HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201200014 Review Comments Miscellaneous Submittal 2012-02-09Brent Nelson
Brent Nelson
Thursday, February 09, 2012 3:32 PM
'Jonathan Jones'
'Mark Hackley'
ARB 2012 -14, Pioneer Sign, Staff Comments
ARB 2012 -14 photo.pdf
I have reviewed your sign application for the Pioneer Bank signs at 1710 Seminole Trail and have identified the
following issues that will need to be addressed before I can administratively approve this proposal.
Wall Sunk East Elevation:
Issue: Entrance Corridor Sign Guidelines state that sign placement should not obscure architectural features or
details. The sign/logo, in the currently proposed location, covers horizontal brick detailing (see attached photo).
• Revise the proposal so that neither the text nor the logo covers up the existing horizontal brick detailing.
Issue: The proposed channel letter return color is Green PMS 349. Green PMS 3415 is the green color approved
in the Comprehensive Sign Criteria for this building.
• Revise the proposal to indicate the channel letter return color shall be Green PMS 3415.
Issue: Entrance Corridor Sign Guidelines state:
• The ARB may require that the color and scale of standard templates for trademarks, service marks,
corporate logos and graphics be modified.
• When used, trademarks, service marks, corporate logos and /or graphics should be incorporated as an
integral part of the overall sign.
• The sign should not over -crowd the architectural element, the wall, or the sign area.
• External (or no) illumination is preferred for approved graphics /logos.
The logo has an oversized appearance preventing it from integrating fully with the channel letter sign. The logo
in the panel sign on the north elevation is more appropriately sized in relation to the text. The sign drawing does
not indicate if the logo is to illuminate. Internal illumination of the logo cannot be administratively approved.
• Revise (reduce) the logo proportions, in relation to the text, to be more reflective of the logo /text
proportions in the panel sign proposed for the north elevation.
• Revise the sign drawing to indicate that only the text shall illuminate.
Issue: Individual dimensions (height & width) of each row of text and the logo were not provided on the sign
• Revise the sign drawing to indicate the dimensions (height & width) of each row of text and the logo.
Wall Sim k North Elevation:
Issue: The sign drawing does not indicate the proposed material for the panel sign and does not include the
individual dimensions (height & width) for each row of text and the logo.
• Revise the drawing to indicate the proposed material for the panel sign and the dimensions (height &
width) for each row of text and the logo.
Issue: The sign drawing indicates the background color is to be Green PMS 349. Approved sign criteria for this
building require Green PMS 3415.
• Revise the drawing to indicate the proposed background color is Green PMS 3415.
Issue : The sign drawing does not indicate if the sign is to be illuminated. If the lighting is existing, its needs to
be indicated on the sign drawing.
• Revise the sign drawing to indicate the method of lighting, if any, proposed. If existing lighting to
remain, indicate on the drawing. If LED is proposed, include the standard lighting intensity note on the
Freestanding Tenant Panel:
Issue: The sign drawing does not indicate the panel material and it does not state that the sign is not to be
illuminated. The Pantone number for the proposed green is not indicated. Comprehensive Sign Criteria for the
freestanding tenant panel sign require Green PMS 3415.
Revise the tenant panel drawing to indicate the proposed panel material, the sign is not to be illuminated and the
green text /logo is Pantone 3415.
Please email the revised sign drawings to me. You are welcome to contact me should you have any questions.
Brent W. Nelson, Planner
Department of Community Development
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Va 22902
434 - 296 -5832 x 3438