HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201100128 Review Comments Preliminary Site Plan 2011-12-27ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project # /Name
ARB- 2011 -128: Martha Jefferson Apartments at Westminster Canterbury of the Blue Ridge
Review Type
Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 78, Parcel 55A6
267 Pantops Mountain Road, on the north side of Rt 250 East at Pantops Mountain Road
Planned Residential Development (PRD), Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
Westminster Canterbury of the Blue Ridge /SFCS (Drew Kepley)
Magisterial District
To construct a 6 -story addition on the east side of the Monticello Apartment Building at Westminster
Canterbury, to house of independent living apartments, wellness /fitness center, and parking, with associated
site improvements.
The proposed addition is to be located on the east side of the Westminster Canterbury development.
Westminster Canterbury is located in the Pantops area, surrounded by a mix of commercial, office and
residential buildings.
Traveling eastbound on the Route 250 Entrance Corridor, it is anticipated that the upper stories of the
apartment addition will be visible beginning at the Rolkin Road intersection. The upper stories may
continue to be visible intermittently along the portion of Route 250 that is located in front of the
Westminster Canterbury development, between and above the buildings that front the EC. Traveling
westbound, the addition is expected to be somewhat less visible. The distance between the addition and the
road (approximately 1000') and the intervening development will help mitigate the impacts of the tall
ARB Meeting Date
January 3, 2012
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
ARB- 2006 -141
Duplex cottages approved.
ARB- 2002 -75
Maintenance building roof revisions approved.
ARB- 2001 -14
Major additions to the Westminster Canterbury development approved, including independent
living apartments, commons building, assisted living building, and 10 cottages.
1998 -2000
The ARB reviewed several applications for various proposals, including new cottages, a porte
cochere, an assisted living building, a fitness addition, and signs.
The original Westminster Canterbury building was constructed prior to the establishment of
Entrance Corridors in the County.
Structure design
Building forms and features, including roofs, windows,
The primary roof of the proposed
Consider revising the
doors, materials, colors and textures should be
building is flat, but there are several
material for the "roof
compatible with the forms and features of the
"roof accents" that project above the
accents" to match the
significant historic buildings in the area, exemplified by
main roof. These "accents" are
shingles of the adjacent
(but not limited to) the buildings described in Appendix
proposed to be copper. The roof shape
A [of the design guidelines]. The standard of
and material differ from the typical
compatibility can be met through scale, materials, and
roof shape and material found in the
forms which may be embodied in architecture which is
Westminster Canterbury development.
contemporary as well as traditional. The replication of
Shingles that match the existing
important historic sites in Albemarle County is not the
development would provide for a more
objective of these guidelines.
cohesive appearance, but copper is a
Architecture proposed within the Entrance Corridor
traditional building material.
should use forms, shapes, scale, and materials to create
a cohesive whole.
Accessory structures and equipment
Accessory structures and equipment should be
A "possible mechanical enclosure" is
integrated into the overall plan of development and
shown on the roof plan. Given the
shall, to the extent possible, be compatible with the
height of the building in relation to the
building designs used on the site.
EC, and the various "roof accents"
proposed, rooftop equipment isn't
expected to be visible.
The following note should be added to the site plan and
The note does not appear on the plan.
Add the following note to
the architectural plan: "Visibility of all mechanical
the site plan and the
equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be
architectural drawings:
"Visibility of all mechanical
equipment from the
Entrance Corridor shall be
No lighting has been proposed at this
If site or building- mounted
lights are proposed, submit
a lighting plan and details
for review.
Landscaping should promote visual order within the
Although the proposed addition is
Provide two trees at 21/2"
Entrance Corridor and help to integrate buildings into
located a considerable distance from
caliper, along the west side
the existing environment of the corridor.
the EC and the lower levels aren't
expected to be visible from the road,
of the 13 -space parking row.
Continuity within the Entrance Corridor should be
obtained by planting different types of plant materials
large trees planted near the addition
Revise the planting at the
that share similar characteristics. Such common
will eventually have an impact on the
base of the building to
elements allow for more flexibility in the design of
development and its appearance from
provide 21/2" caliper trees
structures because common landscape features will help
the road, from both close and distant
spaced 40' apart along the
to harmonize the appearance of development as seen
vantage points. Large trees can help
travelway located on the
from the street upon which the Corridor is centered.
break up and soften the appearance of
east side of the addition.
Landscaping along interior roads:
the built sections of the development,
a. Large trees should be planted parallel to all interior
and help integrate dissimilar elements.
Include the interior parking
roads. Such trees should be at least 21/2 inches caliper
lot trees, perimeter parking
(measured six inches above the ground) and should be
Two American elm trees are proposed
lot trees and interior road
of a plant species common to the area. Such trees
at the end of the 13 -space parking row
trees in the Required Plant
should be located at least every 40 feet on center.
located west of the building addition.
Material Schedule.
Landscaping of parking areas:
These trees meet the interior tree
a. Large trees should align the perimeter of parking
areas, located 40 feet on center. Trees should be planted
requirement. It appears that there is
in the interior of parking areas at the rate of one tree for
planting area available along the west
every 10 parking spaces provided and should be evenly
side of the parking spaces. Trees in that
distributed throughout the interior of the parking area.
location could meet the perimeter
b. Trees required by the preceding paragraph should
parking area requirement.
measure 21 /z inches caliper (measured six inches above
the ground); should be evenly spaced; and should be of
Nine additional trees are proposed at
a species common to the area. Such trees should be
the base of the building. Some of these
planted in planters or medians sufficiently large to
could qualify as interior road trees, but
maintain the health of the tree and shall be protected by
the spacing isn't consistent and only
the elm trees are identified by size and
Landscaping of buildings and other structures:
species on the plan.
a. Trees or other vegetation should be planted along the
front of long buildings as necessary to soften the
appearance of exterior walls. The spacing, size, and
type of such trees or vegetation should be determined
by the length, height, and blankness of such walls.
Plant health:
The note does not appear on the plans.
Add the following note to the
The following note should be added to the landscape
landscape plan: "All site
plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be
plantings of trees and shrubs
allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the
shall be allowed to reach,
topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be
and be maintained at,
pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of
mature height; the topping
the plant."
of trees is prohibited.
Shrubs and trees shall be
pruned minimally and only
to support the overall health
of the plant."
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Anticipated visibility of the proposed addition
2. Material for the roof accents
3. Proposed landscaping
Staff offers the following comments on the preliminary proposal:
1. Consider revising the material for the "roof accents" to match the shingles of the adjacent roofs.
2. Add the following note to the site plan and the architectural drawings: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance
Corridor shall be eliminated."
3. If site or building- mounted lights are proposed, submit a lighting plan and details for review.
4. Provide two trees at 2' /z" caliper, along the west side of the 13 -space parking row.
5. Revise the planting at the base of the building to provide 21/2" caliper trees spaced 40' apart along the travelway located on the east side
of the addition.
6. Include the interior parking lot trees, perimeter parking lot trees and interior road trees in the Required Plant Material Schedule.
7. Add the following note to the landscape plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at,
mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date/Revision Date
Overall Plan
November 17, 2011
Landscape Plan
November 17, 2011
Existing Conditions Plan — New Building Area
10 /10 /11
Grading & Drainage Plan — New Building Addition
10 /10 /11
Lower Level Three — Floor Plan
November 21, 2011
Lower Level Two — Floor Plan
November 21, 2011
Lower Level One — Floor Plan
November 21, 2011
Level One — Floor Plan
November 21, 2011
Levels Two, three and Four — Floor Plan
November 21, 2011
Level Five — Floor Plan
November 21, 2011
Roof Plan
November 21, 2011
Exterior Elevations (South)
November 21, 2011
Exterior Elevations (East)
November 21, 2011
Exterior Elevations (North)
November 21, 2011
Foundation Landscape Plan
Photos of site from EC (3)
Profiles (4)