HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201100086 Review Comments Preliminary Site Plan 2011-08-29ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project # /Name
ARB- 2011 -86: Brown Toyota Renovation - Pantops
Review Type
Conceptual Review
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 78, Parcel 14
1357 Richmond Road (Rt. 250 East), across from Town and Country Lane
Highway Commercial (HC); Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
Virginia's First Family of Fine Cars Inc./Daggett & Grigg (Clark Gathright)
Magisterial District
To renovate the exterior of the existing vehicle showroom using aluminum composite panels and a
translucent glazing system.
The site is located on the south side of Route 250 East in the Pantops commercial area. This part of Pantops
is characterized by a number of automobile dealerships, many of which predate the establishment of the
Entrance Corridor.
The north and west elevation of the Brown Toyota building are readily visible from the Route 250 East
Entrance Corridor. The east elevation is less visible due to topography and landscaping.
ARB Meeting Date
September 6, 2011
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
Project History
The original building at this site predates the establishment of Route 250 East as an Entrance Corridor. In 1994 the ARB reviewed proposals
for additions for the service area (east end of building) and showroom/office (west end of building). The expansion of vehicle display at the
back of the property was reviewed in 2002 and 2003, and landscaping changes were reviewed in 2003. Signs were reviewed in 1999, 2002,
2004, 2006 and 2009.
The goal of the regulation of the design of
The proposed renovation does not increase the
Revise the design to reflect
development within the designated Entrance
compatibility of the building with the historic
the traditional architecture
Corridors is to insure that new development
architecture of the area. It does not include materials,
of the area. Maintain the
within the corridors reflects the traditional
features or details that reflect the traditional
red brick walls, or
architecture of the area. Therefore, it is the
architecture of the area. The proposed renovation
incorporate new brick as a
purpose of ARB review and of these Guidelines,
would obscure the brick walls of the building,
major element of the new
that proposed development within the
thereby further limiting the connection to
designated Entrance Corridors reflect elements
Albemarle's historic architecture.
of design characteristic of the significant
historical landmarks, buildings, and structures
of the Charlottesville and Albemarle area, and
to promote orderly and attractive development
within these corridors. Applicants should note
that replication of historic structures is neither
required nor desired.
Visitors to the significant historical sites in the
Although some additions /renovations to the existing
Revise the design to show a
Charlottesville and Albemarle area experience
building have been reviewed/approved by the ARB,
strong compatibility with
these sites as ensembles of buildings, land, and
the original building and site layout predate the
the historic architecture of
vegetation. In order to accomplish the
establishment of Route 250 East as an Entrance
the area.
integration of buildings, land, and vegetation
Corridor. The existing building does not meet all
characteristic of these sites, the Guidelines
current EC guidelines, and the proposed renovation
require attention to four primary factors:
does not improve the situation. The proposed
compatibility with significant historic sites in
materials, colors, forms and details would further
the area; the character of the Entrance Corridor;
distance the building from compatibility with
site development and layout; and landscaping.
Albemarle's significant historic sites. No site
changes are proposed with the building renovation.
New structures and substantial additions to
existing structures should respect the traditions
of the architecture of historically significant
buildings in the Charlottesville and Albemarle
area. Photographs of historic buildings in the
area, as well as drawings of architectural
features, which provide important examples of
this tradition are contained in Appendix A.
The examples contained in Appendix A should
Although contemporary designs can be approved in
Revise the proposal to
be used as a guide for building design: the
the Entrance Corridors, they must still be compatible
significantly increase
standard of compatibility with the area's historic
with the historic structures of the area and this
compatibility with
structures is not intended to impose a rigid
proposed renovation is not compatible with
Albemarle's historic
design solution for new development.
Albemarle's historic architecture. The proposed
architecture. Revise the
Replication of the design of the important
change to the entrance establishes a more
entrance feature to maintain
historic sites in the area is neither intended nor
monumental, rather than human, scale for that
human scale and to
desired. The Guideline's standard of
building element. The size and form of the entrance
emphasize traditional
compatibility can be met through building scale,
exhibit a clear focus on corporate identification,
architectural elements
materials, and forms which may be embodied in
which is further emphasized by the red striping and
rather than corporate
architecture which is contemporary as well as
bold signage. The extensive use of aluminum
identification. Maintain
traditional. The Guidelines allow individuality
composite panels and the covering of the existing
visibility of the existing
in design to accommodate varying tastes as well
brick with the panels both further distance the
brick or incorporate
as special functional requirements.
building from traditional architecture.
substantial new brick into
the renovation.
Compatibility with the character of the Entrance Corridor
It is also an important objective of the
The proposed renovation shares some elements with
Revise the proposal to
Guidelines to establish a pattern of compatible
some of the auto dealerships that exist along this
balance contemporary
architectural characteristics throughout the
stretch of the EC (for example, the renovated Flow
design and compatibility
Entrance Corridor in order to achieve unity and
building, a photo of which the applicant has
with Albemarle's
coherence. Building designs should demonstrate
provided) in that it utilizes a prominent
significant historic sites.
sensitivity to other nearby structures within the
fascia/signband divided into panels, a large and
Entrance Corridor. Where a designated corridor
prominent entrance feature, and extensive glass
is substantially developed, these Guidelines
storefront windows that extend to ground level.
require striking a careful balance between
Although these features repeat along the EC, they are
harmonizing new development with the existing
not representative of the historic architecture of the
character of the corridor and achieving
area. Consequently, duplication and repetition of
compatibility with the significant historic sites
these elements is not a positive contribution to the
in the area.
Compatibility with significant historic sites
Structure design
Building forms and features, including roofs,
The forms, features, materials and textures of the
Revise the design to include
windows, doors, materials, colors and textures
proposed renovation are not compatible with the
building forms and features,
should be compatible with the forms and
forms and features of the historic architecture of the
materials, colors, and
features of the significant historic buildings in
area. The proposed aluminum panels for the walls
textures that are
the area, exemplified by (but not limited to) the
and the translucent white glass panels proposed for
representative of the
buildings described in Appendix A [of the
the entrance were not used historically. The
historic architecture of
design guidelines]. The standard of
application of the glass panels becomes the primary
Albemarle County.
compatibility can be met through scale,
feature of the building and its translucent character,
materials, and forms which may be embodied in
allowing light to shine through, allows it to function
Provide side elevations for
architecture which is contemporary as well as
as a billboard and a focus of attention rather than a
traditional. The replication of important historic
compatible element.
sites in Albemarle County is not the objective of
these guidelines.
The proposed materials would be applied in a way
that obscures the existing red brick of the building.
Buildings should relate to their site and the
This eliminates visibility of a primary existing
surrounding context of buildings.
feature that does provide a connection to the historic
architecture of the area.
The applicant points out that the use of the red stripe
and signage of the existing building are continued in
the renovation, but these features are not
representative of historic architecture and exist
primarily as corporate identification rather than the
continuation of architectural features that are
representative of Albemarle's traditional architecture.
The white /gray /silver colors, the prominent entrance
feature, the heavy fascia for signage and color stripe,
and the relatively thin vertical supports with
extensive glass are all elements of today's typical
automobile dealership standard design. The goal of
this type of design is corporate identification, not
compatibility with the historic architecture of
Albemarle County.
Side elevations were not provided.
The overall design of buildings should have
The proposed renovation further diminishes the
Revise the proposal to
human scale. Scale should be integral to the
connection of the building to human scale. The
include human scale as an
building and site design.
entrance feature, in particular, is monumental in
integral, recognizable part
of the design.
Architecture proposed within the Entrance
The proposed renovation is an attempt to make the
Revise the design to include
Corridor should use forms, shapes, scale, and
building consistent with the Toyota national branding
building forms and features,
materials to create a cohesive whole.
scheme. As such, it is about corporate identity, not
compatibility with the historic architecture of
materials, colors, and
textures that are
Trademark buildings and related features should
be modified to meet the requirements of the
Albemarle County.
representative of the
historic architecture of
Albemarle County.
Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should
The proposed north elevation drawing shows some
Revise the drawings to
not be highly tinted or highly reflective.
existing storefront glass, but it appears that at least
clearly show existing glass
Reflectance off the outside pane of glass should
some of the glass will be new. No information on
to remain and new glass to
be kept below 7 %. Specifications on the proposed
new glass has been submitted.
be installed. Provide
window glass and samples of tinted window glass
specifications for proposed
should be submitted with the application for final
glass. Show that reflectance
off the outside pane will be
kept below 7 %.
Accessory structures and equipment
Accessory structures and equipment should be
No information on new equipment or changes to
Confirm in writing that no
integrated into the overall plan of development
existing equipment has been submitted.
new equipment and no
and shall, to the extent possible, be compatible
changes to existing
with the building designs used on the site.
equipment are proposed.
A complete sign review was not completed but the
Provide more detail on the
signs, as illustrated, are a focus of the design. The
proposed wall signs to
Scion sign, in particular, appears to be overscaled,
receive preliminary
and it is a different type of sign than the others on the
comments on size and
building. The combined sign area may exceed the
design issues.
total allowed by ordinance, so the applicant is
encouraged to provide a more detailed sign proposal
with the next submittal.
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Proposed building materials: aluminum composite panels and translucent glazing system
2. Brick in the existing building/brick in the renovated building
3. The entrance element
4. The general architectural character of the renovation
5. Signs: type, character, proportion
Staff offers the following comments on the conceptual design:
1. Revise the design to reflect Albemarle's historic architecture and to include building forms and features, materials, colors, and textures that are
representative of that architectural tradition.
2. Revise the proposal to balance contemporary design and compatibility with Albemarle's significant historic sites.
3. Maintain visibility of the existing brick or incorporate substantial new brick as a major element of the new design.
4. Revise the proposal to include human scale as an integral, recognizable part of the overall design.
5. Revise the entrance feature to maintain human scale and to emphasize traditional architectural elements rather than corporate identification.
6. Provide side elevations for review.
7. Revise the drawings to clearly show existing glass to remain and new glass to be installed. Provide specifications for proposed glass. Show that
reflectance off the outside pane will be kept below 7 %.
8. Confirm in writing that no new equipment and no changes to existing equipment are proposed.
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date/Revision Date
Prototypical illustration
July 25, 2011
Elevation of proposed renovation
July 25, 2011
Entrance Corridor views from east and west
July 25, 2011
Recent example Pantops auto dealership renovation (Flow)
July 25, 2011
North Elevation — proposed and existing
Jul 25, 2011
Site plan
July 25, 2011