HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201100116 Review Comments Miscellaneous Submittal 2011-11-30ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project # /Name
ARB- 2011 -116: Brown Toyota Renovation - Pantops
Review Type
Preliminary Review of a Building Permit
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 78, Parcel 14
1357 Richmond Road (Rt. 250 East), across from Town and Country Lane
Highway Commercial (HC); Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
Virginia's First Family of Fine Cars Inc./Daggett & Grigg (Clark Gathright)
Magisterial District
To renovate the exterior of the existing vehicle showroom using aluminum composite panels and a
translucent glazing system.
The site is located on the south side of Route 250 East in the Pantops commercial area. This part of Pantops
is characterized by a number of automobile dealerships, many of which predate the establishment of the
Entrance Corridor.
The north and west elevation of the Brown Toyota building are readily visible from the Route 250 East
Entrance Corridor. The east elevation is less visible due to topography and landscaping. The rooftop is
visible when traveling westbound.
ARB Meeting Date
December 5, 2011
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
ARB- 2011 -86
The ARB conducted a conceptual review of this proposal and provided the applicant with comments
and suggestions for the next submittal. See the end of this report for the action letter from the
September 6 meeting. (The ARB comments are also listed in the Analysis section of this report.)
2002 -03
The expansion of vehicle display at the back of the property was reviewed in 2002 and 2003, and
landscaping changes were reviewed in 2003.
1999 -2009
Signs were reviewed in 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2009.
In 1994, the ARB reviewed proposals for additions to the service area (east end of building) and
showroom/office (west end of building).
Pre -1990
The original building at this site predates the establishment of Route 250 East as an Entrance
• Because the location of the front entrance is changing and because the proposed fagade requires footings, the applicant proposes to
remove and replace the sidewalk and steps along the front of the building, and to remove the planters along the center portion of the
front elevation.
• A low brick base is proposed along the north elevation of the building, ranging from approximately 6" high to 3' high.
• Two facing material options are proposed for the entrance portal: 1) the originally proposed back -lit translucent glazing system or 2)
white ACM panels.
• The applicant has clarified that the red ACM panels proposed for the color stripe on the building and the silver ACM panels that are
proposed for the majority of the facing on the front elevation are proposed at 30% gloss, whereas the Toyota standard is 80% gloss for
the red and 65% gloss for the silver. The applicant has confirmed that the white ACM panels proposed as the second option for facing
the entrance portal have a standard gloss level in the 30 -40% range.
1, 2, 3, 4,
1. Revise the design to
A low brick base is now
Because of its position behind
Revise the design to reflect
9, 10, 12,
reflect Albemarle's historic
proposed for the front
parked cars (as viewed from the
Albemarle's historic
architecture and to include
elevation. It ranges in height
EC) and partly below the grade of
architecture and to include
building forms and features,
from approximately 6" to 3'.
the road, and because of its low
building forms and features,
materials, colors, and
height, the proposed brick base is a
materials, colors, and textures
textures that are
minor element of the architectural
that are representative of that
representative of that
design with minimal visibility and
architectural tradition. A greater
architectural tradition.
a minimum of impact. As such, it
focus on traditional materials is
is not a sufficient tie to the historic
required. Revise the material
architecture of the area.
and color of the entrance portal.
Neither the translucent panels
nor the white ACM are
appropriate. Reduce the amount
of silver ACM panels and
replace them with a more
traditional facing material.
2, 4, 5, 15
2. Revise the proposal to
A low brick base is now
The minimal size and visibility of
Revise the proposal to balance
balance contemporary
proposed for the front
the proposed brick base does not
contemporary design and
design and compatibility
elevation. It ranges in height
establish enough of a historic
compatibility with Albemarle's
with Albemarle's significant
from approximately 6" to 3'.
presence to balance the
significant historic sites. A
historic sites.
contemporary features of the
combination of contemporary
The north elevation identifies a
proposed renovation.
forms with traditional
black ACM panel as new
materials /colors is
exterior cladding. It measures
The black panel does not have an
5' tall by 18' long. The
integrated appearance with the
applicant has indicated that the
design of the overall facade.
Eliminate the black ACM panel
black panel is part of the
Despite the method of attachment,
from the proposal.
"building skin" and will be
the panel functions as a
interlocked with the adjacent
background for the SCION sign.
The applicant is advised that
The background panel does not
approved sign permits are
meet the EC sign guidelines.
required before signs can be
installed on the renovated
1, 9
3. Consider visibility of the
A low brick base is now
The low brick base will have
Incorporate additional brick
existing brick or incorporate
proposed for the front
minimal impact on the EC. The
beyond that provided in the low
new brick as an element of
elevation. It ranges in height
brick base is a reduction in the
base to help reflect the
the new design.
from approximately 6" to 3'.
amount of visible brick on the
traditional architecture of the
front elevation.
4. Revise the proposal to
A low brick base is now
The brick base is a minimal step
Incorporate additional measures
include human scale as an
proposed for the front
toward establishing human scale in
for establishing human scale as
integral, recognizable part
elevation. It ranges in height
the renovation.
an integral, recognizable part of
of the overall design.
from approximately 6" to 3'.
the architectural design, overall,
and the ortal, in particular.
4, 5, 9, 15
5. Revise the entrance
The applicant has offered a
The white ACM panels do not
Neither the translucent panels
feature to maintain human
second option for the entrance
reflect traditional architectural
nor the white ACM are
scale and to emphasize
portal facing material. As an
elements. Like the back -lit
appropriate for the entrance
traditional architectural
alternate to the originally
translucent glass panels that are the
portal. Revise the material and
elements rather than
proposed back -lit translucent
applicant's preferred option, the
color of the entrance portal to
corporate identification.
glass panels, ACM panels in
white panels emphasize corporate
emphasize traditional
"Toyota white" are proposed
identification rather than local
architectural elements rather
for the portal.
architectural traditions.
than corporate identification.
6. Provide side elevations
The side elevations have been
The east elevation has minimal
for review.
visibility from the EC. The west
elevation maintains the existing
brick planter and steps.
7. Revise the drawings to
The applicant has indicated that
clearly show existing glass
no existing glass will remain.
to remain and new glass to
The proposed aluminum
be installed. Provide
storefront system is Kawneer
specifications for proposed
1600 1 curtain wall with clear
glass. Show that reflectance
insulating glass. A note on the
off the outside pane will be
elevation drawing indicates that
kept below 7 %.
reflectance is 7 %.
8. Confirm in writing that
The applicant has confirmed
no new equipment and no
that no new equipment is
changes to existing
proposed and no changes to
equipment are proposed.
existing equipment are
9. Marking the entrance is
See ARB comment #5, above.
See ARB comment #5, above.
See ARB comment #5, above.
appropriate, but the
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. The appropriateness of facing the front elevation nearly completely with ACM panels
2. The extent of silver ACM panels used in the proposed renovation
3. The white ACM panels for the entrance portal - are the material and color appropriate?
4. The scale of the entrance element
5. The gloss of the red, white and silver panels
6. The limited visibility of the proposed brick base; the extent of brick required in the renovation
7. The black panel
Staff offers the following comments on the preliminary review:
1. Revise the building design to reflect Albemarle's historic architecture and to include building forms and features, materials, colors, and textures that
are representative of that architectural tradition. A greater focus on traditional materials is required.
2. Revise the proposal to balance contemporary design and compatibility with Albemarle's significant historic sites. A combination of contemporary
forms with traditional materials /colors is recommended.
3. Revise the material and color of the entrance portal to emphasize traditional architectural elements rather than corporate identification. Neither the
translucent panels nor the white ACM are appropriate.
4. Reduce the amount of silver ACM panels and replace them with a more traditional facing material.
5. Incorporate additional brick beyond that provided in the low base to help reflect the traditional architecture of the area.
6. Incorporate additional measures for establishing human scale as an integral, recognizable part of the architectural design, overall, and the portal, in
7. Eliminate the black ACM panel from the proposal.
8. The applicant is advised that approved sign permits are required before signs can be installed on the renovated building.
translucent material is not.
10. The proposed massing is
more appropriate than the
existing condition.
11. Consider screening
The applicant indicates that the
existing rooftop mechanical
proposed north elevation is
equipment with the
between 2' and 6' taller than
increased building height.
the existing condition and will,
therefore, provide better
screening than the current
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. The appropriateness of facing the front elevation nearly completely with ACM panels
2. The extent of silver ACM panels used in the proposed renovation
3. The white ACM panels for the entrance portal - are the material and color appropriate?
4. The scale of the entrance element
5. The gloss of the red, white and silver panels
6. The limited visibility of the proposed brick base; the extent of brick required in the renovation
7. The black panel
Staff offers the following comments on the preliminary review:
1. Revise the building design to reflect Albemarle's historic architecture and to include building forms and features, materials, colors, and textures that
are representative of that architectural tradition. A greater focus on traditional materials is required.
2. Revise the proposal to balance contemporary design and compatibility with Albemarle's significant historic sites. A combination of contemporary
forms with traditional materials /colors is recommended.
3. Revise the material and color of the entrance portal to emphasize traditional architectural elements rather than corporate identification. Neither the
translucent panels nor the white ACM are appropriate.
4. Reduce the amount of silver ACM panels and replace them with a more traditional facing material.
5. Incorporate additional brick beyond that provided in the low base to help reflect the traditional architecture of the area.
6. Incorporate additional measures for establishing human scale as an integral, recognizable part of the architectural design, overall, and the portal, in
7. Eliminate the black ACM panel from the proposal.
8. The applicant is advised that approved sign permits are required before signs can be installed on the renovated building.
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date /Revision Date
Prototypical illustration
October 24, 2011
Elevation of proposed renovation
October 24, 2011
Entrance Corridor views from east and west
October 24, 2011
Examples of nearby auto dealerships (Ford and Flow)
October 24, 2011
North Elevation — proposed and existing
October 24, 2011
Site plan
October 24, 2011
Action letter response
October 24, 2011
C -1.0
Site Plan
10 -24 -11
A -1.1
Floor Plan
10 -24 -11
A -2.1
10 -24 -11
Action letter from September 6, 2011 ARB meeting
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
September 9, 2011
Daggett & Grigg Arch.
C/O Clark Gathright
100 10th St, Ste. 200
Charlottesville, Va. 22902
RE: ARB- 2011 -86: Brown Toyota Renovation - Pantops
Tax Map 78, Parcel 14
Dear Mr. Gathright:
The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on September 6, 2011, completed a conceptual review of the above -noted request to
renovate the exterior of the existing vehicle showroom using aluminum composite panels and a translucent glazing system. The Board offered the
following comments for the benefit of the applicant's next submittal. Please note that the following comments are those that have been identified at this
time. Additional comments may be added or eliminated based on further review and changes to the plan.
1. Revise the design to reflect Albemarle's historic architecture and to include building forms and features, materials, colors, and textures that are
representative of that architectural tradition.
2. Revise the proposal to balance contemporary design and compatibility with Albemarle's significant historic sites.
3. Consider visibility of the existing brick or incorporate new brick as an element of the new design.
4. Revise the proposal to include human scale as an integral, recognizable part of the overall design.
5. Revise the entrance feature to maintain human scale and to emphasize traditional architectural elements rather than corporate identification.
6. Provide side elevations for review.
7. Revise the drawings to clearly show existing glass to remain and new glass to be installed. Provide specifications for proposed glass. Show that
reflectance off the outside pane will be kept below 7 %.
8. Confirm in writing that no new equipment and no changes to existing equipment are proposed.
9. Marking the entrance is appropriate, but the translucent material is not.
10. The proposed massing is more appropriate than the existing condition.
11. Consider screening existing rooftop mechanical equipment with the increased building height.
You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms, checklists and schedules are available on -line
at www.albemarle.org /ARB.
Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are required. Include updated ARB revision dates on each drawing. Please provide a memo
including detailed responses indicating how each comment has been addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made, identify those
changes in the memo also. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with "clouding" or by other means will facilitate review and approval.
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me
Margaret Maliszewski
Principal Planner
cc: Virginia's First Family of Fine Cars Inc c/o Brown Honda, 960 Hilton Heights Rd., Charlottesville VA 22901