HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201200025 Review Comments Preliminary Site Plan 2012-03-27ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #/Name
ARB- 2012 -25: The Fresh Market Renovation
Review Type
Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 61, Parcel 123
502 Albemarle Square, at the south end of the Albemarle Square Shopping Center, at the northeast corner of the intersection
of Rt. 29 and Rio Road.
Planned Development Shopping Center (PDSC), Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
Rio Associates Limited Partnership/TFF Architects & Planners LLP (Ginna Freyaldenhoven)
Magisterial District
To renovate the Circuit City retail space into a Fresh Market store and to add signs on the west and south elevations.
Context and Visibility
The space to be renovated is located at the south end of the Albemarle Square Shopping Center, approximately 500' from the
Route 29 EC and 270' from the Rio Road EC. The site is visible from the Rio Road EC, but visibility of the walls is
somewhat limited by the fact that the building sits considerably lower than the road. This position does allow, however, for
views of the rooftop equipment from Rio Road. Visibility from Route 29 is limited by the buildings that stand along the EC
frontage and the retaining wall that stands on the east side of 29.
ARB Meeting Date
April 2, 2012
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
ARB- 1995 -01
After construction had begun, the ARB approved the Circuit City tower with conditions.
ARB- 2002 -95
The ARB approved the repainting of portions of the Circuit City elevations.
Building forms and features, including
The Fresh Market renovation adds features to the
Revise the central parapet so that the
roofs, windows, doors, materials,
building that have a basis in historic architecture.
view from the back is of a finished
colors and textures should be
The fagade is a symmetrical composition divided
architectural piece rather than a wall
compatible with the forms and
into three sections. The end sections are composed
built to hold a sign.
features of the significant historic
of a series of bays divided into a traditional base,
buildings in the area, exemplified by
middle and top. These bays also have pilasters
(but not limited to) the buildings
flanking "windows" with awnings. Storefront glass
described in Appendix A [of the
is added in the central entrance bay of the market,
design guidelines]. The standard of
but not in the bays of the end sections. The windows
compatibility can be met through
in the end sections have metal awnings and, as
scale, materials, and forms which may
viewed from the ECs, are expected to appear
be embodied in architecture which is
contemporary as well as traditional.
The replication of important historic
sites in Albemarle County is not the
The central section of the facade has a large, arched
objective of these guidelines.
entry with a canopy and a raised parapet. The raised
parapet has a cornice that ends at the sides of the
feature. Because the rooftop is visible from Rio
Road, an alternate treatment that makes the overall
element, including the back, look like a finished
architectural piece rather than a wall built to hold a
sign would be appropriate.
Buildings should relate to their site
The proposed design introduces architectural
and the surrounding context of
features that are not present in the remainder of the
buildin s.
shopping center, but the green, tan and brown colors
used throughout the design make the proposed
Architecture proposed within the
Entrance Corridor should use forms,
renovation compatible with the existing center.
shapes, scale, and materials to create a
cohesive whole.
The overall design of buildings should
Blankness and lack of human scale are major
Include in the renovation the detailing
have human scale. Scale should be
characteristics of the existing Circuit City store.
added to the side elevation shown in
integral to the building and site
Eliminating the Circuit City tower will help improve
the side perspective and consider
desi n.
the form and scale of the building. The division of
the fagade into bays and the addition of a stone base
extending the materials of the
westernmost bay further east on the
Any appearance of "blankness"
resulting from building design should
be relieved using design detail or
also help establish more of a human scale.
vegetation, or both.
The proposed entry storefront is very large. The
central raised parapet rises 7' above the main wall
height (but this remains well below the height of the
Circuit City tower). The raised parapet and channel
letter sign in this area are also very large, but the
position of this end of the shopping center relative to
the ECs limits visibility and the impacts that might
result from the large size of these elements.
The side elevation shows no changes beyond the
westernmost bay, but the side perspective shows
some detailing added along the elevation. The
detailing, though minimal, helps break up the
blankness of the wall and establish scale. Additional
wall treatment(s) would further enhance the scale
and general appearance, and further reduce the
blankness of the side elevation.
Accessory structures and equipment
Extensive mechanical equipment is currently located
Indicate on the plan the locations and
should be integrated into the overall
on the roof of the building and is visible from the
sizes of proposed rooftop equipment.
plan of development and shall, to the
Rio Road Entrance Corridor. Equipment would still
Consolidate equipment to the greatest
extent possible, be compatible with
be placed on the roof following renovation. The
extent possible. Ensure that equipment
the building designs used on the site.
exact quantity and locations are not indicated, but
metal screens are planned to surround the
is fully screened, without requiring
overscaled screens.
The following should be located to
eliminate visibility from the Entrance
equipment. The screens would match the color of
Corridor street. If, after appropriate
the entrance canopy (gray).
siting, these features will still have a
negative visual impact on the
Consolidating and screening rooftop equipment
Entrance Corridor street, screening
would be an improvement over the existing
should be provided to eliminate
condition. The treatment of the proposed equipment
visibility. a. Loading areas, b. Service
is not expected to increase incompatibility with the
areas, c. Refuse areas, d. Storage
areas, e. Mechanical equipment, f.
Above - ground utilities, and g. Chain
link fence, barbed wire, razor wire,
and similar security fencing devices.
Screening devices should be
compatible with the design of the
buildings and surrounding natural
vegetation and may consist of: a.
Walls, b. Plantings, and c. Fencing.
The following note should be added
The note does not appear on the plans.
Add the following note to the plans:
to the site plan and the architectural
"Visibility of all mechanical
plan: "Visibility of all mechanical
equipment from the Entrance Corridor
equipment from the Entrance
shall be eliminated."
Corridor shall be eliminated."
Light should be shielded, recessed or
Wall fixtures are proposed for each of the pilasters
Provide the fixture cut sheets on the
flush - mounted to eliminate glare.
on the fagade. The fixtures do not appear to be full
plan to clarify the lumen output of the
All fixtures with lamps emitting
cutoff, but the applicant has indicated that the lamps
proposed wall fixtures.
3000 lumens or more must be full
emit less than 3000 lumens each.
cutoff fixtures.
The following note should be
The note does not appear on the plan.
Add the following note to the plan:
included on the lighting plan: "Each
"Each outdoor luminaire equipped
outdoor luminaire equipped with a
with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more
lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial
initial lumens shall be a full cutoff
lumens shall be a full cutoff
luminaire and shall be arranged or
luminaire and shall be arranged or
shielded to reflect light away from
shielded to reflect light away from
adjoining residential districts and
adjoining residential districts and
away from adjacent roads. The
away from adjacent roads. The
spillover of lighting from luminaires
spillover of lighting from luminaires
onto public roads and property in
onto public roads and property in
residential or rural areas zoning
residential or rural areas zoning
districts shall not exceed one half
districts shall not exceed one half
Landscaping of buildings and other
The long, blank side elevation would benefit from
Consider adding a planting bed with
the addition of trees along its length.
trees along the side (south) elevation
a. Trees or other vegetation should be
to relieve the blankness of the wall.
planted along the front of long
The side perspective shows a sidewalk along the
buildings as necessary to soften the
south elevation, but the sidewalk does not appear on
Coordinate the drawings regarding the
appearance of exterior walls. The
the site plan.
sidewalk on the south elevation.
spacing, size, and type of such trees or
vegetation should be determined by
the length, height, and blankness of
such walls.
b. Shrubs should be used to integrate
the site, buildings, and other
structures; dumpsters, accessory
buildings and structures; "drive thru"
windows; service areas; and signs.
Shrubs should measure at least 24
inches in height.
Lettering should be in proportion to
The submittal shows two different sizes for the sign
Coordinate all drawings regarding
the sign and the building for visual
on the fagade — 3' and 3'2 ". The sign has a very bold
sign size.
clarity and overall balance.
appearance on the fagade, although it does not seem
Proportion of lettering includes font
over - scaled for the available wall area. The typeface
Revise the side elevation and the
(size) and typeface (style).
chosen for the sign is bold and this contributes to the
position of the sign on that elevation
sign appearing so large. In a more visible location, a
to result in a sign location that is fully
smaller sign or a less bold typeface would be
integrated with the architectural
appropriate, but given the reduced visibility of this
end of the shopping center, negative impacts on the
EC are not anticipated.
A smaller sign is proposed for the side elevation.
The sign is located at the top of the blank wall area.
If the stone and stucco materials of the western
corner were carried further down the elevation
(eastward), the sign could appear more integrated,
and the blank wall could look less like a billboard.
i. External illumination is preferred
The proposed channel letters have green faces,
Add the following note to the sign
for wall signs.
returns and trim caps, and green internal LED lights.
drawings: The level of illumination
The standard LED note does not appear on the plan.
provided by the LED lights will not
exceed the illumination produced by a
single stroke of 30 milliamp (ma)
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. The central raised parapet: size, scale, appearance from the rear
2. The side elevation: blankness, sign location
3. Rooftop equipment: visibility, screening
4. Sign size on front elevation
5. Front elevation: false windows
Staff offers the following comments on the preliminary plan:
1. Revise the central parapet so that the view from the back is of a finished architectural piece rather than a wall built to hold a sign.
2. Include in the renovation the detailing added to the side elevation shown in the side perspective and consider extending the materials of the
westernmost bay further east on the elevation.
3. Indicate on the plan the locations and sizes of proposed rooftop equipment. Consolidate equipment to the greatest extent possible. Ensure that
equipment is fully screened, without requiring overscaled screens.
4. Add the following note to the plans: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
5. Provide the fixture cut sheets on the plan to clarify the lumen output of the proposed wall fixtures.
6. Add the following note to the plan: "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff
luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover
of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle."
7. Consider adding a planting bed with trees along the side (south) elevation to relieve the blankness of the wall.
8. Coordinate the drawings regarding the sidewalk on the south elevation.
9. Coordinate all drawings regarding sign size.
10. Revise the side elevation and the position of the sign on that elevation to result in a sign location that is fully integrated with the architectural
11. Add the following note to the sign drawings: The level of illumination provided by the LED lights will not exceed the illumination produced by a
single stroke of 30 milliamp (ma) neon.
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date/Revision Date
C 1.0
Title Sheet
Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan
Layout Plan
Elevations and perspective views
Sign drawing — elevations
Sign drawing — details
Photos (2) — views from the ECs
Materials board: Stucco 1: Sto Indiana Limestone; Stucco 2: Sto, Wild Cattails; Paint
1: on CMU, SW -6141 Softer Tan (or match stucco 1); Paint 2: on cement siding, SW-
6107 Nomadic Desert (or match stucco 2); Metal 1: awnings and storefront,
prefinished Kynar in Hartford Green; Metal 2: entry canopy and mechanical screens,
prefinished Kynar in Musket Gray.
Material samples — Stone: Stone Craft Industries Heritage Blend, Pennsylvania; glass:
1" insulated solar gray, 7% reflectance out