HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201100137 Review Comments Easement Plat 2011-12-28o® U G�6 �'IRGINIP County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Phone 434 - 296 -5832 Memorandum To: Mike Myers (mmyers(a dominioneng.com) Kevin Shreiner (kshreinerCaD-dominioneng.com) Greg Baldwin (gregaa.gregbaldwin realty. com) From: Ellie Ray, CLA, Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: December 28, 2011 Subject: SUB 2011 -00138 Keswick Lake — Final Subdivision Plat SUB 2011 -00095 Clifton Lake — Special Lot SUB 2011 -00137 Clifton Lake — Easement Fax 434 - 972 -4126 The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plat referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision /Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] This memo contains comments for all three referenced applications to aid coordination and review efficiency. SUB 2011 -00138 Keswick Lake — Final Subdivision Plat: The applicant has requested review based on the 1980 Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance, in accord with Section of the current Zoning Ordinance regulations. [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code at that time. All references are to the 1980 Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances, unless otherwise specified.] [ZMA- 1977 -24 #1] Health Department Approval. Comment: This condition is closely related to both ZMA1977 -24 Condition #12 and SUB2007 -396 Condition #9. Health Department approval is required for a primary and reserve drainfield location on each lot, outside of critical slopes. My understanding is that the applicant is currently seeking approval of a central sewage treatment system (the `Living Machine') from VDH. If approved by VDH, this central system would also require County approval. If all approvals are granted, the proposed central system may satisfy this condition; otherwise drainfield locations will have to be approved as indicated above. Documentation of all approvals must be included with the Final Plat and maintenance of the central system must be provided for in a maintenance agreement to be reviewed by the County Attorney. 2. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #2] VDOT Approval of entrance facilities. Comment: The application has been sent to VDOT for review. Comments will be forwarded once received. 3. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #3] Albemarle County engineering approval of all internal roads and private drives with adequate turnaround space at the end of each. Comment: The Engineering division is currently reviewing this application and will forward any comments. 4. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #4] VDOT approval of internal state roads. Comment: The application has been sent to VDOT for review. Comments will be forwarded once received. 5. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #5] No dwelling units nor septic fields to be built on slopes in excess of 25 %. Comment: a. Please provide documentation to indicate there is a suitable location on each lot to construct a dwelling unit and two drainfields (depending on outcome of #1 above) with no critical slope impacts. In a letter addressing preliminary plat comments, dated January 21, 2008, DDR responded to this same request for information by saying, `Further construction design and details shall be provided as required for final approval'. This information must be provided before Final Plat approval can be granted: b. ' Further, in an effort to ensure that all lots shown on this plat are truly buildable, the dwelling unit and drainfield locations must be demonstrated to be outside of the stream buffer. The stream buffer is currently shown incorrectly on the submittal; please correct the stream buffer location and show building and drainfield locations outside of both critical slopes and the stream buffer on each lot. Building permits will not be granted for any locations within stream buffers regardless of plat approval. Any lot lacking adequate space outside of critical slopes and stream buffer will be considered `unbuildable' and should be labeled as such on the plat. 6. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #6] No dwelling units nor septic fields to be built within 50 feet of the lake water's edge at mean level to be determined by the Virginia Department of Health. Comment: Provide documentation of the lake's water edge determination and provide information that demonstrates there is a suitable location on each lot to construct a dwelling unit and two drainfields (depending on outcome of #1 above) outside of the 50' delineation. Illustration of correct stream buffers may resolve this condition. 7. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #7] The applicant will have a certified engineer test the existing dam and certify that it is safe to the satisfaction of the County Engineer. Comment: Please provide dam safety certification. 8. [ZMA - 1977 -24 #8] A maintenance agreement for the maintenance of all common areas, recreational facilities, private drives, and the dam to be approved by the County Attorney's Office and recorded. Comment: Provide a maintenance agreement for review by the County Attorney. This agreement may also need to include provisions for the central water and sewer systems, if included in the project. Please also show all recreational facilities on the plat. 9. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #9] Final subdivision approval will be subject to the County Engineer's Office approval of central water system. Comment: It is my understanding that the applicant has requested an expansion of the ACSA jurisdictional area to provide water to this subdivision. If approved, the jurisdictional area expansion may satisfy this condition. If denied, approval of a central water system is required prior to final plat approval. A Tier IV groundwater study will also be required. Documentation of all approvals must be included with the Final Plat and maintenance of the central system must be provided for in a maintenance agreement to be reviewed by the County Attorney. 10. [ZMA - 1977 -24 #10] A grading permit will be required prior to subdivision approval. Comment: The Engineering division is currently reviewing this application and will forward any comments. 11. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #11] All lots are to have access to common open space. Comment: On the preliminary plat this condition appeared to have been met through the provision of a pedestrian path throughout the open space. While reviewing the preliminary plat, the planner requested additional information regarding construction details of the path as well as a general layout of any recreational facilities (boat launches, picnic areas, etc.) and requested that these items be included in a maintenance agreement (as noted above). In the comment response letter, dated January 21, 2008, DDR responded to this request, 'As requested, construction details, access agreements, and maintenance agreements shall be provided with final plans'. This information must be provided before Final Plat approval can be granted. 12. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #12] An approved secondary drainfield location must be provided for each lot (ZMA -77 -24 #12). Comment: See comment #1 above. Approved locations for a primary and secondary drainfield must be provided for each lot. 13. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #13] That the Virginia Dept. of Highways and Transportation review the intersection of Route 250 East and Route 709 in order to determine whether signs or warning lights are necessary; if it is determined that controls are warranted, they shall be installed at the developer's expense. Comment: The application has been sent to VDOT for review. Comments will be forwarded once received. 2 14. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #14] Albemarle County Engineering approval of right -of -way widths. Comment: The Engineering division is currently reviewing this application and will forward any comments. 15. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #15] The number of lots in the development is limited to 39, with the reduction from the number of lots shown on plan presented to the BOS meeting of January 18, 1978, to be made along Route 729 on the west side of the lake. Comment: This condition appears to have been met. 16. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #16] The developer is to install a road across the dam (non- dedicated) to provide access to Route 729. Comment: There is no road shown across the dam on the preliminary plat. I understand there is a Special Use Permit currently under review for fill in the floodplain necessary to construct this road. The Special Use Permit and road plans must be approved before final plat approval can be granted. This approval involves both SUB201100095 Clifton Lake — Special Lot and SUB201100137 Easement Plat, submitted separately. a. A variation request must be approved to change the alignment of the road connecting to Route 729 from what was shown on the approved application plan. A variation request was previously submitted in June of 2008, but approval was not granted (see attached copy of request); please update the variation with all current information including details regarding what is being provided with the special lot dedication (SUB201100095). If you have questions regarding the variation, please contact Wayne Cilimberg. b. Issues related to the special lot and its dedication to the County must be.resolved before the variation may be granted, including coordination with Parks and Recreation. Please see comments for SUB201100095 (included). c. Easement plat (SUB201100137) cannot be approved until road plans are finalized. This may also apply to Special Lot plat (SUB201100095). d. Clarification of the 'gap' between the special lot and the adjoining property may be required. e. Documentation that no public right -of -way exists on Randolph Mill Lane may be required'. 17. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #17] Setback from Route 729 shall be 100 feet from the centerline of the road. Comment: This submittal does not appear to include lots subject to this condition. 18. [ZMA- 1977 -24] Conformity with the Application Plan. Comment: During review of the preliminary plat, a request was made for information regarding the construction and maintenance of all amenities and other features anticipated during the rezoning. This included such items as design and access to boat launches and picnic areas. This is closely related to #11 above, and DDR gave the same response, that `construction details, access agreements, and maintenance agreement shall be provided with Final Plans'; please provide this information. 19. [SUB2011 -396 #1] All easements shall be provided by current property owners for the access road to connect to Route 729. Comment: This condition is associated with SUB201100137 Clifton Lake Easement Plat. As noted above, no approval can be granted until road plans are approved and all associated easements are added to the plat. 20. [SUB2011 -396 #2] Boundary line adjustment to combine Tax Map and Parcel #s 79 -23 and 79C -1. Comment: The required boundary line adjustment is part of this plat submittal. 21. [SUB2011 -396 #3] Current Development Engineer Approval of Storm Water Management plans and calculations. Comment: The Engineering division is currently reviewing this application and will forward any comments. 22. [SUB2011 -396 #4] Current Development Engineer Approval of Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and Road Plans. Comment: The Engineering division is currently reviewing this application and will forward any comments. 23. [SUB2011 -396 #5] VDOT approval of commercial entrance permit for the private street accessing Route 729 including any necessary road improvements. This shall include VDOT review of the intersection of Route 250 East and Route 709 in order to determine whether signs or warning lights are necessary, if it is determined that controls are warranted, they shall be installed at the developer's expense. VDOT approval of public street plan. Comment: The application has been sent to VDOT for review. Comments will be forwarded once received. 24. [SUB2011 -396 #6] Fire Official Approval. Comment: See comments provided separately. 25. [SUB2011 -396 #7] Approval of road names. Comment: See comments provided separately. 26. [SUB2011 -396 #8] Submittal of aground water study. Comment: A Tier IV groundwater study must be completed in association with any application for a central water system. 27. [SUB2011 -396 #9] Health Department approval of two septic drain fields per residential lot not located on critical slopes. Comment: See #1, 5, & 12 above. 28. [SUB2011 -396 #10] Delineation of stream buffers as required by Albemarle County Code Chapter 17 Section 317 (C). Comment: Please show complete and accurate stream buffers on all sheets, and add the following note: 'The stream buffer(s) shown hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance'. 29. [SUB2011 -396 #11] Submittal of final plat meeting the requirements of Chapter 14 Sections 19.0 et seq. and ZMA 77— 24. Comment: See comments #33 -42. 30. [SUB2011 -396 #12] Final Plat approval shall require construction of a new road extension to Route 709, Shadwell Road and construction of a road over the dam to Route 729. Comment: The road extension to Route 709 is provided for on this plat, see # 16 above for information regarding connection to Route 729. 31. [SUB2011 -396 #13] Planning Commission approval of final plat. Comment: Once all approvals are in place, this application will be placed on the Planning Commission agenda. 32. [SUB2011 -396 #14] Final plat shall be consistent with the conditions of ZMA 77 -24 and specifically with the location of the private street accessing Route 729, North Milton Road and crossing the dam to connect with the extension of Route 709, Shadwell Road. Comment: See comments #1 —17. 33. [Subdivision Ordinance Section 7 -9 -1] Title. Comment: Please revise Note #3 to say the rezoning was under the name 'Shadwell Heights', the preliminary plat was approved under the name 'Clifton Lake' and that the current name is 'Keswick Lake'. 34. [Subdivision Ordinance Section 7 -9-4] ...total acreage in each use, both proposed and existing, including utilities and water courses. Comment: Update the Area Summary to include acreage in water courses. 35. [Subdivision Ordinance Section 7 -9 -131 Written and signed statements explaining how and when the subdivider proposes to provide and install all required sewers or other disposal of sanitary wastes, pavements, sidewalks, and drainage structures, and dedication thereof. Comment: Please provide these statements. 36. [Subdivision Ordinance Section 8 -3] ... Approval of the final plat by the governing body, or its agent, shall be void unless the approved plat is recorded within six months after approval. Comment: Please be aware that the final plat must be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County within six (6) months, or approval is void. 37. [Subdivision Ordinance Section 8 -5-4] Total acres in each proposed use plus floodplain delineation shall be shown. Comment: Update the Area Summary to include acreage in floodplain. 38. [Subdivision Ordinance Section 8 -5 -6.] Location of all minimum building setback lines specified in this and the Zoning Ordinance. COMMENT: Add the minimum building setback lines to all lots. 39. [Subdivision Ordinance Section 8 -5 -9] Date and north point. Comment: With each revision submitted, please add a revision date. 40. [Subdivision Ordinance Section 8 -5- 11(2)] Signature panels. Comment: Please revise signature panel(s) to remove VDOT and 'Director of Planning' and include signature line for the Chairman of the Albemarle County Planning Commission and Agent for the Board of Supervisors. 41. [Zoning Ordinance Section 19.7] Height Regulations. Comment: List all height restrictions on the plat. 42. [Zoning Ordinance Section 19.9] Setback and Yard Regulations. Comment: Show setback and yard lines and provide documentation of approval of the numbers used. 43. [Comment] There are several instances of overlapping text on the plat making it difficult to read; please correct. 44. [Comment] Please correct the magisterial district to 'Scottsville'. Please contact Ellie Ray at the Planning Division by using eray @albemarle.org or 434 - 296 -5832 ext. 3432 for further information. pt ALg J I'IRGINZP County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Phone 434 - 296 -5832 Fax 434 - 972 -4126 The County of Albemarle Planning Division will grant or recommend approval of the plat referenced above once the following comments have been addressed: [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision /Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] 1. [1 4- 302(A)(i)] Name ofSubdivision. After consulting with Zoning, it has been determined that this is a subdivision plat; please title and label accordingly. Mote #13 should also be removed. Refer to the forthcoming Letter of Determination for additional information. Ravi: Comment addressed. 2. [14- 302(A)(4 &5)] Private & Public easements. Provide the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed easements. Existing easements should be labeled with the deed book and page number and the owner of record. Specify the dimensions of the proposed easement indicated in Note #15 along Randolph Mill Lane. Ravi., Comment not addressed. The County would like to review a copy of the Private Access Easement agreement between the owner of the subject parcel and the owner of TMP 79-23B referred to in your comment response letter, please submit two copies, Rev2: The agreement provided is currently under review by both Albemarle County Parks and Recreation, and the County Attorney; comments will be forwarded once received. t 3. [14- 302(A)(11)] Instrument creating property proposed for subdivision. Provide the deed book and page nurnber of the instrurnent whereby the parent parcel was created. Ravi: Comment addressed. 4. [14- 302(A)(14)] Lana to be dedicated in fee or reserved. Please revise the label that reads; 'Try be dedicated for public use' to: `Reserved for dedication to public use upon demand of the County'. Revi: Comment addressed. , 5. [14- 302(8)(1)] General information. For future reference, please add the date of the latest revision each time a plat is submitted to the County. Rev1: Comment addressed, but valid for all submittals. Rev2: Comment addressed, but valid for all submittals. 6. [14- 302(8)(5)] Zoning Classification. After consulting with Zoning, it has been determined that this property is ,zoned RA. Please provide this information on the plat and remove note #11. Rev1: Comment addressed. Memorandum To: Greg Baldwin (greg @gregbaldwinrealty.com) From: Ellie Ray, Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: August 30, 2011 Rev 1: December 6, 2011 Rev 2: December 28, 2011 Subject: SUB 2011 -00095 Clifton Lake — Special Lot Fax 434 - 972 -4126 The County of Albemarle Planning Division will grant or recommend approval of the plat referenced above once the following comments have been addressed: [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision /Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] 1. [1 4- 302(A)(i)] Name ofSubdivision. After consulting with Zoning, it has been determined that this is a subdivision plat; please title and label accordingly. Mote #13 should also be removed. Refer to the forthcoming Letter of Determination for additional information. Ravi: Comment addressed. 2. [14- 302(A)(4 &5)] Private & Public easements. Provide the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed easements. Existing easements should be labeled with the deed book and page number and the owner of record. Specify the dimensions of the proposed easement indicated in Note #15 along Randolph Mill Lane. Ravi., Comment not addressed. The County would like to review a copy of the Private Access Easement agreement between the owner of the subject parcel and the owner of TMP 79-23B referred to in your comment response letter, please submit two copies, Rev2: The agreement provided is currently under review by both Albemarle County Parks and Recreation, and the County Attorney; comments will be forwarded once received. t 3. [14- 302(A)(11)] Instrument creating property proposed for subdivision. Provide the deed book and page nurnber of the instrurnent whereby the parent parcel was created. Ravi: Comment addressed. 4. [14- 302(A)(14)] Lana to be dedicated in fee or reserved. Please revise the label that reads; 'Try be dedicated for public use' to: `Reserved for dedication to public use upon demand of the County'. Revi: Comment addressed. , 5. [14- 302(8)(1)] General information. For future reference, please add the date of the latest revision each time a plat is submitted to the County. Rev1: Comment addressed, but valid for all submittals. Rev2: Comment addressed, but valid for all submittals. 6. [14- 302(8)(5)] Zoning Classification. After consulting with Zoning, it has been determined that this property is ,zoned RA. Please provide this information on the plat and remove note #11. Rev1: Comment addressed. 7. [14- 302(B)(8)] Tax f77ap and parcel number. 'Provide the county tax map and parcel number of the parent parcel. Remove the end of note #5 beginning with; 'Albemarle County records do not appear to recognize...' Rev1: Comment addressed,, 3. [14- 302(B)(8)] Yards. Provide the location of all yards required by this chapter and the zoning ordinance; this information may be shown graphically or described in a note. Rev1- Comment addressed.. 9. [14- 302(B)(10)] Stream buffers. Indicate the location of the stream buffer required by section 17 -317 of the water protection ordinance, with the following note: `The stream buffer(s) shown hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance'. Rev1: Comment not addressed, the stream buffer note must still be included on the plat with reference that the stream buffer falls within the limits of the floodplain. Rev2: Comment not fully addressed; please add the stream buffer note above to the end of Note #9. 10. 14 -3 3(A)] Statement of consent to division. Revise the consent statement to read : "The division of the land described herein is with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of -the undersigned owners, proprietors and trustees. Any reference to future potential development is to be deemed as theoretical only. All statements affixed to this plat are true and correct to the best of my Knowledge." Revl : Comment addressed. 11. [14- 303(C)] Boundary lines. Provide boundary line information for the overlap portion of the parcel that is intended to be dedicated to the adjacent property owner. Rev1: Comment addressed. 12. [14- 303(D)] Acreage of Lots. Indicate the total acreage of each existing lot and each proposed lot. Rev1: Comment addressed, 13. [14- 303(T)] Special lots. When a subdivision creates a special lot, the following note shall be placed on the plat: "Lot `X' is a special lot established solely for (insert purpose for the special lot as identified in the definition of special lot in section 14- 106):" Also, revise note #14 to use the dedication wording from comment #4 above. Rev1: Comment not addressed. Current note #13 needs to be revised to remove the portion that states `ONLY after final County approval of the Clifton Lake Subdivision'; approval cannot be granted with that note in place. The plat also needs to be forwarded to the Parks & Recreation Department to determine if they will accept the property with the 25' easement in place; please include an additional copy for their review. Rev2: Comment not addressed. Note #13 and the label on the plat need to be the same; both should either say `hereby dedicated...' or `reserved for dedication...'. For now, show them both as `hereby dedicated', but this may change depending on legal review and review of the variation noted below. 14. [ZMA- 1977 -24 #16] The developer is to install a road across the dam (non- dedicated) to provide access to Route 729. This application is closely tied to this condition of rezoning and the variation necessary to change the road alignment from the approved application plan. Issues that may need to be resolved include: a. Clarification of Note #2 and more detailed information regarding ownership and /or maintenance responsibilities of the proposed roadway. b. Clarification of Note #4 and more detailed information regarding property line locations. c. Information regarding who will construct previously discussed improvements on the special lot. d. Written approval from VDOT regarding permission for Parks & Recreation to use ROW for new access to the river. e. Randolph Mill Lane may need to be public to any vehicular entrance to the Special Lot. Please contact Ellie Ray at the Planning Division by using eray(o),albemarle.org or 434 - 296 -5832 ext. 3432 for further information. or• A o� County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Phone 434 - 296 -5832 Memorandum To: Mike Myers (mmyers(&dominionena.com) From: Ellie Ray, Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: December 28, 2011 Subject: SUB 2011 -00137 Clifton Lake — Easement Fax 434 - 972 -4126 The County of Albemarle Planning Division will grant or recommend approval of the plat referenced above once the following comments have been addressed: (Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision /Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] 1. [14- 302(A)(4 &5)] Private & Public easements. Please clarify Note #10 with an explanation regarding easements for a private access easement becoming dedicated to public use. 2. [14- 302(A)(11)] Instrument creating property proposed for subdivision. As noted on the associated Keswick Lake applications, more detailed information regarding Notes #8 and 9 may be required. 3. [14- 302(A)(15)] Identification of all owners and certain interest holders. Provide the addresses of each owner of record and holders of any easements affecting the property. 4. [14- 302(B)(1)] General information. Please correct the magisterial district to 'Scottsville'. 5. [14- 302(8)(10)] Stream buffers. Indicate the location of the stream buffer required by section 17 -317 of the water protection ordinance, with the following note: 'The stream buffer(s) shown hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance'. 6. [14- 303(C)] Boundary lines. Boundary lines locations must be consistent on all related applications. It appears that at least one boundary line shown on this easement plat is in a different location on the associated Special Lot plat; please clarify. 7. [14- 303(H)] Monuments. Please show at least two monuments or add a note referencing the location of monuments. 8. [14- 303(0)] Signature panels. Revise the County signature panel to say 'Agent for the Board of Supervisors'. 9. [Comment] This plat cannot be approved until road plans for SUB201100138 are approved; additional comments may be forthcoming. Please contact Ellie Ray at the Planning Division by using eray @albemarle.org or 434 - 296 -5832 ext. 3432 for further information.