HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201100062 Review Comments Miscellaneous Submittal 2011-08-12ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT Project #/Name ARB- 2011 -62: Regal Cinema at Stonefield - Landscaping Review Type Work session on landscaping issues Parcel Identification Tax Map 61W, Section 3, Parcel 19B, 23, 24 and 25 Location In the Stonefield development located at the northwest corner of Route 29 North and Hydraulic Road. The cinema is proposed for the location bounded by Hydraulic on the south, Swanson on the east, and Stonefield Blvd. on the west. Zoned Neighborhood Model District (NMD); Entrance Corridor (EC) Owner /Applicant Albemarle Place EAAP LLC/Edens & Avant (Chris Haine) Magisterial District Jack Jouett Proposal To install landscaping as part of the Regal Cinema project in the Stonefield Town Center development. Context The cinema is proposed as part of the Stonefield Town Center development. The back of the cinema faces Hydraulic Road. Development on the south side of Hydraulic includes a mix of commercial and residential properties, most at 1 -2 stories in height. Visibility The proposed cinema will be readily visible from the Hydraulic Road Entrance Corridor. It will also be visible from the Route 29 North corridor. ARB Meeting Date August 15, 2011 Staff Contact Margaret Maliszewski Proiect History DATE APPLICATION RESULT 7/18/2011 ARB- 2011 -62 The ARB approved the architectural design for the Regal Cinema with conditions and a requirement for work sessions for landscaping and lighting. Specific landscaping issues that were identified include the following: 1. Revise the landscape plan so that large shade trees at 31/2" caliper are spaced 35' on center, parallel to the EC. Intersperse ornamental trees among the shade trees. Identify the trees on the plan by species. 2. Show 21/2" caliper large trees planted along the east side of Inglewood Drive at 40' on center. 3. Revise the landscape plan to show the parking lot on the east side of the cinema and all of the corresponding landscaping. 4. Provide perimeter parking lot trees on the west side of the parking lot located west of the cinema. 5. Provide landscaping beyond the standard EC minimums to offset the impacts of the scale of the building. 6. Revise the landscape proposal by limiting the number of proposed plants for any one species to 25% of the total proposed for that plant type (tree, shrub). 7. Add the following note to the plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant." 8. It was confirmed that the temporary sediment basin would be removed in September /October. It would be helpful to receive a schedule for the facilities visible from the ECs, and to address the interim landscape treatment for the interim stormwater facility. Revise the plan to show how the appearance of the ... interim stormwater facility along Rt. 29 will be made appropriate for the EC. The ARB action requires that the final site plan show the following: 1. Clearly show the location of the trellis on the site plan. Clearly show on a plan the relationship between the building, the trellis, the railing, the sidewalk, the landscaping and the EC. 2. Clarify railing locations throughout the site. Revise the color of the railing on the retaining wall to a much darker color. Coordinate the railing color near the cinema with the final building colors. ANALYSIS In the "ISSUE" column, black text represents the ARB comments from the July 5 and 18, 2011 meetings and red text summarizes how the applicant's revised drawings address these comments. REF GUIDELINE ISSUE RECOMMENDATION Landscaping 32 Landscaping along the frontage of Revise the landscape plan so that large shade Entrance Corridor streets should include trees at 31/2" caliper are spaced 35' on center, the following: parallel to the EC. a. Large shade trees should be planted Large shade trees at 31/2" caliper are shown parallel to the Entrance Corridor Street. along the Hydraulic EC with one gap in the 35' Such trees should be at least 312 inches spacing at the curve in the retaining wall near caliper (measured 6 inches above the the Inglewood Drive entrance into the site. (The ground) and should be of a plant species gap is 60' wide.) common to the area. Such trees should be located at least every 35 feet on center. Intersperse ornamental trees among the shade b. Flowering ornamental trees of a trees. Identify the trees on the plan by species. species common to the area should be Only 13 ornamental trees are proposed on the Add ornamental trees along the interspersed among the trees required by cinema site. Five of them are located at the west Hydraulic Road frontage of the the preceding paragraph. The side of the Stonefield Boulevard entrance into western parking lot. ornamental trees need not alternate one the site from Hydraulic Road near the for one with the large shade trees. They freestanding sign. Three are located on the may be planted among the large shade south side of the cinema service yard, also trees in a less regular spacing pattern. adjacent to Stonefield Boulevard. Five are c. In situations where appropriate, a three located west of Swanson Drive, along the lawn or four board fence or low stone wall, that is adjacent to the cinema. The intent of the typical of the area, should align the frontage of the Entrance Corridor street. guideline is to provide ornamental trees along d. An area of sufficient width to the length of the Entrance Corridor. Though accommodate the foregoing plantings they need not alternate with the large shade and fencing should be reserved parallel trees one - for -one, they should be planted along to the Entrance Corridor street, and the length of the corridor. Grouping of the exclusive of road right -of -way and utility ornamental trees is often a successful approach. easements. The number of elements incorporated into the cinema's Hydraulic elevation (the ivy recesses and the ornamental screens at the west end, and 3 the trellis at the east end) suggest that additional trees aren't required along this portion of the EC frontage. 33 Landscaping along interior roads: Show 2' /z" caliper large trees planted along the None. a. Large trees should be planted parallel east side of Inglewood Drive at 40' on center. to all interior roads. Such trees should be 21 /z" Willow Oaks have been added along at least 21/2 inches caliper (measured six Inglewood Drive. The proposed spacing inches above the ground) and should be provides trees closer than the minimum of a plant species common to the area. requirement. Such trees should be located at least every 40 feet on center. 35 Landscaping of parking areas: Revise the landscape plan to show the parking None. a. Large trees should align the perimeter lot on the east side of the cinema and all of the of parking areas, located 40 feet on corresponding landscaping. center. Trees should be planted in the The parking lot has been added to the plan and interior of parking areas at the rate of one it includes interior parking lot trees. Perimeter tree for every 10 parking spaces provided parking lot trees are not shown on the south or and should be evenly distributed east sides of the lot. Street trees on Swanson throughout the interior of the parking Drive are located in the same general area, and area. shade trees are provided along the EC in the b. Trees required by the preceding area. paragraph should measure 21/2 inches caliper (measured six inches above the provide perimeter parking lot trees on the west ground); should be evenly spaced; and side of the parking lot located west of the should be of a species common to the area. Such trees should be planted in cinema. planters or medians sufficiently large to The western parking lot is adjacent to maintain the health of the tree and shall Inglewood Drive. With sidewalk and a planting be protected by curbing. strip between the street and parking lot, the c. Shrubs should be provided as Inglewood street trees double as perimeter necessary to minimize the parking area's parking lot trees. impact on Entrance Corridor streets. Shrubs should measure 24 inches in height. 36 Landscaping of buildings and other Provide landscaping beyond the standard EC structures: minimums to offset the impacts of the scale of a. Trees or other vegetation should be the building. planted along the front of long buildings Trees provided along interior streets are spaced Add ornamental trees along the as necessary to soften the appearance of closer than the minimum requirement and there Hydraulic Road frontage of the exterior walls. The spacing, size, and are a few more interior parking lot trees than western parking lot. type of such trees or vegetation should be the minimum requirement. However, these determined by the length, height, and extras are offset by the fact that street trees are blankness of such walls. doubling as perimeter parking lot trees in most b. Shrubs should be used to integrate the cases. EC shade trees meet minimum site, buildings, and other structures; requirements and EC ornamental trees are fewer dumpsters, accessory buildings and than the minimum requirement. structures; "drive thru" windows; service areas; and signs. Shrubs should measure at least 24 inches in height. A single row of shrubs is provided along the EC Work Session Discussion Topic: frontage of the western parking lot. Given the Is a single row of trees and scale of the development and its buildings, and shrubs sufficient landscaping for the location of parking lots in the first phase of the EC frontage of this development, a single row of EC trees and development? shrubs may not be sufficient to offset the visual impacts of the development. Frontage planting with a greater variety of plants, in a deeper and less linear arrangement (like that established at Hollymead Town Center) might be appropriate here. A mix of shrubs and ground cover /annuals is Work Session Discussion Topic: Are additional trees required provided along the cinema frontage. In addition, the west end of the cinema includes recessed between the cinema and areas between pilasters that are to be planted Hydraulic Road? with English Ivy. The number of elements incorporated into the cinema's Hydraulic elevation (the ivy recesses and the ornamental screens at the west end, and the trellis at the east end) suggest that additional trees aren't required along this portion of the EC frontage. The applicant notes that the landscape plan has been coordinated with underground utility duct Work Session Discussion Topic: Should the planting plan be banks, topography, retaining walls and buildings. revised to limit the number of proposed plants for any one Revise the landscape proposal by limiting the species to 25% of the total number of proposed plants for any one species proposed for that plant type? to 25% of the total proposed for that plant type (tree, shrub). The red maples (42 %), willow oaks (32 %), and cherry laurel (68 %) all exceed 25% of the totals. The applicant has indicated that the plan was revised to provide a variety of species while maintaining a cohesive design. The applicant notes that the plant species have been selected to provide a comprehensive design. 38 Plant health: Add the following note to the plan: "All site None. The following note should be added to plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to the landscape plan: "All site plantings of reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees and be maintained at, mature height; the shall be pruned minimally and only to support topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant." the overall health of the plant." The note has been added to Sheets LS 1 and LS2. 39 The relationship of buildings and other The final site plan shall show the following: structures to the Entrance Corridor street Clearly show the location of the trellis on the and to other development within the site plan. Clearly show on a plan the corridor should be as follows: relationship between the building, the trellis, the a. An organized pattern of roads, service railing, the sidewalk, the landscaping and the lanes, bike paths, and pedestrian walks EC. Clarify railing locations throughout the site. should guide the layout of the site. Revise the color of the railing on the retaining c. Provisions should be made for wall to a much darker color. Coordinate the connections to adjacent pedestrian and railing color near the cinema with the final vehicular circulation systems. building colors. The site plan shows the sidewalk, the trellis, the Work Session Discussion Topic: Is white an acceptable color for egress walkway and the landscaping. Two guardrail details are provided on sheet LS2. The railing at the cinema loading area will be white to contrast with the cinema's colors and railings at retaining walls will be black. the railing at the cinema loading area? 44 Natural drainage patterns (or to the It was confirmed that the temporary sediment Provide a schedule for the extent required, new drainage patterns) basin would be removed in September /October. removal of the interim should be incorporated into the finished It would be helpful to receive a schedule for the stormwater facility located north site to the extent possible. facilities visible from the ECs, and to address of Sperry. the interim landscape treatment for the interim stormwater facility. Revise the plan to show Provide the interim stormwater how the appearance of the ... interim facility landscape plan as part of stormwater facility along Rt. 29 will be made the cinema site plan or the E &S appropriate for the EC. plan. Ensure that all proposed The following schedule has been provided for plants are located on -site. the temporary sediment basin located south of Sperry: Work Session discussion item: • Construction of E &S Pond Complete & Is the planting along the interim Functional: September 2011 stormwater facility sufficient to • Rough grading to create Parcel B establish an appropriate parking lot complete: November 2011 appearance for the EC? Should • Install Storm Drains on site (drain to the honey locust trees be E &S pond): November 2011 thru May increased to 31 /z" caliper? 2012 • Stabilize Site Drainage and convert to UG Detention: May — June 2012 • Infill E &S Pond Complete: June -July 2012 A planting plan has been submitted for the interim stormwater facility located north of Sperry. Plants between the EC and the east side of the facility include 21/2" honey locusts along the EC, 10' tall Nellie Stevens holly in three groups, red twig dogwood near the center of the landscape, viburnum behind the dogwood and at the ends of the planting area, and cherry laurel in front of the holly. On the north side of the facility, at the storm filter, additional viburnum and cherry laurel are proposed. The honey locusts are not proposed at the standard 31/2" EC shade tree size and it is not clear from the plan whether they are located on site or in the right -of -way. SIGNS Freestanding signs: A freestanding sign is proposed for the west side of the entrance into the Revise the proportions of the town center. It has two parts. One is a horizontally oriented monument composed of pylon part of the freestanding "Stonefield" backlit letters fronting a steel plate, all on a stacked stone base (overall size 3' sign to make it lighter in 9" tall x 19' long). The second part is a vertical stone pylon that accommodates five tenant comparison to the base. Revise panels (overall size 13' 6" tall x 7' wide). There appear to be issues with: overall sign height the freestanding sign height to a (maximum allowable height is 12'); setback (5' is required); and the sign proportions (the maximum of 12'. Provide a 5' pylon appears too heavy in relation to the horizontal stone base). The applicant has illustrated setback for the freestanding sign. two color options for the steel plate and "Stonefield" letters: white letters on black steel, or black letters on white steel. Reduce combined wall sign size to not exceed 200 sf. Wall Signs: Halo lit channel letter wall signs are proposed for the south, east and west sides of the cinema. A horizontal line runs below the letters. The combined sign area exceeds the Work Session discussion item: square footage allowed by ordinance (200 sf max). Is the black steel or the white steel more appropriate for the freestanding sign? Is the general design of the monument sign appropriate? SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Work Session Discussion Items: 1. Is a single row of trees and shrubs sufficient landscaping for the EC frontage of the Regal development? 2. Are additional trees required between the cinema and Hydraulic Road? 3. Should the planting plan be revised to limit the number of proposed plants of any one species to 25% of the total proposed for that plant type? 4. Is white an acceptable color for the railing at the cinema loading area? 5. Is the planting along the interim stormwater facility sufficient to establish an appropriate appearance for the EC? Should the honey locust trees be increased to 3' /z" caliper? 6. Is the black steel or the white steel more appropriate for the freestanding sign? Is the general design of the monument sign appropriate? Staff offers the following comments on the revised landscape drawings: 1. Add ornamental trees along the Hydraulic Road frontage of the western parking lot. 2. Provide a schedule for the removal of the interim stormwater facility (on the north side of Sperry). 3. Provide the interim stormwater facility (north side of Sperry) landscape plan as part of the cinema site plan or the E &S plan. Ensure that all proposed plants are located on -site. 4. Revise the proportions of the pylon part of the freestanding sign to make it lighter in comparison to the base. Revise the freestanding sign height to a maximum of 12'. Provide a 5' setback for the freestanding sign. 5. Reduce combined wall sign size to not exceed 200 sf. 9 ATTACHMENT A This report is based on the following submittal items: Sheet # Drawing Name Drawing Date/Revision Date LS 1 Landscape Plan 8/11/11 LS2 Landscape Plan 8/11/11 LS3 SWM Landscape Plan 8/11/11 Assorted sign drawings 10