HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-31 adjMarch 31, 1982 (Afternoon Meeting--Adjourned from M~rch 29, 1982) March 29, 1982 (Afternoon Meeting) (Adjourned from March 24, 1982) There were no other questions and the recommendation to fund this organization contingent upon state funding being received was not ratified by vote of the Board. Agenda Item No. 16. Adjourn. Motion was offered by Mrs. Cooke to adjourn to 1:30 P.M. on March 31, 1982, in Meeting Room #7. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lindstrom and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. None. Chairman March 31,11982 (Afternoon Meeting-Adjourned from March 29, 1982) An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of AlbemarIe County, Virginia, was held on March 31, 1982, at 1:30 P.M. in Meeting Room 7, Second Floor, County Office Building, 40t McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia; said meeting adjourned from March 29, 1982. Present: Mr. James R. Butler, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., C. Timothy Lindstrom (Arrived at 1:42 P.M.) and Miss Ellen V. Nash. Absent: None. Officer Present: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive. Agenda Item No. 1. Fisher. The meeting was called to order at 1:32 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Work Session: 1982-83 County Budget. Agenda Item No. 2. Regional Jail. Mr. Mike McMahan, Superintendent, was present. Mr. Agnor noted that the jail is jointly owned by the City and County. The request is for $70,405 which is a $24,000 increase over the current year's funding. Mr. Agnor said the increased request is due to inflation and the higher number of prisoners being housed at the jail. Mr. McMahan said the biggest problem at the jail is the crowded condition. However, the Department of Corrections is planning to open two prisons within the coming fiscal year and this should resolve some of the crowded conditions at the jail. Mr. McMahan said the security fence will be installed within the month and depending on funding from the Department of Corrections and the feeling~ ~of the Jail Board, a recreational person may be hired. (Mr. Lindstrom arrived at 1:42 P.M.) Agenda Item No. 3. Inspections. Mr. Robert Vaughn, Director of Inspections, was present. Mr. Agnor said the recommendation for this department is $352,967 which is a $26,400 decrease over the current year's funding. This decrease is primarily due to the decline in the construction industry. Another major reason for the decrease is due to two vacant positions being removed from the budget until the economy necessitates replacing ~hese positions. Mr. Agnor said Mr. Vaughn had requested replacement of two vehicles but he does not recommend funding these until the two vacant positions are filled. He also noted that the transfer of all vehicles to a motor pool will aid in the decrease. Mr. Agnor said he may request the Board, later in the year, to restore the two positions if building activities increase the work load-of the current staff. Mr. Vaughn said the budget is reasonable based on the present economic situation. Zoning. Mr. Robert Vaughn, Director of Inspections, was present. Mr. Agnor said the personnel part of this budget has increased twenty-one percent. This will fund one additional inspector and also includes the eight percent cost of living increase requested for all County employees. Mr. Agnor said the most significant change is in the operation of vehicles. Last year the cost was $9,600 but is anticipated to be $5,000 for 1982-83. The operational part of this budget will decrease by almost forty-five percent for the 1982-83 fiscal year. Mr. Vaughn said an additional soil erosion inspector is necessary. Mr. Agnor recommende, that the budget totaling $150,987, a 9.2% increase over the current year, be approved as presented. Agenda Item No. 12. Rescue Squads. Mr. Agnor said the total recommended amount is for $34,375 and this appears to be a dramatic increase compared to the $21,750 for the 1981-82 fiscal year. However, last year the $21,750 was the net amount of contribution after subtracting pay-back amounts for advances made to the Western Albemarle and Scottsville Rescue Squads. The $34,375 is the gross amount of contribution for next year. Mr. Agnor said a new revenue item has been added to the budget to reflect these paybacks. The Charlottesville/Albemarle Rescue Squad has not borrowed any money, therefore, the amount of $6,875 is the County's contribution. Mr. Agnor noted that he is recommending a ten percent increase in contributions. Mr. Fisher said he supports the recommendation made by Mr. Agnor. March 31, 1982 (Afternoon Meeting--adjourned from March 29, 1982) '3.43 Agenda Item No. 4. Staff Services. Mr. William Sullivan, Director of Staff Services, was present. Mr. Agnor said this budget represents the first full year of funding for this department. He summarized the activities supervised by the staff services office such as the general government motor pool, the copy center, and the maintenance of the buildings and grounds of the County Office Building and the buildings on Court Square. Mr. Agnor said the personnel part of this budget shows a thirty-eight percent increase which represents the cost of two additional employees and a full year of funding for the other employees. The total recommended amount for Staff Services is $411,385. Mr. Agnor also noted a decrease in some operational parts of the budget because some costs last year were a result of the move from the Court Square County Office building to the new building and these costs will not be repeated. Agenda Item No. 5. Parks and Recreation. Mr. Pat Mullaney, Director of Parks and Recreation, was present. Mr. Agnor said he recommends $413,913 or an 8.7% increase over the 1981-82 budget. Mr. Agnor said the most significant change in the budget is in operation of vehicles and power equipment supplies. Mr. Agnor also noted that the operation of the Greenwood Community Center is included in this budget as well as the Ivy Creek Natural Area. The budget does not include The Meadows Center which is being operated as a function of the Parks and Recreation Department until July 1, when it is assumed that another agency will take over operation of the Center. Mr. Agnor then reviewed revenues which the Parks Department has and will generate. Agenda Item No. 6. Circuit Court. Mr. Harry Young was present. Mr. Agnor said the costs for the Circuit Court are associated with the part-time secretary for Judge Berry and Judge Tremblay. Mr. Agnor said he has discovered that the request for the telephone was underestimated at $500.00 and he now recommends the amount of line item 5203 be changed to $1500 making the total amount recommended for the entire budget, 315,648. Agenda Item No. 7. Youth Service Center. Ms. Amy Melville, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said the total budget for the current year was $48,486 with $36,364 of that amount co~ing from the State. The request to Albemarle County for next year is $6,480, a like amount from the City and $38,880 coming from the State, with $24,825 coming from other sources, making a total budget of $76,665. The staff committee did not recommend any funding for this agency because it is felt that there are other county-funded agencies which provide direct services, such as Monticello Community Action Agency and Madison House, and the Youth Service Center is only a coordinating agency. Mr. Agnor said the Summer Youth Program has been a responsibility of the Community Action Agency for a number of years but is being dropped this year. The Youth Service Center plans to pick up that program. Mr. Agnor said this program'does not really require local funding because it can be funded from foundations'. Mr. Agnor reiterated that the staff committee does not recommend any funding for the Youth Service Center. Ms. Melville was present and stated that she does not feel that the Youth Service Center is a duplication of the agencies mentioned. As for the Summer Youth Program provided by the Community Action Agency, that program has been geared to college aged persons. The Youth Service Center will limit its program to low income and fourteen and fifteen year olds. Ms. Melville said the goal of the Youth Service Center is to prevent delinquency of young persons. Mr. Lindstrom asked how many County children had dropped out of school during the 1981-82 year. Ms. Melville said ninety-five and listed the services provided to these children and the procedures involved. Mr. Lindstrom suggested that this agency be placed on the list of agencies which will be reconsidered at the last budget work session. Agenda Item No. 8. Madison House. Ms. Wanda Birckhead, representing Madison House, was present. Mr. Agnor said the request for $4,000 is the same as in previous years. However, the staff committee does not recommend any funding because the programs provided by Madison House are felt to be more beneficial to City residents. AHIP, to which Madison House provides volunteers, is already County funded. Miss Nash asked how many County residents are served by Madison House programs. Mr. Agnor said between thirty-five and forty-three percent of the total persons served by the program are County residents. Ms. Birckhead expressed disappointment that funding has not been recommended. She said Madison House has been very careful to coordinate activities with other social service agencies in order to avoid duplication. Ms. Birckhead then reviewed the Migrant Aid Program offered to County residents and noted that this began in 1973 as a recreation program for migrant youngsters. Ms. Birckhead also noted that AHIP ls very dependent on Madison House for volunteers. Mr. Lindstrom asked if the City provides funds for Madison House. Ms. Birckhead said no. Mr. Butler asked for an explanation of the tutoring offering by Madison House. Ms. Birckhead said volunteers go to Albemarle High School and Greer Elementary School. The program is on a one to one basis and the volunteers go the migrant camps once a week. The tutoring in the migrant camps is a new program this year and there are a number of young children in the program. Miss Nash asked how many migrant camps there are in the County. Ms. Birckhead said four. Mr. Fisher said he felt Madison House has done a good job and favored some level of funding for the agency. Miss Nash agreed. Mr. Fisher then suggested the agency be reconsider ed at the last budget work session. 144 Agenda Item No. 9. Landfills. Mr. Agnor said the Keene Landfill is operated and used entirely by the County. The funding recommended for this year is $6.5,675. Mr. Agn0r said the Ivy Landfill is jointly owned by the City and County and operated by the City Department of Public Works. The County's share is based on usage. The County's share next year will decrease about $10,000 or 3.3%. The total budget for the Ivy Landfill increased only 4.8%. That small increase is due to equipment being purchased to do the trenching rather than hiring independent contractors. The two landfills reflect a total reduction in costs of $11,769 or 3.3%. Miss Nash asked if the oil from the motor pool could be used on the road going into the Keene Landfill. Mr. Agnor was not sure what disposal methods are used for the oil. He also said discussions have been held with the Highway Department trying to find ways to control the dust. Mr. Agnor said the Engineering Department inspects the landfill and if there are any problems with dust on the road, the Highway Department is alerted. However, so far, the actions taken by the Highway Department have not been satisfactory. He also noted that with the limited life of the landfill, hard-surfacing of the road is too costly. Mr. Fisher then suggested that the staff investigate what happens to the used oil from the motor pool and report such findings to the Board. Engineering~ Mr. Ashley Williams, Acting County Engineer, was present. Mr~ Agnor said the personnel part of the budget is reduced two percent due to the deletion of one position which has been vacant for a period of time. The operational costs have decreased 8.5% and the total recommended is $174,704. Agenda Item No. 10. Health Department. Dr. Richard Prindle, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said the recommendation for the Health Department is $309,326 or a seven percent increase. Mr. Agnor noted that in the papers from the Health Department in support of their request, Dr. Prindle indicated that for many years, the ratio of funding has been fifty-five percent County and forty-five percent City. Mr. Agnor said Dr. Prindle believes the only rational way to determine funding would be based on the population ratios. Therefore, Dr. Prindle suggested that the 1980 census be used which would give Charlottesville forty-one percent and Albemarle fifty-nine percent. If this method were used, Mr. Agnor said Albemarle County would have a 15.5% increase in one year, so Dr. ?rindle suggested that the ratio be adopted gradually thus equalizing the percentage over several years. This would be a ten percent increase for Albemarle this year, or $318,000. Mr. Fisher asked if there is a contract on the operation of the Health Department. Mr. Agnor said no, the only contract is a lease agreement on the buildings. Mr. Fisher said it appears that-during the years when Charlottesville had a higher population than Albemarle County, the County was paying fifty-five percent. Now that the County's population has increased, the County's share will still increase a greater percentage. Mr. Agnor said the proposal from Dr. ?rindte is to elevate the ratio to the population in the 1980 census and hold that ratio until the 1990 census rather than increasing the ratio as the population increases during the next decade. Mr. Fisher said he feels that one of the problems with having a combined Health Department is that the employees are working in different localities and never thoroughly familiarize themselves with the rules of one locality. Mr. Fisher said it might be advantageo' to have an Albemarle County health department separately from other localities. Mr. Agnor said this has been discussed but the complexities involved with state and federal funding are too numerous. Mr. Fisher felt the staff should study the entire operation and said he would not agree to this ratio of funding until an examination had been made of the operation. Dr. Prindle said separate records are kept on clinic patients and breakdowns can be provided. He also noted that the state has just informed him that thirty percent reduction by the federal government in family planning is being made up by state funds. Therefore, family planning activities will be at the same level. However, the cost of drugs associated with this activity have increased considerably and a lot of new patients are anticipated due to the closing of the teenage clinic at the University of Virginia Hospital. Mr. Fisher asked the staff to see if there was a contract for operation of the Health Department. He felt it would be unusual to adjust the payment ratio without having a contractual agreement. He also requested Mr. Agnor to make a report on other ways to organize the Health Department. Agenda Item No. 11. Social Services. Ms. Karen Morris, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said the personnel portion of the budget increases only 3.1%. This is due to deleting three vacant positions. Mr. Agnor said the operational portion of the budget decreases 18.7% due to the central motor pool being available, the telephone system being owned rather than leased, and the lower rent as a result of the move to this building. Mr. Agnor then reviewed the programs of the Social Services department and summarized the reason for increased rates in some programs. One in particular is the auxiliary grants for the Aged and Disabled. Mr. Fisher asked what changes the federal cuts in funding will cause to persons being served. Ms. Morris felt the major change will be the elimination of optional services. Agenda Item No. 13. Watershed Management. Mr. William Norris, Watershed Management Official, was present. (Mr. Fisher left the meeting at 3:46 P.M. and gave the gavel to Mr. Henley.) Mr. Agnor noted that this budget is funded fifty/fifty by the City and County. ES March 31, 1982 (Afternoon Meeting-Adjourned from March 29,1982) Mr. Lindstrom asked the status of watershed management programs. Mr. Norris said the 208 water monitoring program is technically finished. A final report was due from the consultant in December and an extension was requested until March 15, 1982; such report has still not been received. Mr. Norris said the 314 project in the Mechum River Subbasin was funded for two years. Information has been received that the program has been extended for five years. Mr. Lindstrom said when this office was established, Mr. Norris was to educate persons in the County about various programs and methods which could be used to protect the watershed. Mr. Norris said that is evolving; he has made presentations to schools and farm groups. Agenda Item No. 14. Sheriff. Sheriff George Bailey was present. (Mr. Fisher returned to the meeting at 3:57 P.M.) Mr. Agnor said the salary portion of this budget reflects a 16.5% increase and is a result of two things. One is the eight percent cost of living increase for employees and the full funding of the juvenile officer whose salary has been funded by a grant for the past three years. Also, last year, after the budget was approved, the Board authorized hiring one deputy to patrol the County parks and to also serve as an assistant to the Game Warden. Therefore, these two new positions are included in this budget. Mr. Agnor noted that in the past patrol cars were replaced when they reached 60,000 miles. There are 39 patrol cars with one unassigned and one vehicle for undercover work. The Sheriff asked for the replacement of eighteen vehicles at a cost of $146,700. He and Mr. Jones reviewed the matter and recommend that the vehicles be used longer than 60,000 miles since there is now a central county garage. The recommendation is to replace sixteen rather than eighteen vehicles at a cost of $120,600. Mr. Agnor said the total recommended amount for the Sheriff's budget is $1,232,052. Sheriff Bailey was present and felt his request was conservative. He also noted that he had estimated $9,100 for each of the new vehicles, but bids have been received for $7,100. Sheriff Bailey also noted that the Work load in his department is increasing tremendously. Mr. Lindstrom asked if Georgetown Road is being patrolled. He has been receiving complaints that this is not being done. Sheriff Bailey said yes and noted that forty persons were caught for speeding this past weekend. Mr. Lindstrom asked if patrolling were being done on a regular basis. Sheriff Bailey said only on Saturdays. Mr. Lindstrom said he would like the road patrolled at least once a week since it is a heavily travelled resi~entia! street. Agenda Item No. 16. Fire Departmen6. Julian Taliaferro, Chief of the Charlottesville Fire Department, was present. Mr. Agnor said the County has a contract with the City to participate in the costs of a fire company and the administrative costs for the chief, the secretary and the dispatchers. Mr. Agnor said the amount requested is $443,770 which includes the replacement of one pumper. However, he recommends $288,485 which is a 7.3% increase over the 1981-82 amount. This fully funds the request by shifting the amount of $148,000 for the pumper to the capital improvements program. Mr. Henley asked if there is a contract with the City and if so what the renewal date is. Mr. Agnor said there is a contract but he did not know if there was a termination date. Mr. Henley asked if th~ fire trucks belong to the County. Mr. Taliaferro said two pieces of equpiment were purchased by the County. Agenda Item No. 15. Cler.k, Circuit Court. Mrs. Shelby Marshall, Clerk, was present. Mr. Agnor noted that the salaries in this budget are funded by the Compensation Board and are on a calendar year basis. Mr. Agnor said the total recommendation is $185,706 or a 13.9% increase~ Agenda Item No. 16. Fire Extinction. Mr. Agnor noted that this is a repetitive figure which is an assessment by the State Forestry Service to the County on an annual basis for park fires and such related activities. The amount recommended is $3,019. Agenda Item No. 17. Legal Aid. Mr. Peter McIntosh, .Director, was present. The amount of $4,485 was requested and the staff committee recommended $3200. (The budget shows $1,400 as recommended but is in error.) Mr. Agnor reviewed the functions of the Legal Aid Society which is a nonprofit organization providing free legal service to low income persons in Planning District 10. The organization is chartered under the Virginia State Bar and is governed by a fifteen member Board of Directors. Nine of the members are members of the local bar and six are clients of Legal Aid. Mr. Agnor said Federal funding for Legal Aid has been cut twenty-five percent this year and further reductions are anticipated for 1983 and 1984. Mr. Agnor said the request to the County is to fund one attorney position and the request is based on the number of potential clients in the County. Mr. Agnor alSo noted that the County has not funded Legal Aid in the past. M~. McIntosh has, however, appeared before the Board in a past year. Mr. Agnor then directed the Board's attention to a letter dated January .18, 1982, from Mr. McIntosh concerning a question asked in previous years as to why the County should fund an organization which coul~ in turn sue the County. (Copy of the letter is on file in the Clerk's Office.) The response from Mr. McZntosh is to the effect that whatever suits they handle are small ~n number and as part of the service they provide assiStance to local governments. Mr. Lindstrom noted that his firm has participated on a voluntary basis in the functions of Legal Aid Office. He feels the organization is trying to provide a service even with Federal cuts in funds. March 31, 1982 (Afternoon Meeting--Adjourned from March 29, 1982) Mr. McIntosh said a request for fUnding has been made to Nelson and Greene counties and will be presented to the other localities in Planning District 10. Mr. McIntosh then pointed to a chart showing graphic description of how a client gets into the Legal Aid office and alsG a chart showing the effects Federal budget cuts will have on Legal Aid's operation. Mr. McIntosh noted that the General Assembly had voted that $500,000 be allocated as a total to the legal aid societies in the State. Therefore, each group will only receive $8,800. Mr. Lindstrom was not concerned that the Legal Aid society might help a client sue the County. He felt that if there is a legitimate basis for such. a suit then .it is something that should be corrected on the local government level. Miss Nash supported legal aid and felt the work done by them is remarkable. A lengthy discussion followed on different concepts of Legal Aid. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Butler both noted support of the staff recommendatic for $3200. No final action was taken. Agenda Item No, 18. Revenues. Mr. Agnor said there are few new items on the revenue side of the budget. One change is due to an amendment of the business license tax recently adopted. Mr. Agnor said the revenues show the decline in the economy. He also pointed out a new item showing repayment of loans by fire companies which is new and a bookkeeping procedure only. Agenda Item No. 19. At 5:30 P.M., motion was offered by Mrs. Cooke, seconded by Miss Nash, to adjourn into executive session to discuss legal and personnel matters. ROll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, and Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. None.. The Board reconveyed into open session at 8:50 P.M. Agenda Item No. 20. At 8:51 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Miss Nash, to adjourn to April 5, 1982, at 1:30 P.M. in Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County~Office Building. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote AYES: NAYS: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Rnd Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom, and Miss Nash. None.