HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201100093 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2011-09-23ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project # /Name
ARB- 2011 -93: Hyatt Place at Stonefield
Review Type
Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 61W, Section 3, Parcel 19B
In the Stonefield development located at the northwest corner of Route 29 North and Hydraulic Road,
bounded by Main Street on the south, Inglewood Drive on the west, and Stonefield Blvd. on the east.
Neighborhood Model District (NMD); Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
Albemarle Place EAAP LLC/Macfarlane Stonefield, LLC (Charles Macfarlane)
Magisterial District
Jack Jouett
To construct a 136 -room, 6 -story hotel with associated parking and site improvements as part of the
Stonefield development.
The Hyatt hotel is proposed to be located approximately 500' north of the Hydraulic Road Entrance
Corridor. In the initial phase of development, a parking lot will be located between the hotel and the EC, so
the hotel will be clearly visible from Hydraulic Road, but at a distance. A future phase of development will
replace the parking lot with structures and it is anticipated that the upper part of the hotel will be visible
above those structures for viewers on Hydraulic. Given the height of the proposed hotel, it will also be
visible from the Route 29 North Entrance Corridor, and it is likely that visibility will be for a great distance
on the corridor north of the site.
ARB Meeting Date
October 3, 2011
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
Work session
General re- introduction of project
Work session
Overview of Stoneiield design guidelines and Hyatt Place elevations
Preliminary Review
The ARB made a number of comments on the proposal. (See the action
letter included near the end of this report.)
ANALYSIS (The text in red in the ISSUE column represents comments made by the ARB at the July 5, 2011 meeting.)
The goal of the regulation of the design of
Provide perspective sketches of the hotel as
development within the designated Entrance
viewed from the ECs.
Corridors is to insure that new development
A series of perspective sketches has been
within the corridors reflects the traditional
submitted. These drawings help clarify the
architecture of the area. Therefore, it is the
overall form of the hotel, the form of the
purpose of ARB review and of these
copper block (including its depth), the
Guidelines, that proposed development
relationship among the various parts of the
within the designated Entrance Corridors
hotel, and the anticipated visibility from
reflect elements of design characteristic of
various points on the ECs. Although the copper
the significant historical landmarks,
block is not very deep, the overall form of the
buildings, and structures of the
building appears to be appropriate for the EC.
Charlottesville and Albemarle area, and to
promote orderly and attractive development
Provide a roof plan for review.
within these corridors. Applicants should note
A roof plan has been submitted. It shows the
that replication of historic structures is neither
location of two rooftop mechanical units and
required nor desired.
the depth of the copper block. The rooftop
equipment is not expected to be visible from
New structures and substantial additions to
the ECs.
existing structures should respect the
traditions of the architecture of historically
Indicate on the drawings the material for the
significant buildings in the Charlottesville
roof of the copper block.
and Albemarle area.
The roof plan includes a note indicating that
the roof of the copper block will also be
Building forms and features, including roofs,
copper. Copper is expected to provide the most
windows, doors, materials, colors and
coordinated appearance.
textures should be compatible with the forms
Provide additional information to clarify the
and features of the significant historic
extent of reflectivity of the copper panels.
buildings in the area, exemplified by (but not
A small material sample was presented at the
limited to) the buildings described in
last meeting, but no new or additional
Appendix A [of the design guidelines]. The
information has been presented regarding
standard of compatibility can be met through
reflectivity. Given the distance from the ECs
scale, materials, and forms which may be
and the adjacent, non - reflective building
embodied in architecture which is
materials, the copper is expected to have an
contemporary as well as traditional. The
appropriate appearance.
replication of important historic sites in
Albemarle County is not the objective of
these guidelines.
Window glass in the Entrance Corridors
Provide specs on the proposed window glass.
should not be highly tinted or highly reflective.
Ensure that the reflectance off the outside pane
Reflectance off the outside pane of glass
is kept below 7 %. If the glass is to be tinted,
should be kept below 7 %. Specifications on
provide a sample for review. Note that only
the proposed window glass and samples of
minimal tints have been approved in the past.
tinted window glass should be submitted with
Bronze tinted glass is proposed for the
the application for final review.
windows in the copper block. White aluminum
windows with clear glass are proposed in all
other locations. The bronze tinted glass is
expected to coordinate well with the copper
wall surface. The bronze sample has been
compared to the bronze sample approved for
another project in the EC and it appears to be a
similar level of tint and is expected to have an
appropriate appearance.
Accessory structures and equipment
Accessory structures and equipment should
Provide information on the plan to confirm that
Revise the notes on the elevation
be integrated into the overall plan of
rooftop equipment will not be visible. Provide
drawings to clearly indicate that all
development and shall, to the extent possible,
roof plan, equipment locations, equipment
louvers will match the adjacent wall
be compatible with the building designs used
heights, parapet wall heights, and/or other
on the site.
details /documentation.
Dashed lines have been added to the elevation
The following should be located to eliminate
visibility from the Entrance Corridor street. If,
drawings to show the height and locations of
after appropriate siting, these features will still
rooftop units. The units do not rise above the
have a negative visual impact on the Entrance
parapet. A building section and roof plan have
Corridor street, screening should be provided
also been provided and they also illustrate the
to eliminate visibility.
rooftop units.
a. Loading areas,
b. Service areas,
Consider alternate treatments or locations to
c. Refuse areas,
reduce the visual impact of the a/c louvers on
d. Storage areas,
the exterior of the building. Provide a color
c. Mechanical equipment,
sample for the louvers.
f. Above - ground utilities, and
A note on the elevations indicates that the
g. Chain link fence, barbed wire, razor wire,
louvers in the brick ends of the building are to
and similar security fencing devices.
match the adjacent wall color. The applicant
has confirmed that the intent is for all louvers
to match the adjacent wall color at all locations
on the building. For clarity, notes should be
added/revised to indicate that all louvers will
match the adjacent wall color.
The following note should be added to the site
Add the following note to the site and
plan and the architectural plan: "Visibility of
architectural plans: "Visibility of all
all mechanical equipment from the Entrance
mechanical equipment from the Entrance
Corridor shall be eliminated."
Corridor shall be eliminated."
The note has been added to the architectural
drawings d to C -9 of the site plan.
Provide landscape and lighting plans for the
hotel project. Ensure that landscaping and
lighting meet EC requirements. Landscaping
should include planting in/around the parking
lot on the north side of the hotel and planting
around the hotel. Add the following note to the
plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs
shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at,
mature height; the topping of trees is
prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned
minimally and only to support the overall
health of the plant."
A landscape plan has been provided. It meets
the EC gui delines.
The lighting plan should include all site and
Light should be shielded, recessed or flush-
exterior building lighting. Ensure that all
mounted to eliminate glare. All fixtures with
fixtures meet EC guidelines and ordinance
lamps emitting 3000 lumens or more must be
requirements. Calculate photometrics using an
full cutoff fixtures.
LLF of 1.0.
A site lighting plan has been submitted. The
Provide a complete lighting schedule
photometrics were calculated using an LLF of
that includes both site lights and
1.0. Two schedules were provided (one on the
exterior building lights. Coordinate the
photometric plan and one with the cut sheets)
information in the luminaire schedules.
and they don't match regarding the XA and
Indicate lamp type and wattage. If
XA -2 fixtures.
initial lumens exceed 3000, include
specific information to confirm that the
Architectural plans were submitted showing
fixtures (XSW2 and possibly others) are
proposed exterior building light locations and a
full cutoff fixtures. Indicate a flat lens
legend, and cut sheets were provided. The
for the SRC I fixture. Include exterior
legend does not specify the design options that
building fixtures on the photometric
are proposed for the fixtures.
plan. Include exterior building fixture
cut sheets in the site plan.
A long LED fixture is shown at the copper
block on the roof level plan. It is not clear how
Clarify the mounting location and
the fixture is to be mounted and what it is
method, and the extent of intended
intended to illuminate.
illumination for the XSCI fixture(s).
Dark brown, dark bronze, or black are
The color for the XB and XH fixtures /poles is
Revise the color of the XB/XH
appropriate colors for free - standing pole
identified as silver, but it should be bronze to
fixtures /poles to bronze.
mounted light fixtures in the Entrance
coordinate with the color previously approved
for the cinema.
The height and scale of freestanding, pole-
The height of the pole lights is not indicated.
Clearly indicate the height of the pole
mounted light fixtures should be compatible
lights, including bases, on the lighting
with the height and scale of the buildings and
the sites they are illuminating, and with the
use of the site. Typically, the height of
freestanding pole- mounted light fixtures in
the Entrance Corridors should not exceed 20
feet, including the base. Fixtures that exceed
20 feet in height will typically require
additional screening to achieve an
appropriate appearance from the Entrance
The following note should be included on the
The standard lighting note does not appear on a
Include the following note on the plan:
lighting plan: "Each outdoor luminaire
plan included in this submittal.
"Each outdoor luminaire equipped with
equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or
a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial
more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff
lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire.
luminaire. The spillover of lighting from
The spillover of lighting from
luminaires onto public roads and property I
residential or rural areas zoning districts shall
not exceed one half footcandle."
luminaires onto public roads and
property in residential or rural areas
zoning districts shall not exceed one
half footcandle."
Provide complete information on the wall signs
proposed for the hotel. (Use the sign checklist
for submittal requirements.) Note that the 63'
wall sign height is not allowed by ordinance at
this time.
A modification of the sign regulations was
Revise the sign proposal to meet the 58'
approved for the Town Center as part of a 2010
maximum wall sign height.
amendment to the rezoning that allows wall
signs to be installed at a maximum height of
58' (subject to ARB /Design Planner approval
of placement and illumination for any sign
over 30' high). The proposed wall signs are
still illustrated at 63' high. Consequently, a
reduction is still required.
Also note that internal illumination of the logo
and the number of colors proposed for the logo
exceed the EC guidelines recommendations. It
is not supportable as presented.
Three wall signs are proposed — one each for
Revise the sign proposal to indicate the
the front, rear and right side elevation of the
color chosen for the logo and indicate
hotel. Each sign consists of channel letters
the manufacturer's color name /number.
reading "Hyatt Place" and a logo consisting of
If the color is red, provide a sample for
3 stacked rows of circles. The circles would be
colored either white or red. (The applicant has
indicated that the choice depends on the
franchise response, which has not yet been
The proposed sign area equals 242 sf and this
Revise the wall sign proposal to not
exceeds the 200sf area allowed by ordinance.
exceed a total of 200sf maximum.
External illumination is also preferred for
Complete information on sign materials and
Revise the sign drawing to include
approved graphics/logos; internal
lamp type was not provided. Both the letters
identification of the materials of the
illumination may be considered for approval
and the logo are to be internally illuminated.
sign and the lamp type. If LED
on a case -by -case basis. The Board will
The hotel is located at a distance from the ECs,
illumination is proposed, provide the
evaluate the specific design for size (adjusted
but given the height of the hotel, the signs will
following note on the sign drawings:
in proportion to the accompanying lettering),
still be visible for quite a distance along both
The level of illumination provided by
balance, complexity, and distance from and
corridors. Consequently, internal illumination
the LED lights will not exceed the
relationship to the Entrance Corridor. These
of the logo is not recommended for this
illumination produced by a single stroke
factors will determine the extent of internal
of 30 milliamp (ma) neon.
illumination that can be approved.
Revise the sign drawing to indicate that
Internal Illumination: Any internal
the logo will not be illuminated.
illumination is considered to contribute to
visual clutter and will be limited.
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Reflectivity of the copper panels
2. Wall signs: multicolor logo, logo illumination
3. Roof level LED lights
Staff recommends approval with the following conditions:
Regarding architecture:
1. Revise the notes on the elevation drawings to clearly indicate that all louvers will match the adjacent wall color.
Regarding lighting:
2. Provide a complete lighting schedule that includes both site lights and exterior building lights. Coordinate the information in the luminaire schedules.
Indicate lamp type and wattage. If initial lumens exceed 3000, include specific information to confirm that the fixtures (XSW2 and possibly others)
are full cutoff fixtures. Indicate a flat lens for the SRC1 fixture. Include exterior building fixtures on the photometric plan. Include exterior building
fixture cut sheets in the site plan. Clarify the mounting location and method, and the extent of intended illumination for the XSC1 fixture(s).
3. Revise the color of the XB/XH fixtures /poles to bronze.
4. Clearly indicate the height of the pole lights, including bases, on the lighting plan.
5. Include the following note on the plan: "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff
luminaire. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one
half footcandle."
Regarding signage:
6. Revise the sign proposal to meet the 58' maximum wall sign height.
7. Revise the sign proposal to indicate the color chosen for the logo and indicate the manufacturer's color name /number. If the color is red, provide a
sample for review.
8. Revise the sign proposal to not exceed a total of 200sf maximum.
9. Revise the sign drawing to include identification of the materials of the sign and the lamp type. If LED illumination is proposed, provide the
following note on the sign drawings: The level of illumination provided by the LED lights will not exceed the illumination produced by a single
stroke of 30 milliamp (ma) neon.
10. Revise the sign drawing to indicate that the logo will not be illuminated.
� pF AL
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4012
July 8, 2011
Charles MacFarlane
c/o Macfarlane Stonefield LLC
201 Hull St., Ste. A
Richmond, Va. 23224
RE: ARB- 2011 -63: Hyatt Place At Stonefield
Tax Map 61W, Section 3, Parcel 19B
Dear Mr. McFarlane:
The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on July 5, 2011, completed a preliminary review of the above -noted request to
construct a 136 -room, 6 -story hotel with associated parking and site improvements as part of the Stonefield development. The Board offered the
following comments for the benefit of the applicant's next submittal. Please note that the following comments are those that have been identified at this
time. Additional comments may be added or eliminated based on further review and changes to the plan.
1. Provide perspective sketches of the hotel as viewed from the ECs.
2. Provide a roof plan for review.
3. Indicate on the drawings the material for the roof of the copper block.
4. Provide additional information to clarify the extent of reflectivity of the copper panels.
5. Provide specs on the proposed window glass. Ensure that the reflectance off the outside pane is kept below 7 %. If the glass is to be tinted, provide a
sample for review. Note that only minimal tints have been approved in the past.
6. Provide information on the plan to confirm that rooftop equipment will not be visible. Provide roof plan, equipment locations, equipment heights,
parapet wall heights, and/or other details /documentation.
7. Consider alternate treatments or locations to reduce the visual impact of the louvers on the exterior of the building. Provide a color sample for the
8. Add the following note to the site and architectural plans: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
9. Provide landscape and lighting plans for the hotel project. Ensure that landscaping and lighting meet EC requirements. Landscaping should include
planting in/around the parking lot on the north side of the hotel and planting around the hotel. The lighting plan should include all site and exterior
building lighting. Ensure that all fixtures meet EC guidelines and ordinance requirements. Calculate photometrics using an LLF of 1.0.
10. Add the following note to the plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping
of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant."
11. Provide complete information on the wall signs proposed for the hotel. (Use the sign checklist for submittal requirements.) Note that the 63' wall
sign height is not allowed by ordinance at this time. Also note that internal illumination of the logo and the number of colors proposed for the logo
exceed the guidelines recommendations. It is not supportable as presented.
You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms, checklists and schedules are available on-
line at www.albemarle.org/ARB.
Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are required. Include updated ARB revision dates on each drawing and an ARB approval
signature panel. Please provide a memo including detailed responses indicating how each comment has been addressed. If changes other than those
requested have been made, identify those changes in the memo also. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with "clouding" or by other means will
facilitate review and approval.
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me.
Margaret Maliszewski
Principal Planner
cc: Albemarle Place EAAP LLC, P O Box 528, Columbia SC 29202
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing/Revision Date
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing/Revision Date
Cover sheet architectural
Submitted 8/19/2011
Back Elevation (color)
First Floor Plan
Side (right) Elevation (color)
Second Floor Plan
Building Section
Typical 3 -4 Floor Plan
Hyatt Place wall signs
Typical 5 -6 Floor Plan
Landscape Plan
Roof Plan
Landscape Plan
First Floor Plan — Building
Exterior Lighting
Site Lighting
Second Floor Plan —
Building Exterior Lighting
Lighting Fixture Details
Roof Plan — Building
Exterior Lighting
Lighting Fixture Details
Light fixture cut sheets
Color perspective views 1 -5
and view legend
Front Elevation (color)
Site Layout Plan
A — Hyatt front elevation
B — Hyatt perspective view
C — Hyatt site plan