HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE201100123 Review Comments Zoning Clearance 2011-07-18s -Y43 Application for Zoning Clearance ClLE 2b f I -175 0, PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SHEETS OFFICE Check # � 1late: °2- Iz10 p�4 staff. PARCEL M ORMATI ON Tax Map and !Parcel: 06100- 00,00.120P0 Bxist&2 �OAiitf� TiC �. Parcel Owner: Regency Caterink, Tic ParctlAddrM2__1tgL, 5e=Q1eTraiI �city_01arlottesville, State ',irgrini Zip 2290 (indude suite or floor) PRIMARY CONTACt Who shoold We eaWwrKlte 4uncerning this prdled? Atklross ; 0 n ee r,r an�l� City, 'Stte �A r_. zip 2 y 1 office lPl "O.. d04) 3 ll# pax k 1106 31WAMil 00 tGo hod,Gc�^�, a ,ArMICANT INFORMAMN Check any that apply: Change of ownership X Change of 000 Cbmgn of name X Now b�usiuuess Buoiness D1a1mw7ypt: Anderson Financial Services, 'LLC LoanMax p't20ous Busiviess on this site Restaurant Describe the proposed busCam Indudiug Ilse, number of elit'Cile'ym, number of Shifts, available parkibg Spaces, llgl(tytbak' of Vehides, and arry additional lafanwtiou that you can providit! C mawftl r Finance sffice )y4j; 2 ice hour8 itjll he )Darn - 6Rtll ]jam• gam - 212n1 Saturday, , `{ y ""Thin Clcv=CC %Vitt only bn valid On .eha Fn=j for Which ft h agpPQVCd_ { fyou C)mp, ininnsiiy 4yrtiove &o aso to a ykuw I99ogn, a now 1,oxjj q Mearaue:e will be requlmd. 3 hereby certify that I own or'bave tho owner'li ptlrmiesiou to use the space indicated cm this application. T elso'eetify thaf ilea infonna ivn pmvidgd is tree Wd worn- tc. to tho ba# of my 1Mowladsa. T hom mad tho aohditiam of apM val, and undor,rd%t]hom, and that JI svgtl obido by than,. , /T Si�jQ=e . Printed G �`�"� J+'iV raw 4_17 ROVAL DTFORMATION of I Apprgved as proposed C ] Approved widx conditions C ] DoWed C I I ;wki'low pmventi(m dovice and/or currant test data rioeded for this. site. Contact ACSA,, 9774511, x9'17. L ] No physicW ails iuspection has been clone fbr this olearemtec. Uerefeae-, it is not a detmninadon of compiiancre with the existing slty p1au, L J This sits complies with the site plan as of this date, Notest Building OlVd tl Date r, Zoning afdar !bate Other Official Date Z&,y as ta,ucn, JL-A1; LmPurunvilt of g- ommumtty L►eveiopment 401 Me bttire Road Chariobiftwitk ,'11A=902'Voilce: (434) 296- 9= Fax: (454) 9724126 Rsvised 1/1/2011 Paget of zgs,31 9001000.8 b094h 88-00 LL WO L /90 Z0 /T0 39Vd lOd3Q 30I3d0 TLL9L996b8 7:60 TTOZ /LT /90 paALDaDa Z t?S TLL9L99EV9 143 Wd E:-VZ:6 TTOZ `LT Dun[ Sf11dis S3DVd NOIiVHna OISO 310WD] 03AI30321 3WI1 4444 Ajlf13SS3DDns 03AI3DH X'83 NCIl'V0I3IlON ONf108NI ,teao to complete the following: Y /N' 1's use Ib Ll, iii or PDIF zoning? if sir, ,give appiioant a Certified Engineer's Ropmt (CE'R) packet. Y 1( Will rhefe bo food preparation? If So, give appilcau r a Health Department 'farm, 7oift review can not be On until wo racoivo approYta from Health .I)Vt IT'AXDATE Circle the one that applies It parcel on priwute well o ublic v4 IfpriYate well, provide Health Nparlrncm form. Zbnireg Wlliew can not begin until we receive approval fmm Health begt- FAX DATE Circle the o o Is pacl en septic or nnb CiC se'evor? N ri11 you be pMft up a.no' 6p of =y kind? if sin, obtsrm. proper Sign permit. Pormit # r/0 Will there be auy now oonatruction or rtmovations? If sra, obtain the proper Pmrmit. p'erxiait'# zotlimg to comnletre the fnlMnw ilrlfs! R4nriewer to complete tie following-. Square fbotw of 1Uso: � O� D, N Pormittod as- Under Section: w -- 8upplprum=y regulations sect�ow parklbg forruula; 'k'6 e Rquired spum- y / N Items to be verified in the field; TnspeCtelx Notes- Dates . "Viola fuss Y/ If so, List; P'roffk If so List: 'V�rri! c • Y /N If so, List: 5T'a: lwi If so, Luir, �� Z C'leamnces: SDi"s Revised 1/1/2011 Pase 3 of 3 900 /900'd 1x080# ZO /Z0 3Jdd lOd3Q 30I.dd0 TLL9L99Eb8 8Z;00 LLOZ /8L /90 TZ :60 TTOZ /LT /90 ANDERSON FINANCIAL SERVICES, LL C L OANMAX 3440 Preston Ridge Road, Suite 500 Alpharetta, GA 30005 Licensing & Legal Coordinator P: 678- 823 -4669 F: 678 -805 -5843 slepore @selectmgint.com June 17, 2011 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Sirs, Enclosed is an Application for Zoning Clearance for Anderson Financial Services, LLC LoanMax's new location at 1640 Seminole Trail in Charlottesville. Please process this application accordingly and remit all correspondence back to my attention at the address shown above in the letterhead. You may contact me directly at 678 - 823 -4669 with any questions you might have. Thank you. *re, e egal Coordinator JUN 21 2011 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ANDERSON FINANCIAL SER VICES, LL LOANMAX 3440 Preston Ridge Road, Suite 500 Alpharetta, GA 30005 Licensing & Legal Coordinator P: 678- 823 -4669 F: 678- 805 -5843 slepore @selecbngnu cons June 21, 2011 Margie Collins County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Ms. Collins, Enclosed is the check for Anderson Financial Services, LLC's zoning clearance application that was submitted on June 17. Please let me know if you require anything further. Thank you. Sips re y, Step e epore Livens ng & Legal Coordinator C JUN 27 2011 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT