HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201100095 Review Comments Preliminary Site Plan 2011-09-26ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project # /Name
ARB- 2011 -95: Colonial Nissan
Review Type
Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 45, Parcel 94B
200 Myers Drive, on the west side of Route 29 North approximately 850' north of Rio Road
Highway Commercial (HC), Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
CMA Properties Inc./Pete Borches
Magisterial District
The applicant proposes to demolish the southernmost of the three vehicle sales showrooms at the Colonial
site and construct a new Nissan showroom. The proposed building incorporates a parking structure. (The
parking structure requires a Special Use Permit, and that application is under review.)
The Colonial site is located in a heavily developed commercial area on Route 29 North. The three existing
buildings at the front of the Colonial site have a distinctive appearance on the corridor. The broad, sloping
red roofs used at each building establish that distinctive image and provide for a coordinated appearance on
The front elevation of the proposed Nissan building will be clearly visible from the Route 29 Entrance
Corridor. The eastern end of the north elevation will be visible to southbound traffic. At the intersection of
Route 29 and Rio Road, which is elevated above the Colonial site, views down onto the building will be
available. Northbound traffic will be able to view the upper part of the southern elevation. Off -site
development is expected to screen the lower part of the south elevation. Vehicle storage is proposed for the
rooftop of the building. The proposed building design incorporates a parapet that measures 6' high and
taller. As the building is currently designed, it is anticipated that the parapet will successfully screen the
vehicles from view.
ARB Meeting Date
October 3, 2011
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
1 -16 -92
ARB -91 -46
Variance for auto lease sign denied (VA- 91 -56)
9 -15 -97
ARB -97 -18 (Sign)
Sign review deferred
1 -29 -99
ARB -99 -1 (Sign)
Colonial Lincoln Mercury sign deferred
3 -4 -99
ARB -99 -6 Preliminary SDP
Comments provided on new showroom design (middle building)
9 -20 -99
ARB -99 -47 Final SDP
New showroom design approved (middle building)
6 -5 -01
ARB -01 -5 (Sign)
Sign application withdrawn
9 -23 -03
ARB -03 -91 (Sign)
Nissan wall sign approved
The goal of the regulation of the design of
As viewed at the front elevation, the proposed
Revise the proposal to
development within the designated Entrance
building is composed of a larger main showroom
significantly increase
Corridors is to insure that new development
block and a smaller recessed service block. The main
compatibility with
within the corridors reflects the traditional
showroom block does not reflect the traditional
Albemarle's historic
architecture of the area. Therefore, it is the
architecture of the area. It does not include features or
purpose of ARB review and of these
details that reflect Albemarle's historic architecture.
Guidelines, that proposed development within
The recessed service block features a cornice and a
the designated Entrance Corridors reflect
water table that divide the block into a base, middle
elements of design characteristic of the
and top, and detailing that breaks up the upper wall
significant historical landmarks, buildings, and
area, establishes a sign band, and relates to the wall
structures of the Charlottesville and Albemarle
openings. These elements are all typical of the area's
area, and to promote orderly and attractive
traditional architecture. However, given the position,
development within these corridors. Applicants
scale and character of the main block, the traditional
should note that replication of historic structures
elements of the service block are not enough to
is neither required nor desired.
establish a sufficient historic tie for the overall
New structures and substantial additions to
existing structures should respect the traditions
of the architecture of historically significant
buildings in the Charlottesville and Albemarle
The examples contained in Appendix A should
The primary forms and materials of the proposed
Revise the design to include
be used as a guide for building design: the
design include the prominent entrance feature with
building forms and features,
standard of compatibility with the area's
accent color, the block form of the showroom with the
materials and colors that are
historic structures is not intended to impose a
expanse of storefront glass and solid wall to the top
representative of the historic
rigid design solution for new development.
and side, and the white /gray /silver color scheme.
architecture of Albemarle
Replication of the design of the important
historic sites in the area is neither intended nor
The forms and features of the proposed renovation are
desired. The Guideline's standard of
not compatible with the forms and features of the
Provide for review names,
compatibility can be met through building
historic architecture of the area. Brick is a traditional
numbers and samples for all
scale, materials, and forms which may be
building material in the area, but here it is proposed as
proposed materials /colors.
embodied in architecture which is
white instead of an earth tone that is more typical of
Ensure that the samples
contemporary as well as traditional. The
the area. The method of detailing the brick of the
accurately reflect the level of
Guidelines allow individuality in design to
showroom block (the pattern of reveals) is also not
reflectivity of the entrance
accommodate varying tastes as well as special
traditional. Storefront glass extending to the ground is
functional requirements.
not a historic application. A masonry water table
would be more traditional. The horizontal window
Revise the entrance feature to
Building forms and features, including roofs,
that turns the southeast corner of the building is also
maintain human scale and to
windows, doors, materials, colors and textures
not a historic form.
emphasize traditional
should be compatible with the forms and
architectural elements rather
features of the significant historic buildings in
ACM (aluminum composite material) panels are
than corporate identification.
the area, exemplified by (but not limited to) the
proposed at the entrance. Their finish, color and
buildings described in Appendix A [of the
potential reflectivity are not compatible with historic
design guidelines]. The standard of
architecture. The red at the entry becomes the focus of
compatibility can be met through scale,
attention for the building, rather than one coordinated
materials, and forms which may be embodied
element in a cohesive design. The overall entrance
in architecture which is contemporary as well
feature reinforces a more monumental, rather than
as traditional. The replication of important
human, scale for the building. It will have a presence
historic sites in Albemarle County is not the
on the north side, in addition to the front elevation.
objective of these guidelines.
Although contemporary designs can be approved in
The overall design of buildings should have
the Entrance Corridors, new buildings must still be
human scale. Scale should be integral to the
compatible with the historic structures of the area and
building and site design.
compatible with the surroundings. The application of
a cornice, or brick detailing typical for finishing the
top of a brick wall, to the east and south elevations of
the showroom would be appropriate and could help tie
the new building to Albemarle's historic architecture.
Color names /numbers were not provided for the
proposed materials, and color renderings were not
provided for the side elevations, so the colors
proposed for the split face block aren't indicated. The
cornice and upper band for the service wing are
identified as EIFS, and appear black on the color
renderin , but a specific color is not indicated.
It is also an important objective of the
The three existing buildings at the front of the
Revise the proposal to balance
Guidelines to establish a pattern of compatible
Colonial site currently have a distinctive appearance
contemporary design and
architectural characteristics throughout the
on the corridor. These existing buildings are unified in
compatibility with
Entrance Corridor in order to achieve unity and
architectural design. The proposed design of the
Albemarle's significant
coherence. Building designs should
Nissan showroom breaks with that coordinated
historic sites.
demonstrate sensitivity to other nearby
appearance. No architectural devices are incorporated
structures within the Entrance Corridor. Where
into the proposed design to maintain unity among the
a designated corridor is substantially
developed, these Guidelines require striking a
careful balance between harmonizing new
The main block and the service wing of the proposed
development with the existing character of the
building have very different characters. Incorporating
corridor and achieving compatibility with the
some of the service wing's traditional architectural
significant historic sites in the area.
features into the main block would help establish
more of a cohesive whole.
Buildings should relate to their site and the
surrounding context of buildings.
Architecture proposed within the Entrance
Corridor should use forms, shapes, scale, and
materials to create a cohesive whole.
Arcades, colonnades, or other architectural
connecting devices should be used to unify
groups of buildings within a development.
Any appearance of "blankness" resulting from
The side elevations of the building are primarily
Revise the design to provide
building design should be relieved using design
blank. Visibility of most of the north elevation is
additional detailing at the
detail or vegetation, or both.
expected to be very limited, and the upper part of the
upper part of the split face
southern elevation will be visible. Additional detailing
block elevation on the south
at the upper part of the split face block elevation could
side to relieve blankness.
relieve some of the blankness and provide a tie to the
historic architecture of the area. This could be
sufficient treatment for the blankness given the
osition of the wall and the surroundings.
Trademark buildings and related features
The main block of the proposed building reflects
Revise the design to include
should be modified to meet the requirements of
standard auto showroom design elements and the
building forms and features,
the Guidelines.
Nissan national branding scheme. It speaks more to
materials and colors that are
corporate identity than to compatibility with the
representative of the historic
historic architecture of Albemarle County.
architecture of Albemarle
Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should
The drawings do not indicate that type of glass
Indicate on the drawings the
not be highly tinted or highly reflective.
type of glass proposed and
Reflectance off the outside pane of glass should
provide specifications showing
be kept below 7 %. Specifications on the
that reflectance off the outside
proposed window glass and samples of tinted
pane is below 7 %. Indicate if
window glass should be submitted with the
the glass is to be tinted. If it is,
application for final review.
provide a sample. Note that
only minimal tints have been
approved in the past.
Accessory structures and equipment should be
No rooftop or ground- mounted equipment is indicated
Confirm in writing that no new
integrated into the overall plan of development
on the plans. If equipment is mounted on the roof, it is
equipment and no changes to
and shall, to the extent possible, be compatible
anticipated that the parapet could screen it. The note
existing equipment are
with the building designs used on the site.
does not appear on the plans.
proposed, either on the ground
or on the building. Or, revise
The following note should be added to the site
the drawings to show the
plan and the architectural plan: "Visibility of all
equipment in appropriate
mechanical equipment from the Entrance
locations, adequately screened.
Corridor shall be eliminated."
Add this note to the
architectural and site plans:
"Visibility of all mechanical
equipment from the Entrance
Corridor shall be eliminated."
The submittal indicates no proposed lighting. If wall
Indicate no new or revised
lights are proposed for the building and/or if lighting
building or site lighting is
is proposed for the rooftop parking deck, complete
proposed, or provide complete
information on the proposed fixtures is required.
information on all new lighting
proposed for the walls of the
building, the rooftop parking
deck, and the site. Show
fixture locations on the site
plan and/or building
elevations. Include catalog cut
sheets on the site plan. Provide
a luminaire schedule.
Landscaping along interior roads:
Four Zelkova Serrata at 21 /z" caliper are proposed
a. Large trees should be planted parallel to all
along the southern side of the building.
interior roads. Such trees should be at least 21/2
inches caliper (measured six inches above the
ground) and should be of a plant species
common to the area. Such trees should be
located at least every 40 feet on center.
Landscaping of parking areas:
No changes are proposed to the parking lots.
Identify on the plan the size
a. Large trees should align the perimeter of
However, two existing trees in islands in front of the
and species of the existing
parking areas, located 40 feet on center. Trees
proposed building are to be removed and replaced to
trees to be removed and
should be planted in the interior of parking
accommodate utility work. The size and species of the
areas at the rate of one tree for every 10
existing trees are not indicated on the plan.
parking spaces provided and should be evenly
distributed throughout the interior of the
parking area.
b. Trees required by the preceding paragraph
should measure 21/2 inches caliper (measured
six inches above the ground); should be evenly
spaced; and should be of a species common to
the area. Such trees should be planted in
planters or medians sufficiently large to
maintain the health of the tree and shall be
protected by curbing.
c. Shrubs should be provided as necessary to
minimize the parking area's impact on
Entrance Corridor streets. Shrubs should
measure 24 inches in height.
Landscaping of buildings and other structures:
A row of juniper is proposed along the eastern half of
a. Trees or other vegetation should be planted
the southern elevation. This Bar Harbor juniper is a
along the front of long buildings as necessary
low growing plant. As such, the plants on the south
to soften the appearance of exterior walls. The
elevation are not expected to be noticed from the EC.
spacing, size, and type of such trees or
A staggered row of juniper is proposed along the front
Additional Information
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
vegetation should be determined by the length,
elevation and a pair of Alberta Spruce are proposed to
Exterior Elevations
height, and blankness of such walls.
flank the new entrance walk. These plants will
Colonial Nissan color rendering
b. Shrubs should be used to integrate the site,
coordinate with the landscaping at the entrance to the
8 -12 -11
1 of 2
buildings, and other structures; dumpsters,
other buildings on site.
2 of 2
Nissan Building Expansion Landscaping Plan
accessory buildings and structures; "drive thru"
Site photos
I -
windows; service areas; and signs. Shrubs
should measure at least 24 inches in height.
Complete sign information has not yet been
Provide complete information
submitted, but the color rendering of the proposed
on the proposed wall signs for
building shows four signs on the front elevation. The
Nissan sign is illustrated as bright red letters. The
other signs are illustrated as white letters and a white
Identify on the drawings the
and black logo. The Nissan and Colonial signs are
material and color of the
shown installed on a type of openwork band across the
element on which the "Nissan"
top of the storefront windows.
and "Colonial" signs are to be
installed. Provide a detail
illustrating how it is attached
to the building.
Additional Information
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date/Revision Date
Exterior Elevations
8 -12 -11
Colonial Nissan color rendering
I Line of Site Stud
8 -12 -11
1 of 2
Nissan Building Expansion Site and Grading
8 -22 -11
2 of 2
Nissan Building Expansion Landscaping Plan
8 -22 -11
Site photos
I -
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Degree of visibility of the proposed building from the EC
2. Compatibility of the design with the traditional architecture of the area
3. Building materials and colors
4. The design of the entrance feature (size, form, materials, colors)
5. Detailing of the showroom block
6. Blankness of the split face block elevation
Staff offers the following comments on the preliminary proposal:
1. Revise the proposal to significantly increase compatibility with Albemarle's historic architecture.
2. Revise the design to include building forms and features, materials and colors that are representative of the historic architecture of Albemarle
3. Provide for review names, numbers and samples for all proposed materials /colors. Ensure that the samples accurately reflect the level of reflectivity
at the entrance element.
4. Revise the entrance feature to maintain human scale and to emphasize traditional architectural elements rather than corporate identification.
5. Revise the proposal to balance contemporary design and compatibility with Albemarle's significant historic sites.
6. Revise the design to provide additional detailing at the upper part of the split face block elevation on the south side to relieve blankness.
7. Indicate on the drawings the type of glass proposed and provide specifications showing that reflectance off the outside pane is below 7 %. Indicate if
the glass is to be tinted. If it is, provide a sample. Note that only minimal tints have been approved in the past.
8. Confirm in writing that no new equipment and no changes to existing equipment are proposed, either on the ground or on the building. Or, revise the
drawings to show the equipment in appropriate locations, adequately screened.
9. Add this note to the architectural and site plans: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
10. Indicate that no new or revised building or site lighting is proposed, or provide complete information on all new lighting proposed for the walls of the
building, the rooftop parking deck, and the site. Show locations on the site plan and/or building elevations. Include catalog cut sheets on the site plan.
Provide a luminaire schedule.
11. Identify on the plan the size and species of the existing trees to be removed and replaced.
12. Provide complete information on the proposed wall signs for review.
13. Identify on the drawings the material and color of the element on which the "Nissan" and "Colonial" signs are to be installed. Provide a detail
illustrating how it is attached to the building.