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April 21, 1982 (Regular Night Meeting)
A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on
April 21, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Auditorium of the County-~Office Building, Charlottesville,
Present: Mr. James R. Butler, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher, J. T.
Henley, Jr., C. Timothy Lindstrom and Miss Ellen V. Nash.
Absent: None.
Officers Pressent:
St. John.
Agenda Item No. 1.
Mr. Fisher.
County Executive, Guy B. Agnor, Jr. and County Attorney, George R.
The meeting was called to order at 7:38 P.M. by the Chairman,
Agenda Item No. 2. Public Hearing: 1982-83 County Budget. (Notice of this public
hearing was given in the Daily Progress on April 13, 1982.)
Mr. Fisher made some opening remarks, then turned the meeting over to Mr. Agnor to make
a more complete presentation'of the figures contained in the budget.
The public hearing was opened and the first to speak was Mr. Lynn Coffman. He asked if
this was the first year that the Legal Aid Society was being funded by the County. Mr. Agnor
said that was correct. Mr. Coffman said that this group is seen more as being legal activists
than as a boon for the poor. It is a self-perpetuating group and once funded, it is almost
presumptive that the group has a right to more money in future years. Mr. Coffman said he
did not see this item as being essential to the taxpayers of the County and asked that it be
stricken from the budget. In reference to the Albemarle Housing Improvement Program, he said
it is a welfarish program which benefits few people of the County at the expense of all the
taxpayers. Since his residence needs improvements, he does not think it is fair for him to
be taxed to foot the bill for improving other peoples properties. He feels this should be a
decreasing item that eventually disappears from the budget. In reference to the Monticello
Area Community Action Agency, he said it funds a very small segment of welfarish people and
he does not feel it is fair for the general citizenry to have to continue year after year
putting out money for these kinds of program.
Mrs. Mildred Nobles, from the Newtown Community Action group, an organization that MACAA
set up, said this organization is doing a lot for informal education.
Mrs. Dorley Sims from Newtown on Route 690, said they have worked hard since a person
from MACAA came out to help and are presently fixing up a community center.
Ms. Wilma Barbour, Newtown, said the Newtown Community Action is a group of peopie
working together to help each other. She said they need someone to show then how to begin
and David Sandridge from MACAA has done that. They want to improve life in every way they
can. She said they would like to fix the center which used to be a segregated black school
and which all of the residents in the area attended. She said the building needs everything
and they have been on a fund-raising compaign.
Ms. Edna Larkin said MACAA has sponsored two workshops at the center. Also MACAA staff
has worked individually with certain members of the community. They are helping with a
summer youth employment program using CETA funds for five or six youths to help develop a
community softball park, an outdoor basketball court and a playground for small children.
Mr. Don Nobles, president of Newtown Community Action, spoke next.
had done a good job.
He said that MACAA
Ms. Elizabeth Samuels, League of Women Voters, said the League feels the process of
deliberation on the budget has been improved this year, particularly the consideration of
requests by agencies in the human development category. The staff committee which reviewed
these requests made a major contribution to public understanding. However, the League
questions some of the assumptions of the committee and disagrees with some of its conclusions.
The League does not feel that the Youth Service Center duplicates any other programs. The
League believes that the Center's role in preventing many other problems is unique and
essential. The League feels that MACAA should be funded in the full amount requested since
the money goes for community organizing efforts which have resulted in models of success such
as the Newtown Community Action Association. As to the Charlottesville-Albemarle Legal Aid
Society, the League feels that Legal Aid should be funded for the entire $4,885 requested
rather than the $3,200 recommended by staff. The League believes that many of Legal Aid's
services can be made available to County residents only if the agency is granted the full
amount of funding. ~he League feels that JAUNT's price to its user. should be kept as low as
feasible so asks that the amount of $12,938 be granted. The League hopes that Outreach
Counseling and Community Attention can be supported at levels that will allow them to meet
the needs in the County. The League does not recommend funding for the Women's Health
Center, and questions funding recommended by the Board for Madison House since the League
believes Madison House can be run entirely with private funds. Ms. Samuels said that regarding
the School budget, although it is not a program budget, it appears that an effort has been
made to connect the funding in existing categories and to develop priorities for expenditures.
Ms. Amy Melville was present to speak about"the'Youth Service Center. She asked that
the request be changed to $6,242 which will match the funding approved by the City. She said
that prevention services are needed in the community instead of treatment services. She went
on to explain some of the work at the Center. She believes that the recommendation from the
committee not to fund this agency resulted from a misunderstanding because the committee said
this agency duplicates work of Madison House and MACAA and maybe even Outreach Counseling.
Ms. Melville said the cancern about Madison House was based on a misunderstanding of the word
"coordination". Madisoh House coordinates volunteers and the Youth Service Center coordinates
agencies, does research and plans programs to determine how to best use the limited funds of
those agencies. There is no duplication of Outreach Counseling which furnishes treatment for
kids who have a problem.
April 21, 1982 (Regular Night Meeting)
Mr. Art Sullivan, Chairman, Youth Commission, Said he has worked in the mental health
field for ten years and he knows that when you give money it is'up to the agency to do with
it what it wants. That can lead to duplication. He sought a position on the Commission and
he considers it a very valuable~service that is not duplicated elsewhere in the community.
Mr. Patrick Iachetta, Chairman of the Youth Advisory Board, said his committee had sent
a letter to the Board. They feel it is a vital service in the community. They recently held
a youth talent show and raised $100 for various programs.
Ms. Amy Castillo thanked the Board for the money recommended for the Shelter for Help in
Emergency. As a taxpayer, she said she is glad to know that tax monies go to support communit
based projects such as the Shelter.
Ms. Mindy Rosenberg spoke in support of the Shelter for Help in Emergency. She works at
the Shelter to develop programs for women and children, and she said that they try to teach
alternatives to violence.
Ms. Linda Kessinger said she has worked at SHE for two years as a volunteer. She is
working on a fund drive, but would like to thank the Board for its continued support of this
Mr. Melvin Wilson said he lives in the County and is a professor at the University of
Virginia. He works as a Board member for SHE with some of his~students. SHE has provided
adequate coverage to some people suffering from family violence. It is estimated that about
15% of the women in America experience violence with their partner at some time. SHE is one
remedy in trying to prevent some of these types of problems.'
Melvina said she is a resident of the Shelter at this time; she is a resident of Keswick
and appreciates what the Shelter has done for her.
Ms. Pat Root said she lives in North Garden and asked the Board to approve full funding
for the Shelter which frequently is the only alternative of a lot of these people.
Mr. Jeff Douglas, President, Albemarle Education Association, said he feels that teachers
have been asked to bear a disproportionate share of any financial crisis that has happened in
the past. The Virginia General Assembly, this year, did not approve a salary incentive fund
for teachers, but did increase the per pupil allotment to localities, and indicated that the
additional money should be spent on teachers salaries by providing at least a 10% increase to
teachers each year of the biennium. The Albemarle Education Association is pleased that
Albemarle County will be among a few of the localities in the State meeting the standard for
teachers salaries for this year. Mr. Douglas said the budget for the next fiscal year, 1983-
84, will see a number of challenges since the so-called FICA plan will no longer be allowed.
Teachers who were opposed to the plan in the beginning, expect the Board to honor its pledge
of three years ago to restore take-home pay to comparable levels in spite of this. Also, the
revenue sharing plan~or annexation with the City of Charlottesville, whichever comes about,
will require additional revenue from County taxpayers and the teachers do not expect to bear
a disproportionate share of those costs. The Albemarle Education Association expects the
Board to honor the wishes of the General Assembly by providing at least a 10% increase in the
second year of the biennium and urges passage of the 1982-83 budget as presented to the Board
by the School Board.
Mr. Charles Tolbert said the school budget has gone through a long public hearing process
and been cut severely by that process. He said he understands that there is still a $161,000
cut requested from this budget this year and that some of the money can be made up through
actual real cost reductions and some increased revenues. He urged that if at all possible
those things that are not covered by such real cost reductions or increased revenues be
considered for restoration to the school budget.
Mrs. Sally Thomas said she thinks the School Board can live with the cut made by the
Board of Supervisors, although the School Board had already cut many thousands of dollars.
She asked that there be no more cuts and urged that the amount cut be returned. She said she
regards this budget as a minimal budget for education of the 9,100 students in Albemarle
Mr. Fisher said the fact that the increase for teacher's Salaries is in this budget is a
direct indication of what the General Assembly has done for the first time in a number of
years in that they increased the basic aid for students to a more realistic value. If that
had not happened, there would have been the same battle here that usually occurs each year.
He said he hopes the General Assembly will continue to do this in the future particulary if
they are going to set teachers' salaries. With no one else rising to speak, Mr. Fisher then
closed the public hearing a~d announced that the Board had scheduled final action for this
budget for April 28. He then asked for comments from the ind±vidual Board members.
Miss Nash Said she felt the Board had made a big mistake in not funding the Youth Service
Center and she Would be in favor of restoring that cut.
Mr. Butler said he appreciates hearing from the people who have some concerns about the
budget. He hopes that all recognize that the Board is working very hard to be fair and do a
good job for everybodyJ
Mr. Lindstrom said he is concerned about the Youth Service Center; not knowing what will
happen if the County does not appropriate money and ultimately how this organization will
quantify what it does. Mr. Lindstrom said his problem with the request is that the items
cited tonight don't give anyone anything to get a hold on. He would like to know what the
County would be getting for its $6,242. He said he understands that the Youth Service Center
has had a difficult time getting someone to work with it and in fact that it is an organizatio~
in search of a purpose. He said he is reluctant to fund something that is as nebulous as
With no further comments, the Board recessed at 8:56 P.M. and reconvened at 9:07 P.M.
April 21, 1982 (Regular Night Meeting)
Agenda Item No. 3. Hatton Ferry Committee, Charge to and appointment of same.
read the following list of duties for such a committee:
Miss Nash
Determine how to continue the Hatton Ferry operation being consistent
with its existing character..
2. Determine how to finance the operation.
Determine if there are other activities appropriate to the property
other than operation of the ferry.
4. Pursue the designation of the Hatton Ferry as an Historical Landmark.
Miss Nash then recommended the following persons for appointment:
Mrs. Betty McLemore, Visitor's Bureau
Mrs. Christie Schmick, James River Runners
Mr. Joe Jenkins, Albemarle County Historical Society
Mr. Pat Mullaney, Director, Parks and Recreation
Mr. Raymon Thacker, Mayor, Town of Scottsville
Mr. Russell Otis, Albemarle County Staff
Miss Nash then offered motion to adopt the charge to the committee and appoint the
committee members. Mr. Henley said he will support this motion but he did not support funding
of the operation of the Ferry for a full year although he would have supported it if the
funding had been cut off in the Fall. He said it is ridiculous to spend money to operate the
Ferry during the winter when it is almost entirely a tourist attraction. The motion was then
seconded by Mr. Lindstrom and carried by the following recorded'vote:
Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash.
Agenda Item No. 5. Approval of Minutes. July 8 and August 5, 1981, and had not been
read. Miss Nash had read August 12 and noted that on Page 340, third paragraph, "Mr. Gerald
Tremblay, attorney, was present" should be changed to ""Mr. Wade Tremblay, representing the
applicant, was present" and on Page 354, Agenda Item No. 17, the words "a copy of the suit"
should be changed to "a transcript of the suit". Motion was then offered by Miss Nash,
seconded by Mr. Lindstrom, to approve the minutes of August 12, 1981, as amended. The motion
carried by the following recorded vote:
Mr. Butler, Mrs Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash.
Agenda Item No. 4. Clarification of Service Authority Jurisdictional Boundary Note.
Mr. Fisher said he had been advised by counsel that this matter should be discussed in execu-
tive session. Mr. Lindstrom made motion to this effect including discussion of a personnel
matter. The motion was seconded by Miss Nash at 9:15 P.M. Roll was called, and the motion
carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash.
NAYS: None.
The Board reconvened into open session at 11:08 P.M. Mr. Fisher said he woUld like to
state for the record that Mr. Lindstrom did not participate in the discussion concerning ~
extension of water service to property appealed by Mr. Ed Amato, who is represented here
tonight by Mr. Ed Bain, and which has been the subject of part of the discussion in executive
session. Mr. Fisher then asked if someone had a motion to present.
Miss Nash said she would offer motion to addopt a resolution, but would prefer that
Mr. St. John read the exact language (which follows):
RESOLVED, that the Albemarle County SerVice Authorit~y be permitted to extend
water service to the existing structures only on the properties represented by
Mr. Edward W. Amato, Realtor, (Tax Map 61, Parcel 4 and Tax Map 61, Parcel 4A)
because of a misunderstanding as to the boundaries of the service area of the
Albemarle County Service Authority in this vicinity;
HOWEVER, it is not the intent of the Board to affirm the interpretation
of the Service Authority as to the service areas in this vicinity and, the Board
intends to clarify this area as soon as possible.
The foregoing motion was seconded by Mrs. Cooke. Mr. Fisher said it is clear that the
motion applies only to the property that was the subject of the appeal.. Mr. Fisher said he
will not support the motion. He does not believe there has been any serious misinterpretation
of the service boundary. The service areas have been clearly shown on maps for a year and a
half and the only misinterpretation is the result of one action for one existing house where
a well had failed and that should not be a reason for extension of service outside of the
growth areas. Mr. Fisher said he thinks it is. a serious mistake for the Board to make, but
he is under the impression that the Board is going to move very rapidly to resolve all of the
service area questions by means of a new map; there will no longer be any notes on the bottom
of maps talking about properties adjacent to waterlines. Roll was called at this time, and
the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Miss Nash.
NAYS: Mr. Fisher.
ABSTAIN: Mr. Lindstrom.
April 21, 1982 (Regular Night Meeting)
Agenda Item No. 6. Other Matters Not on the Agenda. Mr. Agnor presented a lottery
permit application for the LAMBDA GAMMA of CHI OMEGA for games to be held on April 26. Upon
motion by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mrs. Cooke, the permit was approved in accordance with
the Board's adopted rules for issuance of such permits. The motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash.
Mr. Butler said he has had several people call him concerning a new trapping ordinance
which may be adopted pursuant to new State enabling legislation. He said the Board needs to
decide how this request should be handled, and he asked Mr. St. John to explain the law in
Mr. Fisher asked if anything needed to be done immediately. Mr. St. John said the Board
would have to notify the Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries of its intent to
adopt such an ordinance so that this fact could be included in the new booklet on hunting
laws. Mr. Henley said he did not think the Board has time to adopt such an ordinance this
year. Mr. Butler said Mr. St. John has raised a question as to whether this new law is any
different from the laws already on the books, but the people raising the questions need to
know what the Board will do with their request. Mr. Henley then offered motion not to take
any action on this request because he feels that a letter written by Mr. St. Joh~ to Senator
Thomas Michie shows that the problem is already covered by another law. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Butler.
At this time, Mr. Lindstrom moved that the motion be tabled until next week.
gave second to this motion which carried by the following recorded vote:
Miss Nash
Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash.
Mr. Agnor announced that in researching the Code of Virginia, the Director of Finance
has found that the gas customers of the City system who live in the County should be charged
the County's consumer utility tax, so Mr. Jones has notified the City Finance Director that
beginning on May 1, 1982, these customers will be subject to the County's utility tax.
Agenda Item No. 7. At 11:20 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by
Mrs. Cooke, to adjourn this meeting until April 28, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. The motion carried by
the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash.
NAYS: None.