HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201200059 Review Comments Miscellaneous Submittal 2012-05-25ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #/Name
ARB- 2012 -59: Jason's Deli
Review Type
Preliminary Review of a Building Permit
Parcel Identification
Tax Map 61M, Block 12, Parcel 1C2
900 Shoppers World Court, on the west side of Route 29 North across from Fashion Square Mall, at the
building previously occupied by Ragazzi's
Planned Development Shopping Center (PDSC), Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
Federal Realty Investment Trust/Deli Management, Inc. (Joey Geis)
Magisterial District
To renovate the exterior of the Ragazzi's restaurant for Jason's Deli.
The building proposed for renovation is located in the Shopper's World Shopping Center. It is located
approximately 60' from the Route 29 EC. Its front and side elevations are readily visible from the corridor.
ARB Meeting Date
June 4, 2012
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
The existing Ragazzi's building predates the establishment of Route 29 North as an Entrance Corridor. The ARB completed a preliminary
review of the proposal to renovate the building on May 7, 2012. The action letter from that meeting is included at the end of this report.
• The cylindrical wall light fixtures have been revised to dome style fixtures.
• Three options are proposed for addressing the blankness of the left elevation. All three options provide a bay that projects slightly from
the main wall and has a raised parapet. Options 1 and 2 include a series of EIFS panels reminiscent of filled window openings. Options 2
and 3 include four pilasters spaced across the length of the elevation. Each option includes wall lights.
Any appearance of
1. Revise the left elevation to
In the original proposal the left
Proceed with Option 3 for the
"blankness" resulting
reduce blankness using
elevation had a stone base, an EIFS
left elevation.
from building design
architectural, rather than
band and cornice in light tan, and a
should be relieved
using design detail or
graphic, solutions.
darker tan wall with no other relief.
6. The windows with the
vegetation, or both.
pictures are not appropriate.
Two design options were brought to
The left elevation with the
the May 7 meeting. One showed
EIFS "window" infill is
"windows" intended to house
more appropriate than the
graphics with light fixtures mounted
one with the window
above. The second option showed a
graphics, but there is
series of EIFS panels and a raised
concern about having a
parapet along a portion of the wall.
window that isn't really a
window. Instead of
The current options offer EIFS
windows, incorporating
panels, pilasters, and a projecting bay
articulation that doesn't try
with raised parapet as treatment for
to look like windows but
the blankness. The EIFS panels do
adds relief and shadow could
break up the blankness of the
be appropriate. Incorporating
elevation, but they read clearly as
elements to establish a
false windows and, therefore, don't
regular pattern that breaks up
have an appropriate appearance.
the expanse of wall could be
Option 3, with the projecting bay and
pursued; for example, a
pilasters, provides rhythm and detail
series of pilasters to divide
for the elevation without appearing
the wall into spaces. The
overly cluttered or contrived.
addition of a lighting
However, the addition of the sign on
treatment on the left
this elevation draws attention to the
elevation could be
projecting bay and the blankness
appropriate. The raised
below the sign band.
parapet on the left elevation
is appropriate.
Window glass in the
2. Indicate the type of
Pilkington Optifloat clear glass with
Entrance Corridors
window glass proposed.
no tint and 7% reflectance off the
should not be highly
Provide specs. Show that
outside pane has been proposed.
tinted or highly
reflectance off the outside
reflective. Reflectance
pane will be kept below 7 %.
off the outside pane of
Note that heavy tints are
glass should be kept
generally not approved.
below 7 %.
Specifications on the
proposed window glass
and samples of tinted
window glass should
be submitted with the
application for final
The following note
3. Add the following note to
The equipment note has been added to
should be added to the
the elevation sheets:
sheets A2.1 and A2.2.
site plan and the
"Visibility of all mechanical
architectural plan:
equipment from the Entrance
"Visibility of all
Corridor shall be
mechanical equipment
eliminated." Be sure the note
from the Entrance
appears on the drawings
Corridor shall be
included with the building
permit application.
The following note
4. Add the following note to
The lighting note has been added to
should be included on
the drawings: "Each outdoor
sheets A2.1 and A2.2.
the lighting plan:
luminaire equipped with a
"Each outdoor
lamp that emits 3,000 or
luminaire equipped
more initial lumens shall be
with a lamp that emits
a full cutoff luminaire and
3,000 or more initial
shall be arranged or shielded
lumens shall be a full
to reflect light away from
cutoff luminaire and
adjoining residential districts
shall be arranged or
and away from adjacent
shielded to reflect
roads. The spillover of
light away from
lighting from luminaires
adjoining residential
onto public roads and
districts and away
property in residential or
from adjacent roads.
rural areas zoning districts
The spillover of
shall not exceed one half
lighting from
luminaires onto public
roads and property in
residential or rural
areas zoning districts
shall not exceed one
half footcandle."
5. Revise the wall sign type
When comment #8 was added by the
to channel letters without a
ARB, comment #5 should have been
box or panel background.
deleted from the action, but it was
left in by mistake.
8. The signs with channel
The applicant has submitted a sign
letters on panels are an
application for the signs composed of
appropriate type for the
channel letters on panels. Staff will
review /approve the signs under the
sign application.
7. Revise the back of the
Notes on A2.1 and A2.2 indicate that
raised parapets to match the
the backs of the parapets will be
colors of the front.
painted to match the darker EIFS
color (Monastery Brown).
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. The treatment of the left elevation — EIFs panels, pilasters
Staff recommends approval of the proposal with the following condition:
1. The design of the left elevation shall follow Option 3.
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date /Revision Date
Color elevations — Option 1 (2 sheets)
Color elevations — Option 2 (2 sheets)
Color elevations — Option 3 (1 sheet)
C 1.0
Site Plan
5 -14 -2012
Floor Plan
5 -14 -2012
Roof Plan
5 -14 -2012
Existing Elevations
5 -14 -2012
Exterior Elevations — Right and Front - Option 1
5 -14 -2012
A2.1 a
Exterior Elevations — Right and Front - Option 2
5 -14 -2012
Exterior Elevations — Left and Rear - Option 1
5 -14 -2012
Exterior Elevations — Left and Rear - Option 1
5 -14 -2012
Exterior Elevations — Left and Rear — Option 3
5 -14 -2012
Lighting cut sheets — Cooper Lighting Lumark and Stonco Xpressives Medium
Deep Dome
Pilkington Optifloat Clear Glass cut sheet
Photo of metal awning
Siteibuilding photos
AIL ��ry
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
May 11, 2012
Deli Management, Inc.
C/O Joey Geis
2400 Broadway
Beaumont, Tx 77702
RE: ARB- 2012 -40: Jason's Deli
Tax Map 61 M, Block 12, Parcel 1 C2
Dear Mr. Geis
The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on May 7, 2012, completed a preliminary review of the above -noted request to renovate
the exterior of the Ragazzi's restaurant for Jason's Deli. The Board offered the following comments for the benefit of the applicant's next submittal. Please
note that the following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments may be added or eliminated based on further
review and changes to the plan.
1. Revise the left elevation to reduce blankness using architectural, rather than graphic, solutions.
2. Indicate the type of window glass proposed. Provide specs. Show that reflectance off the outside pane will be kept below 7 %. Note that heavy tints
are generally not approved.
3. Add the following note to the elevation sheets: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated." Be sure the
note appears on the drawings included with the building permit application.
4. Add the following note to the drawings: "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff
luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of
lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle."
5. Revise the wall sign type to channel letters without a box or panel background.
6. The windows with the pictures are not appropriate. The left elevation with the EIFS "window" infill is more appropriate than the one with the window
graphics, but there is concern about having a window that isn't really a window. Instead of windows, incorporating articulation that doesn't try to look
like windows but adds relief and shadow could be appropriate. Incorporating elements to establish a regular pattern that breaks up the expanse of
wall could be pursued; for example, a series of pilasters to divide the wall into spaces. The addition of a lighting treatment on the left elevation could
be appropriate. The raised parapet on the left elevation is appropriate.
7. Revise the back of the raised parapets to match the colors of the front.
8. The signs with channel letters on panels are an appropriate type for the building
You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms, checklists and schedules are available on -line
at www.albemarle.org /ARB.
Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are required. Include updated ARB revision dates on each drawing. Please provide a memo
including detailed responses indicating how each comment has been addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made, identify those
changes in the memo also. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with "clouding" or by other means will facilitate review and approval.
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me.
Margaret Maliszewski
Principal Planner
Cc: Fr Shoppers World Llc C/O Federal Realty Investment Trust
1626 East Jefferson Street
Rockville Md 20852