HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201100087 Review Comments Preliminary Site Plan 2011-08-29ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project # /Name
ARB- 2011 -57: Greenbrier 7- Eleven
Review Type
Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 61W, Section 2, Block B, Parcel 3
1245 Seminole Trail, at the northeast corner of the intersection of Route 29 North and Greenbrier Drive
Commercial (Cl); Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
Greenbrier Real Property LLC /Goetz Design Group (Eric Goetz)
Magisterial District
To replace the existing convenience store and car wash building with a new combined structure, and to replace the
fuel pump canopy.
The site of the proposed development is located in the heavily developed commercial corridor of Route 29 North. The
site, the existing Jiffy Lube building, and the proposed 7 -11 building and fuel pump canopy are /will be readily visible
from the Entrance Corridor. A bank is located immediately to the north of the site. Another convenience store with
fuel pump canopy is located at the southwest corner of the 29 /Greenbrier intersection. Another automobile related
business is located on the southeast corner.
ARB Meeting Date
September 6, 2011
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
June 20, 2011
ARB- 2011 -57
The ARB completed a preliminary review of the 7 -11 proposal and offered
a number of comments for the applicant's next submittal. See Attachment
A for the action letter from this meeting.
Several changes have been made to the proposal since the last ARB review. Primary changes include:
• Shifting of the car wash to the back of the building
• Revised architectural design and general appearance of the convenience store
• Revised/increased landscaping
• Elimination of the red stripe on the fuel pump canopy
Red text in the "ISSUE" column signifies comments made at the last ARB review. These comments can also be found in Attachment A.
Structure design
The goal of the regulation of the
Revise the design of the store /car wash and the canopy to
design of development within the
reflect elements of Albemarle's historic architecture.
designated Entrance Corridors is to
Make traditional architectural features the focus of the
insure that new development within
the corridors reflects the traditional
architecture of the area. Therefore, it
Revise the design of the store /car wash and the canopy to
is the purpose of ARB review and of
eliminate the focus on corporate identification features.
these Guidelines, that proposed
Eliminate or significantly revise the color banding. Use
development within the designated
architectural forms and details instead of applied corporate
Entrance Corridors reflect elements
identification treatments to distinguish the store and
of design characteristic of the
significant historical landmarks,
buildings, and structures of the
The building design has been revised. It now includes a
Charlottesville and Albemarle area,
more traditional form and features, including a gable,
and to promote orderly and attractive
pilasters, a masonry base, and an awning. The color band
development within these corridors.
has been removed from the canopy and the building sign.
Applicants should note that
replication of historic structures is
neither required nor desired.
New structures and substantial
additions to existing structures
should respect the traditions of the
architecture of historically significant
buildings in the Charlottesville and
Albemarle area.
It is also an important objective of
the Guidelines to establish a pattern
of compatible architectural
characteristics throughout the
Entrance Corridor in order to achieve
unity and coherence. Building
designs should demonstrate
sensitivity to other nearby structures
within the Entrance Corridor. Where
a designated corridor is substantially
developed, these Guidelines require
striking a careful balance between
harmonizing new development with
the existing character of the corridor
and achieving compatibility with the
significant historic sites in the area.
Building forms and features,
Revise the Nichiha panels to true brick.
including roofs, windows, doors,
Replace the ACM fascia panel system with a more
materials, colors and textures should
traditional architectural element(s).
be compatible with the forms and
The architectural design has been revised to include real
features of the significant historic
brick and painted stucco. The ACM fascia panel system
buildings in the area, exemplified by
has been deleted.
(but not limited to) the buildings
described in Appendix A [of the
Incorporate shaped roofs into the store /car wash and
design guidelines]. The standard of
canopy designs.
compatibility can be met through
The store roof is flat but the front face of the building now
scale, materials, and forms which
has a central gable /pediment form.
may be embodied in architecture
which is contemporary as well as
Revise the plan to orient the car wash doors away from the
traditional. The replication of
EC. Relocate the car wash structure behind the store as
important historic sites in Albemarle
viewed from the EC.
County is not the objective of these
The car wash has been moved to the back (east side) of the
building, away from the EC. The entry and exit doors are
now on the north and south sides of the building, towards
the back of the site.
The new architectural design incorporates features that are
found in historic architecture of the area: central gable,
brick base, brick pilasters, and walls divided into
base /middle /top. However, some elements are not used in
an historic manner. The pilasters do not visually support
anything, and the peak of the gable has been cut away.
These features may be viewed as an expression of
contemporary architecture in a design that also reflects
traditional architectural elements.
Buildings should relate to their site
Revise the proposal to include a canopy that is
and the surrounding context of
coordinated with an appropriately designed store building,
and a car wash that is coordinated with the store. Consider
color, material and form as means of coordination.
Architecture proposed within the
Entrance Corridor should use forms,
The size, form and material of the canopy haven't
shapes, scale, and materials to create
changed, but the red stripe has been deleted from the
a cohesive whole.
canopy fascia. This somewhat reduces the impact of the
canopy on the EC, and it reduces the incompatibility
between the canopy and the building.
Any appearance of "blankness"
Replace the fascia panel system with an architectural
resulting from building design
element that is more in keeping with the historic
should be relieved using design
architecture of the area.
detail or vegetation, or both.
The fascia panel system has been deleted from the
proposal. The new design features a central gable and
more traditional awning over the storefront windows.
The side elevations of the building have no windows. The
elevations are divided into bays by brick pilasters, and the
bays are detailed with a brick base and scored stucco.
Also, the north elevation has limited visibility from the
EC. Mechanical equipment on the south side of the
buildin is screened by a decorative brick wall.
Trademark buildings and related
The standard 7- Eleven store design has been revised.
features should be modified to meet
the requirements of the Guidelines.
Window glass in the Entrance
Provide specs on the proposed window glass. If glass is
Revise the glass reflectance note
Corridors should not be highly tinted
tinted, provide a sample for review. Maintain reflectance
to also indicate that the glass will
or highly reflective. Reflectance off
off the outside pane of glass below 7 %•
not be tinted, or provide the tinted
the outside pane of glass should be
A note added to the plan indicates that reflectance will be
glass sample for review.
kept below 7 %. Specifications on the
less than 7 %, but the note does not address tint.
proposed window glass and samples
of tinted window glass should be
submitted with the application for
final review.
Accessory structures and equipment
Accessory structures and equipment
Provide information on proposed rooftop equipment.
should be integrated into the overall
Indicate locations and sizes. Provide a roof plan and
plan of development and shall, to the
elevations that show the equipment. Show how visibility
extent possible, be compatible with
of the equipment from the Entrance Corridor will be
the building designs used on the site.
The applicant indicated at the June ARB meeting that no
The following should be located to
eliminate visibility from the Entrance
equipment is proposed for the roof.
Corridor street. If, after appropriate
siting, these features will still have a
Provide information on all car wash - related equipment
negative visual impact on the
and related lighting. Indicate locations on the plans and
Entrance Corridor street, screening
elevations and provide color illustrations for review.
should be provided to eliminate
The applicant has indicated verbally that there is no car
wash - related equipment to be installed.
a. Loading areas,
b. Service areas,
Add the following note to the site and architectural
c. Refuse areas,
drawings: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from
d. Storage areas,
the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
e. Mechanical equipment,
The note has been added to both plans.
f. Above - ground utilities, and
g. Chain link fence, barbed wire,
Provide a dumpster screen detail. Coordinate the dumpster
razor wire, and similar security
screen design with an appropriately designed store
fencing devices.
The existing dumpster at the site will be used. No new
Screening devices should be
compatible with the design of the
dumpster will be added.
buildings and surrounding natural
vegetation and may consist of:
a. Walls,
b. Plantings, and
c. Fencing.
The following note should be added
to the site plan and the architectural
plan: "Visibility of all mechanical
equipment from the Entrance
Corridor shall be eliminated."
Provide a lighting plan for review. Include fixture cut
Provide catalog cut sheets on a
Light levels exceeding 30
sheets as part of the site plan. Include information on all
site plan sheet(s) for each
footcandles are not appropriate for
equipment - related lighting. Include a lighting schedule on
proposed fixture. The cut sheet
display lots in the Entrance
the plan. Ensure that light levels under the canopy do not
should clearly indicate that the
Corridors. Lower light levels will
exceed 30 footcandles. Calculate photometrics using an
fixture is a full cutoff fixture.
apply to most other uses in the
LLF of 1.0.
Entrance Corridors.
A lighting plan has been provided. An LLF of 1.0 was
used to calculate the photometrics. Light levels under the
Clarify /correct the reference to
canopy reach 26.9 fc.
the F fixture on Sheet PHL
Small diagrams of the light fixtures are included on the
lighting plan. The cut sheets should appear on the plan
instead, so that the appearance of the fixture is clear, so
the catalog numbers can be checked to confirm the options
chosen, and so that staff can determine if the fixtures are
of the full cutoff variety. The photometric tabulations
provided for each fixture are not required.
Clearly show how all canopy lighting meets the EC
Guidelines. Ensure that light levels do not exceed 30 fc
under the canopy.
The small diagram of the canopy fixture illustrates what
appears to be a flush - mounted fixture, but a clear cut sheet
should be provided in the site plan.
An "F" fixture is noted in the pole fixture diagram, but it
does not appear on the plan.
Dark brown, dark bronze, or black
Bronze fixtures are proposed.
are appropriate colors for free-
standing pole mounted light fixtures
in the Entrance Corridors.
The height and scale of freestanding,
The building height ranges from 15 to 19' tall. The canopy
Reduce the "E" pole light height
pole- mounted light fixtures should be
is proposed at 17' 6" tall. Pole light height, including
to 18' maximum, including bases.
compatible with the height and scale
bases, is proposed at 16' (Fixture G) and 20' (Fixture E).
of the buildings and the sites they are
illuminating, and with the use of the
site. Typically, the height of
freestanding pole- mounted light
fixtures in the Entrance Corridors
should not exceed 20 feet, including
the base. Fixtures that exceed 20 feet
in height will typically require
additional screening to achieve an
appropriate appearance from the
Entrance Corridor.
The following note should be
The note does not appear on the plan.
Include the following note on the
included on the lighting plan: "Each
lighting plan: "Each outdoor
outdoor luminaire equipped with a
luminaire equipped with a lamp
lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial
that emits 3,000 or more initial
lumens shall be a full cutoff
lumens shall be a full cutoff
luminaire. The spillover of lighting
luminaire. The spillover of
from luminaires onto public roads
lighting from luminaires onto
and property I residential or rural
public roads and property I
areas zoning districts shall not
residential or rural areas zoning
exceed one half footcandle."
districts shall not exceed one half
Landscaping along the frontage of
Revise the site plan to make the utilities and utility
Provide written confirmation that
Entrance Corridor streets should
easements more easily legible. Increase the planting area
easement holders do not object to
include the following:
along the Route 29 side of the site to accommodate the
the landscape plan.
a. Large shade trees should be
required Entrance Corridor trees (31 /z" caliper trees, 35' on
planted parallel to the Entrance
center) outside of utilities and easements. Provide
Corridor Street. Such trees should be
interspersed ornamental trees along the EC.
at least 31/2 inches caliper (measured
The easements are more legible. EC trees have been
6 inches above the ground) and
provided and ornamental trees have been interspersed.
should be of a plant species common
Existing utilities and easements occupy considerable area
to the area. Such trees should be
on site. Trees and shrubs are proposed within easements in
located at least every 35 feet on
several locations.
b. Flowering ornamental trees of a
species common to the area should
be interspersed among the trees
required by the preceding paragraph.
The ornamental trees need not
alternate one for one with the large
shade trees. They may be planted
among the large shade trees in a less
regular spacing pattern.
d. An area of sufficient width to
accommodate the foregoing
plantings and fencing should be
reserved parallel to the Entrance
Corridor street, and exclusive of road
right -of -way and utility easements.
Landscaping of parking areas:
Add 21/2" caliper trees at 40' on center along the north side
Revise the demolition and
a. Large trees should align the
of the site.
landscape plans to show the
perimeter of parking areas, located
21 /z" caliper maple trees have been added along the north
additional dogwood to remain
40 feet on center. Trees should be
side of the site.
and the easternmost redbud
planted in the interior of parking
areas at the rate of one tree for every
Show the existing trees and shrubs on the south side of the
10 parking spaces provided and
site at their current size. Revise the notations so the sizes
should be evenly distributed
and species are easily legible. Ensure that existing trees on
throughout the interior of the parking
the south side of the site meet the 40' spacing
requirement. If they do not, add trees to meet the
b. Trees required by the preceding
paragraph should measure 21/2 inches
The plan shows three Eastern redbud added along
caliper (measured six inches above
Greenbrier Drive, and three holly trees near the dumpster.
the ground); should be evenly
Most of the existing holly and dogwoods in this area are to
spaced; and should be of a species
remain. The demolition plan shows two dogwoods to be
common to the area. Such trees
removed. Since the time the plan was submitted, the
should be planted in planters or
applicant has indicated that the easternmost dogwood that
medians sufficiently large to
is shown to be deleted will remain, and the easternmost
maintain the health of the tree and
redbud to be added will be eliminated.
shall be protected by curbing.
c. Shrubs should be provided as
Confirm the required number of parking spaces and an
necessary to minimize the parking
acceptable parking layout. Ensure that 21/2" caliper trees
area's impact on Entrance Corridor
are provided at the interior of the parking lot at a rate of 1
streets. Shrubs should measure 24
tree for every 10 parking spaces.
inches in height.
33 parking spaces are provided on site. Three interior
parking lot trees are required. This number has been
Provide shrubs on the EC side of the site, coordinated with
the required trees and shrubs. Indicate planting size as 24"
high minimum. Provide shrubs on the north side of the
parking lot. Indicate planting size as 24" high minimum.
Ilex cornuta and Ilex crenata are proposed along the EC
and on the north side of the parking lot. They are proposed
at 24" high at planting.
Landscaping of buildings and other
Revise the red maple to a species with a mature size that is
more suited to the location next to the building.
a. Trees or other vegetation should
The red maple has been revised to pyramidal European
be planted along the front of long
hornbeam, which grows smaller than the red maple.
buildings as necessary to soften the
appearance of exterior walls. The
spacing, size, and type of such trees
or vegetation should be determined
by the length, height, and blankness
of such walls.
b. Shrubs should be used to integrate
the site, buildings, and other
structures; dumpsters, accessory
buildings and structures; "drive thru"
windows; service areas; and signs.
Shrubs should measure at least 24
inches in height.
Plant health:
Add the following note to the landscape plan: "All site
The following note should be added
plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach,
to the landscape plan: "All site
and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is
plantings of trees and shrubs shall be
prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally
allowed to reach, and be maintained
and only to support the overall health of the plant."
at, mature height; the topping of trees
The note has been added.
is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall
be pruned minimally and only to
support the overall health of the
Development pattern
Site development should be sensitive
Show the canopy on the site plan.
to the existing natural landscape and
Notes have been added to the plan indicating that the
should contribute to the creation of
canopy and the concrete pad under the canopy have the
an organized development plan. This
same footrpint.
may be accomplished, to the extent
practical, by planting new trees along
streets and pedestrian ways and
choosing species that reflect native
forest elements; and limiting the
building mass and height to a scale
that does not overpower the natural
settings of the site, or the Entrance
The relationship of buildings and
other structures to the Entrance
Corridor street and to other
development within the corridor
should be as follows:
a. An organized pattern of roads,
service lanes, bike paths, and
pedestrian walks should guide the
layout of the site.
Fuel Pump Canopies
Fuel pump canopies may be required
Reduce the canopy size (the number of pump islands
to provide customers with protection
and/or the distance between pump islands) and/or revise
from the elements and to provide
the site layout to minimize the impact of the canopy on the
lighting levels required for
store building and the overall site.
dispensing fuel. Such fuel pump
The canopy size has not changed. Its appearance will still
canopies are functional elements of
dominate the site and the building.
present -day gas /convenience stores
and their character and appearance
Revise the canopy to reflect a minimalist design that is
shall reflect a minimalist design
coordinated with an appropriately designed convenience
consistent with that function.
store building. Provide a more minimalist approach to
color in the canopy design. Rely less on corporate
Fuel pump canopies shall be the
smallest size possible to offer
identification. Provide color samples for review.
protection from the elements.
The red stripe has been removed from the canopy. This
Canopies shall not exceed the sizes
will reduce the negative impact of the canopy on the site
identified in Standards for Fuel
and the Entrance Corridor.
Pump Canopies as outlined in
Appendix B.
Canopy fascias shall be limited to the
use of one principal color, with ARB
Colors, materials, forms, and
detailing may be used to coordinate
canopies with a site, its building(s),
and structures.
Lighting of fuel pump canopies shall
The canopy fixtures appear to be the flush- mounted type,
See lighting comments, above.
be of the lowest level that will
but confirmation is required.
provide safe dispensing of fuel. All
canopy lighting shall be flush -
mounted and shielded, downward
directed, and shall not emit light
above the horizontal plane. All
canopy lighting shall meet the .5
foot -candle spillover requirement in
compliance with zoning ordinance
Canopy related elements, including
Provide color illustrations and lighting information on the
fuel dispensers, support columns,
proposed fuel dispensers, canopy supports, and all other
spandrels, planters, etc. shall be
canopy - related items for review.
compatible with the character of the
building and site and shall not be
A photograph of the proposed fuel dispenser has been
used for advertising.
submitted. The sides appear to be silver, the front dark
blue, and the top white. Canopy supports are white.
Consult the EC Sign Guidelines and provide complete
The applicant should note that
sign information with the next submittal (color
approval of sign permit
illustrations and details on size, illumination, color
applications is still required for
samples, etc.). Provide all of the information required on
the wall signs and the
the sign checklist. Include information for all site, canopy,
freestanding sign refacing prior to
store and car wash signs.
Three cabinet style wall signs are proposed for the
building. Each measures 4' x 4' and consists of an opaque
white background and an illuminated 7- Eleven logo in two
shades of red (Pantone 172 and 485) and green (Pantone
347). The signs are centered in the end bays of the front
elevation and the westernmost bay of the south elevation.
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Canopy size and design, illumination
2. Convenience store pilasters and broken gable
3. 7- Eleven wall sign design and position
Staff recommends approval with the following conditions:
1. Revise the glass reflectance note to also indicate that the glass will not be tinted, or provide the tinted glass sample for review.
2. Provide catalog cut sheets on a site plan sheet(s) for each proposed fixture. The cut sheet should clearly indicate that the fixture is a full cutoff
3. Clarify /correct the reference to the F fixture on Sheet PH 1.
4. Reduce the "E" pole light height to 18' maximum, including bases.
5. Include the following note on the lighting plan: "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full
cutoff luminaire. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property I residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed
one half footcandle."
6. Provide written confirmation that easement holders do not object to the landscape plan.
7. Revise the demolition and landscape plans to show the additional dogwood to remain and the easternmost redbud eliminated.
8. The applicant should note that approval of sign permit applications is still required for the wall signs and the freestanding sign refacing prior to
Channel letters are typically the preferred sign type for
wall signs, but the simple, square cabinet and its position
on this building appear to be appropriate.
The applicant plans to reface the existing freestanding
sign. That design can be reviewed when the sign
applicat ion is submitted.
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Canopy size and design, illumination
2. Convenience store pilasters and broken gable
3. 7- Eleven wall sign design and position
Staff recommends approval with the following conditions:
1. Revise the glass reflectance note to also indicate that the glass will not be tinted, or provide the tinted glass sample for review.
2. Provide catalog cut sheets on a site plan sheet(s) for each proposed fixture. The cut sheet should clearly indicate that the fixture is a full cutoff
3. Clarify /correct the reference to the F fixture on Sheet PH 1.
4. Reduce the "E" pole light height to 18' maximum, including bases.
5. Include the following note on the lighting plan: "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full
cutoff luminaire. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property I residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed
one half footcandle."
6. Provide written confirmation that easement holders do not object to the landscape plan.
7. Revise the demolition and landscape plans to show the additional dogwood to remain and the easternmost redbud eliminated.
8. The applicant should note that approval of sign permit applications is still required for the wall signs and the freestanding sign refacing prior to
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4012
June 21, 2011
Eric P. Goetz
968 Mountain Road
Afton, Va. 22920
RE: ARB- 2011 -57: Greenbrier 7- Eleven Tax Map 61W, Section 2, Block B, Parcel 3
Dear Eric:
The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on Monday, June 20, 2011, completed a preliminary review of the above -noted request to replace the
existing convenience store and car wash building with a new combined structure, and to replace the fuel pump canopy. The Board offered the following comments for
the benefit of the applicant's next submittal. Please note that the following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments may be added
or eliminated based on further review and changes to the plan.
1. Revise the design of the store /car wash and the canopy to reflect elements of Albemarle's historic architecture. Make traditional architectural features the focus
of the design.
2. Revise the design of the store /car wash and the canopy to eliminate the focus on corporate identification features. Eliminate or significantly revise the color
banding. Use architectural forms and details instead of applied corporate identification treatments to distinguish the store and canopy.
3. Revise the Nichiha panels to true brick.
4. Replace the ACM fascia panel system with a more traditional architectural element(s).
5. Incorporate shaped roofs into the store /car wash and canopy designs.
6. Revise the plan to orient the car wash doors away from the EC.
7. Relocate the car wash structure behind the store as viewed from the EC.
8. Revise the proposal to include a canopy that is coordinated with an appropriately designed store building, and a car wash that is coordinated with the store.
Consider color, material and form as means of coordination.
9. Replace the fascia panel system with an architectural element that is more in keeping with the historic architecture of the area.
10. Provide specs on the proposed window glass. If glass is tinted, provide a sample for review. Maintain reflectance off the outside pane of glass below 7 %.
11. Provide information on proposed rooftop equipment. Indicate locations and sizes. Provide a roof plan and elevations that show the equipment. Show how
visibility of the equipment from the Entrance Corridor will be eliminated.
12. Provide information on all car wash - related equipment and related lighting. Indicate locations on the plans and elevations and provide color illustrations for
13. Add the following note to the site and architectural drawings: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
14. Provide a dumpster screen detail. Coordinate the dumpster screen design with an appropriately designed store building.
15. Revise the site plan to make the utilities and utility easements more easily legible.
16. Increase the planting area along the Route 29 side of the site to accommodate the required Entrance Corridor trees (3' /z" caliper trees, 35' on center) outside of
utilities and easements.
17. Provide interspersed ornamental trees along the EC.
18. Add 2'/2" caliper trees at 40' on center along the north side of the site.
19. Show the existing trees and shrubs on the south side of the site at their current size. Revise the notations so the sizes and species are easily legible.
20. Ensure that existing trees on the south side of the site meet the 40' spacing requirement. If they do not, add trees to meet the requirement.
21. Confirm the required number of parking spaces and an acceptable parking layout. Ensure that 2'/2" caliper trees are provided at the interior of the parking lot at
a rate of 1 tree for every 10 parking spaces.
22. Provide shrubs on the EC side of the site, coordinated with the required trees and shrubs. Indicate planting size as 24" high minimum.
23. Provide shrubs on the north side of the parking lot. Indicate planting size as 24" high minimum.
24. Revise the red maple to a species with a mature size that is more suited to the location next to the building.
25. Add the following note to the landscape plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping
of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant."
26. Show the canopy on the site plan.
27. Reduce the canopy size (the number of pump islands and/or the distance between pump islands) and/or revise the site layout to minimize the impact of the
canopy on the store building and the overall site.
28. Provide color illustrations and lighting information on the proposed fuel dispensers, canopy supports, and all other canopy - related items for review.
29. Revise the canopy to reflect a minimalist design that is coordinated with an appropriately designed convenience store building. Provide a more minimalist
approach to color in the canopy design. Rely less on corporate identification. Provide color samples for review.
30. Provide a lighting plan for review. Include fixture cut sheets as part of the site plan. Include information on all equipment - related lighting. Include a lighting
schedule on the plan. Ensure that light levels under the canopy do not exceed 30 footcandles. Calculate photometrics using an LLF of 1.0.
31. Clearly show how all canopy lighting meets the EC Guidelines. Ensure that light levels do not exceed 30 fc under the canopy.
32. Consult the EC Sign Guidelines and provide complete sign information with the next submittal (color illustrations and details on size, illumination, color
samples, etc.). Provide all of the information required on the sign checklist. Include information for all site, canopy, store and car wash signs.
You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms, checklists and schedules are available on -line at
Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are required. Include updated ARB revision dates on each drawing and an ARB approval signature panel.
Please provide a memo including detailed responses indicating how each comment has been addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made, identify
those changes in the memo also. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with "clouding" or by other means will facilitate review and approval.
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me.
Margaret Maliszewski
Principal Planner
cc: Tiger Fuel Company, P. O. Box 1607, Charlottesville, Va. 22902
Greenbrier Real Property LLC, 200 Carlton Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22902
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date/Revision Date
Exterior Elevations
Petroleum Canopy Elevations
Building Floor Plan
Cover Sheet
Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan
Layout Plan
Grading and Utility Plan
Landscape Plan and calculations
Photometric Plan
Photometric information
Material Samples: Lawrenceville Brick: Monticello; Paint: Benjamin Moore 2112 -20
"Brown Sugar" and AF -135 "Affinity — interlude"
Sign drawing
Photo of fuel dispenser