HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201100092 Review Comments Miscellaneous Submittal 2011-09-26ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project # /Name
ARB- 2011 -92: Price Chevrolet Building Renovation
Review Type
Preliminary Review of a Building Permit
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 45, Parcel 68
On the west side of Route 29 North, approximately 700' south of Hilton Heights Road
Highway Commercial (HC); Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
Robert H Rosenthal & Harrison Nesbit II, Trustees & Henry J Price/Robert B. Anderson, AIA
Magisterial District
The applicant proposes to renovate the Price Chevrolet showroom building by adding a new canopy over
the outdoor display space on the south side of the showroom, by applying ACM (aluminum composite
material) panels on the showroom elevations and creating an entrance feature, by incorporating a blue stripe
across the fagade and using the same blue color at the entrance, by painting the maintenance garage exterior
and all brick a shade of white, and by installing new signage.
The Price Chevrolet site is located in the heavily developed Rt. 29 North commercial corridor. The recently
renovated and expanded Wal -Mart building is located directly to the north. Just beyond Wal -Mart is the
Brown Auto Park building which the ARB reviewed/approved in 2004- 05.The Price Chevrolet building is
readily visible from the Route 29 Entrance Corridor. The proposed renovation will alter the most visible
part of the building — the front portion of the showroom. Currently, the building exhibits forms, details and
window groupings that are characteristic of its 1970s construction period.
ARB Meeting Date
October 3, 2011
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
County records show that the existing building on this site was constructed in 1978, which predates the
establishment of Route 29 as an Entrance Corridor. Consequently, the existing building and site design
don't meet Entrance Corridor guidelines.
ARB- 2000 -10
Pylon sign refacing approved.
ARB- 2005 -07
Freestanding and wall signs approved for Hyundai.
The goal of the regulation of the
The proposed showroom design does not reflect the historic
Revise the proposal to
design of development within the
architecture of the Albemarle area. Although contemporary
increase compatibility with
designated Entrance Corridors is to
designs can be approved in the Entrance Corridors, they must still
Albemarle's historic
insure that new development within
be compatible with the historic buildings of the area. The scale,
the corridors reflects the traditional
materials and forms of the proposed renovation are not
architecture of the area. Therefore, it is
compatible with Albemarle's historic buildings. (See additional
the purpose of ARB review and of
details, below.)
these Guidelines, that proposed
development within the designated
Entrance Corridors reflect elements of
design characteristic of the significant
historical landmarks, buildings, and
structures of the Charlottesville and
Albemarle area, and to promote
orderly and attractive development
within these corridors. Applicants
should note that replication of historic
structures is neither required nor
3 -4
New structures and substantial
additions to existing structures should
respect the traditions of the
architecture of historically significant
buildings in the Charlottesville and
Albemarle area. Replication of the
design of the important historic sites in
the area is neither intended nor desired.
The Guideline's standard of
compatibility can be met through
building scale, materials, and forms
which may be embodied in
architecture which is contemporary as
well as traditional. The Guidelines
allow individuality in design to
accommodate varying tastes as well as
special functional requirements.
It is also an important objective of the
The proposal has three primary features: a heavy fascia/sign band
Revise the design to include
Guidelines to establish a pattern of
faced with ACM panels, an enlarged entrance surround (also
building forms and features,
compatible architectural characteristics
ACM), and the white /silver/blue color scheme. The forms and
materials, colors, and
throughout the Entrance Corridor in
features of the proposed renovation are not compatible with the
textures that are
order to achieve unity and coherence.
historic architecture of the area.
representative of the
Building designs should demonstrate
historic architecture of
sensitivity to other nearby structures
The proposed forms of the fascia/sign band above the expansive
Albemarle County.
within the Entrance Corridor. Where a
glass and the large entrance feature are modern forms with
designated corridor is substantially
increased scale and reduced detailing as compared to historic
Revise the proposal to
developed, these Guidelines require
architecture. Although the proposal would eliminate some of the
balance contemporary
striking a careful balance between
outdated architectural detailing of the existing building, the forms
design and compatibility
harmonizing new development with
of the proposed showroom do not have a connection to the
with Albemarle's
the existing character of the corridor
historic architecture of the area.
significant historic sites.
and achieving compatibility with the
significant historic sites in the area.
The renovation plan includes a proposal to paint the existing
Maintain visibility of the
earth -tone brick white. The existing brick is one feature of the
earth -tone brick.
Building forms and features, including
building that does have a connection to local historic architecture.
roofs, windows, doors, materials,
Painting it white reduces that connection and enhances the focus
Revise the entrance feature
colors and textures should be
on corporate identity. This application of color diminishes the tie
to maintain human scale
compatible with the forms and features
the existing building has to historic architecture.
and to emphasize
of the significant historic buildings in
traditional architectural
the area, exemplified by (but not
ACM (aluminum composite material) panels are proposed as the
elements rather than
limited to) the buildings described in
facing material for the showroom, including the entrance feature.
corporate identification.
Appendix A [of the design guidelines].
Although contemporary materials can be used in the ECs, the
The standard of compatibility can be
application of the ACM panels in this proposal, with the
Revise the drawings to
met through scale, materials, and
associated forms, detailing and colors, fails to make a connection
show where new glass is
forms which may be embodied in
to local traditional architecture.
proposed. Include a note on
architecture which is contemporary as
the drawing that the glass is
well as traditional. The replication of
The submittal drawings indicate that the existing showroom
to be clear. Provide specs
important historic sites in Albemarle
windows are to remain. After further consideration, the applicant
confirming that reflectance
County is not the objective of these
has determined that new glass will be used instead, and that the
off the outside pane will be
glass will be clear with anodized aluminum frames and maximum
less than 7 %.
reflectance at 7 %. Clear glass with minimal reflectance will be
Buildings should relate to their site and
the surrounding context of buildings.
The forms and details of the proposed showroom do not relate to
Architecture proposed within the
the architectural design of the existing building or to that of
Entrance Corridor should use forms,
nearby buildings. The use of white /silver paint on the walls
shapes, scale, and materials to create a
beyond the showroom is an attempt to coordinate the overall
cohesive whole.
building with the new Chevrolet showroom design.
The overall design of buildings should
The geometric detailing of the existing building establishes a
Revise the proposal to
have human scale. Scale should be
rhythm across the fagade that helps reduce the scale to a more
include human scale as an
integral to the building and site design.
human level. The proposed fascia/sign band and entrance feature
integral, recognizable part
eliminate that rhythm, change the character of the building, and
of the design.
increase its scale.
Trademark buildings and related
The proposal adapts the standard Chevrolet showroom design to
Revise the design to include
features should be modified to meet
the existing Jim Price building. Chevrolet's national branding
building forms and features,
the requirements of the Guidelines.
scheme is adapted to fit the existing building, but it has not been
materials, colors, and
modified to meet the guidelines regarding compatibility with
textures that are
Albemarle's historic architecture. The color combination of
representative of the
white /silver and bold accent is a typical application for current-
historic architecture of
day auto showroom designs, as is the heavy fascia/sign band,
Albemarle County.
large entrance feature, expansive storefront, and use of metal
panel facing material. The goal of this type of design is corporate
identification, not compatibility with the historic architecture of
Albemarle County. Though it is arguable that the existing
architectural design would benefit from an update, the proposed
renovation focuses on enhancing corporate identity, rather than
compatibility with the historic architecture of Albemarle County.
Six 6" recessed down lights are proposed for the ceiling of the
Include a note on the plan
covered display space. Excessive illumination in the display
indicating the quantity and
canopy will not be appropriate. Additional details are required for
location of light fixtures
review and should be included on the drawings.
proposed at the covered
display space, and indicate
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Compatibility of the proposed design with the traditional architecture of the area
2. The primary forms of the proposed showroom: the fascia/sign band and the entrance feature
3. The color scheme
4. The ACM panels
5. The painting of the earth -tone brick
Staff offers the following comments on the preliminary design:
1. Revise the proposal to increase compatibility with Albemarle's historic architecture.
2. Revise the design to include building forms and features, materials, colors, and textures that are representative of the historic architecture of
Albemarle County.
3. Revise the proposal to balance contemporary design and compatibility with Albemarle's significant historic sites.
4. Maintain visibility of the earth -tone brick.
5. Revise the entrance feature to maintain human scale and to emphasize traditional architectural elements rather than corporate identification.
6. Revise the drawings to show where new glass is proposed. Include a note on the drawing that the glass is to be clear. Provide specs confirming that
reflectance off the outside pane will be less than 7 %.
7. Revise the proposal to include human scale as an integral, recognizable part of the design.
8. Include a note on the plan indicating the quantity and location of light fixtures proposed at the covered display space, and indicate that they will be
recessed. Provide manufacturer's cut sheets indicating lamp type, wattage, and photometric information.
9. Provide for review complete information on proposed wall signs.
that they will be recessed.
Provide manufacturer's cut
sheets indicating lamp type,
wattage, and photometric
The applicant plans to install new "Jim Price" and "Chevrolet"
Provide for review
letter signs and a Chevy logo sign (gold bow tie) on the EC side
complete information on
of the building. Complete details have not been provided yet, but
proposed wall signs.
the proposed signs have internal LED illumination.
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Compatibility of the proposed design with the traditional architecture of the area
2. The primary forms of the proposed showroom: the fascia/sign band and the entrance feature
3. The color scheme
4. The ACM panels
5. The painting of the earth -tone brick
Staff offers the following comments on the preliminary design:
1. Revise the proposal to increase compatibility with Albemarle's historic architecture.
2. Revise the design to include building forms and features, materials, colors, and textures that are representative of the historic architecture of
Albemarle County.
3. Revise the proposal to balance contemporary design and compatibility with Albemarle's significant historic sites.
4. Maintain visibility of the earth -tone brick.
5. Revise the entrance feature to maintain human scale and to emphasize traditional architectural elements rather than corporate identification.
6. Revise the drawings to show where new glass is proposed. Include a note on the drawing that the glass is to be clear. Provide specs confirming that
reflectance off the outside pane will be less than 7 %.
7. Revise the proposal to include human scale as an integral, recognizable part of the design.
8. Include a note on the plan indicating the quantity and location of light fixtures proposed at the covered display space, and indicate that they will be
recessed. Provide manufacturer's cut sheets indicating lamp type, wattage, and photometric information.
9. Provide for review complete information on proposed wall signs.
Additional Information
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date/Revision Date
First Floor Plan
Exterior Elevations East
I Exterior Elevations North
Exterior Elevations South
Existing Site Plan
Display Pattern and Customer Parking Plan
29 Sep 1989
Color Perspective View
Photos of Existing Building-