HomeMy WebLinkAboutHO201200014 Review Comments Home Occupation 2012-01-18FOR OFFICE USE ONLY HO # l^(.) [ •G t ✓ Fee Amount 5050 V Date PaiS6�'By who? Receipt # �5/l Ck# By: i Application for Class A Home Occupation Clearance WHome Occupation Class A Clearance = $25.00 ❑Certification that notice of this application has been provided to the property owner, if owner is different from aDDlicant. Home Occupation, Class A: An occupation, not expressly prohibited by section 5.2, conducted for profit within a dwelling unit solely by one or more members of the family residing within the dwelling emit; provided that nothing herein prohibits the occupation from engaging other persons who work off-site and do not come to the dwelling unit to engage in the occupation. Name of Business: F A\(0 R Vr P_ CAVES Type of Business: W EDDINE) CAKE- 'BAKER Tax map and parcel: (AlmAl-OI-OA^ 41000 Zoning: 192 - Contact 2 Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): V A T B` WAT K i X15 Address l 12 5 I-IE.AR T H G LQ 3 LAx E City C 9ARLOT J r_- S\f t LL G State 1(A zip ZZ.901 Daytime Phone (V) Ci 1 Ll • R ZL 4 Fax # () E-mail Owner of Record K A i FI`( w ATy I N5 Address I NE.Ftti;Tt a LUU3 L-A M E City akJARLoTTESVtt.LC State NIA Zip. Z;�q01 Daytime Phone (y4) R74.9 2 29 Fax # l�) E-mail �. V or' ie mkes JD, eo vA k 1,; k . I'Me"1- This certificate, in conjunction with a business license, represents zoning approval to conduct the Class A Home Occupation identified above. Each home occupation is subject to the following: PLEASE CHECK EACH BOX SO THAT IT IS CLEAR THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS CLEARANCE LOCATION & AREA The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling unit, provided that not more than twenty-five (25) percent of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit shall be used for the home occupation and further provided that the gross floor area used for the home occupation shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1500) square feet. [Section 5.2 (b) 1)] EXTERIOR APPEARANCE There shall be no change in the exterior appearance of a dwelling unit or other visible evidence of the conduct of a home occupation. [Section 5.2 (c) 1)] 12'SALES No home occupation shall sell goods to a customer who comes to the site except for goods that are hand-crafted on- site and goods sold that are directly related to a beauty shop or a one -chair barber shop home occupation. [Section 5.2 (d)] County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 d TRAFFIC The traffic generated by a home occupation shall not exceed the volume that would normally be expected by a dwelling unit in a residential neighborhood. [Section 5.2 (e)] PARKING All vehicles used in a home occupation and all vehicles of customers, clients or students shall be parked on-site. [Section 5.2 (f)] ❑ PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The home occupation shall comply with the performance standards in section 4.14. [Section 5.2A (k)] Does the use involve procedures, machinery Or chemicals that may cause the following? YES NO NOISE ✓ VIBRATION V GLARE HEAT ✓ AIR POLLUTION ✓ WATER POLLUTION ✓ RADIOACTIVITY ✓ ELECTRICAL DISTURBANCE ✓ NON-DOMESTIC WASTE DISCHARGED TO A SEPTIC FIELD OR SEWER If YES, then applicable standards must be addressed with a Certified Engineer's Report (available from staff). PROHIBITED USES The following uses are expressly prohibited as home occupations: (1) tourist lodging; (2) nursing homes; (3) nursery schools; (4) day care centers; and (5) private schools. [Section 5.2 (h)] WAIVERS AND MODIFICATIONS: The above standards are eligible for waiver or modification by the Plamling Commission. Ask staff for more inforniation about applicable fees and process. [Section 35 and Section 5.1] Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby apply for approval to conduct the Home Occupation identified above, and certify that this address is my legal residence. I also certify that I have read the restrictions on Home Occupations, that I understand them, and that I will abide by them. �A L)Au_1 ZMLLOA14 113, zolz Signature of Owner/Applicant Date KA—t M WATKIS5 H311 - g74 . a zz9 Print N ne Daytime phone munber of Signatory Reviewer 0Date ENGINEER'S REPORT ATTACHED: YES NO3,/ (`0NTilTTTT0_NTQ 7/1/2011 Page 2 of 2 TEL No. 434-974-9229 Commonwealth of Virginia CL: Food Safety and Security Program REG FU. CFN: 5033170 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services NEXT IN: FEL P.O. Box 1163 BY: RAO Richmond. Virginia 23218 INSPECTION REPORT T0: Kathy Watkins owner July 6, 2011 (Owner or Operator (Title) (Date) Favorite Calces 1725 Hearthglow Lane, Charlottesville Virginia 22901 (Firm Name) (Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip Code) During an inspection of your home bakery on July 6, 2011 the following objectionable conditions were observed: No objectionable conditions were observed during today's inspection. Inspection Report left with Kathy Watkins owner byR.A. Olinger Name Title Adulterated food items listed in observations were destroyed with my consent. Witnessed the collecting, marking, or sealing of samples ❑ Portion of Sample was, left with vendor ❑ Vendor did not desire portion of sample ❑ Pictures Inspector # 954 Price Paid: $ 11-07-06 Inspection Renor6.doc Paee 1 of2 Received bv: FOR IND VIDUALS ONLY CERTIFICATE REQUIRED TO'BE FIl.ED BY A PERSON CONDUCTING BUSD' TSS D,,' THE COMMONV1EALTrl OF VIRGINIA UNDER AN ASSUMED OR FICTITIOUS NAME. I hereby certify in accordance with the provisions of '§ 59.1-E9 of the 1950 Codc of VtrZinia that I am conducting the business of L4C)ME F, e, (Typ: of Businass) at tl Z5 IAEARTZ tGLOW LVA. 6"ARW)►'CE5\I(LLS `lfi Z2t0i (Sur= Address) (City) (State) (71p) Virginia, under the name of FkJoRI`cE CAKES (N=Y- o: Businass) PAGE: ;-7 and that no other person has any interest of any kind in said business and that I am the sDlc owner and proprietor thereof My Post Office address is My Residence address is 11Z5 l -IE AKTLAGLOW LN C.HAttUI' re.S%IILI.E VA 72CiOl Given under my hand t}us 1$ , day of .SAVAVARY . , 7.b iz Commonw:zlth of tiirSinia to -wit: 1, the undersientci hereby ecnify that (signuurc) (Notary} Public) in and for the Commonwealth and City aforesaid, cio name is signed to the foregoin j and hr -r --unto annexed Certificate •dated the �2 rM day of SNt� Aju a L A- has this day personally app=ared before me and acknowledged the before me in office. Given and r y hand this 1V' µ , day of Commission Expires: — ---- In -The •C}erk=s-Office-o7`the"Circuit-Coun•of the Virginia o'clock—M, this Ccnificate wttn the Certificate ofAeknowledgment annexed, was rPlllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!illlllllll Drd. RECORDED IN CLERKS OFFICE OF IIIIIIIII Doc ID: 006611270001 Type: CHA TESTE: - ALBEMARLE COUNTY ON Recorded: 01/18/2012 at 10:49:04 AM January 18,2012 AT 10:49:04 AM Fee Amt: $10.00 Pape 1 of 1 $0.00 GRANTOR TAX PD Albemarle County VA BY: AS REQUIRED BY VA CODE §58.1-802 Debra M. Shipp Clerk STATE: $0.00 LOCAL: $0.00. BK 2 4 PG3 0 2 ALBEMA E COUNTY, VA DEBRA S PP CLERK