HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200900102 Plan - Approved Letter of Revision 1 2012-11-12 of AL3^7,g'�e -w .ro COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Room 227 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 Frank Pohl do Pohl Consulting, LLC 1603 Kenwood Lane Charlottesville,VA 22901 November 12,2012 RE: SDP 09-102 Liberty Hall-Letter of Revision#1 Mr. Pohl: This letter is to approve the Letter of Revision for the changes indicated in the notes section on Sheet 1 and as shown and described in the revised plan dated November 2, 2012. This approval is viewed as your first Letter of Revision for the above-mentioned final site plan. Please note that a total of three(3) Letters of Revision are allowed before all changes to the site plan are required to be submitted in the form of a new site plan amendment. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, \\RAJAP7* J.T.Newberry Planner cc: Vito Cetta 1730 Owensfield Drive Charlottesville,VA 22901 A Ll s i u _d t u A Or u O &-LOOR ASSt�MBLII�S: I -HOUR RATING PER: INTERTEK FIRE TE5T #315g62-i5AT-00a_REV. I a WOOD JO 15T5, GYPSUM WALLBOARD, RESILIENT GHANNEL5, 0.53. FLOOR 5HEATHI NG, USG LEVELROGK TOPPING, LEVELROGK PERIMETER ISOLATION STRIP, GARPET AND PAD l Two (2) layers 1/2" type "X" gypsum wallboard attached to RG-I (1/2" deep x 2-1/2" wide resilient channel) or optional 6ENIEGLIP5 with hat channels. RC, -I (or optional 6ENIEGLIP5 with hat channels) applied at right angles to (-Joists at v, O.G. were secured at every joist with 1-1/4" type "W" coarse threaded drywall screws. Base layer attached to the resilient channels using I" type "5" drywall screws at 12" O.G., I-I/2" from the sides and 3/8" from butt joints. Face layer attached to the resilient channels (through the base layer) using 1-5/5" type "S" drywall screws spaced W O.G., 1-1/2" from the sides. The joints of the face layer to be offset 24" from those of the base layer in two (2) directlons (at the sides and ends of the panels), and attached to the base layer with 1-1/2" type "6" laminating screws spaced at 8" O.G. at butt ends and 12" In the field. 14" IB600 I -Joist at 24" O.G. (maximum spacing) supporting 23/32" thick tongue and grove 0.5.E3. subfloor sheathing, secured with FL400 5ubfloor $ Deck Adhesive along the top of all the joists and In the flooring grooves, as well as bd 2--1/2" common nails spaced 6" O.G. around the perimeter and at the butted edges, and 12" O.G. at Interior members. Carpet finish floor over I" U56 LEVELROGK with LEVELROGK perimeter Isolation strips. Install unfaced, 3-1/2" thick, R30, 61a55 Fiber Insulation between the joists, draped over the resilient channels. 1 i b WOOD JOISTS, GYP5UM WALLBOARD, RESI L I ENT GHANNELS, GLASS FIBER INSULATION, O.S.B. FLOOR SHEATHING, 5RM-25 SOUND MAT, U56 LEVELROGK TOPPING, LEVELROGK PERIMETER 150LATION STRIP, VINYL TILE Two (2) layers 1/2" type "X" gypsum wallboard attached to RC, -I (1/2" deep x 2-1/2" wide resillent. channel). or optional 6ENIEGLIP5 with hat channels. RC, -I (or optional 6ENIEGLIPS with hat channels) applied at right angles to 1-Joi5ts at 16" O.G. were secured at every joist wlth 1-1/4" type "W" coarse threaded drywall screws. Base layer attached to the resilient channels using I" type "5" drywall screws at 12" O.G., 1-1/2" from the sides and 5/0" from butt Joints. Face layer attached to the resilient channels (through the base layer) using 1-5/5" type "5" drywall screws spaced W O.G., 1-1/2" from the sides. The Joints of the face layer to be offset 24" from those of the base layer in two (2) directions (at the sides and ends of the panels), and attached to the base layer with 1-1/2" type "0" laminating screws spaced at S" O.G. at butt ends and 12" In i the field. 14" IB600 I -Joist at 24" O.G. (maximum spacing) supporting 23/32" thick tongue and grove 0.5.8. subfloor sheathing, secured with PL400 5ubfloor $ Deck Adhesive along the top of all the Joists and in the flooring grooves, as well as ad 2-1/2" common nails spaced 6" O.G. around the perimeter and at the butted edges, and 12" O.G. at Interior members. Vinyl the Finish floor over 5/4" U56 LEVELROCK over 1/4" 5RM-25 Sound Mat with LEVELROGK perimeter isolation strips. Install unfaced, 3-1/2" thick, R30, 61as5 Fiber Insulation between the joists, draped over the resilient channels. — LEVELROGK PERIMETER 150LATION STRIP; ,•R-- CARPET WITH PAD �— i" U56 LEVELROGK ' `— 23/32" T46 0.5.6. FLOOR SHEATHING 14" WOOD I-JO15T 3 1/2" UNFAGED R-13 6LA55 FIBER INSULATION Design IIG: 95 Per WIJ-I.1 sound test report — 1/2"x2 1/2" RG-I AT 16" O.G. OR OPTIONAL #A-4219.15.2 6ENIEGLIP WITH HAT CHANNEL Design 5TG: 63 Per V41,_1 -1 sound test report #A-421g.13.2 (2) 1/2" TYPE "X" 6YP5UM WALLBOARD LEVELROGK PERIMETER 150LATION STRIP �-- VINYL TILE - ,-- 3/4" U56 LEVELROGK —1/4" 5RM-25 SOUND MAT 23/32" T$6 O.S.B. FLOOR 5HEATHIN6 --14" WOOD I-J015T �.--- 3 1/2" UNFAGED R-15 61_A55 FIBER INSULATION Design IIG: 51 Per Armstrong laboratory — I/2"x2 I/2" RG-I AT 16" O.G. OR testing OPTIONAL 6ENIEGLIP WITH HAT Design 5TG: 65 GHANNEL Per WIJ-I.-I sound test report (2) 1/2" TYPE "X" GYPSUM #A-421c1.13.2 WALLE30ARD r� ,..0 td_.---..._.- f —son" GLASS MAT GYPSUM BOARD, I R WO OD STUDS { One layer 5/6' proprietary type X glass mat water resistant gypsum backing board --�_ applied parallel or at right angles to 2 x 4 wood studs 16' o.c. with 17/e' long, 1/4' diameter cupped head, phosphate coated nails 8' o.c. along all framing members. E i � Joints staggered each side and covered with 10 x 10 mesh glass tape and the adhesive. (LOAD -BEARING) PROPRIETARY GYPSUM BOARD IGeorgia-Pacific - 5/a' Dens -Shield® Firestop® Thickness: 43/44 Approx.. Weight: 7 psf Fire Test: WHI-495-0853,5-14-87 WHI-495-0854, 5-15-87 Sound Test: See WP 3605 ___'r_( f t WIMESM • 1 NO` tS: ,I , 1. The terrace level is commercial use. . 2. The first and second floors are 8 townhouses. i 3. The entire building is sprinklered. W 4. One hour construction required between:uses. 5. One hour construction for supporting walls. �►: , 6. 2 hour sound wall between townhouses although 1 hour(' construction required. 7. 1 hour separating wall for commercial spaces which are also supporting walls. a. scae^ I� � w project number s ee 1 Application for Letter of Revision t:, sli-tif Kt 0 Letter of Revision=$100 Final Site Plan Name and Number: SDP-2009-00102 Contact Person(Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Frank Pohl c/o Pohl Consulting, LLC Address 1603 Kenwood Lane City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22901 Daytime Phone(434-466-7458 Fax#( ) E-mail frank@pohlconsultingllc.com Owner of Record Vito Cetta Address 1730 Owensfield Drive city Charlottesville State VA Zip 22901 Daytime Phone(434-531-2192 Fax#( ) E-mail vitocetta@mac.com Applicant(Who is the Contact person representing?): Owner of Record Address City State Zip Daytime Phone( ) Fax#( ) E-mail SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Jffi The appropriate fee, $1 The site plan number that the change applies to, 18l A request letter describing the proposed changes from the owner or authorized agent, Xi 4 copies of the plan that shows the proposed changes, Changes must be shown on the sheet or sheets from the approved final site plan,or on an 11"X17"copy of that portion of the approved final site plan. Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate,true and correct to the best o y knowled a air ef. 1V/ 9/Z /1 Sign ture of Owner,Agent Date FANIM"' V Alk ‘15K -1-‘‘- ?-146-8 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LOR# °� Wf CE Fee Amount$���,Date Paid�' � O. By wh Receipt# Ck# �I B County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434)296-5832 Fax: (434)972-4126 1 1/1/2011 Page 1 of 1 e POHL CONSULTING, LLC September 27,2012 Rebecca Ragsdale,Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development-Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 RE: Liberty Hall(SDP 2009-00102) Letter of Revision Dear Ms. Ragsdale: Attached please find the following documents in support of a request for a Letter of Revision for the referenced project. 1. Letter or Revision application and$100 fee. 2. 4 copies of the revised drawings. Note that not all drawings have been submitted,just the ones that have been revised. This Letter of Revision is being submitted for the following changes to the approved site development plan: 1. The building design is being modified slightly.The design previously included entering the north side of the building to access all floors of each unit.That has been revised so that the lower level will now be entered from the south side of the building. 2. Add individual entrance to each unit. 3. A concrete walkway is added to the south side of the building., 4. Move HVAC units closer to the south boundary line. Screening is still proposed. 5. Eliminate the 36"decorative wall noted around the corner of the picnic tables. Note on the Minor Amendment approved 04-19-2010 that this wall is not required by the County(Sheet 17 of 19). 6. Reduced the size number of picnic tables and the size of the picnic table patio. 7. Adjust landscaping to accommodate these revisions(landscaping has not been reduced). 8. Revise utility(water)connections. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to let me know. Sincerely, 44afrei Frank V. Pohl, P.E. Pohl Consulting,LLC 1603 KENWOOD LANE CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22901 T:434-466-7458 F:434-295-6528 EMAIL:FRANK@POHLCONSULTINGLLC.COM