the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant."
11. Provide complete information on the wall signs proposed for the hotel. (Use the sign checklist for submittal requirements.) Note that the
63' wall sign height is not allowed by ordinance at this time. Also note that internal illumination of the logo and the number of colors
proposed for the logo exceed the guidelines recommendations.
guidelines also recommend limiting
internal illumination of logos.
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. General selection and distribution of building materials
2. Copper -faced building block
3. Reflectivity of the copper panels
4. Room a/c vents — color /coordination
5. Multicolor logo, logo illumination
Staff offers the following comments on the preliminary plan:
1. Provide perspective sketches of the hotel as viewed from the ECs.
2. Provide a roof plan for review.
3. Indicate on the drawings the material for the roof of the copper block.
4. Provide additional information to clarify the extent of reflectivity of the copper panels.
5. Provide specs on the proposed window glass. Ensure that the reflectance off the outside pane is kept below 7%. If the glass is to be
tinted, provide a sample for review. Note that only minimal tints have been approved in the past.
6. Provide information on the plan to confirm that rooftop equipment will not be visible. Provide roof plan, equipment locations, equipment
heights, parapet wall heights, and/or other details /documentation.
7. Consider alternate treatments or locations to reduce the visual impact of the louvers on the exterior of the building. Provide a color
sample for the louvers.
8. Add the following note to the site and architectural plans: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be
9. Provide landscape and lighting plans for the hotel project. Ensure that landscaping and lighting meet EC requirements. Landscaping
should include planting in/around the parking lot on the north side of the hotel and planting around the hotel. The lighting plan should
include all site and exterior building lighting. Ensure that all fixtures meet EC guidelines and ordinance requirements. Calculate
photometrics using an LLF of 1.0.
10. Add the following note to the plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height;
the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant."
11. Provide complete information on the wall signs proposed for the hotel. (Use the sign checklist for submittal requirements.) Note that the
63' wall sign height is not allowed by ordinance at this time. Also note that internal illumination of the logo and the number of colors
proposed for the logo exceed the guidelines recommendations.
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date/Revision Date
Cover sheet architectural
Submitted 5/23/2011
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Typical 3 -4 Floor Plan
Typical 5 -6 Floor Plan
Front Elevation (color)
Back Elevation (color)
Side (right) Elevation (color)
Landscape Plan
Grading and Drainage Plan